
Summer!fuck u whore...nice to meet u,im autumn
  在爱情的故事里,没有谁对谁错,不要因为男主角被甩而大骂女主角,也不要因为男主角幼稚没有上进心而感到无奈。this is a story of boy meets girl.but this is not a love story.
喜剧 / 剧情 / 爱情
约瑟夫·高登-莱维特 / 佐伊·丹斯切尔 / 克拉克·格雷格 / 马修·格雷·古柏勒
& 2005-, all rights reserved原帖地址:/2012/stories/shu-qi-deletes-weibo-microblog-after-chinese-netizens-attack.html  Shu Qi Deletes Weibo Microblog After Chinese Netizens Attack  by Fauna on Thursday, March 29, 201250comments  A recent public argument between Chinese martial arts film stars Vincent Zhao andDonnie Yen over the upcoming movie Special Identity has resulted in another famous Chinese movie star Shu Qi deleting her Sina Weibo microblog account with over 10 million followers.  She had posted on her Weibo support for Donnie Yen, leading to Chinese netizens who supported Zhao to attack her over her history of softcore pornography, before she had achieved mainstream success. In response, she deleted all of her microblog posts and unfollowed everyone she had been following, quitting the microblogging service.  From Tianya:  Shu Qi quits Weibo, let me say something in defense of Shu Qi  舒淇退出微博,我来为舒淇说两句  First, I am not a fan of Shu Qi .  Second, I support Uncle Zhao.  Finally, I am just a passerby who like going on Tianya.  首先,本人不是舒淇的粉丝  其次,本人是挺赵叔的。  最后,其实本人就是个喜欢在天涯潜水的路人。  Main text:  That this conflict between two men has for no reason at all pulled in a woman, I am a bit speechless.  I know Shu Qi’s photographs were not posted in retribution by those supporting Zhao, but had been dug up by others long ago.  I also know Shu Qi is someone who became famous through taking off her clothes, who relied on nudity to get into the industry.  I also know that since she’s gone naked, she should be prepared for people to dig [those photos] out at any time, even though she has already worked hard to put her clothes on back one at a time [worked hard to change her past image].  But I want to say that those people who keep using such-and-such photo to attack her, can’t you be a little forgiving?  She did make mistakes, and she should bear the consequences.  But has she not? When the media interviews her, they have never shied away from bringing up her past, and hasn’t she faced it all?  Her clothes were not all put back on in a split second [metaphor for improving her past image/reputation], she’s been putting them on for many years, so has she really not paid the price for the past?  She actually has never completely broken away from the image of a star that started with nudity, but you guys insist on digging up her past photographs to again rip off her clothes one by one?  Some people say her deleting her Weibo messages one by one and deleting who she follows is her trying to get sympathy and whatever.  I can only say it doesn’t matter, she is just a woman trying her hardest to break free from the past.  Why can’t you all be a little more forgiving in your treatment of her? Who has not made mistakes?  “Goddess” was not a title she gave herself, and if she were to dare say she is a goddess, I would spit all over her face, but why are all of these things blamed on her?  Isn’t Sola Aoi that you gossipy male comrades love so much also a goddess in many men’s hearts?  And those talking about conspiracy theories and PR crisis, don’t you think your imaginations are a little too abundant?  Every person, more or less have one or two things they don’t want to face and want to avoid.  Just like a petty thief who does jail time, comes out, works hard to make a living, trying to break away from the past, and someone says, “Oh, he used to be a thief.” He might lower his head and bear it.  But if someone says, “Look, he’s a shameless thief.” Do you guys think these two things are the same?  One should not be so harsh. Making things difficult for a woman is not impressive, there’s no need to brandish the morality cudgel every day bashing this and bashing that, are people not allowed to change after making mistakes?  Okay, I’m done, flees.  正文:  这次两个男人的战争,无端的拉进了一个女人,有点无语。  我知道舒淇的照片不是挺赵派为了报复发的,而是早就有人扒过。  我也知道舒淇是一脱成名,靠脱入行。  我也知道她竟然脱了,就得做好随时被人挖出来的准备,虽然她已经很努力的把衣服一件件的穿上。  但是我想说,那些不停用某某照攻击她的人就不能有点容人之心?  她是错了,错了就要承受后果。  难道她没有承担么?媒体访问的时候,没少提及她的过去,她不是都面对了?  她的衣服不是一瞬间穿上的,她穿了很多年,难道她就真的没有为曾经的事情付出代价?  她其实一直就没有真正摆脱过脱星的称号,可是你们就一定要把曾经的照片翻出来把她的衣服再一件一件的扒掉?  有些人说她一条一条的删微博,删关注是博取同情什么什么的。  我只能说是也好,不是也罢,她只是拼命想摆脱那不堪过去的一个女人罢了。  为什么不能宽容一点对待她?人孰无过?  女神不是她自封的,如果她敢说她是女神,我都要呸她一脸,但是为什么这些事都要算在她头上?  深受八卦男同胞爱戴的苍井空不是一样是很多男人心中的女神?  还有那些阴谋论,危机公关什么的我觉得你们的想象力是不是太丰富了?  每个人,或多或少都有一两件不想面对,想逃避的事情。  就像一个小偷,坐牢了,出狱了,然后他努力生活,想摆脱过去,别人说“哦,他曾经是个小偷。”他或许可以低头承受。  可是如果别人说“你看,他就是个不要脸的小偷。”你们觉得这两个一样?  做人不要那么刻薄。为难一个女人没什么了不起的,不用每天挥舞着道德的大棒打这个打那个,难道做错了事情你还不许人改了?  好了,说完了,闪人。  Many of Shu Qi’s past nude pornographic photos were dug up and shared by Chinese netizens. Here are a few (sorry, guys, censored) examples:  What more, an old song by Shu Qi titled 献身 xian shen ["to be devoted to" or "to give oneself to"] featuring her moaning suggestively was also dug up, amusing many netizens:  这里献身的mp3,大家有兴趣去原帖围观,我就不贴了  Comments from Tianya:  我爱大鼻孔:  If every person had to bear the burden of their past mistakes on their backs for all their lives, unable to change how others see them no matter how hard they tried, then life would truly be too miserable. A mistake carried for the rest of one’s life.  如果每个人都要为之前犯的错背负一辈子,无论怎么努力都改变不了他人的看法的话。那人生真是太辛苦了。一个错误就要背负一生。  被窝里放屁自已闻 :  As a member of the spectating masses, I will quietly say that the bigger and more messy it gets, the better, as all my entertainment recently comes from the stupid shit in entertainment circles. Jia you! Various celebrities! Let the gossip come even more fiercely!  作为一个围观群众,我阴暗的表示,闹的越大越乱越好,我最近的娱乐就指着娱乐圈这点儿破事了。加油啊!各位大腕们!让八卦来的更猛烈些吧!  :  Having been on many different sections [sub-forums] and ultimately often staying on the Gossip [sub-forum], the main reason is for the entertainment. But tonight is the first time I feel compelled to get away from the Gossip [section]. Entertainment Gossip, Entertainment Gossip, I want to ask you guys, are you all still here just for entertainment? Or is this kind of perverse [behavior] the only thing that entertains you now?? I trust not many people are like this, right? All of this is probably someone intentionally manipulating things, right? Then so easily becoming this kind of tool, the feeling should be of disgust and loathing. So what entertainment is there to speak of?  呆过那么多板块,最后选择长驻八卦,主要就是为了娱乐。但今晚第一次迫切想远离八卦了。娱乐八卦,娱乐八卦,我想问你们,你们还只是为了娱乐吗?或者这种 变态的方式才让能让你们娱乐??我相信没有多少人是这样的吧。这一切应该还是有人故意操纵的吧。既然轻易就沦为这样的工具,带来的感受就是恶心和厌恶,哪 还有什么娱乐可言  我爱大鼻孔 :  Those saying you have to pay, how much longer does Shu Qi have to pay? How is she supposed to pay? If she has made porn films, does that mean she has to make porn all her life?  那些说出来混就要还的,舒淇要还多久?还要怎么还?难道拍过三级片,就要一辈子拍三级片?  六月水电五局:  This is what she chose. Having done that kind of thing in the past, she should be prepared for it now. What she herself chose, she has to pay the price for.  这是她自己选的啊,之前做了那样的事就应该有现在的预备,什么都是自己选的,什么都要付出代价  透明传说:  Enough…I saw people posting Shu Qi’s pictures before these two men’s dispute.  得了吧。。我在这两个男人掐架之前就看到有人发舒淇的照片了  马甲真伟大:  I very innocently want to ask the louzhu one thing: Why must netizens be forgiving of this woman? Why should we? The photos she took were for other people to look at, and now that everyone has seen them, isn’t this her original intention? Why should netizens be forgiving/lenient towards her? Whether netizens are willing to be forgiving or not, isn’t that the choice of netizens themselves? What business is it of the louzhu?? Who do you think you are, that you think you can write so much and arrogantly lecture netizens?  我很单纯的想问楼主一句: 为什么网友必须对这个女人宽容? 凭什么? 她拍的照片是为了让别人看的. 现在大家都看了,这不就是她的初衷么? 为什么网 友要对她宽容呢?  网友愿不愿意对她宽容那么不是网友自己的选择么? 管楼主你什么事儿啊?? 你是什么身份啊,轮得上你来长篇大论的教训网友?  我是多无聊啊:  So what if she deleted her microblog, what’s the big deal?  If she really doesn’t want to face [the criticisms/abuse], then she should just get out of the entertainment industry.  Who does she think she is, deleting her WB pretending to be pitiful and innocent.  If in her photos she truly has exposed everything, then there isn’t anything that isn’t exposed.  If its like that and her fans still say she’s so pure and innocent, then I’m truly speechless.  删围脖有什么了不起  真正想不面对就退出娱乐圈好了歪  删个WB装什么可怜装什么纯情啊  在照片里真是什么都露了就没有没露的了  要是这样粉丝也说她多纯情那我真无语了  我是多无聊啊:  Have to face it even if she doesn’t want to.  If she’s willing to do it, then she has to accept being it.  Originally I had no feelings about this.  Now that Shu Qi is pretending to be the victim deleting her WB  trying to pin the blame on Zhao, pin the blame on TY [Tianya], well that’s just too wrong.  This kind of person who isn’t willing to take responsibility for her actions shouldn’t be in the entertainment industry. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.  不想面对也得面对  敢做就要敢当  本来无感的  现在舒淇装可怜删WB  想把错加在赵 加在TY上就是太错了  这样没有担当的人别娱乐圈混了 好走不送  小猪美女2010:  I’m more curious about just who she offended that someone wants to punish her… It can only be said that although a lot of people had known what she had filmed in order to make herself known, they didn’t know the scale was so big…and what more, it wasn’t as if she was forced into it…  我更倾向于她得罪了什么人有人要整她……只能说很多人之前虽然知道她是拍什么出身的,但没想到尺度那么大……而且她当年又不是被迫的……  Comments from Liba:  伊卡露:  Sigh, being in the entertainment industry, how can she be so emotionally weak?  唉'混娱乐圈的'咋个心里素质噶弱  的笃:  I don’t understand why those people on Tianya refuse to leave her alone.  不明白天涯那些人干嘛非纠着她不放呢  张江碧云:  We can say she took herself too seriously.  能说她太把自己当回事伐  o_henry:  She hasn’t denied that part of her past, just that its the past. Who wants to be gossiped about all day~?  Don’t say that since she filmed/took those photos in the past, she ought to have the ability to bear it. One can’t endure Tianya no matter how strong one is emotionally.  Even criminals are allowed to reform and start over, allowed to get back up after falling down, whereas she hasn’t even broken the law and committed a crime, it was just films.  她没有否认那段过去,只是既然过去了,谁愿意整天被人八~  不要说什么过去既然拍了,现在就应该有承受能力。心理再强大也经不起天涯啊~  罪犯还允许改过自新,跌倒了也可以爬起来。更何况她又没违法犯罪,电影产业链而已。  芬迪小水库:  Saw the pictures, the person who exposed them truly is unkind. Those who went to prison and came out, society gives them a chance to reform, but when a woman makes a past mistake, how come we don’t give her a chance?  Everyone already knows this was how she made a name for herself, and now people are publicizing these kind of photographs over something that doesn’t really have anything to do with her, just what kind of mentality is that…?  Just because you took off your clothes before, does it mean you can’t put them back on one by one ever again?  看了照片了,爆的人真是不厚道。人家劳改犯出狱了,社会还给人家机会从良改过的,一个女人之前做错事了,怎么就不能给人家个机会了呢。  大家也都知道她靠这个出山的,现在反过头为了跟她没啥大关系的事情爆这种照片,什么心态啊。。  之前脱了衣服就不能一件件穿起来了么。  嘟乐香蕉:  Shu Qi has a lot of power behind her, still standing without falling all these years despite the being known as a sex goddess, the people she works with all being big stars, that’s not easy at it is. But however glorious, one can’t escape the facts of the past, and this actually can be a lesson for children, that some mistakes can’t be made~  舒淇背后力量挺强大的,这么多年都以性感女神的牌子屹立不倒,合作的都是大腕儿,也够不容易了。不过再荣华富贵,也逃不脱当年的事实,这个其实可以教育小朋友,有的错误不能犯~  wywzzz:  Shu Qi’s acting is really good, and I think her appearance is very unique, that she’s a really good actress. I don’t like nor understand the behavior of those crazy people who like to pick at scars.  舒淇演技很好的,我觉得她的神态气质很独特,是个很好的演员。不喜欢也不理解那种揭人伤疤的疯狂的人的行为  淘到便宜货:  I think I’ve gotten an idea of what this is all about… Shu Qi I generally quite like…how did it come to this? Sigh, this entertainment industry, so chaotic.  大概了解了下。。舒淇感觉还是蛮喜欢的啊。。怎么会这样呢 唉 这个娱乐圈 真是混乱  无大志无理想:  This poor woman, having worked so hard to put her clothes back on one by one, overnight they are all ripped clean off by the internet.  这女人可怜的,好不容易把衣服一件件穿上了,一夜里被网络扒了个精光。  What do you think? Do you feel sorry for Shu Qi? Is it wrong of netizens to criticize and judge her for her past? Do you think the Tianya post is reasonable? Or arrogant for criticizing other netizens?  你怎么看呢?你是否为舒淇感到抱歉?网民评论指责她的过去是否是不对的?你是否认为天涯的评论也有道理?或者批评别的网友是否太高贵冷艳了?  1. moop  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:13 am  i’d go sofa as to say she’s porkwithable  先沙发下她太带感啦  Reply  2.
Xiongmao  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:19 am  Shu Qi is sexier than all Chinese women put together. Also (not saying she’s Oscar material) she’s actually a decent actress.  舒淇比全中国女人加起来还性感。与此同时(不是说她是奥斯卡的材料)她真的是正经演员  Reply  o
Peter  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:32 am  We should have a open mind and allow someone to have some mistakes.  我们必须有一个开放的心态,允许别人犯错误。  Reply  ?
mouse  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:34 am  Why is porn even considered a “mistake”? …Fucking jesus freaks  神马时候拍AV也可以被仅仅看做“错误”啦?……Fucking怪胎去死  Reply  ?
anon  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:52 am  To be fair to Jesus freaks, it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with Christianity or religion but essentially a common human moral value that is critical of those who sell sex. All around the world, prostitution may be the world’s oldest profession but uniformly a reviled and undesirable one by overall society.  Maybe it’s a male conspiracy to keep women down?  公平地讲,这个跟基督或者信仰都没关系,这只是人类共有的道德与价值观让我们谴责这种拿性换钱的行为。对全世界来说,卖淫或许是最古老的行业却始终受到整个社会一致唾骂和鄙陋。  或许这是一个阴谋,男性(通过这种人的存在)来贬低女性。  Reply  ?
Rawlie  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 12:16 pm  Mouse… I lol-ed!  I’ve been on the Macau ferry a few times with Shu Qi, when she was making that Rom-Com with Andy Lau. She’s really hot and quite pleasant in real life. Happy to chat and sign autographs.  Mouse,我笑死了!  我在澳门的渡轮上遇到过几次舒淇,当时她正在跟刘德华拍Rom-Com。她真的hot,在现实生活中也挺礼貌的。很高兴地跟我聊天和签名。  Reply  ?
donscarletti  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 12:54 pm  I wouldn’t marry a woman who’s been done for money on camera, simply because I wouldn’t give my life to a woman in exchange for something that has at one point been for sale in exchange for currency on the open market.  我不会跟一个为了钱拍过AV的女人结婚,原因很简单,我不会牺牲我的生命给一个曾经卖身的女人仅仅为了得到市场上公开发售的东西。  However this kind of porn is nothing like that. She’s just showing the body that she was born with, she’s not inserting anything anywhere or doing anything particularly sexually involved, maybe opening her labia a little bit in two of the shots. This is really closer to FHM/男人装 than it is to hardcore pornography.  不过三级片却不是那种情况。她不过是脱衣服显示自己的身体,她并没有真的做爱,或许在某几个镜头打开她的阴唇一段时间。这更像FHM/男人装而不是铁杆色情(这位哥们的意思是她是借位的没有实战所以无所谓?)  I have this whole series on my hard disc because I think they are fantastic. I do not think any less of her because of these wonderful pictures.  我有这个的全集在我的硬盘上因为我觉得它们都很有想象力。我不觉得拍了这些精彩的图片她失去了什么。  Reply  3.
My Name is Lee  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:23 am  Hypocrits~!!!  Why criticize someone who has made the right turn after doing wrong?  Why not criticize the women who are actually still in the pornography business?  一群伪君子!  为什么要批评一个已经改过自新的人?  为什么不谴责那些依然奋战在色情第一线的女工作人员?  Reply  o
豐  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:38 am  but what’s wrong with porn?  拍AV有什么错?  Reply  ?
mr. weiner  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:50 am  I wouldn’t want any of my nieces to do it as it is a degrading and risky industry. Would you want anyone you cared about to do porn? I don’t think so.  我不会想让任何一个侄女去从事这种有辱人格的高风险行业。你会想让任何一个你关系爱护的人去拍AV吗?我不这样想。  I think Shu Qi made her choices realistically and used it to get where she is now. However unlike the US where you are celebrated for doing this [Paris Hilton, Kim Kardassian et al] In Asia you’d be forever damned, by the same people no doubt who choked their chickens over your pictures.  我认为舒淇切实作出了她的选择并以此得到了今天的一切。然而不像美国还为这种事叫好【帕丽斯希尔顿,金卡黛珊等等】。在亚洲你永远翻不了身,被看着你的图片YY过的同一群人鄙视。
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
豐  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:56 am  If it’s an adult who I care about, then It’s none of my business what they chose to do. Shuqi’s nude pictures are not degrading. They’re beautiful.  Reply  ?
mr. weiner  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:00 am  Yes……very……uh…….beautiful……..indeed……uhhhhhh!  真的好美啊(呻吟中)  ?
Marshal  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 12:31 pm  I totally agree. A pornographic image
it doesn’t have any inherent connotations. The viewer of the image decides for himself how to interpret it. It can be appreciated as a pleasing visual stimulus, or it can be criticized as whatever some people criticize porn as.  我完全同意。艳照就只是张照片;它完全不具有任何固有内涵。观看者自己决定如何阐释它。它可以被看作赏心悦目的视觉刺激,也可以被认为是色情而受到批判。  o
anon  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 12:03 pm  I think part of the reason is that some people see it as a shortcut to success, and people don’t like that (even if they hypocritically would do it themselves if they could get away with it). It’s contempt mixed with envy. They want to bring her down because they felt she exploited something and got where she was not from her own “morally legitimate” efforts but through “immorally legitimate” (selling sex, using connections, nepotism, corruption, etc.) methods.  我认为部分原因在于有人把它(拍AV)看作成功的捷径,而人们并不喜欢它(就算他们假惺惺地自己也喜欢拍,如果他们能摆脱它的话)。这里夹杂了羡慕嫉妒恨。他们想她玩完,因为他们认为她利用了一些东西得到了今天的成就并非通过她自己的“道德且合法”的努力,而是通过“不道德却合法”的方式(卖身,利用关系,裙带关系,腐败等等)  And people DO criticize the women who are actually still in the porn and sex industry. But they’re not going to get the attention Shu Qi gets obviously, because they’re not celebrities that many people recognize.  而人们确实有在批评那些仍然奋战在色情产业第一线的女工作人员。但是她们明显也没有想要得到舒淇那样的关注,因为她们不是很多人认识的名人。  Reply  4.
Brett Hunan  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:26 am  Wheres the link to the uncensored pics?  无码链接在哪里?  Reply  o
moop  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:30 am  on the other side of the great firewall  防火墙的另一面  Reply  5.
eattot  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:26 am  everybody knows she did porn….  if she can ignore all the insult give a smile, maybe better…  delete all insulte pretend nothing happened better…  some other actress also did porn, but some also gain dignity and happy family, they do not have to pretend as a virgin to get attention.  所有人都知道她拍过AV  如果她能忽略所有侮辱一笑而过,或许更好……  删掉所有侮辱假装一切都没有发生过更好……  其他一些女优也拍过AV,但是有些人照样收获了尊严和幸福的家庭,他们不用假装是处女来找存在感。  that famous one named 叶玉卿 even married a very rich amrican chinese, so what? but to be frank, the first i saw her in porn, i feel she can not be a porn star as for she looks so rich in chinese old acient fortune telling book way…hmm, maybe i have some potation to be a witch, hahaha!  著名的叶玉卿甚至嫁了一个灰常有钱的美籍华人,那又怎样?但是坦率地说,我觉得她当不了色情明星因为她看起来是中国风水书上说的会发达的面相……嗯,也许我有当巫婆的潜质,哈哈!
anon  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 12:05 pm  Do you think Shu Qi pretends to be a virgin though? Just like in the post, I think it should be obvious that Shu Qi has always been conscious about her past and the media never lets her forget it. I think she’s been taking the insults and smiling all this time, but there’s only so much a person can take, and online mobs can be particularly unforgiving (due to anonymity and such).  这样你是认为舒淇假装成一个处女了?从上文看来,我认为很明显舒淇一直被提醒她的过去而媒体也从来没有让她忘记。我认为她接受了这些侮辱且总是微笑以对,然而一个人接受不了那么多,特别是网络暴民绝对不能原谅(由于匿名或诸如此类)  Reply  6.
mr. weiner  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:30 am  “Forgiven” ?!?  Jesus Christ on a jumped up crutch! Just What the F*ck does she have to be forgiven for?!? A generation of horny Chinese should be thanking her for giving them quality material to beat off to Damnit!  The tone of the Tainya article reeked of moralistic BS. And the netizines who criticized her by bringing up her past are all hypocrites.  “原谅”?!?  耶稣基督在上!她为了什么要被原谅?!?整整一代中国人都要感谢她给他们提供了优质资源!  Tianya的整个文章充满了道德偏见。那些批评她过去的网民都是伪善者。  Reply  o
anon  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 12:13 pm  Of course, most people don’t tend to give criminals a second chance either, as long as they know about that criminal history.  当然,大多数人也不想给罪犯第二次机会,只要他们知道犯罪史。  Reply  7.
Rod  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:33 am  “I will quietly say that the bigger and more messy it gets, the better…”  Me to, brother.  “闹的越大越乱越好”  兄弟,我顶  Reply  8.
Peter  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:33 am  Yes, We should have a open mind and allow someone to have some mistakes.  是的,我们应该有个开放的心态,允许人们犯一些错误  Reply  o
mr. weiner  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:34 am  “Mistakes”…fah!  “错误”……噗!  Reply  9.
豐  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:35 am  Chinese insecurity and over blown self righteousness when it comes to porn and sex… never ceases to amaze me.  中国人的不安全感和对待色情和性的自以为是……总是给我带来惊喜。
mouse  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:37 am  Americans are like this too though  Remember that teacher that got run out of her job by angry dumb parents once her old porn video surfaced?  美国人也是这样的  记住老师也会丢饭碗,当愤怒的父母看到她以前拍的AV的时候。  Reply  ?
moop  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:42 am  apples and oranges. do you have a different example? i don’t remember any actresses getting a lot of crap because they did porn before, but then again doing porn doesn’t seem to help anyone become a hollywood star. the key is to take your clothes off after you get there  萝卜和青菜。你能不能举一个不同的例子?!  不记得有演员因为以前拍过AV引发过这么多非议,不过拍AV看起来也没让任何人成为好莱坞明星。关键是你要到达那个地位再脱。(这位的意见是成名再脱???)  Reply  ?
anon  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:48 am  Shu Qi is to Anna Nicole Smith as ultimate success is to ultimate failure. However, mouse’s point was fairly obvious in its relevancy. Most people have stigmas against those who have been in the porn industry, not just Americans either.  舒淇就像安娜妮可史密斯一样从最终成功到最终失败。(注:安娜妮可史密斯以前是AV明星,然后嫁给了一个很老的亿万富翁,最后老头死了遗嘱一毛钱都不留给她,好像是这样,具体大家百度)不过,mouse的观点也有道理。大部分人都对曾经在色情产业工作过的人有偏见,不止是美国人。  ?
anon  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 12:14 pm  Didn’t Kiera Knightly benefit from some boobage and sex scenes in an early movie too?  难道凯拉奈特莉没从早年电影中的露胸部和性爱镜头中获利吗?  ?
moop  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 12:20 pm  @anon  kiera knightley has boobs? i refuse to believe she actually has breasts  凯拉奈特莉有胸部?我拒绝相信她真的有乳房。  ?
anon  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 12:24 pm  LOL, well, she at least has nipples. Let me check, yes, it was The Hole (2001).  This is an odd comment.  LOL,好吧,她至少有乳头。让我查一下,是的,它是The Hole (2001)  这是个雷人的评论。  ?
terroir  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 12:28 pm  @moop  The smaller ones are sweeter. My mantra is: “If it fits in a bra, then it goes into my mouth.”  越小越甜蜜。我的口头禅是:“如果它适合一个BRA,那么它就可以入我的口。”(话说老外好重口啊,俺们向来是点到为止,吐槽不带肿么深入的)
K  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:36 am  Who cares if she did porn? I don’t know why the Chinese demand these actresses to be virginal and pure, they are just people. Besides she gained her fame no differently then probably 99 % of the chinese actresses, she screwed her way to the top the only diff between her and other actresses is that she was on film doing it. People need to get off their moral high horse. On a side note, am I the only one that finds her face weirdly spaced apart and alien like?  谁在乎她拍没拍过AV?我不知道为什么中国人要要求这些演员是纯洁的处女,她们也是人。她跟99%的中国女星成名的方式没什么不同,唯一的不同点是她在电影上这么干。人们需要放弃他们的高道德标准。顺便说下,难道我是唯一一个觉得她的五官过于分散像个外星人的?  Reply  o
mr. weiner  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:39 am  It’s the big lips and the wide set eyes. Kind of like a guppy.  这是大嘴和分布间距很大的眼睛。有点像孔雀。  Reply  o
eattot  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:44 am  she looks like a fish…  that’s why some people think she looks so sexy some think she looks so ugly…  same happened to me also, some guys chased me very hard in university telling me i’m very sexy, some disliked me at all, said i’m very ugly…  她看起来像条鱼  这是有人觉得她性感有人觉得她丑的原因  我也是这种情况,大学里有人狂热地追求我说我非常性感,有人一点也不喜欢我,说我灰常难看  Reply  ?
mr. weiner  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:52 am  You will always be my favorite guppy :)  你永远是我最喜欢的孔雀  Reply  ?
terroir  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:43 am  If you’re like Shu Qi, what’s your polarizing weird/charming defect/beauty? What animal do you look like? A lobster?  如果你长得像舒淇,你的怪异点、迷人的缺陷、最美的地方是什么?你看起来像什么动物?龙虾?  Reply  o
anon  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 12:17 pm  No, you’re not the only one. She always looked trampy and trashy at the same time to me, but that’s partially influenced by her B-movie history. Absent that, she just looks somewhat deformed to me. She has her angles, but many others are just odd.  不,你不是一个人。对我来说她长得挺风尘的,不过部分地受她的B级电影历史的影响。(注:B级电影是二级当中的B级,家长指引类,她拍的那些是B级?我觉得这个应该是三级才对啊)除去这些,她只是长得有点怪异而已。她对于某些人来说是天使,不过对其他人来说,她只是长得很奇怪而已。
The Enlightened One  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:51 am  This is ridiculous, she got into the industry with porn. Don’t continue in the industry if you can’t take a jab at your past mistakes.  George Clooney made Batman and Robin, we was sorry and we forgave him. What about Cat Woman with Halle Berry?  Learn to take a shot at your past mistakes and learn from them. Part of being a top celeb is taking people’s pokes with class and poise… not acting like a big baby and running to hide and cry…  If she can’t take it… get out of the business.  这很荒谬,她以拍AV入行。如果你不能忍受别人戳破你的过去就不要继续在这一行混。  乔治克鲁尼演了蝙蝠侠和罗宾,我们很抱歉,我们原谅了他。演了猫女的哈里贝瑞又怎样呢?  要学会直面你过去的错误并从中吸取教训。成为名人的一部分是接受人们的嘲弄和保持平衡……不要表现得像个大孩子躲起来哭……  如果她受不了……那就远离这一行。  Reply  o
mr. weiner  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:55 am  ‘Tis in asia oh enlightened one. People will applaud you in the west if you gut it out. In asia if you stand up to face your accusers all you do is make yourself seem “shameless” and a better target.  亚洲是非常不同的。西方人们会表扬你如果你走出来了。在亚洲如果你站出来直面你的控告者,你做的一切只是让你自己看起来“无耻”然后成为更大的靶子。  Reply  ?
The Enlightened One  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:02 am  Yeah, funny how the same people that attacked her for being ‘shameless’ are probably the same kids that jerked off to her.  搞笑的是现在攻击她“无耻”的人很可能也是当年看着她撸的小孩。  So she likes Donnie Yen more, calm down children… just get your aggression out with yanking it more.  Is it me, or do you get the feeling that a lot of Chinese are seriously repressed emotionally, sexually and mentally?  所以她更喜欢甄子丹,孩子们冷静……把你们的好斗用在别的地方吧。  是不是我,或者你是否感觉很多中国人情绪,性,和精神都严重压抑?  (这个人的意思是网友攻击舒淇是因为发现舒淇更喜欢甄子丹,因爱生恨吗?这个神脑补啊)  Reply  12.
Capt. WED  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:55 am  I don’t really care about this chick but man fuck these fucking netizen fucks are haters.  我对这小妞无感但是(我翻不下去了,大哥你用了多少个f***啊,给跪了)  Reply  13.
lonetrey  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:22 am  Still thinking softcore photography is some horrible horrible history.  How do they cope with having sex themselves, I wonder?  依旧认为色情书刊摄影是很恶心的历史。  我想知道他们自己怎么应对性生活呢?
  Reply  14.
Appalled@everything  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:26 am  pretty childish. So she took a side. Some people didn’t like the side she took, so they mindlessly attack her and character bash for stuff she did years ago? Wonder how things would have gone had she taken the other guy’s side.. being praised and simultaneously forgiven for those past actions by the same idiots who slander her here no doubt.  太孩子气了。所以她站了队。有些人不喜欢她站的那一边,所以他们盲目地拿她多年前做的事攻击她的人格?想知道事情会怎么发展如果她站了另一边。原谅她的过去并赞赏她的同一群白痴现在却毫无疑问地诽谤她。  Reply  15.
terroir  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:36 am  A bad trait regarding Chinese logic in dealing wi in this case, it’s to avoid logic and reason and focus upon one’s status – the higher one’s status is, the more correct and righteous they are.  中国处理纠纷的规矩是面子;在这种情况下,不分是非不问缘由一切取决于一个人的地位-一个人的地位越高,他就占据了正确和正义的制高点。  As seen lately with 衣脱兔, her reply to some anonymous question is “who are you?” as if to say “What right do you have to say that?” Reasons aren’t heeded so much as one’s status.  看衣脱兔那条,她对很多匿名者问题的回答是“你是谁”好像在说“你有什么权利说那些?”原因没有一个人的地位来得重要。  So. Shu Qi made the bad choice in getting involved in some celebrity spat because everyone knows her “secret” and has come to exploit this as her “mistake” rather than just some aspiring actress who could only make the best of the opportunities afforded to her.  因此,舒淇做了错误的选择参与进一些名人的口角中,因为所有人都知道她的“秘密”并当作她的“错误”来利用,而不是像一些有抱负的演员那样只是在给予她的机会中尽力做到最好。  She’s a whore not because she once took her clothes off, but that she would dare think that her opinion mattered.  她是一个妓女不是因为她曾经脱光衣服,而是因为她胆敢认为她的意见有用。
  作者:@棱落残枫 回复日期: 20:23:27   回复   围观不语  ===========================================================================================  谢谢  oooO ↘┏━┓ ↙ Oooo   ( 踩)→┃你┃ ←(死 )   \ ( →┃√┃ ← ) /   \_)↗┗━┛ ↖(_/   我也是围观的
  作者:@韩度无耻 回复日期: 20:27:40   回复   舒淇去美国吧,美国人会为你叫好的。  =========================================================================================  她好有钱,应该是经常去的
  我很单纯的想问楼主一句: 为什么网友必须对这个女人宽容? 凭什么? 她拍的照片是为了让别人看的. 现在大家都看了,这不就是她的初衷么? 为什么网 友要对她宽容呢?  网友愿不愿意对她宽容那么不是网友自己的选择么? 管楼主你什么事儿啊?? 你是什么身份啊,轮得上你来长篇大论的教训网友?  。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。真心赶脚这段话说的好!!!!!
  同情遭遇的多,鄙视过去的也多  pornstar真是烙印,沾上了一辈子去不掉  年轻的女孩警醒啊~~~
  本来觉得SQ有点受牵连是很倒霉,可是看见各种洗白言论真是气不打一处来,是不是说看她照片撸过就没资格评论这件事,那好,我是女的我不需要她提供资源,一定又有人说你是女的你就是嫉妒她BALABALA,抱歉,我一个正正经经的人还真不嫉妒拍这种照片还公开发行的人,给多少钱也不干!  外国人这么开放这么欣赏她,那直接圆润去国外不就得了,何必在这个不宽容的环境里又删微博又哭着拍照!如果她今天沉默以对,我可能会佩服她同情她,就看她闹了这几出以后,还是那句话,没这点承受力,别在娱乐圈混了。
  作者:@哈士奇是瓦本命 回复日期: 20:34:56   回复   我很单纯的想问楼主一句: 为什么网友必须对这个女人宽容? 凭什么? 她拍的照片是为了让别人看的. 现在大家都看了,这不就是她的初衷么? 为什么网 友要对她宽容呢?  网友愿不愿意对她宽容那么不是网友自己的选择么? 管楼主你什么事儿啊?? 你是什么身份啊,轮得上你来长篇大论的教训网友?  。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。真心赶脚这段话说的好!!!!!  =====================================================================================  我只是翻译,不是我写的,我是天涯er
  楼主 那个网站看起来很像一些人上去为舒淇洗白的说
  作者:@我才是黄瓜 回复日期: 20:33:45   回复   哦,美国人既然这么开明,干嘛前段时间还把一个拍过AV的美国女老师开除啊???  =====================================================================================  看美剧的印象是这种情况无一例外肯定是要开除的,别说是专业人员,就算老师生活作风不好,比如阿娇这样的,传出去也肯定要开除,美国人在教育小孩这方面比认真多了,连怀孕喝酒这种事都会引起社会公愤
innocent!!!!!!  You know that
pictures on the Internet, but somebody else
March.  And it
was later when she
incident.  We
innocent!!!!!!  We
innocent!!!!!!  We
innocent!!!!!!  We
  老外的语气根本就不是这样的  这明显就是中国人的语气
  作者:@空灵的前奏 回复日期: 20:33:57   回复   这段文字我貌似很熟悉,是不是谁把中文翻译成英文了??!!  ====================================================================================  网站有把天涯er的贴翻译成英文,从沙发那里开始才是老外对这件事的评论
  回复第26楼,@哇咔咔的茉莉花  老外的语气根本就不是这样的  这明显就是中国人的语气  --------------------------  我也这么觉得。  
  作者:@俊蓝蓝 回复日期: 20:38:36   回复   放个屁都要向老外求证和签别一下,仿佛老外说的就是对的。  ========================================================================================  我只是为了给大家提供围观素材才翻译的,我有吐槽的,注那里就是,我翻译就是为了破除老外迷信,经常翻译就知道米帝中圣父圣母逻辑混乱广泛存在,国人素质论绝对坑爹
20:49:49  作者:@哈士奇是瓦本命 回复日期: 20:34:56   回复  我很单纯的想问楼主一句: 为什么网友必须对这个女人宽容? 凭什么? 她拍的照片是为了让别人看的. 现在大家都看了,这不就是她的初衷么? 为什么网 友要对她宽容呢?  网友愿不愿意对她宽容那么不是网友自己的选择么? 管楼主你什么事儿啊?? 你是什么身份啊,轮得上你来长篇大论的教训网友?  。。。。。。。。...........  -----------------------------  瓦知道。。。。
  作者:@我哈哈哈地笑不停 回复日期: 20:40:42   回复   果然是性爱天堂美利坚,舒淇快点去吧。  =========================================================================================  米帝主流社会很保守的,而且是那种宗教氛围很浓的保守
  哎哟微 意思是外国人很宽宏大量 那快点请扒b舒滚去美国呀
他们一定要接受她走奥斯卡红地毯哟 他们一定要让他拍大片 当女一号哟 不然他们就是小气 有木有?~~~~哎哟微 意思是外国人很宽宏大量 那快点请扒b舒滚去美国呀
他们一定要接受她走奥斯卡红地毯哟 他们一定要让他拍大片 当女一号哟 不然他们就是小气 有木有?~~~~哎哟微 意思是外国人很宽宏大量 那快点请扒b舒滚去美国呀
他们一定要接受她走奥斯卡红地毯哟 他们一定要让他拍大片 当女一号哟 不然他们就是小气 有木有?~~~~哎哟微 意思是外国人很宽宏大量 那快点请扒b舒滚去美国呀
他们一定要接受她走奥斯卡红地毯哟 他们一定要让他拍大片 当女一号哟 不然他们就是小气 有木有?~~~~哎哟微 意思是外国人很宽宏大量 那快点请扒b舒滚去美国呀
他们一定要接受她走奥斯卡红地毯哟 他们一定要让他拍大片 当女一号哟 不然他们就是小气 有木有?~~~~哎哟微 意思是外国人很宽宏大量 那快点请扒b舒滚去美国呀
他们一定要接受她走奥斯卡红地毯哟 他们一定要让他拍大片 当女一号哟 不然他们就是小气 有木有?~~~~
  作者:@自杀小鱼 回复日期: 20:40:56   回复   同情遭遇的多,鄙视过去的也多  pornstar真是烙印,沾上了一辈子去不掉  年轻的女孩警醒啊~~~  =========================================================================================  同感,其实我觉得现在的小孩整天做明星梦真的大丈夫
  作者:@写天地轮回书 回复日期: 20:44:30   回复   这段文字非常熟悉,尼玛,我记得我还在这帖子里留言了。  ===================================================================================  说明那边把你的贴子翻过去了
  @俊蓝蓝  20:38:36  放个屁都要向老外求证和签别一下,仿佛老外说的就是对的。   -----------------------------  +
21:02:41  作者:@我哈哈哈地笑不停 回复日期: 20:40:42   回复  果然是性爱天堂美利坚,舒淇快点去吧。  =========================================================================================  米帝主流社会很保守的,而且是那种宗教氛围很浓的保守  -----------------------------  我只是讽刺一下,基督教,天主教什么的,教义这方面,怎么可能纵使AV女性做主流明星。
    其实这件事牵扯到舒淇确实很无辜,曾经的伤疤被这样揭出来还拼命的撒盐,就算是明星是公共人物,这样删WB也绝对不是惺惺作态。  有些人骂的实在太狠了,你们虚伪把苍井空捧成女神,为何就容不了舒淇?哎~说到底舒淇就是个挡箭挡雨的,两个经常在荧幕上演大侠的男人,看似满身的正气,可他们之间的战争却要一个脆弱的女人来承担。
  假的要死啦~~  怎么会有那么多老外熟悉中国的娱乐圈啊,反过来倒是有可能!
  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:55 am  ‘Tis in asia oh enlightened one. People will applaud you in the west if you gut it out. In asia if you stand up to face your accusers all you do is make yourself seem “shameless” and a better target.  亚洲是非常不同的。西方人们会表扬你如果你走出来了。在亚洲如果你站出来直面你的控告者,你做的一切只是让你自己看起来“无耻”然后成为更大的靶子。  ===================================================================  话说这些老外思想也太单纯了,根本就不知道这事儿是有幕后推手在炒作。随便看几个评论就把全中国人民,噢不,是全亚洲人民都想成这样了.....
  作者:@大奶包子 回复日期: 21:01:28   回复   是国外的华人的回复啊?  ====================================================================================  ChinaMack是专门收集中国热门事件翻译成英文的,回复的人员不清楚,应该是有外国人也有湾湾之类的,没研究过
  是不是我,或者你是否感觉很多中国人情绪,性,和精神都严重压抑?  --------------  是啊,能不压抑么?看着美帝的全球战略,看着伊拉克叙利亚的下场,体会着转基因,还有周边小国的各种围堵,连菲律宾都能咬伤一口.....都像美帝那样看谁不爽就揍谁精神上当然放松了
  英语极烂  拉了天涯er的后腿我对不起暴民啊~~
  作者:@寅时月 回复日期: 21:08:30   回复   @俊蓝蓝  20:38:36  放个屁都要向老外求证和签别一下,仿佛老外说的就是对的。   -----------------------------  +  =====================================================================================  我只是为了给大家提供围观素材才翻译的,我有吐槽的,注那里就是,我翻译就是为了破除老外迷信,经常翻译就知道米帝中圣父圣母逻辑混乱广泛存在,国人素质论绝对坑爹
  作者:@彼岸的叶子 回复日期: 20:56:28   回复   她去美国就没政协委员罩她啦  手机上天涯,随时围观热点:  =========================================================================================  求科普,是哪个政协委员?
  o mouse  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:37 am  Americans are like this too though  Remember that teacher that got run out of her job by angry dumb parents once her old porn video surfaced?  美国人也是这样的  记住老师也会丢饭碗,当愤怒的父母看到她以前拍的AV的时候。  ======================================================================  排这个哇!!!!
  算了吧 米国人能知道什么前因后果  他们能了解公园大变脸和一条一条删微博吗  能知道护舒宝喷粪吗
  作者:@旺仔叔叔 回复日期: 20:55:58   回复   回复第26楼,@哇咔咔的茉莉花  老外的语气根本就不是这样的  这明显就是中国人的语气  --------------------------  我也这么觉得。  =======================================================================================  从1 moop沙发那里开始才是评论,之前的是网贴翻译的天涯er的评论,至于后面,那就是我的语气啊,你说的是中文还是英文?
  作者:@似水若汐 回复日期: 20:53:33   回复   We are innocent!!!!!!  You know that it was not us who post her nude pictures on the Internet, but somebody else in early March.  And it was later when she was dragged into this incident.  We are innocent!!!!!!  We are innocent!!!!!!  We are innocent!!!!!!  We are innocent!!!!!!  ===================================================================================  俺们绝对不是暴民啊,你可以上原贴回复,我回复不了,不知道是不是封IP了
  @我才是黄瓜  20:33:45  哦,美国人既然这么开明,干嘛前段时间还把一个拍过AV的美国女老师开除啊???  -----------------------------  开放的美国人民也有接受不了的东西
勾引未成年的 有几个没开除?
  @上善若水慕容长安  20:31:42  作者:@韩度无耻 回复日期: 20:27:40   回复  舒淇去美国吧,美国人会为你叫好的。  =========================================================================================  她好有钱,应该是经常去的  -----------------------------  生意都做到美国啦?
  作者:@verahi 回复日期: 20:51:24   回复   楼主 那个网站看起来很像一些人上去为舒淇洗白的说  =====================================================================================  我翻是因为那个网站的新闻通常出的比较快,一般来说英文和日文(除非讨论棒子的时候)的留言板都黑,人家整天看CNN之类的,你懂的
  楼主应该把舒女士的“变脸戏法”一并翻译上去,而且重点是舒女士一直在掩盖她的过去,是掩盖,而不是承认只拍三级片。  另外,国外说的就是对的?国外的猥琐男希望中国女人都裸了站街上你也认为是对的?中国人的事情由中国人解决,管他们什么P事?
20:15:00  原帖地址:/2012/stories/shu-qi-deletes-weibo-microblog-after-chinese-netizens-attack.html  Shu Qi Deletes Weibo Microblog After Chinese Netizens Attack  by Fauna on Thursday, Ma...........  -----------------------------  的确,但是外国也有主流媒体,非主流媒体之分  就像中国有渣浪和人民网  一样一样的,亲
  作者:@白骨夜行 回复日期: 20:49:26   回复   本来觉得SQ有点受牵连是很倒霉,可是看见各种洗白言论真是气不打一处来,是不是说看她照片撸过就没资格评论这件事,那好,我是女的我不需要她提供资源,一定又有人说你是女的你就是嫉妒她BALABALA,抱歉,我一个正正经经的人还真不嫉妒拍这种照片还公开发行的人,给多少钱也不干!  外国人这么开放这么欣赏她,那直接圆润去国外不就得了,何必在这个不宽容的环境里又删微博又哭着拍照!如果她今天沉默以对,我可能会佩服她同情她,就看她闹了这几出以后,还是那句话,没这点承受力,别在娱乐圈混了。  ==========================================================================================  看外国人的贴(不包括巴铁和老毛子)一开始是需要勇气的,各种黑啊,人家受媒体洗脑比我们还厉害啊,见多了,就淡然了,还会产生米帝都是这种水平就好了,俺们有希望了的赶脚
    其实就是一群马来人 你们懂得  会说粤语 会说中文 更或者会写简体字的马来西亚华裔  老外根本不会CARE中国娱乐圈发生什么事情OK 你把中国娱乐圈想太重要了  
  作者:@温度仪15 回复日期: 21:12:02   回复   假的要死啦~~  怎么会有那么多老外熟悉中国的娱乐圈啊,反过来倒是有可能!  ========================================================================================  再次提醒,前面是天涯er的言论翻译成英文的,后面从有人说沙发那里开始才是老外评论
  楼主知道舒淇拿华表这样的zhengfu奖的时候引起了多大的讨论吗在国外?  想想国外人怎么看中国女人吧,天哪,zhengfu承认的女人居然是脱星啊,还是五点全漏扒开内脏的啊,还有吟声专辑啊,既然zhengfu承认了,也就是告诉世界,中国女人都是这种货色吧?  我不是这种货色好么????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????、
  作者:@咖啡不溶水 回复日期: 21:26:53   回复   @上善若水慕容长安
20:15:00  原帖地址:/2012/stories/shu-qi-deletes-weibo-microblog-after-chinese-netizens-attack.html  Shu Qi Deletes Weibo Microblog After Chinese Netizens Attack  by Fauna on Thursday, Ma...........  -----------------------------  的确,但是外国也有主流媒体,非主流媒体之分  就像中国有渣浪和人民网  一样一样的,亲  =======================================================================================  这个我觉得西方主流是黑的,米帝现在流行什么问题都怪
  作者:@桃妤 回复日期: 21:26:34   回复   楼主应该把舒女士的“变脸戏法”一并翻译上去,而且重点是舒女士一直在掩盖她的过去,是掩盖,而不是承认只拍三级片。  另外,国外说的就是对的?国外的猥琐男希望中国女人都裸了站街上你也认为是对的?中国人的事情由中国人解决,管他们什么P事?  =====================================================================================  楼主很受伤,那个把天涯er的言论翻译成英文的是网站,不是我,我只是把那个原帖后面的评论翻译过来而已。  至于后面的问题,好吧,楼主打了两次了,再贴过来。我只是为了给大家提供围观素材才翻译的,我有吐槽的,注那里就是,我翻译就是为了破除老外迷信,经常翻译就知道米帝中圣父圣母逻辑混乱广泛存在,国人素质论绝对坑爹。
  she looks like a fish…  我就看见这一句。
  @我才是黄瓜  20:33:45    哦,美国人既然这么开明,干嘛前段时间还把一个拍过AV的美国女老师开除啊???  -----------------------  因为她是老师吧。。
  作者:@mcsw0044 回复日期: 21:14:45   回复   英语极烂  拉了天涯er的后腿我对不起暴民啊~~  ====================================================================================  最上面是天涯er的评论被外网翻译了过去当新闻,然后老外在后面评论,最后楼主再把新闻和老外评论翻译了发上来,懂了吗?天涯er的评论是中文的
  我想说 这是冒牌老外吧?说话语气这么不对?
21:33:02  作者:@温度仪15 回复日期: 21:12:02   回复  假的要死啦~~  怎么会有那么多老外熟悉中国的娱乐圈啊,反过来倒是有可能!  ========================================================================================......  ----------------------  原来是这样滴啊
  怪不得。。。。。第一篇很Chinglish。。。一定是中国人写的。。。  老外对于这个貌似没什么大不了的哈。。。  他们的AV女郎都是整过的怪物=。=  弄个EX-PORNSTAR当当奥斯卡影后,看看他们有啥评论吧
  @写天地轮回书  20:44:30  这段文字非常熟悉,尼玛,我记得我还在这帖子里留言了。   -----------------------------  +1
  作者:@宝宝的_海绵 回复日期: 21:13:46   回复   Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:55 am  ‘Tis in asia oh enlightened one. People will applaud you in the west if you gut it out. In asia if you stand up to face your accusers all you do is make yourself seem “shameless” and a better target.  亚洲是非常不同的。西方人们会表扬你如果你走出来了。在亚洲如果你站出来直面你的控告者,你做的一切只是让你自己看起来“无耻”然后成为更大的靶子。  ===================================================================  话说这些老外思想也太单纯了,根本就不知道这事儿是有幕后推手在炒作。随便看几个评论就把全中国人民,噢不,是全亚洲人民都想成这样了.....  =========================================================================================  要淡定,要承认米帝也有脑残儿童,就算是正常人,也会受到媒体的影响,带点偏见很正常
  说着外文的中国人吗- -无语
  作者:@多串君是攻 回复日期: 21:31:07   回复   其实就是一群马来人 你们懂得  会说粤语 会说中文 更或者会写简体字的马来西亚华裔  老外根本不会CARE中国娱乐圈发生什么事情OK 你把中国娱乐圈想太重要了  ============================================================================================  你说的那些是天涯er的言论,老外的评论是我翻的,完全没有提到娱乐圈啊,1
  作者:@耵耵猫 回复日期: 21:55:40   回复   说着外文的中国人吗- -无语  ===================================================================================  从 1. moop  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:13 am  i’d go sofa as to say she’s porkwithable  先沙发下她太带感啦  这一条开始才是老外评论,之前的是原帖,里面的英文是网站翻译的天涯er贴子
21:35:33  作者:@咖啡不溶水 回复日期: 21:26:53   回复  @上善若水慕容长安
20:15:00  原帖地址:/2012/stories/shu-qi-deletes-weibo-microblog-after-chinese-netizens-attack.html  Shu Qi Delet...........  -----------------------------  放心,这点屁事美国没工夫黑
  作者:马甲神马最可爱了 回复日期: 21:51:31   回复   怪不得。。。。。第一篇很Chinglish。。。一定是中国人写的。。。  老外对于这个貌似没什么大不了的哈。。。  他们的AV女郎都是整过的怪物=。=  弄个EX-PORNSTAR当当奥斯卡影后,看看他们有啥评论吧  ===================================================================================  从 1. moop  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:13 am  i’d go sofa as to say she’s porkwithable  先沙发下她太带感啦  这一条开始才是老外评论,之前的是原帖,里面的英文是网站翻译的天涯er贴子
  我快笑死了,这是什么洗白手段啊  还翻译外国人的评论,我以为只有秀粉会用,伪劣变型的镀金手段  有种呢,就贴女神的五点图过去给外国人开开眼,扒开13什么的,说真的,还是东方人能容忍一点  美国人这么喜欢女神,女神快去美国发展吧,赶紧的  我TC舆论就是这样暴民,没资格做你的衣食父母,还是通情达理的美国适合你
  作者:@xbhxwjw 回复日期: 21:46:02   回复   哪个国外的论坛?中国人太多了,偶尔去两个论坛发现很多都是中国网民在留言  ===================================================================================  连哈萨克斯坦论坛都有五毛长期进驻,毫无鸭梨,原帖地址最开头有啊
  作者:@歌尽凄凉 回复日期: 21:42:46   回复   我想说 这是冒牌老外吧?说话语气这么不对?  ===================================================================================  从 1. moop  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:13 am  i’d go sofa as to say she’s porkwithable  先沙发下她太带感啦  这一条开始才是老外评论,之前的是原帖,里面的英文是网站翻译的天涯er贴子,如果你的意思是带感啥的,那是我的语气啊
  @哈士奇是瓦本命  20:34:56  我很单纯的想问楼主一句: 为什么网友必须对这个女人宽容? 凭什么? 她拍的照片是为了让别人看的. 现在大家都看了,这不就是她的初衷么?   -----------------------------  因为大家都看了但都没付钱。。。。所以她生气了。。。。
  作者:@花斑小魔兽 回复日期: 21:43:41   回复   反正就是讨厌护舒宝的护舒行动,由路人变黑书,我已经打了广电的电话希望像封杀汤唯张柏芝阿娇一样封杀书,客服电话,客服表示已有人反映,而且态度很好  =======================================================================================  今天早上就看到那个打电话给代言的贴子了,好燃啊
  作者:@momo_yh 回复日期: 21:42:11   回复   这分明就是中国人说的嘛,哪门子老外,老外还不知道谁是舒其呢  =====================================================================================  从 1. moop  Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 10:13 am  i’d go sofa as to say she’s porkwithable  先沙发下她太带感啦  这一条开始才是老外评论,之前的是原帖,里面的英文是网站翻译的天涯er贴子,原帖有介绍她吧,如果是在港澳台或者中国大陆生活过的老外知道不奇怪
  @宝宝的_海绵  21:09:27  其实这件事牵扯到舒淇确实很无辜,曾经的伤疤被这样揭出来还拼命的撒盐,就算是明星是公共人物,这样删WB也绝对不是惺惺作态。  有些人骂的实在太狠了,你们虚伪把苍井空捧成女神,为何就容不了舒淇?哎~说到底舒淇就是个挡箭挡雨的,两个经常在荧幕上演大侠的男人,看似满身的正气,可他们之间的战争却要一个脆弱的女人来承担。  -----------------------------  拜托,舒淇的五点裸照3月10号就开始在天涯被扒了,她20号才站出来支持甄子丹。  根本不是支持赵文卓的人扒她的裸照,是她倒打一耙栽赃陷害赵文卓和支持赵的人。
  我想问 为什么网址的内容  他们的用户名是中文名还是简体的》》??  他们的用户名是中文名还是简体的》》??  他们的用户名是中文名还是简体的》》??  他们的用户名是中文名还是简体的》》??  他们的用户名是中文名还是简体的》》??  他们的用户名是中文名还是简体的》》??
  作者:@桃妤 回复日期: 21:33:31   回复   楼主知道舒淇拿华表这样的zhengfu奖的时候引起了多大的讨论吗在国外?  想想国外人怎么看中国女人吧,天哪,zhengfu承认的女人居然是脱星啊,还是五点全漏扒开内脏的啊,还有吟声专辑啊,既然zhengfu承认了,也就是告诉世界,中国女人都是这种货色吧?  我不是这种货色好么????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????、  ========================================================================================  楼主只是翻译啊,楼主不是舒淇粉从来不看舒淇电影也不去公园里哭,楼主是天涯er啊,你为什么喷楼主,XX奖又不是楼主颁给她的,里面的评论又不是楼主写的,楼主还吐槽了啊,你从哪里发现楼主支持AV女优舒淇啦??????????????????????????????????????????????????


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