最美的水上公路路,能用road on water 吗

4发现相似题water road
1. The surface water made the road treacherous for drivers.
2. Answer doubt does not have hill heavy water road, promising another village.
“山重水复疑无路, 柳暗花明又一村”.
3. International multimodal transport for water, road, rail and air a variety of modes of transport.
国际多式联运适用于水路 、 公路 、 铁路和航空多种运输方式.
4. Lorries rumbled past them, splashing them with filthy water from the potholes in the road.
5. Last week, the department's road builders began to bulldoze a water meadow on Twyford Down.
1. 道路洒水
Wroad watering  道路洒水,浇洒马路underground watering  地下灌溉,浸润灌溉
- 基于1个网页
headland road fresh water break pressure tank ., 赫兰道食水减压缸.
- 基于8个网页
1. 淡水载重线
...fresh water And /or rain damage(F-W-R-D) 淡水雨淋险fresh water road line 淡水载重线frustration of contract 合同落空
- 基于4个网页
1. 道食水配
victoria road fresh water service reservoir ., 域多利道食水配水库.
- 基于6个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
water road
您还可在这里补充说明下 O(∩_∩)O~
方便的话,请您留下一种联系方式,便于问题的解决:02 - On the Road
On The Road
I will take this crazy train,to find the answer in my own way我要踏上这疯狂的列车 , 去用我的方式 寻找答案I Put my dream into the kitbag,find the palce called freedom把梦装近这不大的行囊 , 带到那个叫做自由的地方someone say his life was dead,someone say, we must keep fighting.有人说他的生命已经枯萎 ,
有人说我们必须继续抗争I don't believe in fate, I think maybe I can change somethings我并不相信命运
但是我想 也许我可以改变些什么Now I will pass through the mountain,And meet you at the end of this land现在 我将要穿过这座山脉
我们将会相见 在这片大陆的尽头Yes I'm on the road
Yeah i'm on the velvet road
是的 我在路上
我在丝绒公路上Yes I'm on the road
Yeah i'm on the velvet road是的 我在路上
我在丝绒公路上Don't you fly if you have a pair of wings如果你有双翅膀 难道你不想要自由飞翔吗Nothing can stop me now
I'm a freebird
我是一只自由的鸟and i will forever young 并且
我将永远年轻I dreamed of a beautiful city, and you,my beautiful lady我梦到了一个美丽的城市 , 还有你 我美丽的姑娘There's no one cry n' no one lie, no one grow old and die那里没有人哭泣 没有谎言
没有衰老 也没有死亡They can enjoy life without fear,They will never take up the weapons他们可以尽情享受他们的人生 不用再恐惧 ,他们永远不会需要再拿起武器I know it's silly ,But i still hope that it could be true我知道这个想法很傻
但是我依然希望 这一切会是真的Now I will pass through the mountain,And meet you at the end of this land现在 我将要穿过这座山脉
我们将会相见 在这片大陆的尽头Yes I'm on the road
Yeah i'm on the velvet road
是的 我在路上
我在丝绒公路上Yes I'm on the road
Yeah i'm on the velvet road是的 我在路上
我在丝绒公路上Don't you fly if you have a pair of wings如果你有双翅膀 难道你不想要自由飞翔吗Nothing can stop me now
I'm a freebird
我是一只自由的鸟and i will forever young 并且
我将永远年轻someone say his life was dead,someone say, we must keep fighting.有人说他的生命已经枯萎 ,
有人说我们必须继续抗争I don't believe in fate, I think maybe I can change it...我并不相信命运
但是我想 也许我可以改变它I will take this crazy train n'takes a long long time to find it 我要踏上这疯狂的列车 , 用尽我毕生的精力去寻找I Put my dream into the kitbag,find the palce called freedom把梦装近这不大的行囊 , 寻找那个叫做自由的地方someone say his life was dead,someone say, we must keep fighting.有人说他的生命已经枯萎 ,
有人说我们必须继续抗争No one kowns, maybe the answer is blowing in the wind谁知道呢,也许答案就在风中飘扬Yes I'm on the road
Yeah i'm on the velvet road
是的 我在路上
我在丝绒公路上Yes I'm on the road
Yeah i'm on the velvet road是的 我在路上
我在丝绒公路上Don't you fly if you have a pair of wings如果你有双翅膀 难道你不想要自由飞翔吗Nothing can stop me now
I'm a freebird
我是一只自由的鸟and i will forever young 并且


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