
& outdoors
英语: outdoors 
['aut'dɔ:z]adv.在户外地, 在野外 n.户外, 野外 名词outdoor的复数形式
There is intolerable noise outdoors.
She's outdoors gardening every afternoon.
Children of all ages should be outdoors several hours a day.
英英解释:名词 outdoors:
where the air is unconfined
副词 outdoors:
outside a building当前位置: &
例句与用法1.Rooney doesn ' t simply outplay defenders , he outfights them too鲁尼不仅在技术上胜过对方的后卫,身体对抗上也毫不逊色。 2.However , after heavy celebrations , they were beaten and clearly outplayed by nuremberg in the german cup final a week later然而,经过夺冠后的盛大庆祝,一周后,他们在德国杯决赛中被纽伦堡干净利落的击败。 3.Also , if your opponent is outplaying you while you are on the offensive , keep on the lookout for sonic emitters that may pop up同样,如果你对手的技术比你强,在你进攻的时候,要密切注意可能突然出现的音波塔。 4." but when you ' ve outplayed the champions at their own place for such a long period , you know you ' re playing pretty well“但当你在他们的主场击败他们,那说明你已经干得不错了,我们有很长一段时间没在那赢球了。 ” 5.But instead sir alex ferguson was forced to concede his team were outplayed in the second half , and neville was obviously disappointed但是,弗格森不得不承认球队在下半场完全被对方控制,内维尔对此也感到很失望。 6.The rule of thumb is that any side with a significant proportion of skilfull players should generally be able to outplay a long ball side根据经验来说,只要球队拥有很多的技术型球员,通常能够击败一只采用长传的球队。 7.The rockets were awful that night . there is no doubt about that . they were outplayed in all the ways in which they whipped the reeling timberwolves on monday那个晚上的火箭是使人敬畏的.这无须怀疑.他们在周一在所有方面彻底击败了森林狼8.Rafael benitez ' s men were outplayed for long periods by a fatigued chelsea side that simply refused to buckle under the strain of chasing glory on three fronts贝尼特斯的球队早早的在其它赛事上出局,而切尔西却因为不愿向三线奋战的压力低头而人困马乏。 9.Robinson put up mvp - like numbers with 32 points and 12 rebounds but was clearly outplayed by olajuwon , who had 41 points and 16 rebounds in the rockets ' 106 - 96 win罗宾逊的确也交出了mvp的数据, 32分12个篮板,但是在大梦41分16篮板面前这一切显得那样的渺小。 10.“ it ' s the absolute worst road trip we could imagine , ” johnny damon said . “ no one could imagine being 0 - 5 . we ' re 0 - 5 without being outplayed这绝对是我们所能想像的,最糟的客场出赛情况了”大门表示”没有人能想到连五败,我们竟然连五败而没有拿下一场胜利。 ” &&更多例句:&&1&&
相关词典网站:Play Outdoors | Homepage
...outdoor trampolines, swing sets and lots of other items to encourage outdoor fun!
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Send Emailplay out是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
"exhaust one's savings"
"We quickly played out our strength"
perform or be
"How will the election drama be played out?"
"We have got to play this game out, even thought it is clear that we have last"
"The champion's strength played out fast"
play out的用法和样例:
用作名词 (n.)
Their love affair was played out against the background of a country at war.
We decided to play out the string.
Let's play out the rope.
I'm played out after all that exercises.
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play out 在《外研社英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
把(比赛)进 ... &&


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