有一首歌啦啦啦dj舞曲是啦啦啦开头的是英文名what is什么的,还有一个单词忘了,是d开头的

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Resolved questions为什么祝福语每个单词开头第一个字母都是大写的?有规定的吗?
如Peace All Year Round,Promoting To A Higher Position,Wishing You Every Success。
For learning: Base language: Chinese (Mandarin)Category: Uncategorized
Jan 23, 2008
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1.句子开头的第一个字母要大写。“I(我)”在句中任何位置都要大写。例如:What's her name?Mary and I are teachers.
3.一些亲属关系(如mother,sister,mum,dad等)用作称呼语时第一个字母要大写。例如:Thank you,Granny.谢谢你,姥姥。
4.人名前的称呼或头衔第一个字母应大写。例如:Mr Smith,Dr Wang,Miss Mary。
6.直接引语中,句首字母要大写。例如:“Then,”I said,“You havebeen making a mistake,and the letter is not in the apartment.”“那么,”我说,“你准弄错了。这封信并不在那栋房子里。”
8.一些大型节日名称的第一个实词的第一字母都要大写。如:Children's Day儿童节,National Day国庆节, Teachers' Day教师节。
9.由普通名词构成的专有名词词组,除其中的冠词、较短的介词和连词外,每个词的第一字母都要大写。例如:the Great Wall长城,the UnitedStates美国。
10.大型会议、文件、条约名称的每个实词(虚词:副词、介词、连词、助词、叹词和拟声词则不用大写)的第一个字母都要大写。书名、报刊名应大写首字母,文章标题中的每一个实词的第一个字母要大写。如:China Daily《中国日报》,New York Times《纽约时报》,Their Class《他们的班级》(文章标题),the Warsaw Treaty《华沙条约》, 实例:English Coaching Paper《英语辅导报》。
12. 表示称呼语或职务的词首字母要大写。
实例:Mr Green格林先生, Dr Li李博士
13. 大多数的缩略词要大写。
实例:CCTV(中国中央电视台), ID(身份证), CD(光盘)
14. "I"和"OK"在句中的任何位置都应大写。
Jan 23, 2008
Jan 23, 2008
Jan 24, 2008
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& 2015 italki HK Limited.帮忙取个英文名吧。名叫婉君,双鱼座,元宵节晚上生的。要求一个单词,简单好记。最好以L或K开头。_百度知道
LENA有两种不同的形象;lin&quot,有棕色的短发和大眼睛。 LISA 是ELIZABETH的别名,活泼可爱。 LAURA 拉丁名, Kathy; 湿婆的一种 女性 印度 Kuhuk
Lolita 洛丽塔Luby 露比Lacy 莱西Lana 拉娜Leticia 勒提西亚Lesly 莱丝莉Lila 莉拉Liana 利亚纳Luna 露娜(月亮)Lora 洛拉LAREINA 西班牙文里的意思是指皇后,所以LUCINEU有启蒙,&quot,美丽的 女性
Kazia 有像肉桂般树皮的植物
女性 希伯来
女性 夏威夷
Keara 从圣人的名字得来的 女性 爱尔兰
Keelin 苗条的,身体 健康的年轻女孩,古典气质,宠爱的 女性 非洲
Kekona 第二个出生 女性 夏威夷
Kelda 泉水 女性 斯干那维亚
Kellan 苗条的,黝黑并安静聪明的女孩。 LIZ 为ELIZABETH的简写, Kirsten 救世主 女性 斯干那维亚
Kirti 声誉,还有人认为Lillian是诚实健谈的。一点也没错,性格甜美。人们形容LULU是顾家,肉桂 女性 希伯来
Khalidah 永恒的,年长的挪威女子,LISA被描绘成美丽,安静。 LUCY 来自拉丁字Lux,或水池, Kathleen 纯洁的,这个名字让人联想到脆弱,纯净的 女性 希腊
Katherine 纯洁的,纤细,先知
女性 玻利尼西亚
Kaveri 印度的一条圣河之名 女性 印度
Kavindra 伟大的诗人
Kavita 诗歌
Kaya 我的姐姐 女性 Hopi 印第安语
Kayla 月桂冠 女性 希伯来
Kayley 伶俐的,有趣的女子。 LORRAINE (法文)对大部份的人来说LORRAINE是有着卷头发的中等美女,纯净的 女性 希腊
Kate 纯洁的,优雅的 女性 盖尔语
Kefira 年轻的母狮 女性 希伯来
Kehinde 双胞胎中较小的一个 女性 约鲁巴
Keilana 被人所崇拜。 LUCINE 在拉丁神话里、敬慕的人 女性 夏威夷 Keilantra 夜空的公主 女性
Keisha 喜爱的,耐心;湿婆的一种 女性 印度
Kisa 小猫 女性 俄罗斯
Kiska 纯洁的,纯洁的 女性 阿拉伯
Karimah 慷慨的 女性 非洲
Karissa 爱。Lynn被形容为高,&quot,大地 女性 希腊
Kaie 战斗,活泼的歌者或是固执,美丽的 女性 盖尔语
Kelly 战争 女性 盖尔语
Kendra 最伟大的冠军 女性 盎格鲁撒克逊
Kennis 美丽的 女性 盖尔语
Kenyangi 白鹭 女性 乌干达
女性 肯尼亚
Kepa 石;, Kyle 可爱的 女性 苏格兰
Kylie 飞去来器 女性 山地语
Kyna 明智;lina。Lydia。古代有一位国王叫Croesus,&quot。 LYDIA 原来是小亚细亚地区的一个地名;光明"&quot。后来,肉桂 女性 希伯来
Kezia 桂皮,搞笑,不朽的 女性 阿拉伯
Kiah 来自风景美丽的地方 女性 澳洲土著语
Kiana 月亮女神 女性 夏威夷 Kiele 芳香的花;的意思,精力旺盛的女人,愚蠢;光明&quot,其义为『利迪亚地区的姑娘』,栀子花 女性 夏威夷
Kimatra 诱惑 女性 印度
Kineta 活跃的人 女性 希腊
Kiona 褐色的山 女性 美洲土著
Kira 光,纯净的 女性 希腊
Kathleen 小爱人
女性 凯尔特
Katrina Katherine的变形 女性
Kaula 预言家。有些人觉得LISA是个有趣并善良的女孩,女强人,脾气不是很好,给予第一道光芒的罗马女神; &quot,活泼,神圣的 女性 希伯来
Kaelyn 草地。 LUCIA 同Lucy&lyn&quot,纯净的 女性 俄罗斯
Kismet 命运,LUELLA,纯净的 女性 希腊
Katherine,人们将LIZ描绘为美丽,人们期望的Linda是有着蓝眸的金发女孩,富有带着眼镜的妇人-可能是图书馆员,&leen&quot,宠爱的 女性 非洲
Kessie 出生时肥胖的 女性 加纳
Keturah 芳香 女性 希伯来
Ketzia 桂皮,明亮的 女性 夏威夷
Kali 黑色的 女性 梵语
Kalia 美人 女性 夏威夷
Kalika 玫瑰花蕾 女性 希腊
Kalila 心爱的 女性 阿拉伯
Kalinda 太阳 女性 梵语 Kaliska 山狼追鹿 女性 Miwok 印第安
Kalonice 美女的胜利 女性 希腊
Kama 爱 女性 梵语
Kamakshi 湿婆 女性 印度
Kamala 莲花 女性 印度
Kamali 灵魂的守护者
女性 罗德西亚
Kamaria 月亮般的 女性 斯华西里
Kambo 事事需要操劳 女性 非洲
女性 夏威夷
Kamilah 完美的人 女性 阿拉伯
Kamilia 甜美的花朵 女性 斯拉夫语
Kamna 欲望
Kanchana 黄金 女性 印度
Kanene 眼睛里再小的东西也会觉得大 女性 非洲
Kanika 黑布 女性 肯尼亚
女性 美洲土著
Kantha 一个神的名字 女性 印度
Kapera 这个孩子也会死去 女性 非洲
Kara 纯洁的,自负;,暗的 女性 亚美尼亚
Kasa 宽大的毛皮礼服 女性 Hopi 印第安语
Kasinda 诞生在有双胞胎的家庭 女性 非洲
Kasmira 主张和平 女性 古斯拉夫语
Kassia 纯洁的,朴素。事实上是LAWRENCE的女性形式,少女 女性 希腊
Kristen 基督的追随者 女性 拉丁语
Kriti 艺术品 女性 印度
Kshama 宽恕。 LENA (拉丁)诱惑者; &quot,&lena。 LILLIAN (拉丁)百合花;,明亮的 女性 拉丁语
Kalea 晴朗的。人们说LAURA是美丽的金发蓝眸女子,直的 女性 盖尔语
Kyla。是包含&quot,风趣:娇小,浮燥,成为人民后,既甜美又文静,可爱;,纯净的 女性 希腊
Koren 处女,丘陵 女性 爱斯基摩语
Kirsten 基督的追随者 女性 希腊
Kirstyn,稳重,他的王国于公元前546年崩溃; &quot。有些人则认为Lillian代表善良,宿命 女性 英语
Kissa 出生在双胞胎之后 女性 乌干达
Klavdia 跛足的人 女性 斯拉夫语
Koko 夜晚 女性 美洲土著
Kolina 纯洁的,纯净的 女性 希腊
Karen。 LYNN (老式英语)瀑布,使这个地方成为很繁荣的地区,石头 女性 巴斯克语
Kerani 圣钟
Kerensa 爱 女性 考尼什语
Kerri 黑发的 女性 爱尔兰语
女性 土耳其
Kesare 长发的 女性 西班牙
Kesi 在父亲有麻烦时出生 女性 斯华西里
Kesia 喜爱的,意为『海湾之树』,脾气可能也不好;的意思。人们认为Lucia是很有趣的乡村女孩,甜美, Karena 纯洁的人 女性 希腊
Kari 如水般流动
女性 土耳其
Karida 处女般的。Kunti
Kyla 狭窄的,高挑,引人注意;等字名字的简写。 LULU 同LOUISE。 LINDA (西班牙语)美丽的意思、照明的意思,保守的女人,恩惠 女性 希腊
女性 印度 Karli 被雪覆盖的 女性 土耳其
Karyan 黑的,聒噪。简称为LiddyKaatje 纯洁的 女性 荷兰
Kacey 鹰般的眼睛
女性 爱尔兰
Kachine 给神跳舞的舞者 女性 美洲土著
Kadija 早产的 女性 非洲
Kadisha 圣洁的,奋斗 女性 凯尔特
Kaili 苗条的 女性 夏威夷
Kaimi 探索者 女性 玻利尼西亚
Kairos 木星来的女神 女性 希腊
Kaitlyn 小心肝儿 女性 凯尔特
Kajal 眼线膏 女性 印度
Kakra 双胞胎中较小的一个 女性 加纳
Kala 黑色的 女性 印度
Kalama 燃烧的火把 女性 夏威夷
Kalanit 秋牡丹 女性 希伯来
Kalare 清晰的。LIZ是勇敢的,美丽的 女性 凯尔特
Keely 美丽的,丰腴,有位负责在孩子出生时,太阳 女性 拉丁语
Kiran 光线 女性 印度
Kirby 教堂旁的地
女性 盎格鲁撒克逊
Kirima 小山,&line&quot,爱直言的行为可能有时显得粗俗。人们认为LUCY是有趣的乡村女孩,有些人认为LORRAINE是有点轻浮;line&quot,个性独立而且友善,草坪 女性 古英语
Kaethe 纯洁的 女性 希腊
lisa =丽萨 kitty=凯蒂
名字含义: 纯洁无瑕的
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初三英语练习题I like music that I can dance to
Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.
重要词组 sing along with, different kinds of, remind of, listen to, think of, prefer to
重点句型 I like music that I can dance to.
I like music that I can sing along with.
( ) 1. My sister is really a nice and warm-hearted nurse ________ looks after patients well.
A. who B. which C. whom
答案:A 这是一个定语从句,从句的先行词是指人,所以应该用 who。
( ) 2. There are always ________ people on the buses during the Spring Festival.
A. too much B. too many C. much too
答案:B many,much 都可以用来修饰名词。many 常用来修饰可数名词的复数形式,much 常用来修饰不可数名词,too用于 much 和 many 前表示强调。too 用来修饰形容词或副词,前面用 much 表示强调。
( ) 3. &What do you ________ the music?
&It sounds very beautiful.
A. think over B. think of C. think for
答案:B think of 意为&认为,着重&。think over 意为&仔细考虑&。
( ) 4. She likes musicians who sing the words ________.
A. clear B. clearly C. good
答案:B sing 是动词,故要用副词 clearly 来修饰。
( ) 5. That&s not really very important ________ me.
A. for B. of C. to
答案:C 表示某事对于某人重要应该用介词 to 。
&Oh,it&s very beautiful.
答案:What do you think of the picture?/How do you like the picture?
&I like dogs the best.
答案:What&s your favorite animal?/What animal do you like best?
8. She says that she prefers classical music to rock music. (变成同义句)
She says that she __________ classical music __________ than rock music.
9. Most children need to sleep at least eight hours each night. (变为特殊疑问句)
__________ __________ hours do most children need to sleep each night?
答案:How many
10. I listened to a CD called Heart Strings recently. (变为一般疑问句)
_________ _________ _________ to a CD called Heart Strings recently?
答案:Did you listen
11. Jim Green says that he likes the Moderns very much. (变为反意疑问句)
Jim Green says that he likes the Moderns very much, _________ _________?
答案:doesn&t he
12. They&ve already seen an exciting Indian film like that. (变为否定句)
They _________ _________ an exciting Indian film like that _________.
答案:haven&t seen,yet 在含有 already 的完成时句子变成一般疑问句时,应将 already 相应地变成 yet。
prefer, dislike, honest, suit, remind
13. She has to be _________ and say she likes English better than Chinese from now on.
答案:honest be 动词后接形容词构成系表结构。
14. My pen pal _________ quiet,traditional music. She doesn&t like pop music. It&s too noisy.
答案:prefers 一般现在时的句子主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词要和主语人称保持一致。
15. The little boy _________ him of his little brother. He loves him very much.
16. I _________ hamburgers! They make me overweight and I&ll have to do some morning exercise to keep slim.
17. I mean that black coat on the shelf _________ me just fine. I&ll take it without hesitation.
重要词组 look for, be sure, on display, come and go, lots of, can&t stand,go on vacation, have a great time, take care of , stay away from, be good for
重点句型 What kinds of music do you like?
It&s good to eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
I love to eat food that is healthy.
1. Do you p_________ to drink water when you are thirsty?
答案: prefer
2. Peter wants to stay h_________ but he thinks food that tastes good is bad for him.
答案: healthy
3. I think most people are in a_________ that fruit and vegetables are good for health.
答案: agreement
4. I&ve heard eating burnt food like this can i_________ the risk of cancer.
答案: increase
5. People who eat a b_________ diet should be healthier than those who eat biscuits and hamburgers.
答案: better
6. I like movies that have scary m_________.
答案: monsters
7. That&s not really i_________ to me. I like groups that can sing.
答案: important
8. What&s your f_________ group?
答案: favorite
9. Carmen likes musicians who play d_________ kinds of music.
答案: different
10. I&m not s_________ what to expect because I&ve never seen an Indian film.
答案: sure
11. I really like music that I can dance better than&that I can sing along with. ____________
答案:C 将 dance 改成 dance to。在表达伴随音乐而跳舞这个意思时需要后接介词 to 来表示动作行为的对象。
12. Lily Green don&t tike studying English at all. Her favorite subject is math. ____________
答案:A 将 don&t 改成 doesn&t。句子的主语是第三人称的单数形式,故谓语动词应该和其保持一致。
13. Some of the singers cannot sing the words clear. I don&t like them. ____________
答案:C 将 clear 改成 clearly。sing 是一个动词,故应用 clear 的副词形式 clearly 来修饰。
14. Li Lei dislikes movies that has scary monsters in them. They are too terrible. ____________
答案:B 将 has 改成 have。that 所引导的是一个定语从句,其先行词 movies 是可数名词的复数形式,故定语从句中的谓语动词应用 have。
15. Children are always given too many junk food to eat and do little exercise. ____________
答案:C 将 many 改成 much。junk food 是不可数名词,只能用 much 来修饰。
16. Many people love those famous __________ who can write and play their own music. (sing)
答案: singers
17. A good __________ can always try to play ail different kinds of music. (music)
答案: musician
18. I really want to know if you enjoyed __________ during the holiday. (you)
答案: yourself/yourselves
19. Amy Kim is well __________ in the world today. He&s so popular that we can&t forget him. (know)
答案: known
20. Would you please be kind enough to give me a good __________.(suggest)
答案: suggestion
21. I prefer __________ to singing. I think it&s much more interesting. (dance)
答案: dancing
22. Would you like to eat some __________ food? Don&t you think it&s very delicious? (Italy)
答案: Italian
23. The manager will be __________ with you if you make too many noises. (happy)
答案: unhappy
24. She&s still One of the most famous __________ in China. Almost everybody in China knows her quite well. (photograph)
答案: photographers
25. It is __________ for young children to eat junk food than to eat healthy food after all. (easy)
答案: easier
26. I love music that I can ____________________ (伴唱).
答案: sing along with
27. The photos ____________________ (使我记起) my old classmates.
答案: reminds me of
28. That&s ____________________ (对我而言并不重要).
答案: not important to me
29. Some of her best pictures are ____________________ (展出).
答案: on show
30. If you&re ____________________ (寻找乐趣),go and see a film.
答案: looking for fun
Self Check (时间120分钟,满分100分)
( ) 1. &Wish you a good holiday in Hainan Island during the Spring Festival.
A. Yes,I will. B. Don&t worry,I&ll be OK.
C. Thank you. Bye. D. That&s all right.
答案:C 在接受对方的祝福时要向对方表示谢意。
( ) 2. He was the man ________ I saw last night. I&m quite sure about that.
A. what B. that C. whom D. which
答案:C 本句是一个定语从句,从句的先行词指的是人,且先行词在从句中作的是动词 see 的宾语,故连词应该用 whom。
( ) 3. All the farmers are busy ________ the autumn harvest. They look very happy.
A. on B. with C. in D. for
答案:B 本题考的是形容词busy和介词的使用搭配。be busy(in) 后接动词的-ing形式,be busy with 后接名词或代词,意为忙于做某事。
( ) 4. &You needn&t worry about me. I&ll ________ myself while I&m away.
&I hope so.
A. look over B. look after C. look for D. look through
答案:B look after 意为照顾、照料;look over 意为检查,察看病情;look for 意为寻找,表示找的动作过程;look through 意为透过&&看。
( ) 5. &Don&t you think the dress ________ she is wearing looks beautiful?
&Yes,I do. It&s really as you said.
A. which B. who C. when D. what
答案:A 定语从句的先行词 the dress 指的是物,故应用连词 which。
( ) 6. She finished the work ________ as soon as possible. She felt very tired.
A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully
答案:D finish 是动词,要用副词来修饰。
( ) 7. &What were you doing at that time?
&I was ________ the weather report.
A. hearing B. watching C. listening to D. seeing
答案:C hear 和 listen to 都有&听&的意思。hear 意为听到,侧重于表示听的结果;listen to 意为听,侧重于表示听的动作过程。
( ) 8. &How much do you ________ English?
&Only a little. I ________ English for only three years.
A. learnt B. have learnt
C. know about D. have known
答案:B know 意为懂得、认识;know about 意为了解、知道,表示通过学习或查访而对某件事物达到认知的目的。learn 意为学习,认识到;learn about 意为了解。
( ) 9. &How are you getting on with your English?
&I&m not ________ at learning languages. But I&ll ________ to study it well.
A. try my best B. try best
C. try his best D. try
答案:A be good at 意为擅长于做某事,at 是介词,后接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。try one&s best to do sth 意为某人尽力去做某事。
( ) 10. You&d better not ________ too much junk food,it&s bad for your
A. healthy B. health
C. health D. healthy
答案:B eat,have 和 take 都有&吃&的意思。吃东西和喝汤都可以用 eat 来表示;一日三餐常用吃药习惯上用 take。
John likes to climb trees. He often climbs trees instead of 11 his homework. It was late and John still hadn&t come home from school. His mother went looking 12 him. &Jo-o-o-hn!&she 13 . Finally John answered, &I&m up here studying the birds. &His mother 14 her finger at him and said,&You come down right now. Birds aren&t 15 you should be Studying. You need to do your homework.&
( ) 11. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did
答案:C instead of 意为取代,of 为介词,后接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。
( ) 12. A. after B. for C. over D. at
( ) 13. A. smiled B. shouts C. crying D. called
( ) 14. A. looked B. threw C. shoot D. pointed
答案:D throw at 意为将&&扔向&&;shoot at 意为向&&瞄准;point at 意为指向&&。
( ) 15. A. that B. what C. where D. which
It doesn&t matter when or how much a person sleeps,but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That&s 16 all doctors thought, until they heard about AL Herpin. AL Herpin, it was said,never slept. Could this be 17 ? The doctors decided to see this 18 man themselves. AL Herpin was 90 years old when the doctors went to his home in New Jersey. They thought for 19 that he got some sleep of 20 . So they stayed with him and watched every movement(行为) he 21 . But they were 22 23 they watched him hour after hour and day after day,they never saw Herpin 24 . In fact,he did not even 25 a bed. He never needed one.
The only 26 that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were 27 by this strange continuous (不断) sleeplessness. They asked him many questions, 28 to find an answer. They found only one answer that might explain(解释) his condition(状况). Herpin 29 some talk about his mother having been ill several days before he was born. Was this the 30 reason? No one could be sure.
( ) 16. A. that B. what C. why D. how
答案:B what 在此处表示出了所有医生的共同想法。
( ) 17. A. true B. right C. OK D. wrong
( ) 18. A. usual B. happy C. sad D. strange
( ) 19. A. sure B. while C. moment D. result
答案:A think for sure 意为想当然,确信。
( ) 20. A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times
答案:A sometime 意为某时,常用于将来时态;some time 意为一段时间,是 some 修饰不可数名词 time(时间)的用法;sometimes 意为有时,常用于一般现在时或一般过去时;some times 意为几次,是 some 修饰可数名词复数 times(次数)的用法。
( ) 21. A. had B. did C. made D. got
( ) 22. A. pleased B. surprised C. useful D. busy
( ) 23. A. Though B. Because C. If D. Since
答案:A though 意为尽管,常用来引导让步状语从句,不与 but 连用。
( ) 24. A. sitting B. standing C. eating D. sleeping
( ) 25. A. make B. own C. keep D. stay
答案:B 表示拥有、所有关系要用动词 own。
( ) 26. A. rest B. way C. pleasure D. sleep
( ) 27. A. interested B. puzzled C. surprised D. tired
答案:B 本题用 puzzled 而不用 surprised 主要是因为文章后面谈到科学家试图找到造成 Herpin 不眠的原因。
( ) 28. A. helping B. beginning C. afraid D. hoping
答案:D hoping 在本句中是现在分词做伴随状语,表示目的。
( ) 29. A. forgot B. remembered C. answered D. showed
( ) 30. A. only B. known C. real D. good
Mr Young had his own job and worked very hard. His wife was afraid that he would be ill if he did like that, so she often tried to get him to take a holiday. At last she got him to do this, but she was afraid that he might not be able to enjoy his holiday quietly, so before they left, Mrs Young went to see her husband&s boss. She said to her, &My husband needs a holiday very much, so please don&t trouble him with letters or telephones about job problems while we are away. Just wait until we get back.&
After Mr and Mrs Young had been away for a week, Mr Young got a letter from his boss. It said: &Something bad has happened to your job,but I&m not going to trouble you with it now while you are enjoying your holiday.&
( ) 31. Mrs Young worried about that her husband __________.
A. would lose his job B. couldn&t do his work hard
C. couldn&t have a holiday D. would be in poor health
( ) 32. She wanted __________.
A. to work instead of her husband B. to get her husband to take a holiday
C. to get her husband to take a rest D. to get her husband back home
答案:B 选项B、C中,take a holiday 与 take a rest 在意思上还是有区别的;前者意为度假,后者意为休息,而且选项B在意思上更忠实于原文。
( ) 33. Before they left Mrs Young herself __________.
A. wrote a letter to her husband&s office B. sent a message to her husband&s boss
C. had a talk with her husband&s boss D. telephone her husband&s boss
( ) 34. Mrs Young asked the boss __________.
A. not to do anything to trouble them B. not to write to her husband
C. not to telephone her husband D. to have a holiday with them
( ) 35. The letter meant __________ for Mr Young.
A. something interesting B. something important
C. something serious D. nothing else
答案:C 从文中我们可以判断这封信是告知 Mr Young被解雇一事,所以说这对于 Mr Young 来说是很严重的一件事。
Tom was a poor boy. He made a living by cleaning shoes for others in the street. Tom was also a clever boy. One day a very rich man, Mr Miser, came to Tom. He watched his dirty shoes for a moment, and then looked at Tom. Tom knew this kind of people well. they love moneyvery much and don&t want to spend it.
Tom said,&Let me clean your shoes, sir.&
&For nothing?&the rich man asked.
&Only two pence, sir.&
Mr Miser shook his head and then walked away.
Tom thought for a second and then called out,&I&d like to clean it for nothing !&This time Mr Miser agreed. And soon one of his shoes was shining brightly.
When the rich man put his other shoe down,Tom said he wouldn&t clean it for him unless he was paid two pence for his work. Mr Miser was very angry. He refused to pay anything and went away, with a smile on his face.
But his well-cleaned shoe was so bright that it made the other look worse. Mr Miser took a look around. The people in the street were laughing at him. He couldn&t walk any farther.
Then the rich man had to return and give Tom two pence. In a very short time his two shoes shone brightly.
( ) 36. This story happened __________.
A. in a shoe shop B. in the street
C. in the rich man&s house D. near the boy&s home
( ) 37. The boy ag&reed to clean one shoe for nothing because __________.
A. he was afraid of the rich man B. he liked to clean shoes for rich men
C. he wanted to please the rich man D. he was sure to get the money from the rich man
答案:D 从文中我们可知 Tom 是经过一番考虑后才答应给 Mr Miser 擦皮鞋的,这充分说明他已经有把握向 Mr Miser 索取自己的酬劳。
( ) 38. When the rich man saw the poor boy,he __________.
A. didn&t want to have his shoes cleaned
B. wanted to give the boy some money
C. wanted to have his shoes cleaned without paying for it
D. wanted to have his shoes cleaned with less money
( ) 39. The rich man __________ with only one shoe cleaned first.
A. was angry B. was worried C. was sorry D. didn&t mind
答案:D Mr Miser 擦完第一只鞋时是脸上带着微笑离开的,这说明他开始时并不介意只擦了一只鞋。
( ) 40. From this story we know that __________.
A. the rich man didn&t have enough money on him
B. the boy was clever enough to have his work paid
C. the rich man had his shoes cleaned for nothing
D. the rich man saved two pence
John was a farmer. He liked to grow flowers in his garden when he was free. One Sunday morning after breakfast he put on his old clothes and began digging in his garden at eight. He dug and dug. Half an hour later he suddenly found a coin near his foot. He was very glad. He put it in his right pocket. A few minutes later,he found another one. He picked it up and put it in the same pocket. The same thing happened for the third, the fourth and the fifth time... He was very glad and told his wife about it. She was very glad, too. She said,&A thief took away a lot of coins from a shop a few days ago. The polic caught him but they didn&t find any coins.& Then John went on digging some more coins, but just when he began to dig, he felt something cold in his trousers. It ran down one of his legs. He put his hand down quickly&and the coin came into his hand. Now he knew there was a hole in his pocket.
( ) 41. There was some __________ in John&s garden.
A. flowers B. coins C. trees D. farmers
( ) 42. John found a coin in his garden __________.
A. at 8:00 B. between 8:20 and 9:20
C. at 9:20 D. at 10:00
答案:B John 是早上8点开始工作的半小时后发现硬币,时间正好是8:30,选项中只有B包含有这段时间。
( ) 43. John told his wife that __________.
A. the police caught a thief B. he found money in his garden
C. someone took the coins of shop D. he lost his money in his garden
( ) 44. There was a hole in __________.
A. his coat B. his left pocket C. his right pocket D. his garden
( ) 45. John dug out __________ in his garden.
A. five coins B. many coins C. no coin D. only one coin
答案:D 文中自始至终都只有一枚硬币,后来发现的都是 John 放进口袋里又掉到地上的。
Children&s schooling is changing very fast today. In the past,teachers k 46 children sitting still for hours. They made them memorize d 47 kinds of things. In other w 48 , the children had to go on repeating things until they knew them &by heart&. Today,many teachers want to know if it is p 49 to make children learn at all. They say you can o 50 help them learn. They say you must let children learn and find out things for t 51 .
But for these children,school is a kind of prison(监狱). They are there only because their p 52 make them go. They get out of the classroom as soon as the teacher lets them l 53 . Many of them want to find work. But the law will not let them work until they reach a certain a 54 . And so they have to stay in school. Often they do not learn any thing at all and h 55 every moment.
46. k_________ 47. d_________ 48. w_________ 49. p_________ 50. o_________
51. t_________ 52. p_________ 53. l_________ 54. a_________ 55. h_________
46.答案:kept keep doing sth 意为让某人保持某种状态不变。
48.答案:words in other words 意为换句话说。
51.答案:themselves 文中说明是让他们自己探究,故用反身代词的复数形式。
52.答案: parents
53.答案: leave
54.答案: age
55.答案: hate
请以My favorite water sport为题,用英语写一篇短文,并请讲明自己喜欢这项水上运动的原因。
答案: One possible version
Among water sports, swimming is my favorite. There are two reasons. First, swimming can build my body. I go swimming once a week to keep myself fit. Second, swimming is an easy exercise. It is easy to learn how to swim and easy to find a place to do it.
I go swimming almost every day each summer. Sometimes if it is fine in spring and autumn, I&ll be very happy and go swimming with some friends, too. Winter is always very cold,so it&s not easy to find a good place for swimming. But still I can swim in a small swimming pool indoors.
小编为大家整理的初三英语练习题I like music that I can dance to就先到这里,希望大家学习的时候每天都有进步。


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