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第一章 逐梦令&第二章 圆梦破梦&第三章 梦醒时分&第四章 人生若是只如初见&第五章 破晓了&第六章 渣渣导师&第七章 楷模导师&第八章 往事如昨,铭刻我心&第九章 铁李广&第十章 测试开始,张生张死&第十一章 冷冷的&第十二章 忠言&第十三章 梦想&第十四章 玩笑而已?&第十五章 楚天豪羽&第十六章 楚羽……躺了&第十七章 仰天大笑冲天起&第十八章 我辈岂是蓬蒿人?&第十九章 我爸是李刚&第二十章 暴虐之林天&第二十一章 匹夫鲁炎&第二十二章 百步飞剑&第二十三章 可悲可怜可敬可爱的天雄星&第二十四章 何谓英雄&第二十五章 夕阳无限好&第二十六章 幸福的小白&第二十七章 路见不平一声吼&第二十八章 秦边枭政&第二十九章 枭雄本色&第三十章 立棍&第三十一章 论武技&道理听过千百遍,还是要自己走过才会懂&第32章 屎我是一坨屎&第33章 以暴制暴&第34章 毫无怜悯&第35章 兄弟无需多言&第36章 夙敌初交锋&第37章 承诺算什么东西?&第38章 有你们真好&第39章 孤独患者的面具&第40章 杀人&第41章 真相只有一个&第42章 高傲的头颅&最后一章,做个小结吧&
向朋友推荐 |有爱视频:小海豹与潜水员互动显萌态
编辑点评:据英国《每日邮报》1月22日报道,潜水员Jason Neilus和他的朋友深入英国法尼岛附近严寒的海域中拍摄到一组可爱的小海豹。这些两个月大的小海豹像家养宠物一样可爱,它们用鼻子触碰着摄像机镜头,甚至还让潜水员帮它们挠痒。
up to the camera and warmly embracing a team of divers, these cute seal pups appear more like household pets as they
in the North Sea.潜水员拍摄到的这些小海豹们在北海里尽情嬉戏着,调皮的触摸摄像镜头,热情地拥抱潜水员,看起来它们更像是家里养的宠物。
The seals, believed to be around two months old, were
by the divers and their cameras as they butt their noses against the camera lens and enjoy having their bellies .这些小海豹大概两个月大,在潜水员的镜头下泰然自若,它们用鼻子触碰着摄像机镜头,甚至还让潜水员帮它们挠痒。
The adorable pups were captured on camera by scuba diver Jason Neilus as he and his friends took to the chilly waters off the Farne Islands in Northumberland.潜水员杰森&内勒斯和朋友在诺森伯兰郡法尔群岛的严寒水域潜水时,将这些小海豹的萌态用镜头记录了下来。
'We&ve been visiting here for the last six years to say hello to the seal pups and we&ve never had this much interaction before,' he wrote on his blog. 'They were everywhere and all over us.'杰森&内勒斯在博客中写道:&过去的六年里我们每年都会过来看这些小海豹们,但有这么多互动还是第一次。它们到处都是,围绕在我们的周围。&
The seals were filmed in October last year, just before the St Jude's Storm
Britain and much of northern Europe.这些小海豹的视频是去年十月拍摄的,也就在圣裘德风暴席卷英国和大部分北欧地区之前。
'After a nightmare drive there with the worst traffic coupled with the
arrival of the St. Jude storm we didn&t think this trip was going to be worth the effort but once again the seals made every second worthwhile,' said Mr Neilus.&这次的拍摄经历了噩梦一般的开始。当时圣裘德风暴迫近,交通状况很差。我们曾觉得不值得这么做,但后来小海豹们的合作让我们觉得所有努力都是值得的。& 内勒斯说。
Filmed without lights, so as not to upset the young seal pups, the clip captures the curious creatures as they play in their natural habitat - cosying up to the divers without a care in the world.为了不让小海豹们受到惊吓,拍摄时他们没有打灯,这样也让他们捕捉到了这些神奇的生物在自己栖息地里自由嬉戏的镜头,它们与潜水员有爱地互动,一点也不害怕。
Mr Neilus was quick to point out that as wild animals the seals chose to interact with the divers, and were not forced to interact with the group. None of the seals were harmed by diver interaction.之后不久内勒斯又指出,这些野生小海豹是主动与潜水员玩耍的,而非在人为因素影响下与其互动的。在这过程中也没有海豹因此受伤。
The seals were around two months old at the time they were filmed, but had already grown to two metres long, and weighed around 200 to 300lbs.这些小海豹在拍摄时大概是两个月大,也已经长到了两米长,两三百磅重。
Once the pups reach adulthood the majority of them will move away to form new , and are unlikely to even see humans again.一旦海豹长到成年,它们大多数会建立起自己的领地,并且不再与人接触。
据英国《每日邮报》1月22日报道,潜水员Jason Neilus和他的朋友深入英国法尼岛附近严寒的海域中拍摄到一组可爱的小海豹。这些两个月大的小海豹像家养宠物一样可爱,它们用鼻子触碰着摄像机镜头,甚至还让潜水员
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