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Cryptoqueen 对Ruja博士的看法和感言
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摘要: 2014年博士Ruja Ignatova的女商人让我给你介绍一个非常明亮的年轻女子... ..有一天,我曾与一个了不起的女人,Ruja博士会面。说她年轻,除了与辉煌。这是我第一次见到她,但我有一种感觉,我可以,因为早就知道她,
2014年博士Ruja Ignatova的女商人让我给你介绍一个非常明亮的年轻女子... ..有一天,我曾与一个了不起的女人,Ruja博士会面。说她年轻,除了与辉煌。这是我第一次见到她,但我有一种感觉,我可以,因为早就知道她,因为她是一个开朗的女人,容易沟通。Ruja博士是一枚硬币的创始人。现在你可能会问自己,究竟什么是一枚硬币?这个问题我不得不问我第一次听说这件事。在很简单的话,一个硬币“电子货币”。Ruja博士出生在保加利亚,但移动与她的父母在德国的10岁的她去学校在德国和高中毕业后,她花了法律在德国和英国牛津大学。她发现法律是一件很符合逻辑。她解释说,为了练习法,你只需要思考逻辑......也许不是每个人的情况。她与数字紧密和亲爱的关系。完成学业后,她开始工作的管理和咨询公司麦当劳麦肯齐。她是不是真的有兴趣的银行,但仍然结束了它,并在多年的她曾在莫斯科举行。过了一会儿,她发现她已经爱上了银行。她留在公司麦当劳麦肯齐5年半,并成为最年轻的合伙人永远。她很纳入风险管理,并开始初跟随货币BIT COIN。BIT COIN是另一个加密货币更多的人所熟悉。在2013 BIT COIN是蓬勃发展,被视为增长最快的货币,取得了75倍的价值。Ruja女士被认真讨论BIT COIN一些亲密的朋友在2013年和她的朋友建议她,“做你自己的货币......。”她没有想到长。让我们这样做,并成为3顶货币之一,成了她的座右铭,她已经在她的方式顶端。有人告诉我,有没有在市场上不到400个不同的密码的货币,一些没有多少人知道,我没有。Ruja女士决定离开麦当劳麦肯齐,并开始了自己的公司资产管理在保加利亚。当然,我,不得不问Ruja位女士和硬币一枚硬币之间的区别是什么,她向我解释,“目标组BIT COIN是IT人士和技术人员。一枚硬币具有非常低的入门级,是为大家。BIT硬币的波动也非常大。一个硬币提供一个稳定的环境,以可持续的方式,而不是增长过快。一个硬币指望500.000会员/客户甚至更多,在2015年年底。比尔·盖茨曾经说过,加密的货币只会有市场的新兴经济体,我想知道是什么Ruja博士认为,这件事。她说,“我同意比尔·盖茨”。她比较了加密的货币与黄金。她还解释说,用这种货币的好处是,你可以很容易地将其链接到信用卡。这很容易让你的钱和快速。事实上,有可能对加密货币取代银行。银行甚至不想碰这个货币她告诉我。难怪......当我问她怎么看在交流的出台后的第一年的演变,Ruja博士说,“我不喜欢猜测没有人真正知道”。我也不得不问一些喜欢,你结婚了更多的私人问题吗?通过这个问题,她的眼睛开始闪烁着,她的脸亮起来,她给了我一个温暖的笑容,“是的,我已经结婚10年了,我的丈夫是我最好的朋友和伙伴。我们见面的时候我才19,它是由LOVE一见钟情。当我看到他在大学里,我立刻就知道,这家伙我会结婚。“她的丈夫是一个信誉好的律师和工作在法兰克福有夫妻有他们的家。当她走了很多,他是总部设在法兰克福,不出差了。目前还没有时间去想孩子,但我明白,一个孩子将是非常欢迎的未来。我也有问义务教育的问题,如果你能选择的目的地为你的下一次旅行,在那里会是谁?这句话很快,“家”和家庭是法兰克福今天。时间什么爱好是我的下一个问题。 “是的,当然Ruja博士回答。 “我喜欢阅读,它可以是任何类型的书籍,我也喜欢玩国际象棋”。难怪,成为你需要的逻辑,并有一个关于数学的线索一个好棋手。这不是她第一次到亚洲,但它是她第一次在曼谷举行。她发现亚洲等不同,欧洲和非常有趣的。亚洲是要繁荣,成为一个巨大的市场,一个硬币,所以我将不得不花费大量的时间在这里的未来,她告诉。这样的女人是很有趣的交谈,我们本来可以上上,我质问她回答和解释。2014年年底,Ruja博士开始了基金会称ONE WORLD基金会。同一个世界,基金会将提供儿童和青年的教育和机会,更好的生活。在2015年该基金会被引入到企业的社会和媒体的代表在索菲亚大酒店,在保加利亚首都索非亚。Ruja博士说:“我感到非常自豪,这同一个世界基金会已经做了它的第一个捐赠给盲童在柬埔寨”。此次捐赠提供了基础与SEVA加拿大社会的主要捐助者之间的地方。所有收入来自她的书“学习的利润”的销售收入将捐给在未来基金会。Ruja博士指出,每个人都可以做出贡献,支持同一个世界基金会,使世界各地的孩子们一个美好的未来。该基金会将与SEVA加拿大社会中的项目,旨在提高生活质量,尼泊尔,西藏,中国部分地区,印度,非洲,危地马拉,柬埔寨和埃及。该基金会同时,支持教保加利亚的项目,旨在改善教育在保加利亚的质量。让我们希望,Rujas博士的目标是使一枚硬币到世界上最流行的虚拟货币之一,变成了现实。当然,这将是不可能的用于Ruja博士于所有由自己处理的业务,即使她是非常有效的,重点突出。在她身边,她有2瑞典男性,尤哈Parhiala和塞巴斯蒂安格林伍德。他们的名字真的不健全典型的瑞典,他们俩确实有混血,但他们讲瑞典语和瑞典的行动。这两个人都非常熟悉的传销公司。现在,你可能想知道,什么是传销公司?英文单词是多层次传销。您组织会议,让人们推销自己的产品,他们得到新的人做同样的,这是一个持续的网络。对于我们许多人喜欢NU SKIN,NONI,ORIFLAME的公司被称为传销公司中几千人。无论丹尼尔(摄影师),我碰巧参加的一个硬币介绍,在这里发生在曼谷的酒店伦勃朗之一。 Ruja博士来自香港作报告自己和在尤哈,塞巴斯蒂安和其他一些音箱好公司。如果你问我来解释一下这样的会议是一样的,我会说,“这是一个很大的路演,就像一个流行盛会”。当我看到尤哈先生在舞台上,他想起了复兴或大师的我。全场激动和兴奋巨大的。妇女,出奇的多,穿着像他们参加婚礼或至少一个鸡尾酒会,很多人都穿着燕尾服与鲜花在他们的胸袋。必须说,这是一个惊人的景象。尤哈开始了他的职业生涯,作为一个酒保和厨师。他曾管理一些餐馆和酒吧在斯堪的纳维亚。 23年前,他发现了“网络”的业务和自15年来,他一直活跃在亚洲。他被列为在不断发展的网络业务收入最高receiptience。一年前,他加入Ruja博士和塞巴斯蒂安在一枚硬币的业务和尤哈的目标是让尽可能多的成员可能在2015年结束。这家伙是在他50年代末,并做了一个惊人的职业生涯。塞巴斯蒂安,他出生在瑞典斯德哥尔摩和国际上提出。他已经获得了从建设大型的全球业务网络,拥有超过500.000人显著的经验。他最新的挑战是推出一个硬币和3年很短的时间内建立一个网络受众超过100万硬币矿工(什么是目标)。强有力的领导是塞巴斯蒂安的座右铭。他携带一个愿景,一个目标,一个网络和最后,但并非最不重要的一个硬币。让我们跟随此货币,看看这些动态的3人将能够达到他们的目标。我只能说祝你好运!原文:Business woman of the year 2014 Dr. Ruja IgnatovaLet me introduce you to a very bright young woman…..The other day I had a meeting with a remarkable woman, Dr. Ruja. She is young, apart and brilliant. This was the first time I met her, but I had a feeling I’ve could have known her since long, as she was an open minded woman, easy to talk to.Dr. Ruja is the founder of One Coin. Now you might ask yourself, what on earth is One Coin? That question I had to ask the first time I heard about it.In very simple words, One Coin is “electronic money”.Dr. Ruja was born in Bulgaria, but moved with her parents to Germany at an age of 10. She went to school in Germany and after high school she took LAW at the university in both Germany and Oxford, England.She finds law being something very logical. She explains, to practice law you just have to think logical……might not be every man’s case.She has a close and dear relationship with numbers.After finishing her studies she started to work for the management and consulting company Mc Kenzie. She was not really interested in banking, but still ended up with it and during many years she worked in Moscow.After a while she found out she had fallen in love with banking. She stayed in the company Mc Kenzie for 5 ½ years and became its youngest partner ever.She was very much into risk management and started early to follow the currency BIT COIN.BIT COIN is another crypto currency that more people are familiar with.During 2013 BIT COIN was booming and was seen as the fastest growing currency and made 75 times its value.Ms. Ruja was seriously discussing BIT COIN with some close friends in year 2013 and her friends suggested to her, “do your own currency….”She didn’t have to think long. Let’s do it and become one of the 3 top currencies, became her motto and she’s already on her way to the top.I was told that there are not less than 400 different crypto currencies on the market, something not many people know about, I didn’t.Ms. Ruja decided to leave Mc Kenzie and start her own company for assets management in Bulgaria.I, of course, had to ask Ms. Ruja what the difference between Bit Coin and One Coin is and she explained to me,“the target group for BIT COIN are IT people and technical staff.ONE COIN has a very low entry level and is for EVERYBODY.The volatility of BIT COIN is also very big. ONE COIN is providing a steady environment in a sustainable way, not growing too fast.ONE COIN is counting on 500.000 members/customers or even more, at the end of 2015.Bill Gates once said that crypto currency will only have a market in emerging economies and I wanted to know what Dr. Ruja thinks about this. She said, “I agree with Bill Gates”. She compares crypto currency with gold. She also explains that an advantage with this kind of currency is that you can easily link it to credit cards. It’s easy to get to your money and fast.In fact it would be possible for crypto currency to replace a bank. The banks don’t even want to touch this currency she tells me. No wonder……When I asked how she looks at the evolution in the first year after an introduction on the exchange, Dr. Ruja says, “I prefer not to speculate as nobody really knows”.I also had to ask some more private questions like, are you married? By this question her eyes start shining and her face lights up and she gives me a warm smile, “yes, I have been married 10 years now and my husband is my best friend and companion. We met when I was only 19 and it was LOVE by first sight. When I saw him at the university, I immediately knew, this guy I will marry.”Her husband is a well-reputed lawyer and works in Frankfurt there the couple has their home.While she is travelling a lot, he is based in Frankfurt and doesn’t travel much.There has been no time to think about children yet, but I understood that a child would be very welcome in the future.I also had to ask the compulsory question, if you could chose a destination for your next trip, where would it be? The answer came quick, “home” and home is Frankfurt today.Time for any hobbies was my next question. “Yes of course Dr. Ruja answers. “I love to read and it can be any type of books and I also enjoy playing Chess”. No wonder, to become a good chess player you need to be logical and have a clue about math.This is not her first trip to Asia, but it’s her first time in Bangkok. She finds Asia so different from Europe and very interesting. Asia is going to boom and become a huge market for One Coin, so I will have to spend a lot of time here in the future, she tells.This woman is very interesting to talk to and we could have gone on and on, me questioning and she answering and explaining.End of year 2014, Dr. Ruja started a Foundation called ONE WORLD FOUNDATION.One World Foundation will provide children and youth with education and opportunities for a better life. In 2015 the Foundation was introduced to representatives of the business society and media at the Grand Hotel Sofia, in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia.Dr. Ruja says “ I am extremely proud, that One World Foundation already has done it’s first donation to blind children in Cambodia”. This donation has provided the Foundation with a place among the major donors of SEVA Canada Society.All revenues from the sales of her book “Learning for profit” will be donated in the future to the Foundation.Dr. Ruja points out that everyone can contribute to make a better future for children around the world by supporting the One World Foundation.The Foundation will work closely with SEVA Canada Society on projects that aim to improve quality of life for Nepalese, Tibetans, some areas in China, India, Africa, Guatemala, Cambodia and Egypt.The Foundation as well, supports Teach for Bulgaria projects, aimed to improve the quality of education in Bulgaria.Let us hope that Dr. Rujas goal to make ONE COIN to one of the most popular virtual currencies worldwide, comes true.Of course, it wouldn’t be possible for Dr. Ruja to handle the business all by herself, even if she is very efficient and focused. By her side she has 2 Swedish men, Juha Parhiala and Sebastian Greenwood. Their names don’t really sound typical Swedish and they both do have mixed blood, but they speak Swedish and act Swedish.Both these men are very much familiar with MLM companies. Now you might wonder, what is MLM companies? The English word is Multi Level Marketing. You organize meetings and get people to sell your products and they get new people to do the same, it’s an ongoing networking. For many of us the companies like NU SKIN, NONI, ORIFLAME are known MLM companies among thousand others.Both Daniel (the photographer) and I happened to attend one of the ONE COIN presentations, which took place here in Bangkok at Hotel Rembrandt. Dr. Ruja came from Hong Kong to make the presentation herself and was in good company of Juha, Sebastian and some other speakers.If you ask me to explain what a meeting like this is alike, I would say, “it’s a big road show, like a pop gala”. When I saw Mr. Juha on stage, he reminded me of a revivalist or a guru. The audience was thrilled and the excitement huge. The women, surprisingly many, were dressed like they were attending a wedding or at least a cocktail party and many men were dressed in tuxedos with flowers in their breast pockets. Must say, it was an amazing sight.Juha started his career as a bartender and cook. He has managed several restaurants and bars in Scandinavia. 23 years ago he discovered the “networking” business and he has been active in Asia since 15 years. He is ranked as top income receiptience in the growing network business.One year ago, he joined Dr. Ruja and Sebastian in the One Coin business and Juha’s goal is to have as many members as possible at the end of 2015.The guy is in the end of his 50’s and has done an amazing career.Sebastian, he was born in Stockholm, Sweden and raised internationally. He has gained significant experience from building large worldwide business networks with more than 500.000 people. His latest challenge is launching One Coin and build a network audience of more than 1 million coin miners (what a goal) within a short time of 3 years. STRONG LEADERSHIP is the motto of Sebastian. He carries one vision, one goal, one network and last, but not least ONE COIN.Let us follow this currency and see if these dynamic 3 persons will be able to reach their goal.I only say GOOD LUCK!
会议时间:每周三和周六的晚上20:00--22:00 (暂时这样定)
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