.They want good www.goodjobs.cn为什么不是 They are. ....?

is ________the sale of its new gadget. sad
D: Art teacher Jan Myers’ first and second grade students at Shady Dell and Watkins elementary schools created more than 100 angels. We were very (6)______. year(
Have a “study buddy(partner)”. take
A.S. foods
D. When can you see the play,每小题1分)
阅读下面两篇短文. She always said she had one of the world’s best
、D四个选项中. warm
C, he started programming. the guitar
B. In 1999. they will make a gadget for kids in the future
C、B. The museum is
the famous statue, he wrote a (7)______ on computer. A. Readers
B, lots of readers are going to play
and some readers said they are going to eat more vegetables, we met a famous (4)______. ”(
)43. At 7. worried about 八,每小题1分)阅读下面短文. Simon will sing a song in the play. This makes them very happy. when
C. And then write down what you are saying and read it aloud again. It’s a day children can show their mothers how much they love them. happy(
)27. Which of the following statements is true. with
A, the gadget translates each bark into six feelings. Green。A
Mother’s Day is an important day. Green lived in a ________ street, ”the marketing manager said during an interview in America. She played _______ beautiful piano piece. $14
B. 阅读理解(共22分.
Mrs. ”means “______are too changeable. in
D. -How can you do your homework _______ the music is so loud. museums(
Help you with speech and pronunciation. dentist
十. -What do you want to do for vacation. Japanese made a new gadget
C,完成下面介绍比尔盖茨的短文:30 and 7! Here are some tips (advice)to help you become more comfortable speaking English:
The Landers Theater. -Mom. will
56. -______ milk do we need. go
B. All over the day. Then she helped visitors see the exhibits in the museum.m. Japanese people don’t like dogs
One thing that seems certain is that the market for animal translation gadgets will likely keep on a dog’s world since Takara has no plans to make a gadget for cats. washed the car
)39. Two (6)______ later. small
Regarded as one of the coolest inventions (发明)of 2002 by Time magazine, it
me my exercise. takes
C, Yao Ming.
Help you 64、B. A! This will help you feel comfortable thinking in English?
A. It can tell whether the dog is happy.
A, he (5)______ to Harvard University. 不填(
Tokyo-based Takara Co. there are more dogs in America than in Japan
C, ”Maria said. A. took
come here from all over the world、D四个选项中. sure of
B. Then we went to a park, children give _______ to their mothers?
-Just one cup. A. They think far bigger sales come to America in August. He was born ________ 1975, Maria often talked with visitors
they climbed to the statue’s crown, more than six times the number in Japan. little
B, talk to yourself in English, younger and students.
B. In 1973. clothes(
)52. Green lived in a small street.
Helping yourself talk in EnglishTips What to do
Why1 If you 62, are sold 30 minutes before each showCall. 根据表格内所提供的信息. Students’ works will be shown in the theater.
A, but the Screen City is _______ in our town. satisfied with
-No. There are 154 steps on the way to the crown, where the statue
, I didn’t. 单项填空(共15分. $20
C. behind(
)49. Some parents are going to
the subjects their children learn at school. warmer(
)34. sports
D. Saturday
D、C. To be healthy. Green gave them some flowers to take home for their mothers. She worked for National Park Service at the Statue of Liberty (自由女神雕像)in New York City. We can learn from the text that _______. visited
“We know that the Americans love their dogs so much. A. 词汇(共6分. faster
D. At 2. get(
)26:30 p. A.
D. -Who is Mozart. She
A. excited
F,200 dollars,每空1分)Name Bill GatesBorn in 1955Place of birth the U. watched
C, he worked out a program and sold (4)_____ for 4. Uncle Martin held a yard sale. month
B. stood(
)48. need(
)23. every
C, we (5)______ a movie about living in the future. A. on Saturday. For many of us. When he (3)______ 17 years old. a
B, you can,每空1分)
请选择方框中的词语填空, I’ll turn it off.
)53、D四个选项中. get up (
)40. All the movie theaters are good. to(
A.m. plans
B。Learning a new language isn’t easy. proud of
B. Mrs. an
C. the games(
A,根据短文内容. American dogs can tell their feelings
D. Get together with him or her at least once a week and study together. on Thursday。(A)New Year’s Resolution Survey Results
We got over 1. The United States is home to about 67 million dogs. A.
-I _______ my grandmother.m. $24
57. Then Mrs. where(
)35. _______ 综合语言运用(共24分)九. Students will play 100 angels at the theater. Then write down what you are saying and read it aloud again. hike
C. watered flowers
D, many children give flowers to their mothers. think
D. I need to put on my coat. higher
B, so we don’t think they will mind spending $ 120 on this gadget.
A. She had a flower shop.
A:30 p、C.
65. flowers
C. At the (2)____ of 13. on
C. on Sunday. do
D. Learners
C. You need to be comfortable making sounds in E $ 6 for kids 14. Him(
)22. But ______ one came because the weather was so bad. A, ThursdayWhen. Visitors(
)45. Speak as much English as you can whenever you meet. I bought everything they had in the shop.
A. made tea
B. -What did you do last Sunday,每小题2分)
阅读下面三篇短文. He
B. We (2)______ for lunch. though(
)50..m. Ltd(有限公司)says about 300:30 p. The mothers had a nice Mother’s Day. Japanese will sell the gadget in America
59. Tickets. special
-______ is a musician. boring
A. the best(
)31. visited
)36,可以适当发挥. The children worked one _______ for Mrs. run
B. basketball player
D. “It’s fun to talk with all these people,选择最佳选项. 2 Talk to yourself 63.m. That is Beckham. places
-Maybe you should see a _______. “They are too changeable:30 p. because
B,200 dollarsIn 1973 go to Harvard University Two years later
begin his own company (公司)In 1999 write a bookHobbies enjoy reading and playing golf
Bill Gates was born in (1)_______ in the U. pass(
)41. People
60. Get together with him or her at least once a week and study together。(
B. Green helped them.At the age of 13 start programming When he was 17 years old
work out a program and sell it for 4,根据短文内容.S. 完形填空(共15分. The children didn’t have money to buy flowers?
-Well, you make your mouth and your mind work. Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. On Mother’s Day, disappointed or angry etc. until
C. have fun
C.A. How often
D. A. does 阅读部分(共26分)七. earlier(
)37. inside
从下列各句所给的A。(共8分. parks
D. Some girls said
are going to exercise more to
When you study. Takara Co. cleaned the windows B Simon plays the part in “The Little Angel”(天使)at the Landers Theater. It is much _____ today than yesterday? What. ______. How much
D. travel(
)47. After that. 任务型阅读(共4分. of
C. ______ possible.”
Maria began her day just like one of the visitors. At the (3)______.S. Stores
D. -Let’s ________ fruit salad for lunch. a best
D. Walnut St.
A, faxes and e-mails from our readers about their New Year’s Resolutions:30 p. visiting(
)29. She took a fifteen-minute boat
to Liberty Island,从36-50小题所给的A.
A. teacher
Maria was a 42-year-old lady. Green. am going to visit
C. Many readers are going to work
in school this year, good idea. Dogs
C, you should pay ________ for the tickets. -There aren’t enough snacks for the party, which are exhibited in the Landers Theater. hour
A. They want to communicate better
their kids. A. “They are too changeable. (皇冠). the
B. You can call 869-1334 to talk to the actors. How long
D, speaking it is the hardest part. over
C. Did you buy ______,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. This will help you with both speech and pronunciation(发音)
Talk to yourself as much as possible. parkE. People who lived near her store were poor. sorry
C. had pizza
B. Then you can help each other. keep fit
A,选择最佳选项, ”she said. Ltd. Both the mothers and children were happy. interesting
D。A. helps
B.m. could
C。至少包括三幅图的内容. 3 Have a “study buddy”:
$ 8 for people over 18. The children _____ in the store. They cleaned the windows in the store. ___ thinking in English. The children worked one hour for Mrs. They were very ______. At 7. for
D. most 六.
-OK。只填写字母.m. at(
)42,000 of the dog translating gadgets have been sold since it was on sale in Japan late last year. If you read aloud. SundayWhere. she
B. She is going to teach in China next year. doctor
A Japanese toy maker speaks out that they made a gadget (小配件)that translates (翻译)dog bark(狗叫)into people’s language and plans to sell the gadget in U. some
B. How many(
)24. gives
“The Little Angel”
B. -I have a toothache,从第51-61小题所给的A. Want to go. An old lady said she found a job as a foreign language
B. Eliza won the first prize. He enjoyed reading (8)_______ playing golf. Her
A. people need to talk to dogs
B, 311 E. A. But you have to finish the homework first. on Friday, make your mouth do what your mind is learning. A. This text mainly tells us that _______. taking(
)28. clever
C, ”the marketing manager said、B, sad. colder
D. terrible(
A. In the museum. cards
-We ______ many photos at the park. harder
C. Reporters D、C。请参考下面几幅图写一篇短文谈谈你的寒假计划. day off
Yesterday Nick and I had a very nice (1)_____:30 p.
D. If your parents take you to see the play. go out
B五, you make your mouth do what your mind is learning. in
十一. must
B. pilot(
)33. stayed
C. pet stores and gift shops this summer. A:30 p. 书面表达(10分)
A。短文题目已给出. On Mother’s Day. today. he
D. “Besides. “Helping them learn about‘Lady Liberty’is really
B,000 letters. the gadget is very expensive
B, he began his own company. for
C, _____ I watch TV
班级 ________姓名 ________分数________
考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分
一、 选出你所听到的单词(5分):
A . hardly
A . difference
C . difficult
B . rabbit
C . babysit
A . go swimming
B. go shopping
C. go camping
二、听录音选择正确的答语。( 5分)
)1. A. He often
swimming .
B. Yes, he does.
C. Once a week.
)2. A. Every day
B. By bike
Fine ,thank you.
)3. A. He’s tired ...
1. After a long walk, little Jim was hungry and tired. He could _______ walk any
A. suddenly
2. I will go to the zoo if it _______ tomorrow.
A. doesn’t rain
B. will rain
D. won’t rain
3. How about ______ with us?
A. go sgopping
B. goes shopping
C. going shopping
D. going shop
4. Mum, where are my shoes?
Under the chair, please _____.
A. put it on
B. put on it
C. put on them
D. put them on
5. Dad often tells me _________ about sports and we do sports every day,so ...
第二部分 笔试(100分)
II. Multiple choice (本题共20分,每小题1分)
)1.—Can you sing? —Yes I can,_____ I can’t sing very well.
)2.You can’t _____ jeans to the party. If you do so, the teacher won’t let you ___.
)3.What ____ you ______ at this time yesterday?
)4. The teacher said I could do better _____ English .
)5.It’s twelve o’clock, It’s time for you to go to bed, Jim.
OK, _____ Mum.
A. Good evening
B. Goodbye
C. Good night
)6.There ________ a basket...
五. 单项填空(共15分,每小题1分)
)21. -Who is Mozart?
-______ is a musician.
)22. -Mom, _____ I watch TV?
-Yes, you can. But you have to finish the homework first.
)23. -______ milk do we need?
-Just one cup.
A. How much
B. How long
C. How often
D. How many
)24. That is Beckham. He was born ________ 1975.
)25. -Let’s ________ fruit salad for lunch.
-OK, good idea.
)25. -Let’s ________ fruit salad for lunch.
-OK, good idea.
)26. Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They were very ______.
)27. -What did you do last Sunday?
-We ______ many photos at the park.
)28. -What do you want to do for vacation?
-I _______ my grandmother.
B. am going to visit
C. visited
D. visiting
)29. Eliza won the first prize. She played _______ beautiful piano piece.
)30. All the movie ...
五. 单项填空(共15分,每小题1分)
)21. -Who is Mozart?
-______ is a musician.
)22. -Mom, _____ I watch TV?
-Yes, you can. But you have to finish the homework first.
)23. -______ milk do we need?
-Just one cup.
A. How much
B. How long
C. How often
D. How many
)24. That is Beckham. He was born ________ 1975.
)25. -Let’s ________ fruit salad for lunch.
-OK, good idea.
a.b.b.a.c.b.c.b.b.a.a.ca.b.a.a.b.b.d.a.d.b.a.a.b.ba.b.b.cC.A.DB.A.C.Dreadaloud much
in tic.b.e.f.g1955.age.was.sell.1973.years.book.and
a b a c b d
出门在外也不愁"阅读理解 Tom and Mike are good friends.They are kind to children.They want to find summer jobs.One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp need help..."阅读答案_中考英语_英语阅读网
"阅读理解 Tom and Mike are good friends.They are kind to children.They want to find summer jobs.One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp need help..."阅读答案
"阅读理解 Tom and Mike are good friends.They are kind to children.They want to find summer jobs.One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp need help..."阅读答案
&&&&&& Tom and Mike are good friends.They are kind to children.They want to find summer jobs.One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp need help with sports,music and computers.They are both very glad to hear this.&&&&&& Tom can play basketball and volleyball,and he can swim,too.Mike can play the violin(小提琴),the trumpet,the drums(鼓)and the guitar,Tom and Mike like computers very much.Can they join the summercamp?
1. Tom and mike want to &&&&&& .
A. help with sports,music and computersB. be good with childrenC. join the summer camp D. get help from the camp
2. What does the summer camp need help with?
A. Flying kites. B. Sports,music and computers.C. Making cakes.D. Drawing pictures.
3. Tom can play &&&&&& .
A. ball games&&&&&&B. computer games&&&&&&C. music&&&& D. violin
4.Mike can play &&&&&& .
A. the drumsB. volleyballC. basketballD. football
5. What do Tom and Mike both like?
A. FootballB. Computer C. Swimming D. Sports
1-5 C B A A B
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1. What does the speaker think about most good jobs?
A. Then can make a person relax and earn a lot of money. B. They are usually the most difficult. C. They are interesting.
2. How many years do doctors study for at least after graduation?
A. 6 years. B. 7 years. C. 8 years.
3. Who are lucky according to the speaker?
A. Doctors. B. Athletes. C. Writers.
扫描下载二维码Tom and Mike are good friends. They are kind to children. They want to find summer jobs. One da..._百度知道
Tom and Mike are good friends. They are kind to children. They want to find summer jobs. One da...
Tom and M&nbsp?A.小题3;&&&nbsp、computer games&&&&nbsp:Tom can play____________A;&nbsp. One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports、join the Summer Camp小题2;&&nbsp、C&&nbsp,&& C、music小题4;&nbsp. Tom can play baske&&&&&&&&&nbsp, the drums and the guitar:Mike can play__________A. Tom and Mike like computers very much:What do Tom and M&&& B;&&&&&&&nbsp、volleyball&nbsp. They &nbsp、F&nbsp、be good with childrenC;&nbsp. They want&&&nbsp, music and computersB,&nbsp、SB;&&&&&nbsp, the trumpet、balls&&&&nbsp、S&&&&nbsp.B;&nbsp:What does the Summer Camp need help with、M&&nbsp、F&&nbsp. Can they join the Summer C&nbsp.&&nbsp、the drums&nbsp. They are both very glad to hear(听说) this.A、basketball小题5. Mike&&&&nbsp? 根据短文内容;&& C?A,选择正确答案(10分)小题1.C:Tom and Mike want to _________;&&nbsp、&&nbsp, music and computers.&&&&&&&& B;&nbsp, and he can swim
A小题5:汤姆和迈克是很好的朋友, and he can swim,故选C,把关键词标志出来,麦克可以玩小提琴。他们希望找暑期工,而且准确率也非常的高。 Tom可以打篮球和排球:C小题2.”理解可知,他也可以游泳:细节理解题:细节理解题,根据文中语句“They want to find summer jobs”理解可知。有一天.”理解可知,根据文中语句“Mike can play the violin,音乐和电脑的人,抓住大意和细节题。他们参加夏令营, the trumpet,故选A小题4,根据文中语句“Tom can play basketball and volleyball:注意要细读文章内容。小题5。他们需要电脑, music and computers。点评,故选A,选择适当的内容来回答, the drums and the guitar。他们对小朋友非常友善,北戴河的儿童夏令营在招聘。他们两个都喜欢电脑。他们都很高兴:细节理解题,需要擅长体育, too。Tom会体育.”理解可知?小题1,故选B,小号,根据文中语句“Tom and Mike like computers very much。这样不仅可以提高阅读的效率。Mike会音乐方面的知识,故选B,汤姆告诉迈克:细节理解题:细节理解题:B
试题分析,音乐和体育方面的人员:B小题3,根据文中语句“One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports。小题2。他们想找份暑期工作.”理解可知,鼓和吉他:A小题4


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