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话题:Hillhouse Capital Management
Ltd。减持畅捷通172万股 套现2984万港币
  港交所最新资料显示,畅捷通(01588)主要股东Hillhouse Capital Management, Ltd.于日,场内减持公司好仓172.4万股,套现万港币,成交均价17.309港币。变动后持股111.94万股,持股占比2.04%。
  据耶鲁大学披露,耶鲁基金的投资中,权益投资占比34%,地产投资占比20%,绝对回报类17%,自然资源类9%,国外股权9%,国内股权7%,债券和现金4%。  由此推算,耶鲁基金权益投资的资金量约为419亿元,国外股权投资资金量为110亿元。耶鲁基金的股权投资主要集中在中国、印度等地区。  记者从耶鲁管理学院网站了解到,耶鲁管理学院有一个董事会顾问团队,张磊正是成员之一,主要参与大中华区的投资。而张磊所在的高瓴资本(Hillhouse&Capital&Management),正是耶鲁大学基金会在中国投资的实体机构。  高瓴资本的官网极其简洁,没有联系电话。这家公司成立于纽约,总部在新加坡,在上海、北京均有办事处,公司整体风格极为低调,资本市场中机构投资者与高瓴资本鲜有接触。  周报统计了自2009年IPO重启以来PE入驻拟上市公司的情况,发现并没有一家获得耶鲁大学注资后成功上市的公司。  记者调查了解到,除了张磊以外,还有另一个华人在高瓴资本任重要职位。其名为吴晓宁(音译自Xiaoning&Wu),职位为高级助理。  潜伏美的格力双汇  耶鲁大学在A股的投资极为低调专注,但耶鲁对个别股票的投资仍然出现在了前十大股东之列。  耶鲁大学持有最久的股票是(000527),自2006年起一直是美的的前十大股东。截至2006年底,耶鲁大学持有648万股美的电器,后逐渐增持,至2012年一季度持有3337万股。  2006年以来,美的电器呈现了两波大行情,股价由0.42元(前复权)涨到12.96元,最高曾达到每股21.30元。  此外,耶鲁大学在2009年至2012年一季度还持有格力电器、(600970)、(000895)、(600007)等股票。记者发现,耶鲁大学持股风格较为集中,选择股票数量并不多且长时间持股。  目前,耶鲁大学持有美的电器3337万元,格力电器5281万股,双汇发展658万股,中国国贸1629万股,总市值约合21.18亿元。(刘梦)&&
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Hillhouse Capital Management, Ltd.减持畅捷通172万股
畅捷通(01588)主要股东Hillhouse Capital Management, Ltd。于日,场内减持公司好仓172.4万股,套现万港币,成交均价17.309港币。变动后持股111.94万股,持股占比2.04%。
  港交所最新资料显示,(01588)主要股东Hillhouse Capital Management, Ltd。于日,场内减持公司好仓172.4万股,套现万港币,成交均价17.309港币。变动后持股111.94万股,持股占比2.04%。
建议及投诉热线:021- 值班热线:021-5
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Institutional Investors 0
Lei Zhang Bio, Returns, Net Worth
Lei Zhang's Hillhouse Capital Management is one of the top dogs in Asia, and according to the fund itself, it focuses on media, consumer, industrial and commodity-related sectors. Some of Hillhouse Capital's investment decisions would classify it as a contrarian, though it maintains its fair share of mainstream bets as well.
Filling Period:
Security Name Put/Call Ticker Shares Value Activity Percentage in Portfolio
Descending Ascending
No. Security Ticker Shares Value (x$1000) Activity % Port
142,947,816 $4,874,521 -1% 75.18%
9,301,496 $382,664
4,259,631 $309,334
6,746,067 $289,069 +18% 4.45%
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Billionaire Lei Zhang founded Hillhouse Capital Management in 2005, one of the top hedge fund in Asia. Mr. Lei Zhang holds a B.A. in Economics from Renmin University of China, MBA and MA in International......
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Mark Rachesky's MHR Fund Management cut its activist stake in Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. (USA) (NYSE:LGF) by nearly 19.5%, as it sold about 10 million shares through its affiliated funds, according......
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Hillhouse Capital Management, managed by Lei Zhang, has reduced its passive stake
Inc (ADR) (NASDAQ:JD), which is an online direct sales company in China. In its latest filing with the U.S.......
January 12th, 2015 -
Lei Zhang's Hillhouse Capital Management has raised its stake in Qunar Cayman Islands Ltd (NASDAQ:QUNR). As a new filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission showed, Hillhouse owns around 17.03......
December 8th, 2014 -
In a new filing with the SEC, Lei Zhang's Beijing-based hedge fund, Hillhouse Capital Management, disclosed adding Qunar Cayman Islands Ltd (NASDAQ:QUNR) to its equity portfolio. The fund holds around......
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