stukinpython reversee的意思

reverse back
[ri'v?:s baek]
[r?'v?s baek]
1. " Back out, " he suggested after a moment. " Put her in reverse. "
“ 倒车, ” 过了一会儿他又出 点子, “ 用倒车档. ”
来自英汉文学 - 盖茨比
2. You must reverse the car and go back to the main road.
3. Sometimes Pooch would vault over our five - foot - tall wooden fence, reverse gears and come bouncing back.
有时普茨会跳过我家五英尺高的木栅栏, 掉头又跳回来.
4. India has now begun to reverse the brain drain, summoning its prodigal children back home.
5. Suddenly stop functioning, the high - pressure water pump reverse flow back , resulting in pump reverse.
突然停止运转时, 高压水 反向流回水泵, 造成水泵倒转.
1. 反回力卡环
reverse back - action clasp ., 反回力卡环.
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reverse back-action clasp反回力卡环
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1. 回复突变
体细胞突变 somatic mutation回复突变 back mutation, reversion突变基因又突变为原有状态。拟回复突变 pseudoreversion前突变 premutation.
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1. 双面经二重组织
reversible herringbone twill 双面人字斜纹 reversible warp backed weave 双面经二重组织 reversible weft backed weave 双面纬二重组织.
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
reverse back
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reverse voltage是什么意思
reverse voltage是什么意思
reverse voltage[电子] 反向电压peak reverse gate voltage 峰值反向门电压reverse gate voltage 逆门极电压Reverse Input Voltage 反向输入电压 ; 扭转输入电压 ; 反向输入的电压Series HSD35 has complete electrical protection from overvoltage,reversevoltage,and output short circuits.跟读系列HSD35有完整的电力保护过压,反向电压和输出短路.
reverse voltage反向电压; 望采纳~美音:[r?&v?:s
n.相反,背面,反面,倒退 adj.相反的,倒转的,颠倒的 vt.颠倒,倒转
名词:reverser 副词:reversely 动词过去式:reversed 过去分词:reversed 现在分词:reversing 第三人称单数:reverses
vrs,vert=to turn(转移;改变;转向)
近义词, 同义词
/r?'v?:s; r?`v?s/adj 1 [attrib 作定语] ~ (of/to sth) contrary or opposite to what is expected (与预期的事)相反的; 未料到的*reverse tendencies, processes 相反的趋势、过程* Statistics showed a reverse trend to that recorded in other countries. 统计数字表明这种趋向与其他国家所示情况迥异. 2 (idm 习语) in/into reverse `order from the e backwards 顺序相反; 反向*Count down in reverse order
10, 9, 8... 倒数--10、9、8...* Put the letters in `madam' into reverse order and they still read `madam'. 把madam这个字的字母排列顺序颠倒过来, 仍读作madam./r?'v?:s; r?`v?s/n 1 [sing] the ~ (of sth) thing that is the contrary or opposite to what is expected (与预期的事)相反的事物; 未料到的情况*In hot weather, the reverse happens/applies. 在热天, 情况相反.* Children's shoes aren't cheap
quite the reverse. 儿童的鞋并不便宜--反而更贵.* (fml 文) You were the (very) reverse of polite, ie You were rude. 你(非常)无礼貌. 2 [sing](a) (design on the) underside or back of a coin, medal, etc (钱币、徽章等的)反面, 背面(的图案)*The 50p coin has a crowned lion on its reverse. 50便士硬币反面的图案是个戴皇冠的狮子. Cf 参看 obverse.(b) underside or back of sth 底面; 反面; 背部*flaws on the reverse of the silk 这丝织品背面的瑕疵* a maker's mark on the reverse of a plate 盘子底部的厂家标记. 3 [C] (fml 文)(a)
misfortune 逆转; 挫折; 不幸; 灾难*We suffered some serious (financial) reverses. 我们(在财务上)受到一些严重挫折.(b) defeat 失败; 失利*a sudden reverse in the guerrilla campaign 游击战的突然失败* a reverse at the polls, ie a poor election result 选举中的失利. 4 (a) [U, C usu sing作不可数名词或可数名词, 後者通常作单数] (also reverse `gear) control used to make a vehicle travel backwards (机动车的)倒挡*Put the car into reverse. 汽车挂上倒挡.* cars with five forward gears and a reverse 有五个前进挡和一个倒挡的汽车.(b) [C] (also reverse `turn) turn made while driving backwards 倒车转弯*I can't do reverses. 我不会倒车转弯. 5 [C] device that reverses sth 换向装置; 回动装置; 反向齿轮*an automatic ribbon reverse, ie on a typewriter 色带自动换向装置(打字机上的). 6 (idm 习语) in/into re`verse from the e backwards 顺序相反; 反向*Ambulances have `AMBULANCE' printed in reverse on their bonnets. 救护车发动机罩盖上标有逆序反向字母的AMBULANCE字样.* (fig 比喻) The superpowers are putting the arms race into reverse. 超级大国正在把军备竞赛转换成相继裁军./r?'v?:s; r?`v?s/v 1 [Tn] turn (sth) the other way round or up, or inside out 使(某物)反转; 将(某物)翻转*Writing is reversed in a mirror. 写出来的字在镜子里是倒着的.* reverse the collar and cuffs on a shirt, ie to hide frayed edges 把衬衫的领子和袖口翻过来(以遮盖破边). 2 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn,, Tn.p] (cause a vehicle to) travel backwards (使车辆)倒退行驶*reverse round a corner, up a hill, across a side street,etc 开车倒退转弯、上山、穿过小街等* He reversed (the car) into a tree. 他开倒车撞到了树上.* The garage is open, so you can reverse in. 车房的门开着呢, 你可以倒着开进去.(b) [I, Tn] (make an engine, etc) work in the opposite direction (使发动机等)逆向运转*reverse the thrust of the rocket motors 使火箭发动机产生逆向推力* brake (eg a fixed-wheel cycle) by reversing the pedalling action 倒蹬踏板制动(如脚蹬闸自行车). 3 [Tn](a) make (sth) the opp change around completely 使(某物)转化为其自身的对立面; 彻底转变*reverse a procedure, process, trend, etc 使程序、过程、趋向等完全相反.(b) exchange (two functions, positions,etc) 互换(功能、位置等)*Husband and wife have reversed roles. 丈夫和妻子互换了责任.* Their situations are now reversed as employee has become employer. 他们双方的地位转换了, 雇员成了雇主. 4 [Tn] revoke or annul (a decree, etc) 撤消或废除(法令等)*reverse the decision of a lower court 撤消下级法院的判决* reverse a decree, judgement, verdict, etc 撤消法令、判决、裁决等. 5 (idm 习语) reverse (the) `charge(s) (US call `collect) make a telephone call that will be charged to the person receiving it, not the caller 由接电话一方付费*reverse the charges on/for a call 电话费转由受话人支付* make a reversed-`charge call to New York 打电话至纽约, 由受话人付费.
倒车档 其他:
  倒车档 体育词典:
反身的。比如从底线切入后的反身扣篮是reverse dunk。 电子电工词典:
回复,翻转,反混响 生产制造业词典:
1. Reverse your jacket. It started to rain.
&&&&把你的外衣翻过来穿, 下雨了。
单词相关文章列表reverse的意思He reversed the direct current(DC) that comes from a battery._作业帮
reverse的意思He reversed the direct current(DC) that comes from a battery.
reverse的意思He reversed the direct current(DC) that comes from a battery.
他把从电池来的直流电反过来.(正负反转)reverse osmosis
[ri'v?:s ?z'm??s?s]
[r?'v?s ɑz'mos?s]
1. The membrane process is usually accomplished by either electrodialysis or reverse osmosis.
2. If we put the salt water under pressure, we achieve reverse osmosis.
如果我们给盐水加压, 就可以实现“逆向渗透”.
3. Principal application of reverse osmosis has been in desalting brackish waters for domestic consumption.
4. The company fujian fulong industrial co. offers among other Reverse osmosis.
5. Aim To examine the quality of purified water made by reverse osmosis.
反渗透( reverse osmosis)技术是一种先进的节能的膜分离技术。其原理是在高于溶液渗透压的作用下,依据离子、细菌等杂质不能透过 …
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逆渗透 (REVERSE OSMOSIS)  逆渗透为现有科技中最有效的水处理方式之一,过滤精度可达0.001微米。它能有效地处理水中盐 …
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3. 逆渗透法
五、逆渗透法(reverse osmosis)五、逆渗透法(reverse osmosis)  逆渗透法可以有效的清除溶解于水中的无机物,有机物,细菌,热原 …
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4. 逆向渗透
环境词汇 R ... revegetation 重行绿化; 重建植被 reverse osmosis 反渗透; 逆向渗透 research ship 调查船; 考察船; 研究船.
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1. 反渗透机
reverse mill 可逆式轧机reverse osmosis machine 反渗透机reverse osmosis membrane 反渗透膜
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1. 倒转渗透器
reverse current 反向电流reverse osmosis unit 倒转渗透器reverse plugger 回力充填器
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1. 反渗透水
3、反渗透水(Reverse osmosis Water): 其生成的原理是水分子在压力的作用下,通过反渗透膜成为纯水,水中的杂质被反渗透膜 …
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1. 逆渗透膜
逆渗透膜(reverse osmosis membrane) 用半透膜在容器内把海水与纯水隔开,一部份纯水就会透过薄膜而进入海水一侧,使其水面升 …
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
reverse osmosis
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