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你可能喜欢Hello dear friends. I have great news for you. May be some of you know that after Original Effortless English lessons,
AJ Hoge created Power English lesson set and sold them for only one special day almost two years ago. He stopped to sell Power english until nowadays. And now Power English lesson are available to buy.
to check it yourself.
I can say that
the best lesson set which AJ Hoge created until now. If your level intermediate to advanced, I highly recommend Power English lessons for you. It is not enough to say these are only English lessons. When you listen to Power English lessons you will learn English and many other interesting informations at the same time.
In Power English you will especially find subjects of motivation, leadership and self improvement. AJ Hoge share with us his experiences of seminars he participated and books he red with his useful commentaries. So you will learn to learning fast and improve your English and learn to look your life with a quality perspective.
If your English level is lower than advanced (intermediate and pre-intermediate), I highly recommend OriginalEffortless English lessons for you. Original Effortless English Set includes lessons on different levels, from Pre-Intermediate to advanced.
to view more details about Original Effortless English lessons.
How To Speak English Fluentlyhttp://www.power-english.net/Power English Course will help you to speak English fluently in 6 months or less.Created by A.J. Hoge of Effortless English.
Content Of Power English
Power English contains 30 lesson set. In each set, there is a main article lesson, a mini-story lesson, a pointof view lesson. Also there are 6 commentary mp3 lessons as bonus. As I said before,from the main article you will learn many interesting things, for example, how to be confident, strongand never give up achieving your goals. The mini-story and point of view lessons will teach you English grammar in the effortless way.
As a result, I believe Power English lessons are the best, the most powerful English lessons you can find. I highly recommend AJ Hoge Power English lessons. I think these lessons can help any or you who wants to improve their English skills for speaking excellent English. The price of Power English is the same of Original English Lesson Set and it is 97 usd. Also AJ Hoge is sure to you will speak English better
with his lessons and he gives Money back guarantee.
After using Effortless English or Power English lessons during 6 months, if you don’t find yourself speaking better English, then just tell AJ Hoge and he will return your Money. But I don’t think it is possible to not improve your speaking after listening these lessons in 6 months.
to go to Effortless English Club and get Power English lessons. Your English and your life will become better.
What Is The Price of the Power English Course?
This great course used to be sold whith $97 for a long time. It contains 32 lessons set which takes 6 months and improve your speaking skills very fast. But A.J. Hoge the director of Effortless English program, decided to increase the price. Now, if you click this link:
you can see the price of Power English course is 197 usd currently.
But, there is a final chance to get this useful course whith the old price now. If you click below link, you can see the old price ($97) and buy Power English lessons %52 off. However, you should hurry up! Because this is limited time offer.
$197 Limitid time offer: $97
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Hi, I am A.J. Hoge, The director of . My English teaching has helped almost 500.000 people, learn English more quickly and more easily. That’s almost half a million people.
Today, I want to help you. And I want to talk about my
lessons. I created my Effortless English lessons to help you speak English quickly, easily and automatically. I want you to feel strong, powerful, confident and happy when you speak english. I want you to get better jobs because your english ability is excellent. I want you meet new people from different countries all around the world. I want you get everything you want by using English. That’s why I created Effortless English.
My lessons will help you speak English faster, understand faster and learn vocabulary much faster and learn grammar much better and much faster. After six months of using my lessons, you will speak english easily, quickly and automatically. Now, how can I say this? I can say this because my lessons come from the best research from the experts such Dr. James Asher, Dr. Stephen Krashen, Dr. J. Marvin Brown. Their research shows that these Effortless English methods will help you 4-5 times faster and remember it much longer. And you will learn how to speak quickly, easily and automatically.
Dr. Asher, study normal English learning and Effortless English method. He found that the Effortless methods are 4-5 times faster. And Dr. Stephen Krashen found that the students who use these methods speak faster, speak more correctly, have better grammar, have larger vocabularies and understands more quickly and easily. There are a lot of benefits when you use the Effortless English methods and Effortless English lessons.
Now, when you but these lessons, what do you get? Well, you get over thirty lessons sets. That’s sets, groups of lessons. Each set contains several audio lessons. There is a vocabulary lesson. In the vocabulary lesson, I teach you new phrases and words. These are common, useful and powerful words and phrases.
There is a mini story in each sets. Of course, these are the powerful and kind of famous listen and answer mini stories. I ask a story using a lot of questions and you answer every question. Now, these are very simple and easy questions. so don’t worry, It is a very easy lesson but very powerful. When you use these listen and answer mini stories, your speaking becomes faster and faster and faster. Also your understanding.
Each of these thirty lesson sets also has an audio article. This is very interesting article about some real topic. This is real english. It is not textbook english. And you simply just listen to it. You listen it again and again and again each day. And each day your listening improves, your vocabulary improves, your grammar improves and eventually your speaking improves too.
A lot of these lessons also have my very powerful point of view lessons. These are my grammar lessons. But you never study grammar rules, i promise. You won’t think about grammar rules. You will learn english grammar automatically and easily. You will learn how to use it correctly without thinking. You will never think about grammar rules again. And that’s fantastic. It’s more fun, It’s more easy and it is much powerful. This is the way to learn grammar. Use my point of view stories. All the more advanced lessons will include it as well. You get those too.
Finally, most of these lessons has text so if you have trouble understanding something, you can read. And that is additional, extra way to increase your understanding and learn faster. And finally, one more bonus, many of those lessons also have a bonus commentary. In the commentary I chat about the topic of the lesson and you just listen. It just an easy extra listening for you.
Using all of these lessons together each day, you will improve very very quickly, I promise. In fact, I guarantee you will. We have a very stong guarantee at Effortless English. If you use all of the lessons for six months and you are not happy, you are not satisfied we will give your Money back, you will return your money.
But I know, you will be satisfied. Because our students are successful and you also will be successful when you get the lessons now. So how can you use these lessons? How do you get them? It’s very easy. Read the article below, you will learn more and click the big red button that says “Buy The Lessons Now” you will pay using your credit card and after you pay, you will immediately get an e-mail with a link to the lessons.
You can use them right now, you click the link and download the lessons to your computer immediately, right now. So, you can start today, you can start now, learning with Effortless English. Then, you
listen to the lessons on your computer or on your ipod.
You can listen the lessons with your ipod on the bus, in the car when you are shopping, when you are at home, when you are walking, when you are exercising. It is so convenient, It is so easy. That’s why we sell them on the internet. Because it is quick, it is easy for you. So convenient. So, read this article, click the big red button, get my lessons and start today. Start improving you English speaking right now. And I will see you again. Bye bye.
Learn Effortless English 7 Rules:
Power English Lessons
After Original Effortless English lessons, AJ Hoge created
lessons for intermediate and advanced English learners. These lessons are not just English lessons. You will find inspiring information from motivation, leadership as well as self improvement. ()
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Spanish is an official language used by the Union of South American Nations and Organization of American States, it is also a language that has been influenced by Arabic, English, Latin as it has take some words from these languages and is a language that is used a lot in the USA. Learning a fresh language for the initial time is different as you would not have the education and experience someone who has been doing for a long time would have, but if you are attracted in learning Spanish as a beginner in 30 days, here is a look at some ideas you can do so.
One of the ways to learn Spanish as a beginner in 30 days is to have someone teach you how to do it and it could be an instructor, friend, a tutor or anyone who Spanish very amazing. This is a way because it the persons understands the language and they also understand a language that you know very perfect, they can simply guide you through the vital parts of the process and support you through some of the parts you may have challenges with.
Unlimited Spanish 30 Days Crash Course
Another way to learn Spanish for the initial time is to take the Unlimited Spanish 30 days Spanish course for beginners and this can be done via regular educational institution in your area in a classroom atmosphere such as universities and colleges, this is way as they generally have different courses you can take for different levels of learning and you can even get a program that provides things like best facilities and different learning techniques and so on.
Some of the things that would affect your capability to learn as a beginner would contain how much you want to learn as you might only want to learn some parts of it, the type of technique you use to learn as learning on your own and learning from a professional private instructor would not be the same, how fast you want to learn as you may other things you are targeting on, your capability to learn as some people learn as quicker than others and so. These are vital factors as they would determine how well you would be capable to learn Spanish.
All in all, learning Spanish for the initial time is something that can be done in a range of ways and if you are interested in doing this, I advise you to take the
30 days crash program for beginners to get fast result.
Unlimited Spanish Program Details:
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If you understand what you read and hear in English, but you can not speak English fluently, then you need to practice English speaking. But how? Today you are going to learn how to practice speaking with yourself. Yes, you don’t need to go abroad or someone like native English speaker to talk. You just need to learn the listen and answer mini story method.
rule number 7 will teach you how to use mini stories for practice English speaking. Now please watch below video of LRE Rule 7. In this useful video A.J. Hoge is talking about listen and answer stories. Remember, you can also download free audio of this video at the end of this post.
Learn Real English Rule 7 Video
Using Listen and Answer Stories for Better Speaking
There are so many easy ways to be able to understand and speak English fluently. Perhaps, so far you only learn English at school which is so stiff and less pleasant. Basically, if you are smart enough, you can use the best way to teach or learn English using the method of listen and answer stories.
As we know that the most significant problem in school is that the students learn English through translation. The students do not speak naturally and instantly because they have to think about the meaning in their own language. Besides, they also have to understand the grammar rule, so it will take time to think. This is why most of the students cannot speak English well and fluently.
through listening and answering stories, you will be able to speak and understand English without thinking. You will speak and answer question spontaneously without thinking any vocabulary and grammar rule. This method will teach you to understand English quickly without translating it into your own language. So, how does it work anyway?
In this method, we as a teacher will tell you a funny and crazy story. Why should the teacher choose funny stories? Because if the teacher tells you a common story, you will be feeling lazy to listen to it. Moreover, you also have to think about the vocabulary and grammar rule used in the story. However, funny story does not work like that.
A funny story told by the teacher will always be memorized by the students. After telling the story, we may ask you some questions about the story. When you are asked about the story, then suddenly your brain will work and understand the question instantly. In this case, the questions asked are not some difficult questions but the simple questions.
Why should we ask you a simple and easy question? Because you will not answer it if we ask you a difficult question. Your brain will think a lot of things, and that is not what we expect from you. Simple question will be easy to understand fast and it will make you answer the question quickly without thinking.
You can have some questions such as what was there? Then, you can answer there was a boy, was there a boy or a girl? You can answer “there was a boy”. More and more questions, until it gets to the most difficult question finally. However, you will get a lot more questions to answer.
In this case, you only need to answer the questions loudly. By repeating more and more questions, you can learn and repeat some grammars many times. You also repeat and learn more vocabulary. Here, you don’t need to learn anything. You are no need to read something, just listen to the story and question.
The purpose is to get an exciting environment in learning. Therefore, you can enjoy the funny stories. You will not learn about something boring because you just listen to a story and answer several simple question repeatedly. In this case, your brain will be taught to think about English continuously. And this is quite powerful for learning method to get better English speaking skills.
Well, you have finished Learn Real English 7 rules to improve your listening and speaking skills very fast. This is not enough to know about these rules, but you have to use these rules when you study English. If you follow learn real English rules you will learn English faster and your listening and speaking will improve easily and automatically.
The best way to follow all of these powerful rules, is to download and use . We higly recommend the Learn Real English course for intermediate and advanced learners to boost their English level. Click below link to get this great English conversation course and start to speak English fluently now.
Learn Real English Videos & Mp3 Lessons:
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Real English Material for Easy and Fun Learning
is actually very easy. You can learn English through many ways. You probably only get English lessons at school that may not be so effective to make you proficient. How actually the best way to learn English? well, this is what we are going to do, we will tell you the best way to understand and to be fluent either in English speaking, listening, or reading.
One of the best ways to be a good English speaker or overall to master English is by learning from real English material. What is exactly real English material? Learning a real English material means that we learn English from the real situation. In this case, you have to get rid of your textbook, or textbook CDs. Since textbooks are not efficient to make you proficient and fluent. In fact, there are two ways in order to learn English from real material.
The first is Reading English Material. Reading is kind of effective way to make you master English overall. However, you are not recommended to read textbooks, because you should find some reading materials that are easy for you. If needed, you can also find some fun reading materials. There are some reading materials that you can use such as children book. Perhaps, it is too easy for you, try to read some comics. Or you can also try teenager books. If all of them are too easy, you can read some advanced materials such as magazines, novel, newspaper, article on the internet, and so on.
The second is listening English material. Listening is also the key to master English well. However, we recommend you for not to read any textbooks CDs anyway. You should not listen to the people in the CDs audio because they don’t talk naturally. In this case, you would be better to find some easy and fun materials like children TV program, children movies, or audio books and many more. The audio book may be easier because it provides text and audio. However, if it is too easy, you can watch and listen to teenager TV program, or teenage movies. Yet, if you think that it is still too easy for you, so you can watch adult movie, adult TV show, the news, podcasts, and so on which are more advanced.
The reason why we don’t recommend you to learn from a textbook is because a textbook material is not real. It is not normal English anyway. As we know that textbook material is only used in school, it uses formal English, too stiff. Perhaps, you will understand it in the class, but when you are out of the class, the people use different English, because they use the real English.
In summary, from the explanation above, we can conclude that real English material is better rather than textbook material. Since real English material uses natural English and it is used every day by the people. However, you should not leave textbook anyway, just consider it as the second alternative for you to be fluent in English. So if you want to , you should use real English materials.
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Learn Real English Rules
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