问:i don'i don t need lebronyou.idon'tneedyou anymanymore

49. Another Brick in the Wall    这是平克弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)最著名的作品之一,我已经无法用语言描述20年前从打口带中听到这首歌曲时的震撼。       真正的摇滚乐的伟大就在于它既属于音乐——又必须超越音乐。        下载地址/music/search?q=Another+Brick+in+the+Wall&aq=f      这是一首三段式的歌曲,要分别下载。      歌词    第一段  Daddy 's flown across the ocean   Leaving just a memory   Snapshot in the family ablum   Daddy what else did you leave for me ?   Daddy what did you leave behind for me ?   All in all it was just a brick in the wall.    第二段  We don't need no education  We don't need no thought control  No dark sarcasm in the classroom  Teacher leave them kids alone  Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!  All in all it's just another brick in the wall  All in all you're just another brick in the wall      第三段  I don't need no arms around me   I don't need no drugs to calm me   I have seen the writing on the wall   Don't think I need anything at all   No don't think I'll need anything at all   All in all it was all just bricks in the wall   All in all you were just bricks in the wall       在这首歌曲诞生之后,英国导演阿伦帕克Alan Parker于1982年将它排成了一部长达95分钟的电影《迷墙Pink Floyd The Wall》,片中没有一句对白,完全靠Pink Floyd的音乐贯穿始终,这部电影也成为了摇滚史上与电影史上的双重经典。      电影地址/programs/view/IboalHs5wAA/      
作者: 回复日期: 15:11:01 
作者: 回复日期: 00:06:52 
  50. Another day In Paradise    菲尔柯林斯Phil Collins原来是70年代英国乐队“创世纪"(GENESIS)的鼓手,80年代单飞后成绩斐然,一跃进入巨星行列。      这首Another day In Paradise来源于他的亲身经历,在一次夜归路上遭遇一位带着两个孩子的流浪妇女的乞讨后,Phil Collins写出了这首歌,歌曲问世后立刻以浓郁的人文关怀色彩配合恰如其分的旋律及演唱引起轰动,这首歌也成为了Phil Collins的经典代表作。      下载地址/music/search?q=Another+day+In+Paradise&aq=f    MV地址/v_show/id_XMjg3MjA4.html      歌词  She calls out to the man on the street  Sir can you help me  It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep  Is there somewhere you can tell me  He walks on doesn't look back  He pretends he can't hear her  Starts to whistle  As he crosses the street  Seems embarrassed to be there  Oh think twice  It's another 4 day for you and me In paradise  Oh think twice  It's just another day for you In this paradise  Just think about it  She calls out to the man on the street  He can see she's been crying  Shen's got blisters  On the soles of her feet  She can't walk but she's trying  Oh lord is there nothing more Anybody can do  Oh lord there must be something you can say  You can tell From the lines on her face  You can see That she's been there  Probably been moved on From every place  Cause she didn't fit in there            
作者: 回复日期: 07:53:23 
作者: 回复日期: 17:38:30 
  51. Any Day Now     提到这首歌不能不提起六七十年代的流行乐作曲大师波特巴克拉克(Burt Bacharach),他的很多经典作品Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head、What The World Needs Now Is Love、Close To You、I'll Never Fall In Love Again 等等我在后面都会介绍到。    这首歌就是62年波特巴克拉克Burt Bacharach为当时的黑人歌星恰克杰克森(Chuck Jackson)量身打造的歌曲,之后又被猫王等歌手多次翻唱,不过直到82年出现盲人乡村歌手Ronnie Milsap的版本,这首歌才再度爆红,横扫各大排行榜。      歌词:  Any day now I will hear you say  Goodbye my love  You'll be on your way  Then my wild beautiful bird  You will have flown  Any day now I'll be all alone  Oh, oh, oh  Any day now, when your restless eyes  Meet someone new  To my sad surprise  Then the blue shadow will fall all over town  Any day now  Love will let me down  Oh, oh, oh  I know I shouldn't want to keep you  If you don't want to stay, yeah  Until you've gone forever  I'll be holding on for dear life  Holding you this way  Begging you to stay  Any day now  When the clock strikes go  You'll call it off  Then my tears will flow  Then the blue shadow will fall all over town  Any day now  Love will let me down  Oh, oh, oh  Oh, any day now  Oh, oh, oh  Oh, any day now  Don't fly away my beautiful bird  Don't fly away my beautiful bird      下载地址/music.so?pf=&as=&st=&ac=1&w=&query=+Any+Day+Now+&class=1&%2Fmusic.so=null&_asf=&_ast=        
作者: 回复日期: 18:07:37 
作者: 回复日期: 22:22:14 
  52. Any Man Of Mine      仙妮亚唐恩(Shania Twain)是出生于加拿大的爱尔兰人与法国人的混血儿,幼年随母改嫁到美国,继父是印第安人,Shania Twain这个名字就是印第安语“我要上路出发”的意思。    由于22岁那年继父与母亲双双死于车祸,仙妮亚唐恩(Shania Twain)不得不辗转于各种乡村酒吧驻唱,承担照顾三个未成年弟妹的责任。    直到28岁那年她得以出版首张专辑,两年后的第二张专辑The Woman In Me终于引起轰动,逐步走红的她刷新了多项唱片销量记录,并得到了格莱美奖的认可,也奠定了自己从90年代中后期开始的乡村天后地位,也算苦尽甘来吧。    这首Any Man Of Mine就是The Woman In Me这张专辑里的冠军金曲,节奏明快、新鲜热辣。        歌词:  This is what a woman wants...  Any man of mine better be proud of me  Even when I'm ugly he still better love me  And I can be late for a date that's fine  But he better be on time  Any man of mine'll say it fits just right  When last year's dress is just a little too tight  And anything I do or say better be okay  When I have a bad hair day  And if I change my mind  A million times  I wanna hear him say  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I like it that way  Any man of mine better walk the line  Better show me a teasin' squeezin' pleasin' kinda time  I need a man who knows, how the story goes  He's gotta be a heartbeatin' fine treatin' Breathtakin' earthquakin' kind  Any man of mine  Well any man of mine better disagree  When I say another woman's lookin' better than me  And when I cook him dinner and I burn it black  He better say, mmmm, I like it like that yeah  And if I changed my mind  A million times  I wanna hear him say  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I like it that way  Any man of mine better walk the line  Better show me a teasin' squeezin' pleasin' kinda time  I need a man who knows, how the story goes  He's gotta be a heartbeatin' fine treatin'Breathtakin' earthquakin' kind  Any man of mine  He's gotta be a heartbeatin' fine treatin'Breathtakin' earthquakin' kind  Any man of mine  Any man of mine better walk the line  Better show me a teasin' squeezin' pleasin' kinda time  I need a man who knows, how the story goes  He's gotta be a heartbeatin' fine treatin'Breathtakin' earthquakin' kind  Any man of mine  You gotta shimmy shake  Make the earth quake  Kick, turn, stomp, stomp, then you jump  Heel to toe, Do Si Do  'Til your boots wanna break  "Til your feet and your back ache  Keep it movin' 'til you just can't take anymore  Come on everybody on the floor  1A-one two, a-three four  Hup two, hum  This is what a woman wants...      地址/music/search?q=Any+Man+Of+Mine&aq=f      MV地址/v_show/id_cf00XOTkyNzY0.html        
作者: 回复日期: 08:28:20 
  53. Anyone Of Us    84年出生的Gareth Gates是一个说话有些口吃的英国孩子,但上帝是公平的,02年他在一档英国歌唱选秀节目中脱颖而出获得亚军并成功走上演艺之路,这首Anyone Of Us是他的代表作品,标准的纯情情歌路线。      下载地址/music/search?q=Anyone+Of+Us&aq=f     MV地址/v_show/id_XNzE3NDE4NA==.html    歌词  I've been letting you down, down  Girl I know I've been such a fool  Giving into temptation  I should have played it cool  The situation got out of hand  I hope you understand  It can happen to anyone of us  Anyone you think of  Anyone can fall  Anyone can hurt someone they love  Hearts will break  Cos I made a stupid mistake  Say you will forgive me  Anyone can fail  Say you will believe me  I can't escape  My heart will break  Cause I made a stupid mistake  A stupid mistake  She was kind of exciting  A little crazy  I should have known  She must have altered my senses  As I offered to walk her home  She means nothing to me  Nothing to me  I swear every word is true  I don't wanna lose you          
作者: 回复日期: 18:01:53 
   54. Anywhere Is    爱尔兰女歌手恩雅(Enya)是大家比较熟悉的,这里就不多介绍了, Anywhere Is是一首不可多得的佳作,意境深邃、隽永绵长。      这首歌的歌词该如何翻译?    简单地把意思翻译明白确实没问题,但那种天人合一的韵味也许只有唐诗宋词才能更贴切吧。      下载地址/music/search?q=Anywhere+Is&aq=f    MV地址/u39/v_MjczNDcyNjA.html    歌词  walk the maze of moments,  But everywhere I turn to,  Begins a new beginning,  But never finds a finish.  I walk to the horizon,  And there I find another,  It all seems so surprising,  And then I find that I know.  You go there you're gone forever.  I go there I'll lose my way.  If we stay here we're not together.  Anywhere is.  The moon upon the ocean  is swept around in motion.  But without ever knowing  the reason for its flowing.  In motion on the ocean,  the moon still keeps on moving.  The waves still keep on waving.  And I still keep on going.  I wonder if the stars sign,  the life that is to be mine.  And would they let their light shine  Enough for me to follow.  I look up to the heavens,  But night has clouded over.  No spark of constellation,  No Vela no Orion.  The shells upon the warm sands  Have taken from their own lands.  The echo of their story,  But all I hear are low sounds,  As pillow words are weaving.  And willow waves are leaving,  But should I be believing  That I am only dreaming.  To leave the thread of all time,  And let it make a dark line  In hopes that I can still find  The way back to the moment.  I took the turn and turned to  Begin a new beginning,  Still looking for the answer,  I cannot find the finish.  It's either this or that way,  It's one way or the other.  It should be one direction,  It could be on reflection.  The turn I have just taken,  The turn that I was making.  I might be just beginning,  I might be near the end.      
作者: 回复日期: 18:08:22 
作者: 回复日期: 20:56:23 
   55. Are You Lonesome Tonight    猫王的超级经典之作,这首歌后来又被多名歌手翻唱,几乎所有的版本我也都百听不厌,几位老牌巨星英格柏汉柏汀克Engelbert Humperdinck、阿马蒂诺Al Martino、贝瑞曼尼洛Barry Manilow的版本各有千秋,而女歌手里加拿大天后安玛莉Anne Murray、意大利天后米娜Mina的版本更是别有一番韵味。      地址/music/search?q=Are+You+Lonesome+Tonight&cat=song      歌词  Are you lonesome tonight  Do you miss me tonight  Are you sorry we drifted apart  Does your memory stray  To a brighter sunny day  When I kissed you  And called you sweetheart  Do the chairs in your parlor  Seem empty and bare  Do you gaze at your doorstep  And picture me there  Is your heart filled with pain  Shall I come back again  Tell me dear  I wonder if you're lonesome tonight  You know someone said that the world's a stage  And each must play a part  Fate had me playing in love you as my sweet heart  Act one was when we met  I loved you at first glance  You read your line so cleverly and never missed a cue  Then came act two  You seemed to change and you acted strange  And why I'll never know  Honey, you lied when you said you loved me  And I had no cause to doubt you  But I'd really go on hearing your lies  Than go on living without you  Now the stage is bare and I'm standing there  With emptiness all around  And if you won't come back to me  Then make them bring the curtain down      
作者: 回复日期: 23:56:35 
  56. Around the world    北欧流行乐的主要基地是瑞典,据说它是当今世界上仅次于美国和英国位居第3的音乐输出国,拥有ABBA 、Roxette 、Ace of Base等著名乐队。不过新世纪里倒是原来很不起眼的丹麦有两个乐队走红,一个是迈克学摇滚(Michael Learns To Rock),另一个则是水叮当AQUA。      这首Around the world就是水叮当AQUA的代表作, 一首活力四射的电子舞曲。      MV地址/u80/v_Mjc0OTY3MjU.html      下载地址/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&q=Around%20the%20world%20%20%20%20AQUA&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU      歌词  i've been around the world  hey, hey i've been around the world   hey, hey in the kitchen where i'm cooking what is good for me   spices from the globe   little by little it's the finest meal  it's appetite for hope   come and see you mix it all together in your dreams   ingredients from the seven seas and i'm realizing things ain't what they seem   that's the riddle of it that's the spirit of it  that's the power of life  i've been around the world (round the world)  and i've seen it all (seen it all)  i've been around the world (round the world)  the sun will always rise and fall  i've been around the world (round the world)  and i want you to see (seen it all)  i've been the only girl (round the world)   all surrounded by mystery  in the living room i'm cleaning up from top to floor   the place i love the most  the wall is covered up with all my souvenirs  i've got from coast to coast,come and see   you mix it all together in your dreams   ingredients from the seven seas and i'm realizing things ain't what they seem   that's the riddle of it that's the spirit of it   that's the power of life  i've been around the world (round the world)  and i've seen it all (seen it all)  i've been around the world (round the world)   the sun will always rise and fall i've been around the world (round the world)  and i want you to see (seen it all)  i've been the only girl (round the world)   all surrounded by mystery  i'm still coming around i keep chasing dreams   girl, i keep coming around   hey, hey i keep coming around and i can never stop   girl, i keep coming around cause if i do i'll walk around around   around the world i've been around the world (round the world)   hey hey (seen it all) i've been around the world (round the world)  all surrounded by mystery i've been around the world (round the world)  and i've seen it all (seen it all)  i've been around the world (round the world)  the sun will always rise and fall round the world        
作者: 回复日期: 14:00:29 
  57. Arrivederci Roma    马里奥兰扎(Lanza Mario),1921年出生于美国的意大利歌唱家,成名后回归故乡意大利,但由于得罪了当地黑手党,年仅38岁时就蹊跷离世。    这首Arrivederci Roma是他去世前一年出演的一部歌舞片Seven Hills Of Rome 中的一首插曲,有着浓郁的意大利式的典雅风情,推出后立刻风靡欧美,成为了一曲永恒的经典。    挂甲人同时推荐另一位巨星迪安马丁(Dean Martin)的版本。     地址/music/search?q=Arrivederci+Roma&cat=song       电影片段/w19/play_album-aid-6900712_vid-Mzk5NjA4NzA.html        歌词  Arriverderci, Roma  Goodbye, goodbye to Rome  City of a million moon lit faces  City of a million warm embraces  Where I found the one of all the faces  Far from home  Arriverderci, Roma  It's time for us to part  Save the wedding bells for my returning  Keep my lover's arms outstretched and yearning  Please be sure the flame of love keeps burning  In her heart  (Arriverderci, Roma  It's time for us to part  Save the wedding bells for my returning  Keep my lover's arms outstretched and yearning  Please be sure the flame of love keeps burning  In her heart        
作者: 回复日期: 17:05:45 
作者: 回复日期: 21:35:22 
  58. As Long As You Love Me    后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)是年轻人比较熟悉的,就不多介绍了。这曲As Long As You Love Me是他们的一首动听情歌。      地址/music/search?q=As+Long+As+You+Love+Me&aq=f      歌词  Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine  I'm leaving my life in your hands  People say i'm crazy that i am blind  Risking it all in a glance  How you got my blind is still a mystery  I can't get you out of my head  Don't care what is written in your history  As long as youre here with me  I don't care who you are  Where youre from  What you did  As long as you love me  Who you are  Don't care what you did  Every little thing that you have said and done  Feels like it's deep within me  Doesn't really matter if youre on the run  It seems like were meant to be  I've tried to hide it so that no one knows  But I guess it shows  When you look in to my eyes  What you did and where youre coming from  I don't care as long as you live me baby  Who you are  What you did(I don't care)  I don't care as long as you live me      
作者: 回复日期: 22:31:51 
作者: 回复日期: 08:33:17 
  59. As Time Goes By    这是著名的电影《北非谍影(卡萨布兰卡)Casablanca》的主题歌,演唱者也就是片中扮演黑人琴师的演员Dooley Wilson。    在中国,很多人把影片上映四十年后的另一首歌曲误认为是这部电影的主题歌了。    当然,Bertie Higgins的那首歌也非常动听,我后面到了C字头时也会介绍到。不过从它的旋律到配器都是标准的当代流行歌曲,是不可能在20世纪40年代被写出和制作出来的(电影上映时歌曲Casablanca的作者和演唱者Bertie Higgins尚未出生),更何况歌词里已经明明白白说了“I fell in love with you watching Casablanca”。      在国外,这首原装的As Time Goes By才是家喻户晓的经典作品,致敬翻唱的版本多如牛毛,就不一一介绍了,喜爱爵士味道的朋友们慢慢挑着听吧。      地址:/music/search?q=As+Time+Goes+By&cat=song&start=80       电影片段/programs/view/iJ52QwlETUw/    歌词  You must remember this  A kiss is still a kiss  A sigh is just a sigh  The fundamental things apply  As time goes by  And when two lovers woo  They still say "i love you"  On that you can rely  No matter what the future brings  As time goes by  Moonlight and love songs never out of date  Hearts full of passion, jealousy, and hate  Woman needs man, and man must have his mate  That no one can deny  It's still the same old story  A fight for love and glory  A case of do or die  The world will always welcome lovers  As time goes by        
作者: 回复日期: 08:52:13 
作者: 回复日期: 19:58:38 
   60. Auld Lang Syne    这个歌太熟悉了,就是“友谊地久天长”,18世纪的苏格兰民谣,版本就更数不胜数了。    地址/music/search?q=Auld+Lang+Syne&aq=f      歌词  Should auld acquaintance be forgot  And never brought to mind?  Should auld acquaintance be forgot,  And auld lang syne!  For auld lang syne,  For auld lang syne,  We twa hae run about the braes,  An pou'd the gowans fine  But we've wander'd mony a weary fitt,  Sin' auld lang syne  We twa hae paidl'd in the burn,  Frae m  But seas between us braid hae roar'd,  Sin auld lang syne  We'll take a cup o' kindness yet  For auld lang syne  And there's a hand, my trusty fiere!  And gie's a hand o' thine!  And we'll take a right gude-willie waught,  For auld lang syne, my dear,    
作者: 回复日期: 22:46:06 
  61. Autumn Leaves    这本来是一首四十年代的法国歌曲Les Feuilles Mortes,出自1946年的法国电影“夜之門”(Les Portes de la Nuit/The Gates of Night),由片中的男主角、原籍意大利的法国电影巨星伊夫蒙当Yves Montand唱出。    这部电影后来无声无息了,但几年后这首歌却轰动了美国,也被填上了英文歌词广为传唱,同时还有大量的纯音乐演奏版本,或吉他、或钢琴、或小提琴,或小号,那份法兰西特有的浪漫忧伤,沁人肺腑啊。    这首歌在全球有多少个版本?2800多个。        歌词  The falling leaves drift by the window  The autumn leaves of red and gold  I see your lips, the summer kisses  The sunburned hand I used to hold  Since you went away the days grow long  And soon I''ll hear old winter''s song  But I miss you most of all, my darling  When autumn leaves start to fall  Since you went away the days grow long  And soon I''ll hear old winter''s song  But I miss you most of all, my darling  When autumn leaves start to fall      下载地址/music/search?q=Autumn+Leaves&cat=song        至此A字母开头的歌曲全部结束,后面开始B系列。        
作者: 回复日期: 08:46:48 
     62. Baby One More Time    这是小甜甜Britney Spears十几年前的一举成名之作,当年她的热辣学生妹造型曾迷倒了无数少男少女,现在看来,也一般般了。    偶像派经不起老啊。      歌词  Oh baby baby Oh baby baby  Oh baby baby  How was I supposed to know  That something was't right here  I shouldn't have let you go  And now you're out of sight yeah  Show me how you want it to be  Tell me baby  'Cause I need to know now  Oh because  My loneliness is killing me  (And I) I must confess  I still believe (still believe)  When I'm not with you I lose my mind  Give me a sign  Hit me baby one more time  The reason I breath is you  Boy you got me blinded  Oh pretty baby  There's nothing that I wouldn't do  It's not the way I planned it  Please give me a sign  I must confess  That my loneliness is killing me now  Don't you know I still believe  That you will be here  And give me a sign  I must confess that  My loneliness is killing me now  Don't you know  I still believe      下载/music/search?q=Baby+One+More+Time&aq=f    MV地址/v_show/id_XMTIwOTM2NDg=.html      
作者: 回复日期: 09:54:35 
作者: 回复日期: 09:47:35 
   63. Back At One       布莱恩麦克耐特(Brian McKnight),被喻为巧克力情歌圣手,创作、演唱、乐器演奏、音乐制作全包的R&B奇才,许多华语歌坛的R&B歌手的作品中,都能听到对他的借鉴和模仿。      这首Back At One是他的代表作,款款深情,珠圆玉润。      下载/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&q=Back%20At%20One%20&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU      MV地址/v_playlist/fp2.html    歌词  It's undeniable  That we should be together  It's unbelievable  How I used to say  That I'd fall never  The basis is need to know  If you don't know  Just how I feel  Then let me show you now  That I'm for real  If all things in time  Time will reveal  (Chorus)  One  You're like a dream come true  Two  Just wanna be with you  Three  Girl, it's plain to see  That you're the only one for me  And four  Repeat steps one through three  Five  Make you fall in love with me  If ever I believe my work is done  Then I'll start back at one  (Yeah-ah...)  It's so incredible  The way things work themselves out  And all emotional  Once you know what it's all about, hey  And undesirable  For us to be apart  I never would've made it very far  'Cause you know you got the keys to my heart  'Cause...  (Chorus)  Say farewell to the dark of night  I see the coming of the sun  I feel like a little child  Whose life has just begun  You came and breathed new life  Into this lonely heart of mine  You threw out the lifeline  Just in the nick of time      
作者: 回复日期: 10:52:20 
作者: 回复日期: 09:02:48 
   64. Bad    迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)就不必多介绍了,80年代,大陆首次引进出版他的专辑,标题主打就是这首Bad 。    下载/music/search?q=+Bad&aq=f    这首歌有一个16分钟超长版的MV(其实就是一部电影短片了),看着比较过瘾,  地址/u79/v_MTU5OTA3MjQ.html      歌词  Your butt is mine  Gonna tell you right  Just show your face in broad daylight  I'm telling you on how I feel  Gonna hurt your mind  Don't shoot to kill  Come on  Come on  Lay it on me all right  I'm giving you on count of three  To show your stuff or let it be  I'm telling you  Just watch your mouth  I know your game  What you're about  They say the sky's the limit  And to me that's really true my friend  You have seen nothing  Just wait 'til I get through  Because I'm bad  I'm bad come on  You know I'm bad  I'm bad you know it  You know I'm bad  I'm bad come on  And the whole world has to answer right now  Just to tell you once again who's bad  The word is out  You're doin' wrong  Gonna lock you up before too long  Your lyin' eyes gonna tell you right  So listen up  Don't make a fight  Your talk is cheap  You're not a man  Wou're throwin' stones to hide your hands  They say the sky's the limit  And to me that's really true my friend  You have seen nothing  Just wait 'til I get through  Because I'm bad  I'm bad come on  You know I'm bad  I'm bad you know it  You know I'm bad  I'm bad come on  And the whole world has to answer right now  Just to tell you once again who's bad  We can change the world tomorrow  This could be a better place  If you don't like what I'm sayin'  Then won't you slap my face  Because I'm bad  I'm bad come on  You know I'm bad  I'm bad you know it  You know I'm bad  I'm bad come on  And the whole world has to answer right now  Just to tell you once again who's bad  You know I'm bad  I'm bad come on  You know I'm bad  I'm bad you know it  You know I'm bad  And the whole world has to answer right now  Just to tell you once again who's bad  You know I'm smooth  I'm bad you know it  You know I'm bad  I'm bad  You know  you know it come on  And the whole world has to answer right now  Just to tell you once again  You know I'm bad  I'm bad you know it  You know I'm bad  I'm bad you know  You know I'm bad  I'm bad you know it  You know  And the whole world has to answer right now  Just to tell you once again. Who's bad      
作者: 回复日期: 15:40:22 
作者: 回复日期: 21:41:25 
   65. Bad Moon Rising     Creedence Clearwater Revival(克里登斯清水复兴合唱团,简称CCR),美国六七十代年代的摇滚乐队,风格质朴、带有浓郁的美国南方布鲁斯味道。    Bad Moon Rising是他们非常出色的一首作品,后来也有很多人翻唱,杰瑞李刘易斯(Jerry Lee Lewis)的版本以及The Seldom Scene的版本都是乡村风格又各具特色,Corey Crowder则是走现代民谣摇滚路线。     下载/music/search?q=Bad+Moon+Rising&cat=song    歌词  I see the bad moon rising  I see trouble on the way  I see earthquakes and lightnin'  I see bad times today  Don't go 'round tonight  It's bound to take your life  There's a bad moon on the rise  I hear hurricanes a blowin'  I know the end is commin' soon  I fear rivers over flowing  I hear the voice of rage and ruin  Don't go 'round tonight  It's bound to take your life  There's a bad moon on the rise  Hope you got your things together  Hope you are quite prepared to die  Looks like we'er in for nasty weather  One eye is taken for an eye  Don't go 'round tonight  It's bound to take your life  There's a bad moon on the rise    
作者: 回复日期: 22:45:16 
作者: 回复日期: 08:01:46 
  66. Bahama Mama    Boney M是七、八十年代的迪斯科热潮中独领风骚的著名组合,拥有很多首脍炙人口的歌曲,Bahama Mama 就是其中之一。    这首歌在80年代曾响彻两岸三地,光是港台就有至少十几个版本,而填的词也五花八门,包括《二八年华》甚至搞笑的《癞蛤蟆妈妈》,当然,公认最佳的翻唱是甄妮的《梦中的妈妈》。    此版本传到大陆立刻风靡一时,从朱明瑛到成方圆,那个时代的哪个女歌手没唱过《梦中的妈妈》?    这首歌后来在大陆一度被禁播。          下载地址:/music.so?pf=&as=&st=&ac=1&w=&query=Bahama+Mama&class=1&%2Fmusic.so=null&_asf=&_ast=      视频地址/programs/view/THVV1jha1Cs/    歌词:  Bahama, Bahama Mama  Got the biggest house in town Bahama Mama  Bahama, Bahama Mama  But her trouble's getting down Bahama Mama    She has six daughters  And not one of them is married yet  And she's looking high and low  And none of them plays ever hard to get  So if you're lonesome go there go    Bahama, Bahama Mama  You should all be looking for Bahama Mama  Bahama, Bahama Mama  And I'm sure you will adore Bahama Mama    Bahama, Bahama Mama  Got the biggest house in town Bahama Mama  Bahama, Bahama Mama  But her trouble's getting down Bahama Mama    You'll meet her daughters  They 'll be treatin' you to honeycake  They'll be sweet and nice to you  And maybe there is one you'd like to take  Well then you'll know just what to do    Bahama, Bahama Mama  She is really in a fix Bahama Mama  Bahama, Bahama Mama  Being stuck with all them six Bahama Mama    What's the matter with men today  Six beautiful roses  And nobody to pluck them  It's a crying shame    Bahama, Bahama Mama  Got the biggest house in town Bahama Mama  Bahama, Bahama Mama  But her trouble's getting down Bahama Mama    The thing is each of them looks  Like a gorgeous moviequeen  Every one a perfect find  And if a man refused that temptin' scene  He simply can't make up his mind    Bahama, Bahama Mama  Got the biggest house in town Bahama Mama  Bahama, Bahama Mama  But her trouble's getting down Bahama Mama      
67. Barbie Girl    水叮当(Aqua)前面介绍过,这首Barbie Girl是他们的成名曲,为此还被笆比娃娃的制造商告上了法庭,      地址/music/search?q=+Barbie+Girl&aq=f    MV地址/v_show/id_XMTY2OTY1ODA=.html      歌词  Hi Barbie    Hi Ken    You wanna go for a ride?    Sure Ken.    Jump In...    Im a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world    Life in plastic, its fantastic.    You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.    Imagination, life is your creation.    Come on Barbie, lets go party!    Im a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world    Life in plastic, its fantastic.    You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.    Imagination, life is your creation.    Come on Barbie, lets go party!    Im a blond bimbo girl, in a fantasy world,    Dress me up, make it tight, Im your darling.    You are my doll, rock and roll, feel the glamour in pink,    Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky.    You can touch, you can play, if you say: "Im always yours"    Im a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world    Life in plastic, its fantastic.    You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.    Imagination, life is your creation.    Come on Barbie, lets go party!    Ah, Ah, Ah, yea.    Come on Barbie, lets go party!    uu-oooh.. uu-oooh..    Come on Barbie, lets go party!    Ah, Ah, Ah, yea.    Come on Barbie, lets go party!    uu-oooh.. uu-oooh..    Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please,    I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees.    Come jump in, be my friend, let us do it again,    hit the town, fool around, lets go party.    You can touch, you can play, if you say: "Im always yours"    You can touch, you can play, if you say: "Im always yours"    Come on Barbie, lets go party!    Ah, Ah, Ah, yea.    Come on Barbie, lets go party!    uu-oooh.. uu-oooh..    Come on Barbie, lets go party!    Ah, Ah, Ah, yea.    Come on Barbie, lets go party!    uu-oooh.. uu-oooh..    Im a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world    Life in plastic, its fantastic.    You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.    Imagination, life is your creation.    Im a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world    Life in plastic, its fantastic.    You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.       
作者: 回复日期: 22:17:43 
作者: 回复日期: 00:20:12 
  呵呵,闯进了音乐的桃花源,留个字号,想听好歌就慢慢来挑了,呵呵,听了前几首,a place near by(歌词写的真是温馨感人)和那首法语歌都好好听。
作者: 回复日期: 08:04:10 
  67 over
作者: 回复日期: 11:55:31 
  mark again
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作者: 回复日期: 13:01:49 
  有没有Gone With Sin?  个人认为最能表达爱之深的歌。
作者: 回复日期: 17:01:54 
  作者:j 回复日期: 21:26:25      无限崇拜地仰望楼主,如此之敬业,竟然每首都有评论,是否专业搞音乐的?  ===========================================================  我不是搞音乐的,就是爱听而已。
作者: 回复日期: 17:10:06 
  68. Beat It    又一首迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的经典,无需多说,去看吧。      下载地址/music/search?q=Beat+It&aq=f    MV地址/v_show/id_XMTAyODM0MDg0.html        歌词  They Told Him Dont You Ever Come Around Here  Dont Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear  The Fires In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear  So Beat It, Just Beat It  You Better Run, You Better Do What You Can  Dont Wanna See No Blood, Dont Be A Macho Man  You Wanna Be Tough, Better Do What You Can  So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad  Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It  No One Wants To Be Defeated  Showin How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter  It Doesnt Matter Whos Wrong Or Right  Just Beat It, Beat It  Just Beat It, Beat It  Just Beat It, Beat It  Just Beat It, Beat It  Theyre Out To Get You, Better Leave While You Can  Dont Wanna Be A Boy, You Wanna Be A Man  You Wanna Stay Alive, Better Do What You Can  So Beat It, Just Beat It  You Have To Show Them That Youre Really Not Scared  Youre Playin With Your Life, This Aint No Truth Or Dare  Theyll Kick You, Then They Beat You,  Then Theyll Tell You Its Fair  So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad  Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It  No One Wants To Be Defeated  Showin How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter  It Doesnt Matter Whos Wrong Or Right  Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It  No One Wants To Be Defeated  Showin How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter  It Doesnt Matter Whos Wrong Or Right  Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It  Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It  No One Wants To Be Defeated  Showin How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter  It Doesnt Matter Whos Wrong Or Right  Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It  No One Wants To Be Defeated  Showin How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter  It Doesnt Matter Whos Wrong Or Whos Right  Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It  No One Wants To Be Defeated  Showin How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter  It Doesnt Matter Whos Wrong Or Right  Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It  No One Wants To Be Defeated  Showin How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter  It Doesnt Matter Whos Wrong Or Right  Just Beat It, Beat It  Beat It, Beat It, Beat It      
作者: 回复日期: 17:55:56 
作者: 回复日期: 19:15:56 
  辛苦 记录一下
作者: 回复日期: 01:01:34 
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作者: 回复日期: 23:17:43 
  69. Beautiful    克里斯蒂娜阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera),童年时就展露音乐天分,十多年前凭借为动画片《花木兰》演唱主题歌而一曲走红,如今已是格莱美天后了。    这首Beautiful是她的获奖金曲,大气、有力度,非常考验唱功。    下载地址/music/search?q=Beautiful&aq=f    现场版视频/v_show/id_XMTA4Njk1MzUy.html    MV视频/programs/view/BmFadu7BrXA/      歌词  Every day is so wonderful  And suddenly, i saw debris  Now and then, I get insecure  From all the pain, Im so ashamed  I am beautiful no matter what they say  Words cant bring me down  I am beautiful in every single way  Yes, words cant bring me down  So dont you bring me down today  To all your friends, youre delirious  So consumed in all your doom  Trying hard to fill the emptiness  The piece is gone left the puzzle undone  Thats the way it is  You are beautiful no matter what they say  Words cant bring you down  You are beautiful in every single way  Yes, words cant bring you down  Dont you bring me down today...  No matter what we do  (No matter what we do)  No matter what they say  (No matter what they say)  When the sun is shining through  Then the clouds wont stay  And everywhere we go  (Everywhere we go)  The sun wont always shine  (Sun wont always shine)  Cause we are beautiful no matter what they say  Yes, words wont bring us down, oh no  We are beautiful in every single way  Yes, words cant bring us down  Dont you bring me down today  Dont you bring me down today  Dont you bring me down today        
 70. Beautiful Boy    约翰列侬(John Lennon)有两次婚姻,每次婚姻都为他带来了一个儿子,而每个儿子都成就出了一首经典名曲。    当约翰列侬正与前妻Cynthia离婚时,披头士的另一灵魂人物保罗麦卡特尼Paul McCartney为了安慰他们的儿子Julian Lennon走出父母离异的阴影,于是写了Hey, Julian这首歌送给他,后来为了歌词的上口又改名为Hey Jude。     而约翰列侬与第二任妻子小野洋子(Yoko Ono)生下另一个儿子Sean Lennon后,又亲自为自己的儿子写出了这首Beautiful Boy。    如今的Beautiful Boy——Sean Lennon已经是三十多岁的成熟男人了,而且子承父业,也是个音乐人。         下载地址/music/search?q=Beautiful+Boy&aq=f      歌词  Close your eyes  Have no fear  The monsters gone  Hes on the run and your daddys here    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful  Beautiful boy  Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful  Beautiful boy    Before you go to sleep  Say a little prayer  Every day in every way  Its getting better and better    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful  Beautiful boy  Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful  Beautiful boy    Out on the ocean sailing away  I can hardly wait  To see you come of age  But I guess well both just have to be patient  Cause its a long way to go  A hard row to hoe  Yes its a long way to go  But in the meantime    Before you cross the street  Take my hand  Life is what happens to you  While youre busy making other plans    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful  Beautiful boy  Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful  Beautiful boy    Before you go to sleep  Say a little prayer  Every day in every way  Its getting better and better    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful  Beautiful boy (x3)    Darling, darling, darling  Darling Sean        
71. Beautiful Day    喜欢摇滚的朋友没人不知道U2这么经典的乐队,所以就不多介绍了。       地址/music/search?q=Beautiful+Day    MV地址http://play.hupo.tv/tv/4313381.html      歌词  The heart is a bloom  Shoots up through the stony ground  Theres no room  No space to rent in this town  Youre out of luck  And the reason that you had to care  The traffic is stuck  And youre not moving anywhere  You thought youd found a friend  To take you out of this place  Someone you could lend a hand  In return for grace  Its a beautiful day  Sky falls, you feel like  Its a beautiful day  Dont let it get away  Youre on the road  But youve got no destination  Youre in the mud  In the maze of her imagination  You love this town  Even if that doesnt ring true  Youve been all over  And its been all over you  Its a beautiful day  Dont let it get away  Its a beautiful day  Touch me  Take me to that other place  Teach me  I know Im not a hopeless case  See the world in green and blue  See China right in front of you  See the canyons broken by cloud  See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out  See the Bedouin fires at night  See the oil fields at first light  And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth  After the flood all the colors came out  It was a beautiful day  Dont let it get away  Beautiful day  Touch me  Take me to that other place  Reach me  I know Im not a hopeless case  What you dont have you dont need it now  What you dont know you can feel it somehow  What you dont have you dont need it now  Dont need it now  Was a beautiful day  Redacted by Jerry        
作者: 回复日期: 10:56:40 
作者: 回复日期: 15:00:17 
  72. Beautiful Sunday    70年代英国歌手丹尼尔布Daniel Boone的代表作,后来曾被张小英、高凌风、温拿五虎等港台歌手翻唱。    记得我那会儿每到星期天早晨都要打开录音机跟着唱一遍国语版:“玫瑰开放白云飘荡,丢去一切心情开朗,嘿嘿嘿把心情开朗;树上小鸟对着我望,快乐歌唱我心花怒放,嘿嘿嘿这美好星期天……”    整个一天都会很开心——因为那时没有双休日,只有星期天不用去上学。      下载地址/music/search?q=+Beautiful+Sunday&aq=f    视频地址/v_playlist/fp16.html      歌词:  Sunday morning, up with the lark  I think Ill take a walk in the park  Hey, hey, hey, its a beautiful day  Ive got someone waiting for me  And when I see her I know that shell say  Hi, hi, hi, beautiful Su-unday  This is my, my, my, beautiful day-ay-ay  When you say, say, say, say that you lo-ove me  Oh-oh-oh my, my, my, its a beautiful day  Birds are singing, you by my side  Lets take a car and go for a ride  Oh-oh-oh my, my, my, its a beautiful day  Well drive on and follow the sun  Making Sunday go on and on  Oh-oh-oh my, my, my, its a beautiful day      
作者: 回复日期: 20:51:41 
作者: 回复日期: 10:19:38 
  73. Beauty And The Beast    91年迪士尼同名动画片的主题歌,天后Celine Dion与嗓音浑厚的黑人男歌手Peabo Bryson的对唱,这首动听的歌曲后来比电影更出名。      下载/music/search?q=+Beauty+And+The+Beast    MV地址/v_playlist/fp14.html    歌词  Tale as old as time, true as it can be.  Barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly  Just a little change, small to say the least, both a little scared,  neither one prepared,  BEAUTY AND THE BEAST  Ever just the same, Ever a surprise  Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise.  Ever just the same,  Ever a surprise  Ever as before,  and ever just as sure  as the sun will rise.  Tale as old as time, tune as old as song,  Bitter sweet & strange,  finding you can change, learning you were wrong  Certain as the sun  (Certain as the sun),  Rising in the east  Tale as old as time,  Song as old as rhyme, Beauty & the Beast  Tale as old as time,  Song as old as rhyme,  BEAUTY...BEAST      
作者: 回复日期: 10:57:02 
作者: 回复日期: 17:13:04 
  74. Because I Love You    有两首同样取名Because I Love You的不同歌曲,都非常的经典。    先介绍的这首来自Shakin Stevens,他在曾经一度有英国新猫王之称(一般提到英国猫王都是指Cliff Richard)。这是一首动听的情歌,有着80年代的那种质朴唯美的味道。    地址/music/search?q=Shakin+Stevens&aq=f      歌词  If I got down on my knees Im being with you  If I cross a million oceans just to be with you  Would you ever let me down    If I climb the highest mountain just to hold you tight  If I said that i would love you every single night  Would you ever let me down    Well Im sorry if it sounds kind of sad  Just that worry Im so worry that you let me down  Because I love you, love you  Love you so dont let me down    If I swam the longest river just to call your name  If I said the way i feel for you would never change  Would you ever fool around    Well Im sorry if it sounds kind of sad  Just that worry Im so worry that you let me down  Because I love you, love you  Love you so dont let me down    
作者: 回复日期: 17:45:02 
  74. Because I Love You    有两首同样取名Because I Love You的不同歌曲,都非常的经典,先介绍的这首来自Shakin Stevens,他在曾经一度有英国新猫王之称(一般提到英国猫王都是指Cliff Richard)。    这是一首动听的情歌,有着80年代的那种质朴唯美的味道。    地址/music/search?q=Shakin+Stevens&aq=f      歌词  If I got down on my knees Im being with you  If I cross a million oceans just to be with you  Would you ever let me down    If I climb the highest mountain just to hold you tight  If I said that i would love you every single night  Would you ever let me down    Well Im sorry if it sounds kind of sad  Just that worry Im so worry that you let me down  Because I love you, love you  Love you so dont let me down    If I swam the longest river just to call your name  If I said the way i feel for you would never change  Would you ever fool around    Well Im sorry if it sounds kind of sad  Just that worry Im so worry that you let me down  Because I love you, love you  Love you so dont let me down        
作者: 回复日期: 18:05:01 
  75 Because I Love You    第二首Because I Love You于1990年来自美国歌手 Stevie B,歌曲更舒缓凝重,因为这不是一首情歌,而是充满宗教意味的灵歌。        地址/music/search?q=Because+I+Love+You&aq=f      歌词  I got your letter from the postman just the other day  So I decided to write you this song  and just to let you know exactly the way I feel  to let you know my loves so real  Because I love you, and Ill do anything  Ill give you my heart, my everything  Because I love you, Ill be right by your side  to be your light, to be your guide  If you should feel that I dont really care  And that youre starting to lose ground  Just let me reassure you that you can count on me  And that Ill always be around  Because I love you, my hearts an open door  Girl, wont you please come on in  Because I love you, Ill be right by your side  to be your light, to be your guide.  If you should feel that I dont really care  And that youre starting to lose ground  Just let me reassure you that you can count on me  And that Ill always be around  Because I love you, my hearts an open door  Girl, wont you please come on in  Because I love you, Ill be right by your side  to be your light, to be your guide.    
作者: 回复日期: 21:04:40 
作者: 回复日期: 09:27:16 
  76. Because Of You    98 Degrees是90年代后期非常走红的一个组合,这首Because Of You就是这4位帅哥组合的招牌情歌。     下载/music/search?q=Because+Of+You&cat=song    MV地址/v_show/id_XOTQ0MDE2Mjg=.html      歌词  Its all... Its all... Its all...  Youre my sunshine after the rain  Youre the cure against my fear and my pain  Cause Im losing my mind  When youre not around  Its all... Its all...  Its all because of you  Youre my sunshine  Oh yeah...  Baby I really know by now  Since we met that day  You showed me the way  I felt it then you gave me love  I cant describe  How much I feel for you  I said baby I should have known by now  Should have been right there  Whenever you gave me love  And if only you were here  Ill tell you, yes Ill tell you  Oh yeah...  Chorus:  Youre my sunshine after the rain  Youre the cure against my fear and my pain  Cause Im losing my mind  When youre not around  Its all... Its all...  Its all because of you  Honestly, couldnt be with me  Like it was before  Need a less or more  Cause when I close my eyes  At night I realize that no one else  Could ever take your place  I still can feel and its so real  When youre touching me Kisses endlessly  Its just a place in the sun  Where our loves begun  I miss you... Yes I miss you  Chorus  If I knew how to tell you  Whats on my mind  Make you understand  Then Id always be there  Right by your side      
作者: 回复日期: 09:27:26 
  76. Because Of You    98 Degrees是90年代后期非常走红的一个组合,这首Because Of You就是这4位帅哥组合的招牌情歌。     下载/music/search?q=Because+Of+You&cat=song    MV地址/v_show/id_XOTQ0MDE2Mjg=.html      歌词  Its all... Its all... Its all...  Youre my sunshine after the rain  Youre the cure against my fear and my pain  Cause Im losing my mind  When youre not around  Its all... Its all...  Its all because of you  Youre my sunshine  Oh yeah...  Baby I really know by now  Since we met that day  You showed me the way  I felt it then you gave me love  I cant describe  How much I feel for you  I said baby I should have known by now  Should have been right there  Whenever you gave me love  And if only you were here  Ill tell you, yes Ill tell you  Oh yeah...  Chorus:  Youre my sunshine after the rain  Youre the cure against my fear and my pain  Cause Im losing my mind  When youre not around  Its all... Its all...  Its all because of you  Honestly, couldnt be with me  Like it was before  Need a less or more  Cause when I close my eyes  At night I realize that no one else  Could ever take your place  I still can feel and its so real  When youre touching me Kisses endlessly  Its just a place in the sun  Where our loves begun  I miss you... Yes I miss you  Chorus  If I knew how to tell you  Whats on my mind  Make you understand  Then Id always be there  Right by your side      
作者: 回复日期: 20:26:54 
作者: 回复日期: 16:24:22 
  77. Because Of You    另一首同名的Because Of You来自凯莉克莱克森(Kelly Clarkson),一位德州的80后女孩,在选秀大赛美国偶像中一举夺魁后开始走红。    Kelly Clarkson拥有非常有爆发力的声音,力度十足,其风格也适合演绎新时代女性的独立与坚强。      下载/music/search?q=Because+Of+You&cat=song      歌词:  I will not make the same mistakes that you did  I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery  I will not break the way you did  You fell so hard  I learned the hard way, to never let it get that far  Because of you  I never stray too far from the sidewalk  Because of you  I learned to play on the safe side  So I dont get hurt  Because of you  I find it hard to trust  Not only me, but everyone around me  Because of you  I am afraid  I lose my way  And its not too long before you point it out  I cannot cry  Because I know thats weakness in your eyes  Im forced to fake a smile, a laugh  Every day of my life  My heart cant possibly break  When it wasnt even whole to start with  Because of you  I never stray too far from the sidewalk  Because of you  I learned to play on the safe side  So I dont get hurt  Because of you  I find it hard to trust  Not only me, but everyone around me  Because of you  I am afraid  I watched you die  I heard you cry  Every night in your sleep  I was so young  You should have known better than to lean on me  You never thought of anyone else  You just saw your pain  And now I cry  In the middle of the night  Over the same damn thing  Because of you  I never stray too far from the sidewalk  Because of you  I learned to play on the safe side so I dont get hurt  Because of you  I tried my hardest just to forget everything  Because of you  I dont know how to let anyone else in  Because of you  Im ashamed of my life because its empty  Because of you  I am afraid  Because of you          
作者: 回复日期: 16:41:50 
作者: 回复日期: 17:10:19 
  78. Because You Loved Me    席琳狄翁(Celine Dion)有很多首动听的经典歌曲,这首Because You Loved Me就是其中之一。    这首歌是90年代的一部好莱坞电影Up Close And Personal的主题曲,原定的演唱者是Toni Braxton。    那会儿的Celine Dion还没有在亚特兰大奥运会上亮相,也还没有唱泰坦尼克主题歌,因此尽管已经是一线明星,但还没有到后来那么的大红大紫,而Toni Braxton当时的声望和地位,似乎还在Celine Dion之上。    结果就在歌曲快要录制的时候,更大牌的Toni Braxton和她的团队对这首Because You Loved Me感到不够满意放弃了演唱,电影公司无奈只好匆忙找来替补队员Celine Dion来录制了一版,结果随着电影的上映这首歌曲立刻走红,横扫各大排行榜,这也成为了Celine Dion与Toni Braxton两个人后来的星运走势的最关键的转折点。      下载/music/search?q=Because+You+Loved+Me&aq=f    MV地址/v_show/id_XMTk5NTk4MDQ=.html    歌词  For all those times you stood by me  For all the truth that you made me see  For all the joy you brought to my life  For all the wrong that you made right  For every dream you made come true  For all the love I found in you  Ill be forever thankful baby  Youre the one who held me up  Never let me fall  Youre the one who saw me through  through it all  You were my strength when I was weak  You were my voice when I couldnt speak  You were my eyes when I couldnt see  You saw the best there was in me  Lifted me up when I couldnt reach  You gave me faith coz you believed  Im everything I a Because you loved me  You gave me wings and made me fly  You touched my hand I could touch the sky  I lost my faith, you gave it back to me  You said no star was out of reach  You stood by me and I stood tall  I had your love I had it all  Im grateful for each day you gave me  Maybe I dont know that much  But I know this much is true  I was blessed because I was loved by you  You were my strength when I was weak  You were my voice when I couldnt speak  You were my eyes when I couldnt see  You saw the best there was in me  Lifted me up when I couldnt reach  You gave me faith coz you believed  Im everything I am  Because you loved me  You were always there for me  The tender wind that carried me  A light in the dark shining your love into my life  Youve been my inspiration  Through the lies you were the truth  My world is a better place because of you  You were my strength when I was weak  You were my voice when I couldnt speak  You were my eyes when I couldnt see  You saw the best there was in me  Lifted me up when I couldnt reach  You gave me faith coz you believed  Im everything I am  Because you loved me  You were my strength when I was weak  You were my voice when I couldnt speak  You were my eyes when I couldnt see  You saw the best there was in me  Lifted me up when I couldnt reach  You gave me faith coz you believed  Because you loved me  Im everything I am  Because you loved me      
作者: 回复日期: 08:52:02 
  79. Begin the Beguine    这是一首享誉百老汇的经典歌曲,来自二三十年代的音乐剧大师科尔波特(Cole Porter),多年来也有大量的演唱、演奏版本。    这也是我个人百听不厌的一首好歌,英文版本里挂甲人最为欣赏汤姆琼斯Tom Jones、佩里科莫Perry Como、狄昂华薇克Dionne Warwick等人的版本。    此外,这首歌还有一个拉丁语版本Volver A Empezar,胡里奥以及小野丽莎是这个版本里的佼佼者,两人的风格一静一动截然相反,各有各的味道。        地址1/music.so?pf=&as=&st=&ac=1&w=&query=Volver+A+Empezar&class=1&%2Fmusic.so=null&_asf=&_ast=      地址2/music/search?q=Begin+the+Beguine+&aq=f      歌词  When they begin the beguine,  It brings back the sound of music so tender,  It brings back the night of tropical splendour,  It brings back a memory evergreen!    Im with you once more under the stars,  And down by the shore an orchestras playin  Even the palms seems to be swayin  When they begin the beguine!    To live it again is past all endeavour,  Except when that tune clutches my heart,  And there we are swearin to love forever,  And promising never, never to part!    What moments divine, what raptures serene,  till clouds came along to disperse the joys we had tasted . . .  Now, when i hear people curse the chance that was wasted,  I know but too well what they mean!    So, dont let them begin the beguine,  Let the love that was once a fire remain an ember . . .  Let it sleep like the dead desire i only remember,  When they begin the beguine!    Oh yes, let them begin the beguine, make them play!  till the stars that were there before return abo      
作者: 回复日期: 12:28:19 
  80. Behind Blue Eyes     60年代的英伦,摇滚的天堂,从披头士、滚石到平克弗洛伊德无不闻名遐迩。而The Who同样是其中一支不可或缺的重量级乐队,这首Behind Blue Eyes是他们的代表作,无论吉他还是和声都美妙无比。    地址/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&q=Behind%20Blue%20Eyes%20%20&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU    歌词  No one knows what its like to be the bad man  To be the sad man behind blue eyes  No one knows what its like  To be hated, to be fated to telling only lies    But my dreams, they arent as empty  As my conscience seems to be  I have hours, only lonely  My love is vengeance thats never free    No one knows what its like  To feel these feelings like I do and I blame you!  No one bites back as hard on their anger  None of my pain and woe can show through    But my dreams, they arent as empty  As my conscience seems to be  I have hours only lonely  My love is vengeance, thats never free    When my fist clenches, crack it open  Before I use it and lose my cool  When I smile, tell me some bad news  Before I laugh and act like a fool    And If I swallow anything evil  Put your finger down my throat  And If I shiver, please give me a blanket  Keep me warm, let me wear your coat    No one knows what its like to be the bad man  To be the sad man behind blue eyes        
81. Bella Ciao    我上学的时候,有两部南斯拉夫二战片风靡全国——《瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝》和《桥》,别看90年代的《泰坦尼克》、最近的《阿凡达》因为票价的原因都创造了票房记录,但从观影人次来说,它们连这两部南斯拉夫电影的零头都赶不上(当然,我只是陈述一种状况,不涉及影片质量)。    而《桥》中的一个插曲在当时家喻户晓,那就是“啊朋友,再见”。    事实上,这是一首意大利民谣Bella Ciao,二战时在意大利的地下抵抗组织里广为流传,歌名的意思应为“姑娘,再见”。在《桥》这部电影里,这首歌一直也是一名来自撒丁岛的意大利爆破手在哼唱,不过当时咱们的有关部门还是把这首歌当做南斯拉夫歌曲推出,并取名为不带男女感情色彩的“啊朋友再见”。    于是这首意大利民谣在中国就被当成南斯拉夫歌曲到处传唱,不过也应该理解相关部门的苦心,在当时的环境下,如果这首歌被认为不是来自咱们的社会主义兄弟国家而是来自西方,同时歌曲内容又涉及爱情,那么它完全有可能被当做靡靡之音封杀。    地址/music/search?q=Bella+Ciao&aq=f      歌词:  Una mattina mi son svegliato.   Oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao!   Una mattina mi son svegliato, e ho trovato l'invasor.     Oh partigiano porta mi via.   Oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao!   Oh partigiano porta mi via, ché mi sento di morir.     E se io muoio da partigiano.   Oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao!   E se io muoio da partigiano, tu mi devi seppellir.     Mi seppellirai lassù in montagna.   Oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao!   Mi seppellirai lassù in montagna, sotto l'ombra di un bel fior.     E le genti che passeranno.   Oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao!   E le genti che passeranno, mi diranno:?che bel fior!?     E questo è il fiore del partigiano.   Oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao!   E questo è il fiore del partigiano, morto per la libertà!       
作者: 回复日期: 10:53:12 
作者: 回复日期: 10:59:28 
作者: 回复日期: 09:29:20 
  82. Ben    1972年好莱坞一部电影《金鼠王Ben》的主题歌,制片方选择了当时已经崭露头角的Jackson 5的主唱MJ来演绎这首歌,当时他还不满14岁。    电影及其主题歌描写了一个孤单寂寞的小男孩与一只老鼠Ben之间的奇妙友谊,而MJ的演唱情真意切,十分感人——从某种意义上来说,其实MJ始终就是那个小男孩,哪怕他后来成为了天王巨星。    这首歌也为MJ带来了他生平的第一个排行榜冠军。        下载地址/music/search?q=Ben&aq=f    视频/v_playlist/fp3.html    歌词  Ben, the two of us need look no more  We both found what we were looking for  With a friend to call my own  I'll never be alone  And you, my friend will see  You've got a friend in me  (You've got a friend in me)  Ben, you're always running here and there  (Here and there)  You feel you're not wanted anywhere  Anywhere  If you ever look behind  And don't like what you find  There's something you should know  You've got a place to go  (You've got a place to go)  I used to say "I" and "me"  Now it's "us", now it's "we"  (I used to say "I" and "me"  Now it's "us", now it's "we")  Ben, most people would turn you away  (Turn you away)  I don't listen to a word they say  (A word they say)  They don't see you as I do  I wish they would try to  I'm sure they'd think again  If they had a friend like Ben  (A friend)  Like Ben  (Like Ben)  Like Ben        
作者: 回复日期: 13:24:43 
  83. Besame Mucho      一首非常浪漫的墨西哥歌曲,在拉丁文中Besame的意思是吻,而Mucho则是多的意思,歌曲在四十年代风靡全球,后来又出现了英语、法语、意大利语等多种版本。    个人推荐波切利Andrea Bocelli、娜娜 Nana Mouskouri、小野丽莎、罗拉费琪(Laura Fygi)等版本。      下载/music/search?q=Besame+Mucho&aq=f      歌词  Bésame, bésame mucho  Como si fuera esta noche  La última vez  Bésame, bésame mucho  Que tengo miedo a perderte  Perderte después  Bésame, bésame mucho  Como si fuera esta noche  La última vez  Bésame, bésame mucho  Que tengo miedo a perderte  Perderte después  Quiero tenerte muy cerca  Mirarme en tus ojos  Verte junto a mi  Piensa que tal ves ma&ana  Yo ya estaré lejos  Muy lejos de ti  Bésame, bésame mucho  Como si fuera esta noche  La última vez  Bésame, bésame mucho  Que tengo miedo a perderte  Perderte después  Bésame, bésame mucho  Que tengo miedo a perderte  Perderte después  Que tengo miedo a perderte  Perderte después      
作者: 回复日期: 16:13:45 
作者: 回复日期: 08:41:52 
  84. Best That You Can Do      这首动听的情歌是1981年的一部美国电影《亚瑟Arthur》(港台译为二八佳人花公子)的主题歌,曾获得奥斯卡最佳歌曲奖,来自当时小有名气的克里斯多夫克罗斯(Christopher Cross)。       下载/music/search?q=Best+That+You+Can+Do&aq=f      歌词:  Once in your life you will find her  Someone who turns your heart around  And next thing you know  Yor're closing down the town  Wake up and it's still with you  Even though you left her way across town  Wonderin' to yourself Hey  what have I found    When you get caught  Between the moon and New York City  I know it's crazy  but it's true  If you get caught  Between the moon and New York City  The best that you can do  The best that you can do  Is fall in love    Arthur, he does as he pleases  All of his life his master's toys  And deep in his heart  he's just He's just a boy  Living his life one day at a time  He's showing himself a pretty good time  He's laughing about the way  They want him to be      
作者: 回复日期: 15:04:56 
  85 . Better Man    作为有名的歌坛坏小子的Robbie Williams,唱出了一首如此动听的好男人,呵呵。      下载/music/search?q=Better+Man&aq=f     MV地址http://you..cn/b/7283217.html      歌词  Send someone 2 love me  I need 2 rest in arms  Keep me safe from harm  In pouring rain  Give me endless summer  Lord I fear the cold  Feel I'm getting old  Before my time  As my soul heals the shame  I will grow through this pain  Lord I'm doing all I can  To be a better man  Go easy on my conscience  'Cause it's not my fault  I know I've been taught  To take the blame  Rest assured my angels  Will catch my tears  Walk me out of here  I'm in pain  Once U've found that lover  U're homeward bound  Love is all around  I know some have fallen on stony ground  But Love is all around  Send someone 2 love me  I need 2 rest in arms  Keep me safe from harm  In pouring rain  Give me endless summer    
作者: 回复日期: 15:28:24 
作者: 回复日期: 16:51:54 
  86. Big Big World      Emilia是出生于瑞典、生活在美国的黑白混血女孩,她的这首Big Big World旋律清新流畅,而Emilia的演唱也无比的甜美动人。    下载/music/search?q=Big+Big+World&aq=f    歌词  I'm a big big girl  in a big big world  It's not a big big thing  if you leave me  but I do do feel  that I too too will miss you much  miss you much... #  I can see the first leaf falling  it's all yellow and nice  It's so very cold outside  like the way I'm feeling inside  repeat #  Outside it's now raining  and tears are falling from my eyes  why did it have to happen  why did it all have to end  repeat #  I have your arms around me  ooooh like fire  but when I open my eyes  you're gone...  repeat #  I'm a big big girl  in a big big world  It's not a big big thing  if you leave me  but I do feel I will  miss you much  miss you much...        
作者: 回复日期: 18:23:41 
作者: 回复日期: 21:59:52 
  87. Bilitis      这是法国七十年代同名电影Bilitis (《比利蒂斯之歌》,又名为《少女情怀总是诗》)的主题音乐,由于旋律的优美被广为流传。除了各种纯音乐版本,音乐剧女王伊莲佩吉Elaine Paige有一个填上英文歌词的版本The Second Time,不过挂甲人最欣赏莎拉布莱曼的版本,她不着一词、低吟浅唱,十分的飘逸。       下载/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&q=%20Bilitis&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU  }


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