Let is meet 3 pmlet it go是什么意思思

这样写对吗:So,let's meet there at 10 clock on that date,Is that ok?对方的问题是:Hi.I have..(见下)Hi.I have changed my meeting time to 2 pm on Monday the 14th.Can you meet me earlier?_百度作业帮
这样写对吗:So,let's meet there at 10 clock on that date,Is that ok?对方的问题是:Hi.I have..(见下)Hi.I have changed my meeting time to 2 pm on Monday the 14th.Can you meet me earlier?
这样写对吗:So,let's meet there at 10 clock on that date,Is that ok?对方的问题是:Hi.I have..(见下)Hi.I have changed my meeting time to 2 pm on Monday the 14th.Can you meet me earlier?
date改成daydate是日期的意思day才是天,on that day是正确的表达 其他没问题
on that date改成 on that dayon Monday the 14th 要改成 on Monday, the 14th of March/March the 14th几月几号同时出现,几号不能单独出现 其它没问题!祝学习进步!望采纳!
不太好建议使用 ok,let's make it 10 am .From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
was an English musician who gained worldwide fame as one of the members of , for his subsequent solo career, and for his political activism and . He was shot by
of the building where he lived, , in
on Monday, 8 December 1980. Lennon had just returned from
with his wife, .
Lennon was pronounced
at . He was 40 years old. At the hospital, it was stated that nobody could have lived for more than a few minutes after sustaining such injuries. Shortly after local news stations reported Lennon's death, crowds gathered at Roosevelt Hospital and in front of the Dakota. Lennon was
on 10 December 1980 the
were given to Ono, who chose not to hold a funeral for him. The first media report of Lennon's death to a US national audience was announced by , on
Leibovitz's portrait of Lennon and Ono, taken on 8 December 1980
went to the Lennons' apartment to do a
magazine. Leibovitz promised Lennon that a photo with Ono would make the front cover of the magazine, even though she initially tried to get a picture with Lennon by himself. Leibovitz: "Nobody wanted [Ono] on the cover". Lennon insisted that both he and his wife be on the cover, and after taking the pictures, Leibovitz left their apartment at 3:30 p.m. After the photo shoot, Lennon gave what would be his last interview, to San Francisco
Dave Sholin, for a music show to be broadcast on the . At 5:40 p.m., Lennon and Ono, delayed by a late limousine, left their apartment to mix the song "" (an Ono song featuring Lennon on lead guitar) at the .
Main article:
As Lennon and Ono walked to a limousine, shared with the RKO Radio crew, they were approached by several people seeking autographs. Among them was Mark David Chapman. It was common for fans to wait outside the Dakota to meet Lennon and ask for his autograph. Chapman, a 25-year-old security guard from , had previously travelled to New York to murder Lennon in October (before the release of ), but had changed his mind and returned home. Chapman silently handed Lennon a copy of Double Fantasy, and Lennon obliged with an autograph. After signing the album, Lennon asked, "Is this all you want?" Chapman smiled and nodded in agreement. Photographer and Lennon fan Paul Goresh took a photo of the encounter. Chapman had been waiting for Lennon outside the Dakota since mid-morning, and had even approached the Lennons' five-year-old son, , who was with the family nanny, Helen Seaman, when they returned home in the afternoon. According to Chapman, he briefly touched the boy's hand.
Lennon (left) signing a copy of Double Fantasy for Chapman several hours before the murder
The Lennons spent several hours at the Record Plant studio before returning to the Dakota, at approximately 10:50 pm. Lennon had decided against dining out so he could be home in time to say goodnight to his son, before going on to the
restaurant with Ono. Lennon liked to oblige any fans who had been waiting for long periods of time to meet him with autographs or pictures, once saying during an interview with
on 6 December 1980: "People come and ask for autographs, or say 'Hi', but they don't bug you." The Lennons exited their limousine on
instead of driving into the more secure courtyard of the Dakota.
The Dakota's doorman, ex-CIA Agent , and a nearby cab driver saw Chapman standing in the shadows by the archway. As Lennon passed by, he glanced briefly at Chapman, appearing to recognise him from earlier. Seconds later, Chapman took aim directly at the center of Lennon's back and fired five
at him from a
in rapid succession from a range of about nine or ten feet (about 3 m) away. Based on statements made that night by NYPD Chief of Detectives, James Sullivan, numerous radio, television, and newspaper reports claimed at the time that, before firing, Chapman called out "Mr. Lennon" and dropped into a . Later court hearings and witness interviews did not include either "Mr. Lennon" or the "combat stance" description. Chapman has said he does not remember calling out Lennon's name before he fired, but he claimed to have taken a "combat stance" in a 1992 interview with . The first bullet missed, passing over Lennon's head and hitting a window of the Dakota building. Two of the next bullets struck Lennon in the left side of his back, and two more penetrated his left shoulder. Lennon, bleeding profusely from external wounds and also from his mouth, staggered up five steps to the security/reception area, saying, "I'm shot, I'm shot". He then fell to the floor, scattering cassettes that he had been carrying. The , Jay Hastings, first started to make a , but upon ripping open Lennon's blood-stained shirt and realising the severity of his multiple injuries, he covered Lennon's chest with his uniform jacket, removed his blood-covered glasses, and summoned the police.
The Dakota, location of the killing
Outside, doorman Perdomo shook the gun out of Chapman's hand then kicked it across the sidewalk. Chapman then removed his coat and hat in preparation for the arrival of police—to show he was not carrying any concealed weapons—and sat down on the sidewalk. Perdomo shouted at Chapman, "Do you know what you've just done?" to which Chapman calmly replied, "Yes, I just shot John Lennon." The first policemen to arrive were Steve Spiro and Peter Cullen, who were at 72nd Street and
when they heard a report of shots fired at the Dakota. The officers arrived around two minutes later and found Chapman sitting "very calmly" on the sidewalk. They reported that Chapman had dropped the revolver to the ground and was holding a paperback book, 's . They immediately put Chapman in handcuffs and placed him in the back seat of their squad car. Chapman made no attempt to flee or resist arrest.
Side view of Dakota entryway showing steps Lennon climbed before collapsing in the lobby
The second team, officers Bill Gamble and James Moran, arrived a few minutes later. They found Lennon lying face down on the floor of the reception area with Hastings attending to him, blood pouring from his mouth and his clothing already soaked with blood. Realizing the extent of his injuries, the policemen decided not to wait for an ambulance and immediately carried Lennon into their squad car and rushed him to St Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center. Officer Moran said they placed Lennon in the back seat. Reportedly, Moran asked, "Are you John Lennon?" to which Lennon nodded and replied "Yes." There are conflicting accounts of this, however. According to another account by Gamble, Lennon nodded slightly and tried to speak, but could only manage to make a gurgling sound, and lost consciousness shortly thereafter.
Dr. Stephan Lynn, a resident doctor who was just about to leave the hospital after his day-long work shift, received Lennon in the emergency room at Roosevelt Hospital a few minutes before 11:00 pm when Officers Gamble and Moran arrived, with Moran carrying Lennon on his back from their squad car and onto a gurney, into the emergency room demanding a doctor for a multiple gunshot wound victim. When Lennon arrived, he had no pulse and was not breathing. Dr. Lynn, two other doctors and a nurse worked on Lennon for between 15 to 20 minutes in attempting to revive him. As a last resort, Dr. Lynn cut open Lennon's chest and attempted manual heart massage to restore circulation, but he quickly discovered that the damage to the blood vessels above and around Lennon's heart from the multiple bullet wounds was too great. Lennon was pronounced
in the emergency room at the Roosevelt Hospital at 11:15 pm by Dr. Lynn, but the time of 11:07 pm has also been reported. Lennon's body was then taken to the city morgue at 520 First Avenue and autopsied. The cause of death was reported as ", caused by the loss of more than 80% of
due to multiple through-and-through gunshot wounds to the chest and ". The pathologist who performed the autopsy on Lennon also stated in his report that even with prompt medical treatment, no person could have lived for more than a few minutes with such multiple bullet injuries.
The surgeon also noted—as did other witnesses—that, at the moment Lennon was pronounced dead, a Beatles song ("") came over the hospital's sound system.
Of the four bullets that struck Lennon in his back, three of them passed completely through his body and out of his chest while the fourth lodged in his ao nearly all of them were fatal. As Lennon had been shot four times at close range, Lennon's affected organs (particularly his left lung) and major blood vessels above his heart were virtually destroyed upon impact. Lynn later stated to reporters on the extent of Lennon's injuries: "If he [Lennon] had been shot this way in the middle of the operating room with a whole team of surgeons ready to work on him... he still wouldn't have survived his injuries". When told by Dr. Lynn of her husband's death, Ono started sobbing and said, "Oh no, no, no, no ... tell me it's not true!" Dr. Lynn remembers that Ono lay down and began hitting her head against the floor, but calmed down when a nurse gave Lennon's wedding ring to her. She was led away from Roosevelt Hospital by
president, , in a state of shock.
Ono asked the hospital not to report to the media that her husband was dead until she had informed their five-year-old son , who was at home. Ono said he was probably watching television and did not want him to learn of his father's death from a TV announcement.
Meanwhile, news producer Alan J. Weiss from
had been waiting to be treated in the emergency room at Roosevelt Hospital due to having been involved in an accident earlier that evening while riding his motorcycle. Weiss recalled in an interview for the CNN series Crimes of the Century in 2013 that he had seen Lennon being wheeled into the room surrounded by several police officers. After he learned what happened, Weiss called back to the station to relay the information. Eventually, word made its way through the chain of command to
president .
On this evening Arledge, who was also the president of , was serving his role as the executive producer of . As Arledge was given word that Lennon was dead, the game between the
was in the fourth quarter with the score tied at 13 and the Patriots with the ball late in the fourth quarter and driving to try to score the winning points. Arledge passed word on to the MNF broadcast team, consisting of
and , and suggested that they relay the news of Lennon's death to the television audience.
It was decided that Cosell, who had interviewed Lennon during a 1974 broadcast and who had expressed some apprehension about telling the viewers that Lennon had been murdered, should relay the news. With 30 seconds remaining in the game, Cosell and Gifford had the following exchange:
Cosell: ... but (the game)'s suddenly been placed in tota I'll finish this, they're in the hurry-up offense.
Gifford: Third down, four. ... it'll be fourth down.
will let it run down for one final attempt, he'll let the seconds tick off to give Miami no opportunity whatsoever. (whistle blows) Timeout is called with three seconds remaining,
is on the line. And I don't care what's on the line, Howard, you have got to say what we know in the booth.
Cosell: Yes, we have to say it. Remember this is just a
game, no matter who wins or loses. An unspeakable tragedy confirmed to us by ABC News in New York City: John Lennon, outside of his apartment building on the
of New York City, the most famous perhaps, of all of the Beatles, shot twice in the back, rushed to Roosevelt Hospital, dead on arrival. Hard to go back to the game after that news flash, which, in duty bound, we have to take. Frank?
Gifford: (after a pause) Indeed, it is.
Apparently, the first nationally-telecast bulletin about the shooting was made by
as part of a s Sullivan reported that Lennon had been shot but his condition was not known at the time of the bulletin.
momentarily broke into its East Coast feed of
for its bulletin of Lennon's death before returning in the middle of a comedy piece being performed by .
New York rock station
immediately suspended all programming and opened its lines to calls from listeners. Stations throughout the country switched to special programming devoted to Lennon and/or Beatles music.
The following day, Ono issued a statement: "There is no funeral for John. John loved and prayed for the human race. Please do the same for him. Love, Yoko and Sean."
"Neither of us [Yoko or I] want to make the mistake that
did, which is get killed one way or the other. Because people only like dead saints, and I refuse to be a saint or a martyr."
- John Lennon, when asked why he returned his , 1969
"The outpouring of grief, wonder and shared devastation that followed Lennon's death had the same breadth and intensity as the reaction to the killing of a world figure: some bold and popular politician, like
or , or a spiritual leader, like Martin Luther King Jr. But Lennon was a creature of poetic political metaphor, and his spiritual consciousness was directed inward, as a way of nurturing and widening his creative force. That was what made the impact, and the difference — the shock of his imagination, the penetrating and pervasive traces of his genius — and it was the loss of all that, in so abrupt and awful a way, that was mourned last week, all over the world."
- Jay Cocks, , 22 December 1980
Lennon's murder triggered an outpouring of grief around the world on an unprecedented scale. Lennon's remains were cremated at
in , ; no funeral was held. Ono sent word to the chanting crowd outside the Dakota that their singin she asked that they re-convene at Central Park's
the following Sunday for ten minutes of silent prayer. On 14 December 1980, millions of people around the world responded to Ono's request to pause for ten minutes of silence to remember Lennon. Thirty thousand gathered in Liverpool, and the largest group—over 225,000—converged on New York's Central Park, close to the scene of the shooting. For those ten minutes, every
in New York City went off the air.
At least three Beatles fans committed
after the murder, leading Ono to make a public appeal asking mourners not to give in to despair. Ono released a solo album, , in 1981. The cover of the album is a photograph of Lennon's blood-spattered glasses. That same year she also released "", the song the Lennons had mixed at the Record Plant less than an hour before he was murdered, as a single. Chapman, against the advice of his lawyers who wanted to file an , pleaded guilty in 1981 to murdering Lennon. Under the terms of his guilty plea, Chapman was sentenced to 20-years-to-life and later automatically became eligible for parole in 2000. However, Chapman has been denied parole eight times, as of 22 August 2014, and is currently incarcerated at .
Memorial behind the :
in , August 1981
Annie Leibovitz's photo of a naked Lennon embracing his wife, taken on the day of the murder, was the cover of ? 's 22 January 1981 issue, most of which was dedicated to articles, letters and photographs commemorating Lennon's life and death. In 2005 the
ranked it as the top magazine cover of the last 40 years.
released a tribute song, "", which featured
and , in 1981. McCartney released his tribute, "", on his 1982 album, . , who had recorded the number-one hit "" with Lennon, teamed up with his lyricist
and recorded a tribute to Lennon, entitled "." It appeared on his 1982 album, , and peaked at #13 on the US Singles Chart that year. When he performed the song at a sold-out concert in
in August 1982, he was joined on stage by Ono and Sean. , during their , performed a cover of Lennon's solo song "Imagine" at concerts after Lennon's death. Queen also performed the song "Life Is Real", from the album
(1982), in his honour. It was written by singer .
added a cover version of the song "" to their set while touring in Germany, which they recorded and released in March 1981. The song was their only UK #1 hit, topping the charts for two weeks. It features on many Bryan Ferry/Roxy Music collections, though not always in its full-length version.
's homage to Lennon, "", initially sings of the rhythm and blues singer , who is said to have shot himself in 1954, then goes on to reference John Lennon, as well as President
who was assassinated in 1963, the year Beatlemania started. Simon had actually premiered the song during 's reunion
in 1981; near the end of the song, a fan ran onto the stage, possibly in response to Simon mentioning Lennon in the lyrics. The man was dragged offstage by Simon's personnel, saying to Simon, "I have to talk to you"; all of which can be seen in the DVD of the concert. The song also appears on Simon's 1983
, who befriended Lennon in the mid-1970s (Lennon co-wrote and performed on Bowie's US #1 hit "" in 1975), performed a tribute to Lennon in the final show of his
on 8 December 1983—the third anniversary of Lennon's death. Bowie announced that the last time he saw Lennon was in Hong Kong, and after announcing "On this day, December the 8th 1980, John Lennon was shot and killed outside of his New York apartment," he performed Lennon's "".
wrote and recorded the song "Murder" in response to Lennon' the song was released on Gilmour's solo album,
The Imagine mosaic in Strawberry Fields
Strawberry Fields with the Dakota in the background
In 1985, New York City dedicated an area of
directly across from the Dakota as , where Lennon had frequently walked. In a symbolic show of unity, countries from around the world donated trees and the city of Naples, Italy, donated the Imagine mosaic centerpiece. A symbolic grave for Lennon was erected in 's , which hosted demonstrations during the fall of the communist regime in .
Lennon was honoured with a
in 1991. In 1994, the breakaway autonomous republic of Georgia, , issued two
featuring the faces of Lennon and , rather than portraits of
and , spoofing Abkhazia's
past. On 8 December 2000, Cuba's President
unveiled a bronze statue of Lennon in a park in . In 2000, the
was opened at the
in , Japan (but closed on 30 September 2010), and Liverpool renamed its airport , adopting the motto, "Above us only sky", in 2002. The minor planet , discovered 12 January 1983 by B. A. Skiff at the Anderson Mesa Station of the Lowell Observatory, was named in memory of Lennon. On 9 December 2006, in the city of , Mexico, a plaque was revealed, honouring Lennon's contribution to music, culture and peace. On 9 October 2007, Ono dedicated a new memorial called the , located on the island of , off the coast of , Iceland. Each year, between 9 October and 8 December, it projects a vertical beam of light high into the sky in Lennon's memory. In 1990 a group of citizens came forward with an initiative to rename one of the streets of Warsaw in honour of John Lennon. The petition had approximately 5000 supporting signatures and passed through city council unchallenged.
Every 8 December a memorial ceremony is held in front of the
building on
in , California. People also light candles in front of Lennon's Hollywood Walk of Fame star, outside the Capitol Building. From 28 to 30 September 2007, Durness held the John Lennon Northern Lights Festival which was attended by
(Lennon's half-sister), who read from Lennon's writings and her own books, and Stanley Parkes, Lennon's Scottish cousin. Parkes said, "Me and Julia [Baird] are going to be going to the old family croft to tell stories". Musicians, painters and poets from across the UK performed at the festival.
In 2009, the
New York City annexe hosted a special John Lennon exhibit, which included many mementos and personal effects from Lennon's life, as well as the clothes he was wearing when he was murdered, still in the brown paper bag from Roosevelt Hospital. Ono still places a lit candle in the window of Lennon's room in the Dakota on 8 December. In 2012,
released the Lennon tribute "Roll on John" on his
Two films depicting the murder of Lennon were released close together more than 25 years after the event. The first of the two, , was released on 7 December 2007. Directed by Andrew Piddington, the movie had
play Mark David Chapman. The second film was , released on 28 March 2008. Directed by , Mark David Chapman was played by . Lennon was portrayed by actor , who coincidentally has the same first and last name as the person who killed Lennon.
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Lucas, Dean (2007). . Famous Pictures Magazine 2013.
Smith, Harry (8 December 2005). . CBS News 2008.
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. CNN. 30 September .
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(London). 21 August 2008.
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interview, 4 December 1992.
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Edwards, David (3 December 2005). .
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Ausiello, Jeff (5 December 2010). .
Monkovic, Toni (6 December 2010). .
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The Beatles Anthology. , : Chronicle Books. 2000. p.&#160;184. &#160;.
Buskin, Richard (1 December 1997). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Beatles. Alpha. p.&#160;185. &#160;.
. Milwaukee Sentinel. 11 December 1980.
Gentile, Fiorella Dorotea. . Thou Art 2008.
Clyde Haberman, "Silent Tribute to Lennon's Memory is Observed Throughout the World," , 15 December 1980 pA1
Hampson, R McShane, Larry (25 November 1990). . . pg. 2D. . Retrieved 9 December 2013.
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. MSNBC. 17 October .
David Currie, ed. (1985). David Bowie: The Starzone Interviews. England: Omnibus Press. &#160;.
. Central Park .
(BRIEFING BOOK). The National Security Archive. Prague. October .
Robinson, Ben. . Ben Robinson 2008.
. . 8 December .
Winter, Michael (30 September 2010). . USA Today.
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Greene, Andy (17 July 2012). .
Smith, Kyle (4 January 2008). .
Emerson, Jim (25 April 2008). .
Badman, Keith (2001). The Beatles After the Breakup : A Day-by-Day Diary. . &#160;.
Bresler, Fenton (1990). Who Killed John Lennon. St Martin's Press. &#160;.
Cocks, Jay (22 December 1980). "The Last Day in the Life". Time.
Cardinals, The (2015). "The Dakota Apartments: A Pictorial History of New York's Legendary Landmark". . &#160;.
Jones, Jack (1992). Let Me Take You Down: Inside the Mind of Mark David Chapman, the Man Who Killed John. . &#160;.
Houwer, Greg (2010). Into the White: Kafka and His Metamorphoses. Acco. &#160;.
Maeder, Jay (1999). Big Town Big Time. Sports Publishing LLC. &#160;.
Tom Mathews et al., "Death of a Beatle." Newsweek, 22 December 1980.
David Rosenthal et al., "The Death and Life of John Lennon". New York, 22 December 1980.
Seaman, Fred (1991). The Last Days of John Lennon. Birch Lane Press. &#160;.
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