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Our Natural Advantage
Our Natural Advantage
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Don't let Australia lose 150,000 jobs.
Don't let Australia lose an opportunity to produce cleaner energy.
Since you opened this page, our industry has contributed this much to Australian governments:
and since 1 Jan 2013, our industry has contributed this much to fund schools, hospitals & infrastructure:
Clean Energy for Australia
Natural gas industry helps secure Australia's economic future
Australia's natural gas industry create jobs
Australia's natural gas industry provides high contributiton to the community
Five reasons why I support Australia's natural gas industry
Did you know?
Did you know natural gas is a leading player in Australia’s economic story?
The natural gas industry was responsible for an estimated 100,000 Australian jobs last year. This extraordinary effort is underpinned by around $200 billion worth of projects being built across the country right now.
Businesses around Australia depend on this critical industry, which is spending about $1000 every second on new projects. In addition, we’re about to earn an extra $40 billion per year as one of the world’s largest exporters.
Natural gas is our natural advantage – we can’t afford to lose it.
Did you know that over the next 20 years, Australia’s natural gas industry has the potential for a further $180 billion in investment and the creation of 150,000 new jobs?
This is on top of the $200 billion investment on new projects currently under construction, which was responsible for an estimated 100,000 jobs last year.
Australia’s natural gas projects will deliver almost $13 billion a year in royalties and taxes by 2020 – that’s an enormous contribution when you consider the $8.8 billion paid by the oil and gas industry in taxes last year was enough to fund more than 7000 new hospital beds, or pay the wages of almost 100,000 nurses.
Natural gas is our natural advantage – we can’t afford to lose it.
Did you know Australia’s natural gas industry is in danger of losing its competitive edge? Our reputation as a low-cost energy supplier is under enormous pressure.
Despite the massive investment in Australia’s natural gas industry, $150 billion worth of energy and resource projects stalled in Australia last year.
Now is not the time to impose more costs and uncertainty on natural gas producers. Australia already has more than 150 statutes governing offshore and onshore upstream petroleum activities, regulated by more than 50 government agencies at a national, state and territory level. Inefficient, duplicative and bureaucratic red tape is putting the industry’s expansion at risk.
We have a chance to safely develop the country’s extensive gas reserves to secure our energy future with an abundant, affordable, reliable and cleaner-burning fuel.
However, our future economic success is threatened by people who do not care enough about losing Australian jobs and investment.
Natural gas is our natural advantage – we can’t afford to lose it.
Australia has an estimated 819 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas resources (enough to power a city of one million people for 16,000 years). More gas discoveries are likely.
Natural gas can help reduce greenhouse emissions, both here in Australia and across Asia, because it is so much cleaner than traditional sources of energy.
Renewable energy sources, such as solar power and wind power cannot provide continuous power generation.
Gas can generate affordable 24/7 power, and can do so while producing greenhouse gas emissions up to 70% lower than those of traditional sources.
Natural gas is our natural advantage – we can’t afford to lose it.
Recent Articles
If you’re looking to understand one of the reasons why NSW gas bills have gone up 11% – and could go even higher – look no further than what’s happening in the town of Gloucester. READ THIS With over 500 years of gas sitting in the ground, NSW could be developing its own gas industry.
If you’ve ever wondered what really makes a difference to economic growth in your state, a new Deloitte Access Economics report on how natural gas projects benefit state and territory economies might be a powerful reminder of why you support the industry. In Queensland for example, $65 billion worth of natural gas mega-projects are behind [&]
If your super is important to you, you should read on. The Australian National University last week opted to shed its shares in seven Australian resources companies – a move that is bad for Australian investment, jobs, and possibly, your superannuation. Green groups are pressuring universities and super funds to dump their shares in resource [&]
Cleaner natural gas opens up enormous opportunity for Australia
Media Release: Commitment to NSW now time for action
For each dollar of production, oil & gas sector adds 70c of value-add compared to all-industries average of 49c, PwC
Oil & gas is one of Australia’s highest value-adding industries in a new analysis, says PwC report
During 2012, at a time of great economic uncertainty, the natural gas industry was responsible for an estimated 100,000 Australian jobs last year. It can generate 150,000 more, but its capacity to do so is put at risk by people who do not care enough about losing Australian jobs and investment.
Natural gas is our natural advantage – we can’t afford to lose it.
$150 billion worth of energy resource projects have recently been stopped or stalled in Australia last year.
Further investment in new projects that would contribute $320 billion to Australia’s economy is now under threat from the growing burden of bureaucracy and red tape.
Natural gas is our natural advantage – we can’t afford to lose it.
Using more natural gas – both in Australia and abroad – is our most meaningful response to rising greenhouse gas emissions. And yet the industry’s development is opposed by environmental campaigners.
The Energy Information Administration says that in the USA, the big switch from coal to gas in power generation in 2012 helped reduce emissions by 200 million tonnes, bringing them back to their lowest levels since 1994. ( )
Natural gas is our natural advantage – we can’t afford to lose it.
The revitalisation of rural and regional communities is at risk from a campaign opposed to the production, export and use of natural gas.
In Queensland alone the natural gas industry has in recent years contributed more than $100 million towards community projects, charitable organisations and aeromedical evacuation services that are saving lives.
Once-struggling regional communities now enjoy unemployment rates well below the national average, farmers are earning secure income that’s not dependent on the weather, and small business confidence is high.
Natural gas is our natural advantage – we can’t afford to lose it.
The Australian natural gas industry paid $8.8 Billion in tax in 2012 (that’s around $280 per second). Yet the gas industry could pay almost $13 billion every year in taxes by 2020.
And an even greater return from our immense gas reserves – and an estimated $180 billion in additional projects – is now at risk from a professional campaign aimed at damaging Australia’s reputation as a place to do business.
Funding for our future schools, hospitals, roads and public transport is under threat, as are efforts to secure our energy future with an abundant, affordable, reliable and cleaner burning fuel.
Natural gas is our natural advantage – we can’t afford to lose it.
Thousands of jobs and Australia’s next wave of economic success is now under threat. Show your sup the cleaner energy source powering our homes, businesses, and Australia’s future strength.
Natural gas is our natural advantage – we can’t afford to lose it.
Do you live in New South Wales?
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Signing the petition is the best way to tell those who represent you in Parliament about the importance of natural gas.
The following letter will be sent to people who seek to represent you in Federal Parliament.
Dear [title] [surname],
Australia is blessed with abundant, affordable, reliable, and safely accessible natural gas reserves.
I want you, as my federal parliamentary representative, to support the Australian natural gas industry’s development so that it may put downward pressure on energy prices and bring on the next wave of Australia's prosperity.
The oil and gas industry is currently spending close to $200 billion on new projects that have so far generated 100,000 jobs across the A which will see the industry’s tax contribution rise to almost $13 billion per annum by 2020; and which will underpin the Australian economy for decades to come. We need to also support the next wave of projects that are today under consideration.
I am sending you this because I want to see action on creating more Australian industry and jobs.
We can't take our prosperity for granted.
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