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Index of Frequently Asked Questions on Employment Insurance - Service Canada
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Index of Frequently Asked Questions on Employment Insurance
Complete list of FAQs for individuals on EI key-subjects
Easy access to most common asked questions concerning EI benefits.
Information and instructions about applying for EI benefits using the Internet.
How to submit your EI report via the Internet?
While receiving EI regular benefits, you are required to be actively searching for suitable employment and to provide evidence of your job search effort when asked by Service Canada.
Registered and qualified self-employed Canadians can access Employment Insurance (EI) special benefits: maternity, parental, sickness, and compassionate care.
What are the qualifying conditions to receive maternity, parental and sickness benefits?
– Answers to questions Quebec residents might have on the Quebec plan.
If your parental leave has been deferred or interrupted because of an imperative military requirement, the parental eligibility period during which Employment Insurance (EI) parental benefit can be paid may be extended by one week for every week that you are unable to collect EI parental benefits.
 EI eligible long-tenured workers may be eligible for additional benefits if they have contributed to the Employment Insurance (EI) program for a significant period of time and have previously made limited use of EI regular benefits.
Do you have to be away from work to provide care or support to a family member who is gravely ill? Questions and answers that will help you every step of the way.
Who and how to qualify for this type of benefit? How much can you receive? Answers to these and other questions.
When are the T4E forms issued? Have you received more than one T4E? You did not receive EI, but you received a T4E. You disagree with the information on your T4E. Find answers to your questions.
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20080份文档Ma may face questions on China stance: academic
‘OUT OF LINE’:A US professor says Washington may ask Taipei to detail its own claims to the South China Sea and join it in condemning Beijing’s belligerence
By William Lowther &/& Staff reporter in WASHINGTON
President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) may face some very difficult questions from Washington in the near future, a US academic has said.George Washington University professor Robert Sutter told a conference on “Taiwan and the World” this week that the US was frustrated with China and could use “a little help” from Taipei.“US-China relations hav both countries are pragmatic and they want to continue working together because positive engagement helps them both,” he said.However, over the past two years, China has pressed maritime claims in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, the academic said.“They are treating others, as far as sensitivity is concerned, as they treat Taiwan,” he said.The problem for the US is what to do about it, Sutter said.“It’s not good, but it’s real,” he said.While not directly using military force, China is employing coercion and intimidation, he said, adding that as a result, US President Barack Obama’s administration has recently been a lot tougher in its rhetoric when dealing with Beijing.“They are taking sides in that they are condemning China’s practices in these disputes,” he said.“They didn’t use to do that too much, but they are doing it fairly routinely now,” Sutter said.Washington believes that China is “out of line” and that its acts run counter to international norms, and it is in this context that Taiwan may be asked to become involved, he said.Sutter said that former US National Security Council director for East Asian Affairs Jeffrey Bader recently indicated that Taiwan should clarify its “nine-dash line” claim in the South China Sea.While Bader — now an academic at the Brookings Institution — was not speaking in an official capacity, he has close links to the Obama administration and has a reputation for being very careful over matters concerning cross-strait relations.
It may only be a matter of time before the US officially asks Taipei to explain and detail its own claims to the South China Sea, academics said.Sutter said that with the US criticizing China for deviating from international norms and using intimidation and coercion, Taiwan may be asked to join the US in condemning Beijing.Taiwan shares US values and the question may arise, “will they join in calling China out on some of these fairly egregious kinds of behaviors,” he said.David Keegan, a highly regarded retired US Department of State official, has authored a paper in which he argues that Taiwan should be brought into the US’ Asia rebalancing policy, he said.“Does Taiwan want to be rebalanced in this way?” Sutter asked. “Is Taiwan willing to do this? It’s a risk.”Sutter also asked what Taiwan would do if the US decided to conduct significant military exercises in the East and South China seas in areas that Taiwan claims as under its control.“What would happen? Would Taiwan remain quiet? What would they do?” he asked. “US frustration will continue because the Chinese are determined to advance their claims in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.”“What will Taiwan do in this situation? My sense is that they will not do much,” he added.Tamkang University professor Edward Chen I-hsin (陳一新) said in a paper presented at the conference that Washington’s promotion of democracy, freedom and human rights in the Asia-Pacific region had benefited Taiwan.
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