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穷人供奉了一尊神像。他虔诚地祈求神为他赐福,结果他变得越来越穷了。 后来,他一气之下抓起那尊神像向墙上摔去,神像的头破了,从里面掉出许多金子来。这人把金子拾起来,大声地说:“我看你既可恶又愚蠢,我尊敬你的时候,你一点好处也不给我;我打烂了你,你却给我这么多好东西。”
下面答案仅供参考:Dedicated to the poor of a statue. His devotion to pray for God to bless him, he is becoming poorer. Later, he angrily grabbed that respect to the statues on the walls to fall, the statue's head broke from the inside out to a lot of gold. The man picked up the gold, loudly: &I see you are hateful and stupid, I respect you, you do not give m I smash you, you have given me so many good things.& In life, we consciously or unconsciously, had made many statues. Gradually, we used to look up, get used to not act as loyal followers of the Two. We do not know respect for each statue, in fact may be hidden gold. Only by breaking it, you can get. Everyone should have the courage to break the statues that respect, pick up your own gold.
穷人供奉了一尊神像。他虔诚地祈求神为他赐福,结果他变得越来越穷了。 后来,他一气之下抓起那尊神像向墙上摔去,神像的头破了,从里面掉出许多金子来。这人把金子拾起来,大声地说:“我看你既可恶又愚蠢,我尊敬你的时候,你一点好处也不给我;我打烂了你,你却给我这么多好东西。” 在生活中,我们自觉不自觉地造了许许多多的神像。我们渐渐地习惯仰视,习惯了充当忠贞不贰的信徒。我们不知道每一尊神像里,其实都可能藏着金子。只有打碎了它,你才能获得。每个人都应该勇于打破那尊神像,拾起属于你自己的金子。The poor have enshrined and worshipped a statue. He earnestly hopes piously the god blest for him, he became poorer and poorer finally.
Later, he picked up that statue and fell to the wall in a fury, the head of the statue was broken, lose from the inside out a lot of gold. This person collects the gold, say loudly: &I think you are hateful and stupid, when I respect you, you do not give some adv I hit you rottenly, but you give me so many good things. &
In life, we have made a lot of statues consciously. We have been used to looking up gradually, are used to making the loyal and steadfast believer of two. We do not know that may all in fact hide the gold in every statue. Having only broken it, you could get. Everybody should dare to break that statue, pick up and belong to your own gold.
the poor Dedicated a statue. His devotion to pray for God to bless him, while,he is becoming poorer and poorer.
Later, he angrily grabbed
the statuet and break it
to the walls , the statue's head broke from the inside out to a lot of gold. The man picked up the gold, loudly: &I see you are hateful and stupid, I respect you, you do not give m I smash you, you have given me so many good things.& In life, we consciously or unconsciously, had made many statues. Gradually, we used to look up, get used to not act as loyal followers of the Two. We do not know respect for each statue, in fact may be hidden gold. Only by breaking it, you can get. Everyone should have the courage to break the statues that respect, pick up your own gold


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