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58cv网址导航The Beauty and the Sorrow: An Intimate History of the First World War by Peter Englund | 1 | NOOK Book (eBook) | Barnes & Noble
The Beauty and the Sorrow: An Intimate History of the First World War [NOOK Book]
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In this masterly, highly original narrative history, Peter Englund takes a revelatory new approach to the history of World War I, magnifying its least examined, most stirring component: the experiences of the average man and woman—not only the tragedy and horror but also the absurdity and even, at times, the beauty.
The twenty people from whose journals and letters Englund draws are from Belgium, Denmark, and F Great Britain, Germany, and the Austro-Hungarian E Italy, Australia, and New Z Russia, Venezuela, and the United States. There is a young man in the British army infantry who had been considering emigrating until the war offered him its “grand promise of change” and a middle-aged French civil servant, a socialist and writer whose “faith simply crumbled” at the outbreak of war. There is a twelve-year-old German girl thrilled with the news of the army’s victories because it means that she and her classmates are allowed to shout and scream at school. There is an American woman married to a Polish aristocrat, living a life of quiet luxury when the war begins but who will be moved, ultimately, to declare: Looking Death in the eyes, one loses the fear of Him. From field surgeon to nurse to fighter pilot, some are on the Western Front, others in the Balkans, East Africa, Mesopotamia. Two will die, one will nev some will become prisoners of war, others will be celebrated as heroes. But despite their various war-time occupations and fates, genders and nationalities, they will be united by their involvement—witting or otherwise—in The Great, and terrible, War.
A brilliant mosaic of perspectives that moves between the home front and the front lines, The Beauty and the Sorrow reconstructs the feelings, impressions, experiences, and shifting spirits of these twenty particular people, allowing them to speak not only for themselves but also for all those who were in some way shaped by the war, but whose voices have been forgotten, rejected, or simply remained unheard.
Average Rating 3.5
A fascinating look at the &Great War,& from people who were actually in it on both sides. The information is taken from diaries kept by both civi homebodies, Red Cross nurses, doctors, enlisted men, officers, It takes a some getting used to the
back and forth from one narrator to another but you are soon swept up into the horror of it all. The chronology at
the beginning of each year makes it very helpful for those not so well versed in the history of this period.
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I highly recommend this book to any history enthusiast!
This book gives its reader a far beeter understanding about what the people of that era were actually feeling and experiencing.
It delves into the lives of people from differant countries, cultures, and occupations.
They were all drawn into the war for differant reasons, and all experienced it in differant ways.
I've been told that only humans wage war, and to truley know and understand war you must know the human experience.
You WILL know and understand WWI after reading this book.
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An enduring portrait of human lives in war
Beautifully written, Englund does the best kind of writing by telling the story of WWI through the eye one twelve, several in their 20s and some in their 40s. The cast of characters is referenced in the beginning and is highlighted by timeless black and white photos. What is most striking is the innocenc not knowing what to expect with the shadows of war looming and eventually how war changes all of them. The book is dedicated to a soldier who was killed in the Iraq war in 2005. Englund, a historian, is also on the Swedish academy which awards the Nobel Prizes.
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An intense reading experience!
The idea that WWI was fought entirely in the trenches of Europe is so ingrained in us that many feel calling it a world war is a mistake.
In fact, it involved people from every continent but Antarctica, and Peter Englund's new history brings that home in an insightful, readable and personal way.
He draws on the experiences of 20 men and women whose diaries and letters cover their experiences in various theaters from :
an American wife of a Polish aristocrat vacationing with her children outside W
a Danish solider drafted into the G
a Venezuelan cavalryman in the O
an Australian woman driving for the S a British infantryman in A
a New Zealander under siege in Baghdad, etc.
Some die, some disappear, some survive, but each has a story rich in detail and emotion.
you won't forget it.
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The Beauty and the Sorrow is quite simply one of the best non-fi
The Beauty and the Sorrow is quite simply one of the best non-fiction works I've ever read.
The style of writing is atypical for a history.
It's compelling.
It draws you in and makes you understand the realities they faced whether participants or non-combatants in an unrelenting, grinding war that was unlike any war that had gone on before it.
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Highly Recommended
Peter Englund has created a small miracle.
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