为什么是run morefast quicklyy而不是run more faster?

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ran \'ran\
also chiefly dial
intransitive verb1 a
to g specifically
to go steadily by springing steps so that both feet leave the ground for an instant in each step
of a horse
to move at a fast gallop
&dropped the gun and ran&
to utilize a running play on offense —used of a football team 2 a
to go without restraint :
move freely about at will &let chickens run loose&
to keep company :
&a ram running with ewes& &ran with a wild crowd when he was young&
to sail before the wind in distinction from reaching or sailing close-hauled
&running about with no overcoat& 3 a
to go rapidly or hurriedly :
&run and fetch the doctor&
to go in urgency or distress :
&runs to mother at every little difficulty&
to make a quick, easy, or casual trip or visit &ran over to borrow some sugar& 4 a
to contend in a race
to enter into an election contest &will run for mayor& 5 a
to move on or as if on wheels :
&file drawers running on ball bearings&
to roll forward rapidly or freely
to pass or slide freely &a rope runs through the pulley&
to ravel lengthwise &stockings guaranteed not to run& 6
to sing or play a musical passage quickly &run up the scale& 7 a
to go back and forth :
&the train runs between New York and Washington&
to migrate or move in
to move up or down a river to spawn 8 a
&a swiftly running grindstone&
&the engine runs on gasoline& &software that runs on her computer& 9 a
to continue in force, operation, or production &the contract has two more years to run& &the play ran for six months&
to have a specified duration, extent, or length &the manuscript runs nearly 500 pages&
to accompany as a valid obligation or right &a right-of-way that runs with the land&
to continue to accrue or become payable &interest on the loan runs from July 1& 10
to pass from one state to another &run into debt& 11 a
to flow rapidly or under pressure
&colors guaranteed not to run&
to discharge liquid (as pus or serum) &a running sore& 12 a
to develop rapidly in som especially
to throw out an elongated shoot of growth
to tend to produce or develop a specified quality or feature &they run to big noses in that family& 13 a
to lie in or take a certain direction &the boundary line runs east&
to lie or extend in relation to something
to go back :
to be in a certain form or expression &the letter runs as follows&
to be in a certain order of succession 14 a
to occur persistently &musical talent runs in the family&
to remain of a specified size, amount, character, or quality &profits were running high&
to have or maintain a relative position or condition (as in a race) &ran third& &running late&
to exist or occur in a continuous range of variation &shades run from white to dark gray& 15 a
to spread or pass quickly from point to point &chills ran up her spine&
to be current :
&speculation ran rife& transitive verb1 a
to cause (an animal) to go rapidly :
ride or drive fast
to bring to a specified condition by or as if by running &ran himself to death&
to go in pursuit of :
&dogs that run deer&
to follow the trail of backward :
&ran the rumor to its source&
to enter, register, or enroll as a contestant in a race
to put forward as a candidate for office
to carry (the football) on a running play 2 a
to drive (livestock) especially to a grazing place
to provide pasturage for (livestock)
to keep or maintain (livestock) on or as if on pasturage 3 a
to pass over or traverse with speed
to run on or over in athletic competition &runs the bases well& &run the floor&
to accomplish or perform by or as if by running &ran a great race& &run errands&
to slip or go through or past &run a blockade& &run a red light&
to travel on (as a river) in a boat &run the rapids& 4 a
to cause to penetrate or enter :
&ran a splinter into her toe&
to cause to pass :
&run a wire in from the antenna&
to cause to collide &ran his head into a post&
&run guns& 5
to cause to pass lightly or quickly over, along, or into something &ran her eye down the list& 6 a
to cause or allow (as a vehicle or a vessel) to go in a specified manner or direction &ran the car off the road&
&run a lathe&
to direct the business or activities of :
&run a factory&
to employ or supervise in espionage &run an agent& 7 a
to be full of or drenched with &streets ran blood&
to cause to move or flow in a specified way or into a specified position &run cards into a file&
to cause to produce a flow (as of water) &run the faucet&; also
to prepare by running a faucet &run a hot bath& 9 a
to melt and cast in a mold &run bullets&
&run oil in a still& &run a problem through a computer& 10
to make oneself liable to :
&ran the risk of discovery& 11
to mark out :
&run a contour line on a map& 12 a
to permit (as charges) to accumulate before settling &run a tab at the bar& —often used with up &ran up a large phone bill&
1 &rooms that run $50 a night& 13 a
to produce by or as if by printing —usually used with off &ran off 10,000 copies of the first edition&
to carry in a printed medium :
&every newspaper ran the story& 14 a
to make (a series of counts) without a miss &run 19 in an inning in billiards&
to lead winning cards of (a suit) successively
to alter by addition &ran his record to six wins and four losses& 15
to make (a golf ball) roll forward after alighting — run across
to meet with or discover by chance — run a fever
run a temperature
to have a fever — run after 1
, ; especially
to seek the company of 2
to take up with :
&run after new theories& — run against 1
to meet suddenly or unexpectedly 2
to work or take effect unfavorably to :
— run a tight ship
to have strict and exacting standards in controlling or managing something (as a business) — run by
to present to (as for evaluation) &ran some ideas by her& — run circles around
run rings around
to show marked superiority over :
defeat decisively or overwhelmingly — run dry 1
to use up an available supply 2
to become exhausted or spent &his inspiration had run dry& — run interference
to provide assistance by or as if by clearing a path through obstructions &ran interference for me with the press& — run into 1 a
to change or transform into :
to merge with
to mount up to &their yearly income often runs into six figures& 2 a
to collide with
to meet by chance &ran into an old classmate the other day& — run low on
to approach running out of &running low on options& — run one's mouth
to talk excessively or foolishly — run riot 1
to act wildly or without restraint 2
to occur in profusion &daffodils running riot& — run short
to become insufficient — run short of
to use up :
run low on — run the numbers
to perform calculations — run the table 1
to sink all remaining shots without missing in pool 2
to win all remaining contests — run to
to mount up to &the book runs to 500 pages& — run upon
to run across :
meet with — run with 1
to use or exploit fully :
make the most of &took the idea and ran with it& 2
to publicize widely &the press ran with the quote& Usage Discussion of RUNThe past tense run still survives in speech in southern England and in the speech especially of older people in some parts of the United States It was formerly used in literature, and was a standard variant in our dictionaries from 1828 until 1934. Grammarians have generally opposed it, and many people consider it nonstandard. Just about everybody uses ran in writing now.Examples of RUNHow fast can you run?
He runs faster than anyone else on the team.
She ran up the stairs to get her jacket.
We ran for the train—but missed it.
I heard her scream and ran to help.
She ran to me for help.
The dog ran away from me.
The dog ran toward me.
When I called the dog, he came running.
Don't expect me to come running every time you want something. I'm not your servant.
Origin of RUNMiddle English ronnen, alteration of rinnen, v.i. (from Old English iernan, rinnan & Old Norse rinna) & of rennen, v.t., from Old Norse
akin to Old High German rinnan, v.i., to run, Sanskrit rin?āti he causes to flow, and probably to Latin rivus streamFirst Known Use: before 12th century
Related to RUNSynonyms, , , , , , AntonymsRelated Words, , , , , , ; , , , , , ,
[slang], , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; , , , , , Near Antonyms, , , , ; , , , , , , , , , , ; , , ; , 1 a
an act or the action of running :
continued rapid movement
a quickened gallop
a migration of fish (as up or down a river) also
such fish in the process of migration
a running race &a mile run&
a score made in baseball by a runner reaching home plate safely
strength or ability to run
a gain of a usually specified distance made on a running play in football &scored on a 25-yard run&; also
a running play
a sustained usually aggressive effort (as to win or obtain something) &making a run at the championship& 2 a
chiefly Midland
something that flows in the course of an operation or during a particular time &the first run of sap in sugar maples& 3 a
the stern of the underwater body of a ship from where it begins to curve or slope upward and inward
the direction in which a vein of ore lies
a direction of secondary or minor cleavage :
&the run of a mass of granite&
a horizontal distance (as that covered by a flight of steps)
general tendency or direction 4
a continuous period or series especially of things of identical or similar sort &a run of bad luck&: as
a rapid passage up or down a scale in vocal or instrumental music
a number of rapid small dance steps executed in even tempo
the act of making successively a number of success also
the score thus made &a run of 20 in billiards&
an unbroken course of performances or showings &a long run on Broadway&
a set of consecutive measurements, readings, or observations
persistent and heavy demands from depositors, creditors, or customers &a run on a bank&
the quantity of work turned out in a continuous operation &a press run of 10,000 copies& 6
the usual or normal kind, character, type, or group &the average run of students& 7 a
the distance covered in a period of continuous traveling or sailing
a course or trip especially if mapped out and traveled with regularity
a news reporter's regular territory :
freedom of movement in or access to a place or area &has the run of the house& 8 a
the period during which a machine or plant is in continuous operation
the use of machinery for a single set of processing procedures &a computer run& 9 a
a way, track, or path frequented by animals
an enclosure for domestic animals where they may feed or exercise
a large area of land used for grazing &a sheep run&
an inclined passageway 10 a
an inclined course (as for skiing or bobsledding)
a support (as a track, pipe, or trough) on which something runs 11 a
a ravel in a knitted fabric (as in hosiery) caused by the breaking of stitches
a paint defect caused by excessive flow 12
plural but sing or plural in constr
—used with the — run·less \-l?s\
adjective — on the run 1
in haste :
without pausing &ate lunch on the run& 2
in retreat :
in flight (as from the law) &an escaped convict on the run& — run for one's money
a serious challenge to one's supremacy &is expected to give the incumbent a good run for his money& Examples of RUNHe goes for a six-mile run every evening.
She took the dogs out for a run.
First Known Use of RUN14th century
Related to RUNSynonyms, , , , , , , Related Words, , , , , , ; , , , , ; , ; , 1 a
being in a melted state &run butter&
made from molten material :
cast in a mold &run metal& 2
having made a migration or spawning run &a fresh run salmon& 3
exhausted or winded from running First Known Use of RUN1774
\'ran\ runrun·ning: to discharge fluid (as pus or serum) &a running sore& —run a feveror
run a temperature : to have a fever
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Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run FasterBefore you begin I really encourage you to scroll to the bottom of this tutorial and read some comments left by my readers.
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Alright we got that out of the way, now lets get going on the top 10 ways to make a computer run faster!Ok so I am assuming you are here because when you start your computer you turn it on then go catch a half hour sitcom, then if your lucky after that is over its ready to start working.
Or when you click your internet or favorite game, you get the dreaded hour glass of death.
No worries that all can be fixed, even the oldest computers can be fixed up to run very smooth.
Its not always what you have under the hood, its can also be how you run it.
Some of these methods are free, some do cost a little bit.
I know most people are more than willing to put in a little money to make their computer run faster.You do not have to be an internet genious to understand the things I am going to talk about.
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When we are done you will have the fastest computer on the block!
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Top 10 ways to make a computer run faster: #1 Use your Defrag ToolUse your defrag tool to clean up the little spaces.When you add a file or a new program to a new computer, the hard drive is relatively empty so new data is saved to the hard drive in one whole block. When you need to use that information, the computer can quickly access it because it is all in one place.As you use your computer adding files and applications, the hard drive begins to fill up. Deleting files or removing programs creates small empty gaps among the other data that the computer will reuse. After awhile, the computer is no longer saving information in large blocks. Instead, it stores information in the many little empty nooks and crannies of your hard drive. The result is that one program or file is broken up, or fragmented, into little pieces and stored in many different areas of the hard disk. The computer ingeniously keeps track of the addresses of each piece of data and puts it all together when it is needed. Yet, obviously, the more broken up the information is, the longer it takes to access the data and the slower the computer becomes. To make a computer run faster we need to defrag it, read below to find out step by step how to do this!1.From the start menu point to "all programs"3. Click on "Disk Defragmenter"4. The disk defragmenter will display the hard drives on your computer. Just select and click Defragment.If you have multiple hard drives here, defrag each drive.
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Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #2 Use Registry FixUse Registry Fix To Repair Your RegistryEvery Microsoft Windows operating system has a registry. Your system registry holds a wealth of information about your computer, which is why we constantly hear from users that after using their PC for a short length of time, it no longer works the way it used to. This is due in part to invalid entries that exist in your system registry, that might exist because of software you are no longer using or software that was not properly removed. By removing these invalid entries, you can significantly increase the performance of your PC.There are a lot of similar products out there, but this one worked the best for me. Its consistent and always finds the correct problem. I have actually used a program claiming to be similar to this one that says it finds and repairs errors but actually does nothing, just a scam.You get a Free Scan so you can try it out to see how many errors your computer has. Go ahead and click below to get your free scan to see how many errors your computer might have.To repair all your errors Registry Fix will charge you for a full version of their program. Believe me though if you want a quick step up in computer performance this is a must. The registry must be cleaned to make a computer run faster.
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Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #3 Free Up Disk SpaceFree up some disk space to make your computer run more smooth.If you want to make a computer run faster you have to free up disk space, you can improve the performance of your computer quite a bit by doing this. Windows comes with a disk cleanup tool that helps you free up space on your hard disk. The utility identifies files that you can safely delete without messing anything up, and then enables you to choose whether you want to delete some or all of the identified files. This is a necessary step when looking to make a computer run faster.Use Disk Cleanup to:Remove temporary Internet files.Remove downloaded program files (such as Microsoft ActiveX controls and Java applets).Empty the Recycle Bin.Remove Windows temporary files.Remove optional Windows components that you don't use.Remove installed programs that you no longer use.Typically, temporary Internet files take the most amount of space because the browser caches each page you visit for faster access later.To use Disk Cleanup1.Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup. If several drives are available, you might be prompted to specify which drive you want to clean.Disk Cleanup calculates the amount of space you will be able to free.2.In the Disk Cleanup for dialog box, scroll through the content of the Files to delete list. (If you have multiple hard drives you will have to select which one to scan.)Choose the files that you want to delete.3.Clear the check boxes for files that you don't want to delete, and then click OK.4.When prompted to confirm that you want to delete the specified files, click OK.Look below for more info on freeing up disk space.
Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #3 Free Up Disk Space ContinuedEven more info on cleaning up your disk space to make a computer run faster.Offline FilesUsers with slower dialup connections and those using laptops frequently make websites they use often available offline. Depending on how many levels deep you save the sites, they can eat up gigabytes of hard drive space very quickly. Worse than taking up space, the sites often contain outdated information. A good candidate for deletion.Compress Old FilesUnlike the other categories, Compress Old Files doesn't delete any files from the drive. It compresses files that Windows hasn't accessed for a specified period of time. The files are still available, but there will be a slight increase in access times because the files will be decompressed the next time they are accessed. Note that when Compress Old Files is highlighted an Options button appears. Clicking it will allow you to set the number of days to wait before an unaccessed file is compressed.There may be other categories that appear in your Disk Cleanup window, but in all cases, highlighting the item will display an explanation of the category in the Description area.Post Disk Cleanup ProceduresUsing Disk Cleanup will almost certainly rid your system of a substantial amount of unneeded files. You could stop here and not suffer any ill consequences, but there are a lot of gaps and empty spaces on the hard drive where the files were removed. This would be an excellent time to run Disk Defragmenter to organize the hard drive into contiguous sections. The hard drive heads will spend less time seeking all the pieces of a file and you'll see another performance boost.
Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #3 Free Up Disk Space ContinuedMore information on cleaning up disk space to make a computer run faster.File Categories in Disk Cleanup UtilityThere are a few different types of file categories that Disk Cleanup targets when it performs the initial disk analysis. Depending on the your system, you may or may not have all the categories listed in my example. An excellent example of this would be Backup Files from a Previous Operating System. If a clean install of XP was performed then this category will not exist. It pays to click on each of the categories and note that the [View Files] button can change depending on the category selected. Here is a rundown of each category.Downloaded Program FilesThese are ActiveX controls and Java applets downloaded from Web sites that are temporarily stored in the Downloaded Program Files folder. It's not program files or zip files that you have downloaded from other locations.Temporary Internet FilesThis refers to Internet Explorer's cache of Web pages that are stored on the hard drive for quicker viewing. None of your personal web settings are affected by selecting this category, nor does it delete any cookie files.Recycle BinThe main thing to be aware of in this category is that it only refers to the Recycle Bin for the selected hard drive or partition. This is important since XP uses an individual Recycle Bin for each drive and partition, not just one as is the case in some Windows versions.Temporary Remote Desktop FilesThese files are the result of using the Remote Desktop utility. If you repeatedly use Remote Desktop with the same computer or group of computers, leaving these files intact will maintain the speed of future connections. Deleting them will necessitate downloading the remote systems icons and wallpaper the next time a connection is established.Setup Log FilesThese are really pretty useless unless you have a specific reason to go back and see what occurred during XP setup.Backup Files For Previous Operating SystemI mentioned this category earlier as one you may not have, but if you did upgrade from a previous Windows version and selected the option to be able to uninstall XP, it may well exist. It takes some major hard drive space to copy all the files necessary to back up a previous system's core files, drivers, etc. This entry can range anywhere from a few hundred megabytes up to a gigabyte, so unless you are still considering dumping XP this is a good category to select.See next module for more categories.
Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #4 Find And Repair Disk ErrorsFind and repair your disk errors to make a computer run faster.Detect and Repair Disk ErrorsIn addition to running Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter to optimize the performance of your computer, you can check the integrity of the files stored on your hard disk by running the Error Checking utility.As you use your hard drive, it can develop bad sectors. Bad sectors slow down hard disk performance and sometimes make data writing (such as file saving) difficult, or even impossible. The Error Checking utility scans the hard drive for bad sectors, and scans for file system errors to see whether certain files or folders are misplaced.If you use your computer daily, you should try to run this utility weekly to help prevent data loss. It will also aid in your attempt to make a computer run faster!To run the Error Checking utility:Important: Be sure to close all files before running the Error-Checking utility. It can also make a computer run faster!1.Click Start, and then click My Computer.2.In the My Computer window, right-click the hard disk you want to search for bad sectors, and then click Properties.3.In the Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab.4.Click the Check Now button.5.In the Check Disk dialog box, select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box, and then click Start.In most circumstances, select Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.6.If bad sectors are found, choose to fix them.Tip: Only select the Automatically fix file system errors check box if you think that your disk contains bad sectors.
Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #5 Get Rid Of SpywareAdware and Spyware can be very nasty to deal with learn more about what spyware is here.DefinitionSpyware is software with malicious intent - it does something bad to your computer. Usually, it gets installed without your knowledge. It sometimes takes advantage of the fact that most people click "I Agree" to software licenses without reading them.Facts about spyware.1.Use up your computer's system resources, memory, & Internet bandwidth, making your computer and/or Internet connection slow.2.Delete, modify, or disable files, folders, programs, and essential Windows components and services.3.Use worms, trojans, and "back doors" to open your computer to further invasions and these programs may also install software to enable your PC to be a "Host" or commonly known now as a "bot". Bots are everyday normal PC's that send, collect and analyze information all over the world.4.Use your computer to send spam - yes, really! It's estimated that 80% of the world's spam is sent by "zombie" home computers infected with "spam trojans" which were installed by spyware or worms.5.Conflict with other programs, causing your computer to crash or freeze up.6.Hide the presence of other parasites, and protect them when you try to remove them.7.Install "keyloggers" which record your keystrokes, that is, they record everything you type.8.Steal your passwords, credit card information, & other personal data to be used for identity theft.9.Monitor your web surfing habits and record the web pages you visit.10.Relay any of this collected data back to its makers & sell it to other companies or bad guys.11.Collect your e-mail address & make you the target of spam (junk e-mail).12.Pester you with pop-up ads, even if you have pop-ups disabled in your web browser.13.Hijack your web browser and change your home page, add favorites/bookmarks, or redirect you to other sites without your permission (more on browser hijacking later).Pretty scary stuff huh? Having spyware on your computer is a serious threat to you and your family. Many have become the victims of idenity theft and other various crimes through spyware. There is a solution though, see the next section on how you get spyware on your computer and how to get it off.
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Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #5 The Solution To SpywareGet rid of that pesky and potential disastrous spyware to make a computer run faster.Here are some ways you may have obtained spyware on your computer.1.It may hide inside of another program's installer: Many free programs, especially file/music sharing programs like Kazaa, but also screensavers, games, etc. install some form of spyware. They may or may not tell you that they' if they do tell you, they will do so in the license agreement. They of course count on the fact that no one actually reads those license agreements! You should read to the end of all EULAs (End User Licensing Agreements).2.It may be installed by a "drive-by download": installed behind your back when you visit a web site or click a link, especially advertising links or those that say you won something. In these cases, you don't even have to do anything other than visit a web site or click a link!An e-mail or web site may make you think that you need to download something: For example, an e-mail may say that someone sent you an electronic greeting card but that you need to download a special viewer to see it, or a web site may say that you need to download a special "media player" to view their site.3.It may pretend to be something essential, helpful, or desirable: Spyware may masquerade as some type of security warning, a "free virus scan," or even a spyware removal program to get you to click on it.4.A web site may keep pestering you to download something until you say yes: Normally, your web browser should ask you for permission if a web site you visit tries to install anything. Unfortunately, when you say No, your "No" is only good until you go to the next web page, where you'll be asked again. After being asked several times, some people will just give in and say yes. (Don't!)And now the answer. SPYWARE REMOVER.Spyware Remover- is one of the oldest and most established spyware blockers on the market. I have used and trusted Spyware Remover for years now. I have used many other spyware blockers, but nothing compares to Spyware Remover.Be careful of fake spyware blockers out there. There are a lot that sound legit but will actually add spyware to your computer. Be very cautious when selecting a spyware blocker. Over 8.5 million people can't be wrong with Spyware Remover!Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #6 Turn off all unecessary startup applications.Turning off all uncessary startup applications will make your computer boot up and perform a lot faster!Using MSCONFIG will allow you to shut down all programs that are starting up when you boot up your computer. A lot of programs take it upon themselves to think that they need to be running in the background even when they are not being used. Some we want to stay running such as our anti viruses, but a lot of them we really dont need. A great example is MSN Messenger. When you download and use this messenger, it will automatically load up when you boot your computer, you dont need that.. I will teach you now how to turn off unwanted applications at start up time to make a computer run faster.1.Go to your start button, click it and go to "Run". It should be directly right of "all programs".2.A box should appear labeled "Open:" Type MSCONFIG in the box and hit enter or select OK.3.You should now see the System Configuration Utility. Click the "startup" tab all the way to the right.4.You will now be taken to a list of all the "startup" items.In Windows XP, all of Windows' essential programs are loaded through something called "Windows Services." This means that most of the startup items you see in XP are completely optional and can be turned off. However, a good rule of thumb is to disable only those programs that you recognize and don't need to have running all the time. When in doubt, leave it on. There is a great resource on what applications you can turn off and what you should leave on. Check out the website below, it has over 13000 different applications. If its on your computer its probably on this site. Just use the search function, with all those applications your specific application will be very hard to find without it.5.Click the Ok button. You will get a message that asks you to restart your computer before any changes go into effect. Click restart and your computer will automatically reboot and your changes should have taken effect. You should now have a much faster boot up time and your computer should move faster without all those programs running in the background.
Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #7 Add RAMAdding RAM will definitely make a computer run faster when running multiple programs.Up to a point, adding RAM (random access memory) will normally cause your computer to feel faster on certain types of programs. RAM is important because of an operating system component called the virtual memory manager (VMM).When you run a program such as a word processor or an Internet browser, the microprocessor in your computer pulls the executable file off the hard disk and loads it into RAM. In the case of a big program like Microsoft Word or Excel, the EXE consumes about 5 megabytes. The microprocessor also pulls in a number of shared DLLs (dynamic link libraries) -- shared pieces of code used by multiple applications. The DLLs might total 20 or 30 megabytes. Then the microprocessor loads in the data files you want to look at, which might total several megabytes if you are looking at several documents or browsing a page with a lot of graphics. So a normal application needs between 10 and 30 megabytes of RAM space to run. On my machine, at any given time I might have the following applications running:* A word processor* A spreadsheet* A DOS prompt* An e-mail program* A drawing program* Three or four browser windows* A fax program* A Telnet sessionBesides all of those applications, the operating system itself is taking up a good bit of space. Those programs together might need 100 to 150 megabytes of RAM, but my computer only has 64 megabytes of RAM installed.For some of you that is a lot of technical jargon and may not mean a whole lot. I will put it a little bit easier to understand.Basically every program you open up, is using RAM. If you have 128MB of RAM on your computer but your using 200MB your gonna run very slow. Upgrading RAM is a fairly inexpensive way to make a computer run faster.To check your RAM...1. Go to start and click, then right click my computer and select properties.2.Select the General Tab and you will get a screen that looks like this.This screen will tell you how much RAM you have.Tip) To view how much RAM you are using right now hit Control ALT Delete to bring up task manager and click the processes tab. This will tell you how many processes you are using and how much memory each is using.Upgrade your RAM with Amazon.In a lot of cases you simply need to upgrade RAM to make a computer run faster. Check out Amazon for the best deals on RAM.&&&&&
Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #8 Get an External Hard DriveAdding an External Hard Drive will free up space on your main hard drive enabling you to make a computer run faster.Adding an External Hard Drive to your computer will allow you to clear out a lot of the things you don't need to be storing on your normal hard drive.A great example would be your music or pictures. All those songs and pictures are sitting on your computer making it go slower. You will see a decline in your computers performance as soon as you use over half of your hard drive space.Moving all your songs or pictures to your external hard drive will free up a lot of space on your main hard drive. You can even move applications such as photoshop or games.An external hard drive is also handy because it is portable. You can unplug it from your computer and take it to a friends house and plug it in there, sharing photos and pictures very easily.Most external hard drives connect using USB, so its very easy and practical and doesn't require any installation or technical knowledge. I have listed some very dependable and affordable hard drives that you can purchase from Amazon below.I will now show you how to check how big your hard drive is and how much you have used of it.1. Click your start button and click my computer.2. Right click your hard drive and select properties.3. Select the General Tab. This page will give you a pie chart of your hard drive. It will show you how much you have used and how much you still have available. If you are anywhere over half you may want to consider an external hard drive. This will do wonders for your computer. This is one of the best ways to make a computer run faster.As you can see I am actually in need of a new external hard drive myself. I will be picking one up tomorrow! This is a very important technique to make a computer run faster.Must have external hard drives to make a computer run faster! - Once you get an external hard drive you will see how quickly your computer speeds up!These are my favorites for external hard drives. I prefer western digital, I have always used them and they have never failed me. They are very reliable and fast!&&&&&
Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #9 Optimize WindowsYou can optimize Windows to make a computer run faster and perform better.Here are a couple of ways you can make Windows and your computer run faster!Windows XP can look sexy but displaying all the visual items can waste system resources. Tooptimize:1.Click the start button, and select the control panel.2.Switch your control panel to classic view.3.It will now look like this, go ahead and double click system.4.Click on the advanced tab up top, then select settings in the performance section.5.Leave only the following ticked:X Show shadows under menusX Show shadows under mouse pointerX Show translucent selection rectangleX Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktopX Use visual styles on windows and buttonsYou can also set your desktop background to none. It uses some memory that can slow your computer down. Turn off the background to make a computer run faster.I think most people know how to do this, but just in case here are the steps. I am not going to include screen shots with this one.1. Right click your desktop anywhere and select properties.2. Select the Desktop tab up top and you will see a list of backgrounds. Just scroll all the way to the top and select none. Hit apply and your golden, your background should just be all black now.Now that we optimized Windows you should see a little increase in performance. These are some pretty easy steps to make a computer run faster!
Top 10 Ways To Make A Computer Run Faster: #10 Get An Anti-VirusGet and run an anti-virus program to weed out all the viruses you may have.This one seems a little obvious but believe it or not some people are still running around on the internet unprotected. This is probably the most known thing to do to protect and speed up your computer but I thought I would put it on here anyway.An anti-virus will not only scan and remove viruses from your computer, but it will also block them from ever coming on board. If you have a good anti-virus you shouldn't have to worry about any pesky or potentially serious viruses infecting your computer. I have included a list of the best anti-virus programs to date. Having a great anti-virus program is no secret, but is a way to make a computer run faster. Norton is still at the top of my list, but you can make that choice for yourself!Up to speed anti viruses will help make a computer run faster. - You must have an up to date anti virus.I prefer Norton when it comes to anti-viruses. They are very trusted and at the top of the market around the world. They stay very updated and have alway protected me from the nastiest infections people could dish. Use the anti-virus to help make a computer run faster.&&&Did this tutorial on ways to make your computer run faster help you?I love hearing feedback and I thought this would be a great way to see if this was helpful to you.
Please do not forget to leave a comment on here if you liked it but also go ahead and tell me if this was helpful in making your computer run faster!Did this lens help you out? Yes thank you so much! Nah not really.New Fast ComputerIf your just sick and tired or fed up with your old slow computer, just buy a new one!
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Check these great offers to get the most bank for your buck!&&&&& - Computer How ToThis is my main site complete with all my computer how to tutorials and guides. I have worked hard on this site. My Computer how to guides and tutorials all include videos with step by step instructions on various computer how to subjects! Please check it out!You HAVE to see this site! Its fantastic! It has tons of computer how to tutorials! Everything from making your computer faster to identifying different kinds of viruses! Its all free and comes with video and picture instructions. If you want to bettIf your computer is running slow, look no further! This guide will show you the top 10 ways on how to speed up your computer. Believe me your going to want to see this! It has videos, screen shots and step by step instructions to show you exactly whaIf you get several random pop ups, and your computer is running unusually slow you are probably infected with spyware. Check out this great site to learn how to detect, remove and block spyware and malware from your computer! It is complete with stepAre you getting strange errors on your computer? Getting the dreaded blue screen of death? This may be caused from your Windows Registry being either very messy or completely messed up all together. There are ways of cleaning and repairing your WindoIs your computer running slow? Is it acting kind of abnormal? Its possible you may have a computer virus, worm or Trojan Horse. This is a must see site if you think you may have or want to prevent ever getting any of these malicious menaces! It has sIf your computer is running slow, look no further! This guide will show you the top 10 ways on how to make your computer run faster. Believe me your going to want to see this! It has videos, screen shots and step by step instructions to show you exacGreat Web Site DirectoriesBe sure to check out these great web site directoriesHello and thank you so much for checking out my lens! If you have another tip on how to make a computer run faster, please share. Also if you would like to comment on this lens I would greatly appreciate the feedback. If you didn't already remember to rate this lens, at the top left hand side just click the star all the way to the right if you felt this lens was helpful to you or could be helpful to others! Thank you!
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