anna isn't free.she doesn t matter't have time to practis

来源: 2015高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Under the sea课时检测 新人教版选修7.doc
Sean: I got my wallet stolen an
Lena: Oh, what happened?
Sean: Well, I __11__
(do) somebody training in the gymnasium just now. I had put my wallet inside
the locker. And I guess I forgot __12__ (lock) the locker.
Lena: I feel sorry for you. Did you lose a lot of money?
Sean: Only about forty dollars.
__13__ I lost my credit card. That worried me a lot. You know, I have a
high credit limit that is up __14__ 20,000 dollars.
Lena: Take __15__ easy. I also lost my credit card
when I was travelling in Paris last year. The first thing you __16__ do
is to report your missing credit card to __17__ card issuer as soon as
you notice the card is missing. Don't wait a day or even a minute.
Sean: How will the credit card
company react then?
Lena: They will cancel your credit card in case it __18__
(use) by the thief.
Sean: I will call the company
immediately. By the way, could you show __19__ your card? I want to see
the number of the customer service centre.
Lena: Sure, and next time you go out, be sure to keep your
card secure. That is the __20__ (good) protection against the theft.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-320512');">&
来源: 2015高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Healthy eating课时检测 新人教版必修3.doc
Mary: Are you all ready for
Tim: Are you __11__
(kid)? I haven't even started. I've done zero shopping.
Mary: Well, you'd better get __12__
(go). Christmas is only a week away.
Tim: I have to tell you that
I'm one of those people __13__ really is put out by the Christmas rush.
Mary: Oh, I'm not. I love the
holidays. I love the crowds, the shopping, the lights, the music, the food, the
parties and __14__ the presents.
Tim: That's just the beginning.
My wife always spends too much money on Christmas. The average Christmas
expenses for U.S
families is about $550. But __15__ we always spend about __16__
(two) that much. It takes me till April to pay off all our Christmas bills.
Mary: Now, let's not be an
Ebeneezer Scrooge about it, Tim. Think about your kids. Didn't you use to love
Christmas when you __17__ a kid?
Tim: I guess __18__. I
don't remember.
Mary: I know you did. You've
actually forgotten your childhood memories. I remember you were the __19__
excited kid in the whole class. You know, Tim, maybe Christmas is for kids, but
you __20__ still enjoy it through the eyes of your children.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-320406');">&
2015届高三一轮复习 辅导与测试 第2部分 第11讲 专题创新演练.doc
Policeman:Now,tell me about the man __1__
stole your neighbor's car.What did he look __2__?
Witness:Well,sir.He was tall...
Policeman:Taller than me?
Witness:Oh yes,and he was __3__
than you-only about thirty,I'd say.
Policeman:Well!And what
color was his hair?
Witness:It was brown,and was
similar to __4__,actually.
Policeman:Did he have a beard?
Witness:No.He was clean&shaven.
Policeman:OK.Now have a look __5__ these photos-can you see him?
Witness:Oh yes,he looked __6__(exact)
like this one here.
Policeman:But that's Frankie Famham-he's
got a beard,and he's
very short!
Policeman:Do you remember anything __7__ about the man?
Witness:Yes,__8__(strange) thing
was __9__ he appeared to be
a gentleman-he was wearing a suit...not like a thief __10__.
Policeman:Hm,like this photo?
Witness:Yes,that's him!
Policeman:That's Bill Mahony:he's in
prison!Are you sure you saw the thief?
Witness:Well,er,it was very dark...
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-319860');">&
来源: 学年 unit 5 Section 3 Using Language强化练习 新人教版选修6.doc
Steve:Cindy! Have you__1__(hear)
Cindy:No, Steve. What do you
Steve:You know all the classes
we've missed__2__the snow? We're&& going to have to make them
up during spring break.
Cindy:Oh, no! We have our
vacation all set! What are we going to do?&&&&& Do the
others know that?
Steve:I don't know but I
certainly can't__3__(担负得起)to miss
five&&&& days of classes this term.
Cindy:But I really don't want
to__4__ our trip. All of us have already booked our plane tickets!
Steve:I can try to cal maybe they can return our money. __5__before we do
anything we need to speak with our professors.
Cindy:You think they'll excuse
us from class?
Steve:I don't know. But I think
we're going to have to speak to all of them anyway.
Cindy:Why didn't they add extra
days at the end of the term before summer classes?
Steve:Because of the graduation
date,__6__can't be changed!
Cindy:Are other colleges around
here doing__7__same thing?
Steve:I would imagine so!It has been__8__a bad winter and we've missed too many
classes. We really need to make __9__ up.
Cindy:I know, I know. I was just
really looking forward__10__this vacation.
Steve:Oh, look,there's Professor Hampton right now!
Cindy:Come on, let's go and talk
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-317456');">&
来源: 学年 unit 5 Section 1
Warming up Pre reading, Reading & Comprehending强化练
Ryan:Did you have a good
vacation, Katie?
Katie:Yeah! It was__1__(excite)?Probably my__2__ exciting vacation ever!
Ryan:Wow! What did you do?
Katie:I took a nature__3__(冒险) tour.For die first part, we went__4__(hike).It was so much fun! We hiked all the way__5__these beautiful
waterfalls.I took lots of pictures.
Ryan:Sounds great.So, what else
did you do on the tour?
Katie:Well, the best part was at
the end of the trip.We went skydiving .Can you believe it? I jumped__6__an
Katie:Yeah, it was just a
fantastic vacation.How did you spend your break, Ryan?
Ryan:Oh, I__7__(drive) to
visit my relatives.
Katie:Oh&huh.Did you have a good
Ryan:Well, it was pretty boring,__8__.It rained every day __9__we had to stay
inside.We just stayed home and watched TV a lot.
Katie:Oh, that's too bad.
Ryan:No, that's OK.It really was
very relaxing,__10__it was a little boring.
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来源: 学年 unit 4 Section 2 Learning about Language强化练习 新人教版选修6.doc
1.A.After talking for half an
hour, the old man mentioned the name of Kunta Kinte.
B.It was after talking for half
an hour __________________________________________.
2.A.I realized what trouble he
was in only when he told me.
B.Only when he told
me_____________________________________________he was in.
3.A.I worked in a factory in
B.It was in a
4.A.It was the factory. I worked
there in 1975.
B.It was the factory __________________________________________________in
5.A.What made you so sad?
made you so sad?
6.A.I don't know why you want to
change your idea.
B.I don't know
_________________________________ that you want to change your idea.
7.A.I am wrong.
8.A.She didn't realize it was
too late to go home until the sun set.
B.It was ________ the sun set
________ it was too late to go home.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-317350');">&
来源: 学年 unit 3 Section 3 Using Language强化练习 新人教版选修6.doc
A:What kind of work do you want
to do__1__you finish university?
B:I want to work__2__the
banking industry. I've always been__3__(interest) in working for an
international bank.& I'd like to help people__4__(invest) their
A:That's a job that pays well.
If you're__5__(luck), you might have opportunities to travel__6__.
Have you applied to any banks yet? Our course will end soon.
B:Yes. I've sent letters to
several banks. A few have invited me for__7__(interview) after we take
our examinations.
A:Well done! I haven't sent__8__my
job applications yet.
B:Which field would you like to
work in? Have you decided yet?
A:I'd like to work in marketing.
I think I could have__9__good career in that field.
B:Perhaps you should apply to
banks as well. They need people to market their service.__10__you said,
the banking industry pays well.
A:That's a great idea.
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-317280');">&
来源: 学年 unit 3 Section 2 Learning about Language强化练习 新人教版选修6.doc
Mother:It's time for bed.
Frank:But I'm not__1__(sleep),
mom. Can I stay__2__and watch more TV?
Mother:It's already past 11. You
have school tomorrow. You'll be sleepy all day tomorrow__3__ you don't
sleep well tonight.
Frank:I know, but I promise I
won't be sleepy tomorrow. I work__4__(real) hard.
Mother:Don't you have exams
coming up soon? I'm sure you could spend more time__5__(prepare) for those.
Frank:Oh, I nearly forgot the
Mother:You do__6__(good)
in the math, but your history is not good enough, am I right?
Frank:Yeah, I guess so. Maybe I
could go to sleep now and get up early__7__review the lessons tomorrow.
Mother:__8__excellent idea.
Work now and play later.
Frank:I know you're right.
School is__9__important than TV,__10__can
I watch one more show then go to bed?
Mother:No, now is bedtime.
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-317258');">&
来源: 学年 unit 3 Section 1
Warming up Pre reading, Reading & Comprehending强化练
A:Are you going to have a
holiday this year, Mrs. Young?
B:Yes, we are thinking of
visiting my brother Fred,__1__ is a farmer.
A:__2__(farm) is a very
nice job, although farmers have to work hard.__3__have to get up at 5:00 in the morning.
B:Well, John, as a doctor,
you're quite used to__4__(get)up in the night. Well, as__5__matter
of fact, I have just received a letter from Fred. Will you please turn the
light__6__? The daylight isn't good enough for
B:Fred says here that__7__corn
is ready for harvest. And he's thinking of buying some more fields next year.
A:Oh, he must be doing well.
B:Oh yes, I think he is. He's
proud of having the largest farm in Kent.
A:I expect you're looking
forward to__8__(see) him.
B:Yes, we certainly are. And I
shall have some outdoor exercises.
A:You know,__9__I was young, I was quite good at__10__(plough).
B:Last time I was at my
brother's, I once tried my hand at milking a cow. The result was terrible! I'll
never forget the look of pity on that cow's face!
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-317229');">&
来源: 学年 Unit 3 A healthy life 综合技能测试 新人教版选修6.doc
Mrs. Zhang:This is your seat,
Mr.Brown. Sit down, please.
Mr.Brown:Thank you. Mrs. Zhang,
I'm really a bit__61__now. I know nothing about Chinese table__62__(manner).
Mrs. Zhang:Don't worry,
Mr.Brown.__63__table manners, there is only one rule you must observe.
That is to make__64__(you)at home.
Mr.Brown:OK, I'll try.
Mrs. Zhang:Mr.Brown,__65__ do you prefer, Brandy or Mao Tai?
Mr.Brown:Brandy and Mao Tai are
too strong for me.
Mrs. Zhang:Well, what about dry
Mrs. Zhang:Would you like to use
chopsticks__66__a knife and fork?
Mr.Brown:I'd like to try
Mrs. Zhang:OK, let me__67__(show)
you. Look,__68__ place both sticks between the
thumb and the fore fingers, and then, keep one __69__ and move the
Mr.Brown:Let me try... Well, how
Mrs. Zhang:Fine, you are
learning fast. Well, to your health and success in__70__(busy). Cheers.
61.______ 62.______ 63.______
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-317221');">&
来源: 学年 Unit 1 综合技能测试 新人教版选修6.doc
Scott:Let's have seafood tonight
and then go to see the new movie at Mall Cinema. It's a beautiful love story.
Lucy:Oh, goodness, please not
again. That's__61__we did last week.
Scott: No, we didn't. Last week we went to see that
movie about a man's struggle against__62__(ill).
Lucy:Right, that was intended
for women, just like this one.__63__, this is
the last week for Rush Hour. And__64__(act)movies like
that need to be seen in a theatre on a big screen.
Scott:Oh, yeah, I__65__
promise to see it with you. But you liked that movie, didn't you?
Lucy:Oh, sure, it was great. I
had popcorn for dinner and paid the price of a movie ticket__66__(get)a
two&hour sleep.
Scott:It wasn't that bad and we
went to__67__excellent restaurant.
Lucy:That place doesn't have a
single meat dish. Just fish and you know I don't like fish that much.
Scott:And I don't like meat that
much. The only meat I eat is chicken.
Lucy:But when I pick the
restaurant, I always respect your food__68__(prefer).
Scott:Well, I suppose that, to
be fair, you__69__ get to pick the movie and we can go to a restaurant
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-317135');">&
来源: 学年高中英语 Module 6 第3课时 Cultural Corner & Task单元测试试卷 新人教版选修7.doc
A:Don't you think we should get
a __1__(big) apartment?
B:What do you mean? This apartment
is fine. It's big enough for us.
A:It's obvious __2__ this
apartment is too small. We don't even have a dining room. We've lived here __3__
we were married. It's time we __4__(move).
B:I'd rather stay here. I like
this old place. __5__, we don't need all that
extra room.
A:Yes, we do. We need a bigger
apartment with an extra bedroom. Then it'll be more comfortable for my mother
when she __6__ us.
B:Your mother? Wait a minute.
No, we just can't afford __7__.
A:That's not true! Of course we
can afford a more expensive apartment. You __8__ a raise last month and
my salary certainly helps.
B:Well, __9__ it means
that much to you, I guess we can look at a few apartments.
A:Thanks honey. You knew we
really __10__ the extra room.
B:Okay, okay. You're probably right.
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-317048');">&
学年Module 5 第3课时 Cultural Corner & Task单元测试试卷 新人教版选修7.doc
A:I __1__(see) a
beautiful fish in the market the other day. It was orange and blue. I'm
thinking of buying some next Sunday.
B:Where would you keep them?
A:__2__ that round bottle
over there.
B:It's a bit small, isn't it?
A:__3__ are the fish.
B:I think you should get a tank
__4__ you want to keep fish.
B:Yes. You should never keep
fish in a small round bottle. They don't get __5__ air. I suggest we __6__(go)
shopping together and look for a nice tank.
A:That __7__ be quite
B:Check the prices before you
buy __8__. And you ought to put a few large rocks in the tank. Fish love
swimming around the rocks and through holes in them.
A:Is there anything else __9__
I ought to get?
B:Yes, you need to get some
underwater plants. For one thing they keep the water clean. Also they make the
tank look much __10__(pretty).
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-317019');">&
学年 Module 5 第1课时 Introduction& Reading and Vocabulary单元测试试卷 新人教版选修7.d
Simon:Linda, do you know when
the visitors from China are coming?
Linda:We offer them three __1__(choose):
the end of March, the middle of April and
the&&&&&&&&&&& beginning
of May, and they chose the earliest& __2__,which
is good actually with&&&&&& exams& __3__(come)up
Simon:Right. And how many are
coming? Did you say about 8?
Linda:Yes, they said 8 at first,
but __4__(change) to 6 this morning.
Simon:Good, we have 5 weeks to
prepare. Here are my suggestions. On the first day,
a&&&&&& welcome party, then they can visit&
__5__& schools in the district on the second and third days.
Linda:We've got to remember this
group wants to look at how the Internet is being& __6__(use)in the
classroom. That's& __7__&& they are coming for.
Simon:Exactly, __8__&
I want to ask Mr. Tod to give them a talk on this on the afternoon of the third
Linda:That will fit in
very& __9__(nice).
Simon:And on the last day, they
would do some sightseeing. We could take them on
the&&&&&& tour of London, but many of them&
__10__ have been there already, and Scotland will be too far away.
Linda:Why not take them for a
walk along the coast? It should be interesting.
Simon:Good idea! Linda. I'm sure
they'll like it.
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-317006');">&
学年 Module 5 Ethnic Culture单元测试试卷 新人教版选修7.doc
A:__41__ I help you,
little boy?
B:Yes, please. I want to borrow
Harry Potter and the Half&Blood Prince, __42__ sixth book in the Harry
Potter series, but it's not on that shelf.
A:I guess somebody else __43__(borrow)
B:Could you tell me when it __44__(return
A:Wait a minute, please. Let me
find __45__ on the computer.
B:Please take your __46__.
A:Here it is. It says David
Smith has it. And he should return it by next Friday.
B:Oh. Thanks a lot. Would you
please keep it for me __47__ he returns it? I will borrow it next Friday
A:Of course. But you'd better __48__(come)
in the morning, because students return their books between classes in the
morning. __49__, the book is very popular. I'm
afraid __50__ students will come and borrow it.
B:OK. Thanks for the tip. By the
way, when will you have the seventh book in the series?
41.______ 42.______ 43.______ 44.______ 45.______
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-316999');">&
学年 Module 4 第3课时 Cultural Corner & Task单元测试试卷 新人教版选修7.doc
Mary:Young man, I couldn't help
but overhear your conversation with the gentleman who just gave you directions.
Mary:I think he must be __1__(confuse).
The directions he gave you are all wrong. If you follow __2__, you'll have a lovely ride, but you'll end up at the zoo.
John:What should I do, then?
Mary:Come with me. I__3__(head)in
the direction where you can catch the bus you want. We'll just continue __4__
Gold Road here for a few minutes.
John:OK, great. Thank you.
Mary:Here we are. This is the
corner of Wall Street and Gold Road, and here's your bus stop. Take the F&1 down
to the river, __5__ get off at Riverside Road.
John:And that's where the church
Mary:No, transfer there to the
L&5 __6__(go)north. The end of the line for L&5 is just across the
street from Riverside Church. The whole ride__7__not take you more than
30 minutes.
John:Thanks. Is that my bus
coming down the street now? Is it__8__(slow)than usual?
Mary:Yes, it is. I hope you have
exact change. The driver doesn't give__9__to passengers.
John:I have quite__10__few
quarters with me. Thanks again! Goodbye.
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-316990');">&
来源: 学年 Module 4 Music born in America综合检测 新人教版选修7.doc
Peter:Um, I wonder if you could
help me. I'm trying to find a pub __41__(call)Grey Friar's Bobby. It's
on the Mond, somewhere down this—off this street.
Alan:Well, that's right. Um,
have you got__42__map there? We can have a__43__at it.
Peter:Yes, madam, right here.
Alan:I'll just show you__44__it.
It's quite easy. Now you're just here in Princess Street. What you have to do
is walk along a little bit and then turn right, and you go up the Mond. You can
see the hill__45__there's a building.
Peter:Oh, yeah. The Mond. The
Mond is the name of a road, isn't it? I see.
Alan:That's right. And you walk
past the Assembly Hall. __46__you see it up on the hill?
Peter:That big building up
there? Yes, I can.
Alan:That's right. You just
keep__47__(go), and up on your right, you'll see a monument, and that's
the monument to Grey Friar's Bobby. You know, a lovely dog__48__(carve)on
Peter:Oh, yeah. The dog.
Alan:Well, if you just go there,
the pub is just next door. I think you'll find it quite__49__(easy)than
you expect.
Peter:Great! I really
appreciate__50__. Thanks a lot.
41.______ 42.______ 43.______ 44.______ 45.______
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-316972');">&
来源: 学年 Module 3 第3课时 Cultural Corner & Task单元测试 新人教版选修7.doc
A:Hi, Mark! How's it going?
B:Well, Kathy, I just __1__
a long paper for my world history class, and I feel like __2__(celebrate)
a little bit. But I wonder __3__ you are planning on doing this
A:Why? What's going on this
B:I wanted go to see the new
adventure movie at the Grand Theatre downtown. It starts at 2:15.
A:__4__, Mark, I was hoping to go to see an exhibit in a museum. __5__
is about the Indian culture. I took a class on it this term and I got really __6__(interest)
B:So you would rather sit and
listen to those old stories __7__ go to a movie?
A:This isn't an exhibition __8__
you just sit and listen. You can see many pictures __9__ you walk
through the exhibition hall and listen to stories told on tape. The stories __10__(tell)
by the children are said to be exciting. Would you like to come with me?
B:Mm, I don't think that's for
me. Thanks anyway.
A:Okay, maybe some other time
then. I hope you enjoy the movie and I'll see you at school.
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-316954');">&
来源: 学年 Module 3 第1课时 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary单元测试 新人教版选修7.doc
Mr. Travers:Well, recently, I
have been getting complaints about your work.
Ms. Robertson:Uh, what do you
Mr. Travers:Well, your
supervisor told me you're turning your reports in 2 to 3 days late, and you're
often absent __1__ meetings.
Ms. Robertson:Mr. Travers, I can
Mr. Travers:I know you have been
with us for a while now, but this business __2__(change)fast. We need
people who can keep up and work as a team.
Ms. Robertson:My mother got
cancer. I've been spending all my free time at the hospital with her, and I
even had to leave work __3__(early)because she went into emergency
surgery and I __4__ sign some papers. I've been so __5__(tire),
and then Morrison from accounting made __6__ joke the other day about
cancer victims__7__(lose)their hair and...
Mr. Travers:Oh... I had no idea,
Ms. Robertson.
Ms. Robertson:I know my work has
suffered these past few weeks, but I promise I will make up for __8__!
Mr. Travers:Listen, why don't
you take a couple of days off? It's much more important that you be with your
mother __9__ she is recovering.
Ms. Robertson:Really, sir? Thank
you so much!
Mr. Travers:My pleasure. And
I'll have a __10__ with Morrison. That kind of talk has no place in this
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来源: 学年 Module 3 Literature综合检测 新人教版选修7.doc
Patient:Thank you for agreeing
to see me on such short notice, doctor.
Doctor:Anything for my favorite
patient! Now, what seems to be__41__matter?
Patient:It's my vision. I can't
see well at night, and __42__ I wake up in
the&&&&&&&& morning, it takes me a few
minutes before I can see clearly.
Doctor:OK. I'm going to take a
__43__(close) look. Just relax. How __44__ has this been going
Patient:A couple of weeks. I, that's right!
Doctor:Does __45__ hurt
when I do that?
Patient:Not exactly, it's just
really bright.
Doctor:OK. Please, go on.
Patient:Well, I__46__(walk)
down to the basement in my house about three weeks ago when I slipped and
bumped my head pretty hard on the steps.
Doctor:Where exactly did you hit
__47__ head?
Patient:Right on the back. I
heard a loud sound when I hit it, but there was no
blood&&&&&&&& and everything seemed to
Doctor:You didn't get it __48__(check)
Patient:My wife said I should,
but nothing was wrong, so I thought, why bother? Well, a week passed and all of
a sudden I started to have problems with my sight. I first noticed it when I
was driving back home __49__ work. It's gotten worse over the past week
Doctor:I'm glad you came to see
me. I'm going to order some tests, and I want to make an appointment for you to
see a specialist tomorrow morning.__50__ (hope), it's nothing too
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>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-316913');">&


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