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> 2012年职称英语等级考试真题及解析(理工类B级)(8)
1.D 题意:这个建筑物的套间布局都完全相同。
句子中layout的意思是布局,布置。A中color的意思是颜色,色彩:例句:Judi&s favorite color is pink.朱迪最喜欢的颜色是粉红色。B中size的意思是大小,尺寸:例句:It was made in the size of the clothes.这是照那件衣服的原尺寸而缝制的。C中function的意思是功能,作用;例句:The main function of the investment banks is to raise capital for industry.各投资银行的主要作用是为产业等集资金。D中arrangement的意思是安排,布局;例句:The arrangement of the furniture formed a pleasing ensemble.这些家具摆放得悦目而和谐。故选D。
2.C 题意:风暴造成了严重的损失。
句子中severe的意思是剧烈的,严重的。A中physical的意思是自然(界)的,物质的;例句:On the other hand, we humans,we live in physical world.在另一方面,我们人类是生治在物质世界中。B中accidental的意思是意外的,偶然(发生)的;例句:I put her rudeness down as accidental.我认为她的粗鲁是偶然的。C中serious的意思是严肃的,严重的;例句:He fell off the tree but nothing serious happened.他从树上掉下来,但没有出什么事。D中environmental的意思是(个人)环境的,周围的;例句:They are trying to widen the discussion to include environmental issues.他们正在尽量拓宽讨论范围以纳入环境问题。故选C。
3.B 题意:这面墙是空心砖搭建的。
句子中hollow的意思是空的,空洞的。A中big的意思是大的;例句:My big luggage could stow all of your clothes.我的大旅行箱能装下你所有的衣服。B中empty的意思是空的;例句:That drunkard flung out the empty bottle.那个醉汉把空瓶扔了出来。C中long的意思是长的;例句:His long hair and filthy clothes repelled her.他的长头发和脏衣服使她感到厌恶。D中new的意思是新的;例句:The idea is not new to us.这个想法对我们来说并不新鲜。故选B。
4.A 题意:乔伊走到窗边听到人群中重复喊着:&乔伊!乔伊!乔伊!&
句子中chanted的意思是反复有节奏地喊叫(或唱等)。A中repeated的意思是重复;例句:Repeat this for all the files in the lists.对于列表中的所有文件,重复这个步骤。B中jumped的意思是跳;例句:Gather up your muscles and jump.你收缩肌肉后再跳。C中maintained的意思是保持;保养;坚持;保卫。例句:We must maintain friendly relations with them.我们必须和他们保持友好关系。D中approached的意思是接近,走近;例句:You cannot approach it cautiously.你无法谨慎地靠近它。故选A。
5.C 题意:我们需要戴着胸卡吗?
句子中name tags的意思带有名字的标签,tag是标签的意思。A中lists的意思是名单;例句:There were six names on the list.单子上有6个名字。B中forms的意思是表格;例句:To apply for a job, you must fill out a form.中请工作要填表。C中labels的意思是标签;例句:What is the naming scheme of your Labels? 你的标签命名方案是什么?D中codes意思是编码,代号;例句:That starts from the most basic of codes on up.那是从基本的代码开始往上走起。故选C。
6.C 题意:我们的目标是更新健康设备,我们做到了。
句子中update的意思是更新。A中offer的意思是提供,给予;例句:We all have something important to offer.我们都有些重要的东西可以提供。B中provide的意思是提供,供给;例句:He has two children to provide for.他有两个孩子要抚养。C中modernize的意思是使现代化;例句:First of all, if we want to stay competitive,we need to modernize our factory.首先我们如果要保持竞争力的话,就需要使我们的工厂现代化。D中fund的意思是提供资金。例句:They clubbed a fund of money for poor children.他们为贫穷的孩子们募集了一笑资金。故选D。
7.A 题意:他鼓励很多年轻人运动起来。
句子中inspired的意思是鼓舞,激励。A中encouraged的意思是鼓助,支持;例句:We should encourage them to do so.我们应该鼓励这种做法。B中allowed的意思是允许;例句:Allow me to pose several questions.请允许我提几个问题。C中called的意思是叫,通电话;例句:Please call if you require assistance.如果需要带忙,请打电话。D中advised的意思是建议;例句:We advised her that she (should) wait.我们劝他等会儿。故选A。
8.C 题意:城市中心被炸弹攻陷。
句子中wiped out的意思是歼灭,攻陷。A中covered的意思是覆盖,掩护;例句:She covered the baby up with a blanket.她用毯子把婴儿盖好。B中reduced的意思是减少,降低;例句:They have to reduce expenses this year.他们今年必须削减开支。C中destroyed的意思是破坏,摧毁,消灭,歼灭;例句:Fire destroyed several houses in the area.大火烧毁了该地区的几栋房子。D中moved的意思是移动,搬动;例句:She waited for him to get up, but he didn&t move.她等着他起来,可他没有动。故选C。
9.B 题意:很多婴儿能消化的食物很广泛。
句子中take in的意思是吸收,消化。A中bring的意思是带来,引来;例句:Remember to bring an apron or an old shirt to protect your clothes.记着带一条围裙或一件旧衬衫来保护你的衣服。B中digest的意思是消化,整理,吸收;例句:She couldn&t digest food properly.她无法正常消化食物。C中keep的意思是保持,遵守;例句:I&m hoping you&ll keep your promise to come for a long visit.我希望你会信守诺言,来这里多呆一段时间。D中serve的意思是服务,提供。例句:It is unfair to soldiers who have served their country well for many years.对忠心效力国家多年的士兵们来说,这是不公平的。故选B。
10.C 题意:美国使馆面前聚集了一大群人。
句子中assembled的意思是集合。A中watched的意思是注视,注意;例句:He seems to enjoy watching me work.他似乎喜欢看我干活。B中shouted的意思是呼,喊,叫;例句:He had to shout to make himself heard above the wind.他不得不大喊,好让别人能在风中听见。C中gathered的意思是(使)聚集,集合;例句:In the evenings, we gathered around the fireplace and talked.晚上,我们聚在壁炉旁聊天。D中walked的意思是走,步行,散步;例句:I walked a few steps toward the fence.我向栅栏走了几步。故选C。
11.A 题意:空气清新,50里以外的山峦都能看到。
句子中crisp的意思是新鲜的。A中fresh的意思是新鲜的,新的;例句:A puppy stepped in the fresh cement.一只小狗走到新铺的水泥路面上。B中hot的意思是热的;例句:I was too hot and tired to eat more than a few mouthfuls.我又热又累,只能吃下几口。C中heavy的意思是重的;例句:These scissors are awfully heavy.这些剪刀非常重。D中windy的意思是有风的;例句:And I like windy weather, too.我也喜欢有风的天气。故选A。
12.C 题意:使我疑惑的是,为什么他的书如此受欢迎。
句子中puzzles的意思是使人迷惑。A中shocks的意思是使人震惊;例句:We were shocked by the news of his death.他去世的消息令我们震惊。B中influences的意思是影响;例句:It is not his parents that influence him so much as his teachers.他的父母并不像他的老师对他那样有影响。C中confuses的意思是使困惑;例句:Don&t confuse liberty with license.不要把自由与放纵混为一谈。D中concerns的意思是关系到;关心;例句:The letter is chiefly concerned with export commodities.这封信主要是关于出口商品的。故选C。
13.D 题意:我认为七块钱买一杯喝的太贵了,你觉得呢?
句子中steep的意思是过分的,夸张的,极高的。A中tight的意思是紧的,牢固的;例句:This tight jacket binds under the arms.这件紧身夹克衫在他腋下勒得过紧。B中low的意思是低的,矮小的;例句:She banged her head on the low ceiling.她的头砰地撞在低矮的天花板上。C中cheap的意思是便宜的,廉价的;例句:The car went very cheap.这车卖得非常便宜。D中high的意思是高的;例句:They dragged him clown from his high position.他们把他从高职位上拉了下来。故选D。
14.B 题意:他对学生的蔑视是显而易见的。
句子中contempt的意思是轻视,轻蔑。A中need的意思是需要;例句:There&s no need for you to start yet.你现在还不必动身。B中hate的意思是仇恨,厌恶;例句:He glowers at us with hate.他愤恨地盯着我们。C中love的意思是爱,喜欢;例句:Her letter hints of her love to me.他的来信暗示了她对我的爱。D中pity的意思是怜悯,同情;例句:Pity welled up in her heart as she watched the disabled child.当她看到那个残疾孩子的时候,怜悯之情涌上心头。故选B。
15.C 题念:她关于男人的评论真是一派胡言。
句子中utterly的意思是完全地,彻底地。A中slightly的意思是轻微地;例句:His family then moved to a slightly larger house.他的家后来搬到了一间稍微大一点儿的房子。B中partly的意思是部分地,不完全地;例句:But this forecast was only partly true.但这个预言只是部分地实现了。C中completely的意思是完整地,彻底地;例句:He completely dominates the family.这个家完全由他做主。D中faintly的意思是微弱地,隐约地;例句:Daisy rose, smiling faintly, and went to the table.黛西站了起来,微微一笑,走到桌子前面。故选C。单词:load         
[ləud]n.负荷, 重担, 装载量 v.装载, 给(枪)装子弹, [计算机] 装入
Be careful, that gun's loaded.
I've never heard such a load of garbage!
Have you finished loading up?
Her grief is a heavy load to bear.
英英解释:名词 load:
weight to be borne or conveyed
a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time
goods carried by a large vehicle
an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate
the power output of a generator or power plant
an onerous or difficult concern
a deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks
the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents
electrical device to which electrical power is delivered
动词 load:
fill or place a load on
provide with munition
put (something) on a structure or conveyance
loadloadD.J.:[l&#601ud]K.K.:[lod]n.1.■负荷; 负担The load on this beam is more than it will bear.横梁上的负荷比它能承受的要大得多。2.■装载, 装载量The plane can carry a ten-ton load.飞机能载重十吨。3.■工作量, 负荷量vt. & vi.1.■把…装上车[船]The goods are hard to load.这些货物装起来会很困难的。The stevedores' work is to load and unload ships.装卸工人的工作是装卸船只。2.■装…This camera loads easily.这架照相机装胶卷很容易。Meantime he was loading the pistols.而同时他在往手枪里装子弹。
load 在牛津词典中的解释
loadnouna heavy or bulky thing that is being carried or is about to be carried包,堆in addition to their own food, they must carry a load of up to eighty pounds.除了自己的食物,他们还必须扛着一包80磅重的东西。■the total number or amount that can be carried in something, especially a vehicle of a specified type一车的量a lorry load of soldiers.一卡车的兵。■the material carried along by a stream, glacier, ocean current, etc(河流、冰川或洋流的)挟带泥沙■an amount of items washed or to be washed in a washing machine or dishwasher at one time桶,缸(洗衣机、洗碗机洗一次的量)I do at least six loads of washing a week.我每周至少洗六桶衣服。a weight or source of pressure borne by someone or something压力,负荷the increased load on the heart caused by a raised arterial pressure.动脉压力增大造成的心脏负荷加重。the arch has hollow spandrels to lighten the load on the foundations.拱门上有中空拱肩,以减轻地基的负荷。■the amount of work to be done by a person or machine(人、机器的)工作量Arthur has a light teaching load.亚瑟的教学工作量不大。■a burden of responsibility, worry, or grief(责任,担忧,难过带来的)压力consumers will find it difficult to service their heavy load of debt.消费者们会发现很难负担其沉重的债务压力。(a load of)(informal)a lot of (often used to express one's disapproval or dislike of something)(非正式)[常用以表达反对,不满]一堆she was talking a load of rubbish.她讲的都是一堆费话。■(a load/loads)(informal)plenty(非正式)许多,足够she spends loads of money on clothes.她在买衣服上花了很多钱。there's loads to see here, even when it rains.即使下雨,这里也有很多值得一看的。the amount of power
the resistance of moving parts to be overcome by a motor动力■the amount of electricity supplied by a generating system at any given time发电量■(Electronics)an impedance or circuit that receives or develops the output of a transistor or other device(电子)负载量,功率输出verb[with obj.]put a load or large amount of something on or in (a vehicle, ship, container, etc.)向(汽车,船,集装箱)装货they go to Calais to load up their transit vans with cheap beer.他们到加莱把运输车装满便宜的啤酒。■[with obj. and adverbial](常作 be loaded)place (a load or large quantity of something) on or in a vehicle, ship, container, etc把…装入车船(或集装箱等)stolen property from a burglary was loaded into a taxi.偷盗来的东西被装进了一辆出租车。■[no obj.](of a ship or vehicle) take on a load(船,车)装货when we came to the quay the ship was still loading.我们到达渡口的时候,船还在装货。make (someone or something) carry or hold a large or excessive amount of heavy things使负载(大量或过量东西)Elaine was loaded down with bags full of shopping.伊莱恩被买来的一包包东西压得几乎要垮了。■(load someone/thing with)(figurative)supply someone or something in overwhelming abundance or to excess with(喻)大量给予the King and Queen loaded Columbus with wealth and honours.国王和王后赐予哥伦布大量的财富和荣耀。■(load someone with)(figurative)burden someone with (worries, responsibilities, etc.)(喻)让人饱受(忧虑或责任)之苦■(常作 be loaded)bias towards a particular outcome有…的偏向the odds were loaded against them before the match.比赛之前,形势对他们颇为不利。insert (something) into a device so that it will operate装载(以便运行)load the cassette into the camcorder.把带子装到摄像机里。■insert something into (a device) so that it can be operated装入(机器)使运行■charge (a firearm) with ammunition装弹药■(Computing)transfer (a program or data) into memory, or into the central processor from storage(计算机)将(程序,数据)转入内存;从存储器转入中央处理器■(Computing)transfer programs into (a computer memory or processor)(计算机)加载程序常用词组get a load of(informal)used to draw attention to someone or something(非正式)[用以引起注意]瞧瞧 get a load of what we've just done.瞧瞧我们刚才做的。get (或 have) a load on(informal, chiefly N. Amer.)become drunk(非正式,主北美)醉了load the bases(Baseball)have base-runners on all three bases(棒球)满垒load the dice against/in favour of someoneput someone at a disadvantage or advantage作弊;偏向take a (或 the) load off one's feetsit or lie down坐着;躺着take a load off someone's mindbring someone relief from anxiety卸下心中的包袱under loadsubject to a mechanical or electrical load承受机械(或电力)负荷语源Old English lād 'way, journey, conveyance', of Germanic origin: related to German Leite, compare with lode. The verb dates from the late 15th cent
load 在给力大辞典中的解释
loadn.[C]1. 装载; 担子The load on that beam is more than it will bear.那根梁上的载重超过了它所能承受的量。2. (精神方面的)负担; 重任The good news has taken a load off my mind.听了这个好消息我就放心了。3. (车, 船等的)装载量; 一车(或一船等)货物The truck was carrying a load of sand.卡车装运一车沙子。4. (弹药的)一次装入(量)5. (电机等的)负载, 负荷6. 工作量Measures have been taken to lighten the load of the hospital doctors.业已采取措施减轻医院医生的负担。7. 【口】大量, 许多, 一大堆[P][(+of)]vt.1. 装, 装载[(+with)]The dockers are loading the ship with coal.码头工人正把煤装上船。2. 把弹药装入(枪, 炮); 把胶卷装入(照相机)Don't forget to load your camera.别忘了给你的相机装胶卷。3. 使摆满; 使充满; 使长满[H][(+with)]The air was loaded with soot.空气充满煤烟。4. 大量给予[(+with)]His brothers and sisters loaded him with books.他的哥哥姐姐送给他许多书。vi.1. 装货[(+up)]Have they finished loading up yet?他们把货物装完了吗?2. (乘客等)走上, 进入[(+onto/into)]3. 上子弹The soldiers loaded and fired.士兵们装上子弹便射击。4. 【口】吃得太多[(+upon)]
词义辨析:同义:n.负担; 货物; 负荷; 载荷burdenpackcargofreightshipmentweightvt.充满; 填满fillstuffcharge同义参见:cramstowheapjam1encumberhandicapseagriefpressuresaddlesaturate1taxstackburden1masspocketpestoppressionoppress反义装载; 走上, 进入unload
load 在现代词典中的解释
loadload[l&#601ud]n.【生】(不利)负荷(指有害基因的存在)1.■担子, 负载物, 车等所载的重量; [喻]负担; 重任, 工作量2.■[pl. ]许多, 大量, 一大堆3.■【电】负载(量), 发电量; 电力输出, 电力消耗4.■充填, 装药, 装弹5.■搀(入)6.■[俚]使人喝醉的量; 酒气装,装载, 装入, 输入a train of twenty empties and ten loads一列有二十辆空车厢和十辆有货物车厢的火车the live load活负载, 动荷载the peak load最大负载, 峰负载load meter测荷仪, 落地磅秤edge [side] load边(缘)荷载the permissible
load容许负载the rated load额定负载free load[美俚]白吃白喝case load(法庭等)办案件数; (医生的)诊疗病例数loads of friends大批朋友loads of time充裕的时间The normal teaching load of a full professor is eight hours a week.正教授正常的授课是为每周八小时。vt.7.■装满; 使负担; [喻]使备受赞扬(恩宠等); 施以片面的、带有片面性的影响; 赋以感情上的联想8.■把弹药装入(枪, 炮); 把胶卷装入(照相机)9.■(使)饱和10.■(将费用、利润等)附加于(纯保险费、成本等)内11.■(垒球的)使一垒、二垒、三垒都有跑垒队员load a ship with coal把煤装上船load cargo into the hold把货装入船舱load a camera (with film)把胶卷装入照相机load sb. with praise对某人大加颂扬Load !【军】装子[炮]弹!词性变化load[l&#601ud]vi.1.■装货; 上客2.■装子弹, 填火药3.■上车(常与into 连用)The ship is loading for Qingdao.这艘船正在装货运往青岛。继承用法load-and -gon.1.■【自】装入并执行load-bearingn., adj.1.■承载(的)load-carryingadj.1.■负载的, 载重的load-draught,load-draftn.1.■满载吃水load-factorn.1.■负载系数 load-ga(u)ge-n.测载数load-linen.1.■载重吃水线load-sharingn.1.■均分负载load-sheddingn.1.■均断某些线路的电源load-supportingn., adj.1.■承载(的)习惯用语a load of (=loads of)1.■[俚]很多, 大量be a load off one's mind1.■如释重负be
loaded down [up] with1.■装着..., 存有(某种股票等)bear a load on one 's shoulders1.■挑起重担cast [lay] the load on [upon]1.■把责任推给...get a
load of1.■[美俚]仔细地看[听]; 打量; 估计have a load on1.■[美俚]喝醉lay not all the load on the lame horse1.■别把希望寄托在不中用的人身上lazy man's
load1.■懒人挑的重担(懒人懒得多跑路, 经常把两次担的东西做一次担)take a load off one's feet1.■[美俚]坐下歇歇脚take a load off sb.'s mind1.■使某人放心; 解除某人思想 负担load down1.■使负担过重load up1.■装载, 装满特殊用法abnormal load1.■不规则荷载absorbing load1.■吸收载荷, 承受载荷abutment load1.■【采矿】支座负载accelerating load1.■加速载荷acoustic load1.■声负载actual load1.■实际载荷[负载]actual breaking load1.■实际破坏载荷additional load1.■附加负载additional dynamic load1.■附加动荷载admissible load1.■容许载重aerodynamic load1.■空气动力载荷allowable load1.■【力】许可载荷allowable bearing load1.■轴承容许载荷alternate load1.■交变负载angle load1.■角变载荷anode load1.■屏极[板极, 阳极]负载antenna load1.■天线负载anticipated load1.■预期载荷antisymmetrical load1.■反对称荷载apparent load1.■视载荷, 近视载荷applied load1.■外加负载, 施加载, 使用电荷artificial load1.■仿真负载, 模拟负载assumed load1.■假定荷载asymmetrical load1.■不对称荷载average train gross load1.■列车平均总重axial load1.■轴向载荷axle load1.■轴载重, 轴负载balanced load1.■平衡性(遗传)载量balanced polyphase load1.■多相平均载荷base load1.■基本载重basic load1.■静力[主要, 基本]载荷beam load1.■射束负载bearing load1.■轴承负载bearable load1.■可(支)承载荷bed load1.■泥石底积, 底沙2.■堆移质bending load1.■弯曲荷载best load1.■最大效率时的负载binary load1.■二进制装入[输入]biaxial load1.■双轴向载荷bit load1.■【采矿】钻头负载block load1.■巨额负载; 基本负载boiler load1.■锅炉负载bomb load1.■【军】载弹量bottom load1.■【地质】底移质bowing under load1.■【核】负载弯曲bracket load1.■托臂荷载brake load1.■制动负载breaking load1.■断裂负载[载荷], 破坏负载breakout load1.■(安全装置的)断开力, 脱开力bucking load1.■压曲临界荷载, 折断载荷bulk load1.■散装货物载重cable load1.■电缆负载[负荷]calculated load1.■计算负载, 设计载荷capacitive load1.■电容性负载capacity load1.■满载carbon -burning load1.■(催化剂再生器)碳燃烧负荷carrier load1.■【电】载波负荷carrying load1.■运送负载catching load1.■(装载机的液力)制动力cathode load1.■阴极负载central load1.■中央负载central concentrated load1.■中心负荷, 集中载荷centre-line load1.■中心载荷centre-point load1.■中点载荷centrifugal load1.■离心荷重chamber-wall loads1.■燃烧室壁负载荷changing load1.■交变荷重charing load1.■充电负载chopping load1.■短切阻力circuit load1.■电路负荷, 线路负荷circulating load1.■循环量, 循环负荷circumferential load1.■切向负[载]荷class load1.■教师的教学负担2.■课程负荷(一学期能修学分总数)clock load1.■时钟负载cold load1.■冷负载cold storage floor load1.■冷藏间地面负载, 冷库载货量collapse [collapsing] load1.■破坏[极限, 失稳, 屈压]载荷, 临界纵向载荷collector load1.■集电极负载collision load1.■碰撞荷载column load1.■柱负载combined load1.■综合载荷, 混合载重commpression [compressive] load1.■压缩载荷concentrated load1.■集中载荷[负荷]concertrated wheel load1.■集中轮载condensive load1.■电容(性)负载conductor load1.■【电】导线荷载confining load1.■侧线荷载connected load1.■联结载荷control load1.■控制载荷constant load1.■恒负载constantly acting load1.■固定载荷contilever load1.■悬臂载荷continuous load1.■连续载荷, 均匀分布的载荷cooling [refrigeration] load1.■冷冻设备负荷, 制冷能力corner load1.■隅载荷coupled load1.■耦(合)载荷cracking load1.■破坏[开裂, 断裂, 裂缝]载荷crane load1.■吊车起重量, 吊车载荷能力crankpin load1.■曲柄销载荷crest load1.■高量负荷crippling load1.■破坏[断裂, 临界, 临界失稳]载荷critical load1.■临界载荷crushing load1.■压毁[断裂]载荷cyclic load1.■循环荷载daily load1.■日负荷, 昼夜负荷day load1.■日间负荷dead load1.■固定负载; 无用负载; 恒载; 死负载deadlight load1.■车体载荷design load1.■设计荷载direct-acting load1.■直接(作用)载荷discharge load1.■放电负载discontinuous load1.■突变荷载, 不连续负载disposable load1.■可用负载, 自由载量dissipative-wall waveguide load1.■有耗散壁的波导负载destroy load1.■破坏荷载distributed load1.■分布荷载double load1.■双装药draught load1.■牵引力draw-bar load1.■挂钩拉力, 挂钩牵引力dummy load1.■虚[假]载荷, 仿真[等效]载荷dust load1.■含尘量, 灰尘负荷(集尘器单位面积上的含尘量)dynamic load1.■动(力)荷载earthquake load1.■地震载荷eccentric load1.■偏心负载economy load1.■经济负载edge load1.■边缘荷载educational load1.■教学工作量effective load1.■有效载重elastic load1.■弹性载 荷electrical load1.■电力负荷, 电力负载elongation load1.■延伸试验负载energy load1.■能量荷载engine load1.■发动机载荷equally distributed load1.■均布载荷; 货物的均衡装载equipollent load1.■等力荷载equivalent radial load1.■相当[等效]径向负载equivalent thrust load1.■相当[等效]推力负载equivalent uniform load1.■等效均布载荷, 等代均布载 荷equivalent wheel load1.■等代轮载, 当量轮载evaporation load1.■蒸发负荷even load1.■等负载, 均布负载excess load1.■超荷载, 逾量荷载explosive load1.■爆破荷载external load1.■外荷载extrusion load1.■挤压载荷factory load1.■工厂产量faculty load1.■教学工作量failure load1.■破坏荷载fictitious load1.■假负载, 模拟负载fire load1.■燃料荷载fixed load1.■固定负载flashy load1.■瞬间载荷floor load1.■底板载重(吨/米)fluctuating load1.■变动[波动, 脉动]载荷fluctuating tensile load1.■脉动拉伸载荷footing load1.■基脚荷载fractional load1.■轻载, 部分负载fracture load1.■断裂载荷friction load1.■摩擦负荷fracturing load1.■致断负载functional load1.■功能负荷量full load1.■全负荷2.■全填充full container load1.■集装箱整箱货物fully-factored load1.■最大荷载gear load1.■齿轮荷载generalized load1.■广义荷载genetic load1.■遗传负荷gradually applied load1.■渐加负载; 缓慢加载gravity load1.■重力荷载gross load1.■毛重, 总重; 全负载gross trailing load1.■牵引总载重guarantee load1.■额定安全负载; 额定安全重量gust load1.■【力】骤风载荷half load1.■半荷载hanging load1.■【机】悬重hard-starting load1.■重起动负载hauled load1.■牵引载荷heaped load1.■堆集荷载heat load1.■热负荷heating load1.■供热量heavy load1.■重负载[负荷]heavy axle load1.■重轴荷载heavy impact load1.■重冲击荷载high power load1.■大功率负载high resistance load1.■高阻负载horizontal load1.■水平负载horizontal surface load1.■水平表面荷载hot load1.■热负载ice load1.■冰负荷idle load1.■空载image load1.■【电子】镜象负载imaginary load (ing)1.■虚荷载impact load1.■冲击负载immovable load1.■固定[不动]载荷imposed load1.■施加载荷impulsive load1.■冲击荷载incoordination load1.■不匹配负载inclined load1.■斜荷载individual load1.■单一货载inductive load1.■电感负载inertial load1.■惯性载荷initial load1.■初始载荷initial microprogram load1.■初始微程序装入instantaneous load1.■瞬时负载intermediate cycling load1.■中间载荷intermittent load1.■定时荷载; 间歇[断续]荷载irregularly distributed load1.■不规则分布荷载jack load1.■千斤顶荷载joint load1.■节点荷载knife-edge load1.■线载荷lagging load1.■电感性负载landing load1.■【航空】着陆载荷latent heat load1.■(冷冻设备的)潜热负荷lateral load1.■横向负荷; 冲力leading load1.■电容性负载, 电流超前的负载light load1.■轻载, 轻负荷lighting load1.■照明负载; 电光负载limit load1.■极限载荷line load1.■线荷载, 线荷重linear load1.■单位长度荷载; 直线力link load1.■连接输入; 连接装入live load1.■活载荷, 动力负荷; 工作负荷; 有效负荷; 交变载荷local load1.■局部负荷low cycle load1.■低周期荷载long-time load1.■持久载荷main load1.■主要荷载main line load1.■干线负载mass load1.■惯性力; 惯性负载matched load1.■协调荷载; 匹配荷载maximum admissible load1.■最大容许载荷maximum breaking load1.■最大断裂负载maximum continuous load1.■【机】最大连续负荷maximum coupling load1.■车钩最大载荷maximum permissble load1.■最大容许荷载maximum trailed load1.■最大牵引载荷maximum working load1.■最大工作负荷mean load1.■平均载荷[负荷]mean Hertz load1.■平均赫兹荷重mechanical load1.■机械载荷mill load1.■轧机负荷minimum load1.■最低负载miscellaneous load1.■混杂载荷[载重]mobile load1.■活动荷载[载重]momentary load1.■瞬时负载[荷载]monthly maximum load1.■月最高负载most efficient load1.■最大效率时的负载motor load1.■电动机负载moving load1.■活动荷载moving uniform load1.■均布动载荷multiple-wheel load1.■多轮荷载mutation load1.■突变负荷net load1.■净负荷net average kinetic load1.■平均净动力负荷[载重]net average static load1.■平均净静力载荷; 平均净载重night load1.■夜间负载[负荷]no load1.■(出售时)免佣金的股票no-float load1.■空转; 无载; 虚功nominal load1.■额定负载non-central load1.■偏心荷重[载重]non-inductive load1.■无感载荷nonreactive load1.■【电】无电抗负载normal load1.■正常负载[负载]normal full load1.■正常满负载normal rated load1.■标准额定负荷normal student load1.■学生正常负担obliquely symmetrical load1.■斜对称载荷off-peak load1.■正常负载; 非峰值负载ohmic load1.■电阻负载operating load1.■工作负荷, 运转负荷ordinance load1.■规定载荷organic load1.■有机(污染物)负荷量oscillating load1.■振动载荷; 变载荷oscillator load1.■振荡器负载oscillatory load1.■摆动负载out-of-gauge load1.■超限装载output load1.■输出负载overall load1.■总负载; 总负荷over-length load1.■超长装载panel load1.■节点载荷; 节点载重part load1.■零担(货物)partial load1.■部分载荷; 分载partial service load1.■部分工作负荷pay load1.■有效载荷; 有偿荷载peak load1.■峰值负载, 最大荷载peak die load1.■模具的最大负荷peak-peak load1.■高峰最大载荷penetration load1.■贯入载荷performance load1.■性能负载periodic load1.■周期性负载periodical compressive load1.■周期性压
load 在21世纪词典中的解释
LOADabbr.1.■low altitude defense 【军事】低空防御
load[l&#601ud]n.1.■负荷,负载;装载;担子2.■负荷量;(车、船等的)一次装载量[常用于合成词]:a wagonload of coal一车煤3.■[比喻]负担;重担;重任4.■忧虑;操心5.■[美国英语]工作量6.■【电工学】发电量,功率输出;(电机的)负荷,负载7.■(火药、弹药等的)一次装药量8.■【机械学】负载;载荷9.■(加在售价、服务费或证券价格等上的)附加费;佣金10.■[常用复数][口语]大量,许多11.■(土、石的)1立方码12.■【生物学】不利负荷13.■【遗传学】遗传负荷14.■【俚语】(酒的)致醉量vt.1.■装(车、船等);装载(货或人):to load a wagon with borax装满一车硼砂to load coal on to a cart把煤装上二轮手推车2.■使负担;使成为…的重担;使感沉重(常与by, down,with等连用):The poor woman was loaded down with family responsibilities.可怜的女人承受着沉重的家庭负担。3.■把弹药装填(枪炮):The revolver was loaded with only one bullet.这支左轮手枪仅上了一颗子弹。4.■把胶卷(或底板)装入照相机:She forgot to load her camera with film.她忘了给相机装胶卷了。5.■使抱偏见;使有偏差;使有偏见地行事:to load a question使问题带有倾向性6.■(尤指为欺骗而)灌铅加重,增加重量:dice fraudulently loaded to fall with a certain face up骗人的灌铅骰子总是某一面朝上的7.■用低劣物质掺和:This liquor has been loaded.这种酒搀了水了。8.■大量给予:The audience loaded the champion with thunderous applause.观众向冠军报以暴风雨般的掌声。9.■使充满(与with连用):The air is loaded with dirt.空气里满是尘埃。The desk was loaded with books.桌上摆满了书。10.■(为弥补开支等)提高(保险费);在…上增收附加费:Waitress are good at loading checks.侍者给账单提价很在行。11.■巧妙提问以得到期望的回答(或反应)12.■【电学】加负荷,加负载13.■[美国英语]【棒球】(使)满垒:The pitcher loaded the bases by walking three batters.投手将3个击球员送上垒。14.■【计算机】使装入;使加载;寄存15.■[澳大利亚俚语]以栽赃的方式诬陷(嫌疑者)vi.1.■(人)装货;(车、船等)装货:The freighter is loading for Japan.货船正装货准备驶往日本。The workers are loading.工人们正在上货。2.■(车、船等)运客,上客;(乘客等)上(车、船等):The regular bus is loading.班车正在上客。The passengers loaded into the steamer.乘客上了轮船。3.■(在枪里)装弹药,上子弹:Load!上子弹!4.■(照相机)上胶卷:Her camera loads easily.她的相机容易上胶卷。adv.1.■[口语]十分,非常,大量,许多:Thanks loads.多谢。十分感谢。a load of ([口语] loads of )[俚语]许多;大量;一大堆be a load of someone's mind=take a load from (或off) someone's mindbear a load on one's shoulders挑起重担carry the load[美国俚语]肩负重任;挑起重担cast (或 lay) the load (on 或 upon)归咎(于…),嫁祸(于),把责任推给…get a load of[美国俚语]注意,仔细看(常用于表示惊讶或羡慕)注意听,倾听(有趣或令人兴奋的消息)留心,注意到;打量have (或 carry,get) a load on[美国俚语] 喝醉lay on load过分强调;说得过火挥霍钱财[废语]痛打;痛殴lazy man's load懒人挑的重担(懒人怕多跑路而将两次担的物合一次担)loaded for bear见 bearshoot one's load[禁忌语](男子在性高潮时)射精take a (或 the) load off (one's feet)[俚语] 歇息,休息;坐下,躺下take a load off(或from) someone's mind解除某人的思想负担;让某人放心


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