their headswe are always one

翻译off with their heads_百度知道
翻译off with their heads
在做一篇加拿大议员冒领补贴丑闻的翻译时,遇到一个&off with their heads&的词条,在网上搜索下 貌似有这样名称的小说(好像翻译成断头记) 求了解它的高人介绍
好像这也是Kaiser Chefs的一首歌 求介绍
Off With Their Heads is a punk rock band formed in 2002 from Minneapolis, Minnesota.[1] Since their formation, they have often featured a rotating line-up of tour players, due to their members' other commitments and Off With Their Head's own full-time touring schedule. Singer/guitarist Ryan Young has noted that having different musicians helps keep the band fresh.[2]According to the No Idea website, the band had planned to release The '69 Sound, a second singles collection of more recent split 7& material.[3] However, this has since been refuted by No Idea, who commented saying &This thing will never happen.& [4]On September 10, 2008, Off With Their Heads self-released a music video for &Fuck This, I'm Out& [5]In late 2009, the band was chosen as one of Beyond Race Magazine's &50 Emerging Artists,& resulting in a spot in the publication's No. 11 issue (with Bodega Girls and J. Cole on the cover), as well as an exclusive Q&A for the magazine's site.[6]In February 2010, it was announced that Off With Their Heads signed to Epitaph Records, with a new record due for June 1 of that year.[7]While the line-up has never been stable, the band has always included Ryan Young and Justin Francis. Though Francis no longer tours with the band, he continues to write and record songs as the band's drummer and has played on every Off With Their Heads Record to date. Similarly, Zack Gontard (who joined in 2006) no longer tours with the band, but remains the band's guitarist (and backing vocalist) for the purpose of recording. Francis and Gontard's stand-ins for live performances are (as of May 2013) - and have been (since 2012) - Ryan Fisher and John Polydoros.(band)
出门在外也不愁Dec 19 14 under
Priyank and I have had some great working experiences together in the past. He has a great deal of insight in cloud & mobile development. That being said…I will always give him $#!7 for not seeing Star Wars until I told him about it.
Dec 17 14 under
Meeting Kickoff and Updates
We all witnessed the “Return of Zorn” this month—welcome back, Mike! This month’s talks were even more spirited than usual along with being informative as usual. I, unfortunately had to step out twice to get my busted 6 Plus screen &steam from ears& fixed so please pardon the lack of content this month. Missed talks and a busted device—I’d say I’ve suffered enough.
Here are some of the intro points of interest:
Side Project Saturday had its first Suburban fling in King of Prussia on Dec 13 and is hopefully the first of more to come!
“Workshop: Starting Swift” will be held on Saturday, January 10, 2015 (at 12:30pm).There are 3 spots left and promises to be a fantastic way to bring in the new year!
Stay up on other awesome upcoming events at the
Below is quick recap of the talks and links to resources for more info.
Show and Tell
Curtis Herbert - GPS library
In this postponed talk from last month, Curtis politely flexed his monster dev guns and walked us through his Core Location wrapper called GPSKit.It provides a really neat way to deal with common tasks in Core Location and greatly reduces the need for the usual boilerplate code.Great job and thanks mucho, Curtis!
Here are some of the points from his talk:
The three tasks GPSKit simplifies are these:
Signal Strength Monitoring
Location Lookup
Continuous GPS Monitoring
The main class is CLHLocationSubscriber.
An instance of this acts much like a CLLocationManager in that it allows you to start and stop location monitoring functions.
However, unlike CLLocationManager, the method calls have completion blocks which allow you to neatly define the code to run upon completion within the invocation as opposed to in a separate delegate callback method…nice.
You can also cancel a location lookup in progress,
With location lookup you can define a block that gets called while location lookup is in progress and another for when it has found a location that meets your accuracy requirments
Another class is CLHLocationManager.A singleton instance of this class facilitates access to global GPSKit properties that store attributes such as desired accuracy.
Again, this looks like a very useful framework which I hope I get the time to use at some point.
Resources for more information
On Github:
Cocoapod name: “GPSKit”
Kotaro Fujita - Character Rigging in Sprite Kit
Developer, designer, WebView Protester Kotaro gave us a crystal clear intro to character rigging in SpriteKit.For those of us (like me) who’ve never touched SpriteKit, this was a great talk conveying the some of the essentials of character movement animation in SpriteKit. Thanks Kotaro!
Here are some of the points from his talk and the discussion that came up around it
“[Character] rigging is the process by which a technical director prepares a 3D character model for animation.Rigging usually includes the placement of an underlying bone structure for the model, which can be linked to control points that animators can use to control the orientation of a character’s arms, legs, and spine.”(source: /od/Glossary-R/g/Rigging.htm)
Once a character image is broken into parts (represented in code as instances of SKNode) that move, they must be bound to each other in a multi-layer, parent-child relationship hierarchy starting at a node called the root node.
Movements of parent nodes cascade into corresponding movements of the entire hierarchy of child nodes under that parent node.
Cascading movements are determined based on a shared pivot point on both the parent and child(ren) node(s).
Question: Can a SpriteKit Scene be combined in a content view with other non-SpriteKit/UIView views (e.g. UITableView, concrete UIControl subclasses, etc)?Yes.
All that said, unless you have a specific compelling need to use SpriteKit, use Unity for game development.
Resources for more information
Armen Papshev - To Keyword or Not To Keyword?
Mobile UX Design in 2015 - Michael Raber
Michael skillfully revealed some key realities and sparked a conversation around how we should be looking to design
Here are some of the points from his talk and the discussion that came up around it
As the years pass by, even iOS developers have increasing challenges to deal with regarding multiple device screen sizes.
Another challenge (and design consideration) is the increasing sizes of iPhone screen sizes and the span of human thumbs especially during one-handed use.
From a proactive perspective, we should also be looking to take this opportunity to exploit different screen sizes and orientations (such as the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus in landscape orientation) to yield an enhanced experience for users.
In meeting these challenges and opportunities, we should also look to leverage and apply other best practices such as those from responsive web design principles and even Android UI design patterns.
Before opening the talk up to discussion, Michael posed a question: How do you believe mobile apps should be designed for 2015?
Among his seed concepts he listed, the one he emphasized was “personalization” — (This was a great takeaway concept in my eyes.)
The floor was then open and the question that spawned the broadest and most spirited (yet familiar) discussion was this: What about HTML5?
Here are some points from that discourse:
Write Once Run Many is a great concept…however both web dev’s (and users) have experienced the pain of this partial reality.
A well-developed, stable, reliable, and scalable web application of any complexity takes a good deal of time.
There was consensus that faux-native mobile web apps are just the wrong technology for creating rich and responsive user experiences.
Resources for more information
(No list of iOS UI design resource is complete without this.)
This is only a small few of the resources. Michael said that he would post his presentation so I’ll let everyone know if I see it first.
Do we over rely on UICollectionView and UITableView? - Taun Chapman
This is the other talk I missed too much of to provide comment.My apologies, Taun.I did glean from the demo of Taun’s UI that thinking out of the box regarding those UI staples can yield really cool results.The only resource I heard during my Great job, Taun, and let us know when your app hits the store!
Note: This is only one humble man’s reflection of the talks.Please post any insights you extracted to the Meetup site!
Until next time, keep being tremendous!
Dec 17 14 under
Dec 14 14 under
Dec 12 14 under
Our good friends, Conrad Kramer and Ariel Weinstein are at it again. They just release a new app called WorkFlow. It’s very popular now and has hit #1 spot in a few places on the App Store. Be sure to give them some love! Awesome job!
Dec 8 14 under
meeting will be Thursday, December 11th from 6:30pm - 9pm at the . After meeting drinks will commence at
located at 1528 Sansom Street.
Please RSVP via Meetup:
When you arrive at the Apple Store let one of the store employees know you are there for CocoaHeads and they will let you into the back where you can come up to the second floor briefing room space.
For folks who drive in and need parking one lot recommend by the store is from Patriot Parking on Chancellor Street.
Meeting Agenda
Group Business
Our first Suburb Edition of “Side Project Saturday” is Sat, Dec 13th at the Apple Store in King of Prussia.
Next Philly “Side Project Saturday” is Saturday, Dec 20th at IndyHall (Date changed due to holiday weekend.)
Workshop: Starting Swift is set for January 10th. Tickets are on sale.
We continue to welcome
who is our current long term sponsor of Philly CocoaHeads. Their support helps us provide pizza and refreshments at our main meetings.
Twilio is a software and cloud-based communications platform that enables the rapid build and deploy of powerful, flexible business communications solutions.
For more info check out their website and if you have any question please contact Brent Schooley .
Show and Tell
Curtis Herbert - GPS library
Kotaro Fujita - Character Rigging in Sprite Kit
Armen Papshev - To Keyword or Not To Keyword? (1)
(1) How to improve app downloads in less then two hours by doing keyword research for your app title and app keyword list in iTunes connect.
Mobile UX Design in 2015, Michael Raber
In this remix of his Philly BarCamp talk, Michael will introduce concepts we need to think as we design our apps and open up the discussion to the group.
Do we over rely on UICollectionView and UITableView?, Taun Chapman
UICollectionView and UITableView are massively optimized and factored libraries of classes for model list presentation. The talk will discuss good and bad uses for the views as well as alternatives which may be easier conceptually and in terms of implementation. Autolayout and IB_Designable makes alternatives surprisingly easy to implement. “Bad” uses would be uses where you can make the view work but there is an impedance mismatch and life is made more difficult than it needs to be.
About CocoaHeads
is the Philadelphia area Mac and iPhone programming group, a chapter of the worldwide . All skill levels are welcome. The only requirement is an interest in Apple-related technologies and moderate tolerance for geeking out.
The main CocoaHeads presentation-style meeting is the second Thursday of every month. We also hold a Side Project Saturday event the last Saturday of the month. For more on our events see our Meetup page:
We are always looking for feedback and suggestions on what topics to discuss at our meetings. Please reach out if you have any comments.
Group website:
Dec 3 14 under
Dec 1 14 under
Come out for a Gain and Engage Users Workshop the App Developers
Alliance is hosting at the Science Center on Thursday, December 11th.
Attendees will get to:
Gain key insights from industry leaders at AppLovin, Millennial
Media, Smaato, OpenX, Mindgrub Technologies and more on how to
leverage monetization strategies, boost engagement, and generate
revenue from your apps.
Learn how to build apps with the user experience of your target
audience in mind.
Grab a drink after the workshop with speakers and attendees (beer,
wine, and appetizers served).
with the code Cocoa to reserve your place for FREE! Space is limited, so be sure to sign up today!
Date: Thursday, December 11 from 3:00pm to 6:30pm
Location: Quorum at the University City Science Center | 3711 Market Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Dec 1 14 under
Our good friend, Joe Cieplinski and his friend Charles Perry are starting a new conference. A little different from CocoaLove in its focus on building businesses.
October 21-23, 2015 | Indianapolis, IN
More info can be found here:
Nov 26 14 under
As with all things Internet, there are a megaton of resources posted to learn Swift.
In scanning to find some that are useful, I found that they all tend to have strengths and weaknesses.
Add to that everyone’s own unique skill level and learning preferences and it becomes obvious that no one size fits all.
That said, a good list of resources to choose from seems a decent solution.
Having reviewed a few, the best list I’ve come across so far is .
It includes the essential Apple resources (WWDC, Docs, Update Blogs, etc.), is divided into different skill levels, and has a sizable list of other resources that appear to be well curated.
Enjoy, don’t forget to review previous posts on Swift, and look forward to future posts on Swift resources.
CocoaLove Conference
A Community Conference for iOS & Mac Artisans.
Oct 24th-26th
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March 2009 &(1)
February 2009 &(2)
January 2009 &(2)Two Heads are Better than One
Two Heads are Better than One
It is not well known that when Bowser wishes to punish subjects in his
kingdom, he likes to execute them with one swift chop to the
neck. Unfortunately, this does not always succeed in fully severing
their head from their body, and Bowser is simply too busy for a second
chop. Every day, he eats lunch at noon, after which, every hour on the
hour, he executes a prisoner. At the end of the day, he takes the
heads he has successfully severed and lines them up on a shelf in his
castle, in alphabetical order by first name of the deceased. Today, he
executed 9 creatures, named Alice, Bob, Carol, Dave, Eve, Frank,
Gloria, Henry, and Irene, each from a different species. The species
represented among the executed included three different types of
Goombas and three different types of Koopas. In Bowser's kingdom, all
species may be of either gender (e.g., a Dancing Spear Guy may be
Alice and Dave were the Piranha Plant and the Dark Goomba, in some order. / Alice and Dave were the Piranha Plant and the Micro-Goomba, in some order.
Alice was a Dark Goomba and Bob was a Koopa Paratroopa. / The three Koopas were adjacent in execution.
Alice was executed immediately after Bob, and immediately before Dave. / Neither Gloria nor the creature executed at 1pm had their head fully severed.
All Goombas had their heads fully severed. / No Goomba had its head fully severed.
Bob's and Dave's heads were both fully severed. / Exactly one creature's head was not fully severed before 5pm.
Bob was executed after 6pm. / Bob was neither a Koopa nor a Goomba.
Bob was not executed at 2pm nor 6pm. / Bob was not executed at 2pm nor 6pm.
Both Frank and Irene were neither the Gargantua Koopa Troopa nor executed at 2pm. / The creatures executed at 6pm and 7pm both had their heads fully severed.
Carol, Eve, the Koopa Paratroopa, and the Piranha Plant all had their heads fully severed. / Carol was executed at 3pm.
Carol was a Blooper Nanny, Frank was a Gargantua Koopa Troopa, and Henry was a Beach Koopa. / Irene was executed before 4pm.
Carol was an Electrogoomba and Gloria was a Micro-Goomba. / Eve was executed at 1pm.
Eve was executed after the Dancing Spear Guy, and before the Blooper Nanny. / The creature executed at 9pm was not Alice, Bob, Dave, nor Irene.
Exactly one creature's head was not fully severed after 5pm. / There are exactly three pairs of creatures X and Y such that Y's first name is immediately after X's in alphabetical order, and Y's execution time was (not necessarily immediately) before X's.
Henry, who was executed after 2pm, did not have his head fully severed. / The Electrogoomba was not executed at 1pm.
The Beach Koopa was executed sometime after the Gargantua Koopa Troopa. / The Gargantua Koopa Troopa was executed at 3pm.
The creature executed at 3pm had its head fully severed. / The creatures executed at 1pm and 4pm had their heads fully severed.
The Electrogoomba was executed before the Micro-Goomba, and after at least one creature whose head was not fully severed. / The Koopa Paratroopa's head was fully severed.
The Koopa Paratroopa was executed exactly 4 hours after the Gargantua Koopa Troopa. / The three creatures that were neither Koopas nor Goombas were adjacent in execution.
The Piranha Plant was executed exactly 2 hours after the Blooper Nanny, and exactly 2 hours before the Beach Koopa. / The Piranha Plant was executed last.科目:高中英语
The western world has always been divided into two
types of people—the cool and the uncool. It is a & &11&&
&that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are
popular with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to &
&12&&& &their style. They can do their homework
but they don’t make&a big effort. That would not be cool.
The && 13&&& &kids
are in the other corner of the playground. They are very bright, but they don’t
have great && 14& & skills, not popular with the opposite
sex and they are && 15& & at sports. When they are
not programming computers or doing calculus (微积分) ,
they are watching shows like the “X Files”. They are known as the geeks.
But the geeks are taking over. Make friends with them
now or they will put virus in your computer and && 16&&&
&your maths homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at school,
yet they do pass their examinations. They &&17&& &good
degrees, though they might not be too popular at university.
&&& The most important &&18&&
&of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly
created by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates && 19& &
others to follow their examples. Being a geek is a way of earning good money.
And the creation of the Internet gave them a &&
20&&& &of their own to work and play in, making them a
global force. && 21 & , the effect of the geeks on
popular culture has started a new trend. It is now cool to be &&
22 & . Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular
culture, in which what you && 23&& &is more
important than what you look like.
But there are also && 24 & .
Geeks were often bullied (欺侮) or laughed at in
school. Now a geek may be your && 25&& . Perhaps it
is time for punishment.
time&&&&& B.
group&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& D.
show&&&& B.
&&& C.
copy&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&& D.
uncool&&& B. unimportant&&&&& &&&&& C.
D. strange
personal&&& &&&&& B.
attractive&&&&&&&&&& & C.
experimental&&&& &&&&&&& D.
tasteless&&&&& B. careless&& &&&& C.
hopeless&&&&&&&&&&& & D.
6.A. introduce&&&
B. bring&&&&&& &&& C.
prefer&&&& & D. add
score&&&& &&&&&&&&& B.
&&&&&&&& C.
take&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&& D.
discovery&&& &&& B.
industry&&&&& &&&&& C.
progress&& D. improvement
excite&& && B. discourage&&&&& C.
demand&&&&& &&&&& D. promise
world&&&& &&&&&& B.
challenge&&&&&&&&& &&&& C.
chance&&&&& &&&&&& D.
However&& B. Therefore&& &&& C.
Still&&& &&&&&&& D. Besides
imaginative&&& B.
&&& C.
attractive&&&&&&&& &&&&& D.
remember&&&&& B. understand&&& &&&&&&&&& C.
receive&&&&& &&&&&&& D.
questions&&&&& && C.
possibilities&&&&&&& &&&& D.
secretary&&&& &&&&&&&&& B.
C. friend&&&&& &&&&&&&&& D.
The western world has always been divided into two types of people—the cool and the uncool.It is a division that1in school.The cool kids are good at 2.They are 3with the opposite sex .They are good-looking and people want to 4their style.They can do their homework but they don’t make a big effort.That would 5be cool.The uncool kids are in the other corner of the playground.They are very bright ,but they don’t have great6skills and they are 7at sports .When they are not programming computers or doing calculus(微积分)in their heads ,they are reading comic books and watching shows like the “X Files” .They are 8as the geeks(古怪的人).Here’s the news.The geeks are 9.Make friends with them now or they will put virus in your computer and10your maths homework to ruin.Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university, but 11good degrees.The most important12of the 2lst century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks .Geek heroes like Bill Gates13others to follow their example .Being a geek is a way of earning good money .And the creation of the Internet gave them a14of their own to work and play in, making them a global15.Besides ,the effect of the geeks 16popular culture has started a new trend.It is now cool to be 17.Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you know is more important than18you look like.But there are also19.Geeks were often bullied or laughed at in school.Now a geek may be your boss .Perhaps it is time for 20.1.A.continuesB.makesC.remainsD.starts2.A.computersB.studyC.sportsD.maths3.A.pleasantB.popularC.crazyD.average4.A.copyB.advanceC.takeD.act5.A.notB.indeedC.perhapsD.actually6.A.speakingB.operatingC.socialD.experimental7.A.speechlessB.sharpC.activeD.hopeless8.A.knownB.referredC.thoughtD.admired9.A.taking onB.taking upC.taking overD.taking in10.A.putB.causeC.bringD.serve11.A.winB.takeC.w much19.A.opportunitiesB.dangersC.possibilityD.question20.A.punishmentB.argumentC.competitionD.employment
&&&&& The Western world has always been divided into two types of people―the cool and the uncool. It is a __36__ that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are __37__ with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to __38__ their style. They can do their homework but they don’t _39_ a big effort. That would not be cool.&&&&& The uncool kids are in __40__ corner of the playground. They are very bright, but they don’t have great __41__ skills and they are __42__ at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus(微积分) in their heads, they are reading comic books and watching shows __43__ the “XFiles”. They are __44__ as the geeks.&&&&& Here’s the geeks. The geeks are talking over(占上风). Make friends with them now __45__ they will put virus(病毒) in your computer and __46__ your maths homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university, but __47__ good degrees.&&&&& The most important __48__ of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates __49__ others to follow their examples. Being a good is a way of earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a __50__ of their own to work and play in making them a global force. __51__, the effect of the geeks __52__ popular culture has started a new trend(趋势). It is now cool to be __53__. Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you know is more important than __54__ you look like.&&&&& But there are also __55__. Geeks were often bullied(欺侮) or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your boss. Perhaps it is time for punishment.36.A. divisionB. partC. groupD. habit37.A. pleasantB. popularC. crazyD. particular38.A. takeB. actC. copyD. advance39.A. have B. sufferC. supportD. make40.A. the otherB. anyC. otherD. another41.A. operatingB. speakingC. socialD. experimental42.A. goodB. activeC. hopelessD. sharp43.A. likeB. forC. suchD. as44.A. admireB. thoughtC. knownD. recognized45.A. andB. soC. orD. that46.A. putB. causeC. bringD. take47.A. winB. takeC. wishD. finish 48.A. industryB. progressC. discoveryD. improvement49.A. exciteB. discourageC. demandD. promise50.A. spaceB. worldC. chanceD. heaven51.A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. ThoughD. Besides52.A. inB. ofC. onD. for53.A. richB. uncoolC. attractiveD. handsome54.A. howB. thatC. how muchD. what55.A. dangersB. questionsC. possibilityD. chances
The western world has always been divided into two types of people—the cool and the uncool. It is a 1&that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are popular with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to 2&their style. They can do their homework but they don’t make&a big effort. That would not be cool. The 3&kids are in the other corner of the playground. They are very bright, but they don’t have great 4 skills, not popular with the opposite sex and they are 5 at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus (微积分) , they are watching shows like the “X Files”. They are known as the geeks.But the geeks are taking over. Make friends with them now or they will put virus in your computer and 6&your maths homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations. They 7&good degrees, though they might not be too popular at university. The most important 8&of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates 9 others to follow their examples. Being a geek is a way of earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a 10&of their own to work and play in, making them a global force. 11, the effect of the geeks on popular culture has started a new trend. It is now cool to be &12. Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you 13&is more important than what you look like.But there are also 14. Geeks were often bullied (欺侮) or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your 15. Perhaps it is time for punishment.1.A.timeB.divisionC.groupD.part2.A.showB.actC.copyD.represent3.A.uncoolB.unimportantC.cleverD.strange4.A.personalB.attractiveC.experimentalD.social5.A.tastelessB.carelessC.hopelessD.helpless6.A.introduceB.bringC.preferD.add7.A.scoreB.lackC.takeD.save8.A.discoveryB.industryC.progressD.improvement9.A.exciteB.discourageC.demandD.promise10.A.worldB.challengeC.chanceD.heaven11.A.HoweverB.ThereforeC.StillD.Besides12.A.imaginativeB.uncoolC.attractiveD.cool13.A.rememberB.understandC.receiveD.know14.A.dangersB.questionsC.possibilitiesD.wonders15.A.secretaryB.traineeC.friendD.boss
The western world has always been divided into
two types of people—the cool and the uncool. It is a & &11&&
&that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are
popular with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to &
&12&&& &their style. They can do their homework
but they don’t make&a big effort. That would not be cool.
The && 13&&& &kids
are in the other corner of the playground. They are very bright, but they don’t
have great && 14& & skills, not popular with the
opposite sex and they are && 15& & at sports. When
they are not programming computers or doing calculus (微积分) , they are watching shows like the “X Files”. They are known as the
But the geeks are taking over. Make friends with
them now or they will put virus in your computer and &&
16&&& &your maths homework to ruin. Geeks might not be
popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations. They &&17&&
&good degrees, though they might not be too popular at university.
The most important &&18&& &of the 21st century,
computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks. Geek heroes like
Bill Gates && 19& & others to follow their examples.
Being a geek is a way of earning good money. And the creation of the Internet
gave them a && 20&&& &of their own to work
and play in, making them a global force. && 21 & , the
effect of the geeks on popular culture has started a new trend. It is now cool
to be && 22 & . Geek culture is becoming an important
part of general popular culture, in which what you &&
23&& &is more important than what you look like.
But there are also && 24 & .
Geeks were often bullied (欺侮) or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be
your && 25&& . Perhaps it is time for punishment.
& B.&division&&&&&&&&&&&&
group&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
&&&&&& C. copy&&&&&&&&&&&&&
& D. represent
unimportant&&&&& &&&&&& C.
&&&&&& D. strange
personal&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
attractive&&&&&&&&&& &&&&& C.&experimental&&&&
&&&&&& D. social
hopeless&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&& D.
A. introduce&&&&&&&&&&&
bring&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.
&&&&& D. add
& B.&lack&&&&&
&&&&&&&&&&& C.
take&&&&&&&&&&&& &&& D.
industry&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.&progress&&&&&&&
&& D. improvement
A. excite&&&&&&&&& && && B.
D. promise
A. world&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& B.&challenge&&&&&&&&&& C.
chance &&&&&&&&&&& D.
A. However&&&&&&& &&& B.
Therefore&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.
Still&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
A. imaginative&&&&&&&&&&B.
uncool&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.
A. remember&&& &&&&&&&&&& B.
understand&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.
receive& &&&&&&&&& D. know
questions&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.
possibilities&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
secretary&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
trainee&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.
friend&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
&&&& The Western world has&&always&&been&&divided&&into&&two&&types&&of people-the cool and the uncool. It is a&&&&1& &that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are&&&&2& & with the opposite sex. They are goodlooking and people want to&&&3& &&their style. They can do their homework but they don't&&&&4& &&a big effort. That would not be cool.&&&& The uncool kids are in the&&&5& &&of the playground. They are very bright,&&but they don't have great&&&&6& &skills and they are&&&7& &at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus(微积分) in their heads, they are reading comic books and watching shows&&&8& & the X Files.& They are&&&&9& as the geeks(怪人). &&&&& Here are the geeks. The geeks are taking over(占上风). Make friends with them now&&&10& && they will put virus in your computer and&&&&11& &&your math homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university,&&but&&&&12& & good degrees.&&&& The most important&&&&13& &&&of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates&&&14&&&others to follow their examples. Being a geek is a way of earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a&&&&15& & of their own to work and play in,&&making them a global force.&&&16& ,&& the effect of the geeks&&&17 &&popular culture has started a new trend. It is now cool to be&&&&18& . Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you know is more important than&&&19 &you look like.&&&& But there are also&&&&20& . Geeks were often bullied (欺侮)or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your boss. Perhaps it is time for punishment.
(&&&& )1. A. division&&(&&&& )2. A. pleasant&&(&&&& )3. A. take&&&&&&(&&&& )4. A. have&&&&&&(&&&& )5. A. corner&&&&(&&&& )6. A. operating&&(&&&& )7. A. good&& &&(&&&& )8. A. like&&&&&&(&&&& )9. A. admired&& (&&&& )10. A. and&& &&(&&&& )11&&A. put&& &&(&&&& )12. A. win&&&&&&(&&&& )13. A. industry&&(&&&& )14. A. excite&&(&&&& )15. A. room&&&&(&&&& )16. A. Somehow&& (&&&& )17. A. in&&&&&&(&&&& )18. A. rich&&&&(&&&& )19. A. how&& &&(&&&& )20. A. risks&&&&
B. part&&&&&&&&&&B. popular&&&&&& B. act&&&&&&&&&& B. suffer&&&&&&&&B. team&&&&&&&&&&B. speaking&&&&&&B. active&&&&&&&&B. for&&&&&&&&&& B. thought&&&&&& B. so&&&&&&&&&&&&B. place&&&&&&&& B. take&&&&&&&&&&B. progress&&&&&&B. discourage&&&&B. world&&&&&&&& B. However&&&&&& B. of&&&&&&&&&&&&B. uncool&&&&&&&&B. that&&&&&&&&&&B. questions&&&&
C. class&&&&&& C. crazy&&&&&& C. copy&& &&&& C. support&&&& C. group&& && C. social&&&& C. hopeless&& C. such&&&&&& C. known&&&&&& C. or&& &&&&&& C. bring&&&&&&&&C. wish&&&&&& C. discovery C. demand&&&& C. chance&&&& C. Though&&&& C. on&&&&&&&& C. attractive&& C. how much&& C. shortcomings
D. habit&&&&&& D. particular&&D. advance&&&& D. make&&&&&&&&D. center&&&&&&D. experimentalD. sharp&&&&&& D. as&&&&&&&&&&D. treated&&&& D. that&&&&&&&&D. take&&&&&&&&D. finish&&&&&&D. improvement D. promise&&&& D. heaven&&&&&&D. Besides&&&& D. for&&&&&&&& D. handsome&&&&D. what&&&&&&&&D. chances&&&&
&&&& The Western world has&&always&&been&&divided&&into&&two&&types&&of people-the cool and the uncool. It is a&&&1 && that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are&&&&2& & with the opposite sex. They are goodlooking and people want to&&&&3 &&&their style. They can do their homework but they don't&&&&4& &&a big effort. That would not be cool.&&&& The uncool kids are in the&&&5& &of the playground. They are very bright,but they don't have great&&&&&6 &skills and they are&&&7& &at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus (微积分) in their heads, they are reading comic books and watching shows&&&8& & the X Files. They are&&&9& &as the geeks (怪人).&&&& Here are the geeks. The geeks are taking over (占上风). Make friends with them now&&&10& & they will put virus in your computer and&&&&11& &&your math homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university, but&&&&12& & good degrees.&&&& The most important&&&&13&&&&of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates&&&14&& &&others to follow their examples. Being a geek is a way of earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a&&&15&&& of their own to work and play in,making them a global force.&&&16& , the effect of the geeks&&&17& &popular culture has started a new trend. It is now cool to be&&&&18& . Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you know is more important than&&&19&&& you look like.But there are also&&&20&&. Geeks were often bullied (欺侮) or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your boss. Perhaps it is time for punishment.
(&&&& )1. A. division&&(&&&& )2. A. pleasant&&(&&&& )3. A. take&&&&(&&&& )4. A. have&&&&(&&&& )5. A. corner&&(&&&& )6. A. operating (&&&& )7. A. good&& &&(&&&& )8. A. like&&&&(&&&& )9. A. admired&& (&&&& )10. A. and&& &&(&&&& )11. A. put&& &&(&&&& )12. A. win&&&&(&&&& )13. A. industry (&&&& )14. A. excite&& (&&&& )15. A. room&&&&(&&&& )16. A. Somehow&&(&&&& )17. A. in&&&&&&(&&&& )18. A. rich&&&&(&&&& )19. A. how&& &&(&&&& )20. A. risks&&
B. part&&&&&&&&B. popular&&&& B. act&&&&&&&& B. suffer&&&&&&B. team&&&&&&&&B. speaking&&&&B. active&&&&&&B. for&&&&&&&& B. thought&&&& B. so&&&&&&&&&&B. place&&&&&& B. take&&&&&&&&B. progress&&&&B. discourage&&B. world&&&&&& B. However&&&& B. of&&&&&&&&&&B. uncool&&&&&&B. that&&&&&&&&B. questions&&
C. class&&&&&& C. crazy&&&&&& C. copy&& &&&& C. support&&&& C. group&& && C. social&&&& C. hopeless&&&& C. such&&&&&& C. known&&&&&& C. or&& &&&&&& C. bring&&&&&& C. wish&&&&&& C. discovery&&&&C. demand&&&& C. chance&&&& C. Though&&&& C. on&&&&&&&& C. attractive&&C. how much&& C. shortcomings
D. habit&&&&&&&&&&D. particular&&&& D. advance&&&&&&&&D. make&&&&&&&&&& D. center&&&&&&&& D. experimental&& D. sharp&&&&&&&&&&D. as&&&&&&&&&&&& D. treated&&&&&&&&D. that&&&&&&&&&& D. take&&&&&&&&&& D. finish&&&&&&&& D. improvement&&&&D. promise&&&&&&&&D. heaven&&&&&&&& D. Besides&&&&&&&&D. for&&&&&&&&&&&&D. handsome&&&&&& D. what&&&&&&&&&& D. chances&&&&&&&&
  The western world has always been divided into two types of people——the cool and the uncool. It is a division that __1__ in school. The cool kids are good at __2__. They are __3__ with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to __4__ their style. They can do their homework but they don't make a big effort. That would __5__ be cool.  
  The uncool kids are in the other corner of the playground. They are very bright, but they don't have great. __6__ skills and they are __7__ at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus(微积分)in their heads, they are reading comic books and watching shows like the“X Files”. They are __8__ as the geeks.  
  Here's the news. The geeks are __9__. Make friends with them now or they will put virus in your computer and __10__ your maths homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university, but __11__ good degrees.
  The most important __12__ of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates __13__ others to follow their example. Being a geek is a way of earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a __14__ of their own to work and play in, making them a global __15__. Besides, the effect of the geeks __16__ popular culture has started a new trend(趋势). It is now cool to be __17__. Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you know is more important than __18__ you look like.  
  But there are also __19__. Geeks were often bullied or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your boss. Perhaps it is time for __20__.
&&& C.bring
&&& C.wish
&&& C.progress
&&& C.demand
&&& C.organizaiton
&&& C.handsome
&&& C.what
&&& C.possibility
&&& C.competition
  The Western world has always been divided into two types of people--the cool and the uncool. It is
that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are
with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to
their style. They can do their homework but they don't
a big effort. That would not be cool.
  The uncool kids are in
corner of the playground. They are very bright, but they don't have great
skills and they are
at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus(微积分) in their heads, they are reading comic books and watching shows
the“X Files”. They are
as the geeks.
  Here's the geeks. The geeks are taking over(占上风). Make friends with them now
they will put virus(病毒)in your computer and
your maths homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university, but
good degrees.
  The most important
of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates
others to follow their examples. Being a good is a way of earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a
of their own to work and play in, making them a global force.
, the effect of the geeks
popular culture has started a new trend(趋势). It is now cool to be
. Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you know is more important than
you look like.
  But there are also
. Geeks were often bullied(欺侮) or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your boss. Perhaps it is time for punishment.
A.division   B.part    D.habit
A.pleasant   B.popular
C.crazy    D.particular
A.take     B.act
C.copy     D.advance
A.have     B.suffer    D.make
A.the other   B.any
C.other     D.another
A.operating   B.speaking     D.experimental
C.hopeless      B.for
A.admired     B.thought
C.known     D.recognized
C.or       D.that
A.put      B.cause
C.bring     D.take      B.take
C.wish      D.finish
A.industry    B.progress
C.discovery   D.improvement
A.excite     B.discourage
C.demand    D.promise
C.chance     D.heaven
A.Therefore   B.However
C.Though    D.Besides      B.of
C.on      D.for     B.uncool
C.attractive   D.handsome      B.that much    D.what
A.dangers    B.questions
C.possibility   D.chances


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