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Corporation2012年上海中考英语高分作文范例:The best teacher
来源:昂立教育&&&&作者:吴争&&&& 14:34:37
  上海中考网6月8日:中考英语例文题目:The best teacher,以下为高分作文,供学生参考。
During my English learning journey,I have met a great many teachers.However,among them, Mr.Liu,in my mind, never fails to fascinate me.For instance,in order to help us memorize some words better, he often tells us a large number of funny stories about them. Besides,when I fell sad or unhappy, he can be very good listener to comfort me.Here I would like to express my deepest appreciation towards him.To sum up,Mr.Liu is the best teacher I know.
以我最崇拜的人为题(the person I admire most),求一篇300字以上的作文尽量纯正的英语。谢!(急用)
The Person I Admire MostAmong the teachers who have taught me through my school life, Teacher Helen is the one that I most admire. She was the English teacher of mine while I was in junior high. In contrast to some teacher's apathy, her vitality always refreshed the atmosphere in our classroom. Moreover, her enthusiasm and thoughtfulness still warmed my heart to this day.
Helen's charisma won everyone's appreciation soon after she began teaching us. As she was not the first English teacher of us, everyone had a skeptical eye on her in her first class. Sensing our doubts, she began the class with a guessing-people game. She asked us to write about our characteristics on a small piece of paper, which afterwards was read to the class for us to identify the person. We had great fun that day due to her ingenuity to grasp what we wanted. Afterwards, the contempt students used to hold in her was nowhere to be seen.
The energy and passion Helen possessed when teaching was unbelievable. With more and more days she spent with us, I noticed a distinctive quality of hers that truly amazed me. No matter what the weather was like and how she was feeling, she was always in high spirits when she entered the classroom, as if she was ecstatic to see us. Besides, she encouraged us
therefore, the class was by no means serious and tense, but very enjoyable and inspiring.
Helen used clever techniques to arouse our interest in learning English. Quizzes are the indispensable element of a class, but Helen added them with her own illustrations to make them more fascinating. She also printed many handouts, adorned with her amusing drawings, to provide the information missing in the textbook for us.
In short, she had the magic to transform something painstaking into pleasure. F lots of English songs were introduced to us in her class. All in all, she is the best teacher I have ever had, and she also the person I admire most.
The person I admire most&Who do you admire most in the world?& When I come to this question, the first person that breaks into my brain is my father. He is plain because neither he is a big figure, nor a good-looking star. Perhaps he is by no means outstanding in any community, but to me, he is the greatest person I've ever met.My father has taught me a lot about the society, the nature, and the most important,the quality to be a human. &You can forget where you came from, where you're now standing on, but you can't forget the basic ethic that every single person is supposed to comply with.& He always says so, and I always believe it.When time is free, he will take me out, walking into the wild. We talk much about where the meaning of protecting the environment lie
s in. &To be a member of this nature, we should follow the natural rules. Anyone of us cannot go against them, otherwise we'll get punishments. If we protect the nature, the nature will appreciate it and pay us back.& I can still remember the words my father told me. They will always be in my mind, in my heart.All in all, my father is the person I admire most, no matter when I recall the words my father told me, I will put them into practice.
the man i admire the most: Putin.
i admire the man not because of his money, power or handsome face. i admire this man because he did a lot of good things for his people, for his country. god bless him, my admired man.
he was born in a worker's family. he has the democratic ways and concepts to settle things. he did made a lot of laws and policy that showed people he is ordinary, he is people, he made people's wished came true. people dont just think about him a prime minister of their country, people think he is one of themselves. he is one of their friends. he is a people person.
after disintegration of the soviet union, it was a disaster. putin was the man who can reunite the people and pull the country together. therefore, i admired the man. he is the man who can runs a country rich and well. however, before that, the country was dark and poor.
he is a powerful prime minister, he loves his people and the country. he is always there for the people. when the reception of russia comes, he had never wanted to quit. there he is, the man i admired the most
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