求人趋人之急文言文翻译一下, 急

急!求翻译 请好心人帮翻译一下,本人不胜感激.Write a composition of about 200 words using the ideas given below.Do not write more than three paragraphs.Title:Nearly caught.Introduction: Alf and three other dustmen were collecting rubbish----arrived at Mrs.Frost`s house.Development: Alf`s wife was visiting Mrs.Frost at the time---Alf was just getting out of the dustcart---saw his wife leaving Mrs.Frost`s
house--- hid in dustmen helped him---his wife talked to Mrs.Frost on the doorstep.Conclusion:The dustcart rove away just as Mrs.Bloggs came towards it.
根据以下大意写一篇大概两百字的作文,段落不要超过三段.题目:差点被抓介绍:Alf和三个清洁工正在收集垃圾,来到了Mrs.Frost的门前.发展:Alf的老婆那时正在拜访Mrs.Frost---Alf刚好从垃圾车里走出来---看到他老婆正要离 开Mrs.Frost的家---他躲在帮他的清洁工人后面---他老婆在门前跟Mrs.Frost讲话结论:Mrs.Bloggs往垃圾车处走过来的时候,它被开走了我算是直译,把里面的意思翻译了一下,
按以下所给的要求写一篇200字左右的作文。不要超过三段。题目:差一点赶上了简介:阿尔夫和其他三个清洁工正在收集垃圾----到达Mrs.Frost的房子。发展过程:阿尔夫的妻子当时正在拜访 Mrs.Frost,阿尔夫刚从垃圾车出来---看到他的妻子从 Mrs.Frost家房子里出来,躲在帮他的清洁工的后面,他的妻子正和Mrs.Frost在家门口交谈。结论:当M...
扫描下载二维码(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
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有人可以帮我翻译一下这个词:Porta-Turret吗?直译过来是外孔炮塔,但感觉怪怪的,我正在为一个英文游戏软件做中文翻译,软件的名字叫Bug Heroes,中文名为虫虫英雄,有兴趣的人可以在手机上下来玩玩。
Really delete this post?
儒创立于春秋末仁礼核思想体系同主张政德 新思想并未受太重视春秋末奴隶制度趋于瓦解奴隶主阶级趋于没落新兴主阶级尚未社裂割据缺乏实行礼制强力央政权;且各诸侯热衷于兼并战争改革古制图自强孔恢复周礼仁政民主张符合统治者需要儒没找发光彩空间战期儒发展完善其孟继承原本孔儒思想主张实行仁政提民贵君轻民本思想性本善论并主张养浩气先义利荀则主张仁义王道性善论发认性本恶;主张礼并用强调理规范与教化作用;政治主张实行礼治儒发展虽定进步性战诸侯纷争代其包含民本思想关注现实体现文精神主张能满足主阶级实现家统加强统治央集权愿望种具古典文主义性质思想必受统治者冷落乱世家则统治者依仗并让秦王朝终建立虽荀礼并施观点吸收家制已迎合乱世应运势说明儒强包容性核仍仁主思想于乱世终仍志秦朝期依仗家统秦王朝仍乱世家思想治终终于二世统适于治儒站秦王朝份力呢主要源于秦朝统家思想坚信移儒家思想没能立刻统社进步思想所造悲剧秦统防六余党复采取系列强制文字货币等统案并强制收尽兵器强制平民服役等都家强制思想非民本儒家思想强制非教化主打击民愤余党终导致起义覆再秦朝儒非议郡县制主张封制站专制央集权立面遭焚书坑儒 沉重打击儒奴隶社阶层利益主思想已经落于形势发展、能满足统治者加强央集权需要其遭受压制没能发挥其治能主要原秦儒其未能与俱进受压制
The development history of ConfucianismThe establishment of the Confucianism and in Chinese history, have been of development and perfection, keep pace with The Times and adapt to the historical periods of active in all the feudal dynasty and its content and the ideological core closely related.A, the birth of ConfucianismA kind of academic or thought of generation, always appears so many hardships and difficulties, like Christian Jesus died, burned as Bruno in heliocentrism, Confucianism also had not the importance and the FenShuKengRu tyrant.Founded in the spring and autumn and the dynasty Confucianism, at that moment it is just a &benevolence& and &the ritual& as the core of the thought system, and advocates &governing with the new idea. At the time didn't get too much attention. Because of the spring and autumn and the dynasty, slavery tends to collapse, slave owners class tends to decline, and the landlord class has not grown up growth emerging. Social separate regime, the lack of a strong evidence of th And that every state is keen on mergers and reform of the war, in an effort to self-improvement. Confucius and benevolent the people of zhou recovery that meet the needs of the then rulers. Confucianism have not found it a brilliant night of space.During the warring states period to Confucianism obtained the development and the consummation. One of the mencius in the original KongRu inherited thought, urged the implementation of &benevolent governance&, put forward &people your king light& people-oriented thoughts and &goodness& theory, and claims for upholding the raise, the first after righteousness. And xun zi righteousness and claim the kingly way &. Starting from the theory of goodness, think of hu Claims by Confucianism, emphasized that the reason of norms an In the political advocate a man governance. So the development of Confucianism despite of some progress, but in the age of the warring states governors disputes, its contain people-oriented thoughts, pay attention to real life, reflect the spirit of humanity can not meet the landlord class that achieving national reunification and strengthen the rule of the centralized wish, this is the nature of the classical humanism ideas will inevitably suffer the rulers left out in the cold, and the ferrari is a ruler gone on and let the qin dynasty finally established. Although Confucianism and xun zi was absorbed view of the legal legalism, and has gone to cater to the potential of the arises at the historic moment, but this only shows that the Confucianism and the core of the powerful tolerance is still in the thought mainly benevolence, in troubled times with finally still frustrated.To the qin dynasty period, the mong on a ferrari to qin dynasty still with gone legalists' thought finally finally ii rule, why after governing for the unification in Confucianism don't stand up for the qin dynasty out a force? This mainly comes from the qin dynasty to unify after the legalism thought persuaded in Confucian thought and could not immediately in the mong to progress in the social thought the tragic. QinTong defence YuDang six Zionism and take a series of compulsory words such as monetary unification plan, and forced ShouJin weapon, service is compulsory civilians of legalism compulsory thought-not with people as the Confucianism, and to have compulsory and not give priority to anger and YuDang enlightenment blow, eventually leading to the uprising and the kingdom. Then when the qin dynasty Confucian scholar JunXianZhi above reproach, that the FenFengZhi, standing in the opposite of the centralized despotism, which have been &FenShuKengRu& the heavy blow. Because at that time of Confucianism to social class interests or slaves mainly thought, already behind the development of the situation, can not meet the need of strengthening centralized ruler, this is from the repression and didn't perform to the state can main reasons. In the qin, because it failed to keep pace with The Times of Confucianism and suppressed.
Historical development of Confucianism
Creation of Confucianism in Chinese history and the continued development and improvement, adapting to all periods of history and are active in keeping pace with the feudal dynasties and its contents and the core has a close relationship.
Born, Confucianism
An academic or thought, always looked so many hardships and difficulties, like the Jesus of Christianity were killed, burned to death in the heliocentric theory of Bruno, Confucianism had no importance to the Burning of books and burying of scholars and tyrants.
Creation of Confucianism in the late spring and Autumn period, at the time it is just a &benevol...
The development history of Confucianism
The establishment of the Confucianism and in Chinese history, have been of development and perfection, keep pace with The Times and adapt to the historical periods of active in all the feudal dynasty and its content and the ideological core closely related.
A, the birth of Confucianism
A kind of academic or thought of generation, always appears so many hardships and difficulties, like Christian Jesus died, burned as Bruno in heliocentrism, Confucianism also had not the importance and the FenShuKengRu tyrant.
Founded in the spring and autumn and the dynasty Confucianism, at that moment it is just a &benevolenc...
The Confucian thought of historical development
The Confucian thought of creation and in the history of China has continued to develop and improve, keep pace with the times to adapt to the various periods of history and is active in all feudal dynasty with its content and thought the core has the inseparable relations.
One, the birth of Confucianism
An academic or thinking, always appears so many hardships and difficulties, like Christian Jesus died, heliocentrism in burnt Bruno, Confucianism had not taken seriously and tyrants fenshukengru.
Confucianism was founded in the late spring and Autumn period, at the time it just takes &benevolence& and &...


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