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出门在外也不愁Expected hash.seo evaluated instead to 后面是包名、类名和页面 ,这个错误是什么意思?_百度知道
Expected hash.seo evaluated instead to 后面是包名、类名和页面 ,这个错误是什么意思?
出门在外也不愁This is Info , produced by Makeinfo version 1.68 from the
input file bigpm.texi.
File: pm.info,
Node: Template/Base,
Next: Template/Cache,
Prev: Template,
Up: Module List
base class module implementing common functionality
Template::Base - base class module implementing common functionality
package Template::MyM
use base qw( Template::Base );
sub _init {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
$self->{ doodah } = $config->{ doodah }
|| return $self->error("No 'doodah' specified");
Base class module which implements a constructor and error reporting
functionality for various Template Toolkit modules.
Constructor method which accepts a reference to a hash array or a list
of `name => value' parameters which are folded into a hash.
The _init()
method is then called, passing the configuration hash and should return
true/false to indicate success or failure.
A new object reference is
returned, or undef on error.
Any error message raised can be examined via
the error() class method or directly via the package variable ERROR in the
derived class.
my $module = Template::MyModule->new({ ... })
|| die Template::MyModule->error(), "\n";
my $module = Template::MyModule->new({ ... })
|| die "constructor error: $Template::MyModule::ERROR\n";
May be called as an object method to get/set the internal _ERROR member
or as a class method to get/set the $ERROR variable in the derived class's
my $module = Template::MyModule->new({ ... })
|| die Template::MyModule->error(), "\n";
|| die $module->error(), "\n";
When called with parameters (multiple params are concatenated), this
method will set the relevant variable and return undef.
This is most
often used within object methods to report errors to the caller.
package Template::MyM
sub foobar {
my $self =
return $self->error('some kind of error...')
Andy Wardley
$Revision: 1.1 $
Copyright (C)
Andy Wardley.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C)
Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This mod you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
INCLUDE_PATH = \@search_path,
$template = $cache->fetch($filename);
$template = $cache->fetch($filehandle, $name);
$template = $cache->fetch(\$text, $name);
warn $cache->error()
$cache->store($template, $name);
The Template::Cache module defines an object class which is used to
find, load, compile and cache template document files.
A Template::Cache
object is created by, or supplied as a configuration item to a
Template::Context which calls its fetch() method to request templates as
they are required.
The cache can load templates from files specified either by filename or
by passing a file handle or GLOB reference (e.g. \*STDIN) to the fetch()
A reference to a text string containing the template text may
also be passed to fetch(). This method returns a cache version of the
template document if it exists or calls _load() to load and compile the
Compiled templates are then cached by their filename or a
specific alias which can be passed as a second parameter to fetch().
template whose source is a file handle, glob or text reference (i.e.
first parameter is any kind of reference) will not be cached unless an
alias is specifically provided.
The _load() method takes the input source (filename, file handle, text
ref, etc.) as its only parameter and attempts to read the content.
filename has been specified then the method will look in each directory
specified in the PATH configuration option to find the file.
If the PATH
has not been specified then the current directory only is searched.
Once loaded, the template text is passed to _compile() which delegates
the task of parsing and compiling the document to a Template::Parser
The PARSER configuration option may be specified to provide a
reference to a Template::Parser, or subclass thereof, which should be used
See *Note Template/Parser: Template/Parser, for further
In some environments it is desirable to share a template cache among
multiple template processors.
In an Apache/mod_perl server, for example,
one may have different template processors rendering different parts of a
web site but sharing the same template repository.
This can be acheived
by explicitly supplying a reference to a Template::Cache as the CACHE
configuration item passed to the Template constructor, new().
then passed to the Template::Context constructor.
my $cache = Template::Cache->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => '/user/abw/templates:/usr/local/templates',
my $tp1 = Template->new({
CACHE => $cache,
my $tp2 = Template->new({
CACHE => $cache,
Constructor method which instantiates a new Template::Cache object.
hash reference may be passed containing the following configuration items:
The CACHE option specifies to default behaviour for the cache:
whether to cache compiled documents or not.
A value of 1 (CACHE_ALL)
will cause all compiled templates to be cached.
A value of 0
(CACHE_NONE) will cause none of them to be cached and re-parsed on
The default is CACHE_ALL.
The Template::Constants provides a ':cache' export tagset which
imports the definitions for CACHE_ALL and CACHE_NONE.
Other caching
strategies may be support in the future.
The CACHE option can also be applied on a per-directory basis, as
shown below.
The INCLUDE_PATH option specifies one or directories in which to look
for template files.
Multiple directories can be delimited by a ':'
(or the value of the PATH_SEPARATOR) or specified as a reference to a
my $cache = Template::Cache->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => '/usr/local/templates:/usr/web/templates',
my $cache = Template::Cache->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => [ '/usr/local/templates', '/usr/web/templates' ],
Each directory entry may be followed by a hash array reference
containing caching options specific to those directories.
use Template::C
use Template::Constants qw( :cache );
my $tcache = Template::Cache->new({
# CACHE_ALL files (default) in these directories
# CACHE_NONE of the files from this directory
'/user/web/templates' => { CACHE => CACHE_NONE },
A reference to a Template::Parser object, or sub-class thereof, which
should be used for parsing and compiling templates as they are loaded.
A default Template::Parser object when first used if this option is
not specified.
fetch($template, $alias)
This method is called to load, parse and compile template documents.
The first parameter should contain the name of a template file relative to
one of the PATH directories, or in the current directory if PATH wasn't
Alternatively, $template may be a reference to a SCALAR
variable containing the template text, or a reference to a file handle
(e.g. IO::Handle et al) or GLOB from which the template content should be
The compiled template is then cached internally using the template file
name or another alias specified as the second parameter.
If $template is
a reference then it will only be cached if an $alias is provided.
template will not be cache if $alias is set to 0.
Future calls to fetch() where $template matches a cached entry will
return the compiled template without re-compiling it.
$t = $cache->fetch('myfile'); # compiles template
$t = $cache->fetch('myfile'); # returns cached version
$t = $cache->fetch($filehandle);
# read file - don't cache
$t = $cache->fetch(\*DATA, 'foo');
# read file, cache as 'foo'
$t = $cache->fetch('foo');
# return cached 'foo'
Calling fetch() with a non-zero alias will always cause the entry to be
cached under that name.
If $template represents an existing template in
the cache then it will cached under the new $alias as well as the original
cache name.
store($template, $alias)
Allows a pre-compiled template block ($template) to be added to the
cache under a given name ($alias).
if ($compiled = $cache->compile($mytext)) {
$cache->store($compiled, 'my_compiled_template')
Returns the current error condition which is represented as a
`Template::Exception|Template::Exception' in this node object.
Andy Wardley
$Revision: 1.17 $
Copyright (C)
Andy Wardley.
All Rights Reserved.
Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This mod you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
`Template|Template' in this node
File: pm.info,
Node: Template/Config,
Next: Template/Constants,
Prev: Template/Cache,
Up: Module List
factory module for loading and instantiating other toolkit modules
Template::Config - factory module for loading and instantiating other
toolkit modules
use Template::C
This module implements various methods for loading and instantiating
other modules that comprise the Template Toolkit.
It provides a consistent
way to create toolkit components and allows custom modules to be used in
place of the regular ones.
Package variables such as $STASH, $SERVICE, $CONTEXT, etc., contain the
default module/package name for each component (Template::Stash,
Template::Service and Template::Context, respectively) and are used by the
various factory methods (stash(), service() and context()) to load the
appropriate module.
Changing these package variables will cause
subsequent calls to the relevant factory method to load and instantiate an
object from the new class.
Load a module via require().
Any occurences of '::' in the module name
are be converted to '/' and '.pm' is appended.
Returns 1 on success or
undef on error.
Use $class->error() to examine the error string.
Instantiate a new parser object of the class whose name is denoted by
the package variable $PARSER (default: Template::Parser).
reference to a newly instantiated parser object or undef on error.
Instantiate a new template provider object (default:
Returns an object reference or undef on error, as
Instantiate a new plugins provider object (default: Template::Plugins).
Returns an object reference or undef on error, as above.
Instantiate a new filter provider object (default: Template::Filters).
Returns an object reference or undef on error, as above.
Instantiate a new stash object (default: Template::Templates) using the
contents of the optional hash array passed by parameter as initial variable
Returns an object reference or undef on error, as above.
Instantiate a new template context object (default: Template::Context).
Returns an object reference or undef on error, as above.
Instantiate a new template service object (default: Template::Service).
Returns an object reference or undef on error, as above.
Andy Wardley
$Revision: 1.1 $
Copyright (C)
Andy Wardley.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C)
Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This mod you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
File: pm.info,
Node: Template/Constants,
Next: Template/Context,
Prev: Template/Config,
Up: Module List
defines constants for the Template Toolkit
Template::Constants - defines constants for the Template Toolkit
use Template::Constants qw( :status :error :all );
The Template::Constants modules defines, and optionally exports into the
caller's namespace, a number of constants used by the Template package.
Constants may be used by specifying the Template::Constants package
use Template::C
print Template::Constants::STATUS_DECLINED;
Constants may be imported into the caller's namespace by naming them as
options to the `use Template::Constants' statement:
use Template::Constants qw( STATUS_DECLINED );
Alternatively, one of the following tagset identifiers may be specified
to impo :status, :error, :all.
use Template::Constants qw( :status );
See *Note Exporter: Exporter, for more information on exporting
The following tag sets and associated constants are defined:
# no problem, continue
# ended current block then continue (ok)
# controlled stop (ok)
# iterator is all done (ok)
# provider declined to service request (ok)
# general error condition (not ok)
# return a status code (e.g. 'stop'
# file error: I/O, parse, recursion
# undefined variable value used
# error in [% PERL %] block
All the above constants.
Andy Wardley
$Revision: 1.1 $
Copyright (C)
Andy Wardley.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C)
Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This mod you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
`Template|Template' in this node, Lnew(\%config)
|| die $Template::Context::ERROR;
# fetch (load and compile) a template
$template = $context->template($template_name)
|| die $context->error();
# fetch (load and instantiate) a plugin object
$plugin = $context->plugin($name, \@args)
|| die $context->error();
# fetch (return or create) a filter subroutine
$filter = $context->filter($name, \@args, $alias)
|| die $context->error();
# process/include a template, errors are thrown via die()
$output = $context->process($template, \%vars);
$output = $context->include($template, \%vars);
# raise an exception via die()
$context->throw($error_type, $error_message, \$output_buffer);
# catch an exception, clean it up and fix output buffer
$exception = $context->catch($exception, \$output_buffer);
# save/restore the stash to effect variable localisation
$new_stash = $context->localise(\%vars);
$old_stash = $context->delocalise();
# add new BLOCK or FILTER definitions
$context->define_block($name, $block);
$context->define_filter($name, \&filtersub, $is_dynamic);
# reset context, clearing any imported BLOCK definitions
# methods for accessing internal items
= $context->stash();
= $context->trim();
= $context->eval_perl();
$providers = $context->templates();
$providers = $context->plugins();
$providers = $context->filters();
The Template::Context module defines an object class for representing a
a runtime context in which templates are processed.
It provides an
interface to the fundamental operations of the Template Toolkit processing
engine through which compiled templates (i.e. Perl code constructed from
the template source) can process templates, load plugins and filters,
raise exceptions and so on.
A default Template::Context object is created by the Template module.
Any Template::Context options may be passed to the Template new()
constructor method and will be forwarded to the Template::Context
my $template = Template->new({
header => 'This is the header',
footer => 'This is the footer',
Similarly, the Template::Context constructor will forward all
configuration parameters onto other default objects (e.g.
Template::Provider, Template::Plugins, Template::Filters, etc.) that it
may need to instantiate.
$context = Template::Context->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => '/home/abw/templates', # provider option
=> 'html',
# parser option
A Template::Context object (or subclass/derivative) can be explicitly
instantiated and passed to the Template new() constructor method as the
use Template::C
my $context
= Template::Context->new({ TRIM => 1 });
my $template = Template->new({ CONTEXT => $context });
The Template module uses the Template::Config context() factory method
to create a default context object when required.
$Template::Config::CONTEXT package variable may be set to specify an
alternate context module.
This will be loaded automatically and its new()
constructor method called by the context() factory method when a default
context object is required.
$Template::Config::CONTEXT = 'MyOrg::Template::Context';
my $template = Template->new({
EXTRA_MAGIC => 'red hot',
# your extra config items
The new() constructor method is called to instantiate a
Template::Context object.
Configuration parameters may be specified as a
HASH reference or as a list of (name => value) pairs.
my $context = Template::Context->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => 'header',
POST_PROCESS => 'footer',
my $context = Template::Context->new( EVAL_PERL => 1 );
The new() method returns a Template::Context object (or sub-class) or
undef on error.
In the latter case, a relevant error message can be
retrieved by the error() class method or directly from the
$Template::Context::ERROR package variable.
my $context = Template::Context->new(\%config)
|| die Template::Context->error();
my $context = Template::Context->new(\%config)
|| die $Template::Context::ERROR;
The following configuration items may be specified.
The VARIABLES option (or PRE_DEFINE - they're equivalent) can be used
to specify a hash array of template variables that should be used to
pre-initialise the stash when it is created.
These items are ignored
if the STASH item is defined.
my $context = Template::Context->new({
=> 'A Demo Page',
=> 'Joe Random Hacker',
version => 3.14,
my $context = Template::Context->new({
=> 'A Demo Page',
=> 'Joe Random Hacker',
version => 3.14,
The BLOCKS option can be used to pre-define a default set of template
These should be specified as a reference to a hash array
mapping template names to template text, subroutines or
Template::Document objects.
my $context = Template::Context->new({
=> 'The Header.
[% title %]',
=> sub { return $some_output_text },
another => Template::Document->new({ ... }),
The TRIM option can be set to have any leading and trailing whitespace
automatically removed from the output of all template files and
By example, the following BLOCK definition
[% BLOCK foo %]
Line 1 of foo
will be processed is as "\nLine 1 of foo\n".
When INCLUDEd, the
surrounding newlines will also be introduced.
[% INCLUDE foo %]
Line 1 of foo
With the TRIM option set to any true value, the leading and trailing
newlines (which count as whitespace) will be removed from the output
of the BLOCK.
Line 1 of foo
The TRIM option is disabled (0) by default.
This flag is used to indicate if PERL and/or RAWPERL blocks should be
By default, it is disabled and any PERL or RAWPERL blocks
encountered will be ignored.
Note however that any RAWPERL blocks
should always contain valid Perl code, regardless of the EVAL_PERL
The parser will fail to compile templates that contain invalid
Perl code in RAWPERL blocks and will throw a 'file' exception.
The template processor will raise a file exception if it detects
direct or indirect recursion into a template.
Setting this option to
any true value will allow templates to include each other recursively.
The LOAD_TEMPLATE option can be used to provide a reference to a list
of Template::Provider objects or sub-classes thereof which will take
responsibility for loading and compiling templates.
my $context = Template::Context->new({
MyOrg::Template::Provider->new({ ... }),
Template::Provider->new({ ... }),
When a PROCESS, INCLUDE or WRAPPER directive is encountered, the named
template may refer to a locally defined BLOCK or a file relative to
the INCLUDE_PATH (or an absolute or relative path if the appropriate
ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE options are set).
If a BLOCK definition can't be
found (see the Template::Context template() method for a discussion of
BLOCK locality) then each of the LOAD_TEMPLATES provider objects is
queried in turn via the fetch() method to see if it can supply the
required template.
Each provider can return a compiled template, an
error, or decline to service the request in which case the
responsiblity is passed to the next provider.
If none of the
providers can service the request then a 'not found' error is
The same basic provider mechanism is also used for the
INSERT directive but it bypasses any BLOCK definitions and doesn't
attempt is to parse or process the contents of the template file.
This is an implementation of the 'Chain of Responsiblity' design
pattern as described in "Design Patterns", Erich Gamma, Richard Helm,
Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides), Addision-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-63361-2,
If LOAD_TEMPLATES is undefined, a single default provider will be
instantiated using the current configuration parameters.
For example,
the Template::Provider INCLUDE_PATH option can be specified in the
Template::Context configuration and will be correctly passed to the
provider's constructor method.
my $context = Template::Context->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => '/here:/there',
The LOAD_PLUGINS options can be used to specify a list of provider
objects (i.e. they implement the fetch() method) which are responsible
for loading and instantiating template plugin objects.
The plugin()
method queries each provider in turn in a "Chain of Responsibility" as
per the template() and filter() methods.
my $context = Template::Context->new({
MyOrg::Template::Plugins->new({ ... }),
Template::Plugins->new({ ... }),
By default, a single Template::Plugins object is created using the
current configuration hash.
Configuration items destined for the
Template::Plugins constructor may be added to the Template::Context
my $context = Template::Context->new({
PLUGIN_BASE => 'MyOrg::Template::Plugins',
The LOAD_FILTERS option can be used to specify a list of provider
objects (i.e. they implement the fetch() method) which are responsible
for returning and/or creating filter subroutines.
The filter()
method queries each provider in turn in a "Chain of Responsibility" as
per the template() and plugin() methods.
my $context = Template::Context->new({
By default, a single Template::Filters object is created for the
A reference to a Template::Stash object or sub-class which will take
responsibility for managing template variables.
my $stash = MyOrg::Template::Stash->new({ ... });
my $context = Template::Context->new({
STASH => $stash,
If unspecified, a default stash object is created using the VARIABLES
configuration item to initialise the stash variables.
These may also
be specified as the PRE_DEFINE option for backwards compatibility with
version 1.
my $context = Template::Context->new({
=> 'Andy Wardley',
Returns a compiled template by querying each of the TEMPLATES providers
(instances of Template::Provider, or sub-class).
On error, undef is
returned and the internal error string set to contain a relevant message.
This can be retrieved via error().
$template = $context->template('header')
|| die $context->error(), "\n";
plugin($name, \@args)
Instantiates a plugin object by querying each of the PLUGINS providers.
The default PLUGINS provider is a Template::Plugins object which attempts
to load plugin modules, according the various configuration items such as
PLUGIN_BASE, LOAD_PERL, etc., and then instantiate an object via new().
reference to a list of constructor arguments may be passed as the second
These are forwarded to the plugin constructor.
Returns a reference to a plugin (which is generally an object, but
doesn't have to be) or undef on failure.
Errors can be retrieved via
$plugin = $context->plugin('DBI', 'dbi:msql:mydbname')
|| die $context->error(), "\n";
filter($name, \@args, $alias)
Instantiates a filter subroutine by querying the FILTERS providers.
The default FILTERS providers is a Template::Filters object.
arguments may be passed by list reference along with an optional alias
under which the filter will be cached for subsequent use.
The filter is
cached under its own $name if $alias is undefined.
Subsequent calls to
filter($name) will return the cached entry, if defined.
arguments bypasses the caching mechanism and always creates a new filter.
# static filter (no args)
$filter = $context->filter('html')
|| die $context->error(), "\n";
# dynamic filter (args) aliased to 'padright'
$filter = $context->filter('format', '%60s', 'padright')
|| die $context->error(), "\n";
# retrieve previous filter via 'padright' alias
$filter = $context->filter('padright')
|| die $context->error(), "\n";
process($template, \%vars)
Processes a template named or referenced by the first parameter and
returns the output generated.
An optional reference to a hash array may
be passed as the second parameter, containing variable definitions which
will be set before the template is processed.
The template is processed
in the current context, with no localisation of variables performed.
Errors are thrown as Template::Exception objects via die().
$output = $context->process('header', { title => 'Hello World' });
include($template, \%vars)
Similar to process() above, but using localised variables.
made to any variables will only persist until the include() method
$output = $context->include('header', { title => 'Hello World' });
throw($error_type, $error_message, \$output)
Raises an exception in the form of a Template::Exception object by
calling die().
This method may be passed a reference to an existing
Template::E a single value containing an error message
which is used to instantiate a Template::Exception of type 'undef'; or a
pair of values representing the exception type and info from which a
Template::Exception object is instantiated.
$context->throw("I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that");
$context->throw('denied', "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that");
The optional third parameter may be a reference to the current output
This is then stored in the exception object when created,
allowing the catcher to examine and use the output up to the point at
which the exception was raised.
$output .= 'blah blah blah';
$output .= 'more rhubarb';
$context->throw('yack', 'Too much yacking', \$output);
catch($exception, \$output)
Catches an exception thrown, either as a reference to a
Template::Exception object or some other value.
In the latter case, the
error string is promoted to a Template::Exception object of 'undef' type.
This method also accepts a reference to the current output buffer which is
passed to the Template::Exception constructor, or is appended to the
output buffer stored in an existing Template::Exception object, if unique
(i.e. not the same reference).
By this process, the correct state of the
output buffer can be reconstructed for simple or nested throws.
define_block($name, $block)
Adds a new block definition to the internal BLOCKS cache.
argument should contain the name of the block and the second a reference
to a Template::Document object or template sub-routine, or template text
which is automatically compiled into a template sub-routine.
true value (the sub-routine or Template::Document reference) on success or
undef on failure.
The relevant error message can be retrieved by calling
the error() method.
define_filter($name, \&filter, $is_dynamic)
Adds a new filter definition by calling the store() method on each of
the LOAD_FILTERS providers until accepted (in the usual case, this is
accepted straight away by the one and only Template::Filters provider).
The first argument should contain the name of the filter and the second a
reference to a filter subroutine.
The optional third argument can be set
to any true value to indicate that the subroutine is a dynamic filter
Returns a true value or throws a 'filter' exception on error.
Clones the stash to create a context with localised variables.
a reference to the newly cloned Template::Stash object which is also stored
$stash = $context->localise();
Restore the stash to its state prior to localisation.
$stash = $context->delocalise();
This method is called by Template::Document objects immediately before
they process their content.
It is called to register any local BLOCK
definitions with the context object so that they may be subsequently
delivered on request.
Compliment to visit(), above.
Called by Template::Document objects
immediately after they process their content.
Clears the local BLOCKS cache of any BLOCK definitions.
Any initial
set of BLOCKS specified as a configuration item to the constructor will be
An AUTOLOAD method provides access to context configuration items.
= $context->stash();
= $context->trim();
= $context->eval_perl();
Andy Wardley
$Revision: 1.3 $
Copyright (C)
Andy Wardley.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C)
Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This mod you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
`Template|Template' in this node,
`Template::Document|Template::Document' in this node,
`Template::Exception|Template::Exception' in this node,
`Template::Filters|Template::Filters' in this node,
`Template::Plugins|Template::Plugins' in this node,
`Template::Provider|Template::Provider' in this node,
`Template::Service|Template::Service' in this node,
BLOCK => sub { # return $some_text },
header => sub { # return $some_text },
footer => sub { # return $some_text },
=> 'Andy Wardley',
version => 3.14,
}) || die $Template::Document::ERROR;
print $doc->process($context);
This module defines an object class whose instances represent compiled
template documents.
The Template::Parser module creates a
Template::Document instance to encapsulate a template as it is compiled
into Perl code.
The constructor method, new(), expects a reference to a hash array
containing the BLOCK, DEFBLOCKS and METADATA items.
The BLOCK item should
contain a reference to a Perl subroutine or a textual representation of
Perl code, as generated by the Template::Parser module, which is then
evaluated into a subroutine reference using eval().
should reference a hash array containing further named BLOCKs which may be
defined in the template.
The keys represent BLOCK names and the values
should be subroutine references or text strings of Perl code as per the
main BLOCK item.
The METADATA item should reference a hash array of
metadata items relevant to the document.
The process() method can then be called on the instantiated
Template::Document object, passing a reference to a Template::Content
object as the first parameter.
This will install any locally defined
blocks (DEFBLOCKS) in the the contexts() BLOCKS cache (via a call to
visit()) so that they may be subsequently resolved by the context.
main BLOCK subroutine is then executed, passing the context reference on
as a parameter.
The text returned from the template subroutine is then
returned by the process() method, after calling the context leave() method
to permit cleanup and de-registration of named BLOCKS previously installed.
An AUTOLOAD method provides access to the METADATA items for the
The Template::Service module installs a reference to the main
Template::Document object in the stash as the 'template' variable.
allows metadata items to be accessed from within templates, including
PRE_PROCESS templates.
[% template.title %]
Template::Document objects are usually created by the Template::Parser
but can be manually instantiated or sub-classed to provide custom template
Constructor method which accept a reference to a hash array containing
the structure as shown in this example:
$doc = Template::Document->new({
BLOCK => sub { # return $some_text },
header => sub { # return $some_text },
footer => sub { # return $some_text },
=> 'Andy Wardley',
version => 3.14,
}) || die $Template::Document::ERROR;
BLOCK and DEFBLOCKS items may be expressed as references to Perl
subroutines or as text strings containing Perl subroutine definitions, as
is generated by the Template::Parser module.
These are evaluated into
subroutine references using eval().
Returns a new Template::Document object or undef on error.
The error()
class method can be called, or the $ERROR package variable inspected to
retrieve the relevant error message.
Main processing routine for the compiled template document.
reference to a Template::Context object should be passed as the first
The method installs any locally defined blocks via a call to
the context visit() method, processes it's own template, passing the
context reference by parameter and then calls leave() in the context to
allow cleanup.
print $doc->process($context);
Returns a text string representing the generated output for the
Errors are thrown via die().
Returns a reference to the main BLOCK subroutine.
Returns a reference to the hash array of named DEFBLOCKS subroutines.
An autoload method returns METADATA items.
print $doc->author();
This package subroutine is provided to effect persistance of compiled
If the COMPILE_EXT option (to indicate a file extension for
saving compiled templates) then the Template::Parser module call this
subroutine before calling the new() constructor.
At this stage, the
parser has a representation of the template as text strings containing
Perl code.
We can write that to a file, enclosed in a small wrapper which
will allow us to susequently require() the file and have Perl parse and
compile it into a Template::Document.
Thus we have persistance of
compiled templates.
Andy Wardley
$Revision: 1.1 $
Copyright (C)
Andy Wardley.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C)
Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This mod you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
`Template|Template' in this node, Lnew($type, $info);
$type = $exception->
$info = $exception->
($type, $info) = $exception->type_
print $exception->as_string();
$handler = $exception->select_handler(\@candidates);
The Template::Exception module defines an object class for representing
exceptions within the template processing life cycle.
Exceptions can be
raised by modules within the Template Toolkit, or can be generated and
returned by user code bound to template variables.
Exceptions can be raised in a template using the THROW directive,
[% THROW user.login 'no user id: please login' %]
or by calling the throw() method on the current Template::Context
$context->throw('user.passwd', 'Incorrect Password');
$context->throw('Incorrect Password');
# type 'undef'
or from Perl code by calling die() with a Template::Exception object,
die Template::Exception->new('user.denied', 'Invalid User ID');
or by simply calling die() with an error string.
This is automagically
caught and converted to an
exception of 'undef' type which can then be
handled in the usual way.
die "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that";
Each exception is defined by its type and a information component (e.g.
error message).
The type can be any identifying string and may contain
dotted components (e.g. 'foo', 'foo.bar', 'foo.bar.baz').
Exception types
are considered to be hierarchical such that 'foo.bar' would be a specific
type of the more general 'foo' type.
Andy Wardley
$Revision: 1.1 $
Copyright (C)
Andy Wardley.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C)
Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This mod you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
`Template|Template' in this node, Lnew(\%config);
($filter, $error) = $filters->fetch($name, \@args, $context);
The Template::Plugins module implements a provider for creating and/or
returning subroutines that implement the standard filters.
custom filters may be provided via the FILTERS options.
Constructor method which instantiates and returns a reference to a
Template::Filters object.
A reference to a hash array of configuration
items may be passed as a parameter.
These are described below.
my $filters = Template::Filters->new({
FILTERS => { ... },
my $template = Template->new({
LOAD_FILTERS => [ $filters ],
A default Template::Filters module is created by the Template.pm module
if the LOAD_FILTERS option isn't specified.
All configuration parameters
are forwarded to the constructor.
$template = Template->new({
FILTERS => { ... },
fetch($name, \@args, $context)
Called to request that a filter of a given name be provided.
of the filter should be specified as the first parameter.
This should be
one of the standard filters or one specified in the FILTERS configuration
The second argument should be a reference to an array containing
configuration parameters for the filter.
This may be specified as 0, or
undef where no parameters are provided.
The third argument should be a
reference to the current Template::Context object.
The method returns a reference to a filter sub-routine on success.
may also return (undef, STATUS_DECLINE) to decline the request, to allow
delegation onto other filter providers in the LOAD_FILTERS chain of
On error, ($error, STATUS_ERROR) is returned where $error
is an error message or Template::Exception object indicating the error
that occurred.
When the TOLERANT option is set, errors are automatically downgraded to
a STATUS_DECLINE response.
The following list details the configuration options that can be
provided to the Template::Plugins new() constructor.
The FILTERS option can be used to specify custom filters which can
then be used with the FILTER directive like any other.
added to the standard filters which are available by default.
specified via this option will mask any standard filters of the same
The FILTERS option should be specified as a reference to a hash array
in which each key represents the name of a filter.
The corresponding
value should contain a reference to an array containing a subroutine
reference and a flag which indicates if the filter is static (0) or
dynamic (1).
A filter may also be specified as a solitary subroutine
reference and is assumed to be static.
$filters = Template::Filters->new({
'sfilt1' =>
'sfilt2' => [ \&static_filter, 0 ], # same as above
'dfilt1' => [ \&dyanamic_filter_factory, 1 ],
Additional filters can be specified at any time by calling the
define_filter() method on the current Template::Context object.
method accepts a filter name, a reference to a filter subroutine and
an optional flag to indicate if the filter is dynamic.
my $context = $template->context();
$context->define_filter('new_html', \&new_html);
$context->define_filter('new_repeat', \&new_repeat, 1);
Static filters are those where a single subroutine reference is used
for all invocations of a particular filter.
Filters that don't accept
any configuration parameters (e.g. 'html') can be implemented
The subroutine reference is simply returned when that
particular filter is requested.
The subroutine is called to filter
the output of a template block which is passed as the only argument.
The subroutine should return the modified text.
sub static_filter {
my $text =
# do something to modify $text...
The following template fragment:
[% FILTER sfilt1 %]
Blah blah blah.
is approximately equivalent to:
&static_filter("\nBlah blah blah.\n");
Filters that can accept parameters (e.g. 'truncate') should be
implemented dynamically.
In this case, the subroutine is taken to be
a filter 'factory' that is called to create a unique filter subroutine
each time one is requested.
A reference to the current
Template::Context object is passed as the first parameter, followed by
any additional parameters specified.
The subroutine should return
another subroutine reference (usually a closure) which implements the
sub dynamic_filter_factory {
my ($context, @args) = @_;
return sub {
my $text =
# do something to modify $text...
The following template fragment:
[% FILTER dfilt1(123, 456) %]
Blah blah blah
is approximately equivalent to:
my $filter = &dynamic_filter_factory($context, 123, 456);
&$filter("\nBlah blah blah.\n");
See the FILTER directive for further examples.
The TOLERANT flag is used by the various Template Toolkit provider
modules (Template::Provider, Template::Plugins, Template::Filters) to
control their behaviour when errors are encountered.
By default, any
errors are reported as such, with the request for the particular
resource (template, plugin, filter) being denied and an exception
When the TOLERANT flag is set to any true values, errors will
be silently ignored and the provider will instead return
This allows a subsequent provider to take
responsibility for providing the resource, rather than failing the
request outright.
If all providers decline to service the request,
either through tolerated failure or a genuine disinclination to
comply, then a ' not found' exception is raised.
The following standard filters are distributed with the Template
Converts the characters '' and '&' to '&', '&' and '&amp',
respectively, protecting them from being interpreted as representing
HTML tags or entities.
[% FILTER html %]
Binary "" returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on...
Binary "&=&" returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on...
This filter formats a block of text into HTML paragraphs.
A sequence
of two or more newlines is used as the delimiter for paragraphs which
are then wrapped in HTML ... tags.
[% FILTER html_para %]
The cat sat on the mat.
Mary had a little lamb.
The cat sat on the mat.
Mary had a little lamb.
Similar to the html_para filter described above, but uses the HTML tag
to join paragraphs.
[% FILTER html_para %]
The cat sat on the mat.
Mary had a little lamb.
The cat sat on the mat.
Mary had a little lamb.
The 'format' filter takes a format string as a parameter (as per
printf()) and formats each line of text accordingly.
[% FILTER format('') %]
This is a block of text filtered
through the above format.
Truncates the text block to the length specified, or a default length
Truncated text will be terminated with '...' (i.e. the '...'
falls inside the required length, rather than appending to it).
[% FILTER truncate(21) %]
I have much to say on this matter that has previously
been said on more than one occassion.
I have much to say...
Repeats the text block for as many iterations as are specified
(default: 1).
[% FILTER repeat(3) %]
Am I repeating myself?
Am I repeating myself?
Am I repeating myself?
Am I repeating myself?
Searches the input text for any occurences of the specified string and
removes them.
A Perl regular expression may be specified as the
search string.
mat" FILTER remove('\s+') %]
The '|' character is an alias for FILTER, allowing the previous
example to be written as:
mat" | remove('\s+') %]
replace(search, replace)
Similar to the remove filter described above, but taking a second
parameter which is used as a replacement string for instances of the
search string.
mat" | replace('\s+', '_') %]
The 'redirect' filter redirects the output of the block into a
separate file, specified relative to the OUTPUT_PATH configuration
[% FOREACH user = myorg.userlist %]
[% FILTER redirect("users/${user.id}.html") %]
[% INCLUDE userinfo %]
A 'file' exception will be thrown if the OUTPUT_PATH option is
The 'eval' filter evaluates the block as template text, processing
any directives embedded within it.
This allows template variables to
contain template fragments, or for some method to be provided for
returning template fragments from an external source such as a
database, which can then be processed in the template as required.
my $replace
fragment => "The cat sat on the [% place %]",
$template->process($file, $replace);
The following example:
[% fragment | eval %]
is therefore equivalent to
The cat sat on the [% place %]
The 'evalperl' filter evaluates the block as Perl code.
option must be set to a true value or a 'perl' exception will be
[% my_perl_code | evalperl %]
In most cases, the [% PERL %] ... [% END %] block should suffice for
evaluating Perl code, given that template directives are processed
before being evaluate as Perl.
Thus, the previous example could have
been written in the more verbose form:
[% PERL %]
[% my_perl_code %]
as well as
[% FILTER evalperl %]
[% my_perl_code %]
It is an unfortunate circumstance that this filter cannot simply be
called 'perl'.
This is due to the clash with the reserved word of
that name (i.e. PERL blocks).
Andy Wardley
$Revision: 1.1 $
Copyright (C)
Andy Wardley.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C)
Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This mod you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
`Template|Template' in this node, L<Template::Context|Template::Context}


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