uneven skin tonelinenlike texture是什么意思

Hyperpigmentation, Sun Damage Skin Texture, Age Spots
Several factors contribute to hyperpigmentation, including the amount of collagen, elastin, and melanin present in the skin. Collagen and elastin are the proteins responsible for skin elasticity, tone, and texture, and are affected by diet, age, hormones, skin products, cosmetic treatments, and overall health. Melanin is the substance responsible for color.
The first step you can take to reduce hyperpigmentation and improve your skin texture is to identify the culprits behind these problems.
Causes of Blotchy, Uneven Skin Complexion
Age: Age plays a role in the , age spots, blotchiness, and rough skin texture. Age spots, sometimes called liver spots, are light to dark brown patches that appear on the hands, legs, feet, or face as people age. Age spots have rounded edges and look very much like large freckles. Age spots develop as a result of genetics or exposure to the sun. Some people are genetically predisposed to developing age spots. The other cause of age spots is prolonged sun exposure. Many years of tanning, working outdoors, or living in a sunny climate makes people more likely to develop age spots.
Certain skin conditions: Specific
such as acne, rosacea, psoriasis, and allergies can severely affect the skin's overall health and contribute greatly to blotchiness and uneven skin texture. If you experience excessive inflammation, itching, dryness, or pain, it is important to incorporate treatment for your specific condition into your skin care plan.
Environmental factors: There are several environmental factors that can cause the skin to appear blotchy and uneven. These include wind, dirt, chemicals, arid climates, smoking, pollution, and ultraviolet radiation (which causes sun damage). All of these elements strip the skin of its natural collagen and elastin fibers, causing it to appear dry, rough, and wrinkled.
Sun Damage: Sun spots are the result of long-term exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. These flat, brownish patches appear on areas of the body most often exposed to the sun - especially the face, hands, and arms. Though sun spots are benign, they are unsightly and are often accompanied by other types of sun damage such as rough skin and wrinkles. In some cases, sun spots obscure the presence of skin cancer.
Treatment for Hyperpigmentation
There are a wide variety of cosmetic dermatology treatments available for sun damage.
Chemical peels: Chemical peels and abrasive procedures can be used to treat hyperpigmentation. , stimulating the growth of healthy new skin.
Microdermabrasion: , can also be used to stimulate new skin growth.
(IPLTM) therapy, the dermatologist treats the skin with flashes of light from a high-energy, full-spectrum xenon lamp. This technique is particularly effective for treating pigmentation problems and capillary damage.
Cosmelan& Depigmentation: The
involves the use of an in-office and at-home cream mask that is applied to the face for a designated amount of time.&
Laser skin resurfacing: . Once the skin heals, it appears tighter and smoother.
Obagi&: The Obagi& prescription skin care line is a good option for patients who want to avoid more involved procedures that often require recovery and healing time. Obagi& offers a wide variety of products that are available by prescription from a cosmetic dermatologist. These products are specifically designed to address skin problems associated with sun damage and other threats to skin health.
How to Achieve a Smooth Skin Complexion
There are a number of simple steps you can take to achieve smooth skin and a vibrant complexion.
Cleanse: Skin that is free of excess oil and debris is going to look and feel better. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends cleansing normal skin with plain soap and water. If you have dry or oily skin, you may want to find a cleanser specifically suited to your skin type.
Exfoliate: Simple cleansing is usually not enough to improve skin texture. Exfoliation helps remove excess skin, oil, and dirt from the top layer of the skin, making it less prone to roughness and breakouts. Usually, a gentle facial scr however, if your skin texture is very rough or uneven, spa treatments such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, or laser skin resurfacing can help smooth your skin and brighten your complexion.
Moisturize: Even if you have acne-prone skin or an oily complexion, it is still important to keep your skin hydrated by using a daily moisturizer combined with regular spa or at-home masque treatments.
Protect: Sun damage is among the leading contributors to roughened skin texture and uneven tone, not to mention skin cancer. Therefore, it is crucial to protect your skin by wearing a sunscreen or moisturizer with an SPF of 15 or higher every time you are outside.
In addition to a careful skin regimen, simple lifestyle changes can make all the difference in achieving healthy skin and a glowing complexion. Among the many other health benefits it provides, regular exercise (about 30 minutes per day) increases circulation and supplies extra oxygen to the skin. Drinking eight glasses of water a day is also one of the easiest and least expensive ways to improve skin texture and appearance. Finally, a balanced diet that is rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids (found in wild-caught cold-water fish, walnuts, fortified eggs, flax seeds, and leafy green vegetables) can help keep your skin smooth and healthy year-round.
Prevention of Hyperpigmentation and Sun Damage
Prevention is the best way to address sun spots and other types of sun damage. Using a sunscreen lotion or cream daily, especially on the face and hands, is a good way to avoid sun damage. Anyone who enjoys outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, or skiing should always be sure to use sunscreen that protects against UV-A and UV-B rays, and to reapply it as necessary according to the product's instructions. Swimming and any prolonged contact with water can wash off conventional sunscreen products, so anyone planning to be in the water should be sure to use a waterproof sunscreen lotion or cream.
Avoiding excessive exposure to the sun is also a good way to avoid sun damage. Too much exposure to the sun and other sources of UV radiation elevates the risk of contracting skin cancer. UV exposure can also accelerate the natural aging of the skin by damaging collagen fibers, and it is associated with the formation of sun spots and other types of sun damage. Indoor and outdoor tanning both contribute to this process. It is important to limit exposure to UV radiation from any source.
Find a Dermatologist in Your Area
If you would like to learn more about removing age spots, use the DocShop directory to
in your area. A qualified skin specialist can examine the age spots and determine the best way to treat them.
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Middle East不平的英语怎么说
不平坦: not smooth
The rough texture of plowed fields.
Marked by or moving in a wav sinuous.
The right of the people peaceably to assemble for the purpose of petitioning congress for a redress of grievances
accidented topography
To protest against unequality
Brick walls give a room texture.
Mold faces not plane and parallel
Is the table uneven or the floor tilt?
Something,such as unevenness or a hole in a road,that causes a bump.
Rough or sharp projection,which may be dangerous
1. The side tracks off the tarred road were rutted and uneven.
2. He staggered on the uneven surface of the car park.
3. The growth of home ownership has been both socially and spatially uneven.
4. The pacing was uneven, and the early second act dragged.
5. He could hear that her breathing was uneven.
1. “不同的;不规则的”释义下的同义词
1. “不平坦的;奇数的”释义下的反义词
不平坦的;不平滑的;凹凸不平的;参差不齐的 An uneven surface or edge is not smooth, flat, or straight.&
He staggered on the uneven surface of the car park...
She gazed round the church at the grey uneven walls and the vivid stained glass windows.
...uneven teeth.
...wearing dresses that pinched at the armholes, that hung as unevenly as flags...
My cuticles were split and ragged, and my nails unevenly bitten.
不规则的;不一致的 Something that is uneven is not regular or consistent.&
He could hear that her breathing was uneven...
What kids experience now is an uneven rate of development. They are forced to be older than their years.
Winds are generated by the sun as it unevenly heats the earth's surface...
The steaks were unevenly cooked.
(质量)不稳定的,时好时坏的 If you describe something as uneven, you think it is not very good because it is not consistent in quality.&
This was, for him, an oddly uneven performance...
The acting is wildly uneven.
不公平的;不均衡的 An uneven system or situation is unfairly arranged or organized.&
【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n
Some of the victims are complaining loudly about the uneven distribution of emergency aid...
It was an uneven contest.
Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.
1. 不平坦的;不平滑的;不规则的;凹凸不平的
The sidewalk is very uneven—be careful where you walk.
2. 不一致的;不相等的;有差异的
Her works have been rather uneven this year.
3. (竞争等)不对等的;实力悬殊的;一边倒的;不在同一水平的
4. 不稳定的;易变化的
5. 不平行的;不对称的
7. 无定型的,无规律的
8. 质量不稳定的
9. 不均衡的;不公平的
1. not even or uniform as e.g.
"an uneven color"
"uneven ground"
"uneven margins"
"wood with an uneven grain"
2. (of a contest or contestants) not fairly
"vaudeville...waged an uneven battle against the church"
3. inconsistent in quality
服装类行业术语 ... wrongtypeseam 缝骨类型错误 uneven 不均匀 polyethylene 聚乙烯纤维.
- 基于289个网页
2. 不平坦的
雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... unemployment 失业 uneven 不平坦的,不均匀的 unfold 展开,打开.
- 基于230个网页
3. 不均匀的
雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... unemployment 失业 uneven 不平坦的,不均匀的 unfold 展开,打开.
- 基于186个网页
普通英汉小词典_翻译家() ... unequal 不平衡的 uneven 不平的 unexpected 意外的.
- 基于125个网页
1. 颜色不均匀
色ムラ color unevenness 颜色不均匀色むらをなくす(肌) even out my skin tone (or complexion) 使皮肤的颜色均匀违和感 unpleasant, uncomfortable, annoying.
- 基于132个网页
体育项目的英语怎么说 ... 双杠 parallel bars 高低杠high-low bars 吊环 rings.
- 基于2044个网页
1. 不均匀沉陷
undulatory extinction 波动消光uneven settlement 不均匀沉陷unfolding of spectrum 反褶积
- 基于121个网页
1. 不均匀分布
1. uneven in developmentuneven distribution 不均匀分布unexceptional 平常的
- 基于116个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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1)&&uneven illumination
The uneven illumination of aerial images will cause color or luminance difference in an image frame.
针对单张数字航空影像不均匀光照现象的成因 ,深入研究了马斯克匀光技术在数字航空影像匀光中的应用 ,并针对数字航空影像提出了相应的匀光处理的具体流程和实现方法。
2)&&non-uniform illumination
Reduce non-uniform illumination
A novel homomorphic filtering in spatial domains was developed in this paper,which could enhance the texture defects and eliminate the effect of non-uniform illumination by analyzing the texture features of the surfacethe rope lines could be easily detected through the direction information measure of the steel wirethen the texture feature.
3)&&uneven brightness
A new method of adjusting interference fringe with uneven brightness;
It is difficult to adjust interference fringe with uneven brightness.
4)&&nonuniform background illumination
When acquiring the pavement image, the acquired image is hard for image segmentation and recognition because of the noise and the nonuniform background illumination.
5)&&non_uniform illumination effective removing
6)&&uneven irradiation
x光照相机x-ray camera记录x光像的照相机,直接拍摄用的属暗箱之一种。间接拍摄用照相机,可用大口径镜头将萤光板上的x光像特写下来。总之,它是和x光诊断装置构成一体。


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