帮我个忙 英语解答英语

英语高手帮我解析一下答案,谢谢了_百度知道 英语高手帮我解析一下答案,谢谢了 34.一Why did it take you twohours to cover the short distance to be here? 一 The bridge ___B______ ,so we had to go round. A.was repaired B.is being repaired C.will be repaired D.had been repaired27.The hotline_____C____ be very busy, but keep trying and you’ll get through.A.should D. would24.Much of the criticism has focused on the railway’s online purchasing system,which has beenunableto ______D___ the huge demand.A.take notice of B.attach importance toC.show preference for D.keep pace with22.The governments are very __C_______ about setting a new policy and make nodecision until they are quite sure it is the right one.A.particular B.concernedC.cautious 34, 之所以选B是因为这里表示的是一个桥正在修,因为不是A过去在修,也不是C将来会修,更不是D过去已经修好,所以是B。27, 之所以选C是因为can在这里不表示能力,而表示猜测,而其它3个选项并没有猜测的意思。虽然表面上看好像每个选项都合适,但是你要是看多了英语就明白这里是C。24,之所以选D其实是因为考察的是短语的意思,只有D最合适,与...保持一致,其它选项明显意思不对。22,这一题选C其实和24题一样,C的意思在这里比较合适。 以上几题或许没有标答,在老外那里或许有不同的答案。 其他类似问题 为您推荐: 其他1条回答 1.上文说了just a couple of days所以不可能把这儿所有的名胜都游完的,只可能正在游,所以选A2.这个人正在中国,说明他正在环游世界,所以用进行时,到中国的愿望已经实现了,所以用完成时,此题选C3。已经学习了两年,这里的动作是两年前,所以用过去式,选D这样可以么? 英语的相关知识 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁大哥,你的是Chinese English哎 您的举报已经提交成功,我们将尽快处理,谢谢! 大家还关注请各位帮忙解答英语几道填空题吧1.That she seemed to prefer____ to concentrated nevertheless, the impressive quality of her finished paintings suggests that her actual relationship to her art was anything but____A.pr_百度作业帮 请各位帮忙解答英语几道填空题吧1.That she seemed to prefer____ to concentrated nevertheless, the impressive quality of her finished paintings suggests that her actual relationship to her art was anything but____A.pr 请各位帮忙解答英语几道填空题吧1.That she seemed to prefer____ to concentrated nevertheless, the impressive quality of her finished paintings suggests that her actual relationship to her art was anything but____A.preparation...passionateB.artfulness...disengagedC.dabbling...superficialD.caprise...consideredE.indecision...lightheared答案选的C,不过后面半句话已经说了这个人的作品很impressive,为什么第二个空还选superficial啊,这不是矛盾了么? 2.MacCrory's conversation was_____:she could never tell a story,chiefly because she always forgot it, and she was never guity of a witticism, unless by accident.A.scintillatingB.unambiguousC.perspicuousD.stultifyingE.facetious答案选的A,不过我想知道这句话怎么理解,never tell a story而且又always forgot,这不是说明这个人表达能力不好么,怎么后面又跟一句witticism?麻烦解释一下.我不懂这句话的意思啊. 1.第一题That she seemed to prefer____ to concentrated effort is undeniable(考点是prefer sth to sth,后者是concertrated :专注的,则前者与之应该是相反的意思即 dabbling:涉猎)her actual relationship to her art was anything but____(be anything but 意思是 :根本不是)整句翻译就是:她似乎相较于专注的努力更喜欢涉猎百家,这是无可厚非的,然而,她完成的令人钦佩的画画作品却表明她与她作品的关系根本不是肤浅的.所以选C.2.第二题she could never tell a story,chiefly because she always forgot it,and she was never guity of a witticism,unless by accident(翻译为:他从来不会讲故事,主要是他经常会忘了,而且他从来不会觉得妙语连珠是有罪的,除非偶尔.)这表明这个人讲话真诚,不编故事,而且妙语连珠,所以说他的对话是scintillating:才华横溢的.所以选A. 2.注意到句子中的冒号,说明前后句子说的是一个意思,也就是说前边的词要表达后边的意思,后边说他never tell a story,因为她会忘东西,可能说他说话不会像讲故事那样,不会妙语连珠,只是偶尔才会蹦出一两个好词,这种偶尔不正是scintillating吗?scintillating:闪烁的,冒火花的,表达的正是这样一个意境;本题主要是要把握冒号好后边句子的意思;


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