
副词来用但英语&快捷&quot中文“快捷”可以当名词/ 按语境有不同翻译和不同词性;形容词&#47
出门在外也不愁为什么有的城市的轨道交通叫做 metro,而有的城市叫做subway,这两种用法是如何区别的?
我是勤劳的搬运工~~~Here is the original question:When I watched the "American Album" program, Susan and Henry talked about New York, and she used the word 'subway'.When I listened to BBC's '6 minutes English', I heard 'tube' used in the conversation.And as I know, there is another word, 'metro', also used sometimes.Could you please give me some more description about these words? 总结来说,纽约-Subway
BBC-Tube 看看大家的回答哦~第一个人说,metro可用于指任何一个轨道系统,不只是地铁。subway仅指地铁1. ''metro'' can refer to any train system, not necessarily subterranean.
''subway" of course is only to be used for underground train system. user730 @J. M.: Ah, for instance, the New York Subway is not all underground. Although the word "subway" should strictly describe an underground system, this is not always so in real life! –
也有人这样解释,每个城市的地下系统都有一个特定的名字。例如,Each city’s metro system has a “common name” that developed historically.London - “The Tube”, from the tube-shaped deep level bored tunnels Paris - metro, full name “Métropolitain”New York City - subway, because the main lines have significant underground sectionsChicago - “The L” - from el, because it is mostly elevatedBoston - “The T” - from MBTA, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityWashington, D.C. - metroSan Francisco - BART, Bay Area Rapid Transit这时,一个Londoner 这样解释In London (where I am from), we call the subterranean train system "The Tube" or "The Underground", we do however also use the word subway. We use it for pedestrian tunnels underground, usually for crossing busy roads, and particularly for getting in to underground stations. –
好啦,接下来是个全面的解释~TubeThis is the British colloquial (and also official) term for the London Underground. Not all the lines of the tube today are underground, though. However, the early Underground tracks were all subterranean. (tube是英式英语中特指伦敦地铁的用法,因为如今的所谓的地铁系统很多不是在底下的,早期确实是真正的地下铁路)SubwayThe word "subway" can be generally used to describe an underground rail network. In British usage, this word specifically describes an underground pedestrian road crossing. (Subway确实是指地下的铁路网络,英式英文中,通常指地下的行人通道)The
is the rail network that serves the City of New York (the subway does not travel outside the city's borders). Originally, the term subway referred to the underground lines, some of which replaced existing elevated and at-grade railroads: (the BMT Subway, the IRT Subway). But as the latter were eliminated in Manhattan and Brooklyn, it came to be used for the network as a whole.One takes the Subway (or subway) in New York, while one takes the tube (or Tube) in London.MetroThe word "metro" was originally used to describe the Paris rail network (Metropolitan Railroad). Since then, many other major cities have adopted this nomenclature, notably Washington D.C. which had some degree of French influence in its design. (Metro本意是描述巴黎宏大的大都市地下铁路,后被许多大城市采用,最著名的是华盛顿的地下设计有这么一点的法式风情~)OtherThe network in Chicago is fondly referred to as the El (from "elevated") because all the original tracks were above street level. San Francisco has the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), which will probably soon be widely written as "bart", as it gets more popular. (其他的例如芝加哥的EL 是由elevated 提升这个单词来得,因为所修的道路实际上是高于地上道路的。 旧金山是BART,是湾区快速轨道的缩写)While the word subway literally means "below way", many subway systems today combine both surface and underground tracks, as it is not always feasible to have a strictly subterranean network.Please owe all the credits to this website below:&& [Dec 20, 2014]
在美国 subway 的确代表地铁,在英国则不然,英国的 subway 是地下人行通道,美国人称之为 pedestrian crossing 。那么英国的地铁呢?-- tube, Metro 或 underground railway。 可见,subway 在美国是地下铁道的意思,但是在法国就是地下行人通道的意思。Metro-名词,是"metropolitan"的缩写,本来的意思是"大都市",很多城市的地铁用"METRO",主要因为地铁公司的名字叫"METRO" 比如美国华盛顿DC的地铁就叫做Metro subway -名词.地铁.真正的地铁.可以地上,可以地下.虽然词的本意是"地下的路" 比如美国纽约的地铁,就是subway ,因为地铁公司名字没有人记得. underground-形容词,地下的.仅仅是形容地铁是在地下的,车在地下的等,或者"地下工作者"都可以用这个词. 但是很多人因为偷懒,就只用underground来做名词,久而久之,大家都这么叫了,就变成一个大家都知道的名词了. 比如美国费城的市内有一个地铁,但是人们不叫它地铁,叫它"UNDERGROUND BUS".那么metro,subway,tube这三个单词如何区分?实际上,在英语国家甚至在其他欧美国家,人们对于他们的区别很清楚,metro作为地铁是一种口语化的说法,其完整的表达是metropolitan railway,从字面上看就是城市里的铁路。但是,必须指出的是,它来自于法语chemin de fer métropolitain,而《英汉大词典,P.2076》也清清楚楚地指出,metro这个单词尤其指法国巴黎和加拿大蒙特利尔等地的地铁。在美国英语中,"地铁"有着另外一个单词subway,指的就是市区地下铁道。在英国首都伦敦,地铁通常被称为underground,简称tube.2005年7月伦敦遭遇的两次地铁系列爆炸案,英国媒体无一例外称之为tube blast,从来没有采用过metro和subway这两个单词,这说明他们对其中界线的掌握非常有分寸。这也就是说,在欧美国家,对于"地铁"采用哪个说法,人们还是比较清楚的,比如说在美国,人们无一例外会说subway.当然,这并不是说他们不懂另外两个词的意思。至于天朝这么随性的翻译。。。shenmegui应该是叫 ditie 的嘛!
只能说,国内很多规范标准以及各地方对轨道交通(不管是城市轨道交通、城际轨道交通)的翻译太多版本,千奇百怪。除了这两个之外,还有MASS TRANSIT,RAILWAY TRANSIT等等。记得曾经学过的地铁单词是subway,可是各个城市看到的却不一样,北京就是subway,而在武汉地铁是metro,麦德龙名字也是metro。这两种用法有什么区别吗?
在美国 subway 的确代表地铁,在英国则不然,英国的 subway 是地下人行通道,美国人称之为 pedestrian crossing 。那么英国的地铁呢?-- tube, Metro 或 underground railway。 可见,subway 在美国是地下铁道的意思,但是在法国就是地下行人通道的意思。Metro-名词,是"metropolitan"的缩写,本来的意思是"大都市",很多城市的地铁用"METRO",主要因为地铁公司的名字叫"METRO" 比如美国华盛顿DC的地铁就叫做Metro subway -名词.地铁.真正的地铁.可以地上,可以地下.虽然词的本意是"地下的路" 比如美国纽约的地铁,就是subway ,因为地铁公司名字没有人记得. underground-形容词,地下的.仅仅是形容地铁是在地下的,车在地下的等,或者"地下工作者"都可以用这个词. 但是很多人因为偷懒,就只用underground来做名词,久而久之,大家都这么叫了,就变成一个大家都知道的名词了. 比如美国费城的市内有一个地铁,但是人们不叫它地铁,叫它"UNDERGROUND BUS".那么metro,subway,tube这三个单词如何区分?实际上,在英语国家甚至在其他欧美国家,人们对于他们的区别很清楚,metro作为地铁是一种口语化的说法,其完整的表达是metropolitan railway,从字面上看就是城市里的铁路。但是,必须指出的是,它来自于法语chemin de fer métropolitain,而《英汉大词典,P.2076》也清清楚楚地指出,metro这个单词尤其指法国巴黎和加拿大蒙特利尔等地的地铁。在美国英语中,"地铁"有着另外一个单词subway,指的就是市区地下铁道。在英国首都伦敦,地铁通常被称为underground,简称tube.2005年7月伦敦遭遇的两次地铁系列爆炸案,英国媒体无一例外称之为tube blast,从来没有采用过metro和subway这两个单词,这说明他们对其中界线的掌握非常有分寸。这也就是说,在欧美国家,对于"地铁"采用哪个说法,人们还是比较清楚的,比如说在美国,人们无一例外会说subway.当然,这并不是说他们不懂另外两个词的意思。至于天朝这么随性的翻译。。。shenmegui应该是叫 ditie 的嘛!
我是勤劳的搬运工~~~Here is the original question:When I watched the "American Album" program, Susan and Henry talked about New York, and she used the word 'subway'.When I listened to BBC's '6 minutes English', I heard 'tube' used in the conversation.And as I know, there is another word, 'metro', also used sometimes.Could you please give me some more description about these words? 总结来说,纽约-Subway
BBC-Tube 看看大家的回答哦~第一个人说,metro可用于指任何一个轨道系统,不只是地铁。subway仅指地铁1. ''metro'' can refer to any train system, not necessarily subterranean.
''subway" of course is only to be used for underground train system. user730 @J. M.: Ah, for instance, the New York Subway is not all underground. Although the word "subway" should strictly describe an underground system, this is not always so in real life! –
也有人这样解释,每个城市的地下系统都有一个特定的名字。例如,Each city’s metro system has a “common name” that developed historically.London - “The Tube”, from the tube-shaped deep level bored tunnels Paris - metro, full name “Métropolitain”New York City - subway, because the main lines have significant underground sectionsChicago - “The L” - from el, because it is mostly elevatedBoston - “The T” - from MBTA, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityWashington, D.C. - metroSan Francisco - BART, Bay Area Rapid Transit这时,一个Londoner 这样解释In London (where I am from), we call the subterranean train system "The Tube" or "The Underground", we do however also use the word subway. We use it for pedestrian tunnels underground, usually for crossing busy roads, and particularly for getting in to underground stations. –
好啦,接下来是个全面的解释~TubeThis is the British colloquial (and also official) term for the London Underground. Not all the lines of the tube today are underground, though. However, the early Underground tracks were all subterranean. (tube是英式英语中特指伦敦地铁的用法,因为如今的所谓的地铁系统很多不是在底下的,早期确实是真正的地下铁路)SubwayThe word "subway" can be generally used to describe an underground rail network. In British usage, this word specifically describes an underground pedestrian road crossing. (Subway确实是指地下的铁路网络,英式英文中,通常指地下的行人通道)The
is the rail network that serves the City of New York (the subway does not travel outside the city's borders). Originally, the term subway referred to the underground lines, some of which replaced existing elevated and at-grade railroads: (the BMT Subway, the IRT Subway). But as the latter were eliminated in Manhattan and Brooklyn, it came to be used for the network as a whole.One takes the Subway (or subway) in New York, while one takes the tube (or Tube) in London.MetroThe word "metro" was originally used to describe the Paris rail network (Metropolitan Railroad). Since then, many other major cities have adopted this nomenclature, notably Washington D.C. which had some degree of French influence in its design. (Metro本意是描述巴黎宏大的大都市地下铁路,后被许多大城市采用,最著名的是华盛顿的地下设计有这么一点的法式风情~)OtherThe network in Chicago is fondly referred to as the El (from "elevated") because all the original tracks were above street level. San Francisco has the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), which will probably soon be widely written as "bart", as it gets more popular. (其他的例如芝加哥的EL 是由elevated 提升这个单词来得,因为所修的道路实际上是高于地上道路的。 旧金山是BART,是湾区快速轨道的缩写)While the word subway literally means "below way", many subway systems today combine both surface and underground tracks, as it is not always feasible to have a strictly subterranean network.Please owe all the credits to this website below:&& [Dec 20, 2014]
前端狗,广州地铁专业黑,前苏联地区地铁爱好者subway另一种表达方式 danger的形容词_作业帮
subway另一种表达方式 danger的形容词
subway另一种表达方式 danger的形容词
只能说,国内很多规范标准以及各地方对轨道交通(不管是城市轨道交通、城际轨道交通)的翻译太多版本,千奇百怪。除了这两个之外,还有MASS TRANSIT,RAILWAY TRANSIT等等。
在美国 subway 的确代表地铁,在英国则不然,英国的 subway 是地下人行通道,美国人称之为 pedestrian crossing 。那么英国的地铁呢?-- tube, Metro 或 underground railway。 可见,subway 在美国是地下铁道的意思,但是在法国就是地下行人通道的意思。Metro-名词,是"metropolitan"的缩写,本来的意思是"大都市",很多城市的地铁用"METRO",主要因为地铁公司的名字叫"METRO" 比如美国华盛顿DC的地铁就叫做Metro subway -名词.地铁.真正的地铁.可以地上,可以地下.虽然词的本意是"地下的路" 比如美国纽约的地铁,就是subway ,因为地铁公司名字没有人记得. underground-形容词,地下的.仅仅是形容地铁是在地下的,车在地下的等,或者"地下工作者"都可以用这个词. 但是很多人因为偷懒,就只用underground来做名词,久而久之,大家都这么叫了,就变成一个大家都知道的名词了. 比如美国费城的市内有一个地铁,但是人们不叫它地铁,叫它"UNDERGROUND BUS".那么metro,subway,tube这三个单词如何区分?实际上,在英语国家甚至在其他欧美国家,人们对于他们的区别很清楚,metro作为地铁是一种口语化的说法,其完整的表达是metropolitan railway,从字面上看就是城市里的铁路。但是,必须指出的是,它来自于法语chemin de fer métropolitain,而《英汉大词典,P.2076》也清清楚楚地指出,metro这个单词尤其指法国巴黎和加拿大蒙特利尔等地的地铁。在美国英语中,"地铁"有着另外一个单词subway,指的就是市区地下铁道。在英国首都伦敦,地铁通常被称为underground,简称tube.2005年7月伦敦遭遇的两次地铁系列爆炸案,英国媒体无一例外称之为tube blast,从来没有采用过metro和subway这两个单词,这说明他们对其中界线的掌握非常有分寸。这也就是说,在欧美国家,对于"地铁"采用哪个说法,人们还是比较清楚的,比如说在美国,人们无一例外会说subway.当然,这并不是说他们不懂另外两个词的意思。至于天朝这么随性的翻译。。。shenmegui应该是叫 ditie 的嘛!
我是勤劳的搬运工~~~Here is the original question:When I watched the "American Album" program, Susan and Henry talked about New York, and she used the word 'subway'.When I listened to BBC's '6 minutes English', I heard 'tube' used in the conversation.And as I know, there is another word, 'metro', also used sometimes.Could you please give me some more description about these words? 总结来说,纽约-Subway
BBC-Tube 看看大家的回答哦~第一个人说,metro可用于指任何一个轨道系统,不只是地铁。subway仅指地铁1. ''metro'' can refer to any train system, not necessarily subterranean.
''subway" of course is only to be used for underground train system. user730 @J. M.: Ah, for instance, the New York Subway is not all underground. Although the word "subway" should strictly describe an underground system, this is not always so in real life! –
也有人这样解释,每个城市的地下系统都有一个特定的名字。例如,Each city’s metro system has a “common name” that developed historically.London - “The Tube”, from the tube-shaped deep level bored tunnels Paris - metro, full name “Métropolitain”New York City - subway, because the main lines have significant underground sectionsChicago - “The L” - from el, because it is mostly elevatedBoston - “The T” - from MBTA, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityWashington, D.C. - metroSan Francisco - BART, Bay Area Rapid Transit这时,一个Londoner 这样解释In London (where I am from), we call the subterranean train system "The Tube" or "The Underground", we do however also use the word subway. We use it for pedestrian tunnels underground, usually for crossing busy roads, and particularly for getting in to underground stations. –
好啦,接下来是个全面的解释~TubeThis is the British colloquial (and also official) term for the London Underground. Not all the lines of the tube today are underground, though. However, the early Underground tracks were all subterranean. (tube是英式英语中特指伦敦地铁的用法,因为如今的所谓的地铁系统很多不是在底下的,早期确实是真正的地下铁路)SubwayThe word "subway" can be generally used to describe an underground rail network. In British usage, this word specifically describes an underground pedestrian road crossing. (Subway确实是指地下的铁路网络,英式英文中,通常指地下的行人通道)The
is the rail network that serves the City of New York (the subway does not travel outside the city's borders). Originally, the term subway referred to the underground lines, some of which replaced existing elevated and at-grade railroads: (the BMT Subway, the IRT Subway). But as the latter were eliminated in Manhattan and Brooklyn, it came to be used for the network as a whole.One takes the Subway (or subway) in New York, while one takes the tube (or Tube) in London.MetroThe word "metro" was originally used to describe the Paris rail network (Metropolitan Railroad). Since then, many other major cities have adopted this nomenclature, notably Washington D.C. which had some degree of French influence in its design. (Metro本意是描述巴黎宏大的大都市地下铁路,后被许多大城市采用,最著名的是华盛顿的地下设计有这么一点的法式风情~)OtherThe network in Chicago is fondly referred to as the El (from "elevated") because all the original tracks were above street level. San Francisco has the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit), which will probably soon be widely written as "bart", as it gets more popular. (其他的例如芝加哥的EL 是由elevated 提升这个单词来得,因为所修的道路实际上是高于地上道路的。 旧金山是BART,是湾区快速轨道的缩写)While the word subway literally means "below way", many subway systems today combine both surface and underground tracks, as it is not always feasible to have a strictly subterranean network.Please owe all the credits to this website below:&& [Dec 20, 2014]}


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