refute和contradict to区别,分别怎么用

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refute的音标: 英音 [ ri'fju:t ] ; 美音 [ ri'fju:t ] refute的中文解释: 及物动词讲解: 1.驳斥,批驳2.反驳,否认
单词分析:这些动词都含“否定,否认”,“反驳,反对”之意。:指肯定地否认、反对或反驳某事,坚持相反的意见。:普通用词,侧重否认意见或言论的真实性,尤指否定他人的指控或责难。 :普通的广泛用词。指不作争论或不提出论据而无理由地反对;也指任何温和、有理由的反对或否定。:语气较强,强调凭推理或证据驳斥一项主张或言论。
sophistic refutations.
Analogous refutation
Of or relating to a controversy,an argument,or a refutation.
Refuted the results of the poll.
It was the kind of rumour that it is impossible to refute.
Since then, I have succeeded in giving a refutation of historicism
As for the Flat Earth theory, I believe I could refute it
To prove to refute decisively.
The accused was given an opportunity to refute the accusations.
Silence is one of the hardest things to refute.
overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof
prove to be false or incorrect
refuse,谢绝,垃圾,reject,拒绝,不及格,否决,decline,衰退,refute 驳倒一意多词汇编32
单词汇编同时的 simultaneous coincident instantaneous(瞬时的) 同时代的contemporary复杂的 intricate complicated multiple(多重的)sophisticated(世故的)complex elaborate(精心制作的 详述)详细说明,详述 detail elaborate expand particularize specify define(定义)
dwell on刺激 兴奋 激动 excite incentive(动机 激励的)irritate provoke stimulate thrill(发抖)impetus(推动力 促进)减少 降低 decrease diminish lessen reduce impair decline增加 increase raise add augment buildup multiply improve surge soar boost elevate阻止 抑制 防止 避免prevent stop arrest(逮捕 拘留)forbid hamper hinder interrupt prohibit inhibit restrain refrain suppress avert(转移)detain(扣留)retard(延缓)preclude(排除) 强迫 compel force constrain enforce oblige表明 显示 show disclose discover display exhibit manifest reveal present expose indicate 说明 解释 explain illustrate demonstrate describe state declare interpret
account for 证明 证据prove certify justify testify witness
n. Certification evidence proof testimony 选择 opinion choice preference alternative永久的 不变的permanent constant perpetual eternal
耐用的durable enduring lasting 暂时的 临时的temporary transient casual occasional interim provisional坚持 继续 continue persist persevere endure last abide(遵守)遵守 abide comply observe keep obedience模糊的 含糊的 vague indefinite obscure ambiguous dim明确的 清晰的 definite explicit(外在的 直率的)distinct(独特的)重要的 important significant considerable(相当的 大量的)grave(严肃的)essential capital vital supreme crucial(决定性的)主要的 primary master capital fundamental main major predominant cardinal principal chief 次要的 subordinate(下级的 从属)subsidiary(辅助的 补充的)secondary突出的显著的 prominent predominant conspicuous outstanding remarkable notable明显显然obviously apparently evidently transparently perceptibly distinctly admittedly(公认地) 流行的 popular fashionable prevalent epidemic prevailing current(通用的 当前的)predominant
确信的 convinced assuring
可信的,可靠的credible dependable reliable吸引 引诱 诱惑attract fascinate tempt allure lure induce撤销 取消 repeal retract withdraw cancel recall abolish erase undo reverse(颠倒 相反的)discharge(开除 流出 卸货 放电)recede(后退)放弃 give up disclaim forsake abandon release(释放 发布)quit resign(辞职)surrender(投降)retreat(撤退)加强 enhance reinforce strengthen intensify emphasis augment heighten sharpen前提 premise hypothesis precondition prerequisite名誉 声望 credit prestige odor odour(气味)reputation glory honor
尊严dignity 优先 priority preference precedence迷惑 confuse perplex puzzle bewilder承认 recognize admit acknowledge concede confess严格的 严厉的 rigorous severe stern strict drastic(激烈的)明确地 清楚地clearly exactly definitely distinctly fairly
精确地precisely实质的 substantial essential virtual actual丰富的 大量的affluent abundant ample plenty massive considerable(值得考虑的)profuse generous(慷慨的)redundant(多余的 过剩的 累赘的)substantial(坚固的 实质的) 违反 违背 violate offend disobey deviate depart(离开 出发)批准 authorize confirm ratify approve adopt(采纳 收养)习惯于 be accustomed/used to内在的,固有的 inherent = ingenerate intrinsic internal resident(居民 住院医师)implicit(含蓄的 暗示的 不怀疑的 绝对的)绝对的 absolute implicit utter sheer unconditional unqualified(无资格的)假定 假设 in case of
assume presume suppose premise hypothesis tentative(试验 试验性的) 借口 excuse pretext plead(辩护 恳求)justification(正当理由)大概 maybe probably presumably assumably
大约近似approximately娱乐 amusement entertainment recreation pastime distraction(分心)相同的 same uniform identical不同的 different distinct(清楚的 明显的 卓越的) distinctive(与众不同的 有特色的)diverse various variant(变量)dissimilar一致的 相容的 和谐的 accordant consistent reconciled compatible harmonious conform corresponding(相应的,一致的;通讯的)意见一致的unanimous consensus(n. 意见一致,舆论)符合,一致 coincide/consistent/correspond/accord with损害,危害 harm hurt injure damage undermine endanger contaminate hazard jeopardize disserve
虐待,滥用 abuse disserve ill-treat maltreat ill-use misuse mishandle观众 spectator audience(观众,听众,读者)同意 assent consent agree permit allow comply grant approve反对 dissent disagree refuse oppose object contradict(矛盾)against fight努力 strive endeavor struggle effort
exert oneself
attempt(尝试 企图)调和 harmonize reconcile compromise(妥协)mediate(调停)调节 调整regulate adjust modulate accommodate rectify tune辨别 discern distinguish identify discriminate(歧视)差异,区别 difference distinction contrast(对比)diversity(多样性)variance(变量,变异)discrepancy(偏差)优点 advantage merit virtue excellence缺点 shortcoming drawback flaw(瑕疵,漏洞)defect(欠缺)shortage(不足)disadvantage(不利)vice(恶习)weakness(嗜好,衰弱)demerit(过失)fault(错误)利益 profit benefit advantage behalf interest avail good诡计,阴谋 trick intrigue conspiracy(conspire共谋)deception trap plot scheme意见,观点 proposal opinion view viewpoint outlook sentiment(情感,感想) standpoint 争论 dispute argue debate controversy contend quarrel反驳 disprove retort refute contradict对手 rival adversary competitor opponent contestant counterworker拒绝 deny refuse decline reject repel情感 affection feeling sentiment passion emotion sensibilities susceptibilities成份,要素 component composition constituent ingredient element stuff factor requisite principal 最初的 first prime original initial(字首的)foremost(最重要的,首要的)最后的,最终的 last ultimate eventual conclusive(结论性的 明确的)culminating final 最重要的 uppermost foremost crucial vital推荐 recommend commend nominate prefer保持keep hold remain(剩余) retain maintain(保养 维修)sustain(维持)possess(具有) 策略 strategy tactic policy(政策)方法,手段means method approach recipe(诀窍 烹饪法)device(装置,设计)instrument(仪器 工具)mode process(过程处理)lever(杠杆)古代的 ancient antique承认 acknowledge admit confess concede recognize肯定的 certain positive affirmative修改 修正amend correct revise modify perfect打扰,干涉bother disturb intervene interfere希望 wish hope desire expect渴望 appetition aspiration
thirst/long/crave/pant/yearn for人种的,种族的 racial ethnic共同的 common mutual(相互的)corporate(法人的 公司的)collective(聚集的 集合的)combined(结合的)忽略 ignore neglect overlook(俯视)疲劳的 tired fatigued exhausted
wear out情形,情况 condition circumstance state status complexion instance situation使沮丧 depress discourage dismay gloom-gloomy不满 dissatisfaction discontentment判决 judge sentence verdict doom condemn控告 起诉 charge accuse sue prosecute责备 谴责 accuse blame reproach condemn命运 destiny fate doom(厄运劫数)fortune(运气)必要的,必不可少的 essential requisite indispensable necessary用光的 exhausted consumed责任,义务 responsibility obligation duty liability(后三个有债务之意)使缓和,减轻 relieve alleviate moderate relax modify lighten对立的 opposite contrary contradictory反抗,抵抗 resist withstand revolt(反感,反叛)oppose恢复 recover restore resume renew renovate(革新)retrieve revert revive(使苏醒)return 改革 革新innovate reform regenerate繁殖 reproduce breed propagate(传播,宣传)increase manifold(繁多的)坚持 persist/persevere in
stick/adhere to保证 assure ensure guarantee pledge warrant安全 safety security sureness真实的 actual authentic genuine(真诚的)literal(文字的 照字面上的)substantial(坚固的丰富的)假的 false fake artificial(人造的)synthetic(合成的,人造的)仿制,伪造 forge(铸造)fake(假货)imitate(模仿)fabricate(捏造虚构)copy(抄袭) 假装 pretend(自称)simulate(模拟)dissimulate(掩饰 装糊涂)disguise(掩饰 假扮)assume(假定设想)mask(伪装,掩饰)怀疑 suspect-suspicion doubt disbelieve question discredit怀疑的 suspicious skeptical根本的 fundamental prime essential radical(激进的)ultimate underlying(潜在的) 撤退 retreat withdraw(收回)取代 replace(放回原处)displace(转移)substitute(n.替代者)supersede
take the place of 面临 be faced/confronted with
be up against
in face of
look out on导致,引起induce
arouse(唤醒)cause produce provoke evoke incur 出现,发生 appear emerge occur arise特征,属性,性质 trait character(性格)characteristic(特有的 典型的)feature(外貌 特点)texture(质地 纹理 结构)performance(性能)distinction(区别) attribute(标志 象征) property(财产)quality(品质)象征 represent symbolize signify indicate
stand for因此 accordingly therefore thereby hereby consequently hence thus适当的 适合的 appropriate(拨款,挪用)suitable proper compatible合格的 能胜任的eligible competent qualified熟练的 skilled skillful experienced proficient mastered practiced贡献,捐献 contribute(投稿)offer donate devote(献身)subscribe(签署 签字 订阅)endow 执行,施行 execute perform fulfill implement(工具)enforce administrate carry out put in force 冲突 conflict clash impact(影响)
collide with程度 degree extent level充足的 sufficient adequate ample abundant enough不足的,缺乏的 insufficient deficient scarce lacking short紧急的 instant urgent emergent imperative(强制的,祈使的)强制的 compelling compulsive compulsory imperative forcible紧密的 close tight compact感染 infect communicate(通讯)contract(合同,缩短)传播 spread transmit(传输发射)diffuse(散播 扩散)radiate(放射辐射)prevalence(流行) 收缩 contract(使缩短)shrink constrict(束缚 限制)compress(压到一起)compact(压紧塞满)condense(浓缩)wrinkle(使皱缩)谨慎的 cautious prudent wary(机警的) deliberate(深思熟虑的 故意的)discreet 可行的 feasible practicable viable(能存活的 有活力的)possible获得 gain win achieve obtain attain acquire明智的 advisable sensible wise sane(健全的)合理的 rational logical reasonable legitimate(合法的)sound(可靠的 健康的) possible 敏感的 sensitive susceptive impressionable impressible subtle(微妙的 狡猾的)合同,协议 compact contract bargain pact agreement bond授予 award confer(商谈)grant present商量,商议,协商 confer
consult with
treat欺骗 cheat deceive fool故意的 deliberate intentional intended purposive计划,打算 propose purpose plan program project arrange intend scheme转移 transfer(迁移 转账 过户)distract(分散)divert(转向 使高兴)avert(避开)displace(替换)devolve(移交)转换 convert(改变信仰)transit(过渡)transform(改变 变形)switch蔑视,轻视 disdain scorn contemn contempt despise忽视 ignore neglect overlook disregard监督 supervise oversee monitor intendance称赞 commend(推荐)praise acclaim(欢呼 喝彩)compliment(恭维)applaud(鼓掌喝彩) 声称声明宣布 claim profess represent declare announce proclaim manifesto assert ventilate 影响 effect influence impact
深刻的 profound信任,信心,信念 trust faith reliance belief confidence决心 decision determination resolution(溶解 消退)-resolve
will灾难 disaster catastrophe tragedy(悲剧)plague(瘟疫 灾祸 麻烦 苦恼)有关联的,相干的,恰当的,中肯的 relevant pertinent
+ to有关的,相关的concerned involved relative(亲属)related(叙述的)correlative目的,目标aim intent intention objective purpose motive destination(目的地)target goal估计,估价 estimate evaluate reckon assess appraise(评价)compute speculate(推测 思索) 控制,操纵control handle manipulate steer navigate
统治 支配dominate rein reign govern 失望 despair disappointment dismay(沮丧)失败 failure defeat frustration继承 inherit succeed解雇 dismiss(解散 使离开)expel(驱逐 开除)fire discharge(排出 卸货 放电 撤消) 有助于 help to
conduce to
administer to
redound to
lend itself to潜在的 latent potential underlying公平的 fair impartial square disinterested(无私的)equitable不结果的,无能力的,无效的 sterile(无菌的)infertile barren unfruitful impotent(阳痿的) 有效的 effective effectual efficacious efficient valid potent impactful resultful virtual(实质的) 连续的 consecutive continuous successive(继承的)sequential seriate running不连续的 inconsecutive discontinuous discrete(离散的)能力 ability faculty capacity competence
资格 qualification过度的 extravagant(奢侈的luxurious,浪费的comsumptive)excessive overmuch immoderate
散开 消散 disperse dissipate scatter国内的 domestic inland home internal
国外的,在国外 overseas考虑,思考 think consider ponder reflect contemplate(凝视)speculate(推测,投机) 虚弱的 feeble weak impotent(阳痿的)fragile(易碎的 脆的)相互的 mutual reciprocal(互惠的 彼此相反的)探索 explore
grope/quest for
probe into
search/seek after颤抖 tremble quiver shiver waver shake程序 procedure process proceeding program招收 enroll recruit(新成员 使恢复) take in范围 extent scope(余地 机会)domain(领土 领域)area region range parameter(参数 范围界限)描述描写 depict portray厌恶憎恶 disgust revolt(反抗 起义)resent发誓 swear(诅咒)pledge
take an oath投,掷 pitch(程度 沥青)cast throw fling hurl奇怪的 peculiar(特有的)odd strange queer weird(神秘的)顾客 client customer patron(资助人 老主顾)buyer包含各类专业文献、幼儿教育、小学教育、生活休闲娱乐、文学作品欣赏、外语学习资料、高等教育、一意多词汇编32等内容。 
 一意多词汇编(1) 一意多词汇编同时的 simultaneous coincident instantaneous(瞬时的) 同时代的 contemporary 复杂的 intricate complicated multiple(多重的)...   一意多词 21页 2财富值 一意多词 2页 5财富值 一意多词汇编 6页 1财富值 一意多词汇编 6页 1财富值 四级 一意多词 14页 10财富值...   一意多词汇编 6页 1财富值 一意多词汇编 6页 1财富值 四级 一意多词 14页 10财富值 一意多词(英语) 暂无评价 5页 5财富值 英语一意多词 暂无评价 2页...   一意多词(英语)_英语_高中教育_教育专区。学习英语很简单实惠的词汇... 2012年考博英语词汇一词... 3页 免费喜欢此文档的还喜欢 一意多词汇编 6页...   自作诗词汇编 18页 免费 曲2011届语文一赏-轮复习... 7页 7下载券 套题诗词汇编 6页 7下载券 词语汇编 4页 免费 一意多词汇编 6页 1下载券 选词填空...   一意多词汇编 6页 1财富值 套题诗词汇编 6页 20财富值 选词填空 汇编 5页 1财富值 古今异义词分册汇编 6页 免费 生字词汇编 14页 2财富值 词语汇编 4...  é ng 三、一意多词 1、形容草木茂盛的词语; 2、形容人多的词语; 3、形容混乱不整齐的词语; 4、形容时间过得快的词语; 5、形容做事不认真、马虎粗心的词语...   一意多词汇编 6页 1财富值 GBT标准(正式版... 23页 1财富值 万科A:2010年度社会责任... 52页 免费 最新BSCI验厂标准 2页 免费...}


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