
Data sources 数据源
HTML document (DOM)&
Javascript (array / objects)
Ajax sourced data with client-side processing
Ajax sourced data with server-side processing
$(document).ready(function() {
& & $('#example').dataTable();
$(document).ready(function() {
& & $('#example').dataTable( {
& & & & &ajax&: '../ajax/data/arrays.txt'
var dataSet = [
& & ['Trident','Internet Explorer 4.0','Win 95+','4','X'],
& & ['Trident','Internet Explorer 5.0','Win 95+','5','C'],
& & ['Trident','Internet Explorer 5.5','Win 95+','5.5','A'],
& & ['Trident','Internet Explorer 6','Win 98+','6','A'],
& & ['Trident','Internet Explorer 7','Win XP SP2+','7','A'],
& & ['Trident','AOL browser (AOL desktop)','Win XP','6','A'],
& & ['Gecko','Firefox 1.0','Win 98+ / OSX.2+','1.7','A'],
& & ['Gecko','Firefox 1.5','Win 98+ / OSX.2+','1.8','A'],
& & ['Gecko','Firefox 2.0','Win 98+ / OSX.2+','1.8','A'],
& & ['Gecko','Firefox 3.0','Win 2k+ / OSX.3+','1.9','A'],
& & ['Gecko','Camino 1.0','OSX.2+','1.8','A'],
& & ['Gecko','Camino 1.5','OSX.3+','1.8','A'],
& & ['Gecko','Netscape 7.2','Win 95+ / Mac OS 8.6-9.2','1.7','A'],
& & ['Gecko','Netscape Browser 8','Win 98SE+','1.7','A'],
& & ['Gecko','Netscape Navigator 9','Win 98+ / OSX.2+','1.8','A'],
& & ['Gecko','Mozilla 1.0','Win 95+ / OSX.1+',1,'A'],
& & ['Gecko','Mozilla 1.1','Win 95+ / OSX.1+',1.1,'A'],
& & ['Gecko','Mozilla 1.2','Win 95+ / OSX.1+',1.2,'A'],
& & ['Gecko','Mozilla 1.3','Win 95+ / OSX.1+',1.3,'A'],
& & ['Gecko','Mozilla 1.4','Win 95+ / OSX.1+',1.4,'A'],
& & ['Gecko','Mozilla 1.5','Win 95+ / OSX.1+',1.5,'A'],
& & ['Gecko','Mozilla 1.6','Win 95+ / OSX.1+',1.6,'A'],
& & ['Gecko','Mozilla 1.7','Win 98+ / OSX.1+',1.7,'A'],
& & ['Gecko','Mozilla 1.8','Win 98+ / OSX.1+',1.8,'A'],
& & ['Gecko','Seamonkey 1.1','Win 98+ / OSX.2+','1.8','A'],
& & ['Gecko','Epiphany 2.20','Gnome','1.8','A'],
& & ['Webkit','Safari 1.2','OSX.3','125.5','A'],
& & ['Webkit','Safari 1.3','OSX.3','312.8','A'],
& & ['Webkit','Safari 2.0','OSX.4+','419.3','A'],
& & ['Webkit','Safari 3.0','OSX.4+','522.1','A'],
& & ['Webkit','OmniWeb 5.5','OSX.4+','420','A'],
& & ['Webkit','iPod Touch / iPhone','iPod','420.1','A'],
& & ['Webkit','S60','S60','413','A'],
& & ['Presto','Opera 7.0','Win 95+ / OSX.1+','-','A'],
& & ['Presto','Opera 7.5','Win 95+ / OSX.2+','-','A'],
& & ['Presto','Opera 8.0','Win 95+ / OSX.2+','-','A'],
& & ['Presto','Opera 8.5','Win 95+ / OSX.2+','-','A'],
& & ['Presto','Opera 9.0','Win 95+ / OSX.3+','-','A'],
& & ['Presto','Opera 9.2','Win 88+ / OSX.3+','-','A'],
& & ['Presto','Opera 9.5','Win 88+ / OSX.3+','-','A'],
& & ['Presto','Opera for Wii','Wii','-','A'],
& & ['Presto','Nokia N800','N800','-','A'],
& & ['Presto','Nintendo DS browser','Nintendo DS','8.5','C/A&sup&1&/sup&'],
& & ['KHTML','Konqureror 3.1','KDE 3.1','3.1','C'],
& & ['KHTML','Konqureror 3.3','KDE 3.3','3.3','A'],
& & ['KHTML','Konqureror 3.5','KDE 3.5','3.5','A'],
& & ['Tasman','Internet Explorer 4.5','Mac OS 8-9','-','X'],
& & ['Tasman','Internet Explorer 5.1','Mac OS 7.6-9','1','C'],
& & ['Tasman','Internet Explorer 5.2','Mac OS 8-X','1','C'],
& & ['Misc','NetFront 3.1','Embedded devices','-','C'],
& & ['Misc','NetFront 3.4','Embedded devices','-','A'],
& & ['Misc','Dillo 0.8','Embedded devices','-','X'],
& & ['Misc','Links','Text only','-','X'],
& & ['Misc','Lynx','Text only','-','X'],
& & ['Misc','IE Mobile','Windows Mobile 6','-','C'],
& & ['Misc','PSP browser','PSP','-','C'],
& & ['Other browsers','All others','-','-','U']
$(document).ready(function() {
& & $('#demo').html( '&table cellpadding=&0& cellspacing=&0& border=&0& class=&display& id=&example&&&/table&' );
& & $('#example').dataTable( {
& & & & &data&: dataSet,
& & & & &columns&: [
& & & & & & { &title&: &Engine& },
& & & & & & { &title&: &Browser& },
& & & & & & { &title&: &Platform& },
& & & & & & { &title&: &Version&, &class&: &center& },
& & & & & & { &title&: &Grade&, &class&: &center& }
& & } ); &&
$(document).ready(function() {
& & $('#example').dataTable( {
& & & & &processing&: true,
& & & & &serverSide&: true,
& & & & &ajax&: &../server_side/scripts/server_processing.php&
Add rows 添加行
新的行可以用 row.add方法,多行数据可以使用rows.add方法,注意想要看到新加的行需要使用draw() 方法,这个方法是dataTables在发生变化时调用的,很容易使用。
$(document).ready(function() {
& & var t = $('#example').DataTable();
& & var counter = 1;
& & $('#addRow').on( 'click', function () {
& & & & t.row.add( [
& & & & & & counter +'.1',
& & & & & & counter +'.2',
& & & & & & counter +'.3',
& & & & & & counter +'.4',
& & & & & & counter +'.5'
& & & & ] ).draw();
& & & & counter++;
& & // Automatically add a first row of data
& & $('#addRow').click();
This examples shows text elements being used with the column().search()DT method to add input controls in the footer of the table for each
column. Note that the *index*:visible option is used for the column selector to ensure that the column()DT method takes into account any hidden columns when selecting the column to act upon.
$(document).ready(function() {
& & // Setup - add a text input to each footer cell
& & $('#example tfoot th').each( function () {
& & & & var title = $('#example thead th').eq( $(this).index() ).text();
& & & & $(this).html( '&input type=&text& placeholder=&Search '+title+'& /&' );
& & // DataTable
& & var table = $('#example').DataTable();
& & // Apply the search
& & table.columns().every( function () {
& & & & var that =
& & & & $( 'input', this.footer() ).on( 'keyup change', function () {
& & & & & & that
& & & & & & & & .search( this.value )
& & & & & & & & .draw();
& & & & } );
高亮显示列Highlighting rows and columns&
//Highlighting rows and columns have be quite useful for drawing attention to where the user's cursor is in a table, particularly if you have
a lot of narrow columns. Of course the highlighting of a row is easy enough using CSS, but for column highlighting, you need to use a little bit of Javascript.
//This example shows that in action on DataTable by making use of the cell().index()DT method to get the index of the column that is to be
operated on, and then the cells().nodes()DT and column().nodes()DT methods to remove old classes and apply the new highlighted class, respectively.
$(document).ready(function() {
& & var lastIdx =
& & var table = $('#example').DataTable();
& & $('#example tbody')
& & & & .on( 'mouseover', 'td', function () {
& & & & & & var colIdx = table.cell(this).index().
& & & & & & if ( colIdx !== lastIdx ) {
& & & & & & & & $( table.cells().nodes() ).removeClass( 'highlight' );
& & & & & & & & $( table.column( colIdx ).nodes() ).addClass( 'highlight' );
& & & & & & }
& & & & } )
& & & & .on( 'mouseleave', function () {
& & & & & & $( table.cells().nodes() ).removeClass( 'highlight' );
& & & & } );
Child rows (show extra / detailed information) 子行(
The example below makes use of the row().childDT methods to firstly check if a row is already displayed, and if so hide it (row().child.hide()DT),
otherwise show it (row() The content of the child row is, in this example, defined by the formatDetails() function, but you would replace that with whatever you wanted to show the content required, possibly including, for example, an Ajax
call to the server to obtain the extra information to show.
/* Formatting function for row details - modify as you need */
function format ( d ) {
& & // `d` is the original data object for the row
& & return '&table cellpadding=&5& cellspacing=&0& border=&0& style=&padding-left:50&&'+
& & & & '&tr&'+
& & & & & & '&td&Full name:&/td&'+
& & & & & & '&td&''&/td&'+
& & & & '&/tr&'+
& & & & '&tr&'+
& & & & & & '&td&Extension number:&/td&'+
& & & & & & '&td&'+d.extn+'&/td&'+
& & & & '&/tr&'+
& & & & '&tr&'+
& & & & & & '&td&Extra info:&/td&'+
& & & & & & '&td&And any further details here (images etc)...&/td&'+
& & & & '&/tr&'+
& & '&/table&';
$(document).ready(function() {
& & var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
& & & & &ajax&: &../ajax/data/objects.txt&,
& & & & &columns&: [
& & & & & & {
& & & & & & & & &className&: & & &'details-control',
& & & & & & & & &orderable&: & & &false,
& & & & & & & & &data&: & & & & & null,
& & & & & & & & &defaultContent&: ''
& & & & & & },
& & & & & & { &data&: &name& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &position& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &office& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &salary& }
& & & & ],
& & & & &order&: [[1, 'asc']]
& & // Add event listener for opening and closing details
& & $('#example tbody').on('click', 'td.details-control', function () {
& & & & var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
& & & & var row = table.row( tr );
& & & & if ( row.child.isShown() ) {
& & & & & & // This row is already open - close it
& & & & & & row.child.hide();
& & & & & & tr.removeClass('shown');
& & & & else {
& & & & & & // Open this row
& & & & & & row.child( format( ).show();
& & & & & & tr.addClass('shown');
Row selection (multiple rows) (多)行的选取,这个有点类似checkbox的功能
rows().data() 通过点击事件添加和移除选中状态。
$(document).ready(function() {
& & var table = $('#example').DataTable();
& & $('#example tbody').on( 'click', 'tr', function () {
& & & & $(this).toggleClass('selected');
& & $('#button').click( function () {
& & & & alert( table.rows('.selected').data().length +' row(s) selected' );
Row selection and deletion (single
row) 行的选取,只能选择一行,有点类似 input[type=radio]
示例展示了一个修改表格内容的例子,每次只有一行可以被选中,它所作的操作是检测当前的目标行,如果已经选中则取消选择,如果没有则取消其他行的选择并选择当前行。使用row().delete()方法删除行,使用draw()方法,它的第一个参数设为false ,这会重新拉取表格数据而保持在当前页不变。(如果没有这个参数,删除数据后分页会跳回第一页)
$(document).ready(function() {
& & var table = $('#example').DataTable();
& & $('#example tbody').on( 'click', 'tr', function () {
& & & & if ( $(this).hasClass('selected') ) {
& & & & & & $(this).removeClass('selected');
& & & & else {
& & & & & & table.$('tr.selected').removeClass('selected');
& & & & & & $(this).addClass('selected');
& & $('#button').click( function () {
& & & & table.row('.selected').remove().draw( false );
Form inputs 表单输入
$(document).ready(function() {
& & var table = $('#example').DataTable();
& & $('button').click( function() {
& & & & var data = table.$('input, select').serialize();
& & & & alert(
& & & & & & &The following data would have been submitted to the server: \n\n&+
& & & & & & data.substr( 0, 120 )+'...'
& & & & );
Index Column 索引列
$(document).ready(function() {
& & var t = $('#example').DataTable( {
& & & & &columnDefs&: [ {
& & & & & & &searchable&: false,
& & & & & & &orderable&: false,
& & & & & & &targets&: 0
& & & & } ],
& & & & &order&: [[ 1, 'asc' ]]
& & t.on( 'order.dt search.dt', function () {
& & & & t.column(0, {search:'applied', order:'applied'}).nodes().each( function (cell, i) {
& & & & & & cell.innerHTML = i+1;
& & & & } );
& & } ).draw();
动态显示和隐藏行 Show / hide columns dynamically&
If you are looking for a more complete column visibility interaction controls ColVis for DataTables
&provides a complete interface for allowing the user to show and hide columns in the table.
如果你需要更加详细的列显示状态交互,DataTables的ColVis (提供了一些完整的接口来控制列的显示和隐藏。
$(document).ready(function() {
& & var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
& & & & &scrollY&: &200px&,
& & & & &paging&: false
& & $('a.toggle-vis').on( 'click', function (e) {
& & & & e.preventDefault();
& & & & // Get the column API object
& & & & var column = table.column( $(this).attr('data-column') );
& & & & // Toggle the visibility
& & & & column.visible( ! column.visible() );
Using API in callbacks 在回调方法中使用api
有时候你也许需要在dt回调方法(例如:initComplete, roeCallback 等)里面使用api,但是这有一个问题就是对象并没有完全初始化完,所以你无法把结果赋给一个值并在回调里面使用,但是,所有的dt回调是在dt实例里面完成的,所以你可以使用javascript的特殊变量this来获取,this.api()
在这个例子中,$() 方法被用来获取表格中所有的单元格指针,然后给他们添加了一些行为(例子中是一个点击事件),在这边所做的是给表格加了一个filter(搜索),每次点击每个单元格,里面的值会被用作搜索框里的参数过滤数据。其实这也并没有什么,我们可以在在表格加载完毕时给它添加一个delegate事件来实现同样的功能,这里只是为了展示如何在callback里面使用api;&
$(document).ready(function() {
& & $('#example').dataTable( {
& & & & &initComplete&: function () {
& & & & & & var api = this.api();
& & & & & & api.$('td').click( function () {
& & & & & & & & this.innerHTML ).draw();
& & & & & & } );
$(document).ready(function() {
& & $('#example').dataTable( {
& & & & &processing&: true,
& & & & &ajax&: &data/objects_deep.txt&,
& & & & &columns&: [
& & & & & & { &data&: &name& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &hr.position& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &contact.0& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &contact.1& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &hr.start_date& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &hr.salary& }
& &data&: [
& & & &name&: &Tiger Nixon&,
& & & &hr&: {
& & & & &position&: &System Architect&,
& & & & &salary&: &$320,800&,
& & & & &start_date&: &&
& & & &contact&: [
& & & & &Edinburgh&,
& & & & &5421&
& & & &name&: &Garrett Winters&,
& & & &hr&: {
& & & & &position&: &Accountant&,
& & & & &salary&: &$170,750&,
& & & & &start_date&: &&
& & & &contact&: [
& & & & &Tokyo&,
& & & & &8422&
&$(document).ready(function() {
& & $('#example').dataTable( {
& & & & &ajax&: &data/objects_subarrays.txt&,
& & & & &columns&: [
& & & & & & { &data&: &name[, ]& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &hr.0& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &office& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &extn& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &hr.2& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &hr.1& }
& & &name&: [
& & & & &Nixon&,
& & & & &Tiger&
& & &hr&: [
& & & & &System Architect&,
& & & & &$3,120&,
& & & & &&
& & &office&: &Edinburgh&,
& & &extn&: &5421&
//下面的hr.1 hr.2直接通过数组下标获取单独的数组元素。
// columns.renderDT for content that is dynamic (i.e. based upon the row's data)
// columns.defaultContentDT for static content (i.e. simple strings)
$(document).ready(function() {
& & var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
& & & & &ajax&: &data/arrays.txt&,
& & & & &columnDefs&: [ {
& & & & & & &targets&: -1,
& & & & & & &data&: null,
& & & & & & &defaultContent&: &&button&Click!&/button&&
& & & & } ]
& & $('#example tbody').on( 'click', 'button', function () {
& & & & var data = table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();
& & & & alert( data[0] +&'s salary is: &+ data[ 5 ] );
// 在每列加了一个按钮,并添加了显示行内信息的点击事件。
//自定义数据源参数 Custom data source property
//当从ajax获取数据时,dt会默认读取'data'参数,(它假设默认你的json是这样子的 { &data&: [...] }),如果你使用的参数不是'data'而是别的,可以使用dataSrc选项来自定义。
// 它有几种使用方法 1、dataSrc:&myDataName& , 传递一个字符串,告诉他我们的数据是 { &myDataName&: [...] }; 2、dataSrc:'' ,空字符串,说明数据不是对象,是一个数组;3、dataSrc: function(json)
{}) ,dataSrc为一个方法,这个方法可以返回我们需要的数据形式,比如ni可以在这个方法里读取一个xml文件并返回我们需要的json格式数据。
$(document).ready(function() {
& & $('#example').dataTable( {
& & & & &ajax&: {
& & & & & & &url&: &data/arrays_custom_prop.txt&,
& & & & & & &dataSrc&: &demo&
$(document).ready(function() {
& & $('#example').dataTable( {
& & & & &ajax&: {
& & & & & & &url&: &data/objects_root_array.txt&,
& & & & & & &dataSrc&: &&
& & & & },
& & & & &columns&: [
& & & & & & { &data&: &name& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &position& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &office& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &extn& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &start_date& },
& & & & & & { &data&: &salary& }
//Deferred rendering for speed
//When deferred rendering is enabled, rather than having DataTables create all TR and TD nodes required for the table when the data is loaded,
DataTables will only create the nodes required for each individual row at the time of that row being drawn on the page (these nodes are then retained in case they are needed again so they aren't created multiple times). This can give a significant performance
increase, since a lot less work is done at initialisation time.
$(document).ready(function() {
& & $('#example').dataTable( {
& & & & &ajax&: &data/arrays.txt&,
& & & & &deferRender&: true
Custom filtering - range search 范围的筛选
/* Custom filtering function which will search data in column four between two values */
& & function( settings, data, dataIndex ) {
& & & & var min = parseInt( $('#min').val(), 10 );
& & & & var max = parseInt( $('#max').val(), 10 );
& & & & var age = parseFloat( data[3] ) || 0; // use data for the age column
& & & & if ( ( isNaN( min ) && isNaN( max ) ) ||
& & & & & & &( isNaN( min ) && age &= max ) ||
& & & & & & &( min &= age & && isNaN( max ) ) ||
& & & & & & &( min &= age & && age &= max ) )
& & & & & &
$(document).ready(function() {
& & var table = $('#example').DataTable();
& & // Event listener to the two range filtering inputs to redraw on input
& & $('#min, #max').keyup( function() {
& & & & table.draw();
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
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container: s,
size: '200,200',
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更多关于 datatables使用教程 的文章


