What do you promise to do to keep the promiseenvironment clean?

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What do yoy promise __(do) to keep the earth clean.
hat do you promise _to_do (do) to keep the earth clean
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The best way to keep your boyfriend crazy and obsessed with you is to become irresistible to him. This way he will want you to be around him at all times. Here are some simple ways that will help you want to see more of you.Don't be an eager beaver!If you are ever ready to say "yes" to him and are always available, he could lose interest. Know that boys like to do the chasing. They would like to "win" you and therefore like it when you play a little hard to get. All you have to do is stop being so available and he will be after you!Give the other guys your attentionOnce your boyfriend notices that you are being friendly with other guys, he will want you to be more committed to him alone. He will automatically get possessive and want you to spend more time with him so that you are not in the company of other males.Pretend that you have other things to doIt is easy to keep your boyfriend on "alert" if you pretend that you have other things to do. He will hate the idea of you spending your time away from him. The fact that he is not around you, will make him desperate to rectify the situation and you will find him wanting more of your precious time.Keep him on his toes!Take trouble to have some absolutely wonderful dates with him. He will be so crazy for you that he will want you to go out on more dates with him. This is where you should keep him guessing as to your acceptance. The more you keep him on his toes, the more he will try to hook you and see you.Be sweet yet aloof!Nothing works better in keeping the attraction strong, than being sweet and loving towards your boyfriend and at the same time keeping him at arm's length! This will make him wonder whether you really care. To find out, he will want to see you more and more and keep trying to get you to give him your time.Be indispensable to the point where he wants you around permanentlyThis is a sure and perfect way to have your boyfriend long for your company! The more he begins to rely on your presence and company, the more he will hate the idea of being apart from you. Make him addicted to you and he will want to be with you all the time.Join a club and make new friendsA move like this will make him suspicious and possessive. He will be terrified of the prospect of you meeting new attractive guys. This will make him more demanding and he will want you to give him more of your time because he will be afraid of you spending your time with someone else who could whisk you from under his nose.The best way to keep your boyfriend crazy and obsessed with you is to become irresistible to him. This way he will want you to be around him at all times. Here are some simple ways that will help you want to see more of you.Don't be an eager beaver!If you are ever ready to say "yes" to him and are always available, he could lose interest. Know that boys like to do the chasing. They would like to "win" you and therefore like it when you play a little hard to get. All you have to do is stop being so available and he will be after you!Give the other guys your attentionOnce your boyfriend notices that you are being friendly with other guys, he will want you to be more committed to him alone. He will automatically get possessive and want you to spend more time with him so that you are not in the company of other males.Pretend that you have other things to doIt is easy to keep your boyfriend on "alert" if you pretend that you have other things to do. He will hate the idea of you spending your time away from him. The fact that he is not around you, will make him desperate to rectify the situation and you will find him wanting more of your precious time.Keep him on his toes!Take trouble to have some absolutely wonderful dates with him. He will be so crazy for you that he will want you to go out on more dates with him. This is where you should keep him guessing as to your acceptance. The more you keep him on his toes, the more he will try to hook you and see you.Be sweet yet aloof!Nothing works better in keeping the attraction strong, than being sweet and loving towards your boyfriend and at the same time keeping him at arm's length! This will make him wonder whether you really care. To find out, he will want to see you more and more and keep trying to get you to give him your time.Be indispensable to the point where he wants you around permanentlyThis is a sure and perfect way to have your boyfriend long for your company! The more he begins to rely on your presence and company, the more he will hate the idea of being apart from you. Make him addicted to you and he will want to be with you all the time.Join a club and make new friendsA move like this will make him suspicious and possessive. He will be terrified of the prospect of you meeting new attractive guys. This will make him more demanding and he will want you to give him more of your time because he will be afraid of you spending your time with someone else who could whisk you from under his nose.The best way to keep your boyfriend crazy and obsessed with you is to become irresistible to him. This way he will want you to be around him at all times. Here are some simple ways that will help you want to see more of you.Don't be an eager beaver!If you are ever ready to say "yes" to him and are always available, he could lose interest. Know that boys like to do the chasing. They would like to "win" you and therefore like it when you play a little hard to get. All you have to do is stop being so available and he will be after you!Give the other guys your attentionOnce your boyfriend notices that you are being friendly with other guys, he will want you to be more committed to him alone. He will automatically get possessive and want you to spend more time with him so that you are not in the company of other males.Pretend that you have other things to doIt is easy to keep your boyfriend on "alert" if you pretend that you have other things to do. He will hate the idea of you spending your time away from him. The fact that he is not around you, will make him desperate to rectify the situation and you will find him wanting more of your precious time.Keep him on his toes!Take trouble to have some absolutely wonderful dates with him. He will be so crazy for you that he will want you to go out on more dates with him. This is where you should keep him guessing as to your acceptance. The more you keep him on his toes, the more he will try to hook you and see you.Be sweet yet aloof!Nothing works better in keeping the attraction strong, than being sweet and loving towards your boyfriend and at the same time keeping him at arm's length! This will make him wonder whether you really care. To find out, he will want to see you more and more and keep trying to get you to give him your time.Be indispensable to the point where he wants you around permanentlyThis is a sure and perfect way to have your boyfriend long for your company! The more he begins to rely on your presence and company, the more he will hate the idea of being apart from you. Make him addicted to you and he will want to be with you all the time.Join a club and make new friendsA move like this will make him suspicious and possessive. He will be terrified of the prospect of you meeting new attractive guys. This will make him more demanding and he will want you to give him more of your time because he will be afraid of you spending your time with someone else who could whisk you from under his nose.Looking good for your first date with a man is extremely important to a woman. Beauty is something women take very seriously. They need everything to be perfect and want their date to fall head over heels for them. Looking good on the first date will leave a very positive impression on the man. One difference between men and women is in how they perceive things. Women are more interested in the emotional side of things, where as a man perceives more through visual stimulus. So dressing up to impress and leave him with an image of you looking your best will have him running after you.There are some things that you need to do before you go out on your date. Make sure you prepare yourself well in advance of the time you are to meet. The clothes that you choose need to be comfortable and their colors should compliment your skin tone as well. The makeup color you will also play an important part when matching everything. The clothes should be stylish, elegant, and should fit you well. You want show your feminine side, while revealing just a little to be sexy, but still being conservative. Choose a handbag that matches your clothes. This is your first date, so you want to be able to make the right impression. Dressing in clothes that leave nothing for the imagination may give your date the wrong impression of you.When applying makeup, use just enough to emphasize you best characteristics, such as your eyes or mouth. Avoid putting on th the less you use the better. He is interested in seeing you, and not a walking Picasso. Jewelry should be chosen to match your style of dress. Again with jewelry, it is used to compliment your own beauty so the less used the better. Get a manicure and pedicure before your date, and tastefully paint your fingernails and toenails. Shaving is extremely important. Make sure to shave your legs, under your arms, and anywhere that might be exposed during your date. Use mild vanishing creams and lotions to keep your skin soft, but avoid the kinds that leave you looking oily.During your date you may find yourselves going on a stroll, or you could be at a club dancing. For this reason, you should choose a comfortable pair of shoes. Take into consideration where you might be going and wear shoes that are appropriate for the occasion. With all these points in mind, you will be able to confidently go out on your date with the knowledge that you look good.When going on your first date, you really want to make a good first impression with her. This is very important because the first impression we get of anyone is usually what is is remembered throughout time. It may seem unfair because sometimes things may be out of your control, but unfortunately that is how things work. So make sure that you do everything possible to impress her on the first date, that way you may be able to go out on a second, third, or fourth date with her. Normally when your date sees you, it will be your physical characteristics that she sees first.With this is in mind, you should aim to look your best when you meet your new date. When choosing your clothes, make sure that you select colors that compliment your skin tone. You want to wear clothes that are comfortable and that suit your body structure. Dress to match the activity you will be going to. So if you are going for dinner in a fancy restaurant, you will not want to turn up in track suit bottoms for your date. Once you have selected your clothes, make sure that they are clean and pressed. Check that your belt and shoes match, and make sure your shoes are clean and polished. Socks are important, so choose a color that compliments and brings the whole outfit together. Always put a this should be the case regardless of whether you are on a date or not.You should be well groomed for your date. Avoid turning up unshaven with unkempt hair and smelling of sweat. Personal hygiene is very important. Make sure you have a good shower, and scrub yourself down to your toes. Shave and trim any facial hair and keep it neat and tidy. Your hair should be well trimmed and cut to match you facial features. If you suffer from dandruff, get some treatment from the local store well in advance. If you have big bushy unkempt eyebrows, you may want to trim and make them neat as well. Make sure your finger and toe nails are clean and neatly cut. Choose a good deodorant to stop you from sweating. Finally, get your hands on a very good men's perfume. Use i some men over use it, which can lead to an overpowering smell of perfume.Try to be a little early when going to meet your date, this way you will not break a sweat running to be on time. Dressing up smart and stylish will give you a sense of confidence and will make your date appreciate your good taste.The main way we get to know about each other is through conversation. It allows us to find out information about the other person while giving us the opportunity to give information about ourselves. This is very important when going out on a first date with someone new. We need to be able to communicate effectively, and to give the right impressions and make the right decisions about the other person. There are a number of ways we can converse that will allow you to get as much information as possible, and at the same time create a positive atmosphere.Under normal circumstances you may be the most talkative person around, but put you in front of date and your gift of the gab soon dries up to a whisper. This is one of the most common things that occur when on a date. The reason is down to you being nervous. You may be so preoccupied about getting things right and worrying about what could go wrong, that you are unable to construct the most simple of sentences. Try to relax. You are not alone and your date is probably feeling the same as you. One way to get over this is by preparing yourself before the date. If you know you are a poor speaker or worry you fall silent in the presence of women, simply try to memorize a few questions to ask.The problem as mentioned before is you are too busy being nervous and worrying, and may be unable to be creative on the spot. So prepare a few questions that you can ask when the conversation is drying up. You only need a few because they will break the ice and from her answers you can easily expand on new things she says. It is important that your questions are "open ended". What this means is that your questions cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. An example of open ended questions start with "What", "When","Where","Why "or "How". If you ask her a question such as, "do you like the movie?" She may answer with a yes or no, or some other short answer that will stop the conversation from progressing farther. But if you ask her an open ended question like, "what do you think about this movie?", her answer cannot be Yes or No.Another important point to remember is that people like to speak about themselves. So if you ask questions relating to them, they will happily keep the conversation going with little effort needed on your part other than the odd question. When you are speaking, keep the tone of conversation light and positive. If you are continuously speaking about negative things, it will bring the mood down and eventually silence will follow. General conversation is best as you can speak on a wide range of things.Going on a first date with a new guy can be very exciting for a woman. The possibility that you have found Mr. Right, the one who could be marriage material, your knight in shining armor, all these wonderful thoughts and emotions, should be put away for now. You are just going to meet a guy for a few hours, someone you probably do not know that much about. Time will tell if he is the one, but for now, you need to be realistic in what you are expecting from him and realistic about what he can deliver.One common mistake women make when going on a new date is expecting it to be an award winning romantic time. While it is possible for it to be this, you need to keep your feet on the ground, or you may hurt yourself when you fall. Avoid expecting too much and you will save yourself from disappointment. Every man will do what he is capable of on the date. You should take what the date brings with an open mind, and not compare it with other fictional movies or novels. If you have heard wonderful stories about what your best friend's date did for her, then you should not expect the same from your date.Take into consideration that your date will also be nervous and is trying his best to be a gentleman and treat you right. There are many men who will try to have sex with women on the first date, however, you should not go on your date expecting him to try and get it on with you. This will prevent you from enjoying yourself as you will be too busy being on guard. He may also perceive you as a stiff person and this will make for an awkward time together.During your date you will have plenty of time to ask each other questions. Do not expect him to tell you everything about his past relationships. Most men feel uncomfortable speaking about past romances and would rather concentrate on the new one. He may be a quiet person and not someone that is very talkative. If this is the case, accept his personality and do not expect him to be something that he is not. Take your time and get to know who he really is, and let the two of you create your own unique romance.It is not unusual for a woman to want to bend a man to her will. This gives her a sense of power over him. Moreover she also feels desirable and beautiful when he becomes her slave who is ready to do anything for her! Here are some effective tips for you if you want to bend him to your will.Make him want to do everything you want!Make your man so crazy for you that he will want to do everything for you and grant your every wish! When he finds you irresistible - your every wish will be his command. Keep him attracted to your charms and make him dependent on you. This way it will be very easy to bend him to your will.Bribe him without him realizing it!All you have to do is to gently coax him into doing the chores. The easiest way to do this is to promise him a fantastic time in the bedroom. Without actually putting it into words, use your charms and body language to let him know that the faster he does what you want him to do, the faster he gets his treat!Be diplomatic and tactfulYou should be careful how you put across your demands. Make them sound like requests and pleas! Don't use a dominating tone and attitude and never nag! This will make him even more stubborn and reluctant to do what you want. Instead be sweet and gentle with him and he will be more willing to toe the line!Pretend that HE had the idea of doing things for you and you love it!Once he does it - pretend that you are thrilled and surprised at his consideration and kindness. Kiss and hug him, telling him all the time that he is a real darling to think of doing it for you. Be full of appreciation and gratitude and reward him handsomely! This will make him really believe that he had the idea to do it in the first place and he won't hesitate to do it again!Pout prettilyThis generally works if he can't bear to see you upset, hurt or sad. Use those crocodile tears to your advantage and make him feel like a beast for not complying to your wishes. He will soon relent and do whatever you want to make up for putting you through such misery!Give him what he wants!This way is the best way because not only will he be every ready to do what ever you want him to do, but you will make him happy and satisfied because you have given him what he wants first. This is really a "give and take" situation and as long as you are willing to give - you will be in a position to take from him!Give him time and be patient with himYou will not be able to mould him to your design immediately. This is a gradual process. Be patient with him and in time he will get to trust and love you so much that your desires will become his! He will not mind taking orders from his loved one!When going out on a first date with a woman, you should avoid unrealistic expectations of her. This will stop you from being disappointed and will also avoid embarrassing your date. When on your date, take the time to enjoy the moments together. Spend time getting to know her and understanding what she is about. If you go through your date taking things as they come, you will have a more enjoyable time together. Keep the conversation between you light and avoid talking about past relationships. Instead ask her questions that will make her speak about herself.When you take her out you should not expect that she will be going home with you. If you want the relationship to last, or want her to gout with you again, you need to make her feel comfortable. She needs to feel that you are enjoying her company and that you are interested in her as a person and not as an object for your sexual satisfaction. Many potential relationships are destroyed after a good time out when it becomes apparent that there will be no sex at the end of it. Do not let this be the focus of your date. Let things progress naturally and when the time is right it will happen.Most women expect to be treated out on the first date. The onus is on you to show them a good time and take them out. You should not expect her to pay for herself on the first date. The man traditionally is the one who wines and dines his date. You are her entertainer and host, and should make sure that you provide an enlightened time out. Show her that you can be creative and that you know how to make any place an enjoyable one. Do not expect her to be the one who will give you entertainment on the first date.If you have had a past relationship, and this is your first date since that time, you should not expect your new date to do what the other did. Everyone is an individual and should be treated as such. If you are looking for the same qualities or expectations that you had in a past relationship, you will disappoint your date as she will notice that you are not interested in her personality.The best way to approach your date is with an open mind and without any expectations. This will ensure that you have a great time and get to know the person you are dating.Men are quite blatant when it comes to displaying their feelings and yet sometimes, they are not! If you are at your wit's end trying to figure out if he is attracted to you or not, get a load of these tips that will give you the answer in a jiffy!He will turn into an octopusThis means that he will be all over you! To make matters worse (or better if you like him too) he will seem to have eight arms! If you are having a hard time trying to fend him off, then I think you need not be convinced anymore of his interest and attraction!He will try to lock eyes with youEvery time you look at him you might find him staring at you. Not only that, he will try to lock eyes and maintain eye contact with you in the hope of sending you a message! Try looking at him a little longer and see if he gives you a smile or a special look that will make you feel special and attractive.He tries to get your numberIf a guy is attracted to you, he will naturally want to be in touch with you and be able to contact you. This will make him try and get your number. No matter how casual he sounds if he asks you for your number, look at his face and read his body language while he speaks to you. He is bound to give himself away!He tries to date youYou don't have to be a mind reader to know if he is attracted to you or not if he is constantly trying to date you. It is because he is attracted to you and is smitten by your charms that he is trying to get you to go out with him. Put him out of his misery and for heaven's sake say yes!He will constantly talk about youIf he likes you then he will find himself constantly mentioning you and talking about you to his friends. If his friends are your friends then it is easy to find out what he thinks about you. Just ask your buddies - and they will let you know how much he praises and compliments you behind your back!He will do little special things for youHave you noticed of late that he is opening doors, pulling out chairs, bringing you a drink and doing little things to make you feel special? Don't be na?ve! He is showering you with all this attention because he is terribly attracted to you. Bask in his adoration while you can!He could pretend that he does not care!He could do just the opposite and ignore you. This is because he feels that if he shows you how attracted he is to you, you might be put off! Trying out a bit of reverse psychology is one of the common tricks guys play in order to get their girl. If he really likes you he won't be able to ignore you for long.So, you want to know how to attract a guy you like, do you? Well, thankfully it isn't as hard as you might think it is. Our brains are marvelous things, but they do tend to stir up the old 'run away!' feeling a little too often for comfort! Follow these four excellent tips, and you'll be well on your way to attracting the guy that you like. Just see how simple and painless it is!Be The Centre of Attention. Who wouldn't go for the lady who's up there, making herself seen? Now, I'm not saying that you need to make a fool of yourself or embarrass yourself, just make sure that you are visible in the eyes of your man. This will mean that he is at least thinking about you, and potentially be interested. No guy is going to go for the strange little person over in the corner, except for those strange little men that I'm assuming that you aren't interested in. Apologies if you are.Attract Him. This bit is really just feeling the situation, getting the intuition right and keeping a calm complexion. Flash him that smile, flash your eyebrows, do whatever it takes to get him interested. And if he continually fails to pick up on your gestures, then do the obvious thing, and get up and talk to him! If something doesn't work, then why would you not make the first move. It also shows that guy that you are self confident, and guys like this in women a lot.Be A Tease. Now I don't mean extremes here, only just to tell you that guys like a challenge, they don't like it too much when you're too hard to get to. You don't have to lock yourself up in a tower guarded by a dragon to make him feel like you are worth it. You are worth it, and while you certainly don't want to be driving him away by being too tricky to get to, you can certainly enjoy the process.Be You. Many people can lose themselves in a relationship, transform into quite different people. That's not what your guy is likely after, so stick to your personality, keep your ideas and your dreams (dreams other then the guy) alive and you'll be good to go. It means that you won't burn yourself out with that guy as much either. That's how to attract a guy you like.So, you want to know how to attract a guy you like, do you? Well, thankfully it's not totally as difficult as you might think it to be. You just require a little time, self confidence and these tips to charm any guy that you like. Here we go, how to attract a guy you like!Be Confident. And if you can't be confident, then fake it until you actually achieve it. However, the real thing is best, so ask yourself some serious questions. If you aren't self confident, then ask why that it. Chances are is that you are, it's just that whenever you get out and about, suddenly the fears of inadequacy set in. If so, examine these fears. I bet that in many situations you are pretty self confident, in clubs or whatever you like and enjoy, so remember that feeling when charming that guy. Guys like self confident women, they really don't want to have feel that they are going to have to look after you.Make the First Move. Chances are are that you believe that best way to attract a guy you like is simply to flash him a smile and then wait for him to come over. But it isn't working, I hear you say? Well, if it isn't working, it isn't working! You're going to have to try a different approach, and so how about approaching him? Sound a bit scary? Well, it doesn't have to be. Instead find out what he likes from another source, and then casually walk up to him and start chatting to him about it all. You can do it.Be Awesome. Closely related to the first one, have a great personality, and show it. I find it hard to believe that anyone is ever satisfied with being mediocre, so if your personality is a little dull, let your true passions and enjoyments shine through. Guys are attracted to those that are rare, the ones that shine the most. If your personality and passions are match for him, regardless of what he actually likes, then this will mean that you you actually get him for the right reasons. That in combination with making the first move and letting him know that you are interested is how to attract a guy you like. It can seem challenging, but that's all part of the fun. Enjoy the courting process and make it count.Most firms have policies forbidding romantic relationships in the work-place due to the fact that they may encumber productivity and cause distractions. Others may just frown upon the prospect. It is very difficult to have a one-size fits all policy, but the general rule is to try to avoid such a relationship if at all possible in this environment. Now, there are those who fail to do so and this is where much controversy may begin. Before a person considers pursuing a relationship of this nature, they should assess the actual cost of the relationship. This means that there is a 100% likelihood that the relationship will be discovered at some point. When and if this occurs, both parties will be viewed differently by both co-workers and management. Now, this is where the relationship may be subjected to various forms of suspicion. If one or both of the parties involved married, this will be a less-than favorable arrangement that the company may not want to condone and both parties may be asked to resign if it were to continue.MARRIED ROMANCE IN THE WORKPLACEThe thrill of sneaking about is the motivating factor for some couples that may love living on the edge. These relationships are very secretive in nature and rarely come into the forum of the company unless things go wrong. The things that commonly go wrong are spouses finding out, employees informing management, or employees informing spouses. Once these relationships hit a manager's desk he or she is forced to take some kind of action, not in the moral context, but to protect the organization. There are many challenges in managing these relationships in that the context of business is rational and the context of a relationship is emotional. The emotional aspect is far more unpredictable than the rational routing of conducting everyday business. It is strongly recommended that if engaged in these types of relationship at work where either party is married, the participants should expect it to be short-lived. Most often these relationships are based on sexual desires because after being around a person you admire for several hours per day, a sense of routine sets in and parties get a feel for the individual in the context of a structured work environment.The problem with these relationships is the external relationship that evolves outside the workplace. The two lovers may find that outside the office they may be incompatible after having an affair. The difficulty is returning to the office and working around the individual who enjoyed the most intimate aspect of a person's being beside their spouse. Guilt is the first emotion that commonly pops up and then remorse, shame, and regret. Men engaging in these affairs may find themselves in their manager's office explaining their actions after the female partner might remain undecided about the situation. Also, women may find that the man who kisses and made love to them the night before is aloof and does not want to have anything more to do with them. In both cases the relationship could easily become a company problem in this sense unless the two partners know up-front the actual goal of the relationship and where they plan to go. If the woman gets pregnant is another consideration because having the relationship without discussing the risk could lead to issue regarding right to life among the two and spill-over into the workplace.
Now, if one party is single and the other is married, there are even more complications because if the married spouse agrees to leave their spouse and doesn't, this can end badly in the workplace. A common rule-of-thumb for this kind of situation is to assume that the person will not leave the spouse. If single, it is better to avoid the situation in the first place in that the married person will gain more favor if the firm does get involved at some point. The single person is commonly viewed as the home-wrecker and married person is the family man/woman. One key heads-up for singles faced with this is that more often than not the married party has done this before in the same environment with someone else. If a new employee, definitely avoid this temptation and pursue a relationship outside the workplace with someone totally unrelated to your company. The deal is simple because the single person will carry the burden that the married person bestowed upon them and no matter what they are not willing to risk their livelihood for a single employee. Women commonly do this in the areas of administration and clerical as a path to get ahead sometimes. This approach usually leads to perpetual sex, limited advancement in career and blatant disregard when another employee catches his eye.SINGLE ROMANCE IN THE WORKPLACEUnlike a married party in the workplace, singles may be celebrated in so firms and therefore one party may have to be reassigned or leave the company in good -stead. The singular advantage is that the company may support the efforts and therefore assist in ways that would never be imagined for a married party. A good firm would want this to transpire in a positive sense so that a sense of family equity prevails. In other words, more people with a vested interest in the success of the organization due to their livelihoods depending on it. In the event the relationship falls short of approval and support other measures may have to be taken. However, in any relationship there is one thing to keep in mind, 'Where you meet someone is definitely where you will see them again at some point." This especially hold true online or in the workplace. There are some things that one must consider when dating in the work-1. Who knows about it?2. What are the potential disciplinary actions if found out?3. Is this relationship worth my career, reputation, and privacy?4. Will this cause a problem on the job with other co-workers?5. How will your personal and professional brand play into this endeavor?6. What are the limitations of this relationship? In office or clandestine rendez-vous?7. What if things don't work out?8. How will I support myself if I lose my job because of this?9. What is the perceived impact on my decision by managers etc.?10. Should I begin looking for a new job if I go through with this?These are just some of the questions one might ask to get a better assessment in respect to risk and reward. Through it all, one should not allow their heart and emotions to be the sole reason to pursue a relationship of this caliber because it can be costly to be happy.If you want your boyfriend to forever remain in love with you while also retaining his lust for you then you need to learn the art of satisfying him.Here are ways on how to satisfy your boyfriend in all ways possible so that he remains as committed to you as you are to him.Show him that you care for him without smothering himYour boyfriend should be secure and happy in the relationship, and you can indicate your love for him with a lot of hugs and kisses. You should also be there for him when he needs you.However, you should make sure that you do not smother him with your love or hang on to his arms on a 24/7 basis. You should give him his freedom too.Compliment him on a regular basisYour boyfriend will be very happy if you notice positive aspects about him and compliment him on them.Your boyfriend's ears along with the rest of his body will surely appreciate the compliments and you too can expect to be rewarded in many ways.Cook your way into his heartIf you can cook then your boyfriend will surely love it when you cook up delicious dishes based on his tastes.His burps will convey his satisfaction after gorging on a tasty dish that you might have made especially for him.Instead of simply listening to him try to understand himIf your boyfriend is trying to tell you about his day or troubles that are afflicting him then do not only listen to him but try to understand him too.This will enable you to come up with innovative solutions to his problems and this will certainly lead to immense satisfaction from his side.Satisfy him physically but set limits firstIf you do not want to go all the way physically with your boyfriend then you should indicate so after the very first kiss.Your boyfriend will respect you for your frankness, and anyway even if you engage only in kissing or fondling, there are many inventive ways to provide pleasure to your boyfriend while still staying within limits.If there are no boundaries then learn the delicate art of foreplayIf you are living in with your boyfriend and have no physical boundaries then you should learn the delicate art of foreplay to please your boyfriend orally.Your boyfriend will lustily appreciate your efforts and might also reciprocate with a few crafty moves of his own to ensure that your sex life sizzles with satisfaction from both sides.Respect your boyfriend but also ensure that he respects youYour boyfriend will remain totally satisfied only when you give him the respect that he expects, especially in front of other people including friends and family.This will indicate maturity on your part and he too will start respecting you while remaining happily satisfied in the relationship.You should use these moves to mentally and physically satisfy your boyfriend so that the very thought of leaving you never ever occurs to him.Use them and watch your fully satisfied boyfriend follow you like a love-struck puppy for life.Dating actually means that you can get to know many different types of folks. Especially when you are in university, it is a good time for you to date as well as meet with other people.Although dating provides you with excellent ideas about someone you might like to end up with in the future, you certainly would like to meet with a lot of people before you decide to commit. With attending different classes every term as well as receiving new residing arrangements at all times, you can easily meet with many new folks.You need to keep in mind that dating does not necessarily lead to intimacy or alcohol consumption. It's hard to get acquainted with somebody when you are both impaired simply by alcohol consumption. Allowing romantic relationships to be involved in intimacy also skews the psychological contacts.You still can have a great dating while attending university without hanging out. This is generally called group dates. All these enable you to become familiar with individuals in an informal environment. They are very low stress, and can be very exciting.Try to establish a speed date. Have a number of people from the dormitory, household or class. Inform them it's actually a speed date.One method to get it done is to have a number of tables. Many different subjects are selected beforehand for discussion. There will be one discussion idea for each table. Girls sit at the tables, and then the boys sit down. They discuss their subjects for 10-20 minutes. A bell rings. Then the males switch to another table until finally you have met with anyone.By the end of the night, you might have met with a number of new folks. Get snack foods or pizzas right after, and you all may make friends one another. Discover the individual whom you identified to be the most interesting, and also hang up together more.To have a fantastic group date, it typically takes simply an excellent movie and a bunch of snacks. Select a classic film that may produce a lot of fun.Selecting classic movies can help get something which men and women will certainly both appreciate. You don't want the guys to feel uncomfortable using a chick flick. Meanwhile, many women don't wish to view a scary movie, either.Keep in mind that the aim of dating is to find out many different types of people. Keep safe, and have a great time in every date you might have.Shyness, as long as it is not extreme is a God-given quality of character. It is a sign of a healthy humility and of a thoughtful intelligence. Often the most happy, useful and interesting people have had natural shyness since youth. "Someone who is sure of himself does not talk all the time. People who stay calm have real insight. After all, even a fool may be thought wise and intelligent if he stays quite and keeps his mouth shut" (Proverbs 17:27-28).There is no need to have special boy/girl of the opposite sex early in life. Such early infatuations do not pave the way for later happiness. A youth who is "healthy" mentally and spiritually will not crave such immature love affairs. They usually fill the vacuum that should be filled by something better. Lack of education or challenging activities to develop a 'healthy' youth physically, mentally, and spiritually, makes romantic "affairs" seem like the only joy in life. Don't envy your young friends who hop from one acquaintance to another in a series of hot-headed attachments. They have probably been reading exciting love novels or watching imaginative TV shows or movies. Do not envy these misguided youths, because it is possible that their premature infatuations may make it much more difficult for them later to realize real, lasting love. Do not complain because God has made you like He has. Perhaps He has something especially good for you in life. "A clay pot does not ask the man who made it, 'why did you make me like this'?" (Romans 9:20).On the other hand, it is good for boys and girls to associate together and learn to know each other through normal, useful friendships. When properly directed and supervised, co-education is better than separating boys and girls into separate schools. The sooner we can learn self-control and common sense, the better. Before a young person gets married, he should be enriched by the friendship of many boys and girls in a wholesome relationship. When shyness becomes painful and awkward, the cause is usually extreme self-consciousness. An excellent way to overcome this painful feeling is to find fellowship in the worship of God in a church that is truly devoted to Him. God is our infinite Creator, Redeemer, and heavenly Father. We are always inc we need to find ourselves in joyful worship and service to Him.Some go to Church in order to me this is not true worship. It makes the Church into a mere social club, good of itself, but not the proper place of the Church in our lives. Go where God is worshiped sincerely, and take your place in helping the work of God. There, you will find your freedom to be yourself in Christ. "O lord, truly I am T I am they servant, and the son of Thine handmaid: Thou has loosen my bonds" (Psalm 116:16). You will find true and lasting friendships among those who worship the Lord truly.So you feel a little guilty about the way you feel about the guy who has a girlfriend. You are not the only one to harbor such thoughts about guys who are not eligible! If you are deeply attracted to him and want to get him no matter what the situation is, then go ahead and read these tips. They will help you steal him right from under her nose!Be a buzzing bee around himDo your best to always be around him, without being too obvious. Stay in his line of vision and look attractive. Take care to dress in a manner that grabs his attention. Pretend that you don't know that you are making an impression on him. This will make him in turn try to catch your eye.Try and gauge his feelings for herIf he seems too serious about her then you would have to respect his feelings for her and let go! But if you find that he does not seem to be too serious (because he has been giving you the looks too) then you could try and get him! Get your timing right and don't try to rush matters.Don't try to stalk him - you will seem too creepyIt is one thing to try and be where he is and get him to notice you and another to stalk him and follow him around! Take care not to seem too obsessed with him. It will put him off and give his girlfriend a chance to point out how ridiculous you are! This will spoil all chances!Let him see that you are better, sexier and hotter!Once you realize that he has begun to notice you too, make sure you oust the competition! Look better, dress better and appear more exciting than his girlfriend. Once he sees this, he will begin to lose interest in her and latch on to you!Take all the advantages you can!Don't let go of any opportunities or advantages to get your man. If he is studying in the same school as you, while his girlfriend does not, then you have an advantage and a much better chance at setting your cap at him! Plan your moves and get ready to attract him.Be confident in your abilities to get himDon't get insecure or have doubts while you are trying to attract him. It will show and probably make you do something stupid that will blow all your chances with him. Instead look at the situation maturely and make him see how level headed and cool you can be. Your confidence will make you more attractive!Don't try to get friendly with his girlfriendIt is better not to get too close to his girlfriend (even if you think it is a good way to get close to him!). The moment you become her friend - it will be very difficult to betray her and you will feel guilty every time you try to attract him with your charms. Keep her at arm's length!If you are wondering whether you need to call and email the guy to make him want you more, then you have to know that it may not work! It all depends on the situation. Sometimes it can act as a reminder and sometimes it could become a hindrance! Read the following and make up your mind!It could make him remember youIf you call a guy regularly, he could begin to think of you as a friend. This could be a start to a new relationship. Call him or email him but don't presume things and make assumptions about his feelings for you.It could make him feel wanted and specialIf you keep calling him he could feel that you want him real bad and in turn feel special. The fact that you are emailing him will stroke his ego and boost his confidence. He could be vain and love the fact that you are chasing him. This will certainly make him think of you more!It may put him offSometimes when a girl calls too much and emails regularly the guy thinks that she is desperate and needy. This sort of behavior will put him off! So be wary and don't call him too much. He might feel suffocated and "trapped" if you pursue him too much. Keep your distance and you will attract him more.Wait till you establish a rapportIf you are wise, you will first establish a connection and a deep rapport with him. This will make him want to receive your calls and emails. He will be eager to communicate with you. So concentrate on becoming good friends with him first. Once you do that he will be more attracted to you and will want you more.Staying aloof helps more than calling!If you stay aloof and don't call him too often, he will be forced to remember you and wonder why you are silent. This is better than calling him daily and wearing your heart on your sleeve! The more you play hard to get, the more he is going to want you!It could help to a certain extentIf you use your emails to give him information about you and send him pictures (of you looking sensational in a bikini etc) it will obviously make him know you better and you will be able to make him want you more. Once he gets used to receiving your mails, it will automatically take you to a new level and you can get closer to him.It could give you a chance to let him know how you feelBy calling him or emailing him it keeps you "in touch" with him. It also gives you an opportunity to say things to him that you would not dare to if you were face to face! Thus it would be easier to flirt with him on the phone or via an email! He would definitely want you more after this!Crushes and love at first sight are very common. It is a phenomena existing since time immemorial. Sometimes people fall in love but do not know how to approach the person in the right manner. In this confusion people also sometimes lose out on the opportunity. Hence you must know how to impress the guy you like. Here are some really effective ways you can use to get the desired result real fast....Throw signs: To impress a guy you like or are in love with you can always throw a lot of signs their way to show them that you are interested in them. for example: if you meet the guy somewhere, whether by chance or an arranged meeting you must show that you are interested in talking to them as well as listening to them.Dress properly : Another thing you can do to impress the man you like is by dressing well or attractively. Men like it when the women are well dressed and know to carry themselves in any outfit. You must also accessorize yourself well and wear the right shoes and make up. Also remember not to overdo things. Keep it simple but stylish.Choose the right places to meet : Choosing the right place to meet is very important because if you go to place where there are a lot of people or too much noise you might not be able to make conversation.Wear perfume : Men are generally very interested in the way the women smell. Hence you must wear a perfume that would attract their attention. But make sure that you don't wear it too loud...Keep it subtle.You must behave yourself : Behaving yourself is also necessary. You must know when to say what and not create awkward moments.Avoid distractions : When you are with the guy you want impress remember to put your cell phone on silent and avoid answering any calls. If you are distracted he might get the hint that you are not interested in spending time at all. Also you must look in to the eye of the man when you are or he is talking.Confidence : Confidence is a very important aspect here. You must be confident but not over confident. You must know what you are saying and you must also mind your actions. You must always keep your chin up and behave like a woman with the guy you want to impress.Invariably when you go out to a party there is always that one girl who seems to be getting all the attention. And while it's easy to dismiss these girls as being the very beautiful flame to which the moths (read: guys) are drawn to, the fact is sometimes they are not as popular later as they are purely on their looks.So what does it take to become a guy magnet?Outward Appearance: You might not be the best looking girl at the party but that has nothing to do with being attractive. And a good start is to dress the part. Wear clothes which look good on you and if it is a bit sexy then so much the better. While showing excessive skin might term you as loose, showing off a tiny bit just adds to the appeal.A touch of Mystery : If there is one thing that women have going for them, it is that air of mystery which many possess. Men just love this! A few nuggets of information here and there will leave them wanting for more.Be a good conversationalist: In any social situation, being able to conduct a good conversation is a key skill. Even if you do not know much about the topic you can come off looking good if you ask intelligent questions about it. Men love showing off their knowledge and you come off as a good listener in the process.Body language: A crucial aspect of maintaining a good vibe of attraction is to project the right body language. Every little thing from your posture to the tone of your voice and facial expressions give out subtle signs. Make sure you are projecting the right kind of attitude through your body language.Know yourself: Sometimes all it comes down to is being confident and letting that confidence shine through. Most guys like a woman to know her mind and have opinions about things. If you are comfortable in your own skin then it adds that extra bit of sparkle to your personality.Flirting is good: Most people think that flirting has to have some kind of sexual component but the truth is flirting is just about making good conversation. Throw in the odd smile or touch on the shoulder to add impact to your flirting.Never be clingy: However interested you might be in a guy do not be clingy with him. It's the fastest way for any potential relationship to down the drain. No excessive calls and texts. Allow him to be the man and chase you. But there is no harm in making that occasional call or SMS.There are some men that seem to be able to attract women pretty easily. They can go out to a bar, a club, or even a store and end up getting women to give them their phone numbers and make dates with them. You want to be one of those guys. You want to be able to attract women with ease, and you don't want to use cheesy gimmicks and routines to make it happen.Here are some secrets to attract women that most men will never know:1. Women want to meet men.Now, this should not be much of a secret, but for some guys, it really is. You might have the assumption that walking up to and talking to a woman would put her off, but most women are pretty open to this as long as you are not coming across like a player type. You need to understand that single women do want to meet single men, and you have to keep that in mind so that you DO make the approach when the time comes.2. To attract a woman, you need to be able to focus on building attraction and nothing else.If you focus on winning her affection or winning her approval, then attracting women will be tough. You cannot have the mindset where you are trying to win over a woman. You need to instead focus on building attraction with a woman. There is a difference in doing one or the other. To build attraction, you have to be able to pull the right attraction triggers and make her feel you are the kind of guy that she cannot walk away from.3. Women like sex just as much as you do.I have heard it so many times before, that women are not into sex. Well, that is just plain wrong. Most women, as long as they don't have any issues, are just as into sex as you are. The difference is in how you need to go about it. As a man, it does not take much to entice you. For a woman, you have to be able to make her feel certain emotions when she is around you.Are you trying to be a ladies' man and looking for ways to attract girls? If you want to the chance to get close to her, then you may want to follow these warnings:1. Give false compliments just to impress her is a no-no. She'll see right through you and be annoyed with your attitude. If you're going to say "I like your dress" and actually have a smirk on your face, then she'll be turned off by you.2. Unless she's also in the moment, kissing her would either result to you blowing your chances or getting slapped in the face - maybe even both. Not to mention it's going to be very awkward for you when you get rejected.3. Don't push her if she declines an invitation to go out with you. Some guys would say "no" means "yes", but that's not true. If she says, she means no, and persisting will only annoy her even more.4. Make sure she's into you first before you become all affectionate and possessive. Holding her hand or putting your arms around her waist may offend her. It's best to take it slow and step back if she's showing signs of irritation.5. Following her around all the time may creep her out. It's doubtful she'd want to spend time with a guy who stalks and acts obsessive.6. Being mean to her friends will cause her to reject you. Her friends mean a lot to her, and they're also the one she turns to for approval. If you want their approval, then you better play nice.7. If you think she may be interested, don't think for one minute you've got her wrapped around your finger. Showing signs that you could be a controlling and cocky boyfriend would make her run the opposite direction.8. Unless you feel your relationship is getting serious, don't confess your undying love for her. Keep the pace slow and try lines such as "I really like spending time with you."9. If you do love her, then she better be the first to know that. Don't tell your friends and family first. She may not appreciate being the last to know.10. One of the worst ways to attract girls is trying to change who you are just to impress her. You're unique in your own way, and being someone else is like lying to her. Besides, if you're going to impress the right girl, then she needs to accept you for who you are.One of the most important aspects of a good date is that both parties are feeling comfortable in their environment. When you feel comfortable in your environment, everything else seems to fall into place naturally. Discussions become easier, and the company itself becomes more romantic as the night continues.If there is one particular thing that could mess up your overall feeling of comfort, it is food. While food is an amazing way to share a romantic date with somebody, it can also be the main culprit as to why things could turn out bad.The way that food can create havoc is in how it makes you feel after you have finished your meal. Certain foods tend to make people feel lazy and bloated. When this happens, it can be very easy to want to fall asleep, no matter how good things are going. Once you begin to feel sleepy, it is impossible to concentrate on what your date has to say. Once your date notices that you are having a hard time concentrating, she or he will become very insulted, thus turning the overall evening sour.One way to counter this from happening is by always eating foods that are light on the stomach. The trick is to eat something that is light yet filling at the same time. Foods that you should generally stay away from are those that are heavy in carbohydrates. Rather focus on protein foods such as meat and fish, with a little bit of carbohydrates to go with it.Other types of foods you should try to avoid are those that build gas in your stomach. This can be very uncomfortable and maybe even embarrassing if you do happen to let one loose accidentally. However, the biggest problem is that the gas that these foods produce in your stomach and intestines can create painful cramps, thus making the whole dating event extremely uncomfortable for you. To ensure that this does not occur, avoid eating foods such as beans, as these types of foods are well-known for creating gas.By keeping this simple yet crucial concept in mind, you will find that both you and your date will be able to enjoy in a delicious meal while at the same time also enjoying the company of each other. Nobody will have to feel any cramps or feel too sleepy to hear the other one out.Every man is different from the other, like your ex is different from your current boyfriend. If you want to get your boyfriend to fall deeper for you, you might think that you can no longer use the tricks you tried before. Most guys want their women to possess certain qualities. Here are the characteristics and features that would make any guy take notice:Guys want you to be beautiful and confidentContrary to what other women believe, cosmetics are not that important to guys. Of course, your man wants you to be beautiful but it is not just about fixing yourself. Most of the time, it's all about confidence. Guys like women who are confident about themselves and who are not afraid to show to the world what they've got.They like you to be patientEveryone makes mistakes and so your man would love it when you are able to understand him when he commits an error. Also, if you truly care for your man, you will learn to accept his weaknesses and would help him become a better person.They want you to listenGuys want someone who would always be there to listen to them. In most relationships, the girls are usually the ones who talk more and who are usually outspoken. Even though this is the case, guys would appreciate it if you zip it at times.They want a woman who can give them space when they need itEven though you feel that your man always wants to have you around, you should also know that he wants his own space, too. They also want a life outside of your relationship and you should understand that.No guy wants a girl who nags as badly as his motherIf you have something to say to your man, patiently say it to him. If it still doesn't register, think of another way to remind him instead of nagging him. Even you hate it when your parents keep repeating things and this is definitely a deal breaker in a relationship.A guy wants a girl who knows how to have a blastYou become a thousand times more desirable when you are fun to be with. Say yes to life's adventures and don't be afraid to go out there and experience these things with him.They want you to be sweet and caringGuys might be all macho but, sometimes, they look for the kind of sweetness that only a woman can offer. They also want to feel that someone cares for them so make it a habit to be naturally sweet with your preferred man.In most cases, when our dates do not go well, we automatically think it is because the other person came to that decision. Through this decision, we start questioning ourselves as to how we could have done it better, or why that person even came to that conclusion. What we do not realize is that in most cases it had nothing to do with the other person. In actual fact, it had to do with us.One of the biggest reasons why your dates do not always turn out great is because of the expectations you have put in front of yourself and your date. One of these deadly expectations is the hope that your date will be perfect in every way possible. If you think about it, as human beings, no one is perfect. Therefore, even the most beautiful person in the world will have some imperfection. That imperfection might not be in terms of looks, but rather in terms of personality.Because of this, we cannot limit ourselves into basing our date on perfections, because they never will be perfect. By trying to find that one person that will fit every criteria that you have laid down before you, you are limiting yourself from meeting those that might have been perfect for you if you only were willing to be a little more lenient in your rules.In addition to this, when
Corey Harrel has been advising senior citizens on dating for the past 12 years.
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