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Sculptris alpha6 documentation
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官方公共微信digital sculpting program that was created by Swedish programmer Tomas Pettersson in November of 2009./story.html On July 23, 2010, Pettersson announced that Pixologic would be developing the software as a companion to their flagship sculpting program named ./index.cgi?board=sculptris&action=display&thread=954 Pettersson went on to state that he will work with the company to continue expanding the Sculptris technology./index.cgi?board=sculptris&action=display&thread=954
The last version of the program was Sculptris 1.02. Sculptris Alpha 5 is the same product with the addition of the Pixologic branding and a new EULA agreement. Originally, the program was offered free with an option to donate to Pettersson. The software is still offered free of charge on the official ZbrushCentral website. /showthread.php?t=090617
Sculptris Alpha 5 is only offered in Windows format at this time. /showthread.php?t=090617
Sculptris Alpha 5 Features
Sculptris differs from other 3D sculpting programs because of its dynamic tessellation feature. In the traditional sculpting procedure, the whole 3D mesh needs to be subdivided many times to obtain enough mesh density to support fine sculpted details like wrinkles or pores. The resulting model has millions (sometimes billions) of polygons and needs more processing power.
However, dynamic tessellation allows the user to only increase the mesh density where he needs it. This creates lighter meshes that require less computing power. A sculptor can further lessen the amount of polygons by using the Reduce Brush and Reduce Selected button. The Reduce Brush allows the user to use a brush to lower the amount of polygons in an area. Reduce Selected uses an algorithm to reduce the mesh density of the entire object without removing the sculpted details.
Along with the common sculpting brushes, Sculptris Alpha 5 has a paint program. A user can paint both the textures and bump at the same time using imported alpha images. Sculptris can use multiple light material files on the same object. It also has heightmask and cavity painting. Projection mapping can be achieved in Sculptris by exporting out an
file. The file can be altered in Photoshop with an image. Once the Photoshop file is imported back into Sculptris, the new image is projected onto the model.
Bump Map Painting in Sculptris
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Bumpmap painting in Sculptris
Tomas Pettersson, the original creator of Sculptris, demonstrates how the bump brush works in painting mode. The program generates UVs for the 3D model once you transfer it to painting mode. Using the bump brush, the user can add subtle details to the mesh independent of the mesh resolution. Once the surface details have been added, a normal map can be exported.
Fast Facts
Tomas Pettersson
Date Created
November 2009
Current Company
Key Feature
Dynamic tessellation
Sculpting Features
Crease, rotate, scale, draw, clay, lazy brush, flatten, grab, inflate, pinch, smooth, symmetry, mask, subdivide all, reduce selected, reduce brush
Painting Features
Paint texture/bump, save normal/bump maps, import/export Photoshop files, projection mapping, cavity painting, multiple lighting materials, depth of field, fog backgrounds, masking
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