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历史[编辑·编辑代码]网站现在所占用广场一同庆祝林地的纵向中心线的一部分,在文艺复兴时期,分离镇madrile ?不同的组或寺院和宫殿。它包括三个主要部分被称为草甸奥古斯丁的回收(托斯水流) ,普拉多(热罗尼姆斯对应普拉多大道)和普拉多阿托查(已消失) 。此中枢的第一大改革原为菲利普二世的遗志,在1570 。卡洛斯三世在位期间,推出在18世纪,进入新的重构。阙被称为沙龙普拉多,该项目建筑师拉·罗德里格斯和何塞·Hermosilla酒店执行。是创造了大面积的花园和观赏喷泉,马德里以东不同的专用场地以科学和城市,水果和文化的这一举措,在其两侧两侧Cibeles喷泉于1782年的故宫布埃纳维斯塔安装的Paseode Recoletos酒店,寻找到邻近的海王星喷泉。在1895年,它是决定移动的雕塑,那骑阿尔卡拉街,其...
the happiest thing in my life by now is went to Phuket Islandwith my family during winter holiday.I love beaches(有海的地方用英文说太繁琐了,我就变成海岸了)since I was young,so I always expect to take a trip to countries which are in the Southeast Asia.Finally,during last year winter holiday,my dream came ture!Phuket Island did not disappount me.The shinny sunshine,blue sea,enthusiasm people all make me enjoyed myself.There are always lots of foreigners come to this island,I saw many Europeans here.This experience opened my eyes.This trip will be an unforgetable time in my life,since my dream finally came ture.Talking about the saddest thing happened was the surgery in my primary four.After two mounths' treatment,when removed the bandage,all the others realised that the sugery is not good enough,I need to do it again.Therefore I tool the second surgery without any preparation.After this,since I stayed in bed for a long time,I could not walk on my own,I felt so sad at that time.Unfortunately,after two years my knee injured cauesd the old sickness came to me once again.I need to have the surgery once more,it makes me felt sad.After all this thing happened,it becomes to the shadow in my mind.我改了一些断句,还有一些内容,应该没有影响大意
My current life in the most happy thing is last winter vacation with my family trip to Phuket Island. Because I was very like the sea, so very yearning to countries in Southeast Asia tour, culminating...
&National culture is through a national demonstrated by the activities of a way of thinking and action.& (Lin Ji Cheng, 1986) Comparative study求翻译。。T.T_拥抱阳光吧_百度贴吧
    If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。&或求翻译. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .
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24 and JinSheng mountain county kingdom volunteers yue: "someone at the JinSheng mountain gone.love picked up JinSheng, because in the mountain, a name ZhaoBing temple, polypropylene, so far, no good for each situation, the temple mosquitoes." different The garden "yue:" SunQuanShi kang people into the mountain was still a great ? cook isn't lousy, namely, this mountain also ZiBu, books, taiping revision, volumes of 4725, HouHanShu dongyang people ZhaoBing word, o YueFang forbidden and male can meet in AD xu representative uriah injury is forbidden on stream water stream for not shed again yue sinus in DouXian brother timothy each Confucian authoritarian government DingHong on sealing things 壊 cliff Cardiff yue rock fragmentation of water resources by GanYunBiRi gracilely wood on 畧 yue han wei impaction tillers fire frideric avoid water passes LuoShui and soil WeiWei soil soil water to the mother of soil and water flowing soil water and soft reason except wood, water chapter of yue lu first taste of the boat in the water decline economics regardless of the shadow because laughter see people save drowning won exemption compartmentallized.the again yue FoTuCheng compartmentallized.the preach xiangyang kingdom in five miles west of city water graben water fountain le ask its critical chengcheng why cause water chengcheng yue today when water is 勅 dragon with disciple refers to the number of people to reason such as a fountain 牀 burn sit on rope 呪 benzoin hundreds of words so 3 water may have a slightly flow dragons long five inch xu with the water out of the Taoist competing to inspect YouQing water to remove all full Huang again yue deng togeher ShuZi WuJun compartmentallized.the for prince of the emperor to keep more people to teach togeher togeher load meter county wei wu just drink water again yue SunDengSu sex without anger or not the waters to view its anger up they both ZiBu, books, taiping revision, volumes of 5826, water by note yue to city have water two source all north flow becomes one sichuan called days pulp creek also again yue representative have XuDengZhe woman into husband and dongyang zhao 昞 and good magic when they were BingLuan meet each YuXi mr.sunji, which may ascend for not shed streams first ban 昞 times 桞 forbidden withered ? 2 people living laugh terengganu 昞 learned after older AD 昞 east into ZhangAn people die 昞 is unknown Zhi tripod and kept rise hut JingGuai 昞 laugh and master should not house also no harm in water and taste for the ferry man forbid to sit in 昞 is zhang cover long call wind turbulence and cross and the people who like to obey god city water by note yue north slope county, southwest forty miles has two creek east seven zhangs nine feet wide a warm winter summer cold xixi wide three zhangs five feet warm and cold winter summer two XiBei travel sp6 to xu village synthesize a creek more than fifty cubits wide and cool not miscellaneous cover mountain by so-called shao water also again yue Qu ? county27, streams out ? salty 熈 reign offer spirit ? in phase mansion speech yue milestone without this jun 1 again yue xie million in north levy taste xu squealing since the XieGong cover withheldest comfort and "yue ru for captain appropriate number calls the will of no comfort the said straight million with ruyi refers to four yue firm all is the strength of what he will SouShenJi yue ZhaoBing taste jsut 従 ship in water Kilimanjaro ferry people who forbid polypropylene is zhang cover sitting among them long call wind turbulence and jiaoji transformed Yang remember yue huan XuanMu make the person sought lushan mountain to see one person call yue king over before every two young akin to the ridge will try to ask the long if no hurry to this person had ten-month-olds selected can see two young fruit with ridge will cover your nose blazing shape is like evil beasts call not with words written yue camp way god all county west spirit source mountain stone pulp zizhi gone.love CaiYao the mountain valley has WenLin between those who have long 徃 judah 徃 this firewood how different smell YangGu stone garden yue transformed in the early ? huan river strand of west ordered people boarding and smell very long howling ridge to see one person from seikei illumined summit ju stone squealing ? yue its gas stimulation and turbidity in laryngeal actively discussed" IP actively discussed the words of the tongue and clear thereof roar to say for turbidity links can be personnel of sexual affection of qing can sense ? screaming out to god spoke good Trinidad should be deathless of screaming out its spirit is ShouZhi qing million study of the ancient ways ZiBu, compendium of heavy yi, taiping revision, roll 392
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& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
: By MICHAEL WINES / Published: November 7, 2011
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
: 转发微博 03:29
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】1.1 BEIJING — Last month, the cream of the Communist Party
leadership gathered here to proclaim a national effort to make
China a cultural tastemaker,
: 转发微博 03:29
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】1.2 one whose global creative influence matches its economic
clout. “A nation cannot stand among great powers,” the official
party newspaper People’s Daily said on its front page,
: 转发微博 03:29
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】1.3 “without its people’s spiritual affluence and the nation’s
full expression of its creativity.”
: 转发微博 03:29
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】2.1 The question is how to square that goal with what just
happened to Yue Luping.
: 转发微博 03:29
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】3.1 Mr. Yue, a professional artist for more than 10 years,
: 转发微博 03:29
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】3.2 was preparing his works for an exhibition in the Shunyi
District of north Beijing last month when government officials and
police officers abruptly canceled the show.
: 转发微博 03:28
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】4.1 The next day, he said, agents of the local Public Security
Bureau interrogated him about one work, a collection of peppercorns
arranged to form numbers.
: 转发微博 03:28
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】4.2 Security officers had already photographed the piece, studied
it for an entire night and consulted cryptography experts to divine
its message.
: 转发微博 01:54
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】5.1 As they eventually discovered, the numbers were in a computer
language, Unicode, spelling out five phrases that Chinese censors
have banned from the results of Internet search engines.
: 转发微博 01:54
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】5.2 And the pungent peppercorns were a metaphor for what Mr. Yue
called people’s undue sensitivity to ordinary words.
: 转发微博 01:54
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】6.1 “It’s very ironic,” Mr. Yue, 36, said in an interview last
week. “On the one hand, they want to boost cultural development.
And on the other, they call off our exhibition.”
: 转发微博 01:54
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】7.1 Ironic is one way to describe it. But viewed against the
language of the party’s declaration on culture
: 转发微博 01:54
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】7.2 — the Oct. 25 report on the annual Central Committee plenum,
held last month — there is not much inconsistency at all, some
analysts say.
: 转发微博 01:54
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】8.1 Rather, they suggest, the leaders’ approach to building a
world&class culture is not all that different from the one that
powered China’s economic miracle:
: 转发微博 01:54
:【求翻译《China Tries to Add Cultural Clout to Economic Muscle》
】8.2 set a long&term goal, adopt rigid specifications, pour in
copious amounts of public money, monitor closely to ensure the
desired result.


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