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加勒比海 基本解释加勒比海词典:加勒比海。词典:加勒比海。词典Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides加勒比海 网络解释1. Caribbean Sea:位于多米尼加(全称:多米尼加共和国THE DOMINIC-AN REPUBLIC)南部沿海奥萨马(OZAMA)河口,圣多明各湾的东北岸,濒临加勒比海(CARIBBEANSEA)的北侧,是多米尼加的最大港口.2. Caribbean:古巴-加勒比海(caribbean)的明珠,墨西哥湾的钥匙,历来是各国旅游爱好者心目中的旅游圣地. 这里有碧蓝的海水、细白的沙滩、温润的气候、葱郁的植被,更有甘甜的水果、传统的美食、精美的建筑和独特的文化. 日,3. 加勒比海什么意思3. The Caribbean:在那儿,第一批到达加勒比海(the Caribbean)的欧洲人发现了源于的的喀喀湖(Lago Titicaca)的托托拉(totora)芦苇,源于南美的西红柿、野生菠萝和甜土豆,中北美洲的烟草,非洲的葫芦,中美洲的番木瓜果,东南亚的山药,南太平洋的椰子.4. 4. the Caribbean sea:马埃斯特腊山和加勒比海(the Caribbean Sea)环抱着古巴圣地亚哥,这个城市位于古巴岛东部,是全国第二大城市和第二大海港,100万人口,面积6170平方公里,80%(6000平方公里)以上是森林和农业区,山区面积占63%,景色秀丽,它是一座山城,加勒比海 双语例句1. 加勒比海的反义词1. 内容简介:此书记录了黄红梅校友及郭瑞明校友以四个月时间浪走中南美的经历,先由秘鲁开始,探索印加古城马丘比丘,再往人生必到的智利百内国家公园;之后,跨境到阿根廷与梁朝伟来个火热探戈;意犹未尽,於墨西哥泛蓝的加勒比海玩浪;转眼,在古巴与热情的国民大跳salsa,幻想与海明威对饮mojito。&&&&This book is a record of an unforgettable journey to Central and South America by Alumni Wong Hung Mui, Jess and Kwok Shiu Ming, Jessis. They went through Peru, Chili, Argentina, Mexico and Cuba in four months.2. 实际测试中心的日期不同,在美国以外,加拿大和加勒比海地区。&&&&Actual test dates differ at centers outside of the US, Canada, and the Caribbean.3. 我挺想去加勒比海的。&&&&I`d really like to go to the Garibbean.4. 我的国家并不是加勒比海的一个小岛&&&&My country's not some flyspeck in the middle of the Caribbean.5. 5. 支持在紧急基础上建立全球艾滋病病毒/艾滋病和保健基金,为紧急应付对艾滋病疫情发展和预防、护理、支持和治疗提供经费,同时为各国政府与艾滋病病毒/艾滋病作斗争提供资金援助,重点放在受感染最严重的国家,尤其是非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南的国家、加勒比海国家和受艾滋病威胁最大的国家。&&&&Support the establishment on an urgent basis of a global HIV/AIDS and health fund to finance an urgent and expanded response to the epidemic based on an integrated approach to prevention, care, support and treatment and to assist governments inter alia in their efforts to combat HIV/AIDS with due priority on the most affected countries, notably in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean and to those countries most at risk.6. 在一个月黑风高的晚上,在不知道是加勒比海,还是索马里海域的海底,一条小鱼正在珊瑚缝隙中酣睡,呼呼。&&&&One night a baby fish was sleeping under some coral when God appeared to him in a dream.7. 加勒比海什么意思7. 另一方面,跟随欧梅克人之后的马雅人,在哥伦布到达前已经试图从墨西哥航至加勒比海。&&&&There is no evidence that the Olmec navigated the oceans, in other words, that they were able to make contact with other continents or other areas, at a great distance.8. 8. 深圳市华运国际物流集团主要代理OOCL、YANGMING、HUB LINE东南亚航线,MSC、LYKES的中南美、加勒比海、美东、西航线,价格为行业最优。2001年,华运获得深圳海关报关资格;2002年,华运物流加入我国NVOCC,获得无船承运经营资格;以及获得中华人民共和国进出口企业资格证书等。&&&&Shenzhen, China Win Group of major international logistics agent OOCL, YANGMING, HUB LINE Southeast Asian routes, MSC, LYKES of Central and South America, the Caribbean, the U. S.9. 芬兰建造的225282吨轮船,由皇家加勒比海国际邮**司所有,是世界上最大的一艘邮轮,相当于泰坦尼克号的5倍。&&&&The Finnish-built 225, 282-ton ship owned by Royal CaribbeanInternational is the world's largest cruise ship -- five times largerthan the Titanic.10. 但是,加勒比海的一些区域,比如埃克苏马群岛和海洋公园,是禁渔区。&&&&But some regions in the Caribbean, such as the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, are protected from fishing.11. 11. 如果你用MFC写基于Windows应用程序,你能安全的撤离加勒比海的小岛,在你回家后你的仆人能很容易继续维护和提高你的代码。&&&&&&If you write a program for Windows that uses the MFC library, you can safely retire to a Caribbean island, knowing that your minions can easily maintain and enhance your code back home.12. 12. 工作 小组强调了加勒比海国家和安第斯山脉国家进行武装叛乱和游击战争的危险。&&&&&&The task force emphasized the danger of armed rebell and guerrilla warfare in the Carribbean and Andean countries.13. 13. 加勒比海背风群岛北部的一个国家。&&&&&&A country in the northern Leeward Islands.14. 它融合了巫术,以及一些非洲-加勒比海地区犹太人的异教传统。&&&&&&It is based on a combination of the lore of the Wicca and some of the afro-caribbean diaspora traditions of Paganism and Magick.15. 2002年我邀请阿佩尔去加勒比海的训练营做客席指导。&&&&&&In 2002 I invited Appel to our Caribbean Camp as a guest instructor.16. 不要忽视你可能有资格享受一个优惠税计划的可能性,要么根据美国海关法(美国退还的货物,美国商品在国外组装,普遍优惠制),或以各种贸易协定说,美国已经进入了与特定国家,或与国家集团(北美自由贸易协定或加勒比海盆地国家)。&&&&&&Don't ignore the possibility that you may be eligible to benefit from a preferential duty program available either under US Customs Law (American goods returned, American goods assembled abroad, Generalized System of Preferences) or under various trade agreements that the US has entered with specific countries or with groups of countries (NAFTA or Caribbean Basin countries).17. 17. 在出事物的桌面游戏,也有不同形式的扑克,包括加勒比海扑克,红狗,战争整个集合,以及经典,你会期望所有。&&&&&&On the table games out of things, there are whole collection of different forms of poker, including Caribbean Stud, Red Dog, War, and all of the classics that you would expect.18. 18. 在美国,你拨打其他国家电话号码时需要加入的前缀。加拿大和大多数加勒比海国家不包括在内。&&&&&&The prefix you use in the United States to dial a number to another country, except Canada and most countries in the Caribbean.19. 迈阿密港港口主管Bill Johnson宣称:迈阿密港与拥有41条船经营美国-加勒比海-中南美集装箱航线的沿海海运公司达成一项价值1.6亿美元新地产及出口仓库交易。&&&&&&Jointly, Schenker and BAX hold the number one spot for European land transportation, second for global airfreight, third for ocean freight, third for North American integrated heavy freight and sixth for global contract logistics.20. 为什么这么多的海盗在加勒比海和外海的美国?&&&&&&Why did so many pirates operate in the Caribbean Sea and off the coast of America?加勒比海是什么意思,加勒比海在线翻译,加勒比海什么意思,加勒比海的意思,加勒比海的翻译,加勒比海的解释,加勒比海的发音,加勒比海的同义词,加勒比海的反义词,加勒比海的例句,加勒比海的相关词组,加勒比海意思是什么,加勒比海怎么翻译,单词加勒比海是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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