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2012 年 03 月 15 日
毕 业 设 计开 题 报 告
施工升降机是建筑施工中不可缺少的垂直运输机械,??其主要用于城市高层和超高层的各类建筑中,主要因为这样的建筑高度对于使用井字架、龙门架来完成作业是十分困难的。液压升降机是上下操作,施工升降机在工地上通常是配合塔吊使用,一般载重量在1~3吨,运行速度为1 ~60m/min。施工升降机的种类很多,按起运行方式有无对重和有对重两种,按其控制方式分为手动控制式和自动控制式。近年来,随着建筑高度的不断增加,架设高度大的施工升降机的需求量也在不断增加。建筑施工升降机除了应用在高层建筑中还可以应用在大桥的建设中,此外,它还可以应用在大型化工厂冷却塔、发电厂的烟囱、广播电视塔以及煤矿等多种施工场合下,施工升降机己成为建筑行业中一种必不可少的机械设备。可以给我们提供一个安全稳定的平台。我们在高空作业的时候可以给我们的安全提供保障。 然而目前国内普遍生产电机―机械传动式施工升降机,由于是采用继电器?接触器控制,即采用交流绕线式异步电动机转子串电阻调速方式,这种控制方式缺陷明显,制动和调速换档时机械冲击大,调速性能差,外接电阻能耗大, 接线复杂,经常出现故障,安全性差。其自动化控制水平较低,在施工运行过程中,存在大量问题,而且速度单一、启制动冲击大、乘员感觉不适等缺点,不能满足中高层、超高层建筑项目的施工要求。最关键的问题是使
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Elsevier SD(ScienceDirect)收录期刊-工程领域
Subject Collection Engineering&&
Catalogue Year 2010&&
Product ID ISSN Product&&
-4575 Accident Analysis & Prevention&&
-5765 Acta Astronautica&&
-1029 Acta Automatica Sinica&&
-9166 Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica&&
-8705 Ad Hoc Networks&&
-0346 Advanced Engineering Informatics&&
-9978 Advances in Engineering Software&&
-9638 Aerospace Science and Technology&&
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-5788 Annual Reviews in Control&&
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-904X Applied Mathematical Modelling&&
-9659 Applied Mathematics Letters&&
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-4946 Applied Soft Computing&&
-4311 Applied Thermal Engineering&&
-1098 Automatica&&
-5805 Automation in Construction&&
-9612 Biomaterials&&
-8094 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control&&
-5663 Biosensors and Bioelectronics&&
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-1323 Building and Environment&&
-9465 Cement and Concrete Composites&&
-8846 Cement and Concrete Research&&
-9361 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics&&
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-2004 Digital Signal Processing&&
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-7208 Dyes and Pigments&&
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-7997 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements&&
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-7944 Engineering Fracture Mechanics&&
-0296 Engineering Structures&&
-7538 European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids&&
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-613X International Journal of Approximate Reasoning&&
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-0615 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems&&
-7225 International Journal of Engineering Science&&
-1123 International Journal of Fatigue&&
-727X International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow&&
-9310 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer&&
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-743X International Journal of Impact Engineering&&
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-6955 International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture&&
-7403 International Journal of Mechanical Sciences&&
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-7462 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics&&
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-7683 International Journal of Solids and Structures&&
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-0318 Irbm&&
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-3886 Journal of Electrostatics&&
-9746 Journal of Fluids and Structures&&
-6058 Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B&&
-6125 Journal of Manufacturing Processes&&
-6125 Journal of Manufacturing Systems&&
-0136 Journal of Materials Processing Technology&&
-8045 Journal of Network and Computer Applications&&
-0257 Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics&&
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-1524 Journal of Process Control&&
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-460X Journal of Sound and Vibration&&
-7621 Journal of Systems Architecture&&
-4898 Journal of Terramechanics&&
-0032 Journal of the Franklin Institute&&
-6161 Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials&&
-5096 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids&&
-6672 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technolo&&
-3203 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation&&
-8268 Journal of Web Semantics&&
-6105 Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics&&
-7051 Knowledge-Based Systems&&
-597X Marine Policy&&
-8339 Marine Structures&&
-3069 Materials & Design&&
-8001 Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing&&
-7177 Mathematical and Computer Modelling&&
-4754 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation&&
-2241 Measurement&&
-3270 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing&&
-6636 Mechanics of Materials&&
-6413 Mechanics Research Communications&&
-114X Mechanism and Machine Theory&&
-4158 Mechatronics&&
-4533 Medical Engineering & Physics&&
-8415 Medical Image Analysis&&
-9317 Microelectronic Engineering&&
-2692 Microelectronics Journal&&
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-9331 Microprocessors and Microsystems&&
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-9634 Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine&&
-0132 Nano Today&&
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-570X Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems&&
-1218 Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications&&
-546X Nonlinear Analysis: Theory Methods & Applications&&
-5493 Nuclear Engineering and Design&&
-5691 Ocean & Coastal Management&&
-8018 Ocean Engineering&&
-5200 Optical Fiber Technology&&
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-4026 Optik&&
-8191 Parallel Computing&&
-3203 Pattern Recognition&&
-8655 Pattern Recognition Letters&&
-1192 Pervasive and Mobile Computing&&
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-7058 Procedia Engineering&&
-7489 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute&&
-0421 Progress in Aerospace Sciences&&
-1285 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science&&
-6128 Pump Industry Analyst&&
-5372 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering&&
-8320 Reliability Engineering and System Safety&&
-1481 Renewable Energy&&
-8890 Robotics and Autonomous Systems&&
-5845 Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing&&
-7535 Safety Science&&
-4789 Sealing Technology&&
-4247 Sensors and Actuators A: Physical&&
-4005 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical&&
-1684 Signal Processing&&
-5965 Signal Processing: Image Communication&&
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-1101 Solid-State Electronics&&
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-0214 Tsinghua Science and Technology&&
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-2190 World Patent Information&&
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-3889 Zeitschrift fur Medizinische Physik
需要其他领域的请与我联系。 :tiger05:
要是有不同期刊的介绍和评价就更好了 是啊,最好能找到有介绍的,不过好像要求过高了啊 挺好,谢谢楼主。 楼主,这个东西在汤森路透的网站都可以查到的啊,要是有更详细的介绍就好了! 还是有帮助,谢谢! 但是怎么有些期刊不是SCI?如Journal of Manufacturing Processes : Originally posted by zhengjx at
需要其他领域的请与我联系。 楼主您好,请问机器人及其相关领域的SCI、EI期刊有哪些?谢谢~
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Applied Energy 技术审查,十天被拒两次
最近投了一篇稿子到applied energy,连续两次技术审查没过,问题是重复率超过他们35%的要求。请投过这个期刊的虫子们帮帮忙,这个期刊的查重的重点是什么,怎样避免,打算再冲一次(第二次准备不够充分)。已经知道的是这篇和之前的一篇文章有些相似,实验部分估计要大改,还有对图的描述也要改一下,还有什么要注意的地方,请大家帮帮忙。因为当初是约稿,按着这个期刊准备了比较长的时间,所以还想再投一次!
不要模仿人家的句子,这是最主要的,保证句子是自己写的,文章和别人的就不一样了,就算类容有些相似,也不会达到35%的 建议楼主把重复的内容按自己的方式再写一遍,35%实在有点高了
祝好! 安慰安慰:hand::hand::hand::hand::hand::hand: 多拿几篇文章模仿,能自己写的就自己写,看到好句子就模仿一下~~ : Originally posted by henrylc at
祝好! 他们的要求是低于35%,我的是40+%,估计是不好意思说具体数字!没办法,单词都差不多,也不知道他的标准。 : Originally posted by chfq0116 at
多拿几篇文章模仿,能自己写的就自己写,看到好句子就模仿一下~~ 我就怕他模仿的也算,给你弄个求和不还是一样吗!还是好好改改吧! 现在许多杂志都有查重复率的软件,因此,建议根据自己的习惯改写。 坚决改写,两次在同一地点摔跟头,不应该。 楼主尽量去改,包括自己所用的语言这些,换些说法。祝楼主好运,:arm::arm::arm:! 就是注意用不同方式表达同样的意思,比如,主动变被动,变换关键词等
PS: 如果需要审稿人,可以站内联系我,我有多次审稿经历,大都是2天之内弄完的,绝对不会耽误你,而且尽力帮你说好话。 技术审查没事的,好好改改语言吧 必须得改啊,35%都超过了啊。
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恳请大家提供一个控制类较好的中的期刊?sci or EI
[ Last edited by zhangxihai on
at 12:36 ]
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IEEE T Automatic Control
高级会员, 积分 14304, 距离下一级还需 5696 积分
贡献-7 金钱-8 威望2
呵呵,你有几篇AOTO 和AC 啊?
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中级会员, 积分 7299, 距离下一级还需 701 积分
贡献-2 金钱-5 威望2
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (3.293)
Matthew James, Huanshui Zhang, Tong Zhou
12 + 4 pages ($110 per page + $125 per page)
(no timeline info found)
Petersen (ADFA) S.S. Ge (NUS)
10 printed pages
(no timeline info found)
The SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (1.770/ 1.517)
limited to 20 journal pages ( may be exceeded)
(no timeline info found)
IEEE Control Systems Magazine(2.827)
Randy Beard,
(no timeline info found)
IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2.656)
I-Ming Chen (NTU)
10/ 17 TRANSACTIONS pages ($110/page + $175/page)
3 – 5 months
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B (2.361)
12 pages ($100/page + $175/page)
(no timeline info found)
Systems & Control Letters (2.073)
B.M. Chen (NUS) L. Guo (CAS) W. Ren
20 journal pages
(no timeline info found)
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control(1.56)
.B. D. O. Anderson
(no page limit found)
(no timeline info found)
International Journal of Control (1.130)
P. Young (Lancaster University, UK and ANU)
Not exceed 10,000 words (no page charges)
(no timeline info found)
IET Control Theory & Applications (1.363/1.07)
Not exceed 10,000 words.
(no timeline info found)
International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control (2.791)
Tianyou Chai
(no page limit found)
3-5 months (published within 18 months)
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (2.13)
12 TRANSACTION pages (110 / page + $125/ page)
(no timeline info found)
(specific application areas)
Control Engineering Practice(1.871)
Y. Xi (Shanghai Jiao Tong)
(no page limit found) No page charges
(no timeline info found)
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing(1.403)
Brian D. O. Anderson R. Bitmead, R. Kennedy (ANU) , A. S. Morse
(no page limit found
(no timeline info found)
Journal of Process Control(1.606)
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (1.024)
European Journal of Control(1.153)
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics (0.995)
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering(0.89)
International Journal of Control Automation and Systems(0.59)
Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-transactions of the ASME (0.753)
Asian Journal of Control(0.562)
Journal of Dynamical and Control systems(0.368)
Automation and Remote Control (0.236)
Control Engineering (0.068)
Motor Control(1.578)
[ Last edited by lipeng0327 on
at 22:38 ]
高级会员, 积分 13364, 距离下一级还需 6636 积分
贡献-3 金钱-10 威望2
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