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你可能喜欢UPDATE 1-UK, U.S., Swiss close in on forex settlement with top banks
(Adds detail on U.S. settlement)
By Steve Slater and Douwe MiedemaLONDON/WASHINGTON Nov 11 (Reuters) - British and U.S.
regulators are poised to levy hefty fines on leading banks in a
landmark settlement after a year-long global investigation of
allegations of collusion and manipulation in the foreign
exchange market.At least one of the six banks set to be named early on
Wednesday by Britain's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) was
still in 11th-hour negotiations over details of the deal, two
sources close to the matter said.The banks - UBS, Barclays , Royal Bank of
Scotland, Citigroup, JPMorgan and HSBC
- will only sign off on an expected combined penalty of
1.5 billion pounds ($2.4 billion) late on Tuesday, sources said.It would be the first settlement over allegations of
misconduct in the $5.3 trillion-a-day foreign exchange market.The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that Swiss
financial regulator FINMA had sent warning letters to around 10
past and present UBS employees about potential enforcement
action for alleged misconduct in the forex market.A spokesman for FINMA declined to comment. Britain's FCA
also declined to comment.U.S. regulators and FINMA are also expected to be among
those close to concluding investigations. Any U.S. settlement is
expected to name at least one other bank, a source told Reuters
last week.Bank of America has said it was in "advanced
discussions" with U.S. bank regulators.The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission was likely to
allege false reporting and manipulation, lawyers said, the two
most applicable options under U.S. law, which it also used in
its settlement over Libor benchmark rates.This is in contrast to UK authorities, which can look at
charges such as failure to put in place the right controls. The
two U.S. banking regulators are likely to go after the banks for
failing to prevent bad conduct.The U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is likely
to settle charges with Bank of America, Citi and JPMorgan.The Federal Reserve will be responsible for any settlement
with the units of the four foreign banks. But it was not clear
whether the Fed would announce its deal at the same time.(1 US dollar = 0.6299 British pound)
(Additional reporting by Douwe Miedema in Washington, Josh
Franklin in Z Writing by Kirstin R Editing by David
Holmes, Leslie Adler and Dan Grebler)
全球多国政要和商界精英齐聚瑞士小镇达沃斯,在当今世界经历深刻的政治、经济、社会变革的大环境下,探讨如何应对挑战。 & &
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