When hesam woke upp,he found himself last in the forest

必修五 【评估检测】:高效测评卷(三)
  高中新课标配套测评卷 [新课标全国卷Ⅰ]  --英语[W 研·必修5]卷(三)  Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema  学校:_________ 班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 考号:__________  第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共115分)  第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)  第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)  1.What's the possible relationship between the speakers?  A.Teacher and student. B.Husband and wife.  C.Doctor and patient.  2.Why is the man wearing his sun-glasses?  A.The light hurts his eyes.  B.He looks cool with his sun-glasses on.  C.It's sunny outside.  3.What will the man probably do?  A.Lie on the bed.
B.See a doctor.  C.Help the woman carry the box.  4.How much will the man pay for the ties?  A.16 dollars.   B.30 dollars.   C.32 dollars.  5.How many channels does the woman get with a shortwave radio?  A.Two.
C.Six.  第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)  听第6段对话,回答第6至7题。  6.How many languages are mentioned in the conversation?  A.Two.
C.Four.  7.What does the man probably do?  A.A salesman.
B.A teacher.
C.A college student.  听第7段对话,回答第8至10题。  8.Whom will the man go to travel with?  A.His parents.
B.His friends.
C.The woman.  9.How is the man going to travel?  A.By car.
B.By bike.
C.By motorbike.  10.Why is the man going to travel?  A.To see his friends.  B.To collect money.  C.To amuse himself.  听第8段对话,回答第11至13题。  11.Where does the man work?  A.At a hospital.
B.In a club.
C.At a college.  12.What can we know about the woman from the conversation?  A.She won a cup in the national tennis competition.  B.She is in charge of the science department.  C.She has worked at the college over a year.  13.Why does the man plan to join a club?  A.To meet new friends.  B.To improve his skills.  C.To catch up with the woman.  听第9段对话,回答第14至16题。  14.Who is Mike probably?  A.The woman's student.  B.The woman's teacher.  C.The woman's husband.  15.What does the woman come here for?  A.To interview the man.  B.To give a talk.  C.To attend a conference.  16.What seems to be the woman's major field?  A.Literature.
C.Medicine.  听第10段独白,回答第17至20题。  17.What kind of life did Jack have when he was seven?  A.A happy life.
B.A boring life.
C.A poor life.  18.Why did Jack feel ashamed when he saw other children studying?  A.He was so busy that he didn't have time to study.  B.He was so poor that he didn't have the chance to study.  C.He didn't do well in his studies.  19.What do you think of Jack?  A.He is hard-working.  B.He is lazy.  C.He is stupid.  20.What can we know from the talk?  A.Jack worked in the daytime and studied at night.  B.Jack got a scholarship after getting the highest grade.  C.Jack worked as a librarian at last.  第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)  第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)  21.There is no doubt that it is important for a person to have a(n)________for being honest.  A.reputation    B.influence C.impression
D.fortune  22.The old woman is very unpopular because she is________about other people's personal affair.  A.nervous
B.anxious C.curious
D.serious  23.A teacher's business is not to________students to learn but to help them learn.  A.suggest
B.force C.have
D.make  24.My daughter is a child with________imagination,which I think is why she writes well.  A.clear
B.careful C.funny
D.vivid  25.You must write to Mary about the girl you met in Beijing who________her.  A.is resembling
B.resembles C.is resembled
D.resembled  26.The________smile on his face suggested he was________with what we had done.  A.satisfied;satisfying
B.satisfied;satisfied  C.satisfying;satisfying
D.satisfying;satisfied  27.-What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?  -________some reading.  A.To do
B.Do C.Having done
D.Doing  28.Bob is well-known for his sense of humour but he is not in the________for jokes at the moment.  A.mood
B.temper C.mind
D.patience  29.When he woke up,he found himself________under a tree and everything he had________.  A.lie;been stolen
B.lay;stolen C.lying;stolen
D.laid;been stolen  30.He has prepared a party for his girlfriend,only________that she couldn't come by then.  A.to be told
B.to tell C.telling
D.being told  31.The novel,________America's financial crisis,will be very popular once published.  A.set out
B.set off C.set in
D.set up  32.With an urgent problem________,the
manager decided to have a meeting at once.  A.solving
B.to solve C.solved
D.being solved  33.-You missed the "Do Not________" sign.  -No.I saw it,but I must see Mr Smith.  A.Panic
B.Trouble C.Bother
D.Disturb  34.The police warned the public________after the escaped prisoner,as he was armed and dangerous.  A.to go not
B.going not C.not to go
D.not going  35.-Can I speak to Jane?  -________I'll go and see if I can find her.  A.Hang on a minute.
B.Get a move on.  C.Take your time.
D.Who's that?  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)  Cold air blew through our small,dark bedroom,as my six-year-old brother and I got out of bed.We put on our__36__and then our shoes.Without heat in our old home,wearing thick coats inside was as__37__as wearing shirts in summer.  But one morning was__38__:it was Christmas.We ran to the small living room where we had__39__our old pair of shoes the night before.There was no Christmas tree in our home.But,__40__the tradition,we expected to find one present on top of the shoes.Some years,we would find nothing__41__new underwear (内衣), and other years we would find new socks.The__42__itself wasn't our focus,but the fact that the thing was new made us scream with__43__.  And then one special Christmas,I__44__the packed box lying on my shoes and put it on the table.__45__,it was wrapped in newspaper,but this time something was different.I__46__the box,holding my breath,and I found there was a doll with large brown eyes__47__me.I took it out from the box and held it__48__my chest.Even though it smelled of plastic,it sent a wave of__49__through me.  I now remember those days as a simple and easy life.It was a life__50__in material things,but one rich with__51__ for small things.   Later as I grew up in America,life__52__.We lived a rich life and life became easier.Gifts cost more and were easier to get.Finally,our wants__53__to boring needs.Sadly,what we__54__as children now seemed to be worthless.And the peace each Christmas season had brought us before slowly turned into tension (紧张)__55__.  36.A.trousers   B.coats    C.socks    D.shirts  37.A.easy
D.normal  38.A.funny
D.cold  39.A.forgotten
D.lost  40.A.following
D.finding  41.A.but
D.like  42.A.food
D.tree  43.A.pain
D.joy  44.A.placed
D.lifted  45.A.Sometimes
D.Soon  46.A.watched
D.touched  47.A.staring at
B.looking for C.caring about
D.turning into  48.A.against
D.over  49.A.hope
B.fear C.pleasure
D.disappointment  50.A.successful
D.rich  51.A.worry
B.fight C.imagination
D.appreciation  52.A.formed
D.started  53.A.came
D.led  54.A.hated
D.valued  55.A.again
D.together  第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)  第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)  A  My husband can plan wonderful surprise celebrations for me.Recently,however,I told him I didn't want him to plan one for my upcoming birthday.  "Why?" he asked.  "I am embarrassed being the center of attention,"
I quickly explained.  Later,I began to think more deeply about this reason.Then I remembered the surprise celebration I had planned for my friend Nancy on her 60th birthday.We
were roommates on a three-week tour following the Silk Road on those famous steppes
(大草原)-and through the
mountains-of central Asia.  That
in Samarkand,Uzbekistan.The young man at the hotel desk told me about a bakery about 10 minutes away.After giving me detailed directions,he added,"Your nose will let you know when you arrive there."  The temperature was 40 ℃.Soon,my_olfaction proved to be an unfailing guide.Outside the bakery,a delicious smell greeted me.  There were several kinds of breads,cookies,and cakes on display.There were also beautiful iced cakes.I chose a cake topped with powdered sugar.  Later at the Karim Bek Restaurant,Nancy didn't see the young waiter walk up the steps with the cake.When I began singing "Happy Birthday," everyone at our table-except Nancy-joined in.  It took her a moment to realize what was happening.Then the grinning (咧嘴笑的)
guest of honor thanked me,blew out the candles on the cake,and ate three pieces of it.  Today,after reliving this experience in my mind,I told my husband to ignore my request.I now understand what a surprise party is about:It is not about having a surprise party but rather the delight in giving it.That is what brings the satisfying joy.  56.Why did the author go to the bakery?  A.To get some bread for her journey.  B.To experience the local taste in Samarkand.  C.To buy a birthday cake for her friend.  D.To eat some iced cakes to cool herself down.  57.The underlined words "my olfaction" in Paragraph 7 most probably refer to________.  A.the waiter at the hotel
B.the author's sense of smell  C.the author's friend
D.the author's map  58.The party held at the Karim Bek Restaurant was________.  A.very successful
B.a little simple  C.quite boring
D.too noisy  59.From the last paragraph we learn that now the author________.  A.becomes less interested in surprise parties  B.thinks surprise parties are embarrassing  C.enjoys giving others surprises  D.realizes the true meaning of surprise parties  B  When Li Chujiong,the general manager of Hainan Carrianna Holdings Limited first came to Hainan and decided to open a restaurant in 1993,most people on the South China island ate at public stalls.After 17 years of hard work,Li's company has become the dominant catering group in Hainan.  Li found his business opportunity when the government made Hainan a special economic zone.Cantonese Li and his wife Xie Minyi launched their first company with HK $40 million ($5.12 million).  "In the first two years,my wife and I worked like rolling machines.We had to receive every client,drink with them and ask them for suggestions," Li says.But with the hard work came success.Two years after Hainan Carrianna Holdings Limited Restaurant opened,it was common for diners to wait in line outside for an available table.  "Eat in Carrianna" became a catchphrase in Hainan.  And as Li's business soared,so did Hainan's economy,driven by the rising property prices.However,when the real estate bubble burst in 1997,the economy of Hainan slumped and with it Li's business.  "At that time,many of my friends who had been working in overseas-funded enterprises chose to leave Hainan.My business was affected as well.There were no people waiting outside for tables then," Li says.  To leave or to stay,that was the question.After considering it for a long time,Li finally decided to stay,lowering his prices and improving the service.A cheap Cantonese morning tea and a combination Chinese and Western buffet dinner (自助餐) became the staple menu at that time.  "In an attempt to attract as many customers as possible,I used to dress up like Santa Claus at Christmas and as the God of Wealth at the Spring Festival," Li says.  Nowadays Li's company is thriving again,as Hainan's economy has recovered and it has developed a diversified food
scene,which includes international restaurants."Now,I already think of myself as a Hainan resident,and I will never leave here.In fact,I will try my best to make a contribution to Hainan," says Li.  60.From the passage,we may infer that________.  A.Li Chujiong's wife is also Cantonese  B.Li Chujiong had a hard time in 1997  C.Li's business was not affected by the real estate bubble burst  D.Li's company is thriving again now  61.Li Chujiong used to dress up like Santa Claus at Christmas to________.  A.celebrate the Christmas
B.entertain the children  C.attract his customers
D.amuse himself  62.Which words can be used to describe Li Chujiong?  A.generous,friendly and determined  B.diligent,friendly,and determined  C.generous,strong-willed and determined  D.diligent,aggressive and determined  63.The underlined word "slumped" in the fifth paragraph probably means "________".  A.fell
D.developed  C  The name England comes from the words "Angle land".The Angles were people who came from northern Germany in the 5th and 6th centuries,after the Romans had left.The French name for England is Angleterre,which also means "Angle land".There were also invasions (侵略) of southern England by Saxons and Jutes (people from another part of northern Germany).English people are sometimes called Anglo-Saxons.The Celts who used to live in this area were forced to move back into Scotland,Ireland,Cornwall and into Western France (the area known as Brittany).  England at first became a series of kingdoms,the strongest of which was Wessex (the name comes from West-Saxon).The names of many of the areas in England come from this period-for example,the name Sussex comes from South-Saxon,Essex from East-Saxon,and East Anglia from East-Angle.The Vikings then came from Denmark,and later the Normans invaded from France.Eventually England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland were united,forming the United Kingdom.  The English language is the main language spoken throughout England,although there are many different accents.It can be difficult to know how to spell or to pronounce some English words,because the language has been influenced by Latin and Greek (languages used at the time of the Romans,and used in religion and education until recent times),German (the language of the Angles,Saxons and Jutes),French(the language of the Normans),Gaelic/Scots (Celtic languages) and Danish (the language of the Vikings).  There are now many people throughout the United Kingdom who speak a foreign language either as their first or second language;mainly due to immigration (移民) from Europe or the Commonwealth (countries which used to be part of the British Empire).  64.In the history of England,________once was the strongest kingdom.  A.Sussex
B.Wessex C.Essex
D.East Anglia  65.What can we learn from the third paragraph?  A.English words are hard to spell and to pronounce.  B.England had been invaded by most of the countries of Europe.  C.The English language was influenced by several foreign languages.  D.It's hard for people who have different English accents
to communicate.  66.Why do many people in the UK speak a foreign language nowadays?  A.Because they are required to learn a foreign language at school.  B.Because they plan to live outside the UK in the future.  C.Because they have moved from other countries.  D.Because they have worked in other countries.  67.The author writes this passage to________.  A.tell the history of England  B.tell how the United Kingdom was formed  C.introduce the main spoken language throughout England  D.tell the origin of the name of England  D  Teens are more likely to behave badly if their parents expect them to,a new US study has found.  "Parents who believe they are simply being realistic might actually be having a bad effect on their children," Christy Buchanan,a teacher at Wake Forest University and one of the authors of the study,said."Bad expectations on the part of both parents and children predict more rebellious (叛逆的) behaviors later on."  The finding came from a study of more than 250 sixth- and seventh-graders and their mothers.They were examined at the start of the study and again one year later.If kids' mothers expected them to take more risks and be more rebellious,higher chances of risky behavior were seen.This_was_also_true when kids had bad expectations of themselves.  "Sometimes parents expect more negative behavior from their children than they should based on the children's history of behavior," Buchanan said.Parents shouldn't be naive (无知的) about the possibility of bad behavior,she said,but it's also a mistake to think that children who are well-behaved will naturally become rebellious at the age of 13.  "By thinking risk-taking or rebelliousness is normal for teenagers and showing that to their children,parents might add to other messages from society that make teenagers feel that they are strange if they are not willing to take risks or break laws," she said."This can mean,for example,that when parents expect teens to drink before they turn 21 or to do other risky behaviors,kids are less likely to refuse to do so later in their lives."  On the other hand,parents' expectations that teens can exhibit good behaviors and refuse to behave badly or to take risks could help reduce the possibility of bad behavior,Buchanan said."As a parent,you should put expectations on your children carefully."  68.What do we know about the study?  A.Only mothers were examined.  B.Participants were examined twice.  C.250 people were examined in the study.  D.Christy Buchanan was the only author of the study.  69.What does the underlined part "This was also true" in Paragraph 3 refer to?  A.The kids were more likely to take dangerous behavior.  B.The kids would have bad expectations of their parents.  C.The kids were likely to go against their mothers.  D.Mothers expected their kids to behave badly.  70.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?  A.Risk-taking is normal for teens.  B.Why are my teens behaving badly?  C.Don't expect too much from your teens.  D.Bad expectations lead to bad-behaving teens.  第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)  Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good,most would admit that their spoken English is poor.Whenever I speak to a Chinese student,they always say,"My spoken English is poor."
71.________I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.  First,they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary.72.________However,you can speak with a limited vocabulary,if you choose a positive attitude.Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.  73.________Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous.Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY.Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using the right words and spelling them correctly.However,in speaking your aim is fluency.You want to get your message across,to talk to someone in English,as quickly and as well as you can,even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense,but it doesn't matter.74.________  The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening.You have one mouth but two ears!All that hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.  Fourth,most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive language learners.Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking
opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor. 75.________  A.The person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.  B.They may try to avoid making similar mistakes next time.  C.Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary.  D.If you have this proactive outlook,then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.  E.However,their spoken English does not have to remain"poor"!  F.Second,they are afraid of making mistakes.  G.The second reason lies in the reluctance of using what has just been learned.  第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题,共35分)  第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)  It has been three years before I started learning English.At first I found its quite difficult.I couldn't pronounce words well,spell correct and remember the rules of grammar.With the help of my teacher,I have made great progresses.Now I am getting well with my English.Three years' study has taught me that one can not learn English well without a hard work.We must do more listening and speaking either in and out of class.We must also do more reading or writing as well.That is,"Practice make perfect." That's the most important thing.Besides,we should also practise use it as much as possible.  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)   请根据以下关于电影《2012》的内容写一篇短文,介绍电影的主要内容,并谈谈你的感想。主要情节由于自然环境和资源长期被人类破坏,地球的平衡系统面临崩溃,各种各样的自然灾害大规模爆发。人们寻求能帮助他们逃脱灾难的诺亚方舟。面对灾害,来自不同国家的人们共同努力,在方舟中度过了这一全球性的灾害,获得了继续生存和发展的希望你的感想?  注意:1.对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译;  2.词数120~150。开头已写好,但不计入总词数;  3.参考词汇:崩溃collapse;大规模地on a large scale;诺亚方舟Noah's ark。  Film 2010 tells a story that happens in 2012.____________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________    卷(三)  第一部分  1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A  8.B 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A  20.C  听力材料  Text 1  W:Look here,darling.The paper says people will feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.  M:That may be true for you,but it certainly isn't true for me.  Text 2  W:Why have you got your sun-glasses on?It's not that sunny outside.  M:I know.It's quite cool today,but I've got a terrible headache and the light hurts my eyes.  Text 3  W:Mike,would you help me carry this box?  M:Oh,sorry.My back hurts.  W:Then lie on the bed.  Text 4  M:How much do the ties cost?  W:Sixteen dollars each.You can pay two dollars less for two.  M:Well,I'll take two.  Text 5  M:How many channels could you get?  W:Only two.But after I got a short-wave radio...  M:Then?  W:Another six.  听第6段对话,回答第6至7题。  Text 6  W:Having visited so many different countries,you must be able to speak several different languages.  M:I wish I could,but French and English are the only ones I have ever tried to learn.  W:Have you ever tried Chinese?  M:Yes,but I gave up halfway.The Chinese characters are too difficult to practice.  W:How about Japanese?  M:I took a Japanese class for two or three months,but the more I learned,the more difficult the grammar became.  W:Do you like traveling?  M:No,I don't,but I have to travel.I work in the sales department.  听第7段对话,回答第8至10题。  Text 7  W:What are you planning to do with your friends this winter vacation?  M:We are planning to travel.  W:Where are you traveling?  M:To San Francisco,Los Angeles,New York and Boston.  W:How are you going?  M:By motorcycle.  W:By motorcycle?How long will it take?  M:Three weeks.  W:Why are you making this trip?  M:We're trying to collect money for a wildlife project.  W:What will the money be used for?  M:For rescuing wild deer.They're disappearing from the forests.  W:That sounds like a great idea.Good luck with your trip!  M:Thank you.  听第8段对话,回答第11至13题。  Text 8  M:Do you mind if I join you?  W:Please do.  M:I'm Alan Hook.I work at Jude's Training College.  W:It's nice to meet you.I'm Barbara Samuel.And what do you do at the college?  M:I'm in charge of the science department.  W:Have you been there long?  M:Just over a year.I think I saw your picture in the paper recently.  W:Ah,that must have been
the national tennis competition last week.  M:That's right!You won a trophy.  W:Well,I guess I was lucky.How about you?Do you play?  M:I used to,but I'm out of practice these days.I must consider joining a club sometime.  听第9段对话,回答第14至16题。  Text 9  W:Professor Wylie?  M:Uh,yes?  W:We haven't met before.Um...my name's Teresa McCoy.I'm a student of Professor Mike Hardy's at Green Lake College.  M:Oh,right.Well,good to meet you,Teresa.How is Mike these days?It must be over a year now since I saw him last.  W:Oh,Mike's fine.When he heard I was coming to this conference,he said I should definitely come and hear you speak.Your talk was really interesting.  M:Well,thank you very much.  W:Actually,Professor,there was something I wanted to ask you...um,something you mentioned in your talk.  M:Sure,and please no more "Professor".It makes me feel old.The name is Ron.  W:Okay.Well,uh...Ron.It was about that point you made about the Indian literature...  听第10段独白,回答第17至20题。  Text 10  Jack was born in a very poor family.At seven,he dug coal from a deserted mine to earn a few coins to help his parents.He had no schooling because he was so poor.  When he was fifteen,he worked as a servant at a school.Looking at other children studying in the classroom,he felt ashamed of himself.He wished he had the same chance.He decided to study by himself.From then on,in the daytime,he would stand by the window outside trying to hear what the teacher said.At night,he tried to remember what he had learned during the day.He studied so hard that he sometimes had just three or four hours sleep.The more he learned,the more interested he became.A math teacher discovered him and liked this diligent boy and allowed him to sit at the back of the class.In one exam,he got the highest grade.He would have been given a scholarship if he had been a regular student.  Jack struggled through six long years with his study of math and wrote several articles,which got the attention of the university professors.They appreciated his talent as well as his diligence and hired him as a librarian.  第二部分  21.A reputation意为"名誉,名声",have a reputation for sth.意为"因......而著名,以......闻名"。influence意为"影响";impression意为"印象";fortune意为"运气"。句意为"毫无疑问,对一个人来说,拥有诚实的信誉是很重要的"。  22.C be curious about意为"对......感到好奇"。be nervous about意为"对......紧张不安";be anxious about意为"对......担忧";be serious about意为"对......认真"。句意为"这位老太婆好打听别人的隐私,所以极其不受欢迎"。  23.B suggest不能接sb.to do sth.。force sb.to do sth.意为"迫使某人做某事",make/have sb.do sth.意为"使某人做某事"。句意为"老师的责任不是强迫学生学习,而是帮助他们学习"。  24.D clear意为"清楚的,明确的";careful意为"小心的,仔细的";funny意为"滑稽的,有趣的";vivid意为"(指头脑)活跃的,富有创造性的"。句意为"我女儿是一个想象力丰富的孩子,我认为这是她文章写得好的原因"。  25.B resemble意为"像;类似",不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时,"长得像她"说的是现在的事实,故用一般现在时。句意为"你一定要写信告诉玛丽你在北京碰见一个长得像她的姑娘"。  26.B satisfied smile意为"满意的微笑";be satisfied with意为"对......感到满意"。句意为"他脸上满意的微笑表明他对我们所做的很满意"。  27.D enjoy意为"喜欢",后跟动词-ing形式作宾语。完整的答语为I enjoy doing some reading in my spare time。句意为"你业余时间喜欢做什么?""读些书。"  28.A be in the mood for (doing) sth./to do sth.意为"有心情做某事"。句意为"鲍勃以他的幽默感出名,但此刻他没有心情开玩笑"。  29.C lie与himself之间是主动关系,故用动词-ing形式。he had作定语,修饰everything,everything与steal之间是被动关系,故用动词-ed形式。句意为"他醒来时,发现自己躺在一棵树下,他所有的东西被偷了"。  30.A 不定式短语作结果状语时常表示预料之外的结果;而动词-ing形式常表示预料之中的结果。根据句意"她到时候不能来了"是"他为女朋友准备了舞会"没料到的,因此用不定式。句子的主语与动词tell之间是被动关系,因此用被动语态。  31.C set out意为"开始";set off意为"出发,启程";set in意为"以......为背景";set up意为"建立,成立"。句意为"这部小说,以美国的金融危机为背景,一旦出版,将会很受欢迎"。  32.B 在with的复合结构中,problem与solve之间是被动关系,solve与主语the manager构成逻辑上的主谓关系,用不定式作宾补。句意为"有一个紧急问题要解决,经理决定立刻召开会议"。  33.D Do not disturb.请勿打扰(挂在会议室、旅馆房间门上用的字牌)。句意为"你没看见'请勿打扰'的牌子。""不,我看见了。但是我必须见史密斯先生。" Don't panic.意为"别怕";Don't trouble.意为"不要费心。";Don't bother意为"不用麻烦了。"  34.C warn sb.not to do sth.意为"警告某人不要做某事"。句意为"警察告诫公众不要去追逃犯,因为他有武器并且很危险"。  35.A Hang on a minute.意为"等一会儿。";Get a move on.意为"快点吧!";Take your time.意为"慢慢来。";Who's that?意为"你是谁?"句意为"请找一下简。""请等一下,我去看看能否找到她。"  【语篇解读】 作者小时候家境贫寒,圣诞节收到廉价的礼物也十分开心,后来生活改善了,却难有从前的知足常乐。  36.B 照应下文的wearing thick coats inside。  37.D 屋里没有暖气,温度低,所以在家里还要穿外套,就和夏天穿衬衫一样正常。  38.B But以及it was Christmas表明这天与平时不同。  39.C 从the night before可看出鞋是为了收礼物而留在那儿的。  40.A 从下文expected可知是遵循、按照传统。  41.A 根据后半句and other years we would find new socks可知有时候,只是得到new underwear。  42.C 前面一直在说礼物,而这里说礼物本身不是作者他们所关注的。  43.D 得到全新的礼物的感觉应该是让作者他们高兴的。  44.D 根据下文对得到礼物的描述可以看出,这里作者是把盒子拿起来。  45.B 根据下文but this time something was different可知,礼物通常是用报纸包着的。  46.C 打开盒子才能看到里面的礼物。  47.A 洋娃娃的棕色大眼睛,应该让作者感觉在注视着自己看。  48.A 作者对这个礼物爱不释手,应该是将它紧紧地靠在胸前。against表示"靠着"。  49.C 从上文作者的举止来看,作者是非常高兴的。  50.C 从上文可知作者小时候过的是一种物质缺乏的生活。  51.D 作者小时侯虽然贫穷,却能对一些小东西充满感激和欣赏。  52.B 根据下文We lived a rich life and life became easier.可知生活发生了改变。  53.B 由于礼物易得,以至于最后"我们"所渴求的变成了无聊的必需品。  54.D 小的时候作者家境贫寒,所珍视的那些东西现在已显得没有价值了。  55.C 先前圣诞节带来的平和已经慢慢地被紧张所替代。  第三部分  【语篇解读】 
作者回忆了在旅途中为同行的朋友举办的一个惊喜生日派对,并从中认识到惊喜派对的真正意义。  56.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第四段的I chose a cake topped with powdered sugar及倒数第三段的When I began...joined in可知,作者去面包房是为了给她的朋友买生日蛋糕。  57.B 词义猜测题。根据第五段末句Your nose will let you
know when you arrive there和第六段的Outside the
bakery,a delicious smell greeted me可推断,olfaction可能指嗅觉。作者借助嗅觉找到了面包房。  58.A 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段以及最后一段作者对惊喜派对态度的转变可以推断,那天的生日派对非常成功。  59.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句I now understand what a surprise party is about可知,作者最后悟出了惊喜派对的真正意义。  【语篇解读】 这是一篇记叙文,讲述的是有关海南佳宁娜(寰球)酒楼总经理李楚炯创业的故事。  60.B 推理判断题。A项从文中无法推断;D项不是推断的内容,而是文中直接提到的。根据文章第五、六两段内容可知,1997年房产泡沫破灭的时候,海南经济受到很大的冲击,李楚炯的酒楼也面临倒闭的危机,由此可见C项错误,由此也可以推断出1997年他处于很困难的境地,故B项正确。  61.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的"In an attempt to attract as many customers as possible,I used to dress up like Santa Claus at Christmas..."可知,他装扮成圣诞老人的目的是吸引客人。  62.D 推理判断题。根据文章中有关李楚炯的描述可知,他是一个有进取心,有决心,努力干事业的人,故D项正确。generous大方的和friendly在文中没有体现,故排除A、B、C三项。  63.A 词义猜测题。A项意思是"下降,下落";B项意思是"升起,上升";C项意思是"繁荣";D项意思是"发展"。根据文章内容可知,显然A项正确,即海南的经济由于房产泡沫破产而下滑。  【语篇解读】 
文章简单介绍了英格兰的历史,包括英格兰名字的由来以及外来人口对英语语言的影响。  64.B 细节理解题。根据第二段the strongest of which was Wessex可知Wessex曾是英格兰诸王国中最强壮的王国。  65.C 推理判断题。第三段主要介绍了英语总有些单词会很难拼写或发音是因为受到Latin,Greek,German,French,Gaelic,Scots,Danish等语言的影响,由此可以推断应选C。  66.C 细节理解题。根据最后一段mainly due to immigration from Europe or the Commonwealth可知应选C。  67.A 主旨大意题。通读全文,可知文章简单介绍了英国的历史。  【语篇解读】 
家长对孩子的预期会影响孩子将来的发展。消极的预期对孩子有不良影响。  68.B 细节理解题。根据第三段They were examined at the start of the study and again one year later.可知选B。  69.A 推理判断题。根据第三段,该句所指的是上句提到的higher chances of risky behavior were seen,是kids had bad expectations of themselves的结果。  70.D 主旨大意题。根据第一段Teens are more likely to behave badly if their parents expect them to以及全文内容可知D最合适。  71.E 72.C 73.F 74.A 75.D  第四部分  短文改错  It has been three years
I started learning English.At first I found
quite difficult.I couldn't pronounce words well,spell
and remember the rules of grammar.With the help of my teacher,I have made great .Now I am getting well with my English.Three years' study has taught me that one can not learn English well without
a- hard work.We must do more listening and speaking
in and out of class.We must also do more reading
writing as well.That is,"Practice
perfect." That's the most important thing.Besides,we should also practise
it as much as possible.  书面表达  Film 2010 tells a story that happens in 2012.For a long time,man has been damaging the earth by destroying nature and overusing natural resources.The earth's system of balance is on the point of collapse and all kinds of natural disasters strike at the same time on a large scale.People try to find Noah's ark to survive the disasters.Faced with the disasters,people from different countries work hard together and they manage to escape from the great disasters in Noah's ark.  This film has greatly impressed me.The earth is home to all living things,but it has suffered a lot with the development of agriculture and industry.If we don't pay special
attention to protecting the environment,the earth won't be suitable for man to live on and what happens in the film will really happen to us one day.}


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