
已知椭圆x2/a2 y2/b2=1(a&b&0)的左焦点为F,右顶点为A,点B..._健康_考试与招生资讯网
已知椭圆x2/a2 y2/b2=1(a&b&0)的左焦点为F,右顶点为A,点B...
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已知椭圆x2/a2+y2/b2=1(ab0)的左焦点为F,右顶点为A,点B在椭圆上,且BF⊥x轴已知椭圆x2/a2+y2/b2=1(ab0)的左焦点为F,右顶点为A,点B在椭圆上,且BF⊥x轴,直线AB交Y轴于点P,若向量AP=2向量PB,则椭圆的离心率 【最佳答案】∵向量AP=2PB,∴|AP|=2|PB|,∵BF⊥x轴,∴OP//BF,根据三角形平行比例线段定理,|AP|/|PB|=|AO|/|OF|=2,OA=a,FO=c,∴c/a=1/2,∴离心率e=c/a=1/2. 荐椭圆:焦点|椭圆:体积|椭圆:简单|椭圆:画法|椭圆:几何
设椭圆C:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(ab0)的右焦点为F,10分设椭圆C:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(ab0)的右焦点为F,过F的直线l与椭圆C相交于A、B两点,直线l的倾斜角为60度,向量AF=2FB.求椭圆C的离心率。如果|AB|=15/4,求椭圆C的方程、 【推荐答案】()代表向量(1):(AF)=2(FB)→F为AB的三等分点设A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2)→x1+x2=3c/2①设过焦点F(c,0)直线方程:y=√3/3*(x-c)②联立椭圆方程→(b²+a²/3)x²-2a²cx/3+a²c²/3-1=0→x1+x2=2a²c/3(b²+a²/3)③①③→a²=9b²→e²=c²/a²=8/9→e=2√2/3(2):由(1)→(x1+x2)=3c/2,x1x2=(a²c²/3-a²b²)/(b²+a²/3)=15b²/4→|x1-x2|=√[(x1+x2)²-4x1x2]|AB|=√(1+k²)*|x1-x2|带入求值即可
设A.F分别椭圆x2/a2+y2/b2=1(ab0)的左顶点与右焦点,若在其右准线上存在点P,设A.F分别椭圆x2/a2+y2/b2=1(ab0)的左顶点与右焦点,若在其右准线上存在点P,使得线段PA的垂直平分线恰好经过点F,则该椭圆的离心率的取值范围是 【最佳答案】解:连接PF,设右准线与x轴点为B,A点坐标(-a,0)、F点坐标(c,0),右准线方程:x=c^2/a|PF|=|AF|=c+a|BF|=c^2/a-c所以当|PFBF|时,必存在一点P使得线段PA的垂直平分线恰好经过点F,即c+ac^2/a-cac+a^2c^2-aca^2+2ac-c^201+2e-e^20e^2-2e-1&01-√2&e&1+√2所以0&e&1
椭圆C:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(ab0)的离心率为√3/3,过右焦点F的直线L与C相交于A、B两点,当l的斜率为1时坐标原点O到L的距离为√2/2。(1)求a,b的值(2)C上是否存在点P,使得当L绕F转到某一位置时,有向量OP=向量OA+向量OB成立?注:真心求解,请不要复制粘贴。我在百度搜到过一题。表述真的不懂。 1-0316:29【最佳答案】椭圆x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(ab0),e=√3/3,过右焦点的直线L与椭圆相交于A、B二点,直线L的斜率为1时,原点到直线L距离为√2/2。(1)求a,b值(2)C上是否存在点P,当L绕F转某位置,有向量OP=OA+OB成立,若存在,求P坐标及L方程,若不存在,请说明理由。(1)解析:∵e=√3/3,∴a=√3c设直线L方程为x=y+c∵原点到直线L距离为√2/2,∴|c|/√2=√2/2==c=1∴a=√3,b=√2(2)解析:设直线L方程为x=my+1==x^2=m^2y^2+2my+1椭圆:2x^2+3y^2=6(2m^2+3)y^2+4my-4=0Y1+y2=-4m/(2m^2+3),y1y2=-4/(2m^2+3)X1+x2=m(y1+y2)+2设P(x,y)∵向量OP=OA+OB∴x=x1+x2=-4m^2/(2m^2+3)+2=6/(2m^2+3)Y=y1+y2=-4m/(2m^2+3)代入椭圆:72/(2m^2+3)^2+48m^2/(2m^2+3)^2=624(3+2m^2)/(2m^2+3)^2=64=(2m^2+3)==m1=-√2/2,m1=√2/2∴存在点P(3/2,-√2/2)或P(3/2,√2/2)直线L方程x=-√2/2y+1或x=√2/2y+1热心网友 1-0316:50荐离心率:椭圆|离心率:焦点|离心率:直线|离心率:根号|离心率:范围
已知椭圆C:x2/a2+y2/b2=1(ab0)的一个顶点为A(2,0),离心率为根号2/2,直线y=k(x-1)与椭圆C交于不同的两...30分已知椭圆C:x2/a2+y2/b2=1(ab0)的一个顶点为A(2,0),离心率为根号2/2,直线y=k(x-1)与椭圆C交于不同的两点M,N.当三角形AMN的面积为根号10/3,求K的值 【推荐答案】由A(2,0)可得:a=2,离心率e=c/a=c/2=√2/2,∴c=√2,b=√(a^2-c^2)=√2,∴椭圆方程为:x^2/4+y^2/2=1,设M(x1,y1),N(x2,y2),直线方程为:kx-y-k=0,A点至直线距离h=|2k-0-k|/√(1+k^2)=|k|/√(1+k^2),x^2/4+k^2(x-1)^2/2=1,(1+2k^2)x^2-4k^2x+2k^2-4=0,根据韦达定理,x1+x2=4k^2/(1+2k^2),x1*x2=(2k^2-4)/(1+2k^2)根据弦长公式,|MN|=√(1+k^2)[(x1+x2)^2-4x1x2]=√(1+k^2)[16k^4/(1+2k^2)^2-4(2k^2-4)/(1+2k^2)]=[√(1+k^2)(24k^2+16)]/(1+2k^2)=[2√(1+k^2)(6k^2+4)]/(1+2k^2)S△AMN=(1/2)|MN|*h=√[(1+k^2)/(4+6k^2)]*|k|/√(1+k^2)=√(4+6k^2)|k|/(1+2k^2)=√10/3,7k^4-2k^2-5=0,(7k^2+5)(k^2-1)=0,7k^2+5≠0,k^2-1=0,∴k=±1, 3-2508:44【其他答案】由A(2,0)可得:a=2,离心率e=c/a=c/2=√2/2,∴c=√2,b=√(a^2-c^2)=√2,∴椭圆方程为:x^2/4+y^2/2=1,设M(x1,y1),N(x2,y2),直线方程为:kx-y-k=0,A点至直线距离h=|2k-0-k|/√(1+k^2)=|k|/√(1+k^2),x^2/4+k^2(x-1)^2/2=1,(1+2k^2)x^2-4k^2x+2k^2-4=0,根据韦达定理,x1+x2=4k^2/(1+2k^2),x1*x2=(2k^2-4)/(1+2k^2)根据弦长公式,|MN|=√(1+k^2)[(x1+x2)^2-4x1x2]=√(1+k^2)[16k^4/(1+2k^2)^2-4(2k^2-4)/(1+2k^2)]=[√(1+k^2)(24k^2+16)]/(1+2k^2)=[2√(1+k^2)(6k^2+4)]/(1+2k^2)S△AMN=(1/2)|MN|*h=√[(1+k^2)/(4+6k^2)]*|k|/√(1+k^2)=√(4+6k^2)|k|/(1+2k^2)=√10/3,7k^4-2k^2-5=0,(7k^2+5)(k^2-1)=0,7k^2+5≠0,k^2-1=0,∴k=±1, 4-2420:14笨蛋热心网友 4-3021:46
已知椭圆X^2/A^2+Y^2/B^2=1(AB0)的左焦点为F,右顶点为A,点B在椭圆上,且BF垂直X轴,直线AB交Y轴于点P,若AP向量=2PB向量,则椭圆的离心率为多少 【最佳答案】楼上的思路不错,但是写的匆忙,有点错误因为A、P、B在直线AB上我们可以直接用比例解因为BF垂直X轴,所以AP/PB=AO/OFAP/PB=2/1AO/OF=a/c所以a/c=2/1那么e=c/a=1/2 荐椭圆:焦点|椭圆:方程|椭圆:公式|椭圆:面积|椭圆:离心率【其他答案】答案是1/2。你用相似三角型的知识解答。可以发现。因为PO平行于bf。所以三角型apo相似于三角形abf。又因为焦点在X上且。AP等于2PB所以。AO也等于2OF。而因为AO是长轴。也等于a所以2a=c。所以c/a=1/2
已知AB为椭圆x^2/4+y^2/3=1的左右两个顶点F为椭圆的右焦点已知AB为椭圆x^2/4+y^2/3=1的左右两个顶点F为椭圆的右焦点,P为椭圆上异于AB点的任意一点直线APBP分别交直线l:x=m(m2)于MN点,l交x轴于C点求对任意给定的m值求△MFN面积的最小值高三数学市质检的压轴题,希望有人能解答。问题补充:??????????????每个人答案都不一样?谁是对的呢? 【最佳答案】由图形的对称性,不妨设P点在上半椭圆。设P坐标为(x,y)过P作PH⊥AB于点H。那么PH=y,HA=x+2,HB=2-x,AC=m+2,BC=m-2MC/PH=AC/AH所以:MC=PH*AC/AH=y(m+2)/(x+2)NC/PH=BC/BH所以:NC=PH*BC/BH=y(m-2)/(2-x)MC*NC=y^2(m^2-4)/(4-x^2)点P在椭圆上,所以:3x^2+4y^2=12,4-x^2=4y^2/3代入上式得:MC*NC=y^2(m^2-4)/(4y^2/3)=3(m^2-4)/4这个值与P点位置无关,当m是定值,它也是定值。根据平均值不等式:MN=MC+NC=2√MC*NC=√[3(m^2-4)]即MN的最小值为√[3(m^2-4)]FC=m-1也是定值。所以:△MFN面积最小值为(m-1)*√[3(m^2-4)]/2当且仅当MC=CN时能够取到。即:y(m+2)/(x+2)=y(m-2)/(2-x)(m+2)/(x+2)=(m-2)/(2-x)=2m/4=m/2x=(m-2)/2即:当x=(m-2)/2时,△MFN取到最小面积(m-1)*√[3(m^2-4)]/2 荐椭圆:焦点|椭圆:双曲线|椭圆:离心率|椭圆:极坐标|椭圆:方程【其他答案】m给定则三角形的高为定值,因此我们只要求出MN的最小值即可。由对称性我们只考虑P在x轴上方假设P(2cosθ,√3sinθ)(0<θ<π),A(-2,0),B(2,0)所以PA方程为y=√3sinθ/(2cosθ+2)(x+2)令x=m,yM=√3sinθ/(2cosθ+2)(m+2)PB方程为y=√3sinθ/(2cosθ-2)(x+2)令x=m,yN=√3sinθ/(2cosθ-2)(m+2)所以yM-yN=√3(m+2)/sinθ最小值为√3(m+2)当θ=π/2时取得最小值,即P点为(0,√3)时取得而高为m-1所以面积最小值为√3(m+2)*(m-1)/2 思路及解题过程:三角形高FC定值=m-1,求MN的最小值即可,求出MN两点纵坐标之差的绝对值即为三角形的底,设P(2cos@,√3*sin@)M:(m,y1)N:(m,y2)A、P、M三点共线,列出方程y1/(m+2)=(√3*sin@)/(2cos@+2);(1)B、P、N三点共线,列出方程y2/(m-2)=(√3*sin@)/(2cos@-2);(2)由(1)(2)得出MN=(y1-y2)的绝对值=√3*(m-2cos@)/sin@上式对@求导,当导数为0,此时取得最小值,此时cos@=2/m,sin@=√1-4/m^2;因此△MFN面积的最小值=0.5*(m-1)*√3*(m-4/m)/(√1-4/m^2=0.5*√3*√(m^2-4)/(m-1),此时P点坐标:(4/m,√3*√(1-4/m^2))思路并不难,做数学题尤其注意解题思路的培养,明确了解题方向一步一步的来,没有什么不可能,加油啊你自己照着思路做一遍就有答案了啊,谁对说错依你的答案 做任何数学题,画出图来就把题做出一半来了。 一楼正解~
F(c,0)是椭圆x2/a2+y2/b2=1(a>b>0)的一个焦点。F与椭圆上点的距离的最大值为m,最小值为n,则椭圆上与点F距离为(m+n)/2的点是_______。 【最佳答案】与F距离最大的点是(-a,0)最小的点是(a,0)所以a+c=ma-c=n所以(m+n)/2=a与F距离是a的点是(0,b)或(0,-b) 荐椭圆:焦点|椭圆:方程|椭圆:公式|椭圆:面积|椭圆:离心率【其他答案】(c,b^2/a)
已知椭圆C的方程为x2/a2+y2/b2=1(ab0)双曲线x2/a2-y2/b2=1的两条渐近线为l1,l2,过椭圆C的右焦点作F作直已知椭圆C的方程为x2/a2+y2/b2=1(ab0)双曲线x2/a2-y2/b2=1的两条渐近线为l1,l2,过椭圆C的右焦点作F作直线l,使l垂直于l1,又l与l2交于p点,设l与椭圆C的两个交点由上至下依次为A,B当向量FA=m向量AP,求m的最大值。 【最佳答案】椭圆的右焦点为:(√(a²-b²),0)双曲线的两条渐近线为:y=b/a*x,y=-b/a*x设直线I垂直y=b/a*x,则其斜率为:-a/b方程:y=-a/b(x-√(a²-b²))I方程与y=-b/a*x联立,解出P点坐标(a²/√(a²-b²),-ab/√(a²-b²))设与椭圆的交点A的坐标(p,q)根据图形的几何关系得出m=FA/AP=(q/((ab/√(a²-b²))+q)dm/dq=(ab√(a²-b²))/(√(a²-b²)*q+ab)²因dm/dq0,所以m为增函数,m最大值在q的最大值处。根据图形,A的纵座标最大为b当q=b时,m=√(a²-b²)/(√(a²-b²)+a)√(a²-b²)=c.c/a=离心率em=c/(c+a)=1/(1+1/e),0&e&1所以,m最大值为1/2. 荐渐近线:方程|渐近线:双曲线|渐近线:距离|渐近线:方程|渐近线:原点
在平面直角坐标系xoy中,椭圆x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1的左焦点为F,右顶点为A,P是椭圆上一点,L为左准线,PQ⊥L5分需要过程,非常感谢问题补充:求e的取值范围 【推荐答案】设椭圆方程为x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1,F(c,0)对椭圆进行压缩变换,x'=x/a,,y'=y/b椭圆变为单位圆:x'^2+y'^2=1,F-F'(c/a,0)【书写方便,变换后图形中字母仍沿用原图形字母,除O外都应加'】延TO交圆O于N易知直线A1B2斜率为1,TM=MO=ON=1,A1B2=√2设T(x,y),则TB2=√2x,y=x+1由割线定理:TB2*TA1=TM*TN√2x(√2x+√2)=1*3,x=(√7-1)/2(负值舍去)y=(√7+1)/2易知:B1(0,-1)直线B1T方程:(y+1)/[(√7+1)/2+1]=(x-0)/[(√7-1)/2-0]令y=0x=2√7-5,即F横坐标即原椭圆的离心率e=c/a=2√7-5参考资料: 荐平面直角坐标系:椭圆|平面直角坐标系:直线|平面直角坐标系:原点|平面直角坐标系:函数|平面直角坐标系:四边形【其他答案】c=√(a^2-b^2),e=c/a.F(±c,0)
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The Nikon Coolpix series are
in many variants produced by . It includes , , ,
Nikon Coolpix cameras are organized into five different lines. The line in which a particular camera is placed is indicated by the letter which is the first character of its model number. The lines are: the (A) series, the (AW) all weather series, the (L) life series, the (P) performance series, and the (S) style series.
The Coolpix A Series is Nikon's new flagship point and shoot camera.
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
Mar 5, 2013
16 MP
APS-C DX Sensor
18,5 mm (28 mm equiv.)
3.0 in
111 × 64.3 × 40.3
299 g
sized-sensor camera, 18.5 mm lens (28 mm equiv.), SD card storage,
30/25/24P video recording, WiFi Ready
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
Aug 24, 2011
16 MP
1/2.3 in
28–140 mm (5×)
3.0 in
110.1 × 64.9 × 22.8
178 g
First ruggedised Coolpix, water resistant to 10 m, shock resistant from 1.5 m, cold resistant to -10 °C, , electronic and lens-based , SD card storage,
video recording, GPS geotagging
AW100 without GPS map capability
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
Feb 1, 2012
10.1 MP
1/3 in
28–140 mm (5×)
230 kpixel
96.2 × 60.4 × 29.2
171 g
Uses 2 AA batteries, CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
16.1 MP
1/2.3 in
26–130 mm (5×)
230 kpixel
96.0 × 59.7 × 28.8
164 g
Uses 2 AA batteries, CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
Jan 28, 2013
16.1 MP
1/2.3 in
26–130 mm (5×)
230 kpixel
96.0 × 59.7 × 28.8
Uses 2 AA batteries, CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
20.1 MP
1/2.3 in
26–130 mm (5×)
230 kpixel
96.0 × 59.7 × 28.8
169 g
Uses 2 AA batteries, CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
14.1 MP
1/2.3 in
25–525 mm (21×)
230 kpixel
109.9 × 76.5 × 78.4
435 g
Uses 4 AA batteries, CCD sensor, sensor shift and electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
Aug 9, 2012
16.0 MP
1/2.3 in
25–350 mm (14×)
460 kpixel
108.0 × 68.4 × 34.1
240 g
Uses 2 AA batteries, CMOS sensor, lens shift Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
Feb 1, 2012
16.1 MP
1/2.3 in
22.5–585 mm (26×)
921 kpixel
111.1 × 76.3 × 83.1
430 g
Uses 4 AA batteries, CCD sensor, lens shift Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
Jan 28, 2013
16.1 MP
1/2.3 in
22.5–675 mm (30×)
921 kpixel
111.0 × 76.3 × 84.5
470 g
Uses 4 AA batteries, CMOS sensor, lens shift Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
Feb 1, 2012
16.1 MP
1/2.3 in
24–100 mm (4.2×)
3 in, 920 k pixel
103.0 × 58.3 × 32.0
194 g
(With battery and SD card)
Compact 4.2× zoom camera, 16 MP CMOS sensor, lens-shift vibration reduction, 1080p video recording with stereo sound. SD/SDHC/SDXC support, Li-ion battery
24–;mm (42×)
3 in, 920 k pixel Tilting screen
119.8 × 82.9 × 102.2
555 g
(With battery and SD card)
42× superzoom camera, 16.1 MP CMOS sensor, Built in GPS, 4 focus modes, Tilting LCD screen, lens shift vibration reduction, 1080p video recording with stereo sound, VGA 640x480, SD/SDHC/SDXC support, Eye-Fi capable, Li-ion battery
Jan 29, 2013
18 MP
1/2.3 in
24–; f/3-5.9
3.2 in, approx. 921 k pixel, Articulating screen
125.2 × 84.1 × 101.6
550 g w/ battery and SD memory card
42× superzoom camera, 18.1 MP backside-illuminated CMOS sensor, Built in GPS, Fully Articulated LCD screen, Active vibration compensation,
video w/ stereo audio, Hi-2 ISO (12800), Target-find AF, 7 FPS burst shooting, COOLPIX Picture Control, SD/SDHC/SDXC support, Li-ion battery, 3 available body colors
Aug 22, 2012
12.2 MP
1/1.7 in
28-200 mm (7.1×)
3 in, 920 k pixel Tilting screen
118 × 72 × 50
392 g
(With battery and SD card)
Compact 7.1× zoom camera, 12.2 MP CMOS sensor, Tilting LCD screen, 1080p video recording with stereo sound, lens-shift vibration reduction, SD/SDHC/SDXC support, Li-ion battery, NRW (RAW) image support.
12.2 MP
1/1.7 in
28-200 mm (7.1×)
3 in, 920 k pixel T 0.5" viewfinder (EVF)
118.5 × 77.5 × 50.4
399 g
(With battery and SD card)
Compact 7.1× zoom camera, 12.2 MP CMOS sensor, Tilting LCD screen, viewfinder (EVF), 1080p video recording with stereo sound, lens-shift vibration reduction, SD/SDHC/SDXC support, Li-ion battery, NRW (RAW) image support.
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
Aug 22, 2012
10.1 MP
1/2.9 in
29–87 mm (3×)
2.5 in
230 kpixel
77 × 51.2 × 17.2
CCD sensor, 2.5 in touch screen, 720p HD video recording, electronic Vibration Reduction, 7.3 GB internal memory
Feb 1, 2012
10.1 MP
1/3 in
29.1–87.3 mm (3×)
2.7 in
230 kpixel
101.9 × 64.8 × 39.4
214 g
Compact drop-resistant and waterproof with large buttons and simple interface (designed for kids)
Aug 22, 2012
16.0 MP
1/2.3 in
25–250 mm (10×)
3.5 in
819 kpixel
111.4 × 60.0 × 27.2
184 g
Android 2.3 OS, 3.5 in OLED touchscreen monitor, GPS, Wi-Fi, email, web browsing, music streaming, social networking, Android apps, CMOS sensor, lens-based and electronic Vibration Reduction, 1080p video recording, SD card storage with SDHC and SDXC support
Aug 24, 2011
14.1 MP
1/2.3 in
28–140 mm (5×)
460 kpixel
107 × 63.4 × 22.6
186 g
CCD sensor, built-in projector, electronic and lens-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage with SDXC support
14.0 MP
1/2.3 in
26–130 mm (5×)
2.7 in
230 kpixel
93.8 × 58.4 × 19.5
121 g
Feb 1, 2012
16.0 MP
1/2.3 in
26–156 mm (6×)
2.7 in
230 kpixel
94.8 × 57.8 × 19.5
128 g
16.0 MP
1/2.3 in
26–156 mm (6×)
460 kpixel
95.5 × 58.9 × 20.8
139 g
16.0 MP
1/2.3 in
25–250 mm (10×)
2.7 in
230 kpixel
93.6 × 57.7 × 26.0
160 g
Aug 22, 2012
16.0 MP
1/2.3 in
25–300 mm (12×)
3.0 in
460 kpixel
95.4 × 58.6 × 26.7
150 g
CMOS sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, 1080p video recording with stereo sound, SD card storage with SDHC and SDXC support
Feb 1, 2012
16.0 MP
1/2.3 in
25–450 mm (18×)
921 kpixel
108.7 × 59.8 × 30.6
209 g
Back-lit CMOS sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, 1080p video recording, SD card storage with SDHC and SDXC support
16.0 MP
1/2.3 in
25–450 mm (18×)
921 kpixel
108.7 × 62.3 × 30.6
215 g
S9200 with built in GPS
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
Sep 1, 2005
38–190 mm (5×)
89.5 × 60.5 × 47
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, D-Lighting, Face-priority AF
Feb 21, 2006
38–116 mm (3×)
91 × 60.5 × 26
(w/out batt.)
38–114 mm (3×)
86.5 × 60.5 × 34.5
(w/out batt.)
Aug 24, 2006
38–190 mm (5×)
97 × 61 × 45
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, D-Lighting, Face-priority AF, lens-based Vibration Reduction
38–116 mm (3×)
91 × 60.5 × 26
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, D-Lighting, Face-priority AF
Feb 20, 2007
37.5–112.5mm (3×)
89.5 × 60.5 × 26
(w/out batt.)
89.5 × 60.5 × 27
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, D-Lighting, Face-priority AF, ImageLink
35–105 mm (3×)
91 × 61 × 26
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, D-Lighting, Face-priority AF, lens-based Vibration Reduction, up to ISO 1600
Aug 30, 2007
38–114 mm (3×)
90.5 × 61.5 × 27
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, D-Lighting, Face-priority AF, stop motion video, up to ISO 1000
35–105 mm (3×)
91 × 61 × 29.5
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, D-Lighting, Face-priority AF, lens-based Vibration Reduction
Jan 29, 2008
95 × 61 × 29.5
CCD sensor, AA batteries, D-Lighting, Face-priority AF, up to ISO 1600
Feb 3, 2009
41–145 mm (3.6×)
96.5 × 61 × 29
(w/out batt.)
38–136 mm (3.6×)
(w/out batt.)
Feb 3, 2010
41–145 mm (3.6×)
92 × 61.1 × 28.3
Uses AA batteries, CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
37–134 mm (3.6×)
97.7 × 60.5 × 28.3
Uses AA batteries, CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
Feb 9, 2011
28–140 mm (5×)
96.7 × 59.9 × 29.3
Uses AA batteries, CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
25–525 mm (21×)
60.5 × 97.7 × 28.3
Uses AA batteries, CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
Feb 3, 2009
28–420 mm (15×)
110 × 72 × 78
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, D-Lighting, Face-priority AF, lens-based Vibration Reduction, up to ISO 3200
Feb 3, 2010
28–420 mm (15×)
108.9 × 74.3 × 78.1
Uses AA batteries, CCD sensor, sensor-based and electronic Vibration Reduction, up to 6,400 ISO, 720p video recording with stereo sound, SD card storage
Feb 9, 2011
25–525 mm (21×)
109.9 × 76.5 × 78.4
Uses AA batteries, CCD sensor, sensor-based and electronic Vibration Reduction, up to 6,400 ISO, 720p video recording with stereo sound, SD card storage
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
Sep 1, 2005
36–126 mm (3.5×)
91 × 60 × 39
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction (during video), aperture priority mode, Wireless 802.11b/g transfer support.
Feb 21, 2006
36–126 mm (3.5×)
92 × 61 × 31
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, Wireless 802.11b/g transfer support.
P3 without Wireless 802.11b/g transfer support.
Aug 30, 2007
28–102 mm (3.6×)
94.5 × 66 × 44
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, electronic Vibration Reduction, sensitivity up to ISO 2000.
Jan 29, 2008
36–180 mm (5×)
95.5 × 63.5 × 36
CCD sensor, AA batteries, sensor-based Vibration Reduction, D-Lighting, Face-priority AF, sensitivity up to ISO 2000.
Apr 10, 2008
27–486 mm (18×)
110 × 79 × 78
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, sensitivity up to ISO 6400, 6 frame/s continuous shooting.
Feb 3, 2009
26–624 mm (24×)
114 × 83 × 99
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, variable angle LCD screen, sensor-based Vibration Reduction, sensitivity up to ISO 6400.
Feb 3, 2010
26–678 mm (26×)
114.4 × 82.7 × 98.6
10 frame/s shooting,
CMOS sensor, 1080p HD video recording with stereo sound, tilting LCD, sensor-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
Feb 9, 2011
24–100 mm (4.2×)
103 × 58.3 × 32
Back illuminated CMOS sensor, fast f/1.8 lens, 1080p video recording, lens-based Vibration Reduction, SD(SDHC, SDXC) card storage
22.5–810 mm (36×)
115.5 × 83.7 × 102.5
CMOS sensor, sensor-based and electronic Vibration Reduction, tiltable LCD screen, EXPEED C2 dual image processors, 1080p video recording with stereo sound, SD(SDHC, SDXC) card storage
Feb 20, 2007
36–126 mm (3.5×)
98 × 64.5 × 41
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, sensitivity up to ISO 3200.
Aug 30, 2007
35–123 mm (3.5×)
Cmos sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, Magnesium alloy body, sensitivity up to ISO 3200.
Aug 7, 2008
28–112 mm (4×)
107 × 65.5 × 42
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, built-in GPS geotagging, lens-based Vibration Reduction, sensitivity up to ISO 6400.
Sep 8, 2010
28–200 mm (7.1×)
114.2 × 77 × 44.8
10 frame/s shooting, 1/1.7" CCD sensor, 720p HD video recording with stereo sound, lens-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage with SDXC support, NRW (RAW) image support.
Aug 26, 2011
28–200 mm (7.1×)
116 × 77 × 48
Tilting LCD screen, CCD sensor, 720p HD video recording with stereo sound, lens-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage with SDXC support, NRW (RAW) image support.
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
Features and notes
Mar 16, 2005
35–105 mm (3×)
89.9 × 57.5 × 19.7
118 g (w/out batt.)
Aluminium body, CCD sensor, 17 scene modes, SD card storage. First Style series camera.
May 18, 2005
91.9 × 59 × 22
140 g (w/out batt.)
Weather sealed Aluminium body, CCD sensor, 17 scene modes, SD card storage.
Sep 1, 2005
89.9 × 57.5 × 19.7
118 g (w/out batt.)
Aluminium body, CCD sensor, 17 scene modes, Face-priority AF, SD card storage.
38–380 mm (10×)
111.5 × 68.5 × 37
205 g (w/out batt.)
Uses AA batteries, CCD sensor, 17 scene modes,
design, Face-priority AF, SD card storage.
Feb 21, 2006
35–105 mm (3×)
93 × 59 × 20
135 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, 15 scene modes, Pictmotion, Face-priority AF, SD card storage.
100.5 × 60 × 21
140 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, 15 scene modes, Pictmotion, Face-priority AF, Wireless b/g transfer support, SD card storage.
Aug 24, 2006
35–105 mm (3×)
100.5 × 60 × 21
135 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, Pictmotion, Face-priority AF, SD card storage.
140 g (w/out batt.)
S7 with Wireless 802.11b/g transfer support.
93 × 59 × 20
135 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, Pictmotion, Face-priority AF, SD card storage.
38–114 mm (3×)
90.5 × 58 × 20.4
115 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, Stop-motion video, Pictmotion, Face-priority AF, SD card storage.
38–380 mm (10×)
112.5 × 74.5 × 40.5
220 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, sensor-based Vibration Reduction, Pictmotion, swivel lens design, Face-priority AF, SD card storage.
Feb 20, 2007
38–114 mm (3×)
92.5 × 59 × 21
125 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, Pictmotion, SD card storage.
97.5 × 59 × 21
S50 with Wireless 802.11b/g transfer support.
Aug 30, 2007
92.5 × 59 × 21
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, Pictmotion, SD card storage.
97.5 × 59 × 21
S51 with Wireless 802.11b/g transfer support.
Apr 10, 2008
93 × 59 × 21
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, Pictmotion, SD card storage, sensitivity up to ISO 3200.
97.5 × 59 × 21
S52 with Wireless 802.11b/g transfer support.
Aug 7, 2008
33–165 mm (5×)
97.5 × 60 × 22
145 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, 3.5 inch touchscreen LCD, sensor-based Vibration Reduction, Pictmotion, SD card storage, sensitivity up to ISO 3200.
Aug 4, 2009
28–140 mm (5×)
96.5 × 60.5 × 20
140 g (w/o batt.)
touch screen, CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, up to 6,400 ISO, SD card storage
Sep 8, 2010
35–175 mm (5×)
98.8 × 62.6 × 16.5
CCD sensor, 3.5″ Widescreen OLED touch screen, 720p HD video recording with stereo sound, lens-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage with SDXC support
Aug 24, 2011
28–140 mm (5×)
99 × 65.2 × 18.1
CMOS sensor, 3.5" Widescreen OLED touch screen, 1080p HD video recording with stereo sound, lens-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage with SDXC support
Feb 20, 2007
38–114 mm (3×)
91.5 × 56.5 × 18.5
125 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, D-Lighting, PictBridge, SD card storage.
Jan 29, 2008
90 × 55.5 × 18
100 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, D-Lighting, PictBridge, SD card storage.
Feb 3, 2009
35–105 mm (3×)
89.5 × 55.5 × 18
CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, automatic scene mode selection, D-Lighting, PictBridge, SD card storage.
91 × 57 × 20
115 g (w/out batt.)
S220 with 3-inch (76 mm) touchscreen LCD
Feb 20, 2007
35–105 mm (3×)
88 × 51 × 22
125 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage, sensitivity up to ISO 2000.
Aug 30, 2007
Jan 29, 2008
94 × 53 × 22
115 g (w/out batt.)
36–180 mm (5×)
90 × 53.5 × 22
120 g (w/out batt.)
Aug 7, 2008
34.8–174 mm (5×)
93 × 54.5 × 23.5
130 g (w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, sensor-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage, sensitivity up to ISO 3200.
Aug 4, 2009
28–140 mm (5×)
92 × 56.5 × 21.5
120 g (w/o batt.)
CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, 16 scene modes, SD card storage
Jan 29, 2008
28–112 mm (4×)
88.5 × 53 × 22.5
130 g (w/o batt.)
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage, sensitivity up to ISO 3200.
Aug 7, 2008
94 × 57 × 22.5
125 g (w/out batt.)
96.5 × 57 × 22.5
130 g (w/out batt.)
S610 with Wireless 802.11b/g transfer support.
Feb 3, 2009
90 × 53 × 23
120 g (w/o batt.)
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage.
37–260 mm (7×)
96.5 × 57.5 × 25.5
140 g (w/o batt.)
CCD sensor, sensor-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage, sensitivity up to ISO 6400.
Aug 4, 2009
28–140 mm (5×)
91 × 55 × 20.5
110 g (w/o batt.)
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, up to 6,400 ISO, SD card storage
Aug 30, 2007
37–111 mm (3×)
89 × 54 × 23
130 g (w/o batt.)
CCD sensor, sensor-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage, sensitivity up to ISO 3200.
Aug 7, 2008
28–101 mm (3.6×)
92.5 × 57.5 × 24
155 g (w/o batt.)
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage, sensitivity up to ISO 12800.
Aug 4, 2009
28–140 mm (5×)
99.5 × 62.5 × 23
CCD sensor, built-in projector, lens-based Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
Aug 17, 2010
100 × 62.7 × 24.1
Feb 3, 2010
27–108 mm (4×)
94.3 × 55.9 × 19
CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
94.5 × 56.5 × 20.4
CCD sensor, touch screen LCD, electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
Feb 3, 2010
28–196 mm (7×)
97 × 55.5 × 25
CCD sensor, 0.75 s start up time, lens-based Vibration Reduction, 720p video recording, SD card storage
30–300 mm (10×)
103 × 57 × 27.3
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, 720p video recording with stereo sound, SD card storage
Sep 8, 2010
30–300 mm (10×)
104 × 59.2 × 29.9
Back illuminated CMOS sensor, 10 frame/s continuous shooting, 1080p HD video recording with stereo sound, lens-based and electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage with SDHC and SDXC support
Feb 18, 2003
37–111 mm (3×)
82 × 82 × 25.5
180g (w/out batt.)
Aluminium body, CCD sensor, 17 scene modes, swivel lens, SD card storage.
Feb 9, 2011
27–108 mm (4×)
93.1 × 57.1 × 20
CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage
26–130 mm (5×)
93.5 × 57.5 × 18.4
CCD sensor, , 720p video recording, SD card storage
95 × 56.8 × 19.9
3-inch LCD touch screen, CCD sensor, electronic Vibration Reduction, 720p video recording, SD card storage
Aug 24, 2011
S4100 with improved LCD screen
Aug 17, 2010
28–140 mm (5×)
97.1 × 56.9 × 21.6
CCD sensor, 0.75 s start up time, lens-based Vibration Reduction, 720p video recording, SD card storage
Feb 9, 2011
28–196 mm (7×)
97.9 × 58 × 26.6
3-inch LCD touch screen, CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, 720p video recording, SD card storage
Aug 24, 2011
S6100 with improved LCD screen
25–250 mm (10×)
93 × 56.7 × 25.4
CCD sensor, lens-based Vibration Reduction, 720p video recording, SD card storage with SDXC support
Aug 24, 2011
25–350mm (14×)
103.7 × 59.3 × 32.7
Back illuminated CMOS sensor, 6 frame/s continuous shooting, 1080p HD video recording with stereo sound, lens-based and electronic Vibration Reduction, SD card storage with SDHC and SDXC support
Feb 9, 2011
25–450 mm (18×)
104.8 × 62 × 34.6
CMOS sensor, sensor-based Vibration Reduction, 1080p video recording, SD card storage
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
52 mm (fixed)
60 × 155 × 35
(w/o batt.)
First Coolpix model, CCD sensor, AA batteries, PCMCIA interface
45 mm (fixed)
78 × 151 × 35
(w/o batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, 2.5-inch touch-screen,
Mar 16, 1998
36 mm (fixed)
109.5 × 60 × 44.5
(w/o batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, detachable flash, CF card storage
Feb 15, 1999
35 mm (fixed)
114 × 67 × 38.5
(w/o batt.)
CCD sensor, AA batteries, CF card storage
Apr 25, 2001
38–115 mm (3×)
87 × 66.5 × 44
CCD sensor, CF card storage
Sep 27, 1999
38–76 mm (2×)
119 × 69 × 61
CCD sensor, AA batteries, CF card storage
Aug 28, 2000
38–95 mm (2.5×)
99.5 × 75 × 53
CCD sensor, rechargeable battery, CF card storage
Aug 23, 2001
38–114 mm (3×)
95 × 69 × 52
Mar 16, 1998
38–115 mm (3×)
157 × 75 × 35
CCD sensor, aluminium chassis, swivel body, AA batteries, CF card storage
Oct 26, 1998
Updated Coolpix 900
Feb 15, 1999
38–115 mm (3×)
143 × 76.5 × 36.5
CCD sensor, swivel body, AA batteries, CF card storage
Jan 27, 2000
38–115 mm (3×)
143 × 79 × 38
Apr 25, 2001
38–152 mm (4×)
138 × 82 × 40
CCD sensor, swivel body, rechargeable battery, CF card storage
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
May 29, 2002
38–114 mm (3×)
108 × 69 × 38
(w/out batt.)
Uses 4 AA batteries, CCD sensor, CF Type I card storage
Feb 18, 2002
36–108 mm (3×)
87.5 × 65 × 38
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, CF Type I card storage
Jan 28, 2004
88 × 65 × 38
(w/out batt.)
Uses 2 AA batteries, CCD sensor, SD card storage
Jan 21, 2002
37–111 mm (3×)
114 × 59.5 × 31.5
(w/out batt.)
Swivel lens, CCD sensor, CF Type I card storage
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
Feb 18, 2003
38–115 mm (3×)
87.5 × 65 × 38
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, CF Type I card storage
Jan 28, 2004
88 × 65 × 38
(w/out batt.)
Uses AA batteries, CCD sensor, SD card storage
Sep 19, 2002
37–111 mm (3×)
114 × 59.5 × 31.5
(w/out batt.)
Swivel lens, CCD sensor, CF Type I card storage
Dec 3, 2003
35–105 mm (3×)
95.5 × 50 × 31
(w/out batt.)
Aluminium body, CCD sensor, SD card storage
Release date
res., size
Lens (35 mm equiv.)
zoom, aperture
size, pixels
W (mm) × H (mm) × D (mm)
Jun 1, 2004
35–105 mm (3×)
88 × 65 × 38
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, SD card storage
Feb 12, 2004
38–114 mm (3×)
88 × 60 × 36.5
(w/out batt.)
Sep 2, 2002
38–105 mm (3×)
95 × 69 × 52
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, CF card storage
May 29, 2002
38–155 mm (4×)
130 × 73 × 50
(w/out batt.)
Feb 16, 2005
34–102 mm (3×)
85 × 60 × 35
(w/out batt.)
CCD sensor, SD card storage
Sep 16, 2004
36–300 mm (8.3×)
106 × 66 × 54
(w/out batt.)
best shot selector, SD card storage
Note some cameras are numbered 5xxx on front, and E5xxx on bottom.
resolution, , type
Lens (35 mm equiv)
Digital Zoom
LCD screen
size, pixels
38–85 mm (3×)
38–114 mm (3×)
28–116 mm (4.1×)
34–102 mm (3×)
. Movie recording with audio at 15 frame/s in
.MOV format.
35–280 mm (8×)
38–114 mm (3×)
Coolpix 7900
resolution, , type
Lens (35 mm equiv)
Digital Zoom
LCD screen
size, pixels
38–114 mm (3×)
resolution, , type
Lens (35 mm equiv)
Digital Zoom
LCD screen
size, pixels
September 2004
24–85 mm (3.5×)
January 2004
35–280 mm (8×)
September 2004
35–350 mm (10×)
The following Coolpix cameras support
image files:
5000 (discontinued) - NEF format
8700 (discontinued) - NEF format (with firmware upgrade)
P6000 (discontinued) – NRW format
P7000 (discontinued), P7100 – NRW format
Some Coolpix cameras which are not advertised as supporting a RAW file format can produce usable raw files if switched to a maintenance mode. Note that switching to this mode can invalidate a camera's guarantee. Nikon models with this capability: E700, E800, E880, E900, E950, E990, E995, E2100, E2500, E3700, E4300, E4500.
. Nikon Corporation.
. Nikon Corporation. March 5, 2013.
. Nikon Corporation. August 24, 2011.
. Nikon Corporation. February 1, 2012.
. Nikon Corporation. January 29, 2013.
. Nikon Corporation. February 1, 2012.
. Nikon Corporation. August 9, 2012.
. Nikon Corporation.
. Nikon Corporation. February 1, 2012.
. PhotographyTalk 2012.
. Nikon Corporation. August 22, 2012.
. Nikon Corporation. August 22, 2012.
. Nikon Corporation. September 5, 2013.
. Nikon Corporation. August 22, 2012.
. Nikon Corporation 2012.
. Nikon Corporation 2012.
. Nikon Corporation. August 24, 2011.
. Nikon Corporation 2012.
. Nikon Corporation.
. Nikon Corporation. September 1, 2005.
. Nikon Corporation. February 21, 2006.
. Nikon Corporation. August 24, 2006.
. Nikon Corporation. August 24, 2006.
. Nikon Corporation. February 20, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. February 20, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. August 30, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. August 30, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. January 29, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. February 3, 2009.
. Nikon Corporation. February 3, 2010.
. Nikon Corporation. February 9, 2010.
. Nikon Corporation. February 3, 2009.
. Nikon Corporation. February 3, 2010.
. Nikon Corporation. September 1, 2005.
. Nikon Corporation. February 21, 2006.
. Nikon Corporation. August 30, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. January 29, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. April 10, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. February 3, 2009.
. Nikon Corporation. February 9, 2010.
. Nikon Corporation. February 20, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. August 30, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. August 7, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. September 8, 2010.
. Nikon Corporation. August 24, 2011.
. Nikon Corporation. March 16, 2005.
. Nikon Corporation. May 18, 2005.
. Nikon Corporation. September 1, 2005.
. Nikon Corporation. September 1, 2005.
. Nikon Corporation. February 21, 2006.
. Nikon Corporation. August 24, 2006.
. Nikon Corporation. August 24, 2006.
. Nikon Corporation. August 24, 2006.
. Nikon Corporation. February 20, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. February 20, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. August 30, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. April 10, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. August 7, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. August 4, 2009.
. Nikon Corporation. September 8, 2010.
. Nikon Corporation. August 24, 2011.
. Nikon Corporation. February 20, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. January 29, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. February 3, 2009.
. Nikon Corporation. February 3, 2009.
. Nikon Corporation. February 20, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. August 30, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. January 29, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. January 29, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. August 7, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. August 4, 2009.
. Nikon Corporation. January 29, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. August 7, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. February 3, 2009.
. Nikon Corporation. February 3, 2009.
. Nikon Corporation. August 4, 2009.
. Nikon Corporation. August 30, 2007.
. Nikon Corporation. August 7, 2008.
. Nikon Corporation. August 4, 2009.
. Nikon Corporation. August 17, 2010.
. Nikon Corporation. February 3, 2010.
. Nikon Corporation. February 3, 2010.
. Nikon Corporation. September 8, 2010.
. Nikon Corporation. February 18, 2003.
. Nikon Corporation. February 9, 2011.
. Nikon Corporation.
. Nikon Corporation. August 17, 2010.
. Nikon Corporation.
. Nikon Corporation. August 24, 2011.
. Nikon Corporation. August 24, 2011.
. Digital Photography Review.
. Digital Photography Review.
. Nikon Corporation. March 16, 1998.
. Nikon Corporation. February 15, 1999.
. Digital Photography Review.
. Digital Photography Review.
. Digital Photography Review.
. Nikon Corporation. August 23, 2001.
. Nikon Corporation. March 16, 1998.
. Nikon Corporation. October 26, 1998.
. Nikon Corporation. February 15, 1999.
. Digital Photography Review. January 27, 2000.
. Digital Photography Review. April 25, 2001.
. Nikon Corporation. May 29, 2002.
. Nikon Corporation. February 18, 2002.
. Nikon Corporation. January 28, 2004.
. Nikon Corporation. January 21, 2002.
. Nikon Corporation. February 18, 2003.
. Nikon Corporation. January 28, 2003.
. Nikon Corporation. September 19, 2002.
. Nikon Corporation. December 3, 2003.
. Nikon Corporation. June 1, 2004.
. Nikon Corporation. February 12, 2004.
. Nikon Corporation. September 2, 2002.
. Nikon Corporation. May 29, 2002.
. Nikon Corporation. February 16, 2005.
. Nikon Corporation. September 16, 2004.
. Nikon Corporation. 18 Sep .
. Nikon Corporation. 2 Feb .
. Nikon Corporation. 28 May .
. Nikon Corporation. 16 Feb .
. Nikon Corporation. 29 May .
. Nikon Corporation. 16 Feb .
. Nikon Corporation. 16 Feb .
. Nikon Corporation. 16 Sep .
. Nikon Corporation. 28 Jan .
. Nikon Corporation. 16 Sep .
. E2500.narod.ru.
. Product Line-up. Nikon Imaging.
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