hoiiywoodlinkin park 演唱会是什么

Crash script
It's the sense of touch.
Any reaI city, you waIk, you know?
You brush past peopIe. PeopIe bump into you.
In L.A., nobody touches you.
We're aIways behind this metaI and gIass.
I think we miss that touch so much
that we crash into each other just so we can feeI something.
You guys okay?
I think he hit his head.
You don't think that's true?
Stay in your car.
Graham, I think we got rear-ended.
I think we spun around twice.
And somewhere in there, one of us Iost our frame of reference.
And I'm gonna go Iook for it.
- CaIm down, ma'am. - I am caIm!
I need to see your registration and insurance.
Why? It's not my fauIt! It's her fauIt! She do this!
Ma'am, you reaIIy need to wait in your vehicIe.
Stop in middIe of street! Mexicans no know how to drive.
She ''bIake'' too fast.
I ''bIake'' too fast? I ''bIake'' too fast.
- I'm sorry you no see my ''bIake'' Iights. - Ma'am.
See, I stop when I see a Iong Iine of cars stopped in front of me.
Maybe you see over steering wheeI, you ''bIake'' too!
I caII immigration on you. Look what you do my car.
Officer, can you pIease write in your report how shocked I am to be hit by an Asian driver!
- Ma'am! - Ma'am, no. See, Detective...
AII right. You've got to caIm down.
Hey, Detective! Nice entrance.
Hey, you okay?
I'm freezin'.
Shit. I heard it might snow.
- Get outta here. - That's what I heard.
- You got a smoke? - Nah. I quit.
Yeah, me too.
- What do you got? - Dead kid.
You get one free box of ammunition. What kind do you want?
Yo, Osama! PIan a jihad on your own time.
What do you want?
Are you making insuIt at me?
Am I making insuIt ''at'' you? Is that the cIosest you can come to EngIish?
- Yes, I speak EngIish! I am American citizen. - Oh, God, here we go.
I have right Iike you. I have right to buy gun.
Not in my store, you don't! Andy, get him outta here now!
- Go wait in the car. - Now. Get out!
You're an ignorant man!
Yeah, I'm ignorant? You're Iiberating my country.
And I'm fIying 7 47 s into your mud huts and incinerating your friends?
- Get the fuck out! - No, you get the fuck out!
No, don't touch me! He cheat me!
- Andy, now! - Let's go.
You can give me the gun or give me back the money.
And I am reaIIy hoping for the money.
- What kind of ammunition do you want? - Whatever fits.
We got a Iot of kinds.
We got Iong coIts, short coIts, buII heads,
fIat nose, hoIIow points, wide cutters,
and a dozen more that'II fit any size hoIe.
Just depends upon how much bang you can handIe.
I'II take the ones in the red box.
- You know what those are? - Can I have them?
Did you see any white peopIe waitin' an hour and 32 minutes for a pIate of spaghetti?
And how many cups of coffee did we get?
You don't drink coffee and I didn't want any.
Man, that woman poured cup after cup to every singIe white person around us.
But did she even ask you if you wanted any?
We didn't get any coffee that you didn't want and I didn't order,
and that's evidence of raciaI discrimination?
Did you notice that our waitress was bIack?
And bIack women don't think in stereotypes?
You teII me. When was the Iast time you met one
who didn't think she knew everything about your Iazy ass
before you even opened your mouth, huh?
That waitress sized us up in two seconds.
We're bIack, and bIack peopIe don't tip. She wasn't gonna waste her time.
Somebody Iike that? Nothing you can do to change their mind.
How much did you Ieave?
You expect me to pay for that kind of service?
What? What the fuck is you Iaughin' at, man?
I'm seriousIy starting to think that you're jeaIous of Karen.
HardIy. I'd just Iike to see you get through a meaI without caIIing her or anyone eIse.
Okay, no more phone caIIs. As a matter of fact, you can hoId the battery.
Ten bucks says she caIIs you in the car.
Wait, wait, wait. See what that woman just did?
- You see that? - She's coId.
She got coIder as soon as she saw us.
- Ah, come on, don't start. - Man, Iook around you, man.
You couIdn't find a whiter, safer or better-Iit part of this city right now.
But yet this white woman sees two bIack guys
who Iook Iike UCLA students stroIIing down the sidewaIk,
and her reaction is bIind fear?
Look at us, dawg. Are we dressed Iike gangbangers?
Huh? No. Do we Iook threatening? No.
Fact. If anybody shouId be scared around here, it's us!
We're the onIy two bIack faces surrounded by a sea of over-caffeinated white peopIe
patroIIed by the trigger-happy L.A.P.D.
So you teII me. Why aren't we scared?
'Cause we got guns?
You couId be right.
- Get the fuck outta the car! - Gimme the keys!
- Hurry up! Get down! - Okay, okay, okay, okay.
- No, no! PIease! - Don't Iook at me! Turn around!
- Come on! Go! - We're fine! Just keep moving!
No, no, no! Take that voodoo-assed thing off of there right now.
I know you just didn't caII Saint Christopher voodoo.
Man's the patron saint of traveIers, dawg.
You had a conversation with God, huh? What did God say?
''Go forth, my son, and Ieave big sIobbery suction rings on every dashboard you find''?
Why the heII do you do that?
Look at the way your crazy ass drive, then ask me again.
Chevy pickup and Mercedes driving north on BaIboa.
Pickup cuts in front. Driver of the Mercedes gets pissed, puIIs a gun.
Doesn't reaIize the guy in the pickup is a cop coming off shift.
This Barry Gibb dude is a cop?
Yeah. Name's ConkIin. He's a narc out of WiIshire.
I got the Mercedes.
Mercedes takes a shot at him. Detective ConkIin returns fire. One shot.
Mercedes roIIs to a stop. Driver opens the door, faIIs out dead.
He Iooks very reIaxed for just having shot somebody.
He says he kept tryin' to drive away.
The Mercedes kept puIIing up next to him, screaming, waving a gun.
Shot back in seIf-defense.
- Anybody actuaIIy see who shot first? - They just heard two bangs.
Find me a witness.
That is a nice gun.
The car's registered to a Cindy BradIey.
And that's not Cindy.
That is a WiIIiam Lewis.
Found under the front seat. HoIIywood Division.
Looks Iike Detective ConkIin shot himseIf the wrong nigger.
- How much Ionger are you gonna be? - This is the Iast one.
Thank you.
You don't think reporters Iisten to poIice caIIs?
I need to taIk to you for a second.
You just give me a minute, aII right?
- Find FIanagan, wiII you? Now. - Yes, sir.
Yes, honey?
I want the Iocks changed again in the morning.
You want-- Why don't you just go Iie down? Have you checked on James?
Of course. I've checked on him every five minutes since we've been home.
Do not patronize me. I want the Iocks changed again in the morning.
It's okay. Just go to bed.
You know, didn't I just ask you not to treat me Iike a chiId?
I'm sorry, Miss Jean. Is okay I go home now?
It's fine. Thank you very much for staying.
You're weIcome. No probIem. Good night.
- Good night. - We'II see you tomorrow.
I wouId Iike the Iocks changed again in the morning.
And you might mention that we'd appreciate it
if next time they didn't send a gang member.
- A gang member? You mean that kid in there? - Yes, yes.
Yes. The guy with the shaved head, the pants around his ass, the prison tattoo.
- Those are not prison tattoos. - Oh, reaIIy?
And he's not gonna seII our key to one of his gangbanger friends
- the moment he is out our door? - We've had a tough night.
- It'd be best if you went upstairs... - And wait for them to break in?
I just had a gun pointed in my face.
You Iower your voice!
And it was my fauIt because I knew it was gonna happen.
But if a white person sees two bIack men waIking towards her,
and she turns and waIks in the other direction, she's a racist, right?
WeII, I got scared and I didn't say anything.
And ten seconds Iater I had a gun in my face!
I am teIIing you. Your amigo in there is gonna seII our key to one of his homies.
And this time it'd be reaIIy fucking great if you acted Iike you actuaIIy gave a shit!
AII right, what have we got? TaIk to me, Karen.
FIanagan doesn't think anybody has the story yet.
I'm the goddamn District Attorney of Los AngeIes.
If my car gets jacked, it's gonna make news.
Why did these guys have to be bIack?
I mean, why?
No matter how we spin this,
I'm either gonna Iose the bIack vote or I'm gonna Iose the Iaw-and-order vote.
You're worrying too much. You have a Iot of support in the bIack community.
AII right. If we can't duck this thing, we're gonna have to neutraIize it.
What we need is a picture of me pinning a medaI on a bIack man.
The firefighter.
The one who saved the camp or something. Northridge. What's his name?
He's Iraqi.
He's Iraqi? WeII, he Iooks bIack.
He's dark-skinned, sir, but he's Iraqi. His name's Saddam Khahum.
Saddam? His-His name's Saddam?
That's reaI good, Bruce. I'm gonna pin a medaI on an Iraqi named Saddam.
Give yourseIf a raise, wiII you?
It's been good doing business with you.
- How soon can I have them? - I'm picking them up right now.
Look, you're not Iistening to me. This is an emergency.
I keep teIIing you he's in pain. He can't sIeep.
Mr. Ryan, your father has been to the cIinic three times in the Iast month.
He is being treated for a urinary tract infection. That is by no means an emergency.
If you have any more questions about your HMO pIan, why don't you
make an appointment to come in between 10:00 and 4:00, Monday through Friday.
What does my father do about sIeeping tonight?
I don't know. I'm not a doctor.
- I wanna taIk to your supervisor. - I am my supervisor!
- What is your name? - Shaniqua Johnson.
Shaniqua. Big fucking surprise that is.
Bronson Avenue, Westwood.
Vehicle is described as a black late-model lincoln navigator.
California plate 4 Peter Charles lda 31 5.
Suspects are two black males, approximately 20 years of age.
That's not it.
That's not the vehicIe, John. The pIates don't match.
The driver's gotta be 40. Nobody jacks a car and takes it to Studio City.
They were doin' something.
Keep your hands where I can see 'em, pIease.
I'm gonna need to see your driver's Iicense and registration.
No probIem.
I'm gonna have to reach inside the gIove compartment to get the registration.
- Is that okay? - Nice and sIow, pIease.
How are you tonight, Officer?
Here you go.
Stay inside the vehicIe, pIease.
Let's do it again right now.
Step outta the car, pIease, sir.
Wait a minute, Officer. I haven't been drinking or anything.
Then we shouIdn't have a probIem.
He doesn't drink. He's a Buddhist, for Christ's sake.
No, it's okay.
It's fine.
Step onto the sidewaIk, sir.
That's good. Right there.
Look at me.
I want you to stand on your right foot.
Touch your nose with the index finger of your Ieft hand.
I toId you he doesn't drink.
Ma'am, I'm onIy gonna teII you one time to stay in the vehicIe.
- Ma'am? - Honey, honey, I'm okay. I got this.
Don't you ''ma'am'' me. Who the heII do you think you're taIking to?
Look, Officer, my wife has had a coupIe of drinks--
Both of you, turn around. Put your hands on top of your head and interIock your fingers.
Wait. We're onIy a bIock away from our house.
Hands on your head. InterIock your fingers.
- Hands on your head. InterIock your fingers. - I'm a teIevision director.
Me and my wife were just coming home from an awards show.
Take your hands off him. He's done nothing wrong.
Put your hands on top of your head, ma'am.
- Do what he says. - Fuck you!
Put your hands...
And you keep your fiIthy fucking hands off me!
You motherfucking pig!
- Just stop taIking! - That's quite a mouth you have.
Of course you know that.
Fuck you! That's what this is aII about, isn't it?
You thought you saw a white woman bIowin' a bIack man. That drove your cracker ass crazy.
WiII you just shut your fucking mouth!
I'd Iisten to your husband, ma'am.
Put your Iegs open.
Do you have any guns or knives or anything I might get stuck with?
I'm wearing a cocktaiI dress. What do you think?
You'd be surprised some of the pIaces I've found weapons.
He's cIean.
What do you think we shouId do about this, Mr. Thayer?
My partner and I just witnessed your wife performing feIIatio on you
whiIe you were operating a motor vehicIe.
That's reckIess endangerment, which incidentaIIy is a feIony.
We couId charge your wife with Iewd conduct and performing a sexuaI act in pubIic.
You say you're a bIock from home.
We couId use our discretion
and Iet you go with a warning,
or we couId cuff you and put you in the back of the car.
What do you think we shouId do, sir?
Look, we're sorry, and
we wouId appreciate if you wouId just Iet us go with a warning, pIease.
The man's apoIogizing, Tommy.
I think we can Iet him go. Don't you?
AII right.
You can go.
You foIks drive safe now, huh?
Let's go, Tommy.
It won't cIose.
I can do that.
Dad, you couIdn't even get it open.
Have respect for your father. Give me the gun!
Here. Now you can shoot anybody you want.
Dorri, that man couId've kiIIed your mother.
You think I shouId Iet crazy peopIe do what they want to us?
Farhad, it won't cIose.
Dorri, you shouId be at work.
Who are you caIIing?
I'm gonna report their asses. Sons of bitches.
You actuaIIy beIieve they're gonna take anything you have to say seriousIy?
Do you have any idea how that feIt? To have that pig's hands aII over me?
And you just stood there!
And then you apoIogized to him?
What did you want me to do? Get us both shot?
They were gonna shoot us on Ventura BouIevard! Pathetic.
WeII, maybe you wouId've been satisfied with just being arrested.
Oh, I get it. Much better to Iet him shove his hand up my crotch
than get your name in the paper.
You finaIIy got me figured out, 'cause see,
that's exactIy what I was worried about right there.
Oh? You weren't afraid that aII your good friends at the studio
were gonna read about you in the morning and reaIize he's actuaIIy bIack?
You need to caIm down right now.
What I need is a husband who wiII not just stand there whiIe I am being moIested!
They were cops for God sakes! They had guns!
Maybe I shouId've Iet them arrest your ass.
Sooner or Iater you gotta find out what it is reaIIy Iike to be bIack.
Fuck you, man. Like you know.
The cIosest you ever came to being bIack, Cameron, was watching The Cosby Show.
At Ieast I wasn't watching it with the rest of the equestrian team.
You're right, Cameron. I got a Iot to Iearn
'cause I haven't quite Iearned how to shuck and jive.
Let me hear it again. Thank you, mister poIiceman.
You sure is mighty kind to us poor bIack foIk.
You be sure to Iet me know next time you wanna finger-fuck my wife.
How the fuck do you say something Iike that to me?
You know, fuck you!
That's good. A IittIe anger. It's a bit Iate, but it's nice to see!
How's it goin'?
You didn't get scared or something, did you?
There's no monsters in the cIoset, right? 'Cause I hate monsters.
There's no such thing as monsters.
Ah, that's a good thing.
I heard a bang.
Like a truck bang?
Like a gun.
That's funny, 'cause we moved outta that bad neighborhood.
And there's not too many guns around here.
How far can buIIets go?
They go pretty far.
But they usuaIIy get stuck in something and stop.
What if they don't?
You thinking about that buIIet that came through your window?
You think we shouId move again?
I Iike it here.
Me too. But if that buIIet found out where we Iived...
Oh, hoId on.
So stupid! How can I forget this?
Nah. Forget it. You ain't gonna beIieve me.
When I was five, this fairy came into my room one night.
- Right. - See, I toId you you weren't gonna beIieve me.
- Okay, go to sIeep now, you IittIe rat. - No, teII me.
So this fairy comes into my room and I'm Iike, ''Yeah, right, you're a fairy.''
Anyway, we're taIking, you know.
And she's fIying aII around the room, knocking down aII my posters and stuff.
She was fIying?
She had these IittIe stubby wings. She couId've gIued 'em on, you know?
Like I'm gonna beIieve she's a fairy.
So she said, ''I'II prove it.''
So she reaches into her backpack.
And she puIIs out this invisibIe cIoak.
She ties it around my neck, and she teIIs me that it's impenetrabIe.
You know what impenetrabIe means?
It means that nothing can go through it.
No buIIets. Nothing.
She toId me that if I wore it, nothing wouId hurt me.
So I did. And my whoIe Iife, I never got shot, stabbed.
Nothing. I mean, how weird is that?
OnIy she toId me that I was supposed to give it to my daughter on her fifth birthday.
And I forgot.
Can I touch it?
Sure, go ahead.
- I don't feeI it. - Yeah. It's pretty cooI, huh?
I can take it off and tie it around your shouIders. She toId me how to do it.
- UnIess you think it's stupid. - Don't you need it?
No, not anymore.
So what do you think? You want it?
Okay, Iet's get outta here.
Put your head up.
Okay. Is that too tight?
Do you feeI anything at aII?
Good. Then it's just right.
Do I take it off when I have a bath?
No, you Ieave it on aII the time.
UntiI you have a daughter when she turns five, then you give it to her.
Okay. Good night, sweetie.
Good night.
Nah, nah. You wanna Iisten to music of the oppressor, you go right ahead, man.
How in the Iunacy of your mind is hip-hop music of the oppressor?
Listen to it, man! ''Nigger this, nigger that.''
You think white peopIe go around caIIing each other honkies aII day, man?
''Hey, honky, how's business?''
''Going great, cracker. We're diversifying.''
How 'bout this, huh? Listen. You Iike that? Man's singin' about Iynchin' niggers.
And you think there's a difference, don't you? Huh?
Gonna buy me a rope and lynch me a nigger
You have absoIuteIy no idea where hip-hop music comes from, do you?
l'd shoot 'em dead first but l done broke my trigger
See, back in the '60s we had smart, articuIate bIack men.
Gonna get out my sheet Put my hood on my head
Like Huey Newton, Bobby SeaIe, EIdridge CIeaver, Fred Hampton.
Gonna string 'em up good
These brothers were speaking out, and peopIe were Iistening!
Then they'll be dead
Then the FBI said, ''No, we can't have that.''
Home of the brave and the land of the free
''Let's give the niggers this music by a bunch of mumbIing idiots
and sooner or Iater, they'II aII copy it, and nobody
wiII be abIe to understand a fucking word they say.
End of probIem.''
What the fuck was that, dawg?
- HoIy shit! - What?
Man, we done ran over a Chinaman.
You're sayin' there's a Chinaman under this truck?
What part don't you understand?
There's a Chinaman stuck underneath the fucking truck.
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Ah, God. What the heII did he do, just Ieap out in front of the truck?
Man! This is so compIeteIy fucked up.
Oh, reaIIy? No shit!
Okay, hoId up. HoId up, hoId up, hoId up.
- Get back in the truck. - What?
- Yes, get back in the truck. - You think we didn't drag him far enough?
No, we gonna drive away. And he gonna Iet go.
He's not gonna Iet go, Anthony.
You know why? Because he's stuck underneath the fucking truck!
Now, if he couId've Iet go, he probabIy wouId've considered that option haIf a bIock back.
What you and I gotta do, just grab his arms and puII him from underneath.
You grab his arm, it's gonna faII off.
Then you gonna be standing in the street hoIding a Chinaman's arm.
Then what your ass gonna do, huh?
If we Ieave this man here, he dies. Then we're up for murder charges.
Just grab his arm. We'II just puII him out.
I don't wanna cause any probIems, Lieutenant. I just want a new partner.
I understand. Your partner's a racist prick.
But you don't wanna stir up any bad feeIings with him.
He's been on the force for a Iong time.
Seventeen years.
And I do have to work here, sir.
So you don't mind that there's a racist prick on the force.
You just don't want him to ride in your car.
If you need me to go on record about this, sir, I wiII.
That'd be great. Write a fuII report.
Because I'm anxious to understand how an obvious bigot
couId've gone undetected in this department for 1 7 years.
EIeven of which he was under my personaI supervision.
Which doesn't speak very highIy of my manageriaI skiIIs.
But that's not your concern. I can't wait to read it.
What if I said I wanted a new partner for personaI reasons?
So now you're saying he's not a racist prick, you just don't Iike him.
- Yes, sir. - That's not a good enough reason.
Then I guess I shouId think of a better one and get back to you.
So you think I'm asking you to make one up.
Uh, no, sir. I just can't think of one...right now.
You wanna know what I heard?
I heard it was a case of uncontroIIabIe fIatuIence.
You want me to say he has fIatuIence?
Not him. You. You have uncontroIIabIe fIatuIence.
You're too embarrassed to ride with anybody eIse so you're requesting a one-man car.
I'm not...comfortabIe with that, Lieutenant.
I wouIdn't be either. Which is why I understand your need for privacy.
Just Iike I'm sure you understand how hard a bIack man has to work to get to,
say, where I am, in a racist fucking organization Iike the L.A.P.D.
and how easiIy that can be taken away.
Now, that being said, it's your decision.
You can put your career and mine on the Iine in pursuit of a just cause,
or you can admit to having an embarrassing probIem
of a personaI nature.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. Sir?
You finished?
I repIaced the Iock. But you got a reaI probIem with that door.
You fix the Iock?
Nah, I repIaced the Iock. But you gotta fix that door.
- Just fix the Iock! - Sir, sir, sir. Listen to me.
What you need is a new door.
- I need new door? - Yeah.
Okay. How much?
I don't-- Sir, you're gonna have to caII somebody that seIIs doors.
You try to cheat me, right? You have a friend that fix door?
Nah, I don't have a friend that fix doors, bro.
Then go and fix the fucking Iock, you cheater.
You-- You know what?
Why don't you just pay for the Iock and I won't charge you for the time.
You don't fix the Iock! I pay! You think I'm stupid?
You fix the fucking Iock, you cheater!
- I'd appreciate if you'd stop caIIing me names. - Then fix the fucking Iock!
I repIaced the Iock! You gotta fix the fucking door!
You cheat! You fucking cheater!
- Fine. Don't pay. - What?
- Have a good night. - What? No. Wait!
Wait! You come back here! You fix the Iock!
Come here! You fix my Iock!
Fix the fucking Iock!
I understand. You run over a Chinaman. Stuff him in the back.
Then bring the truck here so I can share in the experience.
Come on, man. It's a IittIe bit of bIood. It'II wash right off.
- Georgie, burn this thing. - Burn it?
It's a brand-new Navigator. AII you need is a IittIe piece of carpet.
You watch the Discovery ChanneI?
- Not a Iot. - They got some good shit on that channeI.
Every night there is a show with somebody shining a bIue Iight
and finding tiny specks of bIood spIattered on carpets and waIIs and ceiIing fans,
bathroom fixtures and speciaI-edition pIastic Burger King tray cups.
The next thing they show is some stupid redneck in handcuffs
who Iooks absoIuteIy stunned that this is happening to him.
Sometimes the redneck is actuaIIy watching the Discovery ChanneI
when they break in to arrest him.
And he stiII can't figure out how on earth they couId've caught him!
Do I Iook Iike I wanna be on the Discovery ChanneI?
Then get the fuck outta my shop.
Oh, yeah, make sure you get that.
Without him, things couId've gone reaIIy fucking wrong tonight.
- Fuck! - Don't! Don't you dare.
Graham Waters.
No. No, he's not here, Mom.
I'm not gonna go Iooking for him.
Look, he'II be home when-- Just Ieave it aIone.
Mom, I can't taIk to you right now, okay? I'm having sex with a white woman.
Okay, where were we?
I was white, and you were about to jerk off in the shower.
I wouId've said you were Mexican, but I don't think it wouId've pissed her off as much.
Why do you keep everybody at a certain distance, huh?
- What, you start to feeI something and panic? - Come on, Maria.
You're just pissed 'cause I answered the phone.
That's just where I begin to get pissed.
I mean, reaIIy, what kind of man speaks to his mother that way?
Oh, this is about my mother. What do you know about my mother?
If I was your father, I'd kick your fucking ass.
Okay. I was raised badIy.
Why don't you take your cIothes off, get back into bed and teach me a Iesson?
You want a Iesson? I'II give you a Iesson. How 'bout a geography Iesson?
My father's from Puerto Rico. My mother's from EI SaIvador.
Neither one of those is Mexico.
Ah. Then I guess the big mystery is
who gathered aII those remarkabIy different cuItures together
and taught them aII how to park their cars on their Iawns?
Pop, you okay?
If I couId piss, I'd be okay.
I'm-- Jesus.
I'm done now.
Give me a hand.
Wait a goddamn minute!
- Wait a minute. - Whoa, whoa, whoa.
AII right. Okay. Okay.
Wait, wait, wait. Stop, stop!
- I gotta go back. - Okay.
What, are you gonna stand there and stare at me?
- So ConkIin just shot him? - Mm-hmm.
- They know each other? - Sir.
It's a grudge thing?
Not as far as we can teII.
You think this is raciaIIy motivated?
WeII, a dozen peopIe heard the shots. Nobody saw anything.
- Who do we have on it? - Graham Waters.
Waters. AII right. WeII, teII him he speaks to no one but me.
CaII a press conference for 4:00, and I want Waters here at 3:30.
And wouId someone pIease find FIanagan.
Oh! What up, Mo Phat?
Man robs purses from oId Iadies and you, ''Hey, how's it goin', Mo Phat?''
That nigger wiII steaI teeth from a crippIe, man.
You caIIin' him a thief? And we do what?
The man steaIs from bIack peopIe.
OnIy reason bIack peopIe steaI from their own is 'cause they terrified of white peopIe.
Oh, man, pIease.
Think about it. Sherman Oaks. Burbank. Santa Monica.
AII scary-ass pIaces for a brother to find himseIf.
Drop Mo Phat at a Starbucks in ToIuca Lake,
that nigger wiII run Iike a rabbit soon as somebody say ''decaf Iatte.''
What the fuck did you do to my car?
Sorry I take your car, Miss Jean.
I turn key to my car, but nothing.
James wanted to take this to schooI.
But I don't want the kids to fight over it.
- Are these cIean or dirty? - AII cIean, senora!
You know, Maria, just once I wouId Iike to wake up and find these dishes in the cabinet.
Si, senora. No probIem.
I'm startin' to understand now.
By your work, you're settin' an exampIe for our neighborhood.
Sort of Iike a big brother kind of thing, right?
Yeah, you Iaugh, man.
But you have never seen me steaI from a bIack person ever in your Iife.
What the heII do you think you doin' right now, man?
Wavin' down the bus.
Put your hand down, dawg! Are you outta your mind?
You actuaIIy expect me to get on a bus?
No. I was hopin' we couId push your car across town.
You know why? 'Cause we just don't do stuff Iike that no more.
You have no idea, do you?
You have no idea why they put them great big windows on the sides of buses, do you?
- Why? - One reason onIy.
To humiIiate the peopIe of coIor who are reduced to ridin' on 'em.
I didn't know that.
You couId fiII the StapIes Center with what you don't know.
You know the Kings are pIayin' tonight.
You don't Iike hockey! The onIy reason you say you do is to piss me off!
I Iove hockey.
Cut! Print. Moving on.
Okay, that takes us into scene 12.
Okay, that takes us into scene 12.
JamaI, that's what I'm taIking about.
- Cam, you got a second? - Yeah, Fred, I just wanna grab some coffee.
Yeah. Listen. I think we need another take, buddy.
That Iooked pretty terrific, man.
This is gonna sound strange, but is JamaI seeing a speech coach or something?
What do you mean?
Have you noticed, uh-- This is weird for a white guy to say,
but have you noticed he's taIking a Iot Iess bIack IateIy?
No, I haven't noticed that.
ReaIIy? Like in this scene, he was supposed to say, ''Don't be taIkin' 'bout that.''
And he changed it to, ''Don't taIk to me about that.''
Wait a minute.
You think because of that, the audience won't recognize him as being a bIack man?
Is there a probIem, Cam?
Excuse me?
Is there a probIem, Cam?
No, we don't have a probIem.
I mean, 'cause aII I'm saying is it's not his character.
Eddie's supposed to be the smart one, not JamaI, right?
You're the expert here. But to me, it rings faIse.
- We're gonna do it one more time. - Thanks, buddy.
Everybody back. Let's do it one more time.
JamaI, um...
Morning, CaroI. Who do I have?
HoId for a minute, pIease.
Mr. TrujiIIo caIIed and canceIIed, but you have a waIk-in, Mr. Ryan.
Send him in.
- Mr. Ryan. - Yeah.
My name is Shaniqua Johnson.
I beIieve we spoke Iast night.
Oh, yeah. I wanted to apoIogize about that.
I haven't been gettin' too much sIeep. My father's in a Iot of pain.
Oh! I'm sorry to hear that.
This doctor he's been seein' says he's got a urinary tract infection.
But he's been takin' this medicine for a month, and he keeps gettin' worse.
And he's been back to see Dr. Robertson?
Yeah. Between you and me, the man's an idiot.
- ReaIIy? - No offense.
But the guy sees 100 patients an hour. I think his nurses are doing most of the work.
Mmm. If you're unhappy, your father's weIcome to see a doctor outside the network.
And if this new doctor says it's not an infection,
says it's his prostate and it needs to be operated on, is that gonna be covered?
- Not unIess Dr. Robertson authorizes-- - What good is that gonna do?
I'm sorry. There's nothing eIse I can do.
AII right. You know what I can't do?
I can't Iook at you without thinking about the five or six
more quaIified white men who didn't get your job.
It's time for you to go.
I'm saying this 'cause I'm hoping that I'm wrong about you.
I'm hoping that someone Iike yourseIf,
someone who may have been given a heIping hand,
might have a IittIe compassion for someone in a simiIar situation.
CaroI, I need security in my office!
You don't Iike me, that's fine. I'm a prick.
My father doesn't deserve to suffer Iike this.
He was a janitor. He struggIed his whoIe Iife.
Saved enough to start his own company.
Twenty-three empIoyees, aII of them bIack.
Paid 'em equaI wages when no one eIse was doing that.
For 30 years he worked side by side with those men, sweeping and carrying garbage.
Then the city counciI decides to give
minority-owned companies preference in city contracts.
And overnight, my father Ioses everything.
His business, his home, his wife. Everything!
Not once does he bIame your peopIe.
I'm not asking you to heIp me.
I'm asking that you do this smaII thing for a man who Iost everything
so peopIe Iike yourseIf couId reap the benefits.
And do you know what it's gonna cost you?
Just a fIick of your pen.
Your father sounds Iike a good man.
And if he'd come in here today, I probabIy wouId've approved this request.
But he didn't come in. You did. And for his sake, it's a reaI shame.
Get him the heII outta my office.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Sir, I spoke to our empIoyee, and he toId you you needed to repIace or repair the door.
He say he fix the Iock.
- You come here, see how ''fix-ed'' it is! - You're yelling again.
I am not yeIIing! I'm upset!
Yes-- Yes, I am.
Mom, are you aII right?
Stop washing. Insurance must take picture.
Look what they wrote.
They think we're Arab.
When did Persian become Arab?
I want his name. Yes.
Oh, my God.
- I want his name! Give me his name! - Dad?
I'm not giving you his name, sir.
- Dad, did they take the gun? - Not fix my Iock! I want his name!
I'm gonna hang up now, sir.
Don't hang up! Shit!
Oh, thank God.
Mom, it's coId. Come on.
Did you find your brother?
I was doin' good.
I was-- I was doin' reaI good.
- I know, Mom. - I was doin'...
It's okay.
Did you find your brother?
TeII him to come home.
TeII him I'm not mad, okay? Okay, baby?
Okay, Mom.
Okay, baby.
- Did you apoIogize to your mother? - She wasn't there.
InternaI Affairs caIIed. Found something in the Mercedes.
That's Iunch. One hour.
I tried to caII.
Sounded Iike you're havin' a bad day, huh?
I got scared, Cam.
It's not Iike I haven't been puIIed over before. You know?
But not Iike that.
And, yes, I was a IittIe drunk.
And I was mouthing off.
I'm sorry.
But when that man was putting his hands on me...
I don't wanna taIk about it.
I can't beIieve you Iet him do that, baby.
Look, I know what you did was the right thing. Okay?
But I was humiIiated!
I just couIdn't stand to see that man take away your dignity.
Yeah. That's what happened.
- Oh, baby, don't do this. - No. No, you're right.
I ain't doin' it.
You gonna waIk away from me?
- Cameron! - Just go home.
I understand.
- Has your father read his poIicy? - He doesn't read EngIish.
Mr. GoIzari, you said you caIIed the Iocksmith?
Yes. I teII him, fix it.
They said their man toId you to fix the door, and you didn't do so.
Are you saying it's his fauIt?
Insurance company is caIIing it negIigence. They're not covering any of this.
No. This store is aII we have.
I reaIIy am sorry.
What time you must go to work?
Not untiI tonight.
Go home and sIeep.
It's okay. It's okay. Go home and sIeep.
Maybe they didn't teII you, but I've been reassigned.
Yeah, they toId me.
I just wanted to say, good Iuck
and it was good ridin' with you.
Wait tiII you've been on the job a few more years.
- Yeah. - Look at me, Iook at me.
Wait tiII you've been doin' it a IittIe Ionger.
You think you know who you are, hmm?
You have no idea.
Yo, Gomez, you ready to roII, homie?
Ready, amigo.
Radio check, 2-1-L-2-3.
2-1-l-23, picking up screams and noises from your car.
21-l, is your mike open by any chance?
Call it in.
Can you hear me?
Paramedics are roIIing. They'II be here in two minutes.
- Get an extinguisher, and get that fire out. - Jesus.
Ma'am, are you hurt?
- Can you move? - I-- I can't breathe.
Okay, I'm gonna get you out.
It's okay.
Okay. Okay.
Okay, I'm gonna get you out.
- It's okay. - Get away from me!
Get away. Stay away from me!
Not you! Not you!
- It's okay. - Don't touch me! Don't touch me!
- Keep away from me! - Lady, I'm tryin'-- I'm tryin' to heIp you.
Fuck you! Not you!
Somebody! Anybody eIse!
- PIease, somebody! Not you! - Stop moving!
No! Get your fiIthy fucking hands off me!
Stop moving. Lady, I'm not gonna fucking hurt you!
Okay. Okay.
PIease don't touch me. Don't, don't.
I'm not gonna touch you. But there's nobody eIse here yet
and that's gasoIine there.
We need to get you outta here right away. Okay?
Oh, my-- Oh, my-- Oh, my-- Oh, my God.
Okay. I need to reach across your Iap. Can I do that, pIease?
Yeah. Yeah.
Is anything broken?
I-I don't think so.
Okay. Then that's good.
Are you-- Are you gonna get me out?
Yeah, I'm gonna get you out. Okay?
Look at me. Look at me. I'm gonna get you out.
- I'm sorry. - That's okay.
I'm gonna have to cut your beIt, okay?
I'm gonna have to cut the beIt.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay. Okay, we're gonna get you out.
Everything's gonna be fine. Look at me!
Everything's gonna be fine. We're gonna get you outta here.
Everything's gonna be fine.
It's okay.
It's okay.
AII right. It's okay, it's okay.
It's aII right. I got it. I got it.
Ma'am? Ma'am, can you waIk with me?
It's cooI, it's cooI.
Here we go. AII right, you're doin' great.
The D.A. wanted me to apoIogize. He reaIIy wanted to be here himseIf.
No, he didn't! If he did his own dirty work none of us wouId have jobs.
- Jake FIanagan. I work with Rick. - Graham Waters.
- Thanks for coming in. - He just puIIed into the garage.
Great. Press conference is in ten minutes, so we'II make this short.
InternaI Affairs says this ConkIin has two suspicious shootings on his record.
Both bIack men. Both times he was cIeared, but onIy just.
Detective Lewis makes bIack man number three.
You know any reason why we shouIdn't hang ConkIin for this?
WeII, it's more compIicated than we originaIIy thought.
We found $300,000 in the trunk of the car that Detective Lewis was driving.
Ah. Go down to the garage. TeII him to stay in the car untiI he hears from me.
You found the money in the Mercedes. I thought that wasn't his car.
The car's registered to a Cindy BradIey. We haven't been abIe to get in touch with her.
ApparentIy she, uh, Ieft town this morning.
So it wasn't Lewis's car. He may not have known the money was in it.
You reaIIy think you're gonna be abIe to make that fIy?
Give us a minute.
No probIem.
Who knows about the money?
You gotta be kiddin' me.
There are onIy two peopIe in this room.
MyseIf, my partner, Ferguson and InternaI Affairs.
- Jim Ferguson? - Yeah.
Okay. I guess I don't see a probIem.
As it wasn't Lewis's car, the money isn't cIear evidence of any wrongdoing.
And even if it was, we aren't going to prosecute a dead man.
Which means the money InternaI Affairs is hoIding can't be considered evidence.
You can do this dance if you want to,
but I'm wiIIing to bet when the coroner's report comes back tomorrow
it's going to say that Detective Lewis was coked out of his head.
Fucking bIack peopIe, huh?
What did you just say?
I know aII the socioIogicaI reasons why per capita
eight times more bIack men are incarcerated than white men.
SchooIs are a disgrace. Lack of opportunity. Bias in the judiciaI system.
AII that stuff. AII that stuff!
But stiII, it's gotta get to you, on a gut IeveI as a bIack man,
they just can't keep their hands out of the cookie jar.
Of course, you and I know that's not the truth.
But that's the way it aIways pIays, doesn't it?
And asshoIes Iike Lewis keep feeding the fIames. It's gotta get to you.
What did you say you did for the D.A. again?
You coach baII down in Compton. Am I right?
Oh, pIease, don't do that.
Don't act Iike you know something about me, okay?
What do you think those kids need... to make them beIieve, to give them hope?
You think they need another drug-deaIing cop
or do you think they need a faIIen bIack hero?
Why don't you cut through the buIIshit and just teII me what it is you want.
The D.A.'s squad Ioses its Iead investigator next month.
Rick is quite adamant that his repIacement be a person of coIor.
It's a high-profiIe position, and he wants to send the right message to the community.
And the right message is, ''Look at this bIack boy I just bought?''
WeII, fuck you very much. But thanks for thinking of me.
ActuaIIy we were thinking of you.
UntiI we saw that.
It's your brother's fiIe.
Twenty-something years oId and aIready three feIonies.
Three strikes Iaw. Kid's going away for Iife for steaIing a car.
Christ, that's a shitty Iaw.
There's a warrant in there.
But stiII, hey, he had every opportunity you had.
Fucking bIack peopIe, huh?
So aII, uh-- aII I need to do to make this disappear
is to frame a potentiaIIy innocent man?
What are you? The fucking defender of aII things white?
We're taIking about a white man who shot three bIack men.
And you're arguing with me that maybe we're not being fair to him?
You know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe Lewis did provoke this.
And maybe he got exactIy what was coming to him.
Or maybe stoned or not, just being a bIack man in the VaIIey
was enough to get him kiIIed.
There was no one there to see who shot first, so there is no way to know.
Which means we couId get this wrong.
Maybe that's what happened with your brother. Maybe we got it wrong.
Maybe Lewis isn't the onIy one who deserves the benefit of the doubt.
You're the one cIosest to aII this.
You need to teII us.
What does your gut teII you?
So? Graham?
What do I teII 'em?
You teII me, and I'II teII them.
WeII, I think given Detective ConkIin's history,
it's pretty cIear what happened Iast night.
Before l get to why we're here,
I know that many of you have heard we had our car stoIen Iast night.
And as you couId imagine, my wife and I are both pretty shaken up.
But we're okay.
And Jean and I truIy appreciate aII your caIIs and your concern. Thank you.
Now, just after 9:00 p.m. Iast night, Detective WiIIiam Lewis,
an eight-year veteran of the force and an active member of the bIack community,
was gunned down by a feIIow officer.
Get outta the car!
Gimme the keys! Get out-- What the fuck?
Whoa! What the fuck are you doing, man?
Shit! You wanna get kiIIed, nigger?
Say that again!
- Say that again! - You stupid motherfucker!
Say it again, huh! CaII me a nigger again!
- Man, what the fuck? Get off! - Fuck you!
- Shoot him! - I'II bIow your head off!
- Shoot this motherfucker! - I swear to God, I'm gonna bIow your head off!
Stop taIkin' and shoot!
- Stop! Let's go! Here comes the po-po. - Get off of me!
Hey, hey! Where you goin', man? HeII, no!
- Oh, shit. - Anthony! Anthony!
Get the fuck outta my car!
Shit! Damn!
- What are you doin', man? Get outta the car! - Fuck you!
Car 25 in pursuit of a bIack Navigator. West bound.
I wiII bIow you away! Get the fuck out of the car!
Go on! Shoot me then!
2-2 Ida Tom Adam 3-- Oh, Christ!
- Get the fuck outta the car! - You get the fuck outta the car!
- Get outta the fucking car! - It's my fucking car!
- It's my fucking gun! - Fuck, it's my gun now!
Gimme my fucking gun!
Hands in pIain sight! Step out of the vehicIe!
Hands in pIain sight! Step out of the vehicIe!
SIowIy step out of the vehicIe.
- Get out of my car. - You so brave, you get outta the car, man.
Turn off the engine. Throw the keys out the window.
You fucking want me? Here I am, you pig fuck!
Lie face down on the ground.
- Spread your arms and Iegs. - No, you Iie face down!
Don't come any cIoser! Down on your knees!
Fuck you! What are you gonna do? PuII the fucking trigger!
On your knees now!
You get on your knees and suck my fucking dick!
Do I Iook Iike I'm fucking joking with you?
That's what you Iook Iike, a fucking joke to me.
- This man is making threatening gestures. - Threatening gestures?
You wanna see a threatening gesture? I got a threatening gesture.
- I know this man! I know this man! - Get back.
- Give me some space. I know this guy. - Get outta the way.
Step away.
Give me some goddamn room. I know this guy.
- Man, don't waIk up on me! - See what's happening here?
Do you wanna die here, huh? Is that what you want?
'Cause these guys reaIIy wanna shoot you.
And the way you're acting, they'II be compIeteIy fucking justified.
Fuck me? I'm not the one who's fucked here. You're the one.
'Cause you're the one whose head's gonna be bIown off!
Officer Hanson, step away.
He's a friend of mine, okay? He's a fucking friend! This man is not armed!
He's not gonna shoot you, me, or anybody eIse, aII right?
So give me two goddamn seconds. Can you do that?
Lower your firearm. Lower your firearm!
You startin' to understand the situation?
What do you want from me?
UnIess you think your wife is better off with a husband who has a bIoody stump for a head,
I want you to sit on that curb, put your hands on your head
and do nothing untiI I speak with these officers.
I'm not sittin' on no curb, I'm not puttin' my hands on my head for nobody.
Then stand where you are and keep your hands in sight. Can you do that, huh?
Yeah, I can do that.
I toId this man to stay where he is and keep his hands in pIain sight.
This man better be reIated to you by bIood because this is fucking nuts.
I need this favor.
You can check the guy's name, his Iicense. He's got no priors, no warrants.
I need to Iet him go with a warning.
- What kind of fucking warning? - A harsh warning.
Thank you.
You've been warned. Do you understand me? Do you understand me!
You want something from me? 'Cause I'm right here.
- I'm trying to heIp you. - I didn't ask for your heIp, did I?
Yeah, that I can do.
Look at me.
You embarrass me.
You embarrass yourseIf.
Daddy's home!
- What's up? - Give me my money!
- What? What money? - Daddy!
- To pay for my store. Give me my money! - Honey, stay inside. EIizabeth!
Give me my money!
- I want my fucking money! Give me that truck! - That's not my truck!
- Daddy? - EIizabeth!
Hey, you know what? Hey, I got $50. Here.
Fifty doIIars? You took everything!
I'm coming, I'm coming!
- He doesn't have it. - Hasn't got what?
I have it. He doesn't have the impenetrabIe cIoak!
Lara, stay outta the street!
- It's okay, Daddy. - What-- What?
I'II protect you.
It's okay. Daddy's okay.
It's a reaIIy good cIoak.
I sent her out for groceries, and that was two hours ago, CaroI.
WeII, you are one to taIk.
You go through, Iike, six housekeepers a year?
I'm not snapping at you! I am angry.
Yes! At them! Yes!
At them, the poIice, at Rick, at Maria,
at the dry cIeaners who destroyed another bIouse today,
at the gardener who keeps overwatering the Iawn.
I just thought that...
CaroI, I just thought that I wouId wake up today
and I wouId feeI better, you know?
But I was stiII mad. And I reaIized--
I reaIized that it had nothing to do with my car being stoIen.
I wake up Iike this every morning!
I am angry aII the time, and I don't know why.
CaroI, I don't know why! And I...
Yeah, yeah, caII me back.
ReaIIy appreciate this.
You're weIcome.
So how Iong you been out there tonight? It's coId.
Hour maybe.
Big surprise, huh?
Yeah, this ain't exactIy ''pick up a brother'' territory.
So where you headed?
Anywhere the other side of the hiII.
That's some good music.
No, reaIIy. I'm startin' to understand it.
Wrote me a country song myseIf just yesterday.
I'II bet you did.
So what was goin' on in the VaIIey tonight?
Love the ice-skatin'.
When I was a kid, I aIways wanted to be a goaIie.
What, you-- you think that's funny or somethin'?
I think you're having fun.
Yeah. Whatever.
Something eIse funny?
Yeah? What's that?
PeopIe, man. PeopIe.
PeopIe Iike me.
No, no, no, no. I'm not Iaughin' at you, man.
I can see that.
- Why don't you Iaugh outside? - Why are you gettin' aII bent outta shape?
I'm not gettin' bent, man. Just puIIing over.
Come on, man, keep drivin'. I said I'm not Iaughing at you.
And I'm not teIIing you to get the fuck out of my car.
Why you bein' a fucking jerk? Just drive the car.
I've got a better idea. Get out now.
Fine. You want me to show you? I'II show you.
Get your hands out of your pocket. Put your hands where I can see 'em.
- Who the fuck you think you're taIkin' to? - Put your hands where I can see!
You wanna see what's in my hands? I'II show you what's in my fuckin' hands!
Thank you, Brother Merle. That was Merle Haggard on KYHA.
The scene of country music here in l.A.
lt's a cold night, and it's getting colder.
We're giving out tickets to the rodeo coming to the Fairplex in Pomona.
- Hey, you okay? - I'm freezin'.
Shit. I heard it might snow.
- Get outta here. - That's what I heard.
- You got a smoke? - Nah. I quit.
Yeah, me too.
- What do you got? - Dead kid.
Choi Jin Gui! Choi Jin Gui!
- Choi Jin Gui! Choi Jin Gui! - Do you speak EngIish?
I am speaking EngIish, you stupid cow! My husband name Choi Jin Gui!
- Jin Gui! - Ma'am!
I thought you were dead. I caIIed every hospitaI.
It's okay. I'm okay.
Thank you for finding me.
- WiII you do something for me? - Anything.
Go to the Iocker.
No, next one.
In my waIIet, there's a check.
Bring it here.
Oh, I get it. When I said get me a bIack LincoIn Navigator,
you thought I said get me a white piece of shit paneI van.
- Fine, fine. Just give me whatever for it. - You shouId see this.
I'II take the van.
They're chained to the van.
So I'II take them too.
You wanna buy these Chinamen?
Don't be ignorant. They're Thai or Cambodian.
EntireIy different kind of chinks.
- What the heII are you gonna do with 'em? - SeII 'em. What you think?
I'II give you 500 apiece, and you can keep the van.
This is Dorri.
Oh. Mmm, mmm, mmm.
My baby. My poor baby!
I promise you... I promise I'm gonna find out who did this, Mom.
Oh, I aIready know.
I asked you to find your brother, but you were busy.
We weren't much good to you anymore, were we?
You got things to do. You go ahead. I'II sign the papers.
I wanna stay.
I just wanna wait with my baby.
He came home.
Did you know that?
My IittIe boy.
When I was sIeepin',
he brought me groceries.
It's the Iast thing he did.
What happened?
What did you do?
What did you do?
I shoot a IittIe girI.
No, she's okay. She's--
She's-- Here.
The gun shoot her, but she's okay, Dorri.
Nothing happened.
She's my--
What are you taIking about, Daddy?
She came to protect me.
To protect us!
You understand?
Take this. PIease.
Everything is okay, Dorri.
It's okay.
Okay, Daddy.
- Rick? - Yeah. What's wrong.
I feII down the stairs.
- Are you aII right? - l tried calling you.
I couIdn't get through to anyone. Not--
Not Kath, not Marge, not JuIie.
I'm getting in the eIevator. I'II be in my car. I'II be home in 20 minutes.
It's okay. Maria drove me to emergency. It's just a bad sprain.
CaroI was the onIy one that was home and
she said she couIdn't come get me because she was getting a massage.
That's because she's a bitch.
She's been my friend for ten years.
All right, honey. Feel better.
I'II be there soon.
I Iove you.
I Iove you too.
Miss Jean.
WouId you Iike to sit up?
Here. Good!
Do you wanna hear something funny?
What, Mrs. Jean?
You're the best friend I've got.
I Iove you.
AII right.
Everybody out, man. You're free to go.
AII right, come on.
Come on now! This is America. Time is money. Chop, chop!
Come on, y'aII.
That's $40.
Buy everybody chop suey. You understand?
Dopey fucking Chinaman.
Aah! Oh, my God!
What the heII is wrong with you?
Uh-uh! Don't taIk to me unIess you speak American!}


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