
以下是小编精心整理的英语面试要巧妙回答自己地弱点(共含10篇),供大家阅读参考。同时,但愿您也能像本文投稿人“彭亮”一样,积极向本站投稿分享好文章。篇1:英语面试要巧妙回答自己地弱点How To Handle The Question “What Are Your Greatest Weaknesses” In InterviewsDebra Davenport (Executive Professional Mentor, Licensed Career Counselor & Employment Agent) gives expert on How do I handle the question, “What are your greatest weaknesses”?I love the question “What are your greatest weaknesses?” because it's a trick question which traps a lot of people. A lot of people feel that they have to answer the question of where their weaknesses lie by stating things that they truly are not good at, and that's not true. We want to spin this question around into a positive. So perhaps try saying things like, “One of my greatest weaknesses is that I don't have a lot of patience for work that isn't done in a timely manner, or work that isn't done to very high levels of excellence, which I'm committed to in my own work.” So things like that will help to put a positive spin on what could be potentially a very dangerous question. So rehearse those questions and your answers very carefully ahead of time, before you even get into that interview.参考译文:专家给出怎样解决英语面试中这个问题的回答:你最大的弱点是什么?我非常喜欢这个问题,因为它是一个棘手的问题,其中陷阱很多。很多人觉得,他们必须回答的问题,他们的弱点在于说明的东西,他们是真正的不擅长,这不是真的。我们要转移到这个问题的一个积极的范围内。因此,或许说这样的话,“我最大的弱点之一是,我没有很多的耐心工作,或者是我没有很出色的完成工作,这个工作是我自己承诺的。“因此这样的事情,这将有助于把积极的自旋,这可能是一个潜在的非常危险的问题。因此,在你面试之前,这些问题和你的答案要非常仔细提前排练。[英语面试要巧妙回答自己地弱点]篇2:面试:回答要巧妙正如《杜拉拉升职记》系列作者李可在《杜拉拉升职记3》中引用的那段著名告别感言所说:生活就是旅程,今天,我的船又要起航,奔向另一个港湾……跳槽对于职场杜拉拉们似乎是一个说不完的话题,面试:回答要巧妙。今天,不妨让我们跟着杜拉拉,学学跳槽的基本功。心态:说走咱就走事件回放:工作了8年,在DB受到的不公正待遇让杜拉拉动了跳槽的念头。交接工作、倾心交谈,面对DB公司同事的强意挽留,去意已决的她推却了所有人的诚意。拉拉语录:“要给自己一个明确的时间限制,再复杂的事,到事先定好的时间点,就一定要下一个结论,到底我该往哪个方向去了。”套用时下一个时髦词汇――纠结,对于职场人士来说,跳槽便是一件相当纠结的事情,在跳与不跳之间,很多人徘徊不定。这时,不妨给自己出几道作业题:我究竟想要什么样的职场生活?我的职业生涯应该往哪个方向发展?新公司能不能给我想要的东西?如果这些问题的答案都很清晰,只有通过跳槽才能实现,那么,毫无疑问,你的跳槽行动是正确的。一旦定下行动目标,那就立即执行吧。在职场中,为了使公司的工作正常进行,公司的人力资源部门大多会和员工口头约定:等到有新职员接替工作才可离开。事实上,对职场人士来说,如果接受了这个约定,很可能会错失跳槽的最佳时机。处事:好聚也好散事件回放:当杜拉拉准备跳槽时,她本来订了当晚的飞机票,打算悄悄离开,但曲络绎跟几个HR经理说:“一个人在这里干了8年多!我们不能让人家就这样走了!”当晚,除了HR本部门的人,平时和拉拉接触较多的其他部门同事也都来了。临别前,拉拉情不自禁地和大家拥抱,有人哭了,拉拉更难过,但她坚决没有让自己当众掉泪。拉拉语录:“我们在大公司做惯了的人,受不了那些处处都要抠着算费用的公司。真落到那样的地方工作,不说别的,单是和你共事的人,都是些素质比现在的同事差很多的人,就很让你郁闷了。”很多人认为,与老东家好聚好散很难,参照杜拉拉的处事原则,以下几个建议供大家参考。一是做好工作交接,像杜拉拉一样,哪怕是在离职前最后一天都要尽职尽责。二要冰释前嫌,不管你与同事和上司之间发生过什么不愉快的事,都要在离职前做到完美谢幕。事件回放:在《杜拉拉升职记3》中,在面试500强美资企业SH的C&B(薪资福利)经理时,面对“你为什么要跳槽?为什么会考虑SH?”这些问题时,杜拉拉并没完全说真话,而是说了合理的实话:“如果没有合适的机会,我不会贸然离开DB.但是我在DB有两个问题:一是未来3年里我很难有发展的机会;二是,我现在这个职位,按理说应该设在上海总部,这让我心里总归有些不太踏实。至于为什么会考虑SH,SH是一家令人尊敬的500强企业,而最重要的,C&B是我的理想。”拉拉语录:“我所说的内容,都是在工作中能观察到的。我也看过一些专业书,有机会时也会向同事请教。”跳槽面试这件事上,不妨向杜拉拉学习,如何应对才能表现出最好的自己,尤其是自己对应聘岗位所涉及的专业并不是很有经验的时候。更重要的一点是,要对面试准备充分,在回答新东家的面试问题时,有很多都是杜拉拉之前问过自己很多遍的问题。可见,只有准备充分才能在面试场上胸有成竹。当然,有很多问题也是杜拉拉不得不尴尬面对的问题,在这些问题上则需要机智巧妙的回答。篇3:英语面试中巧妙地回答离职的原因So you were fired from your last job, and you're fretting about how to address it in your interview . In fact, given the job market slump and companies tightening their money belts, it's quite understandable to be unemployed. If you have the right attitude and approach, being fired from your previous job won't hinder you too much. Here are some tips to get you through this possibly awkward encounter:你丢了工作,不知道怎么在新工作的面试中谈这个问题。实际上,由于不景气的劳动市场和公司支出减少,被解雇并不是什么大事。下面有几个小建议,可以帮你缓解这个尴尬的问题:Don't burn your bridges: Even if you're leaving your job, be sure to leave gracefully. There may be a time when future employers might call back for a reference, so you definitely want to make sure they'll have good things to say about you.不要自毁长城:即使没了上一份工作,也要护住原东家的颜面,别让他们失了面子。因为新雇主可能会找他们做背景资料核实,如果他们能多说你的优点自然是最好不过的。Be honest: Your boss can easily find out the reason for your departure, so make sure you're truthful in your explanation. This doesn't mean you have to go into details, because it's best to keep your answer short.诚实为上:你的上司很容易就能查到你离开前公司的原因,所以在回答相关问题时最好如实回答。但这并不表示你要将细节和盘托出,简单明了的解释最好。Don't be bitter: Don't be negative and bitter about your firing, because it will just be a red flag to your potential employer. Your interviewer might start worrying about your ability to get along with others.不要抱怨不满:不要对被解雇的事耿耿于怀,那会让潜在雇主打低你的印象分。面试官会怀疑你与别人相处的能力。Say what you learned from the experience: Focus on the positives of that experience and say what you've learned from it. For example, if you were unemployed for a time, make sure you explain how you've been productive with your time. Perhaps you've been taking classes, volunteering, or doing freelance projects.说在过去的经历中学到了什么:着重描述以前工作中积极正面的事并且在其中学到了什么。例如:如果你有一段时间的工作空窗期,可以说说在这段时间里的收获,报班培训,做志愿者或组队做的项目都可以与面试官分享。Prepare your answer: Write down your answer and try to practice it so you won't be trying to figure out what to say during the interview.事先准备好答案:先把关于离职原因的答案准备好,这样在面试时就不会苦思冥想要怎么回答了。[英语面试中巧妙地回答离职的原因]篇4:巧妙地回答HR的冷僻面试问题巧妙地回答HR的冷僻面试问题当你去某单位应聘时,关于个人背景资料,面试官希望了解你的个性品格,你要围绕对方最想知的.内容重点回答,不说无用资料,关于学历。面试官希望了解你所读的专业是否适用于该工作,不要忘记把课程内容联系到新工作中。关于工作经验。即使过往的工作与新职无关,也不要说什么也学不到,因为每份工作必有其可取之处。特别注意不要在面试考官面前批评旧单位和旧上司,以免予人挑剔小器、无大将风度之感,关于转工原因。回答时应针对工作本身出发,避免提及薪酬、福利等问题,以免让人觉得你斤斤计较。当问及你的缺点是什么时,老实回答之余应避免提到人格缺陷,而且回答要有技巧,例如:“我做事效率比较高,但有时会显得耐性不足。”请大家继续浏览更多的面试问题:史上最刁钻的十道面试问题向面试主管提出具份量的问题面试巧妙应对HR的连环追问麦当劳最新的面试题目及答案篇5:英语面试技巧:巧妙回答离职原因英语面试技巧:巧妙回答离职原因I: Why are you leaving your present job? / Why are you desirous of leaving your present employer? / Why do you want to resign your position as secretary?C: I'm leaving'my present job in Nanking so as to live withmy wife and care for my little daughter here in Shenyang. /I'm desirous of leaving my present employer simply because I see no chance of advancement. / I want to resign my position as seeretary in order to be able to get into the advertising business. / I'm desirous to leave my present employment so that I can improve my position and have more responsibilities.I: What's the reason for your leaving the previous company? / What's the reason why you left your previous employer? / What's the reason why you are resigning the present position?C: The reason for my leaving the prrvious company is to gain more experience in a foreign trade corporation. / I left my previous employer with an object to seek a better job. / The reason why I'm resigning the present position is that T want to look for a more challenging opportunity. / I lost my previous employment on account of close-down of the plant.I: May I ask why you left the company? / Can you tell me the reason for your resigning the previous post? / May I know why you are leaving the previous situation?C: I left the company owing to liquidation of the business. / I did not think there was any opportunity for advancement there. / I'm leaving the present situation just becaause of expiry of my employment contract. / I have to leave my present post only because the mill is going into bankruptcy.I: What made you decide to change jobs? / What's your reason for changing jobs?C: I would like to get a more especialized job. / I'm keen to shoulder higher responsibilities. / I find the job here very interesting(challenging).I: Didn't you like the work? / Don't you like the work?C: Yes, some of it I enjoyed very much. But economicallyit's rather unstable. / I liked the work. However, the firm is too small for me to widen my experience. / To speak frankly, I did not enjoy the work very much because there was not much for me to do at my post. / The work is not bad. Yet the salary is too small.篇6:英语面试如何巧妙回答离职的原因英语面试如何巧妙回答离职的原因So you were fired from your last job, and you're fretting about how to address it in your interview . In fact, given the job market slump and companies tightening their money belts, it's quite understandable to be unemployed. If you have the right attitude and approach, being fired from your previous job won't hinder you too much. Here are some tips to get you through this possibly awkward encounter:你丢了工作,不知道怎么在新工作的面试中谈这个问题,实际上,由于不景气的劳动市场和公司支出减少,被解雇并不是什么大事。下面有几个小建议,可以帮你缓解这个尴尬的问题:Don't burn your bridges: Even if you're leaving your job, be sure to leave gracefully. There may be a time when future employers might call back for a reference, so you definitely want to make sure they'll have good things to say about you.不要自毁长城:即使没了上一份工作,也要护住原东家的颜面,别让他们失了面子。因为新雇主可能会找他们做背景资料核实,如果他们能多说你的优点自然是最好不过的。Be honest: Your boss can easily find out the reason for your departure, so make sure you're truthful in your explanation. This doesn't mean you have to go into details, because it's best to keep your answer short.诚实为上:你的'上司很容易就能查到你离开前公司的原因,所以在回答相关问题时最好如实回答,但这并不表示你要将细节和盘托出,简单明了的解释最好。Don't be bitter: Don't be negative and bitter about your firing, because it will just be a red flag to your potential employer. Your interviewer might start worrying about your ability to get along with others.不要抱怨不满:不要对被解雇的事耿耿于怀,那会让潜在雇主打低你的印象分。面试官会怀疑你与别人相处的能力。Say what you learned from the experience: Focus on the positives of that experience and say what you've learned from it. For example, if you were unemployed for a time, make sure you explain how you've been productive with your time. Perhaps you've been taking classes, volunteering, or doing freelance projects.说在过去的经历中学到了什么:着重描述以前工作中积极正面的事并且在其中学到了什么。例如:如果你有一段时间的工作空窗期,可以说说在这段时间里的收获,报班培训,做志愿者或组队做的项目都可以与面试官分享。Prepare your answer: Write down your answer and try to practice it so you won't be trying to figure out what to say during the interview.事先准备好答案:先把关于离职原因的答案准备好,这样在面试时就不会苦思冥想要怎么回答了。欢迎大家继续欣赏更多的英语面试:英语面试切不可问的八个问题英语面试中最令人头疼的问题询问英语面试结果的常用句型面试官最常用的基本句型表达篇7:英语面试之巧妙回答辞职原因I: Why are you leaving your present job? / Why are you desirous of leaving your present employer? / Why do you want to resign your position as secretary?C: I'm leaving'my present job in Nanking so as to live with my wife and care for my little daughter here in Shenyang. /I'm desirous of leaving my present employer simply because I see no chance of advancement. / I want to resign my position as seeretary in order to be able to get into the advertising business. / I'm desirous to leave my present employment so that I can improve my position and have more responsibilities.I: What's the reason for your leaving the previous company? / What's the reason why you left your previous employer? / What's the reason why you are resigning the present position?C: The reason for my leaving the prrvious company is to gain more experience in a foreign trade corporation. / I left my previous employer with an object to seek a better job. / The reason why I'm resigning the present position is that T want to look for a more challenging opportunity. / I lost my previous employment on account of close-down of the plant.I: May I ask why you left the company? / Can you tell me the reason for your resigning the previous post? / May I know why you are leaving the previous situation?C: I left the company owing to liquidation of the business. / I did not think there was any opportunity for advancement there. / I'm leaving the present situation just becaause of expiry of my employment contract. / I have to leave my present post only because the mill is going into bankruptcy.I: What made you decide to change jobs? / What's your reason for changing jobs?C: I would like to get a more especialized job. / I'm keen to shoulder higher responsibilities. / I find the job here very interesting(challenging).I: Didn't you like the work? / Don't you like the work?C: Yes, some of it I enjoyed very much. But economicallyit's rather unstable. / I liked the work. However, the firm is too small for me to widen my experience. / To speak frankly, I did not enjoy the work very much because there was not much for me to do at my post. / The work is not bad. Yet the salary is too small.[英语面试之巧妙回答辞职原因]篇8:英语面试如何巧妙回答离职的原因So you were fired from your last job, and you're fretting about how to address it in your interview . In fact, given the job market slump and companies tightening their money belts, it's quite understandable to be unemployed. If you have the right attitude and approach, being fired from your previous job won't hinder you too much. Here are some tips to get you through this possibly awkward encounter:你丢了工作,不知道怎么在新工作的面试中谈这个问题。实际上,由于不景气的劳动市场和公司支出减少,被解雇并不是什么大事。下面有几个小建议,可以帮你缓解这个尴尬的问题:Don't burn your bridges: Even if you're leaving your job, be sure to leave gracefully. There may be a time when future employers might call back for a reference, so you definitely want to make sure they'll have good things to say about you.不要自毁长城:即使没了上一份工作,也要护住原东家的颜面,别让他们失了面子。因为新雇主可能会找他们做背景资料核实,如果他们能多说你的优点自然是最好不过的。Be honest: Your boss can easily find out the reason for your departure, so make sure you're truthful in your explanation. This doesn't mean you have to go into details, because it's best to keep your answer short.诚实为上:你的上司很容易就能查到你离开前公司的原因,所以在回答相关问题时最好如实回答。但这并不表示你要将细节和盘托出,简单明了的解释最好。Don't be bitter: Don't be negative and bitter about your firing, because it will just be a red flag to your potential employer. Your interviewer might start worrying about your ability to get along with others.不要抱怨不满:不要对被解雇的事耿耿于怀,那会让潜在雇主打低你的印象分。面试官会怀疑你与别人相处的能力。Say what you learned from the experience: Focus on the positives of that experience and say what you've learned from it. For example, if you were unemployed for a time, make sure you explain how you've been productive with your time. Perhaps you've been taking classes, volunteering, or doing freelance projects.说在过去的经历中学到了什么:着重描述以前工作中积极正面的事并且在其中学到了什么。例如:如果你有一段时间的工作空窗期,可以说说在这段时间里的收获,报班培训,做志愿者或组队做的项目都可以与面试官分享。Prepare your answer: Write down your answer and try to practice it so you won't be trying to figure out what to say during the interview.事先准备好答案:先把关于离职原因的答案准备好,这样在面试时就不会苦思冥想要怎么回答了。[英语面试如何巧妙回答离职的原因]篇9:英语面试:巧妙地介绍自己的“教育背景”英语面试:巧妙地介绍关于自己的“教育背景”刚踏出校门的新鲜人尚无实际工作经验,面试者也无从询问“工作”本身的专业性问题,但可藉由你所读学校、所选修的'课程、表现以及参加的社团,来判断你是否具备做好这份工作的潜力与能力,BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达1) What degree will you receive?你将拿到什么学位?2) I will receive a Bachelor‘s degree.我将获得学士学位。3) How about your academic records at college?你大学的成绩如何?4) I have been doing quite well at college.我在大学时学习很好。5) My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with.我在大学所学的专业和你们研究所所涉及的范围刚好对口。6) I was one of the top students in the class.我是班里最优秀的学生之一。7) Which course did you like best?你最喜欢哪门课程?CONVERSATIONS 会话(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)Dialogue 1I: Which school are you attending?A: I am attending Hebei University of Technology.I: When will you graduate from that university?A: This coming July.I: What degree will you receive?A: I will receive a Bachelor's degree.I: What is your major?A: My major is Business Administration.I: How have you been getting on with your studies so far?A: I have been doing quite well at college. According to the academic records I've achieved so far, I am confident that I will get my Bachelor of Business Administration this coming July.I: How do you think the education you're received will contribute to your work in this institution?A: I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company. My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your institute.Dialogue 2I: Which university did you graduate from?A: I graduated from Hebei University.I: What subject did you major in at university?A: I majored in Economics.I: Tell me about the courses of your major in university.A: I take more than 50 courses in university, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, marketing principles, sales management, statistics, and so on.I: How did you get on with your studies in university?A: I did well in university. I was one of the top students in the class.I: What subject did you minor in?A: I didn't minor in any subject when I was in university, but I attended English and computer courses. And I am currently studying finance in a training school.WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 关键词major 主修课;主修的;主修 degree 学位bachelor 文理学士 contribute 贡献minor in 辅修 academic 学术的impressive 给人深刻印象的 honor 荣誉award 奖励 scholarship 奖学金在回答提问时要注意投其所好,比如对方问你“What course do you like best?”,这时你最好回答和所应聘公司相关的科目,这会让他留下你很有潜力的印象,篇10:英语面试:巧妙回答“你为什么来这工作”英语面试:巧妙回答“你为什么来这工作”“I've sent my résumé to over 150 companies but I'm not getting any bites,” complained a job hunter. “How many more jobs should I apply to in order to generate some interest?”“我把简历发给了150多家公司,但是没有得到任何面试机会,”一个找工作的人抱怨道,“我还得申请多少份工作才会有公司对我感兴趣呀?”Some people treat job hunting as a numbers game. They hope that by applying to enough companies, sooner or later they will find success. While there is no one magic number of how many places a jobsearcher need apply, you shouldn't for a moment believe that applying to everything in sight is a winning strategy for career progression. Moreover,being unprepared for success might also be risky。有些人把找工作看成是数字游戏。他们希望申请足够多的公司后,早晚都能成功。由于并不存在申请多少家公司就能找到工作的魔法数字,你不应该相信,只要是公司你就去申请对你的事业发展是成功的策略。此外,没有准备好也是有风险的。Imagine getting this call: “Hi Joe.This is Jane from ABC Corp. I'm responding to the résumé you submitted to us.Thanks so much for your interest. Can you tell me why this job appeals to you?”想象一下你接到这个电话:“你好,乔。我是ABC公司的简。我负责处理你提交给我们的简历。谢谢你对我们的公司感兴趣。你能告诉我为什么这份工作会吸引你吗?”Gulp. Joe's chances could be doomed from the get-go if he can't quickly summon to mind a better answer than: “Well… I applied to lots of jobs. Remind me which company you're calling from, and tell me about the job. Then I'll be able to explain it to you.”如果乔不能迅速地找到比这个更好的回答,那么他的机会注定会瞬间即逝:“嗯…。我申请了很多份工作。请提醒我你是哪家公司的,告诉我是什么工作。这样我就能向你解释了。”Already, Joe has blown his chance to show that he actually cares about this particular opportunity. Worse, he cemented in the mind of the interviewer that he is submitting frivolous applications out of desperation and likely isn't a serious candidate。乔实际上很看重这一机会,但这样回答,这个机会就浪费掉了。更糟的是,他留给面试官的印象是他由于绝望才随便提交申请的,他可能不是一个严谨的`候选人。To be fair, you can't be expected to put in hours researching the details of every company before submitting an application. Nonetheless, it is important to have a clear sense of why you're interested in every company to which you apply, and what in your background should make that particular company interested in you,说句公道话,你不可能每次提交申请前都花很长时间研究每个公司的细节。然而,重要的是要清楚地意识到你为什么对你所申请的公司感兴趣,以及你的哪些背景能让公司对你感兴趣。If you want to make a hit, then take the time to understand the basics of your target companies' employment brand. Be prepared to tap into their carefully crafted reputation from your first conversation and all the way through the hiring process。如果你想得到工作,那你就需要花时间理解目标公司就业品牌的基本内容。在你第一次的谈话和以后的招聘过程中,准备好去深入了解他们精心打造的声誉。Here are five possible answers to the“why work here” question. Pick and choose from them, and expand with the facts of your particular situation. Thereby, you can demonstrate that you've done your research, your interest is real and your candidacy makes sense:这里给出了“为什么想在这里工作”这一问题的五种回答方式。从中挑选一个,用自己的情况加以扩充。由此,你可以证明,你已经做过功课,你真的对这份工作感兴趣,你的申请是有意义的:1. “I've known several colleagues over the years that have worked at your company, and they have all said great things.”1.“我认识几个在你公司工作几年的人员,他们都觉得这里好。”2. “I was excited to see on your website that you feature employees talking about how great it is to work for your company. These days so many people seem to hate where they work for one reason or another. It's wonderful to see that your employees are proud to talk about how much they love their jobs.”2.“从你们的网站上看到,你们的员工在上面谈论为你们的公司工作是如何地好,这让我很兴奋。现在很多人都由于这样或那样的原因而讨厌他们工作的地方。看到你们的雇员们自豪地讨论他们如何热爱自己的工作真是件奇妙的事情。”3. “Your company's Facebook page is really engaging. I love how you [fill in the blank].”3. “你公司的Facebook页面真是迷人。我喜欢你们的_______.”4. “I'm connected on LinkedIn to many people who work at your company. When I reviewed their profiles, I saw that we all shared some things in common. [You might reference similar accomplishments, prior employers, colleges, etc.] It struck me that this is the kind of place where I can fit in and excel, so I was thrilled to see you have this opening.”4.“我和贵公司的很多人在LinkedIn上都有联系。当我看他们的个人资料时,我发现我们都有共同之处。【你可以说一下类似的成就、之前的雇主、大学等】这份工作打动我的地方在于,我能适应并能胜任这份工作,所以当我发现你们招聘这一职位时我很兴奋。”★ 企业如何巧妙地管理员工★ 英语面试如何来“推销”自己★ 英语面试要巧用三类肢体语言★ 面试英语:回答工作习惯与方式的技巧★ 面试华润置地自我介绍★ 面试题:说出自己的弱点★ 该怎么回答护士面试最常见问题★ 护士面试常见问题的回答技巧★ 面试自我介绍自己★ 竞聘面试英语稿}


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