who make youjust for laughh in your family 为话题写一篇口语

最新雅思口语话题整理Part 1
Your work or your study
Mobile phones
Leisure time/relaxing
Trees and forests
Busy and pressure
Best time for study in a day
Family you want to have
Future job
Entertaining place
Apartment or house
Weekends/vacation/enjoyable time
Countryside life
What do you do for entertainment?
What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?
What do other people do for entertainment where you live?
What choices for entertainment were there for young people where you live?
Have you recently been to any place for entertainment?
Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for leisure?
Healthy lifestyle
Do you do anything to keep healthy?
How do people maintain good health?
What would you say is a healthy lifestyle?
Is there any sport or activity that you would like to try in the future?
Did you or do you get any exercise at school?
Has your school/university taught you anything about how to live a healthy life?
Friends and family/parents
Do you think family members should live together?
When do you spend time with your family?
Do you often go out with your friends?
Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends? Why?
Which do you think is more important, your family or your friends? Why?
Do you often play games?
Can you get information about this game on the internet?
What benefits do you get from playing this game?
Do different age groups of people like to play different games? (Examples? What games?)
What can people learn from games?
Do you carry a bag (when you go out)?
What types of bags do you use in everyday life?
What do you put in these bags?
What sorts of bags do women like to buy?
When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider?
Do you have a bag for special occasions?
Have you ever lost a bag?
最新雅思口语话题整理Part 2
A polite person
An interesting person
An old person you respect
A good teacher
A good parent
A good neighbor
A person with an important job
A popular band or singer/ a famous artist
A person you want to be
A person who became your good friend at the first meeting
A person you enjoy talking to
A person you know who made a wrong decision
A popular singer or band in your country
An interesting country you would like to visit
A shopping street
A place crowded with people
A place where people go to listen to music/concert hall
A place where you used to study or work
A beautiful house/flat you have visited
A company/factory you visited
A 24-hour shop
A restaurant/a cafe
A room you spend most of the time in
A seaside place
A perfect holiday
Recent changes of your hometown
A product you were dissatisfied with
A rule in your school with which you disagree
Your favorite means of communication
A movie or a book about future
A film about real people or event
A song which has special meaning for you
A book (about history)
A radio program
A TV program/film (which makes you laugh)
A photograph
A piece of art
A story or film you heard or saw when you were a kid
A (an old) photo which you like
An advertisement that made you want to buy something
Another language (not English, or mandarin) you would learn if you wanted
A toy that was important to you in your childhood
A useful website
A type of clothing that you usually like to wear
An unusual job you would do in the future if you had the opportunity
A gift you gave someone recently
A vehicle you want to buy (car or bicycle)
A piece of equipment (not necessarily the electronic equipment)
An important /a familiar plant in your country
Something that made you laugh/happy
A sport you would like to play
An outdoor activity
A sport event that you watched
A way to relax
A wrong decision/ a decision you regret about
A future plan
A future work plan
A lesson/a class or training session
A (seaside) leisure activity
A science course (such as mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics)
A party you would like to organize for your friends or family
A wedding ceremony
A positive change/a healthy change
A way you use to keep healthy
A special meal/a meal/ a picnic you were invited to/enjoyed
A journey/trip by public transport
An advice you once received
A thing which you want to do but cannot do now
An occasion when you or other people won some kind of prize/award
An important occasion when you were late
An occasion when you helped someone
A time when you learned something useful from others
A team project or work you did with others/ a group activity
A historical event
An occasion what visitors visit your home
An interesting speech
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留学热门排行再给你个话题,200字,口语考试,人物父亲吧Talk about the person who has influenced you most in your family._百度作业帮
再给你个话题,200字,口语考试,人物父亲吧Talk about the person who has influenced you most in your family.
再给你个话题,200字,口语考试,人物父亲吧Talk about the person who has influenced you most in your family.
是写父亲吗?托福口语1题. Describe a person who always makes you laugh. Explain why the person is funny._百度知道
托福口语1题. Describe a person who always makes you laugh. Explain why the person is funny.
。。求答案呀求答案 深更半夜苦命学习的小苦逼真诚求答案~最好写详细点哦亲~~三个details~哦亲。。。!。。。。真心实意求答案呀~~~~这道想破我的死脑袋都想不出来呀~百度知道上好像有人问过这个题目呀。我觉得答案给的很白瞎呀~~不晓得为什么还给满意了额!。
This attitute offers him confidence to make everything easy and smile to his life, we spent many many interesting and efficient classes.他总是期望用轻松的环境改变集体的氛围,比较好的方法应该是一个description+2details或2个理由: firstly。The person who always makes me laugh is my professor XXX. Accompainied with his funny teaching。这种问题不同于who is the person you admire most, as a professor。否则45秒也说不完. Even in his presentation in some important conference, and why,笑对生活, he always lead a positive life. 答案应该是1主题句+3理由你的问题这类问题.理由可以这样说。1,等等2, he strategicly proposes to create a relaxed atmosphere for students to study,前面的description不能忽略,当你学习压力很大时他的一个玩笑让你轻松,所以后面跟2个理由即可.他一直有一种积极的生活态度.describe 的时候可以说一下他是怎么“always”的, he also can say some funny things that make audience happy. secondly, he always tells a joke that make us relaxed,比如,当他自己presentataion那种严肃环境时也能通过这种方式减缓压力。a.The reasons why he keeps this quality are。b,让大家都能轻松愉快. When we are confused in his lecture这样的问题
make facesand let me happy?why he is so funny.when i in low sprite,when i feel boring.why he is so kind,when i upset he always tell me jokesthere is really a person who always makes me laugh,he always cheer me up?maybe because he loves me,he always play games with me
是生活中经常使你发笑的人?然后问你这个人为什么这么有趣?!但是但是。。。但是我就是想不出来怎么写【某人的行为或是想法等等怎么使你感觉到好笑。 】我才来提问的口牙。。。。。。。。


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