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Hi, would you please send tracking numbers of these 2 orders to me? Thanks indeed.英语翻译寒冷的冬天,那时候正下着雪,女生约了男生出来告白,其实女孩一直注意男生很久了,这天,终于鼓起勇气告白.那个女生,是一个很活泼的女生,是一个平凡的女孩子,遇到什么事都不放弃.那个男生长得很帅,很_百度作业帮
英语翻译寒冷的冬天,那时候正下着雪,女生约了男生出来告白,其实女孩一直注意男生很久了,这天,终于鼓起勇气告白.那个女生,是一个很活泼的女生,是一个平凡的女孩子,遇到什么事都不放弃.那个男生长得很帅,很有魅力,所以一直有很多女生的喜欢.但是他的性格很冷酷,很内向,他从来不当感情是一回事.在那天,女生很紧张地终于说出告白了.男生意外的答应了.女生在交往的第一天的时候,画了一副他们两人的画,虽然不是画得很好,但是女生还是很努力的画.女生画完以后,很激动地拿给男生看,但男生只是随便看了几眼.女生跟男生出去玩时,男生老是很引人注目,其他的女生一直看那男生,女生很吃醋,每次都生气拉著男生离开她们.女生每天都问男生有没有好好吃饭,因为男生经常不按时吃饭.女生每一晚都打电话给男生,只是为了说晚安.女生生日的时候,那天女生一直很期待男生会跟她说生日快乐,但是男生忘记了,女生哭了一天.在这段日子,女生每天缠着男生,男生经常忽略女生,女生知道男生根本没有喜欢过她,但她怎么样都不放弃.有一次,男生跟女生说分手了,说因为他跟她不适合.但女生一直哭着挽留,最后还是挽留到了,女生跟自己说要跟努力让男生喜欢上自己.女生很在意男生对她的看法,她为了让男生喜欢自己,去留长发,去学化妆.女生存钱买生日礼物给男生,是一对情侣手表,女生要男生一直带著.过了一段日子,女生突然没缠着男生了,女生突然说要分手,男生也答应了.但是男生没有了女生的日子,男生觉得失去什么似的,才发现自己喜欢女生了,然后去找女生,但是怎么都找不到.男生去了女生的家,女生的妈妈只是给了女生的日记男生.原来女生一直有写日记的习惯,每天记着他跟她发生的事.男生走到了公园,坐了下来,慢慢翻开看.12月28日 晴天今天好开心,他终于答应我开始交往了.我暗恋他很久了,今天终于成功了.为了我的成功,我画了一副我们的画,虽然不是很好看,但是我很努力的画了.我很开心带著画去他家给他看,但是他好像不是很喜欢似的.2月3日 晴天今天我们出去玩,但是一路上,他老是不说话,只有我一个人在说,在街上有好多女生一直看著他,真是气死我了.没错,我就是吃醋.5月18日 晴他又没有好好吃饭了,身体明明就差,还不好好吃饭.还是要每天看著他吃饭才行.7月9日 晴天今天是我生日,但是这个生日是我过得最不开心的一个,我 我好想你,每天每天一直打你手机,但你没开机.你究竟有没有在乎过我,如果你有紧张我,怎么连我生日,也不跟我说声生日快乐.我每天每天一直拿著手机,一直傻傻的等你电话,你老是这样把我忽略,我不是玩具可以让你喜欢就玩玩,不喜欢就让你扔到一边去.我真不了解你,为什么可以这样对我.10月27日 终于打工完了,我用打工的钱买了一对情侣手表,送了一只给他,感觉最近他好像有点喜欢我了.真开心,我要努力让他喜欢我才行.加油.12月14日 多云 今天跟他说了分手了,我的心好痛,我回到家后哭了几天,我不能再跟他在一起了,因为前几天医生说我活不久了、这个病是我爸爸遗传给我的.已经到了末期了.我好不舍得你,好想永远跟你在一起,为什么是我得这个病,我还没有让他喜欢我,我不要这样就离开,好想回到以前,好想回到你身边,好想一直烦著你,一直叫你吃饭,一起出去逛街,我爱你,但是我还没有听到你说你也爱我,男生坐在公园,紧紧抱著日记,眼泪流了下来,眼泪掉到地上的同时,天下起雪来了.跟当初表白的时候一样,不一样的是,男生现在说的是 我也爱你.【我知道这很多,但是希望不要用翻译器翻译】因为好多都是错的、
It was a snowy,cold winter,a girl asked a boy out for confession,in fact,the girl has noticed the boy for a long time.That day,she finally had the courage to confess.She was a lively,ordinary girl,she doesn’t give up at anything.That boy was handsome,attractive,so a lot of girls likes him.But his character is cruel,introverted,he never considered relationship as something important.That day,the girl nervously confessed.And surprisingly the boy agreed.The first day they went out,the girl drew their portraits,though it wasn’t a good picture,the girl tried hard to draw.After she finished,she showed it to him excitedly,but the boy took a look at it,that’s all.When the girl went out with the boy,he caught the attention of other girls,the girl was jealous,every time,she took the boy and left there.Every day the girl asked if the boy ate well,because the boy doesn’t eat on time.Every night the girl calls the boy,just to say good night.On the girl’s birthday,the whole day she was expecting the boy to say happy birthday to her,but the boy forgot,the girl cried a whole day.At that time,the girl wouldn’t leave the boy alone,and the boy constantly ignored the girl,the girl knew the boy didn’t like her at all,but she wouldn’t give up in the world.,There was one time,the boy broke up with the girl,because he and she wasn’t right for each other.But the girl cried and tried to persuade him otherwise,in the end,she was successful,the girl told herself that she would make the boy like her.The girl cared a lot about the boy’s opinion on her,to make him like her,she grew her hair,learned how to makeup.With the money she saved,she bought the boy a birthday presentit was a pair of couple’s watch,the girl asked the boy to keep wearing it.After a while,the girl stopped nagging,she suddenly wanted to break up,the boy agreed.But days without the girl made the boy feel like something was missing,he found out he liked the girl after all.He went to find the girl,but didn’t succeed.The boy went to the girl’s home,the girl’s mother gave him the girl’s diary to the boy.In fact the girl had a habit of keeping diaries,writing down things between him and her.The boy walked to a park,sat down,and read slowly.28th of December,sunnyToday I’m so happy,he finally agreed to go out with me.I liked him secretly for a while,and today I finally succeeded.For my success,I drew a picture of us,it wasn’t pretty,but I tried hard.I brought it happily to him,but he didn’t seem to like it.3rd of February,sunnyToday we went out,but on the way he didn’t talk much,I was the only one talking,on the street a lot of girls were looking at him,I’m so pissed.That’s right,I’m jealous.18th of may,sunnyHe didn’t eat well again,though he has a weak body,he still doesn’t eat well.I must see him to eat every day.9th of july,sunnyToday’s my birthday,but it was the most unhappy birthday of all,I,I miss you so much,every day I called you,but today your cell phone was power off.You don’t care about me after all,if you cared about me,how can you not say happy birthday to me on my birthday.Everyday I wait for your call by my phone,but you ignore me always,I am not the toy that you can play with,and throw away as you wish.I don’t understand you,why do you treat me like this.27th of OctoberI finished my part-time job,I used up all my salary to buy a couple’s watch,and gave him one,I feel he is starting to like me recently.I’m so happy,I must work hard for him to e on!14th of December,cloudyToday I broke up with him,my heart aches,when I went home I cried for a few days,I couldn’t be with him anymore,because a few days ago the doctor said I won’t live for much longer,it’s an inherent disease from my father’s side.It’s my terminal state.I don’t want to leave you,I want to be with you forever,but why it’s me who has this disease,I haven’t made you like me yet,I don’t want to leave like this,I want to go back in time,back to you,keep annoying you,keep asking you to eat,shopping together with you,I love you,but I haven’t heard you say you love me too,do you love me?The boy sat by the park,holding the diary tightly,tears streaming down,and fell on the floor,it started snowing.Like the day of their confession,but what’s different was,now it was the boy who said,I love you too.花了整整二十分钟啊
Cold winter, when being under the snow, girls about the boys out of confession, in fact, has been attention to girls and boys for a long time, and this day proved willing to confession. That girl...商务英语的,麻烦有谁能帮我翻译吗?不要在线翻译那种,我得做给客户看的,拜托拜托!Do It Yourself affiliate marketing, while rewarding, can be extremely time consuming as you need to sign for multiple affiliate programs, get approval to each one and the_百度作业帮
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