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(adjective) So shocked or astonished as to be rendered speechless.
Synonyms:, , , Usage:He stood dumbstruck in the doorway as the partygoers yelled "Surprise!" in unison.
Viewpoint adverbs are often confused with evaluative adverbs. Although they are similar in form, and the specific adverbs used can overlap, the two actually serve different functions. While evaluative adverbs are used to give an opinion, viewpoint adverbs are used to indicate what?
The Persian Royal Road was an ancient highway built by King Darius I in the 5th Century BCE to facilitate communication throughout his empire. The route, reconstructed using archeological research and historical records, passed through present day Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. The Greek historian Herodotus' praise for the speed of the Persian couriers, who were said to be able to travel the road's 1,677 miles (2,699 kilometers) in seven days, is popularly associated with what US public service?
Before the adoption of time zones, clocks in the US and Canada were set according to the position of the sun overhead, meaning that time varied according to location. For the rail industry, this presented a logistical nightmare, and so many railroads kept their own time, further complicating matters. Standardization solved everything. On "The Day of Two Noons," train stations reset their clocks according to newly adopted time standards. Which US city continued to keep local time until the 1900s?
Considered one of the most important botanists in American history, Gray laid the foundation for the study of plants in North America. He made botanical expeditions to the western US, established Harvard University's botany department, and wrote prodigiously on the subject of plants, producing several classic, still-valued textbooks. Charles Darwin was such an admirer of Gray's work that he shared his theory of natural selection with Gray before publishing it. What toxin was named for Gray?
Under certain circumstances there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.
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to use bookmarks. You can also log in with Google+
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Which of the following words or group of words is not a mitigator?
a) slightly
b) just a little bit
c) amazingly
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adj. Not favorable
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Chronological &
Independence Day, also known as Fête de l'indépendance, is a national holiday commemorating 's independence from France on November 18, 1927. Other public holidays in Morocco include: August 20, the anniversary of the king's and people's revolution, and November 6, the anniversary of the
in 1975. In order to claim the
for Morocco, more than 300,000 Moroccans marched into the territory, which the Span Spanish troops left the area by early 1976.
& law (specifically of land) In absolute legal ownership or subjection.
For webmasters:SpaceX Will Try Landing On Barge After Friday's Cargo Flight
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Friday's SpaceX cargo run to the International Space Station will make the astronauts happy, but the really exciting part comes after the Dragon is set free. The Falcon 9 rocket will attempt a soft touchdown landing on a barge for the first time, a massive step towards reusable rocketry.
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