i hare ai have a pet rabbitt.变一般疑问句

今年是兔年,在中国的文化中,兔子总跟&胆小、温顺、乖巧&联系在一起。在英语中,兔子有rabbit、bunny、hare三种表达,那么英语中的兔子形象跟汉语中的有什么差别呢? 1. Each time they asked him a question, he was like a rabbit caught in the headlights. 每次他们问他什么问题,他就像受了惊吓的兔子一般呆立在那儿。 2. The Greens have ten children. They really breed like rabbits. 格林家有十个孩子,他们可真能生! 3. The governor pulled a rabbit out of a hat by putting together a budget without increasing taxes. 州长突然想出了解决问题的办法,不用增加税收就能平衡预算。 4. All these screaming children are driving me mad as a March hare. 这些尖叫的孩子快把我逼疯了! 5. Now's your chance. Do it! Quick like a bunny! 现在你的机会来了!去吧!快点! 6. Most of the snow bunnies come here to socialize. 大部分来学滑雪的女孩实际上都是来找男朋友的。 7. Her computer crashed an hour ago and she's lost a morning's work - she's not a happy bunny. 她的电脑一小时前死机了,一上午做的东西全不见了,她烦着呢! 8. I am not going to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. I must act for her. 我不会两边都讨好,我得为她说话。 9. No matter what people's reaction is, she just rabbits on. 不管别人有什么反应,她只是说个不停。 10. The old lady has rabbit ears. 那个老太太爱打听闲事。
版权所有 & . All Rights Reserved.兔子:hare和rabbit
rabbit&&&& 两个名词都有&兔子&的意思______________________________________________________________
I saw a in my backyard this morning.&今天早晨我看见后院有一只野兔。
can make long jumps.&兔子可以跳得很远。
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"Jackrabbit", "Lepus", and "Leveret" redirect here. For other uses, see , ,
Brooklyn Museum - California Hare - John J. Audubon
Hares and jackrabbits are
belonging to the
Lepus. Hares are classified into the same
and are of similar size, form, and diet as rabbits. They are generally herbivorous, long-eared, and fast runners, and typically live
or in pairs. Hare species are native to Africa, Eurasia, North America, and the Japanese archipelago.
Five leporid species with "hare" in their common names are not considered true hares: the
(), and four species known as
(comprising Pronolagus). Meanwhile, jackrabbits are hares rather than rabbits.
A hare less than one year old is called a leveret. The
for a group of hares is a "drove".
Hares are swift animals: The
(Lepus europaeus) can run up to 56 km/h (35 mph). The five species of jackrabbit found in central and western North America are able to run at 64 km/h (40 mph), and can leap up to 3m (ten feet) at a time.
Normally a shy animal, the European brown hare changes its behavior in spring, when hares can be seen in daytime this appears to be competition between males to attain
(and hence more access to breeding females). During this spring frenzy, hares can be seen "boxing"; one hare striking another with its paws (probably the origin of the term ""). For a long time, this had been thought to be intermale competition, but closer observation has revealed it is usually a female hitting a male to prevent copulation.
Main article:
Wild hare doe in city garden
Hares do not bear their young below ground in a
as do other leporids, but rather in a shallow depression or flattened nest of grass called a form. Young hares are adapted to the lack of physical protection, relative to that afforded by a burrow, by being born fully furred and with eyes open. They are hence , and are able to fend for themselves soon after birth. By contrast, the related
are , having young that are born blind and hairless.[]
All rabbits (except the cottontail rabbits) live underground in burrows or warrens, while hares (and cottontail rabbits) live in simple nests above the ground, and usually do not live in groups. Hares are generally larger than rabbits, with longer ears, and have black markings on their fur. Hares have not been domesticated, while rabbits are kept as house pets. The domestic pet known as the "" is a rabbit that has been selectively bred to resemble a hare.[]
Hares have jointed, or , skulls, unique among mammals. They have 48 chromosomes while rabbits have 44.
The 32 species listed are:
Cape hare Lepus capensis
(above) and
Genus Lepus
Subgenus Macrotolagus
, Lepus alleni
Subgenus Poecilolagus
, Lepus americanus
Subgenus Lepus
, Lepus arcticus
, Lepus othus
, Lepus timidus
Subgenus Proeulagus
, Lepus californicus
, Lepus callotis
, Lepus capensis
, Lepus flavigularis
, Lepus insularis
, Lepus saxatilis
, Lepus tibetanus
, Lepus tolai
Subgenus Eulagos
, Lepus castroviejoi
, Lepus comus
, Lepus coreanus
, Lepus corsicanus
, Lepus europaeus
, Lepus granatensis
, Lepus mandschuricus
, Lepus oiostolus
, Lepus starcki
, Lepus townsendii
Subgenus Sabanalagus
, Lepus fagani
, Lepus microtis
Subgenus Indolagus
, Lepus hainanus
, Lepus nigricollis
, Lepus peguensis
Subgenus Sinolagus
, Lepus sinensis
Subgenus Tarimolagus
, Lepus yarkandensis
, Lepus brachyurus
, Lepus habessinicus
, a watercolour, 1502, by
Hares and rabbits are plentiful in many areas, adapt to a wide variety of conditions, and reproduce quickly, so hunting is often less regulated than for other varieties of game. In rural areas of North America and particularly in pioneer times, they were a common source of meat. Because of their extremely low fat content, they are .
Hares can be prepared in the same manner as rabbits — commonly roasted or taken apart for breading and frying.
(also spelled Hasenfeffer) is a traditional
made from marinated
or hare. Pfeffer is not only the name of a spice, but also of a dish where the animal's blood is used as a
for the sauce. Wine or vinegar is also a prominent ingredient, to lend a sourness to the recipe.
Lagos Stifado (Λαγ?? στιφ?δο) — hare stew with pearl onions, vinegar, red wine and cinnamon — is a much-prized dish enjoyed in Greece and Cyprus and communities in the diaspora, particularly in Australia where the hare is hunted as a feral pest.
, known as civet de lièvre in France, is a whole hare, cut into pieces, marinated, and cooked with red wine and juniper berries in a tall jug that stands in a pan of water. It traditionally is served with the hare's blood (or the blood is added right at the very end of the cooking process) and .
Jugged hare is described in the influential 18th century cookbook, The Art of Cookery by , with a recipe titled, "A Jugged Hare", that begins, "Cut it into little pieces, lard them here and there ..." The recipe goes on to describe cooking the pieces of hare in water in a jug set within a bath of boiling water to cook for three hours. Beginning in the 19th century, Glasse has been widely credited with having started the recipe with the words "First, catch your hare," as in this citation. This attribution is apocryphal.
Having a freshly caught (or shot) hare enables one to obtain its blood. A freshly killed hare is prepared for jugging by removing its
and then hanging it in a
by its hind legs, which causes the blood to accumulate in the chest cavity. One method of preserving the blood after draining it from the hare (since the hare is usually hung for a week or more) is to mix it with red wine vinegar to prevent , and then to store it in a freezer.
Many other British cookbooks from before the middle of the 20th century have recipes for jugged hare. Merle and Reitch have this to say about jugged hare, for example:
The best part of the hare, when roasted, is the loin and the thick
the other parts are only fit for stewing, hashing, or jugging. It is usual to roast a hare first, and to stew or jug the portion which is not eaten the first day. [...]
To Jug A Hare. This mode of cooking a hare is very desirable when there is any doubt as to its age, as an old hare, which would be otherwise uneatable, may be made into an agreeable dish. [...]
In 2006, a survey of 2021 people for the
television channel found only 1.6% of the people under 25 recognized jugged hare by name. Seven of 10 stated they would refuse to eat jugged hare if it were served at the house of a friend or a relative.
The hare (and in recent times, the rabbit) is a staple of . The dish was presented to the island's Grandmasters of the , as well as Renaissance
resident on the island, several of whom went on to become .
According to , the hare is among mammals deemed not , and therefore not eaten by observant Jews. According to Islamic dietary laws, Muslims deem coney meat (, , ) halal, and in , hare and rabbit are popular meats for
( leaf soup), especially in . The Shia, though, have difference in opinion.
In England, a now rarely served dish is potted hare. The hare meat is cooked, then covered in at least one inch (preferably more) of butter. The butter is a preservative (excludes air); the dish can be stored for up to several months. It is served cold, often on bread or as an appetizer.
"How to allure the Hare": Facsimile of a miniature in the manuscript of Phoebus (15th century)
The hare in Afri some of the stories about the hare were retold among African
in America, and are the basis of the
stories. The hare appears in
in the saying "" and in the legend of the White Hare that alternatively tells of a witch who takes the form of a white hare and goes out looking for prey at night or of the spirit of a broken-hearted maiden who cannot rest and who haunts her unfaithful lover. In
folklore, the hare is often associated with Sidh (Fairy) or other pagan elements. In these stories, characters who harm hares often suffer dreadful consequences.
While oft repeated that the hare was associated with the
goddess , and that pagan symbols were appropriated into the
as the , no primary sources support this myth. It seems to be a modern invention.
Many cultures, including the , , and , see a hare in the pattern of
(see ); this tradition forms the basis of the
song "The Hare in the Moon". The constellation
represents a hare.
tells the story of . The hare was regarded as an animal sacred to Aphrodite and Eros because of its high libido. Live hares were often presented as a gift of love.
In June 2014, the
(the Institute of Russian Literature of the ) will host the international conference, "The Philosophy of the Hare: Unexpected perspectives in the research in the humanities". Papers on various aspects of hares and rabbits in the world cultures will be presented. The conference's organizers came up with its idea and name as a retort to an earlier claim by the Russia's Minister of Culture
that humanities scholars were wasting government money conducting research on incomprehensible topics with names such as the "Philosophy of the Hare".
Main article:
Main article:
Main article:
Dreihasenfenster (Window of Three Hares) in
A study in 2004 followed the history and migration of a symbolic image of three hares with conjoined ears. In this image, three hares are seen chasing each other in a circle with their heads near its centre. While each of the animals appears to have two ears, only three ears are depicted. The ears form a triangle at the centre of the circle and each is shared by two of the hares. The image has been traced from
churches in the English county of
right back along the
to , via western and eastern Europe and the Middle East. Before its appearance in China, it was possibly first depicted in the Middle East before being reimported centuries later. Its use is associated with , ,
sites stretching back to about AD 600.
The hare has given rise to local place names, as they can often be observed in favoured localities. An example in Scotland is 'Murchland', the
word for a hare being 'murchen'.
McKay, G McGhee, Karen (10 October 2006). National Geographic Encyclopedia of Animals. National Geographic Books. p. 68.  .
Vu, Alan. . Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology 2013.
, Nature 309, 549 - 550. Holly, Anthony J. F. et al. Retrieved July 03 2010.
Hoffman, R.S.; Smith, A.T. (2005). . In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M.
(3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 195–205.  .  .
Brock (). . .
Gary L. Benton. . Simple Survival.
Tom Jaine. . The History of English Cookery. Prospect Books.
. . . p. 6.
. The Great British Kitchen. The British Food Trust.
. The Great British Kitchen. The British Food Trust.
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy. London, 1747. page 50
Bill Deans. .
John and Sally Seymour (September–October 1976). . Mother Earth News (41).
Gibbons Merle and John Reitch (1842). The domestic dictionary and housekeeper's manual. London: William Strange. p. 113.
Martin Hickman (). . . Archived from
on June 9, 2011.
. Folk-. .
("The Philosophy of the Hare: Unexpected perspectives in the research in the humanities")
("The Philosophy of the Hare: Unexpected perspectives in the research in the humanities") - Conference Program
Chris Chapman (2004). .
Warrack, Alexander Edit. Chambers Scots Dictionary. Pub. W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh.
, F.S.A.Scot. "" The Folk-Lore Journal. Volume 1, 1883.
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