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Once upon a time there was a great Greek hero, Hercules. He was taller and stronger than anyone you have ever seen. On his shoulder he carried a club and in his hand he held a bow (弓). He was known as the hero of a hundred adventures.
Hercules served a king. The king was afraid of him. So again and again he sent him on difficult tasks. One morning the king sent for him and told him to fetch three golden apples for him from the garden of the Singing Maidens (歌女). But no one knew where the garden was.
So Hercules went away. He walked the whole day and the next day and the next. He walked for months before he saw mountains far in the distance one fine morning. One of the mountains was in the shape of a man, with long, long legs and arms and huge shoulders and a huge head. He was holding up the sky. Hercules knew it was Atlas, the Mountain God. So he asked him for help.
Atlas answered, &My head and arms and shoulders all ache. Could you hold up the sky while I fetch the golden apples for you?&
Hercules climbed the mountain and shouldered the sky. Soon the sky grew very heavy. When finally Atlas came back with three golden apples, he said, &Well, you are going to carry the mountain for ever. I'm going to see the king with the apples.& Hercules knew that he couldn't fight him because of the sky on his back, So he shouted:
&Just one minute's help. My shoulders are hurting, Hold the sky for a minute while I make a cushion (垫子) for my shoulders.&
Atlas believed him. He threw down the apples and held up the sky.
Hercules picked up the apples and ran back to see the king.
1. Hercules was the tallest man in the world.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
2. Hercules worked in the king's garden.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
3. Hercules was given many difficult tasks because the king wanted to get rid of him.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
4. Atlas was the giant who held up the sky.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
5. Atlas ran faster than Hercules.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
6. Atlas got the golden apples for Hercules because he wanted to be the king himself.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
7. Hercules finally managed to get the apples by defeating Atlas.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned
短文后第一题句子的意思是:在这个世界上,Hercules的个子最高。短文中有这样一句话:He was taller and stronger than anyone you have ever seen.显然,第一题是这句话的翻版,句子不~样,一个用的是比较级,一个用的是最高级,但意思完全一样。所以本句话是正确的。故答案为A。
第四题句子的意思是:Atlas是个撑天巨人。这句话也是正确的。因为文中有这样一句话:He was holding up the sky.Hercules knew it was Atlas,the Mountain God.所以本题正确答案为A。
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&&& 2012年职称英语考试已经结束,为了方便广大考生2013年职称英语备考以及考前复习相关信息,学易网校编辑团队第一时间为您发布2013年职称英语的考试时间,供广大考生参考学习.
  职称英语等级考试中阅读判断共7道题占7分, 考察方法是根据短文的内容总结出7个句子,让考生来判断是对是错还是没有提到。阅读判断题的命题通常有着一定的规律,B级考题的阅读判断都与C级考题的阅读判断题一样,而且基本上每一年的难度状况都差不多?  在近三年的考试中,08年职称英语理工B级阅读判断考题的文章难度与07,06年职称英语理工B级阅读判断考题的文章难度基本相当。文章中绝大部分句子为简单句,大部分词汇都是常见的基本词汇。  2008年职称英语考题中考点所涉及到的句子都为简单句,考题基本上都是针对文章中的单个句子进行设置,因此考生往往只要找出与问题相对应的某个答案相关句,就能直接判断答案。2007年理工B阅读判断考题中语法考察是重点。2006年考题中考点所涉及到的句子有简单句, 也有复合句,考题仍侧重于考察语法结构,也有些题考查考生根据相关信息进行推断的能力。  在做阅读判断题目时有以下几个小技巧大家可以参考:  1.阅读文章标题,确认文章主题;  2.直接解题:读问题句,弄清楚问题句的基本内容, 根据其句意判断问题类型:是细节题还是主旨题?  (1)如果是主旨题,则可借助文章标题内容(标题中的核心词),文章开头,文章结尾处的句子及文章中各个段落段首句的内容特点综合判断文章主题;  (2)如果是细节题,则首先找出句子中的特征词(专有名词,数字)和描述细节信息的词语与结构(如:时间/地点/条件/原因状语,表示人及事物名称的词语),也可参考问题中的核心谓语动词及问题句中出现修饰词, 利用这些词语与结构作为答案线索,在文章中找到与之相呼应的语句(答案相关句),对比答案相关句与问题句的结构和句意,判断答案。  提示:虽然有时找到的答案相关句不能直接帮助答题,但是往往真正的答案相关句通常就在其周边的语句中。  在职称英语考试中阅读判断虽然只占7分,但是只要掌握命题规律和解题技巧实质上是一个很好的得分点。去尝试这按照上面的解题技巧去做,你会得到事半功倍的效果!!
人教版九年级英语Unit 8 综合检测题作者:未知
  卷I (选择题,共85分)
  I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  ( & )1. A. fillB. fell C. feel
  ( & )2. A. BC-X240 &B. DC-S240 &C. DC-X240
  ( & )3. A. gave away &B. took away C. moved away
  ( & )4. A. John is handsome but he cant hear anything.
  B. John is handsome but he cant see anything.
  C. John is a bad and blind boy.
  ( & )5. A. Mary is a student now.
  B. Mary is working as a volunteer.
  C. Mary volunteers to help students.
  II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  ( & )6. A. Yes. Whats up? B. Yes, it is.
  B. No, its my favorite.
  ( & )7. A. Yes. Its over there.
  B. Yes. Can I help you?
  C. Yes. Can you help me with my housework?
  ( & )8. A. Its none of your business.
  B. Its very kind of you.
  C. My bike is broken.
  ( & )9. A. Sure. Here you are. B. Of course not.
  C. Sorry. I havent finished it.
  ( & )10. A. No problem. & & & & B. Id like some apples.
  C. Im OK.
  III. 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共8小题,每小题
  ( & )13. A. Four. B. Two. C. Five.
  ( & )14. A. Read a letter.B. Post a letter.
  C. Write a letter.
  ( & )15. A. Go hiking. B. Fix up his bike.
  C. Go swimming.
  ( & )16. A. In the morning. & & &B. In the afternoon.
  C. In the evening.
  ( & )17. A. The womans son.
  B. The womans daughter.
  C. The womans husband.
  ( & )18. A. Sleeping. B. Playing.C. Eating.
  IV. 听语段和问题,选择正确答案。 (共7小题,每小题 1分,计7分)
  ( & )19. Where did the noise come from?
  A. The kitchen. &B. The bedroom.
  C. The living room.
  ( & )20. What did they find this morning?
  A. Some broken eggs. &B. A cat.
  C. Nothing.
  ( & )21. Why didnt they get up?
  A. Because they were too afraid.
  B. Because they thought it would be the pet&cat.
  C. Because they heard nothing.
  ( & )22. How much will Jason pay if he stays in the hotel for two nights?
  A. $200.B. $400.C. $600.
  ( & )23. Which meal wont Jason pay for if he stays in the hotel?
  A. Breakfast. B. Lunch. &C. Supper.
  ( & )24. When will Jason arrive at the hotel?
  A. On August 10. & B. On August 11.
  C. On August 12.
  ( & )25. What is the speaker?
  A. A restaurant waitress. B. A tour guide.
  C. A hotel clerk.
  V. 单项选择 (共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)
  ( & )26. Have you ever seen _______ advertisement
  about this kind of wine? The advertisement is interesting.
  A. a & & &B. an & & & C. the & & & &D. /
  ( & )27. The old woman misses her grandson so much that she often looks at the photo of _______.
  A. hers & &B. her & & & C. he & & D. him
  ( & )28. The rainforest is home _________ all kinds of
  the wild animals.
  A. to & B. about
  C. in &D. among
  ( & )29. Its hard to ________ a man without hands
  and arms could swim so fast.
  A. imagine &B. realize
  C. remember D. create
  ( & )30. The book is ________ that one. They are both about country life.
  A. different from & B. popular with
  C. interested in & D. similar to
  ( & )31. -Could you help me carry this box to the
  classroom, Mike?
  -With _________.
  A. please &B. pleased
  C. pleasant & &D. pleasure
  ( & )32. Kate didnt hand ________ her test paper until the bell rang.
  A. in & & B. out & & & C. back & & &D. up
  ( & )33. _______ is Tom a good student, _______ he is a good son.
  A. B and B. E or
  C. N nor D. N but also
  ( & )34. Its hard for the little boy to _______ so heavy a bag.
  A. bring B. fetch &C. take & & D. carry
  ( & )35. -Li Ping failed his math test again.
  -We must _____ a plan to improve his math.
  A. clean up & B. set up
  C. think up & & &D. fix up
  ( & )36. Liu Lu from Central South University is the student who _______ the difficult problem of the world math competition in 2012.
  A. handed out &B. worked out
  C. gave out & & &D. helped out
  ( & )37. Lucy didnt pass the English test again. Lets&________.
  A. get over her B. cheer her up
  C. give her up D. look after her
  ( & )38. -Youre so clever to _____ such a wonderful&idea to the problem.
  -Thanks a lot.
  A. come up with &B. stay away from
  C. make up of &D. get along with
  ( & )39. Jim _______ his brother. They are both clever and a little quiet.
  A. looks for & B. looks like
  C. takes after & &D. is similar
  ( & )40. ________ the teachers help, I am able to catch up with my classmates.
  A. Because & B. Because of
  C. As & & & & D. Without
  ( & )41. I want to _______ my free time doing some volunteer work with my friends.
  A. spend & B. take & C. payD. cost
  ( & )42. New Years Day is coming. We cant put off ______ a plan for the party.
  A. make & B. makes & C. making & D. to make
  ( & )43. The shop must be popular now because it is _______ customers.
  A. famous for &B. known for
  C. filled with &D. interested in
  ( & )44. -Would you like to help fix up the broken&window in our classroom?
  -Yes, ________.
  A. please & B. thanks
  C. Id like & &D. Id love to
  ( & )45. Id like to join the volunteer project to help people in Yaan, but Im not sure ________.
  A. what I should do &B. what should I do
  C. how can I do it &D. how I can do
  VI. 完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
  Lots of people are calling for September 11 to become a national day of volunteering in America. Helping others in need is such a(n) & &46 & &part of the American way of life that many high schools ask their students to spend a certain number of hours volunteering in order to graduate. If so, & &47 do you go about it?
  Help kids learn and grow. Become a Big Brother or Big Sister, or volunteer & &48 & &an after-school sports program. Special events are great & &49 & &to get to know special-need kids.
  Give back over the holidays. Offer Thanksgiving dinner to the & &50 & , volunteer at your local food bank, or & &51 & &toys to kids.
  Play with pets at a local animal shelter (收容所). Most shelters depend on volunteers to keep the cats and dogs happy and & &52 & &exercised.
  Help the environment. Join a group and help out with river conservation (保护). & &53 & & a local park clean-up day and you could help out in a park office or an education center. & &54 & &the signs is a great way to help the environment, too.
  If you have more than one thing you love, find a way to put the two together. For example, & &55 you love kids and are good at art, visit your local childrens hospital and offer to organize art activities for young patients.
  ( )46. A. smallB. hard
  C. important & & & & D. fair
  ( )47. A. when B. whereC. what &D. how
  ( )48. A. with & B. for & & & C. about &D. against
  ( )49. A. waysB. pride &C. results D. advice
  ( )50. A. thin & B. fat & &C. rich D. homeless
  ( )51. A. play with & &B. buy
  C. hand out & & & & D. make
  ( )52. A. fastB. finallyC. well &D. badly
  ( )53. A. Take photos of & B. Take pride in
  C. Take care of & & & D. Take part in
  ( )54. A. Thinking up & & B. Putting up
  C. Giving up & & & &D. Looking up
  ( )55. A. if & B. though &C. until &D. unless
  VII. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)
  阅读A、B、C 三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。
  A ★★
  After moving into a new house, there was a sudden blackout (停电) and darkness in the house.
  Mrs Brown just found the candle (蜡烛) and matches when a knock at the door came from outside. Opening the door, she found it was a small girl, who asked, "Aunt, is there a candle in your home?"
  How so? The first day I just moved in, the neighbors sent their child to borrow something. Werent they bullying (欺负) the new-comer? Today I lent them a candle and maybe tomorrow they would come to borrow onion or garlic. No. No way! So Mrs Brown said, "Oh dear, unluckily, your aunt just moved here and didnt have the candles." After that, she was going to close the door.
  "Aunt, look! My mother asked me to send them." The small girl, like a conjurer (魔术师), drew her hand from behind and raised high two candles.
  Facing the clear eyes of the girl, Mrs Brown was shocked, weakly leaning (倾斜) on the door with her hands covering her face and having no courage to look at the girl.
  ( & )56. When did this story happen?
  A. In the morning. & B. At noon.
  C. In the afternoon. & &D. In the evening.
  ( & )57. Which of the following is TRUE according to
  the passage?
  A. There were candles at Mrs Browns home.
  B. Mrs Brown didnt have any candles before.
  C. Mrs Brown just bought some candles.
  D. Mrs Brown lent a candle to the girl.
  ( & )58. Why did the girl come to Mrs Browns house?
  A. To send candles to her.
  B. To borrow candles from her.
  C. To sell candles to her.
  D. To say hello to her.
  ( & )59. Mrs Brown felt ________ in the end according
  to the passage.
  A. glad & &B. angry
  C. sad & D. ashamed (羞愧的)
  ( & )60. What does the writer try to tell us?
  A. Most people around us are good.
  B. We shouldnt lend things to others.
  C. If a stranger knocks at the door, we
  shouldnt open it.
  D. We should say hello to our new neighbors.
  Animals Home
  Day: Monday
  We have dogs, cats and other pets that need your love and cares.
  Call Mrs Li at 010-.
  City Park
  Day: Wednesday
  Rubbish! Too much rubbish! We want you to help stop people from throwing away rubbish.
  Call Miss Gao at 010-.
  Food Bank
  Day: Friday
  There are many poor people in our city. They dont have enough food to eat. Can you help us give out food to them?
  Call Mr Lu at 010-.
  Old Peoples Home
  Day: Saturday
  There are many old people in our city. They have no families and they are very lonely.
  Call Mr Xu at 010-.
  ( & )61. Who is helping protect the environment?
  A. Mrs Li. &B. Mr Xu.
  C. Miss Gao. &D. Mr Lu.
  ( & )62. When can people go to visit the old people in the old peoples home?
  A. On Monday. & &B. On Wednesday.
  C. On Friday. & &D. On Saturday.
  ( & )63. Which telephone number may be helpful to those who want to keep pets?
  A. 010-. B. 010-.
  C. 010-. & D. 010-.
  ( & )64. What does the third piece of notice ask people to do?
  A. To get a pet.
  B. To visit old people.
  C. To help the poor.
  D. To collect rubbish.
  ( & )65. The notice is posted to _______.
  A. invite some people
  B. advertise some products
  C. have more volunteers
  D. look for some missing things
  C ★★★
  Zheng Lin is a Junior 3 student in Shijiazhuang, Hebei. Earlier this month, Zheng and his classmates stood on the street with a box asking people for donations. Later they gave the money they got to the poor students in their school.
  Many Chinese students raise money to help people in need. Most of the time, they hold a box and ask for donations on the street or in the park. Or they sell things like old books and CDs. Those students have done a great job so far. The money helps the students in poor areas like Yunnan and Gansu with new clothes, pens and pencils.
  Teenagers in the US make donations, too. But they raise money in a different way. They raise money by doing something for others. For example, they sell home-made food or play musical concerts in their neighborhood to raise money.
  "Chinese students like to wait for people to donate, or sell things that they buy with their parents money," says Ge Daoshun, an expert. "While US kids get donations and give people something useful in return."
  Ge says Chinese teenagers should learn to raise money in the US kids ways. "That way, they can show their talents and practice communication. More importantly, they can learn every coin counts (有价值的). They have to work hard to get a donation."
  ( )66. How did Zheng Lin and his classmates raise money?
  A. They asked for donations on the street.
  B. They asked rich people for money.
  C. They made some toys and sold them.
  D. They worked for other people.
  ( )67. Zheng Lin and his classmates raised money to help _______.
  A. the poor people on the street
  B. the poor students in their school
  C. the homeless people in some areas
  D. the students in the earthquake areas
  ( & )68. Teenagers in the US make donations by ____.
  A. standing on the street with a box
  B. asking their parents for money
  C. waiting for people to donate
  D. doing something for others
  ( & )69. Ge Daoshun thinks the US kids ways of raising money _______.
  A. can help them learn how to play music
  B. are not fit for Chinese students
  C. are good for practicing communication
  D. take students more time to get a donation
  ( & )70. The best title of this passage should be _____.
  A. Better Ways of Making Donations
  B. Importance of Donations
  C. Differences between the Two Countries
  D. Good Ways of Making Money
  卷II (非选择题,共35分)
  VIII. &听短文填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  Information Sheet
  71. Mr and Mrs Johnson lived in a big __________.
  72. Mr and Mrs Johnson liked the small village
  because it was ____________ and clean.
  73. One morning, Mr and Mrs Johnson met an old
  farmer who was _____________ in front of his
  74. One of the good things about the village was
  that people there _____________ each other.
  75. The old farmer thought the bad things were
  ____________ the good things.
  IX. 任务型阅读 (共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)★★
  If you can get a few weeks off study, then try a volunteer holiday! A volunteer holiday is completely different from the normal kind of holiday. It lets you learn so much about the people and the culture of the place that you choose to visit. It can be hard work, but most people think it is a special experience that may change their life. Another great benefit (好处) of a volunteer holiday is that you will meet like-minded (志趣相投的) people and you may become life-long friends!
  Volunteer holidays are mainly divided (分成) into three kinds-helping the
helping to care for endangered (濒危的) helping to protect the environment.
  If you want to go on a volunteer holiday, the first decision you need to make is where to go. A good way to plan a volunteer holiday is to work on a volunteer project. For example, Global Volunteers is an organization which offers volunteer holidays in many places around the world. You can travel to a certain country, play games with the local children and visit the local people. You might fix up a house or help with gardening.
  Volunteer holidays can be as short as a week, or as long as a year. You will learn a lot about the place where you go, and you will return with some amazing memories.
  76. A volunteer holiday lets you learn so much about the people and the culture of the place. &【 & 】
  77. Most people think the special experience as volunteers may ___________________.
  78. How many kinds are volunteer holidays divided into?
  79. Whats the good way to plan a volunteer holiday?
  80. ___________________________________________
  X. 词语运用(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  special, blind, repair, fill, put them up
  81. We still dont know what made the five-year-old&boy ______________.
  82. Although Tom is young, he is good at __________ things.
  83. Be careful! The cup is ____________ with hot water.
  84. There are some posters. Could you help _______?
  85. I __________ made these postcards for you. Hope you like them.
  XI. 基础写作(包括A、B两部分,A部分5分,B部分
  A) 连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)
  86. ideas, we, some, with, up, came
  87. great, being, is, a, volunteer
  88. up, do, fix, he, to, still, bikes, have, sixteen
  89. work, volunteer, what, do, kind, you, do, of
  90. like, thank, to, photos, I, would, you, for,
  beautiful, your
  B) 书面表达 (共计10分)
  91. 今年我市深入开展了"学习雷锋精神,共创文明城区"的活动。在3月5日学雷锋纪念日这天,你校组织志愿者去广安敬老院开展"学雷锋,送温暖"活动。假如你是广安七中学生张华,请你发封邮件将活动情况介绍给美国朋友Ben,与他分享你的美好经历。
  要求:1. 短文应包括表中所有要点,可适当发挥;
  2. 文章80词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
  Dear Ben,
  Thank you for your last e-mail. Let me tell you what we did on 5th March in our school.
  If you have the chance to come to China, I hope you can join us.
  Zhang Hua
  Unit 8 综合检测题听力材料及参考答案
  I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。
  1. Please fill all the cups with water.
  2. The advertisement is about the DC-X240 camera.
  3. I gave away some money for people in Yaan.
  4. John is a handsome but blind boy.
  5. Mary wants to be a volunteer when the school year ends.
  II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。
  6. Can you do me a favor?
  7. Do you need a hand?
  8. What seems to be the trouble?
  9. Linda, can I use your eraser?
  10. What can I do for you?
  III. 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。下面你将听到六组对话和八个问题。
  1l. W: How do you feel about being a volunteer in the childrens hospital?
  M: I feel good about helping sick children, and I can learn some things.
  Q: Where does the man volunteer?
  12. W: Will you clean up your room today? You shouldnt put off doing it anymore.
  M: I know. But Im busy making a model plane. I will do it right away.
  Q: What is the boy busy doing now?
  13. W: What else shall we prepare for the camp?
  M: We need to take four apples and two sandwiches.
  Q: How many apples should the boy need?
  14. W: Could you please mail the letter for me?
  M: Of course. Itll be a piece of cake.
  Q: What will the man help the woman do?
  15. W: What is your plan for the coming Sunday?
  M: I want to go hiking to relax, but I have to fix up my bike first.
  Q: What did the boy do first?
  No. 16-18.
  W: Hi, Ray. Im sorry to bother you at supper time.
  M: Oh, its no bother. We just finished eating. Wont you come in?
  W: I cant. Our little girl Emily has come down with a high fever.
  M: Oh, sorry to hear that. Have you sent for a doctor?
  W: No, but were taking her to the hospital in a little while. Would you mind keeping an eye on the baby?
  M: No, not at all. Is he sleeping?
  W: Yes, he fell asleep right after his feeding.
  M: I will go over and stay with him.
  W: Sorry for the trouble.
  M: Not at all.
  Question No. 16. When does this conversation take place?
  Question No. 17. Who is ill?
  Question No. 18. What is the baby doing?
  IV. 听语段和问题,选择正确答案。下面你将听到两篇听力材料和七个问题。
  Yesterday evening, something strange happened in our house. When we went to sleep, we suddenly heard a noise in the kitchen. We thought it would be our pet cat, so we didnt get up. But this morning, we found there was water everywhere on the floor of our kitchen. And some eggs were also broken.
  Question No. 19. Where did the noise come from?
  Question No. 20. What did they find this morning?
  Question No. 21. Why didnt they get up?
  Hi, Jason. Thank you very much for your telephone call. Im glad to tell you that we have &two double rooms for you now. The two rooms are on the fifth floor and you can have a good view of the sea. The price for each room is $200 per night. Every morning from 7:00 to 9:30, you can have free breakfast, but you have to pay for your lunch and supper if you want to have them in our hotel. If you have any questions, please let us know and we shall be pleased to help. We look forward to welcoming you to our hotel on August10. We hope you will enjoy your stay with us. Thanks again for choosing our hotel.
  Question No 22. How much will Jason pay if he stays in the hotel for two nights?
  Question No 23. Which meal wont Jason pay for if he stays in the hotel?
  Question No 24. When will Jason arrive at the hotel?
  Question No 25. What is the speaker?
  VIII. 听短文填空。
  Mr and Mrs Johnson lived in a big city. One summer they went to a small village for their holiday. The village was very far even from the nearest town. They enjoyed it very much because it was quiet and clean there. One day, they went for a walk early in the morning and met an old farmer, who was sitting in front of his house. Mr Johnson asked him, "Do you like to live in this quiet place?" The old man said, "Yes, I do." Mr Johnson said, "What are the good things about it?" The old man answered, "Well, the people here know each other. They often come and visit me, and there are also lots of children here." Mr Johnson said, "Thats interesting. And what are the bad things?" The old man thought for a moment and then said, "Well, the same things, really!"
  I. 1-5 ACABA II. 6-10 ACCAB
  III. 11-15 AAABB 16-18 CBA
  IV. 19-21 AAB 22-25 BAAC
  V. 26-30 BDAAD & &31-35 DADDC
  36-40 BBACB &41-45 ACCDA
  VI. 46-50 CDBAD & & & 51-55 CCDBA
  VII. 56-60 DAADA61-65 CDCCC
  66-70 ABDCA
  VIII. 71. city 72. quiet & & 73. sitting
  74. knew 75. the same as
  IX. 76. T 77. change their life
  78. Three
  79. To work on a volunteer project.
  80. 你也许可以修理房子或帮忙做园艺。
  X. 81. blind & &82. repairing & &83. filled
  84. put them up & & &85. specially
  XI. A) 86. We came up with some ideas.
  87. Being a volunteer is great!
  88. Does he still have sixteen bikes to fix up?
  89. What kind of volunteer work do you do?
  90. I would like to thank you for your
  beautiful photos.
  B) 91. One possible version:
  Dear Ben,
  Thank you for your last e-mail. Let me tell you what we did on 5th March in our school.
  As soon as we volunteers got to Guangan Nursing Home, they gave us a warm welcome. We brought some flowers and fruits to the elderly people. We cleaned the windows and swept the floor for them. Then we sang and danced. How happy we were! After that, we sat together chatting with them and gave our best wishes to them. The elderly people were very excited. When it was time for us to leave, they were grateful for our kindness. But I felt it our duty to care for the elderly people and respect them.
  If you have the chance to come to China, I hope you can join us.
  Zhang Hua
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