for who中午中文翻译英文

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who knows是什么意思
中文翻译谁懂谁能明了谁知道呢制造厂商编码:&&&&pron. (宾格 所有格 whose) 1 ...:&&&&vt. 1.知道;了解,懂得。 2.相识,认识;结识。 ...
例句与用法1.Who knows but you may raise a dance .谁知道你们是不是组织一次舞会?2.Who knows but that what he says is true ?谁能知道他说的不是真话?3.Who knows any man but he be his brother ?除非是亲兄弟,否则谁了解谁?4.Who knows what the future holds for us ?谁能知道我们未来会如何?5.She was beloved by all who knew her .凡是认识她的人都喜欢她。6.She was beloved of all who knew her .凡是认识她的人都喜欢她。7.They assume most who know the least .知道得最少的人最傲慢。8.Who knows but that everything will come out all right ?谁能担保一切都不出差错呢?9.Who knows most says least .懂得最多的人,说得最少。10.He who knows others is learned, and he who knows himself is wise .知人者智,自知者明。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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for storage是什么意思
中文翻译捡拾或收割:&&&& 1.〔表示目标、去向〕向,往。 leave [sail ...:&&&&n. 1.贮藏(量),存储(量);(仓库)保管;库容量。 ...
例句与用法1.We are well off for storage space in the new flat .我们的新公寓里有很多储藏东西的地方。2.It was reasonable for storage to be in the same mode .建立统一格式的存贮系统已是大势所趋。3.Recently computers have come into use for storage and retrieval of these data .近年来计算机已用来储存和提取这些资料。4.For storage purposes, these underground reservoirs have many advantages over surface reservoirs .就蓄水目的说,这些地下水库比地表水库有很多优点。5.It opposed the owners of grain elevators and railroads, who charged the farmers exorbitant rates for storage and transportation of their produce .它是反对那些向农民索取苛刻的农产品贮运费用的粮仓主和铁路公司的。6.Easy for storage . payment details : l c or t t次数count :显示上下运动的次数。 7.American table of distances for storage of explosion美国爆破器材贮藏间距标准8.What format does this camera use for storage这架相机使用什么样的存储格式? 9.Vertical glass lined steel vessel with girth flange for storage搪玻璃开式贮存容器10.The arrangement of data for storage or display格式用于储存或显示的数据安排&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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