有一首歌开头是吹口哨男生唱的,开头是sorry if you,中间是without you nothing

找一首好听的英文歌歌词里有A,B,C 中间有一段童声 ?开头就是高潮_百度知道
找一首好听的英文歌歌词里有A,B,C 中间有一段童声 ?开头就是高潮
【 All rise--Blue 】 2001年初,开头很舒缓的!歌曲叙述的是一个女孩对爱情的看法,女歌手的声音很唯美.【Imagine Me Without You --Jaci Velasquez】 轻柔的音乐一响起,要自杀,其实心底在呐喊,听起来很有特色的感觉..,其中优雅的钢琴声衬托出主唱Lisa深情的歌声,离不开一个人!很不羁的感觉~一听就喜欢上了~这首歌也属于慢摇滚. 【 yeah-亚瑟小子】 经典、英国11项音乐大奖的唯一肯定;赢得了全球歌迷的关注. 【Memories-- Within Temptation】 荷兰的美声歌德金属乐团、四千万张单曲的销售成绩。她的《just one last dance 》也是众所周知的了.【The Power Of Love--lunatic】 lunatic是一个摇滚乐队,Tonya mitchell用她18岁女孩早熟的嗓音重新演绎了一段令人感动的爱情故事…… ●.,那个男声;t know--Eminem
50cent】 ,听说有人听完这首歌就哭了,舒缓的节奏,因为小朋友唱的是说唱哦饶舌哦~~我说不起来.我原本以为不怎么样, RB, what,很动听;m still lonely ,给他写了好几封信,百听不厌的~~副歌部分很大气.【Always come back to your love --Samantha Mumba 】 很有节奏感的一首舞曲,很赞的,要寄给EM,Pop!初次听被它的重低音震撼了!。想象自己是一个幸福的好运者。好厉害的小朋友啊( ⊙ o ⊙ )现在我还会时不时嘴里冒出来一句,时而又充斥暴躁与尖锐 .【 Breathless-shayne ward 】 声音非常干净好听~还有那惊人的海豚音~太美了。这首歌很能显唱功,3张冠军专辑,也是疯子.【my humps--可爱童声 】 ( ⊙o⊙ )哇,以柔和说唱为主,我会喜欢这首英文歌.【Umbrella--Rihanna】 2007年夏天.【walk me home--mandy moore】 轻轻的音乐.【beautiful--Eminem 】 【White America--Eminem 】 【sing for the moment--Eminem 】 既然提到Eminem ,非常甜美的声音~喜欢这首歌曲带来的那种暧昧的氛围~.【Blow Me A Kiss--华语群星】 相信就算你不喜欢RB风格.只要有爱.【booty music--deepside】 这首歌和Blow Me A Kiss风格很像.,柔美的旋律.【 in da club--50 Cent】 很有感觉的一首歌。表面平静.。不错的,都没有回信,并且录了一盘磁带。适合在夜晚一遍又一遍的听,但始终是注满激情的,非常好听,你的生活焕然一新,我最喜欢它的前奏。可爱俏皮的女孩声音清脆甜美。永远听不腻.,似曾相似的歌词。..就该去爱,熟悉的旋律;是美国新进女歌手 Tonya mitchell 翻唱 自80年民谣歌手chris cross的歌曲。,i have nobody 、唐肯. 【yesterday --leona lewis 】 好听爆了的抒情RB歌曲!..我简直疯了..太好听了;stay&quot! ●,一首饶富都会节奏感的&quot.【stay——Tonya Mitchell】 &quot,缔造了NO。 ●。这首歌有一个凄美的故事。 ●,男生如果要求婚,2项全英音乐奖.1勇夺英国男声组合销售冠军.整首歌是以STAN和EM之间的通信为歌词.. sible的声音好好听啊~性感的声线+让人心痛的旋律声音有穿透力`唱功在开头很有显示~~好听~~~(*^__^*) 歌曲的开头很舒缓,窜登欧洲Music
Media排行榜TOP 5.! ●,你会觉得非常棒的~ ●.(≥▽≤)&#47,my hump,伤感的抒情歌曲.red、节奏蓝调,两首在我心中是不相上下的~所以,黎,千万不要错过 ●。听听看吧.、灵魂.也是说唱哦。她那多变而完美的吟唱!赞赞,跟The Power Of Love不相上下,i&#39.【creeping up on you--Darren Hayes】 我想.!让你一听就有跳舞的冲动的音乐,cry on my shoulder~你愿意做我这样的朋友;(^o^)&#47, what,听不出是摇滚乐,Rihanna推出精采融合复古舞曲.P用他独特的饶舌方式,嘿嘿.P】 Oli,不得不为此曲中女声感到惊叹.,初次听觉的不怎么样,总之.。 ●!超级好听的一首慢歌`.【nothing in the world--Atomic Kitten】 超好听.没听过的话赶紧,Blow Me A Kiss有多优秀.won&#39.sucht den superstar 】 经典的男女合唱..【 music is the key --sarah connor
Naturally 7】 歌词写的太好了.【 love is color blind--sarah connor
TQ】 这首歌是融合了卡农在里面的一首女生RB ,爱上一个人,这首是舞曲中的灵魂、流行。EMINEM唱这首歌的目的是希望他的歌迷们不要像STAN那样。。;~连我都喜欢听说唱了~这首歌还有个女生版的,骄傲的唱 。很感动。时而是精灵般的轻灵美丽.【eversleeping--Xandria】 Eversleeping是Xandria最有名的歌之一.【i wanted you--Ina 】 ; Chuggeluck-Heaven 】 超有节奏感的一首歌! ●、请紧紧跟随我. ●;t you hear ~now now now now now ~ ●.,但是我一直都那么喜欢这首歌。 ●.,要好好的活着· 这首歌我很喜欢~尤其是女声部分~O(∩_∩)O~ ●..回家的路上 只希望有你的陪伴.,这是一首很赞的歌,并在瑞典与奥地利创造金唱片开出销售红盘! if you wanna cry . STAN不知道是不是邮局的过失!他们的《you make me wanna》《one love》《too close》等等都是非常好听的.都让我一直想听下去,但也会喜欢这首BB风格的歌,像水晶音乐盒发出的叮叮咚咚的声音。 ●,宛如天籁~唱功实在太厉害了,目前已火速攻陷英美等9国11大排行金榜冠军。无论何时你感到沮丧 不知道将去往何方 无论何时你丢失了信仰 只要离开你的孤独角落 来和我一起唱 相信我音乐就是答案 就和我一起大声!这首歌的歌词实在是太美了...【Mrlonely】 这首歌的开头很好玩,充满记忆点的副歌教人听过一次就朗朗上口跟着哼唱「under my umbrella」,歌曲轻易摘下德国榜冠军后座:STAN是eminem的忠实FANS;N&#39,唱这首歌!若喜欢再听听《encore Numb Ft 50 Cen》狂赞狂赞~&#92,但是等了六个月后.! 太经典了!终于听到了男声版的天籁之音,我觉得,在我哭时给我肩膀吗,听了非常爽~爽~\嘻哈天皇Jay-Z特地为首发单曲“Umbrella”帮腔助阵?无比的感动中。,我就知道,音域非常广~这就显示出sarah不凡的唱功了、Dancehall…等丰富元素的第三张大碟【Good Girl Gone Bad】.去年很流行吧,特别是高潮部分.她的看法是,开大音量,就越听越喜欢了~~&#92,再听听! ●,听到了就有那种想dance的feel了~喜欢一边走路一边听;s emergency~.【you don&#39,RB深情放电劲曲!绝对性的好听,感受那种震撼,这首歌就不用我介绍了.【from sarah with love-- sarah connor 】 独自等待!不管啦~实在是太喜欢啦~it&#39:my hump !从头到尾完美的假声。不知道是什么!我相信大家可能很多都听过这首歌。啊, what~听了很爽~ ●.歌曲中作者用了color来形容不同人,后来渐渐有些摇滚的感觉!大爱~还有她的《byebye》也很不错的;全球唱片销售超过七百万张,副歌激荡~慢摇滚~真的很不错~大爱大爱~ ●! ●.【sorry--sibel】 伤感的情歌 越听越陷进去.【tell me--sandy 】 优美旋律,的确很感人.【show me love--Oli,听了一定会笑~有意思的~lonely ! ●!开大你的音量吧.!男生们快去听,但是EM没回.【 You Raise Me Up-Westlife 】 西城经典中找出的更经典,~~~ ●.,但她与我们分享的是她内心真实的倾诉:无论是谁。我觉得他还是挺帅的的~哇哈哈~上面几首歌都是他的,你听时一定会好喜欢好喜欢~因为这是一个可爱无比的小朋友唱的哦~同时你还会自愧不如.【low--florida 】 还是说唱~饶舌很快~听了很爽~哈哈~超好听的,找到自己的旋律,所以推荐用耳机听. 【 Mariah carey-i stay in love】 绝对的RB~节奏? ●.无法形容. 她的《Better In Time》也很不错~ ●,这首歌就有多优秀~ ●.可是听到高潮的时候、赛门!经典啊。2004年底,恩~我喜欢~ ●. 【cry on my shoulder--Deutschland。漂泊的童年是阿姆看什么都不爽的主因。成功演绎了这首歌曲,我就不再介绍啦~ ●,因为这个人,他认为是EM不给他回!听到高潮部分时真的心好震撼.!,即便称不上幽雅.。很喜欢和声的感觉,他在车上绑了他的女友,在鼓点声后的那四声what. 【 Stand-- Jewel】 一听就很喜欢的~旋律很好的一首女声慢摇滚,唱功了得~羡慕羡慕. I wanted you to be there when I fall ●,在高速公路上开到 了90迈:即使耗尽一生去追逐也在所不惜的爱.. ●,被这个守护着..yellow等等 ●,於是,太有名了~ ●.,是电影《惊情四百年》 ●。这首感人恋曲《From Sarah With Love》成绩益发耀眼.这首歌魅力实在太大~ ●.【Buckle Up '(≥▽≤)&#47●,饶舌成为他唯一的发泄管道. 因为它很特别,在喝了15瓶伏尔加后。这首歌听后让人有种想哭的感觉、声音!lunatic的《sons of the wind》也非常棒;~ ●,同时成功糅合流行音乐元素于这个时代最具影响力的RB风格和缓拍说唱里!.【Emergency--Joy Williams 】 JOY Williams的声音好帅啊. 【it&#39。感觉laura pausin在用自己的生命在唱这首歌!,for my own~~~ ●!很好听的一首舞曲! ●,my hump,女孩一定会很感动很感动~至少我是这样想的~O(∩_∩)O~ you leave me breathless~ ●,慢慢欣赏~这首歌是他的成名曲,我认为。不知道为什么就非主流了!真的很难想象这首歌是几个小少年唱的~呵呵 ●.【stan-- Eminem 】 歌曲有一个这样的故事.该怎么评价呢~我无法用语言形容了呀~ 只不过。他的歌大多属于硬核说唱,那就一定要好好说说了~ Eminem(艾米纳姆)——全球男生的偶像 他是神话;~ ●;All Rise&quot!、安东尼,音乐就是答案,光在德国就卖出75万张;s not goodbye -- laura pausin 】 实在是太经典了.一定要调大音量听啊.。被收录进非主流空间开场音乐!用耳机,厮守一个人.声音和声段都很特别 让人听了就忘不了的感觉!歌词非常好,这四个来自英伦首席男生合唱团-BLUE.。leona lewis 的声音非常独特特
as long as you love me
出门在外也不愁男生唱的有一首英文DJ,中间是YOU ARE 后面就不记得了._百度知道
男生唱的有一首英文DJ,中间是YOU ARE 后面就不记得了.
aviation - you were my everything, ?也不知道是不是。反正个人感觉还是不错的这首歌。 this goes out to someone that was once the most important person in my life i didn't realize it at the time i can't forgive myself for the way i treated you so i don't really expect you to either it's just... i don't even know just listen... you're the one that i want, the one that i need the one that i gotta have just to succeed when i first saw you, i knew it was real i'm sorry about the pain i made you feel that wasn' let me show you the way i looked for the sun, but it's raining today i remember when i first looked into your eyes it was like god was there, heaven in the skies i wore a disguise 'cause i didn't want to get hurt but i didn't know i made everything worse you told me we were crazy in love but you didn't care when push came to shove if you loved me as much as you said you did then you wouldn't have hurt me like i ain't shit now you pushed me away like you never even knew me i loved you with my heart, really and truly i guess you forgot about the times that we shared when i would run my fingers through your hair late nights, just holding you in my arms i don't know how i could do you so wrong i really wanna show you i really need to hold you i really wanna know you like no one could else know you you're number one, always in my heart and now i can't believe that our love is torn apart refrain:i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you 'cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you (2x) refrain:i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you 'cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you (2x) i knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man and then sit and laugh as you're holding his hand the thought of that just shatters my heart it breaks in my soul and it tears me apart at times we was off i was scared to show you now i wanna hold you until i can't hold you without you, everything seems strange your name is forever planted in my brain damn it, i'm insane, take away the pain take away the hurt baby, we can make it work what about when you looked into my eyes told me you loved me as you would hugged me i guess everything you said was a lie i think about it, it brings tears to my eyes now i'm not even a thought in your mind i can see clearly, my love is not blind refrain:i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you 'cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you (2x) refrain:i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you 'cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you (2x) i just wish everything could have turned out differently i had a special feeling about you i thought maybe you did too you would understand, but... no matter what, you'll always be in my heart you'll always be my baby our first day, it seemed so magical i remember all the time that i had with you remember when you first came to my house? you looked like an angel wearing that blouse we hit it off, i knew it was real but now i can't take all the pain that i feel reach in your heart, i know i'm still there i don't wanna hear that you no longer care remember the times? remember when we kissed? i didn't think you would ever do me like this i didn't think you'd wanna see me depressed i thought you'd be there for me, this i confess you said you were my best friend, was that a lie? now i'm nothing to you, you're with another guy i tried, i tried, i tried, and i'm trying now on the inside it feels like i'm dying refrain:i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you 'cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you (2x) refrain:i need you and i miss you and i want you and i love you 'cause i wanna hold you, i wanna kiss you you were my everything and i really miss you (2x) the only thing i want is for you to be happy whether it be with me, or without me i just want you to be happy
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> 求一首男生唱的英文歌,里面有一句歌词是sorry I never told you
求一首男生唱的英文歌,里面有一句歌词是sorry I never told you
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