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Would you know if your teen was abusing cough and cold medicine?
DXM is in almost every home. Are you tempting your teen?
Hands-on advice about how to help protect your teen from drugs.
It's cheap, easy to get -- and very dangerous.
Kristin was just 15 when she first tried getting high on cough medicine.
She says she should have seen the signs. She had no idea her daughter was in trouble.
They say, "What's the big deal? It's only cough syrup!"
The truth? Most teens don't use drugs. These tips can help teens take a stand.
Check out these common situations. How would you react?
Read over these scenarios together. Act them out with your teen.
Your teen needs more than a single "talk" about drugs.
Have you heard these words? Get to know drug slang to help protect your child.
Does your teen defy you a lot? Here's how to nip behavior problems in the bud.
Friends play a subtle role in your child's decisions.
It's a fact: Teens lie about drugs -- and too often parents believe them.
Many teens are irritable or moody. How can you tell when it's really depression?
The top mistakes parents make with tweens and teens -- and how to avoid them.
Should you monitor your teen's online activity? Here are points to consider.
Do the dangers of drug abuse override your teen's right to privacy?
9 Things to Do When You're Worried
Real-life advice and how to get through.
Get tips to help your tween cope with this exciting but risky time.
Teens and Peer Pressure
WebMD Feature
By Joanne Barker
Reviewed By
Everyone talks about
, but just how bad is it? Odds are, it’s not as bad as most parents think. Parents may lay awake at night
about what other kids will force their children to do. But "when we talk to young people, they tell us this
of peer pressure is extremely rare," says Stephen Wallace, senior advisor for policy, research, and education of Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD).
Teens rarely strong-arm each other into trying risky things. Instead, friends play a more subtle role in your child’s decisions. Teens are more likely to hang out with other teens who do the same things. For example, a study by researchers at Columbia University shows that kids are six times more likely to have had a drink if their friends often drink alcohol.
The good news? You can have a more powerful positive effect on your teen than you may think.
Teen Peer Pressure Often Comes From Within
Teens often feel internal pressure to do the things that they think their peers are doing. "Most kids wildly overestimate the prevalence of alcohol and drug use," says Wallace, who wrote the book, Reality Gap: Alcohol, Drugs, and
-- What Parents Don’t Know and Kids Aren’t Telling.
Parents who want to dispel the myth that drugs and alcohol are an adolescent rite of passage can simply cite the facts. A long-term, national study of adolescents in grades 8, 10, and 12 shows that many typical teen behaviors are actually losing popularity.
While 71% of teens have tried alcohol by the end of high school, far fewer drink to get drunk.
In 2010, 27% of students said they got drunk in the past year. This is down from almost 40% in 1997.
In 2010, 34% of students had ever used drugs and only 27% had done so within the past year. Teens who had ever used drugs peaked at 43% in 1997.
Close to 31% of students reported having ever smoked a cigarette, compared to almost 54% in 1991.
Certain drugs get a bad rep as their risks become more widely known. When teens think their friends will look down on them for taking a drug, they’re much less likely to use it. Unfortunately, this does not apply to drug use overall. As some drugs fall out of favor, new ones hit the scene. And it often takes years for teens to understand their new dangers.
Tips to help your tween cope with this exciting but risky time.
WebMD Video Series
1 in 10 teens abuse cough medicine. It's dangerous, even deadly. Is your teen in danger?
Ever wonder how your child might hide drug use from you? A teen in recovery shows how it's done.
These parents learned the hard way. See their tips on how to help your child deal with drug abuse.
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||||||||||英语求翻译Risky Business  We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understandin_百度作业帮
英语求翻译Risky Business  We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understandin
英语求翻译Risky Business  We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did, and then exploring ways to avoid similar problems in the future.  Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can't see the risks we're taking, we can't make responsible choices. To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts. For example, one who doesn't know the rules about plagiarism may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit, or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required. But the fact that such a violation is "unintentional" does not excuse the misconduct. Ignorance is not a defense."But Everybody Does It"  Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts, but manage to fool themselves about the risks they're taking by using excuses: "Everyone else does it," "I'm not hurting anyone," or "I really need this grade." Excuses can get very elaborate: "I know I'm looking at another's exam, even though I'm supposed to keep my eyes on my own paper, but that's not cheating because I'm just checking my answers, not copying." We must be honest about our actions, and avoid excuses. If we fool ourselves into believing we're not doing anything wrong, we can't see the real choice we're making--and that leads to bad decisions.  To avoid fooling yourself, watch out for excuses and try this test: Ask how you would feel if your actions were public, and anyone could be watching over your shoulder. Would you feel proud or ashamed of your actions? If you'd rather hide your actions, that's a good indication that you're taking a risk and rationalizing it to yourself.
我们各自负责自己的决定,即使决策程序严重影响了压力或同伴的压力。 字符真正的考验是,我们是否能够从我们的错误中学习,通过了解我们敲响了我们为什么这么做,然后设法避免今后发生类似的问题。
作出符合伦理道德的决定是避免再犯错误的关键一环。我们必须学会分辨风险,因为如果不能预见面临的风险,我们就无法作出负责任的决定。想要辨别风险,我们应该懂得规则,并意识到所面对的事实。例如,...From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Peer pressure is influence on a , observers or individual exerts that encourages others to change their , , or
to groups. Social groups affected include membership groups, in which individuals are "formally" members (such as
and ), or social
in which membership is not clearly defined. A person affected by peer pressure may or may not want to belong to these groups. They may also recognise dissociative groups with which they would not wish to associate, and thus they behave adversely concerning that group's behaviors.[]
Peers become an important influence on behavior during adolescence, and peer pressure has been called a hallmark of adolescent experience. Peer conformity in young people is most pronounced with respect to style, taste, appearance, ideology, and values. Peer pressure is commonly associated with episodes of adolescent risk taking (such as delinquency, drug abuse, sexual behaviors, and reckless driving) because these activities commonly occur in the company of peers. Affiliation with friends who engage in risk behaviors has been shown to be a strong predictor of an adolescent's own behavior. Peer pressure can also have positive effects when youth are pressured by their peers toward positive behavior, such as volunteering for charity
or excelling in academics. The importance of peers declines upon entering adulthood.
While socially accepted kids often have the most opportunities and the most positive experiences, research shows that being in the popular crowd may also be a
factor for mild to moderate deviant behavior.[] Popular
are the most socialized into their peer groups and thus are vulnerable to peer pressures, such as behaviors usually reserved for those of a greater maturity and understanding. Socially accepted kids are often accepted for the sheer fact that they conform well to the norms of teen culture, good and bad aspects included. Popular adolescents are more strongly associated with their peer groups' likes such as ,
and . Some studies also show that many popular students also make lower grades than less socially accepted kids. This is possibly due to the fact that popular students may spend more time worrying about their social life, or simply paying attention to their social life, rather than studying. Although there are a few risk factors correlated with popularity, deviant behavior is often only mild to moderate. Regardless, social acceptance provides more overall protective factors than risk factors.
Peer pressure is widely recognized as a major contributor to the initiation of substance use, particularly in adolescence. This has been shown across substances, including nicotine, drug use, and alcohol. While this link is well established, mediating factors do exist. For example, parental monitoring is negatively associated with substance use but when there is little monitoring adolescents are more likely to succumb to peer coercion during initiation to substance use but not during the transition from experimental to regular use. Caldwell and colleagues extended this work by finding that peer pressure was a factor leading to heightened risk in the context of social gatherings, little parental monitoring, and if the individual reported themselves as vulnerable to peer pressure. Conversely, some research has observed that peer pressure can be a protective factor against substance use.
Substance use is likely not attributed to peer pressure alone. Evidence of genetic predispositions for substance use exists and some have begun to examine gene x environment interactions for peer influence. In a nationally representative sample, adolescents who had genetic predisposition were more likely to have good friends who were heavy substance users and were furthermore, more likely to be vulnerable to the adverse influence of these friends. Results from specific candidate gene studies have been mixed. For instance, in a study of nicotine use Johnson and colleagues found that peer smoking had a lower effect on nicotine dependence for those with the high risk allele (CHRNA5). This suggests that social contexts do not play the significant role in substance use initiation and maintenance as it may for others and that interventions for these individuals should be developed with this consideration.
Though the impact of peer influence in adolescence has been well established, it was unclear at what age this effect begins to diminish. It is accepted that such peer pressure to use alcohol or illicit substances is less likely to exist in elementary school and very young adolescents given the limited access and exposure. Using the Resistance to Peer Influence Scale, Sumter and colleagues found that resistance to peer pressure grew as age increased in a large study of 10-18 year olds. This study also found that girls were generally more resistant to peer influence than boys, particularly at mid-adolescence (i.e. ages 13–15). The higher vulnerability to peer pressure for teenage boys makes sense given the higher rates of substance use in male teens. For girls, increased and positive parental behaviors (e.g. parental social support, consistent discipline) has been shown to be an important contributor to the ability to resist peer pressure to use substances.
Peer pressure produces a wide array of negative outcomes. Allen and colleagues showed that susceptibility to peer pressure in 13-14 year olds was predictive of not only future response to peer pressure, but also a wider array of functioning. For example, greater depression symptomatology, decreasing popularity, more sexual behavior, and externalizing behavior were greater for more susceptible teens. Of note, substance use was also predicted by peer pressure susceptibility such that greater susceptibility was predictive of greater alcohol and drug use.
Substance use prevention and intervention programs have utilized multiple techniques in order to combat the impact of peer pressure. One major technique is, naturally, peer influence resistance skills. The known correlational relationship between substance use and relationships with others that use makes resistance skills a natural treatment target. This type of training is meant to help individuals refuse participation with substance use while maintaining their membership in the peer group. Other interventions include normative education approaches (interventions designed to teach students about the true prevalence rates and acceptability of substance use), education interventions that raise awareness of potential dangers of substance use, alcohol awareness training and classroom behavior management. The literature regarding the efficacy of these approaches, however, is mixed.
There is evidence supporting that parental attitudes disapproving sex tends to lead toward lower levels of adolescent unplanned pregnancy. These disparities are not due solely to parental disposition but also on communication.
were a series of laboratory studies published in the 1950s that demonstrated a surprising degree of conformity to a majority opinion. These are also known as the Asch Paradigm.
Experiments led by
asked groups of students to participate in a "sight test." During the sight test, the experimenter displayed two cards- one card depicted three numbered lines of varying length, and the second card depicted one line. Participants were asked which of the three lines corresponded in length to the line from the first card. Participants were instructed to give their answers aloud. However, in reality, all but one of the participants were confederates (i.e., actors planted in the experiment by Asch), and the study was really about how the remaining student would react to the confederates' behavior.
Accordingly, on some trials the confederate(s) would answer with an obviously incorrect response. Despite the obvious error, participants felt social pressure to conform, answering incorrectly on 36.8% of trials to maintain conformity. In fact, 76.4% of participants answered incorrectly at least once, a massive difference from the 5% of incorrect responses found in control trials (i.e., when tested alone).
The results of Asch's study, as well as various replications have strong implications for factors that affect peer pressure.
A variety of factors identified by Forsyth (2009) have been linked with likelihood to conform to peer pressure.
Unanimity – When all of the members of a group are performing the same action, individuals are more reluctant to conform.
Group size – Likelihood of conforming to a majority increases as group size increases with a peak conformity in groups of seven (although the difference in likelihood of conformity between a group of three and a group of seven is not statistically significant).
Independence of decision – if group members reached their decision independently, people will be more likely to conform compared to decisions decided upon as a group.
Gender – Women are more likely to conform than men, especially in face-to-face, non-anonymous situations (Nord, 19679; Hare, 1976).
Culture – Members of Eastern (collectivist) cultures are more likely to conform than their Western counterparts, especially when the influence is a family member or a friend.
Age – Conformity increases with age, until adulthood where people show more independence in decision making.
Authoritarianism – Individuals who respect and obey authorities are more likely to act in accordance with social convention.
Birth order – First-born children are more likely to conform than children born later.
Intelligence – People who score lower on IQ tests are more likely to conform than people who score higher on IQ tests.
Self esteem – Individuals with moderate to high self-esteem are less susceptible to peer pressure than individuals with low self-esteem.
There are four possible responses to peer pressure:
Compliance – Disagreeing with the opinion/action of the group, but acquiescing (i.e., going along with) the group opinion nonetheless.
Conversion – Changing personal opinion to agree with the opinion of the group.
Congruence – Agreeing with the opinion/action of the group from the onset.
Non-Conformity – Either remaining independent (e.g., not succumbing to group pressure and maintaining personal opinion), or anti-conformity (purposefully expressing opinions or actions contrary to the status quo).
was an experiment to demonstrate the appeal of fascism undertaken by history teacher
with sophomore high school students attending his Contemporary History as part of a study of Nazi Germany. The experiment took place at
in Palo Alto, California, during the first week of April 1967. Jones, unable to explain to his students how the German populace could claim ignorance of the , decided to show them instead. Jones started a movement called "The Third Wave" and convinced his students that the movement is to eliminate democracy. The fact that democracy emphasizes individuality was considered as a drawback of democracy, and Jones emphasized this main point of the movement in its motto: "Strength through discipline, strength through community, strength through action, strength through pride". The Third Wave experiment is an example of risk behavior in authoritarian peer pressure situations.
It is one useful tool in . Instead of direct delegation of tasks and results demanding, employees are in this case, induced into a behavior of self-propelled performance and innovation, by comparison feelings towards their peers. There are several ways peer pressure can be induced in a working environment. Examples include training and team . In training, the team member is in contact with people with comparable roles in other organizations. In team meetings, there is an implicit comparison between every team member, especially if the meeting agenda is to
results and goal status.
This section requires . (February 2011)
identifies the anterior
as key areas in the brain determining whether people conform in their preferences in regard to its being popular with their peer group.
An explanation of how the peer pressure process works, called "the ", is introduced by social psychologist, , who weaves together 's two seminal
theories (on , which addresses internal conflict, and , which addresses external conflict) into a unified whole. According to Treynor's original "identity shift effect" hypothesis, the peer pressure process works in the following way: One's state of harmony is disrupted when faced with the threat of external conflict () for failing to conform to a group standard. Thus, one conforms to the group standard, but as soon as one does, eliminating this external conflict, internal conflict is introduced (because one has violated one's own standards). To rid oneself of this internal conflict (self-rejection), an "identity shift" is undertaken, where one adopts the group's standards as one's own, thereby eliminating internal conflict (in addition to the formerly eliminated external conflict), returning one once again to a state of harmony. Even though the peer pressure process begins and ends with one in a (conflict-less) state of harmony, as a result of conflict and the conflict resolution process, one leaves with a new identity—a new set of internalized standards.
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