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Section A&&& The Bermuda
Triangle Phenomenon
Warm-up Activities
Have you ever heard of the Bermuda
What have you heard about it?
Background Information
The Bermuda Triangle
should be pointed out that the U.S. Board of Geographic Names does not
recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name. The “Bermuda or D=
Triangle” is an imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic
coast of the United States, which is noted for a high incidence of unexplai=
losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft. The apexes of the triangle are
generally accepted to be Bermuda, Miami, Fla., and San Juan=
, Puerto Rico.
III. New Words and Phrases
n. [C] the figure of a person,an an=
etc. in wood, stone, bronze, etc., usu. life-size or larger
They planned to put up a statue for=
n. 1. [U] freedom from captivity, s=
or oppressive control
Hundreds of political prisoners are=
given their liberty.
They give their children a great de=
2. [C,U] (fml.) the right or permis=
do or use sth.
He granted the boy liberty to go ou=
Employees have the liberty to dance=
3. [C] speech or behavior that lacks
respect or does not follow what is thought to be polite
What a liberty, to refuse the invit=
without even asking you!
Excuse my liberties.
vt. give sb. more information about=
that he or she knows the truth
I don't understand this paragraph t=
you've written here. Could you enlighten me?
The object of his novel writing is =
and enlighten the general readers.
n. [C] a building or statue that is=
to remind people of a famous person or event
In the square in front of the hotel=
a monument to all the people killed in the war.
They built a monument in his honor.=
n. [C, U] a group of countries, pol=
parties or people who have agreed to work together because of the same
interests or aims
Switzerland prides itself on being a country which does not belong to any
military alliance.
The students tried to form an allia=
between themselves and the workers.
vi. say, show or feel that sth. is =
I approve of your trying to make so=
money, but please don't neglect your studies.
I don't approve of smoking in public
vt. accept, permit or officially ag=
We had to wait months for the gover=
approve our plans to extend our house.
The company president approved the =
n. 1. [U, C] feeling of fondness
He feels a deep affection for his p=
His kindness increased the child's
affection for him.
2. (pl.) love
He tried to win her affections by b=
her flowers.
Unhappily, she put her affections o=
wrong person.
vt. fit together (the parts of sth.=
Martha assembled her latest doll's =
very quickly.
Some boys like to assemble model ai=
When the fire alarm rang we assembl=
outside the emergency exit.
n. 1.[C] a thick stick with materia=
burns tied to the top of it in order to give light
the torch of revolution
the torch of peace
They lit a torch and set fire to th=
The dry forest went up like a torch=
2. [C] a small light which is held =
hand and which receives its power from stored electricity
He took the torch and disappeared i=
People had been buying up the torch=
candles because of the predicted strike by electricity workers.
&n. [C] a part of the coast where th=
curves inwards so that the sea is surrounded by land on three sides =
the Bay of Bengal
The harbour was in a sheltered bay.=
We sailed into a beautiful and sile=
&v. make (sth.) seem larger, more
important, better or worse than it really is
The threat of attack has been great=
&n. 1. [C] either of the two soft, r=
parts of a woman's chest that can produce milk after she has a baby =
A baby sucks milk from his mother's=
She had breast cancer when she was =
but recovered and lived to a ripe old age.
2. [C] the front part of the body
The knife entered his breast.
They had chicken breasts for lunch.=
n. 1. [C] a thing which is based on=
else but which has some details that are different
Two different versions of &Gon=
the Wind& are now being made in Hollywood.
This dress is a cheaper version of =
we saw in that shop.
2. [C] an account of an event, etc.=
the point of view of one person
The official version of the event i=
the police were attacked and were just trying to defend themselves. =
&a. 1. concerning
all members of a group
Charlie Chaplin is an actor of univ=
The new reforms have not met with u=
approval within the government.
2. widespread
We need a universal milling machine=
This machine has a universal use in=
3. done, found, etc.in all parts of the world
The law of gravity is universal.
ad. worldwide
(believed or accepted) by everyone
The basic certificate is a universa=
recognized qualification.
It is a universally acknowledged tr=
a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
num. (the number) 60
There are sixty people coming to the
wedding. =
We've got sixty men coming for lunc=
n. [U] the state of being well know=
She moved to =
London in search of fame and fortune.
His fame as a poet did not come unt=
his death.
n. 1. [U, C] an explanation or
understanding of sth.
What interpretation would you put o=
The argument is based on two widely
differing interpretations of the law.
2. [U, C] making clear or bringing =
meaning of (a character, music, etc.)
Interpretation is often as importan=
text itself.
The actor's interpretations were pr=
most of the newspapers.
a. 1. done, made, etc. h=
sense of religious-like importance
There was a solemn silence when the=
The burial service is performed wit=
and mournful music.
2. serious- grave严肃的
A car arrived with three distinguis=
gray-haired men in dark suits, looking solemn.
This is a far from solemn book &#82=
is a rich mix of pleasures and information, and is full of surprises.
a. of the Middle Ages (about AD 110=
medieval art
medieval architecture
medieval history
a medieval building
The conditions are purely medieval.=
vt. 1. give sb. a feeling of wantin=
being able to do sth. good, create a work of art, etc.
An incident in his childhood inspir=
He wrote a piece of music inspired =
2. fill sb. with confidence or eage=
esp. so that they feel they can achieve sth. difficult or special 鼓舞,激励
Even from within prison, his qualit=
leadership inspired his followers.
His driving hardly inspires confide=
his passengers.
a. 1. (of people) sad or serious
He was standing quietly with a grav=
He looked grave as he told them abo=
2. seriously bad
It was a grave mistake when he accu=
The international situation is beco=
matter of grave concern.
n. [C] a place where a dead person =
buried, esp. when under the ground and marked by a stone
He visits his mother's grave every =
and lays fresh flowers on it.
He drank himself into an early grav=
n. [C] a person whose job is to loo=
people' dental surgeon
He was a dentist before he became a=
I have an appointment with my denti=
2:00 this afternoon.
prep. ... ...... ....
A car pulled up alongside ours.
Most of the staff refused to work a=
the new team.
ad. along the side
The car parked alongside. 这辆车靠边停着=
We brought our boats alongside.
vt. 1. make sth. longer, wider or t=
by pulling
These exercises are designed to str=
muscles around your stomach and the lower part of your back.
We stretched the rope tight.
2. cause to go as far as possible o=
the usual limit
We can't work any harder, Paul. We'=
already fully stretched.
You're stretching my patience to th=
vi. (a piece of land or water, etc.=
over a large area or distance
On the horizon, a huge cloud of den=
from the burning oil well stretched across the sky.
The countryside stretched far and w=
the darkness.
n. [C] a picture, painting or photo=
draw a portrait
a portrait of a young lady 一位年轻小姐的=
A portrait of his wife hung on the =
She asked an artist to paint her po=
n. [C] a large animal of the cattle=
Buffaloes migrated across the plain=
Part of this mountain is a national=
protected area for several species of animals, including elephant and buffa=
n. [C] a coin of the US or Canada worth 5 cents (美国或加拿大=
These candies are a nickel each. 5
&n. 1. [C, U] terrible event that ca=
great sadness
His life was touched by hardship and
personal tragedy.
2. [C] a serious play with a sad en=
In most classical tragedies, the so=
was death.
Shakespeare wrote histories and tra=
settlement&&& &
&n. 1. [U] the movement of a new
population into a place to live there
the settlement of immigrants=
2. [C,U] an agreement, usu. officia=
the act of reaching this kind of agreement
Following the settlement of the str=
train service is now back to normal.
Settlement of this matter has been =
for years.
The management has reached a settle=
with the union over the pay.
n. 1. [C] the border between two co=
or (esp. in the past in the US)
the border between cultivated land where people live and wild land
Heavy fighting took place last nigh=
Since then the country has never ha=
within her frontiers.
2. [C] (usu. pl.) the border betwee=
is known and what is not known
Many scientists enjoy the excitemen=
working at the frontiers of knowledge.
Space is the final frontier for hum=
to explore.
n. [C] a large group of animals of =
type that live and feed together
a herd of cattle
Africa is well-known for its large herds of elephant.
The herd are scattered over the hil=
The lions killed the entire herd of=
&vt. move or drive forward as a herd=
certain direction
The prisoners were herded onto the =
The farmer herded the cows over to =
n. 1. [C] a hard, pointed, often cu=
part that grows from the top of the head of some animals
Cattle, sheep and goats have a pair=
2. [C] a device for sounding a warn=
The bus driver sounded his horn at =
children in the street.
A car passed him at top speed, soun=
vt. set sb. or sth. free 解放,释放
We must try our best to liberate ou=
from poverty.
They said they would send troops to
liberate the occupied country.
n. [C, U] the opinion that people in
general have about what sb. or sth. is like
The company has a worldwide reputat=
His wife said that he had the reput=
being a heavy smoker.
vt. 1. look at sth. closely or in g=
After the crash both drivers got ou=
inspected their cars for damage.
The boss inspected the work done so=
seemed quite pleased.
2. make an official visit to make s=
rules are being obeyed, work is being done properly, etc.
All food shops should be inspected
Each hotel is inspected and, if it =
certain criteria, is recommended.
n. [C] a legal document that states=
explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups 合同,契约
They might try to take legal action=
you if you break the contract.
According to the terms of your cont=
must give three months' notice if you intend to leave.
&v. make a written legal agreement w=
sb. for a purpose
We've contracted with the company f=
food at the event.
The firm has just been contracted t=
a new library.
v. (cause to) develop gradually
How did him evolve this very person=
original style?
I think this policy must have evolv=
recruit&&& &
vt. persuade sb. to become a new me=
an organization, esp. the army
Can't you recruit more members to t=
n. [C] a new member of an organizat=
esp. the army
The new recruits were trained for s=
months and then sent to the war front.
New recruits to our music club are =
n. [C] a large printed picture, pho=
They put a few posters on the wall.=
To advertise our concert we will pa=
poster to be put somewhere where lots of people will see it.
n. [C] the hair which grows on a ma=
cheeks and chin
He had tried to grow a beard without
He had a long gray beard. 他留着长长的灰=
&n. [C] the part of a person's face =
At the age of fifty he still had a =
chin and a smooth neck.
Tom has a double chin.
work on sth.&&&&
&have sth. as the subject of thought=
He is now working on a new novel.
You will have to work on the weak p=
your English if you want to pass the examination.
be in love with sb.&&&&
feel affection and desire for sb.
I'm madly in love with her. =
They're very much in love with each=
approve of sth.&&&&
&say, show or feel that sth. is good=
My father did not approve of my mar=
Everybody approves of the plans for=
school building.
go ahead&&&&
You can't just go ahead and sell th=
it's partly mine.
I warned him not to touch it but he=
ahead and did it.
for sale&&&&
intended to be sold
I'm sorry this painting's not for s=
This book will be for sale next mon=
come up with&&&&
find or produce (an answer, a solut=
She came up with a new idea for inc=
He couldn't come up with an answer =
asked him why he was late.
rise to fame &&&&
become famous
The young artist rose quickly to fa=
name after sb.&&&&
give (sb. or sth.) the name of sb. =
The child was named after her famous
The machine is named after its inve=
save sb. from&&&&
prevent sb. or sth. from having or =
T you saved me from making=
of myself.
What can we do to save him from the=
of his own mistakes?
go against&&&&
be oppos act a=
gainst ... ...
If you go against your father's wis=
will have to leave home.
It's no use going against the custo=
the country that you are visiting.
run away from&&&&
suddenly leave or escape from (sb. =
He ran away from home at the age of
thirteen. =
He was so unhappy that he tried to =
from school.
IV. Text Study=
Structure Analysis
The whole passage can be roughly di=
into 3 parts:
is made up of 3 paragraphs, from Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 3. Paragraph 1 st=
with one shocking event of a mysterious disappearance of planes. Specific
details have been included: the time, date of the event, 5 Navy aircraft, u=
perfect flying weather, only two hours’ flying, a message for help, a
rescue plane searching for the missing ones which disappeared without any t=
too. Then Paragraph 2 is a general introduction about the area, which tells
what and where the Bermuda Triangle is: the Graveyard of the Atlantic, a
mysterious area of the Atlantic Ocean.
Paragraph 3 is how the public responds to the Bermuda Triangle: a lot of
concern and interest but no answers produced.
consists of 5 paragraphs, from Paragraph 4 to Paragraph 8. Paragraphs 4 and=
offer us some more recorded mysterious disappearances in the triangle. This=
to confirm that the disappearance is an often-occurring event. Specific det=
have also been included to the point. From specific details, Paragraphs 6 t=
are about the general responses to the mysteries. Paragraph 6 is about what=
U.S. Navy thinks. It does not recognize the triangle as a danger zone and
attributes the majority of disappearances to the swift Gulf Stream current,=
unexplored submerged valleys of the Atlantic,
the often violent weather or unusual magnetic phenomenon. Paragraph 7
contradicts with the Navy’s thoughts. Government officials argue that=
reasonable explanation to date has been made for the vanishings. As a resul=
that, some people resort to more fantastic explanations. Paragraph 8 is abo=
Charles Berlitz, who examines all the theories and expands upon the theory =
a giant solar crystal, the power generator for the legendary lost island
Atlantis, sucks passing ships and planes into the ocean.
is only one paragraph, Paragraph 9. As the Bermuda Triangle remains a myste=
to us, an institute is planning to organize 300 psychics and scientists to =
into the mysteries under the sea with further efforts.
Language Point 1&&&&
The Statue of Liberty (Para. 1)
statue: n.
the figure of a person or animal, that is made of stone or metal and usually
put in a public place
the statue of /to Lu Xun 鲁迅塑像
stature: n.
the height of a person
Mother was of very small stature, b=
five feet tall.
She was a little short in stature. =
Language Point 2&&&&
The Statue of Liberty (Para. 1)
liberty: n.
the freedom to go where you want, do what you want, etc.
loss of liberty
We must defend our civil liberties =
You are at liberty to leave when yo=
I am not at liberty to tell you how=
this information.
Language Point 3&&&&
In the mid-1870s, French artist Fre=
Auguste Bartholdi was working on an enormous project called Liberty
Enlightening the World,… (Para. 2)
have sth. as the subject of thought or effort
They are working on a report of the=
investigation of synthetic rubber.
Is Tom still working on the new boo=
he promised?
I want to work on perfecting my sty=
before trying anything new.
The scientists are still working on
inventing new methods of reaching outer space.
Language Point 4&&&&
&In the mid-1870s, French artist Fre=
Auguste Bartholdi was working on an enormous project called Liberty
Enlightening the World,… (Para. 2)
vt. give sb. more information about sth. so that he or she knows the truth
A few devoted doctors have fought f=
to enlighten the profession.
I cannot remember how the trains tu=
round to return to London.
Could you please enlighten me?
It can be an enormously enlightenin=
exciting experience.
Language Point 5&&&&
monument celebrating US independence and the France-America alliance. (Para=
monument: n.
a building or statue that is built to remind people of a famous person or e=
the Monument to the People's Heroes=
This pillar is a monument to all th=
soldiers who died in the Second World War.
Language Point 6&&&&
&a monument celebrating US independence and the France-America
alliance. (Para. 2)
alliance: n.
a group of countries, political parties or people who have agreed to work
together because of the same interests or aims
the country's military alliance wit=
The two parties were still too much=
to form an alliance.
Language Point 7&&&&
His mother could not approve of her=
affection for a woman she had never met, … (Para. 2)
Meaning: His mother was not pleased=
her son loved a woman she had never known, …
Language Point 8&&&&
His mother could not approve of her=
affection for a woman she had never met, … (Para. 2)
approve: v.
accept, permit or officially agree (to)
We need to get an official from the
government to approve this project.
The Parliament has approved a progr=
education reform.
approve of:
say, show or feel that sth. be pleased about sth.; like sb. or sth=
His father didn't approve of his le=
school at 16. 16
Her parents don't approve of her fr=
I didn't approve of his manner.
Language Point 9&&&&
His mother could not approve of her=
affection for a woman she had never met, … (Para. 2)
n. feeling of fondness
Mark felt great affection for his s=
She had developed quite an affectio=
the place.
The children are doing all kinds of=
to win the affection of their parents.
Language Point 10&&&&
Bartholdi went ahead and married his love in 1876. (Para. 2)
Meaning: …but Bartholdi conti=
loving the woman and married her in 1876.(his love: the woman he loved)
Language Point 11&&&&
Bartholdi went ahead and married his love in 1876. (Para. 2)
go ahead: =
1) continue or advance (without per=
If you go ahead and sell this medic=
your license will be revoked.
2) be allowed to continue (with sth=
place, as after a difficulty
The council gave us permission to g=
with our building plans.
In spite of the chairman's illness,=
meeting will go ahead as planned.
3) move in front of sth. or sb.
I'll go ahead and tell them you'll =
Go ahead, what are you waiting for?=
4) begin, especially to speak
Go ahead, we're all listening.
Language Point 12&&&&
That same year Bartholdi had assemb=
statue's right arm and torch, and displayed them in Philadelphia. (Para. 3)
Meaning: In the same year when he g=
married, Bartholdi had put the statue's right arm and torch together, and t=
showed them in Philadelphia.
Language Point 13&&&&
That same year Bartholdi had assemb=
statue's right arm and torch,… (Para. 3)
1) fit the parts of sth. together
We spent all day trying to assemble=
She tried hard to assemble the bike=
2) come gather=
The leaders assembled in Shanghai for the meeting.
I've assembled all the information =
for my essay.
He is assembling evidence concernin=
Language Point 14&&&&
He needed someone whose face repres=
suffering yet strength, someone more severe than beautiful. (Para. 3)
Meaning: He needed someone whose fa=
showed that she had suffered a lot but remained strong, someone who looked =
plain than attractive.
Language Point 15&&&&
The Statue of Liberty was dedicated=
island in Upper New York Bay in 1886. (P=
Note that October 28, 1886 was decl=
public holiday to allow Americans to celebrate the statue's unveiling. More
than 1 million people lined the streets for a parade.&
Language Point 16&&&&
Before all the different types of B=
dolls for sale now, there was just a single Barbie. (Para. 6)
The sentence implies that the exist=
Barbie, who was a real person, came before all kinds of Barbie dolls on the
Language Point 17&&&&
Before all the different types of B=
dolls for sale now,… (Para. 6)
intended to be sold
The sign on the house says &For
All the pictures in this exhibition=
Language Point 18&&&&
Ruth came up with the idea for Barb=
watching her daughter play with paper dolls. (Para. 7)
Meaning: Ruth had an idea of making=
dolls after she had watched her daughter Barbara play with paper dolls.
Language Point 19&&&&
Ruth came up with the idea… (=
come up with:
find or produce (an answer, a solution, etc.)
I hope you can come up with a bette=
than this.
Scientists have come up with new wa=
saving energy.
Language Point 20&&&&
gift for adults described as having the appearance of &a woman who sold
sex&. (Para. 7)
Meaning: …a gift for adults w=
intended as a joke and which is described as having the appearance of &quot=
woman who sold sex&.
Language Point 21&&&&
Mattel refashioned the doll into a =
all-American — although with an exaggerated breast size — versi=
and named it after Barbara, who was then a teenager. (Para. 7)
Meaning: Mattel Toy Company changed=
doll into a model that was respectable,
purely American, yet with big breas=
named the new-born doll after
Barbara, who was just a teenager at=
that time.
Please note that &decent,
all-American& modifies the word &version&.
Language Point 22&&&&
Mattel refashioned the doll into a =
all-American… (Para. 7)
refashion into: make into
Can you refashion this dress into a=
It's nice to see these old dark bui=
being refashioned into modern ones.
Language Point 23&&&&
with an exaggerated breast size… (Para. 7)
v. make (sth.) seem larger, more important, better or worse than it really =
Don't exaggerate. I was only two mi=
late, not twenty. 20
The problem has been greatly exagge=
Language Point 24&&&&
with an exaggerated breast size… (Para. 7)
breast: n.
1) either of the two soft, rounded =
a woman's chest that can produce
milk after she has a baby
It is reported that breast cancer k=
more women than any other form of cancer.
2) the upper front part of the body=
the neck and the stomach, esp. in birds or animals
I had chicken breasts for lunch.
Language Point 25&&&&
and named it after Barbara,… (Para. 7)
1) a thing which is based on sth. e=
which has some details that are different
the five-door version of the Ford
the film version of Romeo and Julie=
2) an account of an event, etc. fro=
point of view of one person
The two drivers gave different vers=
the accident.
Language Point 26&&&&
and named it after Barbara,… (Para. 7)
name sb./sth. after sb. : give sb./sth. the name of sb. as an honor
This island was named after his dis=
Language Point 27&&&&
Since her introduction in 1959, Bar=
become the universally recognized Queen of the Dolls. (Para. 8)
Meaning: Since her introduction in =
Barbie has been known to everyone as Queen of the Dolls.
Language Point 28&&&&
has become the universally recognized Queen of the Dolls. (Para. 8)
ersally: ad. (b=
elieved or
accepted) in the world or in all situations
a universally accepted point of vie=
Language Point 29&&&&
&Now more than sixty years old, Barb=
— who declines interviews but is said to have loved the doll — =
be the most famous unknown figure on the planet. (Para. 9)
Meaning: Barbara, who is now more t=
sixty years old and who refuses
interviews but is said to have love=
doll, is probably the most famous
person in the world with her real n=
being unknown.
Language Point 30&&&&
The real Ken, who died in 1994, was
disgusted by the doll that made his family famous. (Para. 10)
Meaning: The real Ken, who died in =
disliked the doll that made his family famous.
Language Point 31&&&&
Grant Wood instantly rose to fame i=
with his painting American Gothic, an often-copied interpretation of the so=
pride of American farmers. (Para. 12)
Meaning: Grant Wood became famous
immediately when he finished his painting
American Gothic in 1930. The painti=
which is often copied in other forms of
art such as posters, cards, and sou=
reflects his understanding of the
sincere pride of American farmers. =
Language Point 32&&&&
Grant Wood instantly rose to fame in
; (Para. 12)
fame: n. the
state of being well-known
come/rise to fame
Pop stars often achieve fame at a y=
The novel earned him fame and money=
Language Point 33&&&&
his painting American Gothican often copied interpretation of the solemn pride of American
farmers. (Para. 12)
Gothic: a.
1) of or like a style of building c=
Europe between the 12th and the 16th cen=
On the other side of the street is =
Gothic church.
2) (of literature) of or like stori=
which strange things happen in horrible places
Gothic novels usually describe roma=
adventures in mysterious or frightening settings.
Language Point 34&&&&
his painting American Gothic, an often copied interpretation of the solemn
pride of American farmers. (Para. 12)
interpretation: n.
1) an explanation or understanding =
He's always putting a wrong interpr=
on what I say.
What's your interpretation of these
The actor's interpretation of Hamle=
severely criticized.
Language Point 35&&&&
his painting American Gothic, an often copied interpretation of the solemn
pride of American farmers. (Para.
1) done, made, etc. havi=
sense of religious-like importance
a solemn statement
a solemn warning
make a solemn promise
2) serious- grave
solemn looks
put on a solemn face
Her solemn face told them that the =
Language Point 36&&&&
The painting shows a serious-lookin=
and a woman standing in front of a farmhouse. (Para. 12)
As we are going to learn, the
serious-looking man and the woman are respectively modeled after Grant Wood=
dentist, Dr. B. H. McKeeby, and his sister, Nan.
And the farmhouse refers to the American Gothic House in Eldon, Iowa
(which is famous as the background of Grant Wood's 1930 painting American
Language Point 37&&&&
He was strongly influenced by medie=
artists and inspired by the Gothic window of an old farmhouse,… (Para.
inspire: vt.
give sb. a feeling of wanting and being able to do sth. good,
create a work of art, etc.
His novel was inspired by his relat=
with his first wife.
The book was inspired by a real per=
namely Tamara.
Our work is to motivate those voter=
inspire them to join our cause.
What inspired you to change your na=
Language Point 38&&&&
faces in his composition were what captured the world's attention. (Para. 1=
Meaning: …but the faces in his
painting were the most attractive.
Language Point 39&&&&
faces in his composition were what captured the world's attention. (Para. 1=
capture one's attention: draw one' be attractive to someone
The views on campus captured my att=
It was her words not her looks that
captured his attention.
Language Point 40&&&&
For the grave farmer he used his de=
sour-looking man. (Pa=
1) (used about people) sad or serio=
He was looking extremely grave.
Anxiously, she examined his unusual=
2) seriously bad
These events could have grave conse=
for all of us.
He said that the situation in his c=
was very grave.
n. a place where a dead person is b=
esp. when under the ground and marked by a stone
The coffin was lowered into the gra=
I put some flowers on the grave.
They used to visit her grave twice =
Language Point 41&&&&
For the woman standing alongside hi=
m, the artist
chose his sister, Nan. (Para. 13)
prep. together with
the opportunity to work alongside
experienced musicians
The dog sat alongside the master.
ad. along the side
a garden with a small river running=
&Language Point 42&&&&
&He stretched the models' necks a bi=
there was no doubt who posed for the portrait. (Para. 13)
Meaning: He made the models' necks =
longer in the painting, but doubtlessly people would know who was sitting f=
the painting.
Language Point 43&&&&
He stretched the models' necks a bi=
there was no doubt who posed for the portrait. (Para. 13)
1) make sth. longer, wider or tight=
The artist stretched the canvas tig=
over the frame.
My T-shirt stretched when I washed =
2) cause to go as far as possible o=
the usual limit
For five years, this region was a b=
optimism, growing fatter and fatter while its walls stretched thinner.
I'm afraid we can't take on any mor=
we're already fully
3) (of a piece of land or water, et=
spread over a large area or distance
The long white beaches stretch for =
along the coast.
Language Point 44&&&&
He stretched the models' necks a bi=
there was no doubt who posed for the portrait. (Para. 13)
there was no doubt…:it was
very probably
No doubt he will help us if we ask =
No doubt he means to help, but in f=
just gets in the way.
Language Point 45&&&&
He stretched the models' necks a bi=
there was no doubt who posed for the portrait. (Para. 13)
(cause to) take and hold a position necessary for an artist or photographer=
etc.; sit for
In her youth, she earned a reasonab=
living by posing for art students in drawing classes.
Please sit still while you pose for=
Language Point 46&&&&
Nan later remarked that the fame she gained from American Gothic =
her from a very boring life. (Para. 14)
Meaning: Nan=
said later that the painting American Gothic helped her come to fame and
prevented her from living a dull life.
Language Point 47&&&&
Nan later remarked that the fame she gained from American Gothic =
her from a very boring life. (Para. 14)
save … from:
1) prevent sb. or sth. from having =
What can we do to save him from the=
of his own foolishness?
Lots can be done to save their marr=
from failure.
T you saved me from making=
of myself.
2) preserve sth. or sb. from danger=
etc.; rescue from
Luckily your precious records were =
from the fire.
Language Point 48&&&&
But the Buffalo nickel, produced from 1913 to 1=
honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American
frontier — the destruction of the buffalo herds and the American Indi=
(Para. 16)
Meaning: But the Buffalo nickel, wh=
produced from 1913 to 1938, honored two tragedies — the killing of the
buffalo herds and the destruction of the American Indians — which were
closely connected and took place as the result of the settlement of the
American frontier.
Language Point 49&&&&
But the Buffalo nickel, produced from 1913 to 1=
honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American
frontier… (Para=
1) an event or situation that cause=
A trip to London ended in tragedy for a local cou=
when they were involved in a car crash.
It's a tragedy that so many childre=
school without any qualifications.
2) a serious play that has a sad en=
King Lear is a tragedy.
Language Point 50&&&&
But the Buffalo nickel, produced from 1913 to 1=
honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American
frontier… (Para=
lement: n.
1) the movement of a new population=
place to live there
the settlement of the American West=
the settlement of immigrants
2) an agreement, usu. official, tha=
the act of reaching this
kind of agreement
The strike lasted for several weeks=
settlement was reached.
Our objective must be to secure a p=
They are not optimistic about a set=
of the eleven-year conflict. 11
She accepted an out-of-court settle=
Language Point 51&&&&
But the Buffalo nickel, produced from 1913 to 1=
honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American
frontier… (Para. 16)
frontier: n.
the border between two countries, or (esp. in the past in the US)
the border between cultivated land =
people live and wild land
We crossed the frontier between France and Italy.
It wasn't difficult then to cross t=
In British English, a frontier is a=
between two countries. The usual American word is border. frontierborder
Language Point 52&&&&
While white people had previously b=
as models for most American coins , famed artist James Earle Fraser went
against tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his
creation. (Para. 17)
Meaning: In the previous years coin=
had used white people as models for most American coins. In contrast, James
Earle Fraser, who was a famous artist, broke this tradition and used three
actual American Indians as models for his creation. (One was Two Moons of t=
he Cheyenne, the sec=
Iron Tail of the Sioux, and the third's identity was uncertain but may have
been Big Tree of the Kiowa.)
Language Point 53&&&&
artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual Amer=
Indians as models for his creation. (Para. 17)
go against:
act against
It goes against my nature to get up=
in the morning.
Lying goes against my principles.
I should warn you that if the case =
against you, you may find yourself in prison.
Your unfortunate report might go ag=
your chances of winning the contract.
Language Point 54&&&&
For the buffalo on the other side, =
buffalo no longer wandered about the great grasslands, Fraser was forced to
sketch an aging buffalo from N=
City's Central Park Zoo. (Para. 18)
Meaning: In order to have the buffa=
the other side of the coin, Fraser had
to go to New York City's Central Park Zoo and dr=
picture of an aging buffalo, because buffalo no longer wandered the great
grasslands. (Their number was severely reduced.)
Please note that the plural form of
&buffalo& can be either &buffalo& or &buffaloes&qu=
Language Point 55&&&&
wall decoration made from its horns. (Para. 18)
Meaning: …a wall decoration t=
made out of the horns of the buffalo.
Language Point 56&&&&
wall decoration made from its horns. (Para. 18)
make sth. from: produce, shape, form, cause sth. to exist by using an existing
object as material
Mother can make a wonderful meal fr=
of food left over from the day before.
The children's playhouse has been m=
a pile of cardboard boxes.
The natives make excellent boats fr=
Language Point 57&&&&
decoration made from its horns. (Para. 18)
1) a hard, pointed, often curved pa=
grows from the top of the head of some animals
Cattle, sheep and goats have a pair=
2)a device for sounding a warning s=
The irritated driver blew his horn =
slow truck.
The driver sounded his horn when th=
stepped in front of his car.
Language Point 58&&&&
his father and older brothers in the fight to liberate the American colonies
from the British… (Para. 20)
vt. set sb. or sth. free
One of our tasks is to liberate peo=
France was liberated in 1945. 1945
Language Point 59&&&&
&and earned a reputation for being honest and hard working. (Pa=
Meaning: … because he was hon=
hard working, he won people's respect.
Language Point 60&&&
earned a reputation for being honest and hard working. (Para. 20)
n. the opinion that people in general have about what sb. or sth. is like
an international reputation =
have a good/bad reputation 声誉好/
His university has a good academic
The rumors ruined his reputation.
The restaurant has a reputation for=
some of the finest food in the country.
She began to make her reputation as=
novelist in the 1960s. 2060
Language Point 61&&&&
Wilson gained a position inspecting meat for US Army forces,… =
Meaning: Wilson got a job, which is examining me=
US Army forces…
Language Point 62&&&
Wilson gained a position inspecting meat for US Army forces,… =
inspect: vt.
1) look at sth. closely or in great=
The detective inspected the room for
The firemen are inspecting an aband=
warehouse for potential fire hazard.
2) make an official visit to make s=
rules are being obeyed, work is
being done properly, etc.
Several government officials came to
inspect our factory last week.
Language Point 63&&&&
with a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to=
army. (Para. 21)
contract: n.
a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement
between two different people or gro=
a temporary contract
They signed a three-year contract w=
major record company.
The company has just won a contract=
supply machinery to the government.
He was given a seven-year contract =
annual salary of $150,000. 15
1) make a written legal agreement w=
to do sth. or to have sb. work for a
certain party
His firm has been contracted to sup=
the furniture for the new building.
The British museum is already contr=
lease part of its collection on a museum in China.
2) get an illness or disease=
She contracted pneumonia. 她染有肺炎。
He contracted AIDS from a blood
3) become or make sth. smaller or s=
Metals contract as they cool.
&I'm& is the contracted f=
&I am&. I'mI am
Blood is only expelled from the hea=
it contracts.
Language Point 64&&&&
Barrels of meat supplied to the arm=
stamped &EA-US&, identifying the company (EA) and country of orig=
in (US). (P=
Meaning: The letters of &EA-US=
were stamped on all barrels of meat that were
supplied to the US Army, with EA st=
for the company that supplied the meat
and US standing for the country whe=
meat was made.
Language Point 65&&&
form evolving from an earlier cartoon character called Brother Jonathan that
was popular during the American Revolution. (Para. 22)
Meaning: … the figure of Uncl=
the political cartoons developed from an
earlier cartoon character called Br=
Jonathan that was popular during the
American Revolution.
Please notice this is an absolute
Also notice the that-clause modifies
&an earlier cartoon character&.
Language Point 66&&&&
form evolving from an earlier cartoon character called Brother Jonathan that
was popular during the American Revolution. (Para. 22)
evolve from:
(also evolve out of) develop in gradual stages from sth. different
Some people still do not believe th=
evolved from monkeys.
The painter's ideas about form and =
evolved out of the work of an earlier artist.
Language Point 67&&&
Uncle Sam soon replaced Brother Jon=
American's most popular symbol. (Para. 22)
Meaning: Uncle Sam soon took the pl=
Brother Jonathan and became American's most popular symbol.
Language Point 68&&&&
famous army recruiting posters of World Wars I and II. (Para. 22)
Meaning: …in his famous poste=
tried to get young men to join the US Army during World War I and World War=
Language Point 69&&&&
famous army recruiting posters of World Wars I and II. (Para. 22)
recruit: vt.
persuade sb. to become a new member of an organization, esp. the army
The state is recruiting young peopl=
teaching professions.
Many jukus offer high salaries to r=
experienced teachers.
The police are trying to recruit mo=
and Asian officers.
n. a new member of an organization,=
The new recruits were trained for s=
months and then sent to the war front.
Language Point 70&&&
famous army recruiting posters of World Wars I and II. (Para. 22)
poster: n. a
large printed picture, photograph or notice
They put up the posters all around =
to advertise the circus.
Language Point 71&&&
That version — a tall man wit=
hair and a small white beard on his chin, a dark blue coat and a tall hat w=
stars on it — was a self-portrait of Flagg. (Para. 22)
Meaning: The portrait of Uncle Sam =
Flagg's posters was a self-portrait of
Flagg. It was a tall man with white=
his head and a small white beard on
his chin, wearing a dark blue coat =
tall hat with stars on it.
Language Point 72&&&&
small white beard on his chin,… (Para. 22)
the hair which grows on a man's cheeks and chin
He's got a beard.
He's growing a beard.
He's had his beard shaved off.
moustache (AmE mustache): the hair =
grows on the top lip, between the mouth and the nose
Has he got a moustache?
V. Assignments
1. Finish all the attached exercise=
2. Write a composition entitled The Bermuda Triangl=
Graveyard of Aircraft
New Words & Phrases
fasten (sb./sth.) =
place with a strong narrow band of material
Are the kids strapped into their car seats?
He had a gun strapped to his middle.
[C] a narrow piece=
leather or other strong material
Could you help me fasten the strap around my suitcase?
I need a new watch strap.
[C] a piece of equ=
with straps use similar equipment, as worn by a
parachutist or for controlling a small child
She lifted the harness over the horse's head.
A seat and harness for a child are essential in a family car.
1. put a harness o=
horse, etc.)
He harnessed the horse to a wagon.
2. control and use (a natural force) to produce electrical power, etc.
The local government decided to harness the river to generate electricity. =
1. fill (a hole) o=
My wall has a hole in it. I have to plug it with some cement.
If you plug the video camera into the television, you can play back the tape
you've recorded.
He has a hearing device plugged into his ear.
[C] a plastic obje=
with two or three metal pins which is pushed into an electric socket to con=
an apparatus with the electricity supply
If a plug is wired incorrectly, it can be dangerous.
Do you know how to wire a plug?
1. [U] the force w=
attracts objects in space towards each other
the laws of gravity
Gravity acts within and between stars, planets and spacecraft.
2. [U] seriousness
I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.
The international situation has reached a point of extreme gravity.
[C] an object which
moves very fast by forcing out burning gases, and which is used for space
travel, etc.
a surface-to-air rocket
rocket launcher
They have launched a rocket to the moon.
put or take quickl=
If you pop the pizza in the oven now it should be ready in 15 minutes.
Pop your shoes on and let's go.
make a short sharp
sound, often by bursting sth.
The proper way to open champagne is not to let the cork pop.
[U] modern popular=
What do you like to listen to — jazz, classical or pop?
I think the Beatles will always be the world's most famous pop group.
[C] a large, usu.
circular piece of special cloth fastened to sb./sth. that is dropped from an
They fell 41,000 ft.
before opening their parachutes.
UN troops could be landed by parachute.
1. manage not to y=
I can't resist the urge to go home early.
She couldn't resist laughing at him in those clothes.
2. fight against
The party leader resisted his demands of giving in.
The soldiers resisted the enemy attacks for two days.
[C] an engine or m=
in which the pressure of a liquid or gas, usu. at very high temperatures,
drives a special wheel, producing a circular movement
The turbine eventually gave way to a pair of diesel engines.
1. [U] heavy weapo=
The White House said yesterday that the ship was laden with tank parts,
explosives, and other military hardware.
2. [U] metal tools, materials and equipment used in a house or a garden
a hardware shop
3. [U] mechanical and electronic parts of a computer
In computer systems, hardware refers to the machines themselves as opposed =
the programs which tell the machines what to do.
1. push, put or th=
with great force
S she slammed the phone down on him.
2. shut loudly and forcefully
Close the door carefully, don't slam it.
She went out, slamming the door behind her.
[C] the curved sha=
made by sth. like rope or string crossing itself
His writing was childish with large loops on the letters.
The plane flew round and round in wide loops.
[U] a silver-white=
that is a simple substance light in weight and easily shaped
an aluminum pot
We take all our aluminum cans for recycling.
[U] being precise =
Great precision is required in this aspect.
Scientific instruments have to be made with great precision.
1. [C] an added pa=
The article is an extension of the ideas Professor Fox developed in an earl=
Our extension is nearly finished.
2. [U] extending
The extension of police powers in the province has been heavily criticized.=
1.[C] a very deep =
loud hollow sound
We heard a boom in the distance as the bomb went off.
We could hear the booms of the enemy guns in the distance.
2.[C] a sudden increase
The consumer boom of the 1980s led to an explosion of shopping center
1.[C] an enclosed =
esp. in a body or machine
2. [C] a room, esp. a bedroom
The children searched each and every chamber in the house for the cat.
The president and his lady retired to their chamber.
The debate finished at midnight and the delegates left the chamber shortly
Meetings of the council are held in the council chamber.
3.[C] a usu. elected law-making body
In Britain the upper chamber is the House of Lords, the lower the House of
I wanted a simple black dress, nothing fancy.
Never mind all these fancy phrases - just tell us the plain facts.
1.[U] an idea that
cannot be made real
Buildings should not just be architects' flights of fancy.
I'd had a childhood fancy that I would one day be famous.
2.[C] a liking formed without any obvious reason
I have taken a fancy to that silly hat.
I think young Peter has taken quite a fancy to that girl next door.
1. imagine or thin=
I fancied I saw something moving in the corner.
When she was young she fancied herself a teacher.
2. like or wish for
What do you fancy doing, anyway?
Do you fancy going to see a movie tonight?
I just fancied a drink.
1. rising or falli=
very quickly
Yesterday's steep decline in the value of the dollar was unexpected.
There's likely to be a steep drop in the cost of petrol.
2. (of a slope) rising or falling at a sharp angle
It's a steep climb to the top of the mountain, but the view is worth it.
It's dangerous to try and ski down these steep slopes.
1. close or comple=
This book will need all your concentration.
He kept interrupting, breaking my concentration.
2. [U, C] bringing or coming together in a large amount
He strongly opposed the concentration of power in the hands of a few people=
Concentrations of police became obvious as they drove further into the town=
information in the form of numbers which can change
a digital display
The quality of sound from a digital tape is truly excellent.
press into a small=
Firmly compress the soil in the pot so that the plant is secure.
at a higher positi=
level, or being the top part of sth.
the upper arm
the upper class
The upper reaches of the river are quiet and flow through gentle countrysid=
The office block's upper floors were on fire.
1. move rapidly and
The star was whipped into a fast car and driven off.
The wind whipped several leaves from the tree.
2. beat (a person or animal) with a whip
I don't like the way the drivers whip their horses.
[C] a piece of lea=
or rope which is fastened to a handle, used esp. for driving animals or
punishing people
She beat the horse with her long whip.
There's a shop over there where you can buy whips.
1. (pl. craft) [C]=
vehicle for traveling on water or through the air
Eighteen craft set out in the race.
2. [U, C] (a job or activity needing) skill and experience
the craft of boat building
You can always tell by the quality of a hand-made piece of furniture if it =
made by someone who knew their craft.
remain in the air =
There's a branch hanging over, can you reach it and pull yourself out of the
Smog hung over the city.
connect (sth.) to =
electricity supply with a plug
No wonder the lamp didn't come on, it's not plugged in!
Could you plug in the radio, please?
become or make ful=
(cause to) come or=
out for a short time or suddenly
The window opened and a head popped out.
I had just popped out for a breath of fresh air, and missed your telephone
(cause to) begin t=
active, working, etc.
After I've been ill, I find it hard to get going again.
Let's get going, or we'll be late.
It's difficult to get the car going on cold mornings.
Getting a business going in these hard times is almost impossible.
Smoke was going up in a straight line, showing that there was no wind.
Go up to the top of the stairs and turn right, and that's my room.
put (a load) in or=
I was so loaded with heavy shopping that my back was aching.
The air is loaded with smoke and dirt.
further forward in=
in front of
London is about five hours ahead of New York.
Jim was ahead of all the other runners.
turn sth. over to sb.
give the control or
management of sth. to sb.
This difficulty is not something we can deal with, so we had better turn it
over to the director.
He turned the business over to his daughter.
I am glad that you thought of this hotel, where you stayed last year.
I can't think of the title of the book, but it's a fat red one on the top s=
near the left.
begin to act or be=
in a specific way
This car won't go into reverse.
She went into fits of laughter.
put togetner
construct or repai=
by fitting parts together
You still have to learn how to put a sentence together properly.
It will be difficult to put a team together with many of our best players a=
force into
compel into
I can't force th it won't fit.
1. continue in spi=
Painting the house is tiring, but if you hang on, the results are worth the
The town was surrounded by the enemy and the citizens did not know if they
could hang on until help arrived.
2. continue holding
The climber had to hang on while his companions went to find a rope.
Although the branch was breaking, he hung on.
Language Points
A mechanic strappe=
into my harness, and plugged in the system … (Para. 2)=
strap: vt. fasten
sb./sth. in position with a strong narrow band of material
Strap the bag onto your back.
Make sure you're firmly strapped in before the plane takes off.
n. a narrow piece of leather or other strong material
a watch strap
Fasten the straps round the case.
One of the silk straps on her dress has slipped off her shoulder. =
A mechanic strappe=
into my harness, and plugged in the system … (Para. 2)=
harness: n.
1) an arrangement of straps and bands, such as a combination of straps by w=
a parachute is attached to a person or which are attached to an infant or y=
child to prevent his falling out of a crib or carriage or to control him in
The toddler is wearing a harness.
2) a piece of equipment with straps used to control a horse
Bridle is one part of a horse's harness.
1) put a harness on (a horse etc.)
The dogs are harnessed to a sleigh.
2) control and use (a natural force) to produce electrical power, etc.
We harness the sun's rays as a source of energy. =
…he reminded=
referring to gravity forces,… (Para. 2)=
gravity: n.
1) the force which attracts objects in space towards each other
Anything that is dropped falls towards the centre of the earth because of t=
pull of gravity.
2) seriousness
Politicians are only now realizing the gravity of the situation. =
A rocket under the=
will pop you out of the aircraft, seat and all. (Para. 3)=
1) put or take (sth.) quickly
He popped his coat on.
Will you pop this letter in the post for me?
2) make a short sharp sound, often by bursting sth.
The bottle cork popped when he pulled it out. &#822=
Champagne corks were popping (away) throughout the celebrations.
n. modern popular music
He likes pop; he doesn't care for classical music.
A pop group plays pop music.
pop out: (cause to) come or go out for a short time or suddenly
The magician had a real rabbit pop out of his hat.
His eyes nearly popped out of his head in surprise.
1) move, jump, or stand up suddenly
Put the pieces of bread in the machine, press the button, and when they're
cooked they will pop up. &#822=
The pictures in this book pop up when the pages are opened, which am=
the children. &#822=
2) happen or arrive unexpectedly
Some difficulties have just popped up, so we must work late to deal =
A wonderful idea has just popped up.
He always pops up when he's least expected. =
The mechanic could=
resist a parting joke:… (Para. 3)=
resist: vt.
1) manage not to yield to
She cannot resist giving him advice.
2) fight against
The Prime Minister says she will resist a single European currency b=
They resisted our attempts to modernize the distribution of books. =
If you're ready, l=
get going. (Para. 4)
get going: (cause =
begin to be active, working, etc.
Let's get going now or we'll miss the train.
The bus was supposed to leave at 10:30, but we eventually got going =
12:00. 10: 3012:00=
Get going! There's only ten minutes till your test starts. 快&#211=
The jet roared dow=
cement surface, slamming me against the seat. (Para. 6)=
slam: v. push, mov=
shut, etc., hurriedly and with great force
He slammed me against the ground.
He slammed the papers down on the desk and angrily walked out.
Please don't slam the door.
The door slammed shut. =
…make loops =
the grace of an eagle. (Para. 7)
loop: n. the curved
shape made by sth. like rope or string crossing itself
She put a loop of rope around the cow's neck.
The road goes around in a loop and rejoins the main road about 2
kilometers past the town. =
Controlling this
precision machine and its many weapons is like playing a million-dollar vid=
game that has dozens of buttons. (Para. 7)=
precision: n. being
a precision landing
Precision instruments are used to help pilots in guiding their aircr=
…they're alm=
extension of the pilot's body. (Para. 8)=
extension: n.
1) an added part
We built an extension onto the school, so now we have two more teach=
She was listening to our conversation on the extension in the bedroo=
2) extending
the extension of our foreign trade
an extension of a holiday =
…we were fly=
ahead of our engine's roar. (Para. 9)=
ahead of: further
forward i in front of
I could see the other car about half a mile ahead of us.
Jane and Nicky arrived a few minutes ahead of us.
The work was completed ahead of time. =
Even the boom that
happens when the jet breaks the sound barrier went unnoticed. (Para. 9)=
1) a very deep and loud hollow sound
The stillness of night was broken by the boom of a drum.
2) a sudden increase
How long can the present business boom last?
An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction.
The 1990s were indeed boom years to the Shanghainese. 2090
Public transport has not been able to cope adequately with the travel bo=
Inside our clear
chamber, we were warm and comfortable, but outside was a whole different wo=
(Para. 10)
chamber: n.
1) an enclosed space, esp. in a body or machine
The engine has four combustion chambers.
2) a room, esp. a bedroom
The university has an orchestra that plays excellent chamber music. =
3) a usu. elected law-making body
The United States Congress consists of two chambers. The Senate is t=
upper chamber. =
…Major Hamil=
turned the controls over to me. (Para. 11)=
turn over to: give=
control or management of sth. to sb.
The work was turned over to the secretary.
The day-to-day management of the firm has been turned over to a
department manager. =
&But don't try
anything fancy,& he warned. (Para. 11)=
fancy cakes
fancy fruits
fancy jewellery
I don't like his paintings. They are too fancy for me.
1) imagine or think
Fancy working every day!
Fancy her saying such rude things!
2) like or wish for
I really fancy going for a swim.
I think he has always fancied a car like this.
1) an idea that cannot be made real
a childhood fancy
His last book is a bold, at times surrealistic mixture of fact and fancy=
2) a liking formed without any obvious reason
Patricia has taken a fancy to my elder brother.
He seems to have taken quite a fancy to his English teacher — =
always hanging around her. =
My goodness! I tho=
of all the pilots who'd give a month's pay to take my place. (Para. 11)=
goodness : n. used=
expressions of surprise or annoyance
My goodness!
I wish to goodness he'd be quiet. =
I thought of all t=
pilots who'd give a month's pay to take my place. (Para. 11)=
think of: call to =
You' what are you thinking of?
You're quite wrong: I was thinking of something completely different=
I thought of all t=
pilots who'd give a month's pay to take my place. (Para. 11)=
take sb.'s/sth.'s =
replace sb./sth.
Eventually the old system collapsed, and anarchy took its place.
He will take my place in the football team because I shall be absent=
…and we went=
a steep turn. (Para. 11)
a steep turn: a su=
sharp turn
1) falling or rising very quickly
a steep rise in prices
There is a steep drop in deaths from heart disease since 1983.
2) rising or falling quickly or at a large angle
a steep hill
steep slopes
Flying in combat a=
managing the complex weapons system requires considerably more concentratio=
(Para. 12)
concentration: n. =
1) close or complete attention
It takes a lot of concentration to study here — it's far too
The teacher's report said that Mark lacked concentration, and this w=
affecting his work.
2) a close gathering
There is a concentration of industry in the south of the country.
The area has one of the world's greatest concentrations of wildlife.=
There has been too much concentration of power in the hands of those
The pilot must com=
collection of lights, dials, knobs, digital displays, and other electronic
devices. (Para. 12)
dial: n. the part =
machine or device which shows a measurement of sth. such as speed or time
The dial on the clock showed five minutes to seven. 75
vt. make a telephone call by pressing the numbered buttons
How do I dial Paris?
He dialed and spoke briefly to the duty officer.
It helps. (Para. 1=
Meaning: It would =
easier for you to fly this airplane if you were an engineer or computer
It can't be helped: There is nothing one can do to improve a situation, und=
wrong or foolish action.
You need reassurance from another person. But if it's not there it can't=
helped and you must manage on your own.
My G-suit, now ful=
filled with air, compressed my legs to force the blood back into the upper =
of my body. (Para. 14)
compress: vt. press
(sth.) into a smaller space
In her anger she compressed her lips so tightly that they went white=
The petrol and air mixture is compressed in the cylinder and then
exploded. =
My G-suit, now ful=
filled with air, compressed my legs to force the blood back into the upper =
of my body. (Para. 14)
force into: compel=
Public opinion can force the government into action. 公&#202=
She was forced into leaving the country. =
whipping me from one side to the other. (Para. 14)=
1) move rapidly and suddenly
The wind whipped across the plain.
He whipped out his gun.
2) beat (a person or animal) with a whip
A terrible wind whipped our faces.
His father whipped him for misbehavior.
He was whipped with a belt.
n. a piece of leather or rope which is fastened to a stick, used for beatin=
She beat the boy with a whip.
Education with whips is no good. =
I was, in fact, ju=
hanging on. (Para. 14)
1) continue in spite of difficulties
Do you think we should hang on for a day or so, or give up and try to
get work somewhere else? ,
We could do nothing but try to hang on till the rescue service arriv=
2) continue holding
Hang on to my hand.
The rope was dangling on the edge of the roof and I was hanging on
tightly with both hands. =
…the truth i=
a pilot must be an expert to control the craft. (Para. 16)=
craft: n. (pl. cra=
1) a vehicle for traveling on water or through the air
There were a few sailing craft on the lake.
The craft was shot down by a missile.
2) (a job or activity needing) skill and experience
an arts and crafts exhibition
craft, design and technology
the craft of basket making =
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