
是sth happened to sb还是sth happen to sb?
那有没有sth happens to sb?
sth happened to sb
某人发生某事Sb happened to do sth.
sth happen to sb
英文好的进。翻译下面。 10
北美印第安人是美洲土著居民。属蒙古人种美洲支系。使用印第安语,包括十几个语族。多数学者认为,美洲印第安人是在大约 25400年前分多批从西伯利亚经白令海峡到达阿拉斯加,逐步向南迁徙,一直抵达美洲最南端,散布于整个美洲。
分布  公元1500年,居住在北美洲的印第安人约有150万人。这些土著人种的构成,无论从遗传、语言、社会等方面来看,都有很大的差异。据估计,15世纪时在格兰德河以北至少存在着 400种互不关联、各具特色的文化形态,有着多种多样的人体类型和语系。其中主要有:在极北部是爱斯基摩人和阿留申人,爱斯基摩人大多住在由阿拉斯加至格陵兰的北美洲北极海岸。在阿拉斯加内陆地区及加拿大,有阿塔帕斯卡人和阿尔衮琴人。阿尔衮琴人分布很广,从新英格兰到加利福尼亚,到处都有他们的踪迹。此外,在美国境内还有易洛魁人、苏人(一名达科他人)、肖肖尼人、穆斯科格人(一名克里克部落)、波尼人以及摩其村落人(一名普埃布洛人)等。
社会经济形态  各类印第安人组成为数众多的部落集团,生活方式各异,分别从事采集、渔猎、游牧和农业,爱斯基摩人和阿留申人,以猎食海象、海豹为生;居于北美西部沿海的印第安人,主要从事渔业;加利福尼亚的印第安人靠采集野生果实糊口;达科他人则靠猎取野牛度日;北美西南部和东南部的印第安人已知从事农业生产。根据考古发掘,西南部的印第安普埃布洛人,已有一、二万年的历史,早在纪元前农业上就已能精耕细作。而且能制作精美的彩色陶器,建造五、六层高的城堡式大屋,文化发展水平较高。 &&
被征服的过程  15世纪末欧洲殖民者最初来到北美时,印第安人曾慷慨援助,但殖民者站稳脚跟之后,就开始夺取印第安人的土地,对印第安人采取野蛮的种族灭绝政策。美国独立后,掠夺印第安人土地的方式变得格外毒辣,美国统治集团采取武力和欺诈手段把印第安人从他们世代居住的土地上赶走,仅在19世纪,美国对各印第安人部落就发动 200多次袭击与扫荡性战争,残暴屠杀印第安人,把他们驱赶到西部贫瘠的沙漠地带和一些州的零散的“保留地”内。美国印第安人的人口锐减,到1865年,除阿拉斯加外,只剩下38万人。在被驱逐与被征服的过程中,印第安人对殖民者进行英勇斗争。在力量对比十分悬殊的情况下,战斗持续了几个世纪。在斗争中涌现一批英雄人物,如美塔科姆、杜堪士、黑鹰、红云等。北美印第安人
现状  据1980年人口统计,美国的印第安人有136.1万人,只占美国人口的0.6%。居住在26个州的200多处保留地上。在最近20年中,已有20多万印第安人离开了保留地,移居大城市谋生。在今天的美国,印第安人仍属于经济上最为贫困,就业人数最少,健康、教育和收入水平最低,居住状况最恶劣的少数民族。但是北美印第安人在逆境中表现出强大的生命力,战后开始组织自己的政治文化团体,争取生存权利,反对种族歧视,保存印第安人的文化传统。
North American indians are native americans. Mongolian race of American branch. Use Indian language, including dozen puxi. Most scholars believe that American indians were in about 25400 years ago points number of shipments from Siberia via the bering strait reach Alaska, gradually migrating south, always arrived the southernmost tip, scattered in the whole America.
Distribution A.D. 1,500 years, living in the north American indians about 1.5 million people. These native species composition, regardless from genetic, language, social perspectives, there is great difference. According to estimation, 15 century in Rio grande river north of at least exist 400 kinds mutually relates, distinctive cultural formation, contains a wide variety of human body type and language. Which mainly has: in extreme north is Eskimo and leave "o, Eskimo jet-lagged live in from Alaska to the north coast of Greenland arctic. In Alaska inland areas and Canada, have o tower and PASCAL's harp. Dagon Al dagon harp person is widely distributed, New England to California, there were their money back. In addition, in the United States and YiLuoKui, Sue (a dakotas), shoshoni without him adding another one, MuSiKe lattice (a crick horde), and its villages which the people (a name prachanda eboue los), etc.
Social economic form all kinds of indians composed of numerous tribal group, life style each different, engaged in the collection, hunting, fishing, respectively, the nomadic and agriculture and leave "o, to hunt walrus, seals for living, In the western coast of north American indians, mainly engaged in fishing, California indians by gathering wild fruit scratched, Darko others by hunting bison live, North American southwest and southeast indians known for agricultural production. According to the archaeological excavations, southwest of Indian prachanda eboue los person, have one, two million years of history, early in the era before agriculture have intensive cultivation. And can make elegant color pottery, build five or six stories of the castle of large rooms, and the cultural development level is higher.
Indians hunting
In the colonial period, the indians generally before in different stages of clan commune system. North American west indians had developed into patriarchy composed of clan, it still stays in the eastern matriarchy clan society. Clan is the social basic unit, composed by several clan, clan by several cell cytoplasm tribal group compositions. Indians every tribe has its own territory and dialect. Clan has YiShiHui, adult men and women enjoy equal rights to vote, with primitive social democracy. Indians made important contributions to the world culture, North America's agricultural pioneers, create the corn, potato, cassava, cocoa, tobacco, cotton, tomato, pumpkin, leaving their crop species, accounting for approximately now all U.S. crops varieties of 4/7.
Conquered process 15th century European settlers first came to North America, the indians had generous aid, but settlers began after a foothold, capture the indians' land, the indians adopted barbarous genocide policy. American independence after robbing the indians, the land way became so diabolical, American dominance group by force and fraudulent means the indians from their generation live on the land away, only in the 19th century, the United States of the Indian tribe mobilizes 200 multiple attacks and mopping-up sex war, brutal killings indians, put them out of the western barren desert and some state of scattered "reserves" inside. American Indian population declined to 1865, in addition to Alaska outside, only 38 million. In and expel by conquered process, the indians of the colonists fought against. In strength is very wide circumstances, the battle continued for several centuries. In the struggle to emerge from a batch of heroes, such as beauty tower comair, du fur and a black hawk, winding, etc. North American indians
Status according to 1980 census, American indians have 136.1 million, occupy only of the U.S. population 0.6 percent. Living in 26 states of over 200 place reservation land. In recent 20 years, there have been more than 200,000 indians left reservation, and moved to big cities to earn a living. In the United States today, indians still belongs to the economically most poverty, employment at least, health, education and income level minimum, living condition the worst minority. But the north American indians in the adverse circumstance showing strong vitality and postwar began to organize their own political cultural groups, strive for the right to live, oppose the racial discrimination, save indians cultural traditions.
其他回答 (2)
North American indians are native americans. Mongolian race of American branch. Use Indian language, including dozen puxi. Most scholars believe that American indians were in about 25400 years ago points number of shipments from Siberia via the bering strait reach Alaska, gradually migrating south, always arrived the southernmost tip, scattered in the whole America. Distribution A.D. 1,500 years, living in the north American indians about 1.5 million people. These native species composition, regardless from genetic, language, social perspectives, there is great difference. According to estimation, 15 century in Rio grande river north of at least exist 400 kinds mutually relates, distinctive cultural formation, contains a wide variety of human body type and language. Which mainly has: in extreme north is Eskimo and leave &o, Eskimo jet-lagged live in from Alaska to the north coast of Greenland arctic. In Alaska inland areas and Canada, have o tower and PASCAL&s harp. Dagon Al dagon harp person is widely distributed, New England to California, there were their money back. In addition, in the United States and YiLuoKui, Sue (a dakotas), shoshoni without him adding another one, MuSiKe lattice (a crick horde), and its villages which the people (a name prachanda eboue los), etc.Social economic form all kinds of indians composed of numerous tribal group, life style each different, engaged in the collection, hunting, fishing, respectively, the nomadic and agriculture and leave &o, to hunt walrus, seals for living, In the western coast of north American indians, mainly engaged in fishing, California indians by gathering wild fruit scratched, Darko others by hunting bison live, North American southwest and southeast indians known for agricultural production. According to the archaeological excavations, southwest of Indian prachanda eboue los person, have one, two million years of history, early in the era before agriculture have intensive cultivation. And can make elegant color pottery, build five or six stories of the castle of large rooms, and the cultural development level is higher. Indians huntingIn the colonial period, the indians generally before in different stages of clan commune system. North American west indians had developed into patriarchy composed of clan, it still stays in the eastern matriarchy clan society. Clan is the social basic unit, composed by several clan, clan by several cell cytoplasm tribal group compositions. Indians every tribe has its own territory and dialect. Clan has YiShiHui, adult men and women enjoy equal rights to vote, with primitive social democracy. Indians made important contributions to the world culture, North America&s agricultural pioneers, create the corn, potato, cassava, cocoa, tobacco, cotton, tomato, pumpkin, leaving their crop species, accounting for approximately now all U.S. crops varieties of 4/7.Conquered process 15th century European settlers first came to North America, the indians had generous aid, but settlers began after a foothold, capture the indians& land, the indians adopted barbarous genocide policy. American independence after robbing the indians, the land way became so diabolical, American dominance group by force and fraudulent means the indians from their generation live on the land away, only in the 19th century, the United States of the Indian tribe mobilizes 200 multiple attacks and mopping-up sex war, brutal killings indians, put them out of the western barren desert and some state of scattered &reserves& inside. American Indian population declined to 1865, in addition to Alaska outside, only 38 million. In and expel by conquered process, the indians of the colonists fought against. In strength is very wide circumstances, the battle continued for several centuries. In the struggle to emerge from a batch of heroes, such as beauty tower comair, du fur and a black hawk, winding, etc. North American indians Status according to 1980 census, American indians have 136.1 million, occupy only of the U.S. population 0.6 percent. Living in 26 states of over 200 place reservation land. In recent 20 years, there have been more than 200,000 indians left reservation, and moved to big cities to earn a living. In the United States today, indians still belongs to the economically most poverty, employment at least, health, education and income level minimum, living condition the worst minority. But the north American indians in the adverse circumstance showing strong vitality and postwar began to organize their own political cultural groups, strive for the right to live, oppose the racial discrimination, save indians cultural traditions.
Native American Indians in North America. Is the American branch of the Mongolian race. Use of Indian language, including a dozen language family. Most scholars believe that American Indians are divided in about 25,400 years ago, several groups of the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska, and gradually move south, has arrived at the southern tip of the Americas, spread throughout the Americas.Distribution in 1500, the Indians living in North America about 150 million people. The composition of the indigenous race, either from genetic, linguistic, and social point of view, there are very different. It is estimated that the 15th century in the north of the Rio Grande there is at least 400 species of unrelated, distinctive cultural patterns, has a variety of body types and languages. The major ones are: Eskimos in the far north is the Aleuts, Eskimos live mostly in Alaska to Greenland by the Arctic coast of North America. Inland areas in Alaska and Canada, there is Pascal Atta and al-Gun Qin people. Al piano Dagon who is widely distributed from New England to California, their tracks are everywhere. In addition, there are in the United States Iroquois, the Sioux (a Ming Dake others), Shoshone people, Muslim Koger persons (tribal Mingkelike), Pawnee and the friction of their village people (A Pueblo people) and so on.
Various forms of socio-economic composition of the large number of Indian tribal groups, different lifestyles, were engaged in collecting, fishing and hunting, nomadic and agricultural, Eskimos and Aleuts to hunt walruses, living in the western coast of North America Indians, mainl California Indians make ends meet by co Dakota is liv North American Indians in the southwest and southeast of the known in agricultural production. According to archaeological excavations, southwest of Pueblo Indian people have one or two thousand years of history, before the early era had to intensive agriculture. But also exquisitely colored pottery, the construction of five or six big house high castle, a high level of cultural development.&&&Indians huntingIn the colonial period before the Indians usually in different stages of the clan commune system. Indians of western North America has developed into the patriarchal clan composed of the east still in the matriarchal clan society. Clan is the basic unit of society, composed of several clans cell family, composed of several tribal phratry. Each Indian tribe has its own territory and dialect. There clan council, adult women and men have equal rights to vote, with the primitive society of democracy. Indians make an important contribution to world culture, they are the pioneers of agriculture in North America, handing out maize, potato, cassava, cocoa, tobacco, cotton, tomatoes, pumpkins and so on, they leave the crop species, accounting for all U.S. crop is now species of 4 / 7.The process of the conquest of the late 15th century when European settlers first came to North America, Indians have been generous assistance, but settlers after a firm foothold, they begin to seize Indian lands, were responsible for the brutal policy of genocide. After American independence, looting of Indian land has become particularly sinister way, the U.S. ruling force and fraudulent means to take the Indians from their ancestral land away, only in the 19th century, the United States to launch the 200 Indian tribes many attacks and raids of the war, brutal massacre of Indians, driving them to the barren deserts of the western states and some scattered "reservations" within. American Indian population dropped to 1865, except Alaska, but only 38 million people. Expulsion and being in the process of conquest, the Indians were the heroic struggle of the colonists. Great disparity in the balance of power situation, the fighting continued for several centuries. In the struggle emerged a group of heroes, such as the United States Take Mu, Du Kan Shi, Black Hawk, Red Cloud and so on. Indians of North AmericaStatus, according to 1980 census, there are 136.1 million American Indians account for only 0.6% of the U.S. population. Living in 26 states more than 200 reservations on the ground. In the last 20 years, more than 20 million Indians have left the reservation, moved to cities to earn a living. In America today, the Indians still are the most economically poor, at least in employment, health, education and lowest income levels, the worst living conditions of ethnic minorities. But the American Indians in the face of adversity to show great vitality, after the war began to organize their own political and cultural groups, fighting for the right to life, against racial discrimination, preserve Indian cultural traditions.
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号英语好的进_百度知道
出门在外也不愁英语好的进来,答得好的追加分根据中文意思填空.1.收音机里说今天晚些时候雨会停的.The radio says the rain___ ___ ___today.(每空一词)2.西安位于中国的西北部.Xi'an is____the____of China.(每空一词)3._作业帮
英语好的进来,答得好的追加分根据中文意思填空.1.收音机里说今天晚些时候雨会停的.The radio says the rain___ ___ ___today.(每空一词)2.西安位于中国的西北部.Xi'an is____the____of China.(每空一词)3.
英语好的进来,答得好的追加分根据中文意思填空.1.收音机里说今天晚些时候雨会停的.The radio says the rain___ ___ ___today.(每空一词)2.西安位于中国的西北部.Xi'an is____the____of China.(每空一词)3.明天白天温度将保持在零摄氏度以上.The temperature will___ ___ ___in the daytime tomorrow.(每空一词)4.英语是我们班最受欢迎的科目之一.English is___________in our class.(不限一词)5.请把这只盒子带到办公室去.Please__________________to the office.(不限一词)6.我们应该向雷锋同志学习.We should________________comrade Lei Feng.(不限一词)7.他正打算去看电影.She_________________________see a film.(不限一词)8.莉莉于日出生在上海.Lily___________________________.(不限一词)9.见到你我很高兴.I____________to see you.(不限一词)10.她看上去不舒服.She seems_______________sell.(不限一词)11.他也喜欢开妹妹的玩笑.He also likes to_______________hie younger sister.(不限一词)12.我很难算出这道题.It is hard for me to___________________the problem.(不限一词)13.你能确定他拿了第一名吗?_______________________he got the first prize?(不限一词)
1. will stop later2. lying northwest3. maintain zero degree4. the most favourate subject5. take the box6. learn from
(comrade是战士,同志的意思)7. is going to8. is born in Shanghai in 1987,June 199. am happy10. (应该是well不是sell吧.) 这题不太会.可能是not11. make fun of12. solve13. Are you sure}


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