does lingling make a incake英伦时光 at christmas?(作肯

Module 7 Eating together
Unit 1 When’s the school leavers’
Look at the party invitation and answer the
1 What’s a school leavers’ party?
A party for students who are completing their secondary school
education that year.
2 What’s a traditional dish?
Food which belongs to the place where you live or where you’re
3 What do you think “finger food” is?
Food which you can eat with your hands-you don’t need knives and
forks or chopsticks.
4 What else is there to do at the party?
Listen to music and dance.
Listen and read.
Lingling: When’s the school leavers’ party?
Betty: After the visit to the play by Shakespeare. It’ll
be held on 30th May. We’re all invited.
Daming: In fact, I’ve been chosen to look after the dance
Tony: And I have been asked to decorate the hall.
Betty: And everyone has been told to prepare a
traditional dish from our own countries.
Lingling: Will we be allowed to cook it at school, or
must it be made at home, and brought here?
Betty: I suppose it can be heated up in the school
kitchen, but it should be cooked at home. What are you going to
Lingling: Suanla tang, I guess.
Betty: What’s that?
Lingling: Hot and sour soup. It’s made with chicken or
pork and vegetables.
Betty: But the invitation says finger food! That means
you have to eat it with your fingers.
Lingling: Oh, soup’s no good, then. You need a spoon.
What about you?
Betty: Hamburgers, with cheese in a bread roll.
Tony: And you, Daming?
Daming: Jiaozi! The best jiaozi in China
are made by my grandmother!
Betty: Is she invited to the school leavers’ party,
Darning: Hm, I see what you mean. What about you,
Tony: A traditional English pizza with cheese, tomato and
Betty: Pizza isn’t English! It was invented in Italy, not
Tony: But pizza can be eaten everywhere in England.
Betty: I don’t think Shakespeare ate pizza!
Complete the table with notes.
Made with …
Made with …
cheese, bread roll
suanla tang
chicken or pork and vegetables
cheese, tomato and ham
(We don’t know, but probably meat or vegetables, eggs,
Answer the questions.
1 How do you think Daming feels about his role at the school
leavers’ party?
I think he feels pleased and proud.
2 Where are they going to prepare the food?
3 Why does Betty ask if Daming’s grandmother is coming to the
school leavers’ party?
Because their school asks the students, not their relatives, to
prepare the food.
4 Why do you think Tony calls pizza a traditional English
Because you can eat it everywhere in England.
5 Why does Betty think Shakespeare didn’t eat pizza?
Because it is an Italian dish which wasn’t introduced into
Britain then.
Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most
Read the passage and answer the questions.
1 Who is the passage written for?
a) A Westerner eating a Chinese meal.
b) A Chinese person eating a Western meal.
c) A Chinese person eating a Chinese meal.
d) A Westerner eating in a Chinese home.
2 What is the tone of the passage?
&b) Conversational.
c) Formal.&&&
&d) Strict.
3 Where might you see a passage like this?
a) In a travel magazine.
b) In a dictionary.
c) In an instruction manual.
d) In a news magazine.
Complete the column In the West with notes.
In the West
Meal times
Things to say
How to eat food
Being served
Refusing food
Number of dishes
At the end of the meal
Do as the Romans do
There’s a saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” And when
you eat Western food, do as the Westerners do. Here are some things
you may wish to know about eating together in the West.
In the West, lunch is eaten later, always after midday,
sometimes at one o’clock. Dinner is served around 7 pm or even
later. In Spain it’s usual to eat lunch at 2 pm and dinner at 10
At the start of a meal the Chinese usually say “manman chi”. The
French say “Bon appetit”, and the Italians say “Buon appetito”. But
there’s no similar expression in English! “Enjoy your meal” is
usually only said by a waiter. For “ganbei”, you can say
Chopsticks are only used when people eat Chinese food. Knives
and forks are used for most food. The fork is held in your left
hand and the knife in your right, and the food is held with the
fork and cut with the knife. Americans often cut all their food
first, and then put the fork in their right hand to eat it. Soup is
drunk with a spoon. However, there is some food which can be eaten
with your fingers, such as chicken legs, seafood, bread and
At the start of a meal, if you’re the guest, you’ll be invited
to serve yourself (“Help yourself!”), or your plate will be filled
by your host (“Can I serve you?”). If you’ve been given something
you don’t like, it should be pushed to the edge of the plate and
left. You don’t have to say why, but if you feel an explanation is
required, just say, “I’m sorry. I can’t eat this.” No one will be
cross. If you’re offered more food, but can’t eat any more, just
say, “No, thanks. It was delicious, but I’ve had enough.”
Generally, fewer dishes are prepared than in China. It isn’t
thought to be so important to offer too much food.
Finally, it’s sometimes difficult to know when the meal is over.
If you’ve been invited to dinner by Western friends, you’ll know
that you’re expected to stay and talk around the dinner table long
after the last dish has been brought to the table, and it’s thought
quite rude if you leave as soon as you finish eating.
The golden rule is: Watch the other people. Do as they do.
In the West
Meal times
lunch: after midday, around 1 pm
dinner: around 7 pm or later
Things to say
at the start of a meal:
in France: Bon appetit
in Italy: Buon appetito
in Britain: no similar expression
in Britain: Cheers!
said by a waiter: Enjoy your meal
How to eat food
Most food is eaten with a knife and fork.
Being served
You may be asked to serve yourself, or be served by your
Refusing food
Politely say you can’t eat or don’t want any more.
Number of dishes
Fewer dishes are offered than in China.
At the end of the meal
People stay and t it’s rude to leave as
soon as the meal is over.
Answer the questions.
1 “And when you eat Western food, do as the Westerners
So how should you eat?
You should eat with a knife and fork unless it is finger
2 “But there’s no similar expression in English.”
So what do you say in
You don’t say anything.
3 “I’m sorry. I can’t eat this.”
When might you want to say this?
If you’ve been given something you don’t like.
4 “It isn’t thought to be so important to offer too much
What does this suggest about meals in China?
That Chinese people think it is important to offer lots of
5 “Finally, it’s sometimes difficult to know when the meal is
How do we know that a meal is over in China? What might be
different in a Western meal?
In China a meal is over as soon as people have finished eating.
In the West, people might sit around the table talking after
they’ve finished eating.
Unit 3 Language in use
Write sentences to explain these signs.
1 Lunch ______daily from 12 pm to 2 pm.
2 Food ______into the bedrooms.
3 The garden ______now open for meals.
4 The hotel ______in 1835.
5 No more tickets for the show ______after 11 am.
1. is served&& 2. mustn’t be
taken&& 3.
is&& 4. was
built&& 5. are / will be sold
Complete the passage with the correct form of the
The place not to be seen in
Guests at a new restaurant in London (1) ______ (serve) by blind
waiters. But the waiters aren’t the only people who can’t see. The
guests can’t see either, because the restaurant (2) ______ (keep)
dark. No lights (3) ______ (allow), not &even the
light on your mobile phone. Anything with a light must (4) ______
(turn off). The idea is that when the food can (5) ______ (not
see), the sense of taste (6) ______ (improve). “Don’t worry that
you won’t enjoy food without seeing it. The enjoyment of the food
(7) ______ (make) possible by your nose, fingers and ears instead,”
promises the restaurant owner.
(1) are served&& (2) is
kept&& (3) are
allowed&& (4) be turned
off& &(5) not be
seen&& (6) is
important&& (7) is made
Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and say what you think
A man was eating snacks in a restaurant. He put his hand into
the bowl, but didn’t notice a bee in it. He picked up the bee with
the snacks and put them into his mouth. The bee stung him in his
throat as he was swallowing the snacks. Later the restaurant was
closed down because hundreds of bees were found in the kitchen by
Health and Safety officers.
Complete the newspaper report. Use the correct form of the
words in the box.
order&& pay
A man eating at a restaurant (1) ______ just ______ almost &#
after he ate a live bee.
The man put his hand into a bowl of snacks. He picked up the bee
with some snacks, and put it into his mouth. The bee (2) ______
along with the snacks. The man wondered why his snacks were so hot!
Afterwards, he said: “Eating the bee was very painful. I’ll look
very carefully at my snacks in future."
Health and Safety officers who (3) ______ to check the
restaurant found that the kitchen (4) ______ with bees. The
restaurant (5) ______ to close immediately.
(1) has, been paid&& (2) was
eaten&& (3) were
called&& (4) was
filled&& (5) was ordered
Answer the questions about the words in the box.
cheese&& chicken
salad&& soup
1 Which types of food can be eaten as finger food?
2 Which food should be eaten with a spoon?
3 Which food is often served in a basket?
4 Which food is always served in a bowl?
1. Bread, cake, cheese, chicken legs, grapes and hamburgers.
2. Soup.&& 3. Bread,
grapes.&& 4. Soup. (Salad is
sometimes served in a bowl, but not always.)
Read the email and answer the questions.
Dear Richard,
I’m so glad you’re coming to China! Your mother tells me you’re
worried about what you should and shouldn’t do as a guest in China.
Here’s some advice. You will probably be invited to a big meal. You
may find it earlier than you expect because Chinese people eat
dinner much earlier than people in the West. There will be a lot of
different dishes, not just three courses. You may find it difficult
to use chopsticks if you haven’t tried before. It’s a good idea to
get some practice. When the food is served, you should take time to
look at it. The preparation takes a long time and everything will
look beautiful. The plates will be placed in the middle of the
table, for everyone to share. Take a little of everything and then
have some more of the things you like. Chinese people like to talk
about food, so it’s a good topic of conversation. At the end of the
meal, you will usually be served fruit. Eat your fruit, thank your
friends, and go.
I hope this is helpful. Email me if you have any other
David Zhang
1 Do people in the West eat earlier or later than people in
People in the West eat later than people in China.
2 How many courses are usual for a meal in the West?
Three courses.&&
3 Why should Richard practice using chopsticks?
Because it’s difficult at first.
4 Why are the plates placed in the middle of the table?
For everyone to share.
5 Is it a good idea to talk about food during a meal?
Yes, it is.
Module 8 On the town
Unit 1 I was pleased to see it.
Listen and read.
Tony’s mum: How was the play?
Tony: Well, I was pleased to see it, but three hours is a
long time to stay still.
Tony’s mum: Was it in English?
Tony: Yes, it was acted by the Beijing English Theatre
Tony’s mum: What was the best bit?
Tony: The fight between the two families and their
servants! And the actors who played the roles of Romeo and Juliet
were superb! But it’s sad at the end, because Juliet loves Romeo,
but her father has decided she must marry someone else. So they
both decide to kill themselves.
Tony’s mum: “A pair of star-crossed lovers take their
Tony: OK, OK, I’m impressed. Can you recite any more
Tony’s mum: No, that’s all I can remember. Did you have a
good seat?
Tony: Well, it was hard to see the play at the back. The
best place to sit is in the front row.
Tony’s mum: Could you hear the dialogue?
Tony: I guessed what they were saying, but their voices
weren’t very loud. Daming and Lingling found their accents really
difficult to understand.
Tony’s mum: The best way is to read the play before you
Tony: We tried to do that, but there wasn’t time.
Tony’s mum: Did you have anything to eat before you went
to the theatre?
Tony: No such luck! I was starving!
Choose the best answer.
1 Tony thought the play ______.
a) wasn’t enjoyable
b) was quite funny
c) was good
2 Romeo and Juliet decide to kill themselves ______.
a) because Juliet has to marry someone else
b) when the two families and the servants fight each other
c) because Juliet has married someone else
3 The “star-crossed lovers” refer to ______.
a) the actors
b) Romeo and Juliet’s families
c) Romeo and Juliet
4 Daming and Lingling couldn’t understand everything because
a) their seats were at the back
b) of the way the actors spoke
c) they didn’t read the play before they saw it
5 They didn’t have time to eat anything before the play
a) but they weren’t hungry
b) so Tony was very hungry
c) because it was top long
Underline the words you expect the speaker to stress.
The fight between the two families and their servants! And the
actors who played the roles of Romeo and Juliet were superb! But
it’s sad at the end, because Juliet loves Romeo, but her father has
decided she must marry someone else. So they both decide to kill
Now listen and check. As you listen, say the passage
The fight between the two families and their
servants! And the actors who played the
roles of Romeo and Juliet were superb!
But it’s sad at the end, because Juliet
loves Romeo, but her father has decided
she must marry someone else. So they both
decide to kill themselves.
Unit 2 It’s a wonderful town!
Read the passage. Which paragraph describes what you can see
in the photo?
The city that never sleeps
New York, New York, it’s a wonderful town!
The Bronx is up and the Battery’s down!
(On the Town, by Leonard Bernstein)
New York is probably the entertainment capital of the world, and
a great place to see the big names and top stars in films,
television, theatre and music. Sports fans have plenty of chances
to watch some great sport, and the New York nightlife is
Madison Square Garden is the place to watch the New York Knicks
Basketball Team and the Golden Gloves boxing competition. To watch
baseball, go to the Yankee Stadium, home of the New York Yankees or
Shea Stadium for the Mets.&
At New York’s finest arts cinema, the Film Forum, you can see
the latest foreign and American movies. But New York itself is the
subject of many movies by directors who come from New York, such as
Woody Allen and Martin Scorsese.
The great names of jazz have played in the jazz clubs of
Greenwich Village, and fans can listen to the stars of today and
tomorrow at the world-famous Blue Note.
The Metropolitan Opera House is the place to go for opera
lovers, but you have to book tickets a long time before you want to
go. One of the most important things to see at Christmas is the
Nutcracker by the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Centre.
Carnegie Hall is well-known for its concerts of all types of music,
classical and modern.
Broadway is not just a street but an area of New York. There you
can see some of the biggest and the best plays and musicals, such
as Evita, Cats and The Phantom of the Opera.
If you ever come to New York in summer, remember to spend a day in
Central Park watching a play by Shakespeare in the open air, with
famous actors from Broadway and Hollywood.
For lovers of painting, the best plan is to go to the Museum of
Modern Art or the Guggenheim Museum.
Restaurants can be found everywhere, and are open at all times
of the day or night. There has always been a huge number of
Italian, Chinese and Japanese restaurants, but now you can eat food
from Thailand. Vietnam, India, Burma or the Philippines. Try the
Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station for the best seafood in
New York’s nightlife includes discos, like the Limelight, and
night clubs. In fact, it’s easy to see why they call it “the city
that never sleeps”.
Paragraph 2
Answer the questions.
1 What do you think are the Bronx and the Battery? Where are
The Bronx is a district in the north of Manhattan and the
Battery is a park at the south.
2 Why does the writer say New York is probably the entertainment
capital of the world?
Because it has so many different forms of entertainment.
3 What do movies do with New York?
They make New York the subject of the movie.
4 Why does the writer suggest spending a day in Central Park
watching a play by Shakespeare in the open air?
Because you can see famous actors from Broadway and
5 Why does the writer say New York is “the city that never
Because there is something to do all day and all night.
Look at the sentence. The underlined words suggest an
opinion, and the rest are fact.
Try the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station for the best
seafood in Manhattan.
Now look at these sentences and underline any words which
suggest opinions.
1 ... fans can listen to the stars of today and tomorrow at the
world-famous Blue Note.
2 One of the most important things to see at Christmas is the
3 Broadway is not just a street but an area of New York. There
you can see some of the biggest and the best plays and musicals
1 stars o world-famous
2 One of the most important things to see
Unit 3 Language in use
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in
listen&& see
understand&& watch
1 We’ve agreed ______ a football match tonight.
2 He wants ______ famous.
3 People enjoy ______ a drink before the play starts.
4 One of the best things ______ in London is the Tower.
5 As a lover of painting, don’t forget ______ to the Museum of
Modem Art.
6 ______ to their favorite stars, they went to the famous Blue
7 She suggested ______ to the Yankee Stadium to watch
8 It’s a good chance ______ the top films stars tonight.
9 Stop ______ photos. It’s not permitted here.
10 It’s easy ______ why people like New York.
1. to watch&& 2. to
having&& 4. to
see&& 5. to
6. To listen&& 7.
going&& 8. to
talking&& 10. to understand
Module 9 English for you and me
Unit 1 I’m proud of what I’ve learnt.
Listen and read.
Betty: How much progress in English do you think you’ve
made this year, Lingling?
Lingling: Not bad. In fact, I think I’ve achieved a lot,
and I’m proud of what I’ve learnt. I’ve reached a level which is
quite good ... and I hope it’s good enough for the exams, anyway.
Above all, it’s the subject that I’m best at, although my
handwriting could be better.
Betty: I think you’ve done really well. Learning a
foreign language requires a certain effort, however easy it is.
Lingling: I don’t think it’s really difficult to learn
English, although it’s a language which looks simpler than it
actually is. I just hope I can continue to make progress next
Betty: Have you ever been to an English comer?
Lingling: You mean, those clubs where you go to practise
your English? I always thought they were for people whose English
was already quite good.
Betty: Well, I went to an English corner once, and there
were some people whose level was fairly low. But it’s good to meet
other people who want to learn English, no matter how good their
English is. And you can often meet some people who come from the UK
or the USA.
Lingling: Anyway, what I like most is that you can use
English wherever you go in the world.
Betty: But I wonder if there will soon be more people
speaking Chinese.
Check who might think the following.
English corners are for people with a low level of English.
English is a simple language.
Chinese may be more popular than English in the future.
English is spoken all over the world.
To speak a language, you need to work hard.
You have to be bright to speak English.
English is my favourite lesson at school.
It’s good to practise even if the other person is better than
you are at English.
English corners are for people with a low level of English.
English is a simple language.
Chinese may be more popular than English in the future.
English is spoken all over the world.
To speak a language, you need to work hard.
You have to be bright to speak English.
English is my favorite lesson at school.
It’s good to practise even if the other person is better than
you are at English.
Say this passage loud. Make sure you stress the correct
I went to an English corner once, and there were some people
whose level was fairly low. But it’s good to meet other people who
want to learn English, no matter how good their English is. And you
can often meet some people who come from the UK or the USA.
Now listen and check.
went-English corner-people-level-low-good-meet-people-want-learn
Unit 2 We all own English.
Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
Now read the passage and check.
Who owns English?
English is spoken by about 400 million people in Australia,
Britain, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA. In
Ghana, India, Nigeria and Singapore, English is used for
government, education and trade, although there are many other
languages for everyday use. In China and most other countries, it’s
the most important foreign language that children will learn at
school, because it’s essential for tourism, international business,
entertainment, radio, television, newspapers, and the Internet. So
English is now used by about 1.5 billion people—or a quarter of the
world’s population, and wherever you go in the world, there is a
good chance that someone will speak English.
How did this happen? English has not always been the most common
language. Until English became important in the 20th century,
people who had any education spoke French. What’s more, English
spelling doesn’t give much help with pronunciation, and its grammar
is difficult, especially the word order.
The reason is that in the 18th century, the UK was a country
whose industrial products were sold all over the world. In the 20th
century, the USA spread English all over the world through
newspapers, television, films and advertising. It’s now the common
language for international travel, science, industry and in recent
years, information technology and the Internet.
But it’s also important to remember that English has borrowed
many words from other languages, either exactly the same word or
very similar. It uses restaurant from French, zero
from Arabic, piano from Italian, and typhoon,
china and many other words from Chinese.
Will the importance of English last? Many people think that, if
China continues to grow in importance, Chinese will become as
common as English by the middle of the 21st century. More and more
schools in Europe are teaching Chinese as a foreign language, in
place of other European languages. And tourism puts China into the
top 10 countries for visitors. But at least for the next 20 or 30
years, English will be the language used most widely.
So who owns English? The answer is everyone who speaks it — the
English, the Indians and the Chinese all help make it a rich
language. It changes every year with new words and expressions.
Even though there are differences in grammar, vocabulary,
pronunciation and spelling, we all belong to the international
English speaking world. We all own English.
1 How many people in the world speak English?
About 400 million
2 When did English become an international language?
In the 20th century
3 Why did English become so popular?
Because the UK sold its industrial products all over the world
and the USA spread English all over the world through newspapers,
television, films and advertising.
4 When will Chinese become an international language?
By the middle of the 21st century.
5 Who owns English?
Everyone who speaks English owns it.
知识点:考查 细节理解
Choose the best answer.
1 In a country like India, English is ______.
a) not taught in school
b) spoken by everyone
c) the most important foreign language
d) not the language everyone speaks at home
2 English became more common because ______.
a) of the growth of the UK
b) it’s an easy language to learn
c) it was used in television, films and the Internet
d) is was sold like an industrial product
3 English has many words which ______.
a) are difficult to remember
b) first came from other languages
c) look as if they come from another language
d) are important to remember
4 In the middle of the twenty-first century, Chinese ______.
a) may replace English as an international language
b) will be taught in all schools as a foreign language
c) will be used as widely as English
d) won’t be used as widely as English
Unit 3 Language in use
Join the sentences with the words in the box.
which&& who
Piano is a word. It was originally borrowed from Italian.
Piano is a word which was originally borrowed from
1 English borrowed many French words. The French became the
rulers of Britain in 1066.
2 French was the language of Britain after 1066. People still
spoke English in their homes.
3 Many words connected with mathematics and chemistry came from
Arabic. There was a great knowledge of maths and chemistry in
Arabic countries.
4 The Europeans borrowed many words from the local people. The
people were already living in America.
5 People don’t realise. Languages borrow words from each other
all the time.
1. English borrowed many French words because the French became
the rulers of Britain in 1066.
2. Although French was the language of Britain after 1066,
people still spoke English in their homes.
3. Many words connected with maths and chemistry came from
Arabic because there was a great knowledge of maths and chemistry
in Arabic countries.
4. The Europeans borrowed many words from the local people who
were already living in America.
5. People don’t realise that languages borrow words from each
other all the time.
Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.
1 Lao She is the author who ...
2 I enjoy / don’t enjoy learning English, although ...
3 I often / never speak English outside school because ...
4 If you want to improve your spoken English, you should really
5 I started learning English when ...
1 Lao She is the author who wrote many novels.
2 I enjoy learning English, although it’s difficult to
3 I often speak English outside school because it’s good to
practise my oral English.
4 If you want to improve your spoken English, you should really
practise speaking it more often.
5 I started learning English when I was 7 years old.
Read your answers to Activity 2 and answer these
a Which sentence tells you about a time?
b Which sentence gives a reason?
c Which sentence gives advice for a possible situation?
d Which sentence gives an opposite idea?
e Which sentence describes someone in more detail?
Work in pairs. Read the reports and discuss the
Meg has achieved a very high level of English this year. She is
a bright and interesting student, and we are very proud of her at
this school.
Ned needs to make a great effort to improve his handwriting. All
he needs is to spend a few minutes on it, every day. If he
practises, his handwriting will certainly improve.
If Toby shows as much interest in schoolwork as he does in
sport, he will make good progress in all his subjects.
1 Which student has to try very hard to do something? What does
the student need to work on?
Ned needs to make a great effort to improve his handwriting.
2 What does Toby enjoy? Does he like schoolwork as much as this,
or less than this?
Toby enjoys sport and he likes schoolwork less than this.
3 Who has done very well in English? How well?
Meg. She has achieved a very high level of English this
4 Is Meg naturally clever?
Yes, she is.
5 What does Ned need to do in order to get better at
All he needs is to spend a few minutes on it every day.
Read the passage and choose the correct answer.
The development of English as a world language is one of the
most interesting events of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
It is the language used by speakers of many different languages to
communicate with each other.
There are about 5.8 billion people who do not speak English as
either their first or second language. However, we have entered a
period in world history when children are all learning beginner or
higher level English. Already, there are almost 180 million
learners of English being educated in China, a number which is
rising. Also, many adults are learning English at work or in their
free time.
But looking into the future, the number of learners may grow
smaller almost as quickly as it increased. If the project to teach
English to the world’s primary schoolchildren is successful, the
children of the future will not need English lessons at all.
For many centuries, Latin was the common language between
educated people in Europe. But just as the use of Latin slowly
disappeared, English may also not remain the world language
forever. Many language learners are already expressing an interest
in learning Chinese, Spanish and Arabic.
1 English is a world language because ______.
a) there are 5.8 billion people who don’t speak it
b) 180 million people in China are learning it
c) nobody speaks Latin any more
d) speakers of all languages, from all over the world, use
2 In the future, people won’t need to learn English, because
a) most people will have learnt it
b) more and more Chinese people are learning it
c) it will no longer be as widely spoken as it is today
d) educated people will prefer Latin
3 If most children learn English at school ______.
a) the number of English beginners in the world will
b) the level of English will be higher around the world
c) they will want to learn other languages as well
d) languages like Arabic and Chinese will be less popular
4 English may not always be the world language, because
a) many people speak other languages
b) Latin is going to be the common language gain
c) people want to learn other languages
d) it is too difficult to learn
Module 10 My future life
Unit 1 I’m going to miss my
Listen and read.
Betty: You look lovely, Lingling!
Lingling: Thanks, you look great, too. That’s a nice
Betty: It’s my mother’s. Are you enjoying the party?
Lingling: Yes, it’s very enjoyable, but I feel a bit sad.
I don’t know when we’ll be back in this hall all together again.
I’m going to miss my classmates.
Tony: Yes, but wherever you go, that will happen. Anyway,
don’t forget we’re going to the USA for the vacation!
Lingling: The hall looks wonderful, Tony. You’ve hung
international flags from the floor to the ceiling!
Tony: Cool music, Daming! It’s got a great beat!
Daming: Pardon?
Betty: But it’s a bit noisy.
Lingling: Do you intend to stay in China for long,
Tony: I hope so. And even if I go back to the UK. I’ll
come back and visit you all.
Lingling: What about you, Betty?
Betty: I’ll finish my high school education here, but I
want to go back to my home town one day. What are your plans,
Daming: I want to become ... an English teacher!
Tony: Come on! Let’s fetch something to eat. What’s on
Betty: How about a hot dog? Or some ice cream? A
Lingling: And we’ll always stay friends.
Betty: Let’s raise our glasses. Here’s to our friendship,
everyone ... and the future! And now, excuse me. I must make a
All: Cheers!
Read the questions and decide if we know the answers.
Do you know ...
1 what Lingling’s plan are?
No, we don’t.&
2 what people think of the music?
Yes, we do. It’s cool, with a good beat, but a bit noisy.
3 what Tony’s plans are?
Yes, we do. He hopes to stay in China.
4 what’s on the menu?
Yes, we do. Hot dogs, ice cream and sandwiches.
5 what they wish for when they raise their glasses?
Yes, we do. Their friendship and the future.
6 what Betty’s speech is about?
No, we don’t.
Unit 2 I wish you success for the
Think about a speech at a school leavers’ party, and answer
the questions. There may be more than one answer.
1 Who is likely to be thanked?
a) Family.&& b)
Schoolmates.&& c)
Teachers.&& d) Strangers.
2 What is the speaker likely to say?
a) Thank you.&& b) Good
luck!&& c) I’m
sorry.&& d) Cheers!
3 Which personal qualities are likely to be mentioned?
a) Good behaviour&& b) Bad
temper&& c)
Patience&& d) Good fun.
Now read the passage and check.
Head teacher, teachers, grandparents, parents and classmates,
I’m very proud that I have been chosen to speak to you all today.
I’m a bit nervous as I’ve never made a speech before to so many
people, so please forgive me if it shows!
As we all know, this is the school leavers’ party, and it’s time
to say goodbye to everyone. We’re sorry to leave you at the end of
our junior high school education, and we promise that we’ll never
forget the happy times we have spent in these buildings with you
I’d like to thank three groups of people for the three things
I’ve learnt while I’ve been a pupil at our school. The three things
are friendship, love and knowledge.
The first group is my friends, and what I’ve learnt is the
importance of friendship. We’ve worked hard together, we’ve even
shared some difficult times together, but we’ve also had a lot of
fun. Many of us will go to new schools and we may not see each
other so often in the future. Others will go on to senior high
school and continue their close friendships. But friends don’t have
to see each other all the time. Sometimes the friends you treasure
most are the friends you see less often. A life without old friends
is like a day without sunshine. We’ll always stay in touch.
The second group is our parents and grandparents. We thank you
for the love you have shown us during our years at junior high
school, for making a home where we feel both safe and relaxed, and
where we can prepare ourselves for our school days. We also thank
you for your help with our homework. How many of us owe our good
grades to the suggestions you have made during those long
And finally, the third group is our teachers. We can never pay
you back for your kindness, your patience, and gift of knowledge
which you have offered us. Sometimes you’ve
sometimes you’ve made us work very hard. But you have always been
fair and you’ll always be our role models. There’s a saying from
Ireland which is a favourite of mine: Strangers are only friends
you haven’t met yet.
I couldn’t say it better myself. So from the bottom of my heart,
I thank you all and wish you success for the future.
1. a), b) and c)&& 2. a) and
b)&& 3. a), c) and d)
Answer the questions.
1 “... so please forgive me if it shows!”
What does it refer to?
Her nervousness. (She is nervous.)
2 “A life without old friends is like a day without
So in other words, what are old friends like?
3 “How many of us owe our good grades to the suggestions you
have made...”
So do we know how many?
No, we don’t.
4 “We can never pay you back for your kindness, your
So what should we do instead?
Say “Thank you.”
5 “I couldn’t say it better myself.”
What does it mean?
That they will meet strangers who will become friends in their
new schools.
Find the sentences which show:
1 the three things they have learnt
2 the three groups of people they have learnt from
3 what they have learnt from each group of people
1 The three things are friendship, love and knowledge.
2 The first group is my friends. The second group is my parents
and grandparents. The third group is our teachers.
3 They have learned the importance of friendship from the
friends, love from the parents and grandparents, and knowledge from
the teachers.
Unit 3 Language in use
Complete the conversation. Join the words in Box A with those
hair&& hand(&2)
mates&& noon
Lingling: What are you going to wear to the school
leavers’ party?
Betty: I’m going to wear a dress. And I’m going to buy a
new black (1) ______. Do you want to go with me to the shopping
centre to look for one?
Lingling: Sorry, I can’t. I’m having a (2) ______this (3)
______at 3 o’clock, I want nice short hair for the
Tony: I’ll go with you, Betty. I’m the photographer, and
I want to buy a book to put the photographs in, so that all our (4)
______will remember each other.
Betty: I’ve already bought a special book for the photos.
It’s black, with (5) ______ paper pages. I noticed it when I was
buying my new black shoes.
Tony: You can carry it on the big night then. It’ll match
your clothes.
Betty: Don’t be silly, Tony!
(1) handbag&& (2)
haircut&& (3)
afternoon&& (4)
classmates&& (5) handmade
Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the
1 Something you enjoy is _______ (enjoy).
2 Something which you suggest is a ______ (suggest).
3 The activity of learning is your ______ (educate).
4 Being friends with someone is called a ______ (friend).
5 The act of being kind is called ______ (kind).
6 Someone who teaches is a ______ (teach).
1. enjoyable&& 2.
suggestion&& 3.
education&& 4.
friendship&& 5.
kindness&& 6. teacher
Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and discuss the
1 Which two things tell you that the party is international?
a) The menu.&& b) The
language.&& c) The flags.
2 Why are the people clapping?
a) They are celebrating someone’s birthday.
b) They are watching a play.
c) They are listening to a speech.
3 What do you think the person making a speech is saying?
a) Excuse me.&& b)
Welcome.&& c) Sorry.
1. a), c)&& 2.
c)&& 3. b)
Read the passage. Match the photos and the
Take a year off!
These days, more and more students in the UK are taking a “gap
year” between their graduation from school and their university
studies. This means that they take a year off, to do something
else, before they start their studies.
For most students, spending time in foreign countries is the
favourite activity—and Australia is the favourite place to go.
Many parents, teachers and business people agree that travelling
can teach important values.
“After a year of travelling, I felt I’d grown up. I had learnt
the importance of relationships with people, on all sorts of
There are many companies around the world that welcome these
students on their projects-helping people in poorer countries, or
even in your home country. Although you don’t get paid for your
work, this kind of work can teach important skills-decision making
and finding answers to problems, for example-that will help a
student in a job one day.
Finally, getting some knowledge and experience in an area you
hope to study or work in one day will always be very useful.
If several university graduates are applying for the same job,
gap year work experience allows you to say: “I’ve already had some
experience of this kind of work.”And that can get you the job!
Match the headings with the paragraphs.
Working for no money
a-Travel&& b-Working for no
money&& c-Work experience
Choose the best answer.
1 These days, ______ students in the UK take a gap year.
a) some&&& b)
many&&& c)
all&& &d) a
2 Travelling can teach you values such as learning about
a) flights&&&
b) money&&& c)
relationships& &d) jobs
3 Working on projects in poorer countries is all about ______
a) helping&&&
c) managing&
&&d) paying
4 To help poorer people, you have to be prepared ______.
a) to live in another
country&&& b) to
be paid very well
c) to be paid very
d) to work for free
5 University graduates with some work experience often get
______ than graduates without experience.
&&b) more important jobs
c) jobs more easily&& d) more
jobs in other countries
Revision B
Complete the passage with the correct form of the
Dear John,
I am writing this letter on the bus. I am on my way home from
school. I (1) ______ (be) very happy. My father (2) ______ (give)
me some good news! My family and I (3) ______ (fly) to the UK this
summer. We (4) ______ (stay) for four weeks. We (5) ______
(visit)lots of different cities so that we can see as much as
Last summer, we (6) ______ (visit) Australia. It (7) ______ (not
be) a good trip. While we (8) ______ (travel), we had an accident
and my mother was hurt. We (9) ______ (return) home immediately.
Now she (10) ______ (is) fine.
Write to me soon!
Best wishes,
(1) am&& (2)
gave&& (3) will
fly&& (4) will
stay&& (5) will
(6) visited&& (7)
wasn’t&& (8) were
travelling&& (9)
returned&& (10) is
Join the sentences together. Use the words and expressions in
because&& so
when&& while
Alex wrote the letter. He was coming home from school.
Alex wrote the letter while he was coming home from
1 They are friends. Alex hasn’t written for a long time.
2 Alex is writing a letter. John will know what he’s doing.
3 Alex is happy. They are going to the UK.
4 They went on holiday last summer. They didn’t have a good
1 Although they are friends, Alex hasn’t written for a long
2 Alex is writing a letter so that John will know what he’s
3 Alex is happy because they are going to the UK.
4 They didn’t have a good time when they went on holiday last
Complete the passage with the correct form of the
A factory worker (1) ______ (find) something unusual next to his
sandwich in his lunch box-a huge, dangerous ant.
When factory worker Bob Fisher (2) ______ (open) his lunch box
one day, he was shocked to find a huge ant (3) ______(sit) next to
his banana.
Mr Fisher bought a bunch of bananas at a supermarket last week.
The South American ant (4) ______ (hide) inside it.
When Mr Fisher (5) ______ (discover) his “surprise lunch”, he
immediately (6) ______ (show) it to his factory manager.
The ant (7) ______ (take) to its new home-the zoo, the next
(1) found&& (2)
opened&& (3)
sitting&& (4)
discovered&& (6)
showed&& (7) was taken
Choose the best answer.
1 “What ______in the holidays, Daming?” asked Lingling.
a) did you
b) are you
doing&&& c) were
you doing&&& d)
2 My grandmother ______a lot of changes in her life.
a) sees&&& b)
can see&&& c)
will see&&& d)
3 They ______work very hard when they were young.
a) had to&&&
b) must&&& c)
should&& d) have to
4 Today, we ______work as hard as people did in the past.
a) mustn’t&&&
b) can’t&&& c)
shouldn’t&&& d)
don’t have to
5 Help! Daming ______an accident.
a) was having&& b) is
having&&& c) has
had&&& d) will
6 He ______his bicycle when he hit a car.
riding&&& b) was
riding&&& c) has
ridden&&& d)
7 The school dance is ______by the students.
a) to plan&&&
b) planning&&&
c) planned& &&d)
8 The telephone ______by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
invented&&& b)
invented&&& c)
d) has been invented
9 She was chosen ______a speech at the farewell party.
a) giving&&&
b) to give&&& c)
and gives&&& d)
10 Yesterday I met my old friend but I forgot ______him for his
telephone number.
a) asking&&&
b) ask&&& c) and
ask&&& d) to
1. a)&& 2.
b)&& 10. d)
Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in
which&& who
Every summer a farm near Glastonbury, a small town in England,
holds an open-air rock concert. The world’s (1) ______artists
perform in a building where cows live for most of the year. In
1970, Michael Eavis had the idea and held the first concert on his
farm. At first, the concert was very small, but now it’s one of the
(2) ______ annual rock concerts (3) ______ musicians from all over
the world love to play there. They entertain more than 140,000 rock
music fans (4) ______ camp at the farm for the weekend. Many more
watch the concert on TV.
(5) ______everyone hopes for clear days and warm sunshine, it
almost always rains! However, Glastonbury fans say it’s their
favourite concert. “It’s an event (6) ______ we look forward to all
year. This weekend we know we are going to hear the (7)
______music, and have the most fun!”
You won’t be surprised to hear (8) ______it’s very difficult to
get a ticket to Glastonbury.
(1) greatest&& (2) most
famous&& (3)
because&& (4) who /
that&& (5)
Although&& (6) which /
that&& (7)
Complete the passage with the best words.
It’s my school leavers’ party next weekend. I’m feeling excited,
because it’s such a (1) ___event, but also, (2) ___-I have been
asked to make a (3) ___! I want to (4) ___the teachers for all the
help they’ve given us. But I don’t know if I’ll (5) ___ to find the
words. I’m going to have to make a huge (6) ___to ask everyone to
(7) ___their glasses and wish each other well for the future
without crying! One of my friends has suggested that I (8) ___my
speech in front of some of my classmates, just before the big
night, so that I will be (9) ___. I think that’s very good (10)
d) helpful
3 a) decoration&&
&&d) speech
b) encourage&&&
&c) thank&
improvement&& d) achievement
b) remember&&&
c) practise
&d) prepared
10a) dvice&&&
&d) communication
1. a)&& 2.
d)&& 10. a)
Complete the conversation with the words and expressions in
above all&&&
although&& as
theatres&& until
A: What makes you (1) ______ of your country?
B: Everything! But (2) ______, I like the (3) ______,
with its fields, mountains and hills.
A: What about the cities? Are there any good things for
tourists to do?
B: Yes, there are. There are lots of (4) ______ where you
can see famous actors in plays, and of course, there are some great
classical, pop and jazz (5) ______.
A: Can you (6) ______a good time to visit?
B: Well, the months from April (7) ______about November
are the best, (8) ______you always need to be (9) ______for the
rain! Actually, it sometimes rains (10) ______in spring as it does
in winter!
(1) proud&& (2) above
countryside&& (4)
theatres&& (5)
(6) suggest&& (7)
until&& (8)
although&& (9)
prepared&& (10) as much
Match the sentences with the pictures.
Excuse me.
Here’s to you!
Promise you’ll call me soon.
What’s on the menu?
Excuse me.&
Here’s to you! -A&&
Promise you’ll call me soon.&
What’s on the menu?& -C
Read the passage and check (√) the true
Some unusual jobs
When we ask students what they would like to be, they often talk
about usual jobs, things like doctors or teachers. But if you think
about it, many people don’t plan to do their jobs. They just start
doing them by accident. We have talked to two people with unusual
Charlene is a dentist but she doesn’t work with people. She
works with horses. After university, she took care of animals’
medical health for several years, but she noticed that there were
few people who could help with horses’ teeth. She decided to go
back to college and study again. Then she had to buy special tools,
but she’s never out of work. She’s always very busy taking care of
horses’ teeth. “I couldn’t be a dentist for people now,” Charlene
said, “because I really enjoy working with horses.”
As soon as Mike could read, he read books about robots. But the
robots he builds today don’t look like the strange robot people in
his books. He builds robots for industry. Early on he made up his
mind to study science, maths and computers so that he could break
into the world of robot engineering. “Some of the maths is very
difficult,” says Mike, “but you must study maths to be an
engineer.” Fortunately, he got top marks in all his maths
1 A horse dentist doesn’t need any special
2 Charlene always has a job.
3 Charlene would like to take care of people’s
4 Mike has always been interested in robots.
5 Mike became a robot engineer by
6 Mike is very good at maths.
2. √&& 4.
√&& 6. √&
Choose the best answer.
1 In order to become a horse dentist, Charlene ______.
a) worked on farms for several years
b) studied in college for several years
c) was out of work
d) worked in a hospital
2 Charlene doesn’t want to be a dentist for people because
a) the pay is low
b) she has to buy special tools
c) she likes working with horses
d) she will be out of work
3 To become a robot engineer, Mike ______.
a) had to study hard
b) didn’t have to go to college
c) needed to worry
d) bought a lot of robots
4 Mike got top marks in all his maths exams, although
a) he had to study maths to be an engineer
b) he could break into the world of robot engineering
c) he made up his mind to study science, maths and computers
d) maths was not easy to study


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