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Bentham Science Publishers is a
of scientific, technical, and medical literature based at
(United Arab Emirates). Bentham publishes more than 116 -based
and over 230
journals and . Bentham Science Publishers has operating units in United States, Japan, China, India, and the Netherlands. Its
branch, Bentham Open Science, has received attention for its questionable peer-review practices.
Bentham Science has three main operating divisions: subscription-based journals, open access titles, and e-books. They publish research literature in all areas of science, medicine, technology, humanities, and social sciences, which is available in both electronic and print versions.
Bentham Science publishes 116 journals in the fields of biotechnology, biomedical, pharmaceuticals, technology, engineering, computer and social sciences. These titles are indexed in Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubsHub, etc.[]
Bentham Open Access publishes more than 100 peer-reviewed, free-to-view online journals under Bentham Open. This imprint has been identified as a
Bentham eBooks publish text books, handbooks, monographs, biographies, autobiographies, conference proceedings and review volumes in the areas of medicine, technology, humanities, natural, and social sciences.
Bentham Open journ however, the fact that a fake paper generated with
had been accepted for publication, has cast doubt on this. Furthermore, the publisher is known for
scientists with invitations to become a member of the
of its journals.
In 2009, the Bentham Open Science journal, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, published a study contending dust from the
contained "active nanothermite". Following publication, the journal's
resigned stating, "They have printed the article without my authorization… I have written to Bentham, that I withdraw myself from all activities with them".
In a review of Bentham Open for ,
noted that "in many cases, Bentham Open journals publish articles that no legitimate peer-review journal would accept, and unconventional and nonconformist ideas are being presented in some of them as legitimate science." He concluded by stating that "the site has exploited the Open Access model for its own financial motives and flooded scholarly communication with a flurry of low quality and questionable research."
In 2013, The Open Bioactive Compounds Journal was one of the journals accepting an obviously bogus paper submitted as part of the
sting. It has since been discontinued.
. Homepage. Bentham Science Publishers.
. ACCESS | Asia 's Newspaper on Electronic Information Product & Service.
. Home Page.
Beall, Jeffrey. . Scholarly Open Access.
. Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
. (in Danish).
Peter Suber, Open Access News, April 24, 2008
. Open Chemical Physics Journal.
(July 2009). .
11 (1): 29–32.
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Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal 投稿
本人在一国际会议上投了篇文章,后来又说推荐在几个收费期刊发表,其中有 Open Fuels & Energy Science Journal (EI),说发一篇要3200元,本人在该期刊主页找了半天也没找到有关收费情况和被EI收录情况,且该期刊好像是网络版的,有没有那个同胞在此期刊上发文章的,若自己能直接投吗?收费是否便宜点
怎么没人回复呀,自己顶一个,大家交流交流,过来人讲讲经验,谢谢:P 楼主,期刊主页给个链接啊 是个非学术的烂刊物。 /open/toefj/EBM.htm
好像是个系列刊物...... 这个期刊网站还有中文版哦......:D
http://www./ 经常收到此类广告,不理。还要花几千弄个非SCI,没意思。 EI JOURNAL ARTICLE
期刊。 网页上有收费,好象是300美元 PUBLICATION FEES: The publication fee details for each article published in the journal are given below:
Letters: The publication fee for each published Letter article submitted is US $600.
Research Articles: The publication fee for each published Research article is US $800.
Mini-Review Articles: The publication fee for each published Mini Review article is US $600.
Review Articles: The publication fee for each published Review article is US $900.
Book Reviews: The open access fee for a published book review is US $450. 好像是个网络期刊呀?没有纸质期刊 楼主投的是哪个会议? 我也刚投了一篇,不知道质量怎么样啊
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2.其他:存放二线书库A Scientific Theory of the WTC 7 Collapse | Foreign Policy Journal
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& A Scientific Theory of the WTC 7 Collapse
This year will mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 disaster. In these 10 years, not only have extremely important scientific questions about this tragedy gone unanswered, but they have even been ridiculed to the point of deranged absurdity. We owe a valid scientific explanation to the 3000 victims on that day, the steadily dying health-stricken first responders, the dead and wounded soldiers, and the untold thousands upon thousands of dead and injured Afghans and Iraqis resulting from the terrifying never-ending “war on terror”. Critics of those skeptical of the official story of 9/11 have often objected that an alternative theory has never been put forth. To that end, this article will put forth a scientific theory for one important aspect of the 9/11 event, the Building 7 collapse.(Photo: September 11, 2001 a third building came down. This building was 7 World Trade Center (WTC 7), a 47-story building about the width and length of a football field. NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, was tasked with officially explaining how WTC 7 fell. Their theory is documented in the report entitled Final Report of the Collapse of Building 7[1]. Many people are under the mistaken impression that NIST’s theory of how WTC 7 fell down is a valid scientific theory. In science however, a valid theory must be the simplest theory available that best explains all the available empirical data.[2] This article will show that the NIST theory is a highly convoluted theory that cannot explain important observations.A major piece of evidence in the WTC 7 collapse is the fact that WTC 7 underwent free-fall acceleration for a period of at least 2.25 seconds.[3] A free-falling building means there is no supporting structure whatsoever below to slow the building’s fall. The NIST theory does not explain this astounding fact. However, if their theory is to believed, the 2.25 seconds of free fall must have resulted from near-simultaneous buckling and breaking of the 58 perimeter columns and most of the 25 core columns over eight stories. The only evidence NIST provides to support their theory is in the form of a computer model. While it could possibly be argued that the model does show some buckling occurring over eight stories, it most certainly does not show a period of free-fall. So NIST’s theory has absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever for the fact of free-fall. In other words the NIST theory cannot explain key empirical data.Another requisite for a scientific theory is that the empirical data the theory is based on must be reproducible by others. Other scientists must be able to perform the exact same experiments and obtain the exact same results. Unfortunately, NIST’s only empirical data to explain the eight story buckling, the data their computer model is based on, is unavailable to independent researchers. It is unavailable because NIST refuses to release it. NIST has stated that releasing the data “might jeopardize public safety”.[4] So because the NIST model cannot be verified, it is meant to be taken on faith. The NIST model, then, is faith-based, not science-based. Since NIST’s theory does not explain fundamental facts of the WTC 7 incident and other important facts are so far unreplicated, we can categorically state that NIST’s theory is in no way scientific. At best, it could be referred to as faith-based pseudo-science. Since the NIST theory is in no way scientific, competent conscientious scientists must reject it in favor of a science-based theory.The best alternative to NIST’s WTC 7 theory is the controlled demolition theory. This theory states that additional sources of energy other than fire and gravity were used to bring down WTC 7. The strongest theories contend that these alternate energy sources included explosives and incendiaries. It is common knowledge that shaped charges can cut through steel support columns.[5] If all remaining support columns of WTC 7 were rigged with shaped charges on both sides, on each story for eight stories and were set off in the correct precisely timed manner, they could remove all remaining resisting support for WTC 7 allowing it to free-fall for 2.25 seconds. So unlike the official story, the controlled demolition theory does explain all the observables: the rapid onset of collapse, the largely symmetrical collapse into the building’s footprint, the roof line kink causing the building to fall in on itself, minimizing damage to other buildings, the intricate roll to the south at the end of the collapse away from valuable real estate, and the free-fall period.There definitely are problems with the controlled demolition explosives theories. For instance, although there is some evidence of explosive sounds,[6] in the available audio/visual evidence of the WTC 7 collapse, you don’t see the flashes and the loud booms typically seen with explosive controlled demolitions. But the sounds and flashes could be muted by Romex blasting mats,[7] for example. Non-typical technologies could also have been used. Recent experiments by the engineer Jonathan Cole have shown that relatively small amounts of thermate, thermite mixed with sulfur, can cut through vertical support beams like a shaped charge and yet produce much less noise.[8] These experiments also show that thermate can also easily weaken beams and cut bolts. Note that in typical controlled demolitions the building’s structure is weakened as much as possible to minimize the amount of high explosive needed. Explosive nano-thermite has also been found in the WTC dust.[9]So the inescapable and disturbing conclusion is that the most scientific theory available for the WTC 7 collapse is that it was a controlled demolition, brought down with explosives. This conclusion shows without a doubt that a thorough independent scientific investigation into the 9/11 event must be undertaken. Until now, this has not been done. I strongly urge all scientists and scientifically-oriented individuals to support Scientists For 9/11 Truth () in calling for an real unbiased scientific investigation of the 9/11 tragedy.Notes[1] NIST NCSTAR 1A, Final Report of the Collapse of Building 7 [2]
Merriam-Webster Dictionary: Theory in Science[3] NIST admits freefall of WTC 7 [4] /news//nist-denies-access-wtc-collapse-data[5] Shaped Charge Explosion Compared to Explosion at WTC [6] [7] Y. Kasai. The International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures. Demolition and reuse of concrete and masonry [8] 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate [9] Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen, “Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe,” The Open Chemical Physics Journal. Volume 2, 2009, pp. 7-31. Available from:
Michael FullertonMichael Fullerton has a BSc in Computer Science and Psychology from the University of Calgary. He works as a software designer. He is a member of Scientists for 9/11 Truth and Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice. Fullerton began studying scientific problems with the official 9/11 story in 2006 and has written several articles on the subject. Visit his website at .&&& 查看话题
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Bentham Open are one of the leading international publishers for Open Access journals devoted to various disciplines in science and technology. Please refer to Bentham Open’s website at for a current list of publications.
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我也收到了,不过是organic chemistry 涉嫌野鸡,需谨慎 我也刚收到一份这个邮件,和Lz的一模一样,不知道有没有投过此期刊的朋友 ^_^
也就是收钱的吧:P Originally posted by 飞翔的蜘蛛 at
也就是收钱的吧:P 中文分析化学的?还可以了 看来,bentham open的系列杂志是收钱杂志,好像最近两年搞的。如果是好文章还是别投的好。
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